Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 16, 1912, Image 1

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dvantages of a
hecking Account
Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­
ing purposes. Permit fortrapping
Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm,
Corvallis, Oregon.
It is expected that everything will
be arranged by the 1st June so that
work on the sewerage system and
hard surfacing the streets will com­
mence after that date.
Over ninety per cent of transfers of
funds in business are made through
the medium of bank checks, thus
avoiding .the dangers incident to
carrying large sums about, and the
risk of making the wrong change.
Dr. Monk aud wife will leave
Monday morning to attend the
Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. and Re-
beka Assembly at Pendleton. On
their return they will stop in Port­
land to attend Eastman School of
There will be a meeting of the
Professional Photography, .May 28.
City Council this evening, when the
29 and 30. They will return to this
persons who have remonstrated
city on the 1st of June.
against the proposed city improve­
J. H. Fitzgerald and R. P. McCor­
ments abutting their property will
mick, who have been working for a
be given a hearing.
long time on the rights of way for
My method in selling glasses is
the West Coast road, were iu the
not to catch a new victim and the
city last week. Mr. Fitzgerald had
price—but to see how well I can fit
offered to sell the rights cf way to
the eyes. R. A. Whalen, Opt. D.
the Southern Pacific Co. and it is
Registered under State Law of Ore­
reported that the deal is likely to
go through.
It was reported in the city last
The east wind on Sunday and
week that the Southern Pacific had
Monday made the atmosphere some­
bought the right of way of the West
what tropical in thia part of Oregon,
Coast Road, and that the P.R. A N.
which was something unusual for
would be extended 25 miles south
this time of year. There was dan­
of this city.
ger of fire, however, with the wind
Jay L. Stannard, of the firm of in that direction. At Hemlock they
Stannard A Richardson, civil engine­ had a scare, also at Bay City where
ers, who are the engineers engaged some old shacks were destroyed.
by the City Council for the sewer
The Fourth of July Committee
and street improvements, was in
held another meeting on Wednes­
this city this week.
day evening, when it was decided
Two games of base ball will be
to engage the services of a person
played in thia city in the second
to manage the celebration, us the
interscholaetic series on Friday and
business men have no time to de­
Saturday next, and between Port­
One of the fea­
land Academy and the Tillamook vote to the details.
tures which the committee is now
High School.
working on is a proposition to have
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wiley re­
the first flying machine tournament
turned from the Willamette Valley
in this county at that time.
the first of the week where they
A. K. Case has recently sold
had been visiting relatives.
several of the famous Overland
Wiley brought in half a dozen cows
Autos to people in this county, with
he had purchased there.
good prospects of disposing of
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr.
a number of
in the
Smith, speaks German. Surgery,
near future.
who have
ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in
bought Overiands lately are: W. D.
the Commercial Building, opposite
Bodyfel*, 35 b. p., five passenger;
the Todd Hotel. All calls answered
• C. Swenson, 35 h p., five passenger;
day or night Both phones.
* | J. C. Holden, 45 h p., torpedo, four
Work commenced on Monday on I passenger; F. W. Christensen, 30
the new highschool building in this lip., two passenger; Guy Ford, 30
city, which is to be built by Snook h. |>., five passenger ; Carl Haber-
A Traver, of Salem.
Mr. Snook lach, 30 h.p., five passenger.
came in last week and signed the
The Tillamook-Willamina mail
contract and put up the bond.
route was discontinued on Wednes­
The Tillamook Meat Co. is selling
lard at the following prices : 10 lb.
pail, $1.50, ; 5 lb. pail, 80c. ; 50 lb.
pails at 12Vic. per pound,
lard is absolutely pure.
This method enables the business
man or individual to keep his money
safely in the bank, instead of on the
premises or about the person, where
it would be subject to hazard.
A checking account at the bank is a
great convenience and costs the de­
positor absolutely nothing. To ob­
viate handling the account ata loss the
bank require that reasonable average
balance be maintained.
TH £
ean-Up 1
ake the City look bright.
Born, on Saturday, to the wife of
Nels Erickson, a son; and to the
wife of F. P. Thun, a eon.
Tbe only genuine “Standard Port­
land Cement” to be had in the city
irt for filling yards, for sale.— at the Tillamook Feed Co.
. Harter.
For Sale,—one
ank Long is quite sick with Morgan mare, cheap; also small
ach trouble.
horse.—W. B. Powell,
Choice Strawberry plants for South Prairie.
See Shrode.
The merits of Dement’a Best is
. B. Gordon went to Portland on proven by those who buy nothing
iness this week.
else of us but their flour. Tilla
re. Clyde Clements is seriously mook Feed Co.
ith pneumonia.
Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Urie, of
by Crib and mattress for sale, Camas, Wash., are in the city for a
week, stopping at the home of Mr.
uire of Ira C. Smith.
subscription list is being circu- and Mrs. F D. Small.
Rev. W. A. Diggins, pastor of the
d to support the band.
rs. B A. Todd and daughter is Christian church at Colfax, Wash.,
visited at the home of Rev. R. E.
he city from Nehalem.
J ope for a few days.
C. W. Leghorn Eggs—$1,00 per
Aurie M. Draper vs. John S Mag-
ing of 15. A. M. Ginn.
innis et al is a suit filed in the cir­
ne 63 egg Petaluma Incubator
cuit court to recover $690 and $639 on
sale. King A Smith Co.
two promissory notes.
or sale,— Herd of Cowa. Enquire
For Sale,—Saddle Horse known as
he Desmond place, Netarts. •
the George Young mare. Will sell
anted. 100,000 pounds of Bee» cheap if sold at once. Apply Pat
r. Clough’s Drug Store.
Childers, Fairview, Ore.
uy the best, A berdake (Austra-
Edna Getchel, of ¡Hebo, 22 years
) Coal. Lamb-Schrader Co. *
of age, was adjudged insane on
ne Full Blooded Jersey Bull for Tuesday and was taken to the
.—Apply to T. H. McCormick. • insane Asylum on Wednesday.
or Sale, a full blood Holstein
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
ifer Calf.—Apply to B. H. Hath- or 4.50 for half ton, or good fir wood
already sawed for $5.75 per cord or
re will sell you a buggy for less $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. •
ney than it baa coat ua. Ask
The Reception Committee of tbe
Tillamook Commercial Club will
ies Lois Blazer, of Bayocean, appreciate the gift of flowers, to be
ed with fríen da in town over left at the clubrooms next Tuesday.
Ira Latimer and wife returned to
ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- the city on Wednesday for the sum­
k Meat Company’s Market 13c. mer. Mr. Latimer has been attend
ing the Dental College in Portland.
Lytle Jc Gordon handle all kinds
ostmaster L. M. Kraner and
materials in any
e, of Cloverdale, were in this city of building
amount and can quote the lowest
prices in the city. See them before
hey say the Diamond W. line
’t be beat for quality.— Tilla-
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
k Feed Co.
lows who haul anything, anywhere,
I but that Diamond W. Steel
any time.
Office on Main Street,
coffee is good,get it at theTilla-
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call
k Feed Co.
us by phone, Main 651.
. C. Conger and Oakley Kerr. ,
Bay City, were in the city Fri-I If you want a good garden, or
want to grow good potatoes, uses
y on business.
fertalizer prepared for the purpose,
ring your chickens to tbe Tilla- no weed seeds. A supply at the
k Meatcompany’s Market We'
Tillamook Feed Co.
y 13c. per pound.
James Walton returned from Nes­
hose intending to put in Cement - kowin on Wednesday, looking as
ewalks should see Lamb-Schra- though be had been doing some
Co., Telephone 177L
manual labor at that moat delight­
or Sale,—A light wagon, light ful summer resort.
ble harness and mowing mac-
E. T Haltom left this morning on
Enquire at Rogers Barn. *
a business trip to Portland, and
e have two secondhand wagons while there will make arrangements
htly used that can be bought for attractions for tbe Fourth of
a bargain. Tillamook Feed Co. • July celebration in this city.
ve Hadley returned to the city
The tug Geo. R. Vosburg, which
• week from Hong Kong.
It ia went ashore on the north spit of the
ut eight years since be was here, Nehalem bar two weeks ago. was
getting off this week.
'ou can get the genuine Eastern ■ fortunate in _
” feed meats at tbe Tillamook , She is not badly damaged, and after
Company General Supply being repaired sb« will be put into
commission again.
Congressman Hawley has egain
taken up with the lighthouse board
the establishment of 14 lights on
Tillamook Bay, upon the request of
the commercial bodies of Tillamook,
Bay Ocean and Bay City. It is be­
lieved the increase of shipping
since the proposition was rejected
will now secure favorable consider­
Carpets, Rugs and Mattresses
cleaned with a first class vaccum
carpet cleaner ; good work and the
best of satisfaction given by F. E.
Pangborn. Leave orders at lones-
Knudson Furniture Store.
Gnt, shells, meat scraps, ground
bone, blood meat, char coal, scratch
food^ baby chick food, egg food,
in fact all chicken supplies at the
Tillamook Feed Co. General Supply
Judge Galloway heard the argu­
ments at Salem on Friday in the
Port of Bayocean case, Attorneys
S. S. Johnson and Webster Holmes
It ia
thought that the judge will render
a decision in about two weeks.
Now is the time to put in your
order for rough lumber, at the Faw­
cett Creek Saw Mill, located 7 miles
south of Tillamook, as the price
will be $7.00 per thousand, for a
limited time ouly. If you cannot
call send in your order by mail. «
When your
Account is Balanced
It shows accurately what you have received,
what you have paid out and how much cash
you hive left.
What is more, the cancelled
checks show to whom you have paid money
and are indisputable receipts
Isn't it about
time you availed yourself ot these advantages?
and at Cape Lookout. As the boat
was without provisions and lacked
motor power it wan too much of u
job to row back in the face of the
strong wind, so the captain decided
tn land at Cape Lookout. The boat
was anchored off shore and the
crew reached shore in their life
saving suits late Friday afternoon.
From there they walked to Bay­
ocean Friday morning, which was
the first word received here of their
Captain Jenkins, in the Henrietta,
went out after the life boat and
towed her in on Saturday.
There is considerable criticism of
the life saving service here because
the station is not provided with a
motor boat, fur in the face of a
strong wind it is difficult to handle
the boat and to get buck to land
when outside tlie breakers.
At >1.34 Per Yard.
Inasmuch as the Dolorway peo­
ple have been asking a price of
$1.50 per square yard here it would
seem that the company had not yet
reached bedrock with reference to
price cutting in Pendleton. Surely
the paving company will not charge
local property owners any more for
their work than they charge the
property owners at Ooldendale.
Local property owners are a fine
lot of citizens and are entitled to
the Very best that’s going in the
way of paving prices, a fact that
both the puving companies should
carefully bear in mind.
For 8ale.
One of the finest dairy ranches in
Clatsop County, consisting of 123
acres, all dyked tideland, complete
in every respect with houses, out­
houses, fine barn, servants’ quart­
ers, creamery, machinery, etc’. This
ranch is located about 3 miles from
Astoria on the best county road,
and alaoconveuient to city by water.
Schoolhouse adjoins land,
ranch is the pro|»prty of Mrs. A n mi
Anheuser-Busch of St. Louis, Mo.,
and is to be sold by ua under power
of attorney from her.
Immediate sale in desired Rnneli
can be inspected ut any time. One
of the best money makers in Oregon.
No deals with real estate dealers or
A. W. N okhlab a . xd N orria
S tapi . es , Astoria, Oregon.
With agitation
underway in
Pendleton for lower prices on street
paving the East Oregonian hikes
pleasure today in reproducing s
day, and the Tillamook-Cloverdale
story front Go'dendale, Wash., »nd
route goes into effect today (Thurs­ published in a Portland paper last
day) It will leave this city after evening. It sets forth that many
the arrival of the mail at the Tilla­
bids on hard surface paving have
mook post-office.
been received by the Goldendale
i getting the mail started,, the south
council and that Dolerway paving
mail will receive first attention and has been offered the people there,
the postmaster expects to have it at a price of $1.34 per square yard.
reaily at five o’clock each evening.
| Henry Rogers has the contract for
this route and it is thought a good
many will avail themselves of the
mail route between Tillamook and
The Shakes;>eare Club bad its
regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. C. L Clough, on Fri­
day afternoon, when there was a
full attendance of member» r.nd a
1. —3BH acrea in cultivation. Free city water. 6H miles S.K $4,500.
numi*er of invited guests pre­
2. —16 acre« in cultivation. Spring water Oretown. —$2,250.
3. -65 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and «lock. -$10,000.
sent to participate in these delight­
4. — 100 acre«, Cantie Rock ranch. 3Vt mile« S.E. of Hebo.—$700)’
ful afternoon gatherings. The dec­
5. —House and Lot in town.— $B25.(X).
orations were red carnations, ar­
6. —Fine Residence, central Tillamook City. $2,100.
tistically arranged, and the aifiuse-
7 —House andTwoIxita, Miller'« addition, Tillumook City. $1,500.
ment part of the afternoon was a
8, —160 acre«. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.—$7,500.
9. — 40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All tiottoiu.-fil 7C0.
cake romance. Mrs. Alex McNair
10. —100 acre«, Timber Claim on Miami river — $4,500.
drew the first prize and Mrs. F. 3.
11. —80 acres fine timber. 1,580. M, feet.—(l.NX
Whitehouse the consolation. Mr«.
12—40 acres. Well improved. New bui'ding. 41» miles S. — RS.tICQ.
Clough served a most dainty lunch
13. —80 acre«, near Cloverdale. Timber.-$3>(J00.
14. —30 acres. Four miles south. All improved -$6,500.
which was served to the queen’s
15. —30 acres. .34» miles south. Half improved. $3.500
16. —150 Lot« aud Hotel site, Long Beach add. to Bay ocean. $15,000.
Those interested in the erection of
17. —80 acres 4.14 miles S. E. Tillamook. $4,800.
18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked. —$22,!W0.
a new modern hotel in this city have
19. —The finest residence in Tillamook —¿4,700
been successful in raising a large
20. —240 acres 5L mile« S.E. Dairy Ranch.—$43,200.
21. —00 acres Nestiicca bottom. Dairy Ranch —$11,000.
Msa men, and arrangement) will
soon be made to push thia much
needed improvement to a finish. It
1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved.
Will trade for bottom
will be a three ntory building, with
land only.-$15,000.
2—10 seres. Orchard. Building« coat $5,(MM). —$18 OH)
about 60 room«, and built ao that a
3. -24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvement« —$46,000.
fourth story can be added. With
4. -424» acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw. —$25.000.
the erection of thia hotel, the high
5 —15 acres. All fmit Good improvements -$20,000
6 -It acres. All-in fruit, Good improvement«. —$10,000.
school building, depot and freight
7. — Business Lot,
River. -$10,000.
sheds. Masonic temple, and laying
11.— 160 acres. Six acre« cleared. Fine apple land. $8,000
hard surfaced |>evementa and sewer
system, Tillamook Ctty will make
some rapid and permanent improve­
1.- 1000 acres. Orchard Land. Mostly raw. For sale only In
ments this year.
tracts to suit.
Now that the automobile rush is
over we are repairing any and
everything. Gun», locks and keys,
typwriters, cash registers
complicated machinery a specialty.
At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any
thing that we can’t repair we will
Simmons Brothers and Golds
worthy’s mill is now running and
ready for orders. Dressed lumber
furnished after February
Rough lumber $8 per M.
lumber will be sold at correspond­
ingly low prices. Mill situated 8
miles south of Tillamook
The Entertainment Committee of
the Tillamook Club will appreciate
the kindness of any who feel dis­
posed to donate flowers for the pur­
pose of decorating the club rooms
on the occasion of the visit of tbe
Portland business men to this city
Anxiety for V-fe Savers
next week.
A petition is being circulated to
( Considerable anxiety was felt
recall the Board of School directors,
here on Friday morning for the
but as quite a number oi those who
safety of the Garibaldi life saving
signed it only beard one side of the
crew snd lioat. They left Nehaleui
controversey. there are ttmee who
at eleven o'clock Wednesday morn,
feel sorry that they signed the
ing, where the crew had been at the
petition after they ascertained tbe
wreck of theVosburg, with the ioten­
facta ia tbe case.
tion of returning to Tillamook bay.
There will be another suecial As there was a strong north west
meeting of tbe Tillamook Commer­ wind, it was not safe to cross in
cial Club on Friday evening to over the bar, and Captain Farley
hear tbs final report of the Enter­ tied the boat to the whistling buoy,
tainment Committee, which has outside oi Tillamook Bay, for the
charge of the arrangements for tbe night. He cut loose from there at
entertainment of the Portland t>usi- five o'clock Thursday morning and
I sought shelter behind the rucks
HTor Sale oi ZEZzxclxeirxg'o o-t
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or
Washington County, Or., Lands.
1«—Two Lots Portland Heights $12, (MM).
2—Three 1 Ait«. Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant—$1 9UX
3. - Fine Residence
Mt Tntxir
4. — Equity in 2 lol«. Cspitul Hill add —$411).
5. —6 Lota. Farrell’« add. to Woodlawn, Portland. — $4,300.
Five acres in cultivation. Fine
1.—8 acre« In town
< reek —$2.4(1).
L —160 acres. All good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard. Building«. —
2—378 acrea Ranch. 70acres, 1 year old apples, 1.10 acre, cleared.
$75 per acre
34 acre Truck Farm at Elbridge
Will trade.
John Leland Henderson & Son,