Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 09, 1912, Image 6

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    Tillamook Headlight, Moy Ô, 1Ô12.
Vosburg on Nehalem Bar. j
New li izens, new enter­
prises and new capital are always
attracted to a clean and cheerful
Here's a tine chance to boost our
city, and boost ourselves
Let ua
all work together to make "Brigh-
ten-l'p” Week a huge success !
An Appeal to Personal
and Civic Pride of
Our Citizens.
The School Bond Case.
R o V al
Several of our enterprising citizen»
D ear F riend B aker , -In your
suggested u clean up day, which issue of this date, iutbe publication
was set for Wednesday afternoon of headed ' Walton makes astonishing
last week by the Tillamook Commer­ allegations” and which purports
cial Club, but owing to the incle­ to be an accurate account of the
ment weather this was called off School District bond question, lam,
On Monday evening, at the sugges­ surprised to find some slight in-1
tion of business men, the Execu­ accuracies and knowing your repu-J
tive Board of the Commercial Club tation for operating a publication (
decided to have a “Brighten-Up“ in which nothing but the truth is ,
Week, to commence next Monday. stated, I feel you will be happy to j
This will mean six days devoted to have me aid you in correcting an |
a good, genuine old-fashioned house error of statement. It has to do i
cleaning, not only in our own with the price for which the recent .
homes, but the interior and exterior issue of school bonds were sold, |
of stores, buildings,
residences, and for which the District received
streets, alleys and yards.
The ob­ the net sum of $35,609.36 for 6 per
ject is to “Brighten-Up" Tillamook cent twenty year, optional alter ten
City and make everything cheerful, year bonds. (Verify my figures
clean, bright und sanitary.
at the County Treasurer’s office.) i
Everybody should and must help. The error corries in over vour state- ,
Instead ot each wife doing her m .mt that the writer or bis associ-(
Spring bou^e-deanitig at different
tunes, all will commence on Monday ales were dissatisfied that the dis­
morning to “Brighteu-Up” their trict had been able to get more for j
homes. But this is going to be ar> the bonds than he was able to offer
annual house cleaning for the entire and hence the suit. For the pur­
city, too ; so our plana must not
pose of enabling you to correct thia
stop at our own door steps. We
don’t only want to make our dwel­ error, which I assure you I realize
Ho Alum —No Lime Phosphates
lings c ean, bright and cheerful, is wholly unintentional on your
but to enliven the whole town. We part. I submit herein a cooy of a
want our walks, communication to the County Treas­
gardens, streets,
and back yards urer which I would ask you to pub­
to be cleaned as lish. This commucication and the
well, and every­ $1,060
mentioned therein were
thing made epic
Win. Bays, the genial proprietor
M R. Church Service«.
handed to the County Treasurer
and span. Nature
of the Beaver Hotel, is fixing
is putting on her
10 a.m.— Sundpy School.
Be on tilings up in tiptop shape arouud
best dress, so suit in equity to etop the delivery
He is preparing for the
why shouldn't we do the same ?
of the district’s bond« to Keeler time for the special. A place for hia hotel. I”
annual rush of tourists this sum
Here is the ptogram for "Brigh- Bros. Keeler Bros, got 6 per cent all.
ten-Up” Week. Remember it com­ |bonds for a premium of $669 36. I
11 a.m.—Sermon Subject,
“Vai mer.
mences at 7.00 o’clock, sharp, Mon­ put up $1,060 as a guarantee to take ley Experiences.”
Al Blum went to Tillamook Tues­
day morning, May 13 :
7 p. rn.—Epworth League.
Be on day, returning Wednesday
5 per cent bonds at par, and on
M onday —All rugs taken up and $35,000 of twenty year bonds I think time at the Young People’s Meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoner, of Blaine,
beaten in the back yard.
Curtains iny offer, had the district accepted
8 p.m.—Song and Sermon, “God’s passed through Beaver Wednesday,
removed. Pictures taken off their
hooks, and woud work and painted it, would have saved the district Way.”
enroute to Tillamook.
J ames T. M oore , pastor.
walla washed.
some money.
T uesday —Floors scrubbed. Worn
As I said, vour reputation for
floors painted with inside floor paint conducting a paper wherein accur­
Poor appetite is a sure sign of
or varnished.
impaired digestion. A few doses of
acy of statement is carefully ad­
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
WEDNESDAY — Windows cleaned
in every business and private resi­ hered to, leads me to feel that you
The Oddfellows’ picnic held on Tablets will strengthen your diges­
will thank me for enabling you to
dence. Clean or
the anniversary day of I O. O. F tion and improve your appetite.
Thousands have been benefited by
next curtains put
correct this un-intentional mis­
at Mr BodyJelt's ranch proved a taking these Tablets. Sold by all
up Carpets put
decided success About 500 people dealers.
down, furniture
Yours very truly,
replaced a n d
gathered there and spent the day.
picture« hung,
everyone having a good time. The
r ix up the home
It would surprise you to know of
with new furni­
To B. L Beals, County Treasurer. ball game was won by the Beaver the great good that is being done
ture, draperies,
by Chamberlain’s Tablets.
I hand you herewith One Thou­
china, glass and
Downey, of Newberg Junction, N.D.,
sand Dollars as a part payment and being 12 to 13.
kitchen utensils
writes, “My wife has been using
Miss Cecil Wallace, of Hemlock, Chamberlain’s Tablets and finds
guarantee for the bond issue of
that are necea “
•ary to make the home comfortable ¡School District No. 9 of Tillamook is spending a few days in Beaver. them very effectual and doing her
and dainty. Every woman of good County, Oregon, in the amount of
If you have any
Thun Bros, have sold their saw­ lots of good.”
taste and judgment likes to see her
trouble ¡.with your stomach or bow­
home look clean and beautiful.
els give them a trial. Sold by all
T hursday —Streets, alleys, back agree to purchase for par, said Beaver soon
yard etc., to l>e cleaned up and the txind« to l>ear interest at the rate of
mud und filthy and the rubbish Five per cent per annum, and to be
burned or curled away. Where the in the usual form and duly and
citizens fail to do so the City Mar­
If I fail to accept
shal to serve notice on them forth- legally in order.
with to clean up.
Tear down old and pay for said bonds on said
fences »nd fill in ce«»pool City terms when the same are ready for
Council to furnish teams to curt,
delivery to me. the $1,000.00 here­
uw»y the tr»»h
with de|>oHited to be forfeited to
F riday —P»int store fronts where
but we are not too busy to
’ Brighten-Up” »11 dingy suid School District for its use.
houses with paint. Also the furni­
J ames W alton , J r .
till your order for ¡umber,
ture. Make this painting day.
even if it is but a small one.
S aturday - Put the finishing
(We may state for the information
Look around aud see if your
touche» on.
The Mayor and City of our renders that the School Clerk
place wouldn't look better
Council to make »n oftieinl visit of eent out about 50 letters to the dif­
for a little fixing up. Then
the city to see that no dirtv trash is ferent bond buyers usking for bide
left in livery burn», stable», and and stating that the bonds would
tell us what lumber you
I’.ick yards.
Disinfectants used j be sold about the 15th April. They
need and we'll have it up to
win ie the air is uffennive and tilled I were disposed of on the 18th. The
your place in less than no
with iiucohes, which bring sickness, best bid on that date was one from
und death to many citizens who' Fred H. Glenn, of Portland, which
n • not ti-sponsihle for it. Disin­ was accepted.
Several days after
fect.mts to lie placed in all closets. I the itoiida had been sold, Mr. Wal­
It this isn't enough to keep you i ton made his offer, which could not
mtsy, there are lot» of other thing» , lie accepted as the deal had been
to do. But the housewife mustn’t I dosed. As there was a possibility
try to perform nil the work about of the bonds not being delivered,
the Board had the County Treas­
ths house herself
Mukeeverybody >
help. Make hubby and the young , urer wire to Colorado, but they had
men and the young women do their' been accepted und the money turn­
share, too Get them up early in ed over before Mr. Walton’s offer
was made.—Editor.]
lie morning and drees them up in
overalls. They won’t s|>oil dressed
up mid helping to ’Brighten-Up” New Cloverdale Mail Route.
bterdTV. "X an^TJUh^Ä
the home mid city.
In fact, some
of the young folk are dressed up
The Tillamook-Willamina Star
in Sunday going duds too often
lo> their own giMHl. They ure young mail route will be discontinued on
mid strong mid should not ex|>ect Monday. J. K Brown had thia con­
FACTORY rllCES f?,™1?*1 th»bl«he»t rrade bieyelea It Is
the olil folks to ilo the drudgery tract and received $3.9M annually.
while they parade the street. Sat­ The new Star mail route between
urday afternoon the little tots can
• nH you2?T®*ve
catalotfues anti learn our unheard of ^m t
help i le.m up
Aa every woman is thia city and Cloverdale will go in­
or should lie the boas »trout her to effect on Monday, Henry Rogers
own home, we want her to boss the being awarded the contract, the
job next week.
If there is only price lieing $1.190 annually. The
liutiby to boss, pile the work on and mall will leave Tillamook City after
»nil make it tropical for him be
cause he did not raise a family to the arrival of the train and not
later than U p. iu., and the contract­
help do the clean up.
If the outside of the or la allowed seven hours running
house i» wenther-lwH time. The mail will leave Clover­
ten »ml dingy get the dale at W am for thia city Thia
paint pot »nd brush I
A nice light' will be a great advantage to Clover-
cream color,
with j i dale and the south part of the
brown trimmings, or .county for anyone leaving Portland
n light green, with [ in the morning will be able to reach I
mau . v . TMk«, ero lana will aat !>• ««—■
darker trim, or some
tr inijrvtl lbouMapd p«■ n *44 |ast
other hurmonioua their homes on the Star route the
orsofupnom Í,“,*”
will same evening.
TerT 1t,'lr*bl® »I'd lined Ituld/witli
make it look
Church of Christ.
bright sunny dnya of
Spring and Suinmer,
Mother's Day.
you want yoilr hottie
10 « ru.-Bible School
A gixwt
cheerful, too.
place for you. Attend Sunday.
tug uiakea
uiahea a city more pro»|>ervu»
Mmrftteshly painted
H • ■* — Mother’• Day
' houses, , well
•apt -----------------------
yard«, cement t>aveu>eut»
pavement aud Spacial muaic and an original poem
Hiiulithk- paved ateeeta. as well aa by Mr* Marie Elliott Wade, suit­
• . . h JSÏÏÜ
•• triÄwnUl
I not par a ent UÛI d tou
nmtly kept atorva with nicely ar­
able to the occasion.
Sermon Sub
_ _______________ _____ _
ranged ,how wiudow*
T— —* ** ll r a«w
' (set. ’That Mother of Mine.”
«•a ****** •• la* III»» Ma,
Let'« get together M^iake our
* ••*• l»****, I» —-»»ft
Ip.»-Junior C.E.
I ,*S '*»' »•» »UI nsa
city t*etter looking.
E3t'a boost
Tillamook City. We can. if we all
• ’»r
I * P-m —Christian Endeavor.
t ka part in the "Brighten Up’*
• P- bl — Preaching.
Week, tor a will soon twcoinv known
~ ,, Mr*
that our homea are the beet kept. " ■u*v* 1 aruh. of Portland, will
our alreeta the c lea neat, our citi- i«P*Bh Do not fail to hear Mr«,
• war <
acna tbe moat prugrveeive. and our I'arub
city administration the best iu th«
R- K JuPB poetar.
11 Baking Powder
Makes delicious home*
baked foods of maximum
quality at minimum cost
Makes home baking a
The only Baking Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
The Easter Rush
Is On
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
The tug Geo. R. \ osburg, while Medical Science a. It Eiiaus i
,___ __________ “•'•Oil
crossing 1n over the Nehalem bar j
Ancient City.
on Friday stuck on the north epit ■
The patient work of the m .
and remained fast.
She had in gist enables people of today to f0
low the barge which was cut loose ( very fair idea of medical scleuc»
but drifted into the harbor. The existed In Nlneveb 050 years i,
vessel did not appear in any danger j the birth of Christ, savs :ho
Sun. Of the 20,000 tai lets take,'
ns long as the weather remained
calm. Captain Farley and crew of the library of Assurbauipal. tb, ■
king of Assyria, who'cou.1Uere$ j
the life saving station went to the
and Babiy onia «nd estat listed bh
acene with the life boat and re­
Jects In the deserted cities of 8»,
mained there
On Sunday tile hundreds deal exclusively with
wind began to blow and the sea cine uud contain numerogg pre
broke over the vessel, so much so tlons:
that the life saving crew was sig­
"If a man has colic make uim
nalled for to take the crew ashore. up and pour over him a decocttoi
The crew consisted of Captain bypericutu and be will recover
"Or make him crouch down oo
Erickson Steve Beaureguard, engi-!
neer, of Portland ; William Camp­ heels and pour cold water oyet .
bell, second engineer, of Tillamook; bead.’’
Faith healing seems to be lndlcat
Fred Tuitz, first mate, of Astoria :
in a prescription which run»: “If b,
L. Campbell, steward, of Portland;
in a weak state, make blui betid dui
M. Ferguson, fireman, of Portland; then raise his legs and say. ‘May,
George Grief, sailor, of Portland ; get quite Well.’ Strike him also on t,
A. Milton. sailor, of Portland.
head fourteen times with yourthnak
Captain Erickson had hoped that
Many prescriptions deal with q
he could keep his crew on board cure of a disorder which wu ,,
the Vosburg, pending an effort to common at Nineveh and which hh
float her off at high tide, the wind to bare been due to overindulge^
rose and seas were soon flooding food and drink: “When a man
the Vosburg from stem to stern. lous rub hltn with an ouion and
him drink nothing but water and
A great wave rocked her against a
»tain from food altogether."
rock and a hole was torn in her
Among the medicines used by i
bottom, through which water pour. physicians of Nineveh were set
A gasoline tank was thrust into the olive oil. castor oil. sirup of i
opening, but did not stop the honey and salt. Fasting and ma<
water entirely.
The cabins and were frequently ordered.
engineroom became flooded and
the fires went out. The crew were
drenched and it was found im-
possible to cook in the galley.
Ths Desr Killing Brutes Get No 1
From ths Natives.
A large number of fishermen are I
The Swedish Lapps are said to
assisting Captain Erickson «nd hie
crew in their efforts to save the entirely with, by and upon their
vessel. The Vosburg was moved deer. A Lapp who owns a thou
20 feet at high tide Sunday, but did deer is a rich man, but as taxes i
assessed upon the number of dee,
not come off the opit.
is Inclined to underestimate his bed
The steamer Geo R. Vosburg, The most dangerous enemy to the bed
which is ashore at the entrance to is the wolf, which can kill many ta
the Nehalem River, is owned by the in a night. A baud of wolves can ata
Wheeler Lumber Company of Port­ a rich Lapp poor.
When the snow is deep and softui
land, and was built for the purpose
of operating from
Portland to it, is announced that wolf tracks tun
Nehalem. The vessel was of staunch been seen In the neighborhood of th
deer, the swiftest runners on inoh
construction, and especially fitted
shoes prepare for an exciting chase
for heavy seas.
The wolf may have a start of I sit
During the 12 years of her exis­ or two. but the track it leaves In th
tence she been a money-maker and deep, soft snow Is so consplcuoos tta
has more than paid for herself. At the hunters can follow it at their bat
times she has had a passenget speed. The wolf, though he may ru
license, but generally not, although swiftly, has but a slight chance of«
she was allowed to carry passengers raping his pursuers on their snowshoi
Each hunter does his best to outm
without pay. While the Lytle road
the others, for the wolf belongs to tbs
was building from Forest Grove
Lapp who strikes the first blow At
into Tillamook County, the Geo. R.
smju as the leading hunter Is ctaa
Vosburg in one year was paid enough to the wolf he gives It a heavy
$10,000for carrying explosives and blow across the loins with bis strong
railroad material, this being in ad­ spiked snowshoe staff. If there in
dition tó the regular business of the other wolves to be pursued be kills I
outright; if not be disables It and wiiti
till all the hunters have arrived befm
giving the deHtb stroke.
To my friends in Tillamook,
County, Oregon:
I wish to call your attention to
the fact that I have dissolved part­
nership with Mr. Rollie W. Watson
and from thia date I can be found
in the Commercial Building, Room
No. 16, across the "street from the
Todd Hotel writing the same kind
of fire insurance that I have in
years past so you may rest assured
that you will receive the same fair
and square treatment that h«a
characterized all my dealings with
the general public.
Thanking you
one and all for the past courtesies
and looking forward to a renewal
of old acquaintances, I am Yours,
Very sincerly yours,
J. S. Stephens.
Post Office Box 242. Phone 1563.
Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. .
1st St. and 3rd Ave West.
Chiropractor and Naturopath 13
the most improved science for the
cure of disease. Why suffer from
colds, catarrah, rheumatism, hernia,
tumors and abdominal ■ displace­
ments, indigestion, malassimilation
and the general neurotic run down
condition that follows when the
cause may be easily adjusted and
removed with no danger of other
complications, as there is no drugs
or knives used in this system.
Germany’s Industrial Lift.
The industrial life of Germany fits
the impression of a great street fro«*
ed with heavy traffic. This traffic b
formed of units, but all have a counsw
purpose and direction, nud it is •*
it is aggressive, noisy »»i
dangerous to those who brave Its «*
petitlve perils, it is artificial, a* *
caters to the needs of mtm largely wt
side of the actual necessities for sub­
sistence. and it is subject to Ineitas*
or decreases, congestions or even «*■
deu stoppages, for. unlike the bulk of
tiie traffic of the United States, it tend
the irresistible flow of a mighty rir*
of natural products seeking the levai
of supply uud demand. Ever inrm»
lug Its volume, ever extending l.s »«*
of influence, the foreigu trade of Ger
many is the marvel of the t wenttak
century.—James Davenport WbeW
la Century.
K Taetful Req-ost.
Dobblelgh was a coutirmi-d
couilrmed lions’*
and what was worse, be seldom *
tutlie-I the borrowed arti les. Helal
livid ou to Wbibley's uuruiella. for ►
state e. for nearly u year
"Aud I’m blessed if 1 know bow !•*
ever going to get it back.” said Wltft-
"Easy." said Hickenlooper. "C«1U
messenger aud send Dobblelgh t®1
note ”
And be scribbled off the foltowW
TlMwr Dobblelgh. if you can spare •
I’d like to borrow that utubrelii ■
mine for a couple of days. Can P*
oblige tue?"—Harper’s.
Enough Said.
He was llmpiug down the »treed*®
one arm tn n sling and both <*$• **
"What's the matter?" queried »
friend. “Motbrcar accident?”
“No." replied the other »adly “I
a man who couldn't take a
Loudon Telegraph
* Í Av ,?!*«?**• Nidwe-W » Ji «4
I W,Self-keill,tTireii!„iÂSSÂÏÏ A
Castles In the Air.
“We keep our automobile^ it t*
mlrsge." said Mrs. Blunderby.
I "That's where most of u» keeft'
automobiles " returned her caller. t
I au inward smile.—Boston Transcrl
Registered «nd Graduate
| Veterinary Surgeon.
¡Office : Commercial Stabfoa,
Mr* Howard—And eo two
Tillamook, Ore.
phon«*. sons are hoy scouts? Where
Todd Hotel, Tillamook
Formerly with the army transport
_ -
Graduate uf Ontario Veterinary
»College, cl.saJW _
of 1
do i
de mom of their reconnotteriue? 1
Coward—In our refrigerator I-1®