Tillamook Headlight, May d, 1912 ¿fl JU OUNTY AFFAIRS. 3 00 W. H. Hoskins........................ 13 75 Edward Gray .... 26 50 3 00 F. C. Flint .................................. 12 50 Hugh V Welsh ... 25 87 • |W. C. Van Dorsal...... 3 00 Andy Hayden ;.......................... 12 50 H A Chopard ... 10 75 Mitcheii..;,___ 3 (O G. Crumlof...................... 10 00 Frank Kumm .... 11 50 ere the Taxpayers’ I. f . H. d . Moon. Carnahan 5 OO Forrest Ayer............................... 22 00 U S Edwards 15 75 Elmer Hall .... ...... 3 00 J. Baker 8 75 ................................. 26 00 Ulyssis Edwards . Money Goes G. B. Crane ........... 3 Oil W. H. Hoskins ........................ 16 50 Clyde Webb ........ 7 50 3 00 H. Curl........................................ 16 25 John Heilmeyer .. 21 (Ml he Board of County Commis- Chas Desmond....... . . L. C. Goldsworthy .... 3 00 Clyde Hudson ... ............... 11 25 Davie ................. 11 00 ners, composed of Judge Mason Alwin Blum......... ,... 3 00 J. W. QuattlebaUiu ................. 11 25 Carl Curl ........... 32 75 I Commissioners Farmer and Wm Baxter, Dolph....... 3 00 Wallace Edson . ...................... 24 (Ml 7 60 Lloyd Woods....... 3 00 C. Wells ..................................... 20 00 Alex Emlah ......... 19 60 ey, transacted-the following bust- Henry White.................. W F. Messner....... ¿.... 3 00 G. Russell.................... ........... 12 50 Harley Curl......... . 14 75 e last week > Geo. Baxter ....... 9 40 W. A. Snedeber........................ 62 501 6 25 R B McClay........... he claims of Glass Ac Prud- E. B. Barthrop ........... 3 00 W. H. Hoskins ........................ 18 (XI 8 25 E E Davis ........... P. H. Messner ............. 3 00 18 QO Forrest Ayer ............................ 12 00 Louie Wooley .... nme for $24.18; P. F. Fraser for •> (X) W. H. Sales, Foley ....... 3 00 J. Baker .... ’ . ................ ............ 32 00 Henry Farmer .. 10 and Simmons Ac Goldsworthy Felix Roy______ _ .... Ì (B 3 00 W. H. Hoskins.......................... 22 00 J CCreecy.............. $26.95 were continued. " W. Wilks ................ G. 3 (XI H. Curl............. .......................... 18 65 Oliver Fritch....... 50 ‘he bid Of A. J. Burdick for wood C. W. Wilk» . 7 40 J> W. Quattlebaum ........... 6 25 20 00 Claude Hall........... 3 00 Wallace Edson ........................ 21 35 W F Messner ... 10 ort of the road viewers, it was R. E. Jackson .... 3 00 W S Buel..................................... 83 33 ............................ 83 33 REFUSED FRANCHISE 3 00 B L Beals lered the same be a declared a F- Worthington, Hebo ...... Chan McKillip............................ 3 00 W D Bodyfelt ......... .................. 45 00 blic highway. 1 J. J McGinnis .................... 3 00 H V Alley................................... 62 00 n the matter of the sale of lands Geo W. Worthington ........ 3 00 H M Farmer ............................. 54 00 Southern Pacific Co. Will Supplies to County Poor. I in by Tillamook County for R. A Brink ............................... 3 00 7 40 C J Chaffee................................. 24 00 Establish Depot at Ter­ ;es, it wps ordered that on Mon-: Frank L Owens......... ............ f. July 1st, 1912, after having | Thos Coates, Hoquarton .... 3 00 W D Gladwell .......................... 4 55 Alex Watt .................................. 3 00 King & Smith ....... .................. 13 50 minal Grounds. it given notice thereof in the | T. E. Epplett............................. 3 00 H Crenshaw ............................. 9 75 nner provided by law, the sheriff C. W. Talmage ........................ 3 00 C I Clough ............................... 1 35 After several months of contention 1 3 00 A Finley & Co .......................... 11 50 ill offer for sale to the highest Carl Wallin................ >............... over a franchise to give the P. R. [ Wm D. Bodyfelt ...................... 3 (XI Irma Doerge ............................ 25 72 Ider for cash all lands heretofore H. F. Goode peed......... ............ 3 00 E T Haltom............................... 27 66 A N three tracks on Front street, ’ I in by the county; no land to be S. A. Brodhead ................ I..... 3 00 Tillamook Meat Co ................. 5 00 the railroad company have declined 3 00 d for less than the amount for E. E. Finley............................... Work, e‘c, in R D No 1. to accept the franchise and have 3 00 John Aschim ......... . ... lich tracts were bid in by the 2 05 lecided to erect the depot and es­ 3 00 Nelson & Co. meh .................. C. E. Mowery ............................ inty, which shall be the upset F. W. Christensen.................... 3 00 Tohl 4 Anderson, inch......... 1 178 50 tablish the freight yards at the ter­ T H Pitts, ucp dep sup sup ... ................. tw 90 minal grounds, east of town, as the ice. T. R. Wileon, Little Neetucca 10 oo*" 3 nn: Wheeler Lumber Co ... 162 86 in the matter of the petition of H. J. W Hellenbrand................... 3 OG Nehalem Saw Mill ..... 12 40 facilities on Front street were too Follett for a county road, the H. E. Follett............................... 3 00, H L Provoost, meh . . 10 95 cramped todo business. Following S. H. Rock .................................. me was continued. 3 go King & Smith Co, meh 75 is the letter to the City Council W. H. Christensen ................. ■4 (Xi W H Hoskins, dep sup 70 70 from Superintendant Campbell : in the matter of the petition to Chas Fox . 60 55 3 00 E *■' Craig - ................ icate part of the town of Wheeler, B. O’Hara, Netarts ................ “The matter of deppt location has Tohl................. . 2 50 4 60 J 'ulitis *' James A. Biggs ........................ ie same was dismissed. lugo Kline .................... 5 00 been one of considerable concern 3 00 " Chas Lee............. . ....................... In the matter of the claim of J. A. A. Yager ............................ 3 00 C I. Alley ....................... 2 75 to us for some time. Not being 44 50 tullv satisfied that it was to the '. Tohl for damages, the same was W. H. Biuicke ................. 3 (XI r Blake Thompson ....... 3 (J), Deck Johnson............... 83 50 beat interests of the City and the W. A Snedeker ........................ sallowed. 45 (XI Railroad Company Jointly to locate 6 001 KjJ Thompson ............. Fred Zaddach, Nehalem ......... In the matter of the application of - i W srren Hoskins ......... 3 73 on the Opera House block corner 6 (XI Wm Tubbesiug ....... ................ 57 50 Front street and Stillwell Ave. on- A. Smith for liquor license, the H. F. Elfen berger .'. .......... 12 00 E. Krumloff ............... 43 25 account of the ground being ao far 6 (B Chas. Morgan .............. nne was dismissed. I’. E. Allen........... .................... Wm. Hoski s, team... 68 oc above the trfrk grade that it would 6 (XI In the matter of the application F. A. Rowe ............................... 47 75 be impracticable to locate the sta­ Grant Marahall............. 6 OU W. H. Effenberger ........... ' A. C. Vogler for liquor license D. Fitzpatrick, South Prairie. 3 00 Tom Quinn.................... 27 75 tion satisfactorily. The ao called Krumloff............ 54 25 Lamb's Dock is so much below the ie same was continued. G. C Vaughn....... . .................. 3 00 John 23 50 grade of the (rack and Iras so little In the matter of the petition of C. if. B. Johnson .. ............. . 4 00 George Hoskins........... 16 00 trontage on Front street that we 3 00 And Peterpon............... '. Funk for a county road it was E. J. Gienger............................... 22 (»I feel that it would be inqiosaible to 3 00 John Pacquet................ rdered that U. G. Jackson, Chas. T. W. L-yster............................. 15 50 develope freight facilities that would 3 (X) Griff Krumloff ............ F. L. Buell .................... 26 50 be at all adequate- to handle the Hells and W. B. Aiderman be ap- Peter Newberg, Sandlake...... 3 00 W. M. Walker .............. Roy Dunham ................. 3 25 business of your City, in the im­ ointed a board of road viewers, to U. S. Edwards .... ................. 7 00 Frank Barnes ............... 7 0U mediate future. •3 00 E. R. Hays ........................... ,ieet on the 15ih May. After mature consideration we 13 75 Chester Wilks .............. 3 00 Wilson............................ Iti the matter of the petition of Leq>V. 23 75 have .ilefinitely concluded to build 3 00 Frank Illingsworth . R Thompson........................ 23 75 our freight and passenger depot on lam Bauer for a county road, upon olin Whalen ........................... 3 (XI Ben Johnson ................ the terminal grounds notwitlistand 6 IM) B Bowman.................... he report of the board of viewers, J. S. Stephens, Tillamook..... ing Our considerable investment In George Eichenger....... 6 (X) Geo. P. Wilt ............................. . he petition was granted and the property on Front Street. While at Theo Finney ................. 6 20 M. V. Stillwell .......................... first glance it may seem to some of lame was declared a public high H. P. Kerr ................................. 6 (Ml Wm Kennedy................ those interested that this will be a E H Gary ......................... vay. T. H. Goyne ............................ ’ 6 (Ml George Henderson .... considerable distance from your In the matter of the petition of W. G. Dwight .......................... 6 00 busineis center, we prefer to take 3 (Ml Sam Thompson the broader view and look into the ?red F Scherzinger to vacate road, H. A. Miles, Union.............. . Emil Ross ................... 3 00 R. Robedee ........................ near future when your City shall he same was granted and the road W. E. 3 00 Chas Christensen ....... Parker . ......................... E. have grown greatl) nnd will require A E Worthington ......... jrdered vacated. 3 00 T. Edmunds ........................ D. 75 facilities such as can only be pro­ 3 00 Frank Thompson r.... In the matter of the petition of B. S Clark ............................... . vided on a considerable area of ao ground 9 (X) Alvin Thompson....... and such us we have in our, Grant Dawson for a county road, C. C. Murphy......... .................. 40 G. W. Zaddach............... Anticipating C ircuit court E xpense «. this was continued for further hear­ James B McKimens .. 00 present terminal. this development, it would be un­ 50 W. E. Easom. Francis Gary................. ing. wise for t*s to limit ourselves by 50 Albert Crawford ......... In the matter of the approval of James Pallin 85 providing facilities on our Front Brad Banner Gordon Pitts................. the plat and deed of dedication of John Perry ... I.eater Pitts ................. 85 street property, which in our judg­ the town of Seaport, the same was E. K. Gilbert 25 ment would be ao soon outgrown. Joe Pitts ........................ Am returning herewith Ordinance Harrison Booth 60 A Miller........................... approved. No. 241. We respectfully thank you 15 00 Otto Koeher.................... In the matter of the applicstion of Albert Crawford.... for the time and efforts you have 27 00 Tohl Ac Anderson, supplies H. H. Tubbesing .. Edward Hadley for liquor license J. R. Harter............... given it» preparation, but not feel­ » 20 1 furnished and deducted for Garibaldi precinct, the same George Heilmeyer..... 24 00 from men's accounts.......... 84 88 ing that we can consistently accept 18 40 1 A E Rittenhouse...................... 16 50 the same, we'beg to remain.” Alex Watt . was granted. 0 20 1 Joe Vsnhove .............................. 8 25 W. S. Buel, current expenses. 1 45 Erick Glad. 20 80 1 George Ludke............................. 6 25 George Willett,office rent, etc. 30 70 Gust Nelson 18 40 Jasper Alley................................ 17 50 Barthold-Bay Co., meh......... 4 80 Wilber Stillwell « 20 Leslie Barber ............................ 10 00 Tillamook Water Works........ io oo H. F. Goodspeed 20 00 Herschel Scovell...................... 7 00 Tillamook Electric Light .... 22 28 A. A. Apeley 22 40 1 Max Schroder ........................... 2 50 A. McNair A Co., meh............. 19 77 Alwin Blum ... 10 00 • Fred Zaddach, Supervisor ... 21 60 Pacific Tele Co........................ 30 10 H. B. Johnson 18 80 W. S. Hare ... Rollie W. Watson, insurance Road Work, etc, in R. D. No. 2. 20 80 I on Court House ..................... 180 00 A. J. Burdick J. C Gove, dirt................ ...... 6 50 Tillamook Herald, printing.. 71 50 D. Martiny...... W B Aiderman, Supervisor. 87 60 Chas A. Smith .. Tillamook Headlight, print­ 7 00 G L Dick ..................................... ing .............................................. 113 33 Theo Jacoby ... Q I Pangborn............................ 34 30 D. L. C. Pike.. J. J. Spencer, constable ser­ You like a little salt and pep- 3 75 F E Pangborn.......................... vice ................................. !......... 5 00 George Vaughn J E Zimmerman .................... 24 50 per_a lirtle mustard a little Connie Dye N. G. Boquist, right of way Glenn Zimmerman ........ .... 22 25 lemon extract—a little this and for Kodad htll........................ 125 00 D. L. Shrode 18 40 A Gakoweki......... ..................... 19 25 that to flavor your grub. Your T. r.- Epplett James Kodad, ditto .................. 150 00 28 00 Will Hadley................................ 31 00 cow, your steer, your bog under A. G. Beals Lumber Co......... 808 66 J. C. Mills . ........ ........................ 27 M natural conditions would have a 00 V C Knight Beall A Co, meh........................ 125 15 Frank L. Owens 4U G L Dick ..................................... 25 50 chance to get a bite of this, a bite G. L. Dick, hauling ............. 5 12 John Sheets 3 75 of that and a bite of the other .1........................ 3 20 M Daily... Dawson Bros, livery ............. 11 00 Geo Edner . 3 20 William Fletcher...................... 16 25 thing and so get a variety in ita }. S. Stephens, notary......... t 1 (X) Geo Benson 3 20 F H Eggelstein ........................ 36 00 feed. But under the ¿unnatural . C. Bewley, truant officer .. 2 66 C. B. Wiley 2 25 condition in which you keep ............... 10 00 E Bencheidt .. Mrs. Ed Lindsey 2 25 them, they get every day about E lection E xpenses . 10 20 E Larson ................................... Bert Cornett . ; Fred Biggs................................. 20 75 the same sort of stuff to eat Aa W. H. Christensen, register­ Jack Balmer.. Hance Wilks ............................ 17 io a natural coi.sequence thev get 3 50 Clark Smith .. ing voters...... .. .................... C R Funk ................................. 70 00 “ off their feed.’’ liven if they W. R. Robedee, rent............. 2 (10 Herb Perry .. 29 (II do not. their digestive organs A L Meyers ............................ 30 F. Buckles H. Booth, gasoline ................. R Maine .......................... .......... 47 00 need the tonic effect which cornea I W. Hiner, registering voters 16 60 J. A. Smith H Edgar ................................... 15 (X) from a variety of feeding atuffa. E. W. Stanley, making can­ Bob Kennedy 5 00 J Proctor ................................... Watkins’ Stock Toole * vas of votes .................. ... 6 20 James Smith.. 2 exactlv what you are buying ued J M Haker, dep «up .... 7 90 A. W Bunn — 52 «I pounund it Will go farther Forrest J Ayer, sap .. . I. W. Hiner .......................... 10 50 8 M6 and do more gixsl than any ntlirr P. 1. Trol ough. Thun Bros .................... 4Vm. Bay»........................ E- G. Anderson 2 15 Cloverdale l.nmtier Co .. 34 stock tonic or ao called atock I Frank Kumm .................... W. I. Gilbert ... 2 15 Chas Rsy. meh ............... is <>> fiasl ever made. Kumm ................... ' J- M. Baker 1 75 E E Rowland ................. 52 75 Tlie Watkins Mu» will i«e glad Totcauer ........... K P. Milla. Blaine ~ 2fl 12 to leave you » i»ail on trial, R V Rowland............... SURVBVixo. E tc K. D. Moon ___________________ . .......... 21 25 backed by the Watkina guarantee, 31 15 G T Coulson ..................... Ross Shreve............. ............ C. A. McDonald............. M »2 F D Nash ........................... 30 70 Deliver* by Waggon G. J. Poyskjr ... ................. 11 50 W- H. Cason...................... 2 30 David Hr«« .... ............. Oscar Luhn ..... Hugh Welsh......................... 14 IO R E Welsh ......................... >. *. ROBERTS 2 50 Herman Schollmeyer ----- J. T Hollett........................ 24 12 » U Fred Zaddach .................... 48 00 John A. Biggs. Barnegat 23 •> Frank Wabeley ..... .... • ik W. Grabel ..................... J Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? r. Stallion SICKLE BILL, No. 48.969 A.T.R. No. 5,748 A.M R. Will make the season of 1912, at Rogers-McNamer’s barn. Terms of service $20.00, to insure a colt $15.00 of which is to be paid to Rogers McNainer as soon as colt is foaled, and $5.00 to be paid at First National bank for each and every colt foaled in 1913, to make a purse for, get of said horse to complete for prizes. 50 per cent to first colt, 3) per cent to second, 20 per cent to 3rd, some in July, August or Sept. 1915 Sickle Bill is vary handsome, has size good gait and action, and will be a show horse bred for a race horse or sire. Sickle Bill is a son of Spoken ne. Record, 2.15’* and sire Freddie C, 212**. Starlight, 213% Kane, 2,17%. Gee Gee, 219*4. Revel Kane, 2.24*4. Joe Cane, 2 22% Contestor, 3 yr., 2.24%. Creole Kane, 2.25%. Paul Kane, 2.27% and Nettie Spokane, 2.30. First Dam, Crex Crex, by Comodnre Belmont, 4340. Second Dam, Hellen, 2.32, by Daniel Lambert, 102. Third Dam, Kate, Dam of Velox, 2.30lg. Fourth Dam by Vermont Hambeltoman. If you drink because of a craving for stimulants—if you’ve reached the stage where nothing will satisfy excepting rou^h, high-proof, strong whiskey our story is not for you But if it’s mellowness, age and flavor you’re looking for—you'll like Cyrus Noble Became it's p”-e—because it’s r ’•’table— because you don’t have to dilute it with water to be able to swallow it. It costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J Van Schuyver Co, Portland, Ore Summer Vacations SOUTHERN PACIFIC Via the To the East. Rose Festival. Elk’s Convention. SEASHORE or MOUNTAINS. Round Trip tickets to the principal Cities of the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland. Going limit 15 days, final return limit October 31, on sale as follows : Sale Dates. May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14. 15, 17, 18, 24, 29. Jume 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28. 29. July 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15. 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31. August 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31. September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20. Stop-over going _j or returning within the th« limit. Newport—Yaquina Bay. ..placeto The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to «pendthe »pend the summer. Low round trip and week end ticket». Reasonable _________ ____ hotel ______ rates, ,___ out door amusement», bathing, boating, gfllf, fishing, etc. Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 0. PACIFIC RAILWAY A NAVIGATION BEACHES Are now within easy reach by the P.R. A N. and a new field for a pleasant vacation open. Week end tickets now on sale nnd season tickets from all points on sale June let. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens-June 10 and closes June 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta nnd Carnival of Pleasure yet held. Low round trip tickets on snle from all point«. For beautifully illuatrated txxikleta describing Newport, Bay oceun and other point«, ns well a« information «bout Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. B P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1012. ROUND TRIPS EAST On the dal« given below, round trip ticket* will be •old to the pointe in the But shown below, and menf others, at greatly reduced fares quoted: THROUGH TRAINS EAST In Connection With Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways Atü otic City Baltimore Boston Buttalo . . Chicaro . Colorado Spring, Denver . . . M2 40 Onuba . 40.00 PhiUdelphI« MJB Pittsburg . 7240 St. Lous . «0 00 I St. Paul . Montreal • . • 104.00 ‘ Toronto . 10840 ’ W uhington New York . . DATc'B O SAUT >111.00 107 M 110.00 91.50 7X50 55.00 554» DetrAt . . Didoth. . Kanavs City Milwaukee Minneapolis . . . . . , • . . . MOO, 106.50 91.50 704)0 404)0 9140 10740 July 3. 3, « 7. It. 13. If., 1«. 30. 33, 3(1, JI. 20. 30. 31. 1012 17. 1«, 10 30. Auiru.l 1 2. 3. A. 7. 12. 1A, 1A 22.3», 30, __ ____ ___ _______ ____, 1»>3. So. 31. 1012 Aepten>l>er 4 S A. 7, ». 11. 13. 30. 1013 Stopovers nud choice o( routes allowed In each direction. Pinal return limit, Actolier » . 1912 IWtails oTwhedtilev fttres etc will be furnished oA reqwrvt. I, 3«, 30.1V12. V. E COMAN. Genl Freight and Paa. Agent, I'llkri.ANII OMI't.oN a The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALtLiEN, Prop^ator. Headquarters for Travelling Men Special Atteution paid to Tourist« A Pit st Cl*»» Tabic. * Cxmiurtablc Beds *ud Aucvunaudalio a »