Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 09, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Haadlight. May 9. 1912.
Tillamook High School Team
Is Defeated.
Survived Its Wild Leap Over a Cliff ta
Escapa Captivity.
A Crest Painter Who Was Net Above
Earning an Honest Quarter.
It may not be generally known that
Winslow Homer was a great painter
the squirrel can leap from a great who had tbe unusual good fortune to
height, break Its fall in Its descent and hare bis merit appreciated early in life.
alight uninjured.
A naturalist once But uo one erer presumed less on a
saw a squirrel leap from a treetop wide reputation. Affectation was a
thirty feet high, drop to the ground weakness from which his sense of hu­
and run up another tree for safety.
mor saved him.
Some boya tn Mexico caught a black
In bis biography by Mr. W. H. Downs
squirrel nearly as big aa a cat It had is printed the story of a New York
once escaped from them by leaping gentleman of wealth and artistic tastes
from the top of a sixty foot pine tree. who made tbe Journey to Sc«rhoro, Me .
They thought it bewitched and want­ where Homer bad his studio, to make
ed to throw it down a precipice sev­ tbe artist's acquaintance.
eral hundred feet deep.
A traveler
On bls arrival be found tbe studio
intervened to obtain fair play.
door locked; tiia owner was nowhere to
The squirrel was conveyed in a pil­ be Been. lie wandered about tbe cliffs
lowcase to the edge of the cliff, then for awhile until be met a man in a
let out. that be might take the choice rough old suit of clothes, rubber boots
between captivity and the terrible and a battered felt hat. who carried a
The crouching squirrel looked flsbpole. He accosted tbe fisherman
down the abyss, then backward and thus:
sideways, bls eyes glistening.
“Say, my man. if you can tell me
Seeing no escape except in front, be where I can find Winslow Homer 1
took a flying leap into space and flut­ have a quarter for you.”
“Where’s your quarter?" said the
tered rather than fell Into the abyss.
His legs worked like those of a swim­ fisherman.
He banded it over and was astound­
ming dog. but faster, while bis tail,
slightly elevated, spread out like a fan. ed to hear tbe quizzical Yankee fisher­
He landed on a ledge of limestone, man say. "1 am Winslow Homer.”
The sequel of this unusual Introduc­
where he could be seen squatting on
his hind legs and smoothing his ruf­ tion was that Homer took his new ac­
fled fur, after which be made for the quaintance back to the studio, enter­
creek, drank and scampered away into tained bim. and before be left sold him
a picture.
the willow thicket-—London Answers.
The Pride of the Poor.
At the present stage of sociology no
onlooker need doubt this New York
Sun story of the "might have beens”
of a great city:
So many men to whom the city mis-
, tor a night's
bad given
lodging had expressed a preference for
a certain east side lodging bouse that
he wondered wbat constituted its par­
ticular attraction.
“it makes ua feel self respecting.”
the men said when questioned.
So far as the missionary could see
it was a typical lodging house, whose
inducements to self respect were not
apparent to tbe ordinary eye. He ap­
pealed to tbe manager. By what meth­
od did be fan the tires of self resjiect
in his guests?
The manager pointed to a sign above
his desk—"Gentlemen Are Requested
to Leave Their Valuables With the
went down to defeat at the hands
of the Jefferson High School team
Saturday afternoon, at the Stillwell
! Park. The ecore was 5 to (J. Had
. have stood 0 to 0 at the end of the
! ninth inning, but it was the first
game for the home team and they
were a little wild at times. King,
the pitcher for T. H. S. pitched a
good consistent game only being
found for two hits.
After the game, the girls of the
High School prepared the banquet
When Angry They Can Land a Five
Ton Death Dealing Kick.
E. Alexander Powell In tbe Outing
magazine throws some light on the
theory that an elephant Is clumsy.
When annoyed a wild elephant has a
unique method of dealing with tbe
overpopulation evil. Mr. Powell says:
“Provided the noosers are working
harmoniously, however, and given re­
liable and well trained decoys, the noos­
ing of a wild elephant is in Itself a
sight worth traveling half around the
world to see.
“The animal to be roped having been
again selected, tbe decoys closed in on
either side of him until be was practi­
cally helpless. A nooser. lithe and ac­
tive as an eel. slid down the pad rope
of bls decoy and. waiting until tbe at­
tention of tbe captive bad been mo­
mentarily distracted, slipped a thick
noose of rawhide round tbe bind ankle
of bis prize.
"It is during this operation that the
accidents usually occur, for should the i
captive suspect an enemy lu his rear
be can lunge out a five ton kick to a |
distance of a dozen feet, and that even­
ing the noOser’s relatives assemble for
the funeral.”
How Diviners Are Guided.
Frau Tukory. the wife of a well to
do Hungarian landowner, who is said
to have a special talent for discov­
ering minerals with a divining rod.
describes In a Budapest newspaper the
different sensations which she experi­
When searching for a lost
vein of silver near a mine in Germany
belonging to Professor Pfahl of Bonn
university sbe says sbe felt violent
twltcblngs in her right arm.
was a sign to ber to turn to tbe right,
and a few yards farther on shooting
pains in ber arms and breatbleaaness
told ber that abe was above the spot.
Tbe vein was found tbe next day near
tbe surface. On the other band, when
she discovered petroleum in Hanover
she bad a feeling as if ber bead were
being bound lightly with a cloth.
Frau Tukory first made a name as a
diviner by discovering coal on M. Jan
Kubelik's estate in Bohemia.—Vienna
Cor. London Standard.
honor of the teams
The girls
proved themselves to lie queens by
the manner in which they had
things arranged.
whipped his wife.
And she wants t*
know what we are gntug to do about
it The Proprietor—Going to do about
R? I have it: Sell her two bottle« and
tell her to go home and get eve».—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Just Suited Him.
Landlady iwaruiugly t<> Impecunious
«tudent applying for board»— I bad my
last tenant thrown out for failing to
goy bls rent for four month«
dent ('‘tatirftallyi- That's all right
will take the room under the COtadt
HansMeggvtadorfer Blatter.
Ipreklnr of etiquette, did you «end
dollar for those advertised iuetrse-
a on 'What to do at table r "
at $22500.-Exchange.
A Revised Order.
Beal Estate Agent—Good morning.
air. What can I d<> for you? William.
bring the gentleman a cigar, Do you
want to buy a lot? Caller - Na; I
Want to sell one.
Agent — William,
never mind the cigar - Boston Tre»
Misunderstanding Him.
Tre about decided to get me a ta*
Ing machina."
"Tou believe that two can live as
cheaply aaeae. ebY'-Hooelo« Peet
We carry a Large Stock of
r”~ f i t
Tinware, Glass 3
and China,
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agents ’ for the Great Western Saw.
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
The valued family te-
ci-.es for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec-
tive than ever.
Right prices
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook.
are also
Notice ot Sheriff a Sale.
Reliable Druggist.
Ask for Mokatil
with the problem of buying Harness,
you will find it distinctly advanta­
geous to come and do your select
ing here
You will get the best
qualities, the most thorough and
conscientious workmanship, and be
charged the most reasonable prices.
We can supply single or double
Sets or any single 'article that you
may be in need of.
i i 1 I I
á LJ
Home Made at the Cold Storage.
W.A. Williams & Co
Veri Door to Tillamook Cotintv Bank.
Eye SightSpecialist.
Foley Kidney Pills
OHs psamp< "bef f”»“ BACKACHB
•LADDER and all annoying URINARY
A positive bee» «
Da.lv SN Waaklaftoa HL, CnaaarrHIla
^ A
., is In Kia Alb year. >1. writ« aai "I Sana
Now is the time
to have that
group picture made.
I^rt ua show you our
special display of altrac-
tive new Myles
We .-ire
equipped for
making group ptetnree
and will please ymi with
tbe quality of our work.
Monk ’s Studio.
>(. .uffarad a, orb trow my Indus, a «ad Mao
I ba>l «rarebaebacl.seand my bidder aeMata
mas too tre-i- sol, rsoaloy ma to lose mark eloaa
at ol«bL and In my bladder there was eoaeaaal
pain. I t*..k Foley Kidney Pilla for earns Maa
aad am so* free or all trouble and seals aHe to
gnp^ander.mndJKoley.Kbdaoy PtEkaeeW
C. I. Clough. Druggist.
before described, on the date of
aaid attachment, or at any time
thereof; and that the proceeds of
said sale will be applied to the sat­
isfying of said judgment and order
of sale and execution, together witti
all interest accrued and accruing,
and all costa and disbursements,
and all accruing costs and disburse­
Dated this 4th day of May, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon forthe County of Tilluinook.
Mrs. W. W. Curtis,
D. E. Goodspeed
M. J. Goodspeed,
Defendants. J
H. C renshaw ,
N otice ib H ereby G iven ,—That
As Sheriff of Tillamook County,
by virtue of a judgment and an Oregon. __________
order o( sale of attached real pro­
perty made and entered of record
and docketed in the above entitled
court and action on the 15th day
Department of the Interior,
1912, wherin
it was
United States Land Office,
adjudged that the above named
Portland, Oregon.
plaintiff have and recover off of
April 15, 1912.
and from the above
named de­
To Albert Atny, of Tillamook, Ore­
fendants and each of them, the
sum of One Thousand ($1000.00)
You are hereby notified that T. A.
Dollars, together with interest there
on at the rate of one per cent per GARNER, who gives 3721-09St. S. E.
annum from July 10, 1908, until paid, Portland, Oregon, ns hia post-office
and the further sum of One Hun­ address, did on April fitli, 1912, file
dred and thirty ($130.00) Dollars at in thia office his duly corroborated
torneys fees, and Twenty-One and application to contest und secure
3-100 ($21.05) Dollars costs and dis the cancellation of your Homestead,
bursements in said action, and the Serial No. 02172 made September 11,
191)9, N. W. *4 of S. W. kt, and the W.
said judgment further ordered that
VkofN.W. Ji of Section 32, and N.
the property hereinafter described,
>4 ot N.K. 14 Section 31, Tp 1
and which was attached in this
North, Range 9 West, Willamette
action on the 2Vth day of Novrtn
her, 1911, be nold for the purpose of Meridan, and as grounds tor this
satisfying said judgment and the contest lie alleges that said AL­
BERT AMY, on or about the 22n<l
whole thereof; and in pursuance
day of April, 1911, sold the cabin
of said judgment and or ler of sale
constructed on the land herein des
of said attached property, and by
cribed to one Anins Vaughn, who
virtue of an execution duly Issued -
moved the aaid enbin from the - cl
out of the above entitled court in
tract; und that said ALBERT AMY
this action, the same being issued ,
under the seal of said court to me [ did then and there vacate mid
directed, bearing date of the 17tli abandon the suiii tract of Inn I mid
day of April, 1912, and commanding tins never since said 22nd day of
April, 1911, resided thereon.
and requiring me us the Sheriff of
You are, therefore, further notified
Tillamook County, Oregon, to make
that the said allegations will lie
sale in the manner provided by law
taken by this office ns having lieen
in such cases, for the purpose of
confessed by you, and your said
satisfying said judgment and order
entry will be canceled thereunder
of sale of attached property, the
without your further right to be
following described real property
Iteurd therein, either before this
situated in Tillamook County, Ore­
office or on ap|>eul, if you fail to
gon, to wit :
file in this office
within twenty
Two certain tracts described ns
days after the fourth publication of
follows :
First all the Southeast
this notice, in shown below, your
quarter of the Northeast quarter (or
answer, under oath,
lot 14) of Section thirteen, in town­
meeting mid responding to these
ship one south of range ten west of
the Willamette Meridan, containing allegation« of content, or if you mil
within that time to
file in thin
30 M acres, according to Govern
office due proof that you
ment Survey, save and except 22
served a copy of your answer on
acres off the North end of said tract
aaid contestant either in person
heretofore conveyed to D. Kdgbert
If this ser­
Goodspeed and save and except a or by registered mail.
vice is made by the delivery of a
certain right of way heretofore con­
veyed to the Pacific Railway and copy of your answer to tlie con­
testant in person, proof of such
Navigation Company.
service must lie either the said cun
Second: The North East quarter
teutant’« written acknowledgment
ot the South East quarter of said
Section thirteen and that part of of tiia receipt of the copy, showing
Lot six of said Section more par the date of its receipt, or the affi­
ticularly described hs follows: Be­ davit of the person by whom the
ginning at the South East corner delivery was made stating when
of the C. W. Hendrickson Donation and where the copy was delivered ;
if mgde by regiatered mail, proof
Land Claim, and running thence
of auch aervice must consist of the
South to withita 30 feet of the North
bank of Wilaon river, thence West affidavit of the ¡>ar«on by whom the
parallel with and 30 feet diatant copy waa mailed staling when and
from the North bank of aaid river the poet office to which it waa
to the center of the present county mailed, and this affidavit must be
road, thence North following the accompanied by the poetmaater*«
center of aaid road to the South line receipt for the letter.
You should atate in your anawcr
of aaid C. W. Hendrickson D. L. O
thence East to the point of begin­ the name of the poet office to which
ning, eave and except three certain you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
tracts to-wit: let, A certain tract here­
H. F H ioby , Register.
tofore conveyed to A. M. Hare; 2nd,
C. A rdrky , Receiver.
A certain tract heretofore contract­
ret publicstion April 25,
ed to be conveyed to W. S. Hare;
and 3rd, A atrip of land ltlfevt wide 1912; date of second publication
off the South aide of the North Kaat May 2, 1912; date of third publi­
quarter of aaid section 13, reserved cation May 9, 1912; date of fourth
m a roadwny by ThaddeusS. Towns­ publication May 1«. 1912.
end ; all of aaid lands lying and
living in Section 14, Township 1
For Bale or Trade.
South of Range 19 West of the Wil­
lamette Merioan.
Stallion, two yeara old, black,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
judgment and order of aale of *aid weighs 1003, perfectly gentle, will
attached property, and in compli­ guarantee him. Will sell cheap'f'iy
ance with aaid execution issued sa cash, or will trade for town property,
aforesaid, f will on Monday, the Vacantt lot* preferred.—See Frank
loth day of June, 1912. at the hour Hanenkratt.
of 10 o'clock io the forenoon of »aid
day and dale, at the Norlh Front
For Bale or Rent.
door of the County Court House in
flu scree Iwfflotn land
22 miles
Tillamook City. Tillamook County,
Oregon, sell at public auction for from Tillamook. All clear, will run
rash in tiand. io the highest and 29 cows. Good house, two liar ria
i*eat bidder. all of the right, title and fresh water on place, halt nibs
and interest winch theal-ove named from school, post office, store an-l
defendants and each of them had cheese factory.—Sec M. R. Ilaoen-
in and to the real properly herein­ i i kralt.
"Comparisons Are Odious.’’
Wheu little Amy was three years old
she was taken to visit her maternal
graudinotlier. During her stay the en­
The Difference In Icebergs.
No two icebergs appear to be exactly tire household made much of her, and
alike in site and shape.
Some look ou her departure she was bugged and
for all the world like Arabs' tents as kissed and wept over by each member
of the affectionate family In turn. The
they glide along and others like cliffs,
castles, cathedrals, yachts, and occa­ scene made a deep impression on her
sionally they
resemble some
well young mind.
A visit to her father's home followed.
known animal. Some of tbe pinnacles
of a large berg rise nearly a thousand At tbe conclusion of it her paternal
grandmother and her Aunt Mabel stood
feet above tbe water, while the base
smilingly waving their adieu» to tbe
may occupy an area of ten or twelve
little one until tbe carriage was out of
acres. Seen through a powerful glass,
one may detect waterfalls upon these sight
Amy's mother was beginning to won­
islands of ice and all kinds of arctic
der wbat made ber so unusually quiet
bird* and perhaps a few seals. Then
tbe colors are almost beyond descrip when a solemn little voice rang out
Tbe stately pinnacles glisten la from ber corner of the carriage:
"Not a tear shed ¡"-Youth's Compan­
the aun like powdered glass. At times
the berg is pure white; at others It ion.
looks greenish.—Harold J. Shepstone
Famous Pena.
Bt. Nicholas.
i The collecting of pern» that have bee*
Oreat Tenia.
Drug Clerk—Bay. you remember that
bottle of the new tonic you sold Bill
Martin? The Proprietor—Yes.
about It? The Clerk-Why. Bill drank
the whole bottle and went home and
table at the Commercial Club Rooms
for the dinner which they served in
owned by or associated with ^famous
personages is a bobby that has attract­
ed tome collectors, though the pursuit
is an expensive one. A well worn gold
pen used by Charles Dickens brought
$200 at a sale of his effects.
A pea
made out of wood from a box owned
by George Washington, the box having
been made from a desk brought ta
America by the Mayflower, is valued
! it not been for errors on the part ot
! the home team the score would
Leepea the French Writer, Adopted a
Most Effective Method.
Lespes, tbe French Journalist, known
as Timothee Trimm. was once disagree­
ably Intruded on by a creditor, who an­
nounced his Intention of not departing
until he was paid. The creditor plant­
ed himself on a chair, and Lespes be­
held him. with consternation, draw
bread and cheese from bls pockets, as
though to fortify himself against
Several hours gilded by. Lespes bad
resumed hia writing and finished an
article. The creditor showed no signs
of moving. Suddenly Lespes rose and
with bits of newspaper began carefully
blocking all tbe apertures through
which air could come into the room,
lie then made preparations for lighting
a charcoal fire, but before applying tbe
match pasted on the wall Just opposite
the creditor's eyes ■ paper thus lacon­
ically worded:
“Take notice that we died of our own
"What are you doing?’ exclaimed the
creditor uneasily.
"Your society would render life Intol­
erable. so we are going to commit sui­
cide together," answered Timothee
It is needless to say that the creditor
decamped without waiting for results
and without his money.—Argonaut
The Tillamook High School team