Tillamook Headlight» Way Ô. 1912. JOHN Notice of Sheriff’s Hale. L. HENDERSON Notisi of Application for a Licenae To Sell Spiritous, Malt, and Vinous In the Circuit Court of the State of i to bond the State $1,000,000 an- Advertis'ng Rates. ATTORNEY & COUNSEL. Oregon for Tillamook County. l Dually, to be expended under Liquors, Rte. I kgal A dvertisements : Peter Byrom, I certain ironclad conditions LOÄ-AT-LAW, Plaintiff, First Insertion, per line . ’!? where counties raise special N otice is H ereby G iven . —Tba. Each subsequent insertion, line vs. i a petition has been filed in the I taxes for work to be done under Business and professional cards. Tillamook Block,Tillain.iok,Or County Court of Tillamook County, The Garibaldi Beach We Company a cor- I 1 CO State officers directions» 1 month................. ................ Oregon, by Clarence h. Hanenkratt, - • Room No. 361. poration. Homestead Notices................... a true copy snd transcript thereof 0 (Ml are opposed to the State butting Defendant. J Timber Claims ................. 10<<> I in on the road work, for here­ 1 and of the whole thereof, is in words, Under and by virtue of an order 5 tofore there have been too many Locals per line each insertion A large delegation of Port­ letters and figures as follows, to-wit: of sale and decree of foreclosure Display advertisement, an inch. In the County Court of the State of issued out of the Circuit Court ot T T persons bossing road work. We T. BOTTS, land business men will visit 50 1 month ................................ Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. the State of Oregon for Tillamook All Resolutions of Condolence and think the people of this county Tillamook City on Monday, the To the Honorable County Court County on the 30th day of April, A- A • A ttorney - at -L aw . will agree with us that it is not 20th, who will be the guests of Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. 1912, in the above entitled suit, Complete set of Abstract B baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, April, 1912, which said decree was, Tillamook Block. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. how much money to raise and of the business men and citi­ Oregon; and have been such for on the 30th day of April, 1912, re (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) how to build roads. So our ad­ zens to offer the glad hand of more than 30 days next pieceding corded in Judgment Book 3 of said Both phones. One year......... ......... 1-; vice is to allow the counties to welcome and to show some de­ ¡the date and signing of this peti- Court, at page 41, I am commanded Six month«........................................ ' . . , attend to their own road work gree of hospitality to the visi­ | tion, and the filing thereof; having to sell: Three month» .............................. • been and now are actual residents All the following described lands without being dictated to by tors. These periodical visits of and arl haberlach legal voters within said Pre­ and premises situate, lying and Entered as second class mail mat- some person who has been ap- Portland business inen to dif­ cinct for more than 30 days next being in Tillamook County, State t'-r July, 1888, at the post office at I j Klin ted to the position to pay a ferent parts of the State are preceeding the 1st day of May, 1912. of Oregon, to-w.t: That the said Hanenkratt, is a Tillamook, Ore., under the act of political debt. This is how it All the Tide lands fronting and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, doing much to bring about a March 3, 1879. will wbrk out : It will increase get together spirit for the inter­ man of a family, and intends to abutting on Lots One (1), Two (2) build, open up and personally con­ and Three (3)-of Section Twenty-' the State tax, and to obtain a est of the entire State, bringing duct a restaurant, lunch room and two (22), in Township One (1) North! Tillamook Bioct. share of the State road fund it business men in closer touch confectionery store on the ocean of Range Ten (10) West of Wil’amette ^illamook in said Precinct to be at least Meridan, containing 96.34 acres, will increase the county tax. lone with another in the up­ 3 beach 9 miles outside of the Town ofGari- ' or less : Q^EORGE WILLETT, building and the commercial baldi, for the summer and tourist i more Aleo all the Tide lands fronting and industrial development of trade, and also desires to obtain a and abutting upon Lots Three (3) The Rural Spirit, comment ­ Editorial Snap It is true liquor license for the accommoda­ and Four (4) of Section Twenty one ing upon what we stated about all parts of Oregon. A t torney - at -L aw . that the Portland business men tion of the traveling public who de­ (21), in Township One (1) North of bolding a stock show in this mand it; hut owing to the peculiar Range Ten (10) West of Willamette Don’t be ti knocker. Try to city, had this to say : lacked the courage to pay this provisions of the liquor laws, he Meridan, containing 109.85 acres Tillamook Commercial Bnildinj. boost the city and county in­ The Tillamook Headlight suggests city a visit when they had must obtain a liquor license the more or lees, eave and except that that if instead of expending $50<) to either to mount the hurricane same as if applying for a saloon; stead. portion of said described lands con­ T illamook - O regon . # ------------------------ I $1999on a Fourth of July celebration deck of a cavuse in crossing the We hereby petition you to grant tained within the limits of a certain a liquor license to the said Hanen­ right of way heretofore conveyed Wear R broad smile and help ' at that city, that amount of money or feel the kratt, for a period of one yeai from i was divided into prizes for a three Coast mountain __ >> u-i bv Peter Byrom and wife to the boust the city and county every lay’s stock show sometime in Aug- effect of ’scuffers under while the date of the granting of the same, Pacific Railway and Navigation H. GOYNE, opportunity you have. I uat it would be far more interesting being - ■ • - *-1 — i- tossed over the high to sell spiritous, malt, fermented Company. I and attractive. We would never I places on the bars, we are glad and vinous liquors, and hard cider Together with tenements, heredi­ favor forgetting our nation’s birth or fermented cider, commonly call­ It will lie a necessary im- , day nor omitting anything that to know that they can come in ed hard cider, in said Precinct of taments and appurtenances there­ A ttorney - at L aw . unto belonging or in anywise ap­ provement for the city council 1 would promote patriotism, but greater numbers now they can Garibaldi, to be at least 3 miles out­ pertaining. Four’ll of July” like almost every­ reach Tillamook in Pullman side of the said Town of Garibaldi. I Now, therefore, notice is hereby to order a hard surfaced street thing else, lias been commercialized Dated this let day of May, 1912. giveb that on Saturday, the First cars and sleepers, equipped to the terminal grounds. I to a great extent. The attempt is with all modern conveniences 1. J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. day of June, 1912, at eleven o’clock T illamook , O regon . usually to draw a crowd and in­ a. m. ct that day, at the front door duce it to spend money. If there for travel into this long bottled 2. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. One of the good roods bills to lire speeches they are often made to of the Court Hoc.se in the city and 3. H. Mitchell. Garibaldi. county of Tillamook, I will, in obedi­ tie voted upon next November boost real estate values rather than I section of Oregon. We all Wel­ 4. L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. the change, and feel glad 5. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. ence to said order of sale and decree j is to uilow counties to bond for to perpetuate the great ideas for lcome of foreclosure, sell the above des­ T. BO ALS, M.D., E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. good roads, and there is not which our forefathers fought and . . that our visitors can now travel U. cribed property, or so much there­ Indépendance Day should ' here in ease and comfort. Let 7. John Aellig, Garibaldi. much doubt but what it will be-' suffered. of as may be "necessary to satisfj ’ 8. A. F. Goff, Hobsonville. not be forgotten nor its significance { come a law under our new sys­ overlooked, but if the gathering is j j Tillamook City do herself proud 9. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. 'Är,.Ä'."W5 híhT.! physician & SUROBOJ, when the Portland business 10. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. i merely “for fun and frolic” and its tem of legislation. and best bidder for cash. men come here, and everybody 11. Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. ; promoters look only to the financial TlHaAMuOK, Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. 12. J. A. Smith, Garibaldi. ) returns, then may the people as I help to make it a success. H. C renshaw , 13. Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. The primary election in this well gather in groups or families Sheriff of Tillamook County, 14. Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. Tillamook Block. county again proven the fact ‘ and quietly picnic or celebrate in Oregon. • 15. W. H. Derby, .Garibaldi, other simple way. The stock i COLFAX IS PAVING. that farmer« will not hold some G eorge W illet , lfl. Chas. Konger, Rockaway. show at least stands for something. I together. When it carne to re­ . It stirs up enthusiam for better Work of Paving with Bittt- 17. A. L. Daggett. Rockaway. Attorney for Plaintiff. 18 W. H. Evans, Rose City. improved nominating oue of their own stock and therefore g* M. KERRON, lithic Covers Greater Por­ 19. L. W. Fowler, Rose City. class for county commissioner methode of breeding and feeding 20. Joe Surino, Garibaldi. Notice of Sheriff ’ s Sale. with that of better farming. We tion of Street Area of 11 large number voted against agree with the Headlight that the 21. F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. him. City. stock show in August is the better 22. Victor Brener, Garibaldi. SURGEON N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That PHYSICIAN & to spend the money and believe 23. M. Adamson, Garibaldi. in pursuance of a decree of fore Another funny mix-up was* way The work of grading tlie south if once it ia tried the Tillamook Tillamook Block, 24. O. C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi. closure and order of sale duly ren­ end of Main street preparatory to 25. Carl Loll, Garibaldi. brought about in the primary . business men will say so, too. dered and entered in its journal by 20. R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi. paving baa started at Colfax with a the Circuit Court of the State of Tillamcok, election in Massachusetts. The1 Oregon. Oregon, for Tillamook County, at force of men and teams and the 27. Charles Bowers, Garibaldi. people’s choice for president The Southern Pacific Com- 28. Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. a regular term of said Court on the was Taft, and their choice for puny has decided to locate the paving company’s steam plow, says 29. Archie C. Smith, Garibaldi. 15th day of April, 1912, in a certain delegates to the Republican depot nnd freight yards for the the Spokane Spokesman. The work 30. Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. suit then pending in said court c- HAWK, 31. D. Johnson, Garibaldi of establishing the grades and con ­ wherein Robert Osborn is plaintiff national convention were men HR. & N. nt the terminal 32. B. S. Thompson Garibaldi. nnd William L. Reifenberg and who had pledged themselves to grounds, which was the Bite structing the curbing on t»oth sides 33. Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Lillian C. Riefenberg are defendants, vote for Roosevelt. originally selected for that pur- of the street is almost completed, 34. E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. in favor of plaintiff and against said PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, defendant, decreeing that plaintiff | pose. We consider that the rail- and it is expected that within two 35. M. F. Robison, Garibaldi. months Main street will be paved 30. • Gun Leon, Garibaldi. have and recover from said defend ­ Brighten-Up your residence road company has done the L. H. Holt, Rockaway. ’ ants the sum of $1000.00, with inter­ from the Catholic church north to 37. ........................... BAY CITY, OREGON. with a new coat of paint. Clean proper thing, for, as we have the courthouse. The sharp grade 38. C. E. Crowther, Rockaway. est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent 39. H. M. Davis, Rockaway. per annum from September 8th, Up the back yard, and put it in repeatedly pointed out, a pub­ at the south end of Main street will 40. C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. 1911, for the further sum of $200 00 11 clean, Hiinittiry condition. lic street is no place to be con­ be finished with a rough surface, 41. Joseph Swahaw, Garibaldi. attorney’s fees, and the costs and verted into a passenger and Then plant pretty flowers and R. BEALS, 42. J W Cook Garibaldi disbursements taxed at $17.25, and which will eliminate the alippery 43. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. shrubs to make it look bright freight tard for 11 city like Tilla­ also the costs of sale; and further condition of the street during rainy 44. J W. Foley, Garibaldi. and attractive. There are a mook. The railroad company and snowy Weather, • While thin decreeing the foreclosure of the 45. F, Bowman, Hobsonville. REAL ESTATE, mortgage in the complaint in said whole lot of residences in this saw that it could not do busi­ rough finish was not stipulated in 40. M. A. G. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. cause described; and in pursuance citv which could tie greatly im- ness in a satisfactory manner the contract existing between War­ 47. P. Byrom, Garibaldi. of an execution and order of sale F inancial A gent , proved at 11 armill cost if the under such cramped conditions, ren Construction Company and the 48. H. K. Emery, Hobsonville. duly issued out of said court under 49. Alvin A. Jurhs, Hobsonville. citi/AMis had 11 little more civic mid even had it done so for the city, the company will add this the seal thereof in said cause, to me i Tillamook, Oregon. 50. Kennedy, Hobsonville. duly directed, and dated the 27th p'’de Kvervbtidy should get next few years, it would have feature to the paving of all ateep 51. Wm. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. day of April, 1912, commanding and t .«■ Brighten-Up fever, for it is been a short time before the grades free of extra charge. 52 C. Heyes, Hobsonville. requiring me to make sale of the 53. James Heyes, Hobsonville. gMierjtllv conceded that thou- depot and freight sheds would following described real property, ~j~y. P. J. SHARP, After the south end of Main street 14. H. T. Sheldon, Hobsonville have to be removed to the ter ­ smuts ot visitors will come to to-wit: ia finished the paving crew will be 55 M. M. Mead, Lake Lytle. minal grounds. The fact of the thin city during the summer. "Beginning sixty (60) feet west of divided and the work of paving the 50. L. L. Mead, Lake Lytle. the Northwest corner of Block four ■ natter is, the Southern Pacific RESIDENT DENTIST, residence district in the South end 57. Geo. M. Gunderson, Lake Lytle. (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to sees that Tillamook City is an 58. A. Longenbaker, Lake Lytle. From present indications it the town of Bay City, Tillamook Office across the street froir th« and the north end of Main street 59. C. C. Byers, Sea View. County, Oregon, being the North­ looks as though the Oregon sys­ important business center with froir the courthouse to the O.W.R. (JO. I. A. Hush beck, I-Hke Lytle. prospects in the near future of. east corner of the tract to be des­ Court House. tem will throw the entire State A R. depot will be started. After 61 Joe Snetninger, Lake Lytle. cribed; thence West two hundred into u light over class legisla­ having a population of 10,000! thia is accomplished the company 02 M. Moroney, Lake Lytle. Dr. W ise’s office. (200) feet; thence South one hundred Henry Jennings, Lake Lytle. tion over a proposed minimum or more, and with this idea in I i will start work on paving the Pel*- 63. (100) feet; thence East two hundred 64. H. P. Sheldon, Rockaway. the r f railroad 1 r. addition ,1 zl ■ I ■ », (200) feet; thence North one hundred .¿rnnrln th t company i T ia 7 L ««• district nri.l and the 65. Arthur Davis, Rockaway. wage law, which has been pre­ • view perparing for the future devel- a„ (100) feet to the place of beginning, pared by the executive commit­ a r COU^rvl V»* vv» VllBllILl, WWllIl, III till, W. T. Coates, Rockaway. ^1^ SARCHET, and , optiient of the city. Anyway,, ___.___________ .. .r^ 67. C. L. Lindsay, Rockaway. 1'1' hn've. |comprises almost ' the entire street tee of the State Federation of. I . The Fashionable Taik* The Southwest quarter of the have- Lalwir. The bill provides thatj we think we should all ' ' area south of the O. W. R A N-. 68. L. G. Evans, Rockaway. Northeast quarter of Section eigh­ 09. )■ H. Smith, Bar View. sufficient city pride in desiring; teen (18), township One (1) North, no man over 20 years old , tracks. 70. Thomas Quinn. Garibaldi. Range nine West of the Willamette C-eauing, Pressing and Repair- shall work in Oregon for less to see au attractive depot where 71. C. R. Sutton, Garbaldi. Meridan, in Tillamook County, 72. C. E. Hanenkratt. Notice. than $2. t the colonel’s backers mid who identified with the first success­ the general public. Thanking you me thia 1st day of May, 1912 H. C renshaw , ( seal ) W ebster H olmes , D.V.M., E. REEDY, ia helping finance hia campaign, ful commercial body organized one and all for the past courtesies Sheriff of Tillamook County, Notary Public for Oregon. would bottle-up the Northwest here to make this an attractive, and looking forward to a renewal Oregon, N otice is F vrther H ereby with hi« conservation fnlncien, up-to-date business metropolis of old acquaintances, I am Yours. VETERINARY G iven ,—That said petition will be Dated May 2nd 1912 which is one of the Roosevelt of the county. That ia one of Very sincerly yours, presented to the County Court of (Both Phones i the State of Oregon, for said Til- policies. No.withstanding nil the aims and objects of the Till- I. S. Stephens. There never was a time when peo- la mook County, on the 5th day of pie apprecistt the vacant land in the south amook Commercial Club, and Post Office Box 242 Phone 1563, ;le appreciated the real merits of Orel* Tillamook June, 191., at the hour of 10 o’clock Chamberlain' ------------------jn’a Cough Remedy part of this county was placed we want to say that those who ■ 11 the forenoon of said day. and more than now. This ia shown by in a reserve under the Pinchot have business and property in­ baaed thereon said Clarence E the increase in sales snd voluntary Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. forestry administration, we are terests in the city and who are Hannenkratt will at said time, testimoninla from persons who have place, date and hour, apply to said been cured by it. If you or your inclined to think that aome of doiug nothing to help thia or­ 1st St. and 3rd Ave West. County Court for a license to be children are troubled with a cough ■ niojtizens have lived in this ganization, are not using good Chiropractor and Naturopath it granted to him. to sell within said bottled-up county so long that judgment nor do they show the moat improved acience for the Garibaldi Precinct, spiritous. malt, or cold give it a trial and become with its good qualities. they want more of it. This the progressive spirit' which cure of disease Why suffer from vinous liquors and hard cider, for acquainted For sale by all dealers. surely must have been the mo­ should strongly prevail here. If colds, catarrah rheumatism, hernia, a |>rriod of one year from the date of said license. tive some persons had who these few remarks should be It would surprise you to know of tumors and abdominal displace Dated thia 1st dav of May, 1912 the great goodWhat is being done voted for Roo-evelt in the south instrumental in still creating a C larence E. H anenkratt . ■uents, indigestion, malaaainulation by • hamberlntn’« Tablet«. Darius part of the county. stronger sentiment for all to get and the general neurotic run down Downey, of Newberg Junction. N.D.. together end pull together, we condition that follows whep the writes, “My wife has been using Now is the time to get rid of your Chamberlain's Tablets «nd finds The good roads advocate« are »hall feel wioae than repaid, it cause may be easily adjusted and rheumatism You can do it by ap­ them very effectual and doing her rude ivoriug to create a aenti- must be admitted, if Tillamook removed with no danger of other plying Chamberlain's Liniment men in favor of it State High City in to continue to be the busi­ compUcatioua, aa thete ia no drugs and massaging the parts freely at lots of good.” If you have any trouble with vour stomach fir bow- way Commission, with power ness mid manufacturing center or knives used in this system. each application. For sale by all els give them a trial Sold by all dealers. • dealers. it will be brought about bv united effort of the progressive citizens, not by drones or those who stand back and continually knock, knock, knock, stir up strife and infer that public offi­ cials are corrupt. . C I Ijetibligbt, Shots. E J Mother knows she has made the test, Tillamook Bak Bread Is the Best. We use Olympic Flour.