illainnoli ItaÖliflb TILLAMOOK, ORKGON MAY 9, 1912, Why a Checking Account ? The checking account at a good bank is a necessity with every one who wants to put system, safety and stability into his money matters. It records accurately every money transaction. It prevents the necessity of carry­ ing a large amount of cash on hand. It provides in the returned can­ Mrs. Carl A. Patzlaf entertained Dr. M. F. Shaw, the oldest practi- a number of her friends at cards tioner of Hood River, i. i„ the city Thursday afternoon, in horior of on a visit to Attorney* Henderson. her sister, who is visiting her from He is well pleased with the county the east. and may locate here. The steamer, Sue H. Elmore, Ernest Applegate, brother to Mrs. will leave Portland every Wednes­ B L Eddy, who left here about day evening, the fare being now eight*yeprs ago, was in the city on I placed at $5.(XX which will include a visit He is in the drug business | meals and berth at Roseberg. If you want a good garden, or l.ytle A Gordon handle all kinds want to grow good potatoes, use a of building materials in any fertalizer prepared for the purpose, amount and can quote tjie lowest no weed seeds. A supply at the prices in the city. See them before Tillamook Feed Co • buying. • Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­ The City Transfer Co. ate the fel­ ing purposes. Permit fortrapping lows who haul anything, anywhere, furnished. Address ’Gene M. any time. Office on Main Street, Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call Corvallis, Oregon. PS by phone, Main 051. The Home Bank Is a mighty uncertain place in which to keep savings. They are too easy to take out. Besides money saved at home doesn't earn anything. Better start an account with this bank, where everybody cannot get your money and where it will earn interest for you. You can start an account with as little as one dollar. Rev. A. R. Griggs, who was pas- Tile-Sheriff's office was a measley tor of the Presbyterian Church in place last week, but escape! being this city some years ago, but now quarantined. Sheriff Crenshaw of Townsend, Wash., was in the was home Saturday with the Ger­ ment. city on Monday. man measles, and Deputy Sheriff You can open a checking account • F. R. Beals, the pioneer real estate Johnson was nursing the same agent who took pride in driving complaint at the same time, feeting here at any time, with any sum from the spankest team in Tillamook bum. County, is going to drive the swell- Simmons Brothers and Golds a dollar up. est auto in the County. worthy’s mill is now running and The Sunday train service went in­ ready for orders. Dressed lumber CAPITA L 15th. to effect on Sunday on the weekly furnished after February $30.000 00 Dressed schedule. The trains do not carry Rough lumber $8 per M. STATE mail clerks that day, but the mail lumber will be sold at correspond­ county __ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 Church and at 8 p. m. at the Chris­ is sent through by express. Benton’s Body is Found. tian Church. The 2:30 p.m, There is to be a special meeting miles south of Tillamook The body of Jack Benton, who The excursion on Sunday from meeting will be a union meeting of was drowned in the Trask river on of the Tillamook Commercial Club, all the churcheH of the town and Dr. S. M. Kerron was called to on Monday evening to make arra'ng- Hillsboro brought 125 persona to will organize at that time a local Sunday afternoon, January 7th, Portland on Tuesday on account of ment for the visit of Portland busi­ this city on the train, which arriv­ was found in the cut-off of that Uilion. the serious illness of his sister. ed here about noon. The game of ness men to thia city, May 21. Mis. W. H. Goyne is quite serious­ Mrs. Unruh, who has a national river on Tuesday. Benton with Joe base ball in the afternoon between We have two secondhand wagons Gnt, shells, meat scrape, ground reputation aa an orator of superior Brown and P. Sherman, were goiug ly sick. slightly used that can be bought bone, blood meat, charcoal, scratch the Commercial Club and Hillsboro talent, will give a series of lectures down to the bay in a boat the day Diet for filling yards, for sale. — • ata bargain. Tillamook Feed Co. • food, baby chick food, egg food, proved a decided victory for the along the line of Woman's Christian he was drowned. There wus n J. R. Harter. home team with a score of 9 to 2. Mother’s Day at the Church of in fact all chicken supplies at the Temperance Union work and freshet in the river at the time, and 1000 Choice Strawberry plants for When the train left Hillsboro it was when the boat struck a log it threw Christ, Sunday. Attend, there will Tillamook Feed Co. General Supply principles.________________ pouring with rain and about 150 Sale See Shrode. Benton out of the boat head first. be something for you in this service. Store. • persons backed out. The state of the river was such that Born, on the 1st inst., to the wife I Wheaton Lost the Contract. You can get the genuine Eastern Oregon and Washington Travel - his companions could not render Final arrangements have been of G. Hoover, a son. corn feed meats at the Tillamook er’s Protective Association of Amer­ I Ralph R. Wheaton, who win any assistance and Benton was list Born, to the wife of Edwin Hanen- Feed Company General Supply ica is planning an excursion to made by the Portland Commercial Club for the visit of business men awarded the contract for the build­ able to battle against the current, kratt, on the 1st, a girl. Store. • this city from Portland in the near of that city to Tillamook, The date ing of the new high school, having and he was soon drowned. The de­ Baby Crib and mattress for sale. Tillamook vs. Nehalem will play future. They expect to come here is May 21st to the 23rd, and the dele­ failed to file his bond in the sfieci- ceased came here with his wife and Inquire of Ira C. Smith. • another game of baseball at Still­ 500 strong. gation will number 100 of the pro­ tied time, the School Board can­ child from Falls City, Oregon, about Fred Wheeler is seriously sick well Park in this city next Sunday His Notwithstanding that the South­ minent business men of Portland. celled the contract. It seems that a week before the accident. afternoon. again with heart trouble. ern Pacific Co. has returned the It is proposed to give them a ban­ after the contract was signed that parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Benton, S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1,00 per F. S. Whitehouse, who has been Front Street franchise, it is still the quet consisting of things raised in Mr. Wheaton claimed extra pay for reside in thia city. , setting cf 13. A. M. Ginn. visiting in Southern California for intention of those who circulated Tillamook, and ft is safe to say certain Work that was in tile con­ The body Was found by F. A. Arm­ One 63 egg Petaluma Incubator several weeks, returned to this city the petition to refer it to the vote of this will be appreciated, although tract, and fearing that there would strong, and Coroner lluwk came on Sunday. for sale. King A Smith Co. the people. . we in Tillamoo'i have not reached be considerable trouble, the Board to this city mid held nn inquest. The remain* were buried in the For Sale,—one thorough bred Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Case returned Acting on the recommendation of that stage of civilization to raise thought it beat to give the contract Oddfellows’ Cementery on Wednes­ Morgan mare, cheap; also small the April grand jury, the county some of the "critter” or anything 1 to Snook A Traver, of Salem, not- day. from Portland on Saturday. ________________ horse.—W. B. Powell, court has employed Max Crandal , in the malt line. If is proposed to 1 withstanding that there is a differ­ For sale,—Herd of Cows. Enquire Canadian Price« for Hog* • to expert the county books. Mr. take the visitors in autos to some ence of $1,400 in the bids. An Mr» at the Desmond place, Netarts. • • South Prairie. of the cheese factories, excursions ' Snook built the court house and Mother ’ s Day at the Church of Crandal experted the books some Light hogs 150 lbs »W Wanted. 100,000 pounds of Bees 1 to the bay, and part of the time to ' did a good job, the Board thought 150 lbs. to 200 lb*. Be. Christ, Sunday. Attend, there will years ago. Wax. Clough’s Drug Store. 200 lbs." to 250 lbs. 7V»c. Bay City. When the Commercial u better building would be con­ be something for you in thia ser- A fire alarm was turned in on 300 lbs. and over, 7c C. W. Clements returned Friday Club meets Monday evening the structed. Mr. Wheaton claims that vice. Tillamook Meal Comp ar.y. Tuesday morning, but it proved to from a business trip to Portland. program will be arranged for the ’ his bond was in the post office in C. H. Bogart, who ran th« fruit be a false alarm. It was caused by entertainment of U13 Portland VÌHÌ 1 time but he was delayed in getting lumie back is usually caused by Ernest Thedrich made a brief and candy store now occupied by one of the railrosd men crossing 1 here. He is making assertions tluit rlieiiiuulisiii of tin- muscles of the business trip to Portland last week. Honey A Son. died in California the wires, who was unaware he had ' tors. , he was turned down for other res- back, for which you will find noth­ For Sale, a full blood Holstein last month. ing better than Chamberlain’s Lini­ caused all the commotion. ! mm», which are not true. The Killkare Klub. Heifer Calf.—Apply to B. H. Hath- I ment. For aule by all dealers. Mrs. W. A. High and children, of Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. —------------------------------------------------------- way. Cloverdale, spent the week end at Smith, speaks German. Surgery, May 2nd, the Killkare Klub again Mrs. Babi is quite seriously ill; the home her parents, Mr. and ear, eye, nose and throat Office in gathered together for a study ‘•after­ Mrs. C. N. Drew is also on the sick Mrs. A. Watt. the Commercial Building, opposite noon" with all members present. list. Another open air band concert the Todd Hotel. All calls answered Mrs. Hoskins, Jr., heing the rentier, Jack Jensen wife and daughter, by The Tillamook Cornet Band, day or night. Both phones. • I which was a very interesting des­ Morns Parkhurst, have settled at will be given next Saturday even­ Carpets, Rugs and Mattresses cript on of "A Trip to Tolstoi’s Lents. cleaned with a first class vaccum Home," who was one of the great­ OVER POST-OFFICE. ing. We will sell you a buggy for less How to solve the heat problem. carpet cleaner ; good work and the est men of Russia. The hostess, money than it has cost us. Ask Buy A bekdare (Australian) Coal. beet of satisfaction given by F. E. Mrs. Haberlach, had prepared a Shrode. * 1.—35<4 acres in cultivation. Free city water. 0*4 miles S. E $4,500. Telephone Main No. 1771. Lamb* Pangborn. leave orders st Jones- unique little game for the social hour, Mrs. Chester Honkins win­ Knudson Furniture Store. 2 — 16 acres in cultivation. Spring wnter Oretown.—$2,260. Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Schrader Cd. 3. —05 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and stock.—$10,000. ning the prise. The luncheon was mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. As a pleasant reminder of her The merits of Dement’s Best is 4. —160 acres, Castle Rock ran h. 314 miles S.E. of llebo.—$7000' delicious and the table wan daintily per pound. 5. —House and Lot in town.-$525.00. proven by those who buy nothing birthday, the ladies of the Alton decorated with profusions of violets 6. —Fine Residence, central Tillamook Cit Ity. $2,100. They say the Diamond W. line else of us but their flour. Tilla- Society of the Catholic Church, gave and the place cards were also in 7 —House and Two Lots, Miller* «addition, , Tillamook 7“ City. $1,500. • Mrs. S. S. Johnson, wife of Attorney can’t be beat for quality.—Tilla­ inook Feed Co. 8.—100 acre«. Dairy Ranch. Ranch. Pleasant -• v ■ al fev.—$7,500. keeping with the decorations. Johnson, a pleasant surprise party W. — 40 acres on . — . _____ _ mook Feed Co. * Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1.700. Cement is the Golden Gate After voting it another helpful on Friday last, when an enjoyable 10. —160 acre«, Timber Claim on Miami river —$4,500. afternoon, the Klub adjourned to Gee! but that Diamond W. Steel standard for house and barn blocks. fine timber. 1,980. M? feet.—$1,«K 11. —80 acre« - time was participated in. i meet two weeks hence with Mrs. cut coffee is good, get it at the Tilla­ Sold by Lamb-Schrader Co., Tele­ 12. —40 acres. Well unproved. New building. 4*4 miles S.— $8,000. Attorney H. T. Botts received the John Lamar. 13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.--$3,000. phone Main No. 1771. • mook Feed Co. * nomination for Joint Senator, but | 14. —30 acre«. Four miles south. Al) improved. —96,600. Mrs. Della Lucy, sister-in-law of On the first of June Bay City 15. —30 acres. 371 3Ji nines miles soutn. south. tiair Half improve«. improved. s-i.ruw $3,500 it was on the Democratic ticket, The Swastika Club. post-office will become a postal G. H. Ward, was in on a visit and 16. —150 Lot« aud Hotel site, Long Beach add. to Bayocean.$16,000. and Attorney C. W. Talmage’s little i 17. —80 acre« mile» S.E. Tillamook.-Ri.800. left for her home in ' Portland, the saving bank office. boomlet for Congressman did not I The Swaetika Club met on Friday, 18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked.—$22,500. Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ first part of the week. materialize, the honor falling upon April 26th, at the home of Mrs. 19. — The finest residence in Tillamook — «4,700. mook Meat Company’s Market We 20. —240 acres 5W miles S.E. Dairy Rsnch.— $43,200. Dr. H. D. Bowers was called to another good Democrat Besaie Lamar. There were a num­ 21. —60 acres. Neetucca bottom. IXiiry Ranch.—$11,000. Portland on professional business pay 13c. per pound. The members of the Library ber of guests and several children, , Mrs. E. F. Finley and Mias Wilma on Thursday morning, and expects Board are making out a list of besides the members of the Club, Finley left on Tuesday for a visit to return in a few days. A very enjoyable after­ books to purchase. Anyone who present. I. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved, Will trade for bottom to relatives at Newberg. Chester Hoskins left on Wednes­ has in mind titles of books suitable noon was spent in sewing and chat­ land only.—$15,000. Z—10 acres. Orchard. Buildings _ coat $6,000. — $18 Oil) C. R. Hovert. who has been sick day for Bandon, where he will enter for library use, if they will kindly ting, with a pleasiag game in which 1—24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvement«. i!|nuTriiicm. —ans, $36,000.! ijuu .! for several months, came in from the life saving station. Mrs. Hos­ band list to Librarian the Board Mrs. Crenshaw took first prize and 4.—4254 acre«. Part Orchard. Balance raw. — $25,000.; Mrs. Smith consolation. Then all Portland on Sunday. kins will leave for there later. will add them to their list 5 —15 acrea. All fruit. Good improvements. -$30,000 were invited into the dining room, A -II acres. All in fruit. Good improvement».—$10,000. The Ray Feed Co. has rented the Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton Now is the time to put in your 7. —Business Lot, Hood River.-$10.000. corner store of the Commercial or 4.30 for half ton, or good fir wood order for rough lumber, al the Faw­ where the hoateaa, assisted by her II. —KM acrea. Ms acres cleared. Fine apple land. $8,000. sister and neice, Mrs. Reifenberg Building on Main Street. already sawed for $5.75 per cord or cett Creek Saw Mill, located 7 miles and Mias Jessie, served the moat Miss Perle Henwood, of Portland, $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. • south of Tillamook, as the price delicious and appetizing of lunch­ came in on Friday to visit her sta­ L--UO0 scree. Orchard Ijind. Mostly raw. For sale only in Final arrangementa will soon be will be 97.00 per thousand, for a eons. The place cards and decora­ tracts to suit. tes, Mrs. Blaine Chatterton. made for the erection of a new limited time only. If you cannot tions carried out the Easter thought and sixty call send in your order by mail. « hotel with between fifty Everyone fait glad to lie present at The only genuine "Standard Port­ Tillamook land Cement" to be had in the city, rooms, opposite the 1.—Two l-ots Portland Heights (12,(Hi. No* that the automobile rush in so pleasant a gathering. The Clnh Block Z—Three lx>t». Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant.—(1,500. at the Tillamook Feed Co. over we are repairing any and will meet with Mrs. Altieri Plank, 1- Fine Residence Mt Talsir. Furnished. —(8.800. Mother's Day at the Church of everything. Gunn, locks and keys, May 24th. Tillamook Meat Company Lard 4. - Equity in 2 lots. Capital Hill add.—(MIL Christ, Sunday. Attend, there will lypwriters, cash registers and 5. —8 laits. Purrell’s nd«l to Woodlawn, Portland. —$4,300. absolutely pure ; $1.40. 10 lb. pail , be something for you in this service. complicated machinery a specialty. W.C.T.U. Meeting». 75c., 51b. pail ; 50 Ilk can 12c. At" Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any 1.—8 acres In town Five acres In cultivation. Fine creek.—$2,400; Mrs. Ads Wallace Unruh, of thing that *e can’t repair we will Portland, State President and buy. a ■ 1. —Uli acres. All good fruit lands. 4 seres orchard. Building* National organizer and Lecturer of • - - ____ $12,