Tillamook Headlight, Way 2, 1912. a EGYPT’S GREEN SUN. They Kiss and Make Up. -||' WHEN BUYING STOCKS. PHILIPPINE SAVAGES. ~ _ ____ \A/«II Wall fti-aat 8 Do as th« « Suec««sful 8i.-««t Spec­ Tba Uncouth Tingians Are Fond of , Ornaments and Gay Colors. ulator Does. If you want to speculate buy stocks 1 There are many struuge, uncivilized I that Wall street speculators buy. Don’t people among tbe Asiatic Americans buy things offered by smooth tongued tt tbe Philippine Islands. The Tingians are a very uncouth agents working for a handsome com­ mission. Don't buy stocks that are tribe of savages. Tbelr bead women guaranteed to have a big advance. have tbelr arms almost completely The successful Wall street speculator covered with strings of beads, wound never tries to make money In these •o as to form beautiful and striking sort of things. He buys stocks that ••signs. A long, heavy string of beads è- have passed muster and been listed on to also twisted around tbe hair and to tbe zenltb. Tbe same phenomenon occurs at sun­ the exchange. Before they can be list­ hangs down tbe back like a braid. Th« ed the company must make a report •klrt of these bead women is white, rise. but less conspicuously. Some­ that will justify listing. While this re­ with a blue border, and the waist Is of •ire times at sunset, Just as tbe last portion of the suo's disk vanishes, its color port is not as complete as it should be. light yellow. They smoke pipes of changes from green to blue, and so also it bars out all the wildcat propositions solid silver, ornamented with bangles. by which the people are being swin­ in the bowls of which pieces of cigar after it bas disappeared the sky near •re inserted. tbe horizon is green, while toward the dled. It is just as easy to buy listed stocks The typical young Tlnglan chieftain zenith It is blue. wears a stiff collar of beads and a gay­ Tbe fact was, of course, observed by as any other. Brokers of good stand the ancient Egyptians, and references Ing In the stock exchange are advertis­ ly colored calico shirt, over which Is a thereto are found in tbelr sacred writ­ ing in reputable publications, and one sort of scarf trimmed with many sil­ ings. Day was the symbol of life and can always open up a correspondence ver coins. The members of this tribe I i' night that of death The setting sun with a broker and have his questions •re very fond of silver. They make a being Identified with Osiris, that god freely and fully answered. The broket large number of finger rings from silver coins, and each man usually has became king of the dead. The setting likes nothing better than to answer let sun was green; therefore Osiris as the ters from a customer or from a pro­ from five to ten of these rings about Notice of Application for a License nocturnal deity of tbe dead was paint­ spective customer bls person, but not necessarily on his To Sell Spiritous, Malt, and Vinoua If any one is timid about dealing Angers. ed gteeu. Liquors, Etc. Tbe splendid coffins of the high with a broker he can always deal The Tingians are fond of a peculiar priests of Ammon frequently depict through his bank or get a reference to dance. The music is produced by beat­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That tbe green sun. and the funeral deities some broker from bls banker.—Jasper, ing with the palms of the hands on a petition has been filed in the are all colored green. This association In Leslie's. “gunsas" or tomtoms. The dancers, a County Court of Tillamook County, of death with green was undoubted­ mau and a woman, with arms out­ Oregon, by Clarence E. Hanenkratt, ly due to the green tints of the Egyp­ stretched. circle about each other in a a true copy and transcript thereof AND ICE. tian sun at sunset.—Youth's Compan­ spiral, tbe man pursuing the woman and of tiie whole thereof, is in words, letters artnl figures na follows, to-wit: with a quick. Jerky step. As they ap­ ion. th* Process That Begins When Th« Inti County Court of tiie State of proach the ceuter of the spiral he sud­ Two Arc Mixed. Oregon, for theCounty of Tillamook. WITH AN ARAB. It Is not correct to say that salt dis­ denly swoops upon her, when sbe al­ To the Honorable County Court solves ice. since real solution only takes ways eludes him by suddenly darting above named: It Protect» Ev«n Murderers Wh«r« th« place when a solid, liquid or gas is out of his reach.—Forrest Clark in Les­ We, the undersigned, hereby al­ lie's. Cup Hss Been Shared. dissolved in a liquid. lege and show to you the following Describing the hospitality of an Ara­ facts, and petition you as follows: Tbe true explanation of the fact that bian home, tbe "Last Journal of Bish­ Ice melts when common salt is added That we, and each of us are resi­ AND dent» and legal voters within Gari­ op Hannlngton" says: to it depends upon tbe simple physical M.S. Church Service*. baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, forth in said petition aro_true as I Tbe great event of the visit Is th« principle that when a salt Is dissolved Evsry Organ of the Human Body Has Oregon; and have been aueb for verily believe. coffee. Tbe host has a kind of brazen in water heat Is absorbed ana ita tem­ Its Periods of Repose. C larence E. H anenkratt . 10 a. m.—Sunday School. more titan 30 (lays next preceding Subscribed and sworn to before All tbe organs of life rest in some 11 a. m.—Sermon Subject, “Aflfin shovel brought, in which he roasts th« perature Is lowered. When salt and ics the date and aigning of thia peti­ beans; then be takes a pestle and mor­ are mixed together some of tbe salt way or other. The heart has an Inter­ tion, nnd tiie tiling thereof; having me thia 1st day of May, 1912. ites.” ( seal ] W ebster H olmes , tar of tbe oak of Bastian, and with his dissolves In the small amount of wa­ val of rest between each combined act been and now are actual residents 7 p.m.—Epworth League. Notary Public for Oregon. own bands be pounds it to powder, and legal voters within said Pre­ of contraction and expansion and tbe N otice is F urther H ereby 8 p.m.—Song and Sermon, ‘ Hero­ making the bard oak ring forth a song ter which is always present, the tem­ cinct for more than 30 day» next Between perature Is thereby lowered, and a new beginning of a fresh act GIVEN, — That said petition will be proceeding tiie 1st duy of Muy, 1912. of the Cross.” of welcome to the guest. Many of i ism 1 each expiration of the lungs and tbe freezing point Is established. That tiie said Hanenkratt, is a presented to tl»e County Court of J ames T. M oore , pastor. these pestles and mortars are heir­ The remainder of the Ice. being at a succeeding inspiration there is a period man of a family, and intends to tile State of Oregon, for said Til­ looms and are richly ornamented and temperature higher than this new of repose. Physiologists have calcu­ build, often up and personally con­ lamook County, on the Sth day of beuutlfully black and polished by age lated that the heart reposes during duct a restaurant, lundi room and June, 1912, at tiie hour of 10 o’clock Now is the time to get rid of your and use. Such was tbe one In ques­ freezing point, slowly melts, and more confectionery «tore on the ocean in tbe forenoon of said day, and rheumatism salt is dissolved until tbe solution is about one-fourth of tbe time. Certain You can do it by ap­ tion. based thereon «aid Clarence E. Having druuk coffee (for th« beach in «aid Precinct to beat least saturated. Tbe temperature can In this of the other organs suspend their ac­ Chamberlain’s Liniment will at said time, plying 3 miles outside of the Town of Gari­ Hannenkratt honored guest the cup Is filled three and massaging tbe parts freely at way be lowered to 22 degrees C.. which tivity in part during sleep. place, date and hour, apply to said baldi, for the summer and tourist Did physiologists supposed that sleep each application. For sale by all times), you are quite safe In tbe bands Is tbe freezing point of a definite com­ County Court for a license to be trade, and also desires to obtain a of the most murderous. was caused by tbe pressure of the pound of Balt and water. liquor license for the accommoda­ granted to him, to sell within said dealers. So far do they carry this superstition tion of ths traveling public who de­ Garibaldi Precinct, spiritous, malt, There never was a time when peo-1 The salts dissolved In sea waters blood on the brain. But modern physi­ that a mau who bad murdered another mand it; but owing to the peculiar vinous and hard cider, for a period serve a very Important purpose, as It ology. with a tendency to regard the provisions of the liquor laws, he of one year from the date of said pie appreciated the real merits of ■ fled to tbe dead man’s father and be­ requires a greater degree of cold to brain as the origin of all force and of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, fore he knew what had happened drank must obtain a liquor license the license. all functions of tbe body. Inclines to Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. more than now. This is shown by ' coffee. Presently friends came In and cause tbe formation of Ice on them same as if applying for a saloon; the view that sleep is caused by a C larence E. H anenkratt . tiie increase in sales and voluntary • as they were relating tbe news to the than on fresh water. We hereby petition you to grant withdrawal of blood from the brain. testimonials from persons who have bereaved father recognized the mur­ a liquor license to the aaid Hanen- As a rule, tbe larger the brain tbe been cured by it. If you or your krntt, for a oerlod of one year from Bonepart« and Mils. Montansisr. E REEDY, D.V.M., children are troubled with a cough derer crouching beside the fire. They more sleep It requires. Webster went the date of ttie granting of the same, The Cafe Corazzu, In tbe Palais Roy ­ or cold give it u trial and become Instantly demanded vengeance. “No.” to sell spiritous, malt, feriuented to bed at 9 o’clock and rose at 5. Gen­ acquainted with its good qualities. said the father, "it cannot be. He has al. had many interesting clients In Its eral Grant used to say during his cam­ und vinoua liquors, and hard cider VETERINARY For sale by all dealers. drunk coffee and bas thus become to time. It was there that General Bona or fermented cider, commonly call­ paigns, "1 can do nothing without nine parte, then only a general of brigade, ed hard cider, in aaid Precinct of me as my son.” (Both Phones). hours’ sleep." Garibaldi, to be at least 3 mile« out Had be not drunk coffee the father asked his friend Barras to dud him a A curious trait has marked men of It would surprise you to know of would never have rested until be bad rich wife, and Barras suggested Mlle. ■ide of the aaid Town of Garibaldi. Tillamook Oregon, the great good that is being done large brain—that of sleeping at will. Dated this 1st duy of Muy. 1912. Montansler. tbe proprietress of tbe ad ­ dyed bls bands in his blood. Bonaparte used to throw himself on by Chamberlain’s Tablets. Darius 1. J G. Bulmer, Garibaldi. jacent Theatre Montansler. She was 2. C. V. Stoker, Guribaldi. Downey, of Newberg Junction, N.D., tbe ground and go to sleep within a sixty-three, but she was well preserved Drug Stor« Signs. 8. H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. writes, “My wife has been using space of two minutes. Pitt was a Every one has noticed tbe beautiful and might have passed for forty-five, sound sleeper and slept night after Chamberlain's Tablets and finds 4. L. L. Smith, Guribaldi. 5. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. them very effectual and doing her colors In the large glass Jars that stand and she was believed to have accumu­ 0. K. Beelitz, Garibaldi. j lots of good.” If you have 'any 1« tbe drug store windows, but every lated a fortune of £48,000. Bonaparte night la the bouse of commons while 7. John Aellig, Garibaldi. trouble with your stomach or bow­ one does not know why drug stores use asked to be Introduced, and Barras his colleagues watched tbe debate and 8. A. F. Goff, Hobsonville. els give them u trial. Sold by all that sign In tbe old days apothecaries presented him and assures us in bis roused him when it was necessary that 9. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. dealers. he should speak.—New York Herald. and alchemists were the only druggist«, memoirs that tbe match would have 10. Sam Johnson, Guribaldi. come off if It bad not been for the and they made up their own nostrums, 11. Andy Hayden. Garibaldi. Good Business. After that the composition of which was supposed events of Vendémiaire. 12. I. A. Smith, Garibaldi. A famous pistol shot told a shooting A j .D r W m .P funder ’ s 13. Wm, Dowd, Guribaldi. memorable day of tbe "whiff of grape- to be a great secret. They used to story at a supper In San Francisco. 14. Wm. Keys, Garibuldi. leave tbelr retorts and jars and stills shot" the future emperor broke off tbe "There was a party of amateurs here 15. W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. and bottles in tbe window to impress engagement, feeling himself too Impor­ 16. Chas. Fonger. Rockaway. tant to marry a superannuated actress, In Frisco.” he said, "who thought they upon tbe passersby tbe mystery and A Tonic. Alterative and Reaoivent. The 17. A. I.. Daggett. Rockuway. beat remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Importance of their business. Tb* even for tbe sake of having the spend­ would do some live pigeon shooting, li W. 11, Evans, Rose City. Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders so they ordered thirty birds from a of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives modern drug store bas no use for re­ ing of her savings.—Pall Mall Gazette. 19. I.. W. Fowler, Rose City. suburban dealer. Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system. torts and stills, all tbe processes being 2i>. Joe Suri no, Garibaldi. “The shoot came off duly. It was a 21. F. C. Robison, Guribaldi. handled by the big chemical factories, Example Battar Than PreSspt. wonder To give you a correct Idea L . Victor Brener, Guribaldi. but tbe large jars full of bright colored John Wesley, accompanied by one of 23. M. Adamson, Garibaldi. liquids are still left In the window, just bis preachers, was once dicing at tbe of It I must quote from a letter sent 24. O. C. lluwthorne, Garibaldi. Report of the Condit ’ oa of the as they were hundreds of years ago,— bouse of a rich Methodist. Tbe tables by the dealer to the amateurs the next 25. Curl I.oll, Garibaldi. New York Sun. were spread with a libera! meal, but day. The letter ran: JH. R. K. Jackson, Garibaldi " •Gentlemen—I thank you for your Wesley's companion no sooner saw it 27. Charles Bowers, Garibaldi. order and beg to state that I will be 28. Lloyd C. Smith, Guribaldi. Papulation by Rao«. than he said: At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of Tbe population of the world by raca 29. Archie C Smith. Guribaldi. "Ob, sir. what ■ sumptuous dinner! only too happy to supply you with business April 18th, 1912. :«>. Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. is: Indo-Germanlc (white). 550.000,- Things are very different from what birds for all future shoots. The en­ 31. D. lolinson, Garibaldi 000; Mongolian (yellow and brown), they once were, I fear there is but tire thirty pigeons, for which you paid 32. B. S. Thompson. Garibaldi. RESOURCES 630,000.000; Semitic (white). 65,000,000; little self denial among Methodists In me 15 cents a head, returned borne 33. Chaa. Morgan. Garibaldi. safely and. moreover, brought two Negro (black), 150.000.000; Malay these days.” 3*. K. Kruinlauf, GaribaldL Loans and discounts .............................. (brown). 3f>.000.000; American Indian "My brother,” said Wesley, pointing strays with them. My price to you .15. M. F. Robison, Garibuldi. (red), 15,000.000. This latter figure in­ to tbe table, "there is a fine opportu­ hereafter will be 1 cent per pigeon.’ 36. Guo I ron. Garibaldi. Overdrafts secured and unsecured .17. I.. II. Holt. Rockuwuy. Los Angeles Times. cludes every vsriety of tbe redman la nity for self denial now." Honda and warrants .................................. M C. K. Crowther, Rockuwuy. all parts of the eartb. tbe actual num­ Tbe bint was not taken, but tbe re­ 39. II. M. Davis, Rockuway. Stocks and other securities .............. ber of Indians in North America being buke did its work. Where They Resemble. **• C. I- Alexander, Garibaldi. Banking house .......................................... “A man, like a watch. Is known by much lesa than a million. The white 41. Joseph Swsliuw, Garibuldi. bis works,” observed tbe epigram mak­ race is Increasing much faster than 4'.’ I \\ Cook Garibaldi Furniture attd fixtures .......... .. ............. Cabal Past«. er. tb« others, owing probably to Its an* i ii- D'nbaldi. To mak« a food past« for labels mix Other real estate owned.......................... perlor Intelligence and scientific knowl­ together with cold water until they L 'J- G«”haldi. “And by tbe hours be keeps," added edge of medicine and sanitation.—N** form a smooth cream four ounce« of tbe wife. Due from banks (not reserve banks). . - J'”1"»". Hobsonville. .. . J’ Kr“««)l»uf. GaribaldL York American. "And by the spring In him,” said the flour and an ounc« and a half of brows Due from approved reserve banka .... 47. P. Byro n, Garibaldi. sugar. Then pour In boiling water, athlete. Jo V; , ' Hobsonville Checks and other cash items .............. Sounded All Right. "And by bls being sometimes fast.” stirring all the Urne till the right con­ 49. Alvin A. Jurhs. Hobsonville. Cash on baud.............................. ................ Patience—Well, be told tbe tnitK sistency la obtained. Add Are or six remarked the reformer. 50. Um Kennedy, Hobsonville. anyway Patrice— How so? Patience— drops of carbolic add to keep the 1» hkro”'. Hobsonville "And by the way his bands go up," 52. t Heyeo. Hobsonville. When be was buying tb« solitaire ne paste from becoming sour, and when It put In tbe pugilist. Tidal . ... **01,308.06 « V.’vr"' Hob^mVille told th« jeweler It was for a alatar. has been well stirred tn tbe compound “And by his not always going when LIABILITIES. M M M l,rT V0^00’11’* Patrie«—Wall. I’m sure that wasn’t will be flt for use. we want him to," finished tbe girl i . « * “,,e Lytle true. Patience— Why. ye«; when b« of­ wbo’d been robbed of her beauty sleep. 1., I Meadg Luk* Lvtle Cush stock paid in ............................................... *30,000.00 fered It to tbe girl sbe promised to be —Boston Transcript 3. Getj. M. Gunderoon. Luk« Lvtle. A Truth T«ll«r. Stirpine fund............................................................ a slater to him.—Yonkers Statesman. 2,300.00 ta C ’ “ke l >tl. "D* you think 1 11 get justlcoF ask- « J S' View Reading Character. Cndivided profit«, 1 cm expense» und taxes •d tbe culprit of his lawyer. m I* \ »'»•»'tieck. Luke L ytle Eager ta Pleas«. Careful Parent—Before I can giro "I ’ m afraid not. ” answered tbe law ­ paid ................................... ...................................... 01. Jiw snetoinger, Lake Lytle 16.881.24 "I want you to see if you can t Ind yer. who had taken the trouble to col­ consent to your proposed marriage to »- M. Moroney Lake Lvtle Deposit* due State Treasurer ....................... out that 1 am descended from a king," 4,000.00 lect his fee In advance and could there­ ■y daughter I must know something 6 e,p ‘ Lytle, aaid the man who bad become sudden­ fore be candid. "You know they don’t •bout your character. Suitor—Cer­ Individual deposits subject to check ........ oi » .! Rockaway 287,317.47 ly rich. tainly. sir, certainly I Here Is my U- *•' H'*k*w*r bang In this state."-Lippincott** Demand certificate» of deposit ......................... 3,496.97 "Very well, sir." replied tb« genealo­ r C i* Rookaway bank book. Careful Parent (after a Postal Saving» deposits........................ .......... gist "We bave a large stock of Ungs glance)—Take her, my sou, and ba 380.02 W.rking Him. i 1« Rockaway to «elect from. Have you any prefer- Time certificate* of deposit.............................. 32,238 12 "George, dear." «aid the young wife, Sappy.—Loudon Ttt-BIta. Tri ■’M* View •ncer-Cblcage Record Herald. a C R 's!‘.?uh"\ ‘•-'“’"Mi. •you are growing handsomer every Saving» depqqpt................... ................................. 34.286.99 - » ** *. •’*?'**• •ver be Inquired of tbe doctor. ' What's »be will first bsve to break off four or the tore»“»« ot 1. Erwin Harrison, cashier of the above named bank do tee - toy name now V other engagements."-Washington Signed the oauie m mv Xiotaer» that each at.,ed h ? "*y P **e®ce, solemnly »wear that the above statement ia true to the beat of Herald re.,de^.^.^ Th«r« 1« « Different«. my knowledge and belief. E rwin H arrison . Caahier What Is tbe difference be tween • cradle and a Scotsman's baby? The -‘..ny.re».^“^ one is ■ child's cot and tbe other Is • ■cot’s child.—London Th Bits ss-eeiUn« May H P Ti E Deputy District Attorney Willett was called up soon after one o’clock on Tuesday morning by a man named Larsen, who waa employed by Maa. Jennie Cone on the farm at Netarts. It seems that M. J. Cone, who waa divorced from hia wife at the circuit court, suddenly returned on Monday afterqoon and with a shot gun threatened Larsen, who became so scared that lie came to the city to swear out u complaint against Cone. Sheriff Crenshaw went to Netarts early Tuesday morning to investigate the trouble. He found that Larsen had taken extraordinary long strides in hie hurry to get away from Cone, and thut Mr. und Mrs Cone had decided to live together again, and will go to Vancouver and be re married. Cone turned all hie money over to his wife, declaring he could nut live without her. Brilliant Emerald Hu«s Tint th« Sky at Morn and Eve. In Egypt, where the atmosphere la very clear, the green tints of the sunset light are peculiarly distinct. As tbe sun descends nearer and nearer to tbe horizon and is Immensely enlarged its rays suddenly become for an instant of « brilliant green. Then a succession of green rays suffuses tbe sky well nigh B a K inô -P owder Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts ■X The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar SALT COFFEE SLEEP J Mother knows she has made the test, Tillamook Baker's Bread Is the Best. We use Olympic Flour. -n U mbíoodpú RIFIÍR TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, •i tbe tact« *ei' tu^r^. "T- c>ri ” *• REST.