* 4 Tillamook Haadlight, May 2, 1912. FISCAL REFORMS PRODUCE RESULTS EVEN DEMOCRATS APPROVE Under Taft Reorganization Accom­ plished, Fraude Stopped and Law Violatore Punished—Divorood From Wall Street. ARCTIC INDIAN LIFE. RUNNING AMOK. A Horoio Mother and Her Reward A Manis For Murder That Is Peculiar When Her ton Was Grown. lu “The Arctic Prairies.” by Ernest Thompson Seton, a grewsouie picture of ludiau life la glveu lu tbe following Incident: ’•One winter, forty or fifty years ago. a band of Algonquin Indians at Ways- blmlka all starved to death except one squuw aud her baby. She fied from tbe camp, carrying the child, thinking to find frleuds and help at Nipigon Hoose. She got as far as a »mall lake near ¡leer lake and there discovered a cache, probably In a tree. This con­ tained one small bone fishhook She rigged up a line, but bad no bait. "The wailing of the baby spurred her to action. No bait, but she had a knife. A atrip of flesh was quickly cut from her own leg. a bole made through the Ice. and a fine jackfisb was tbe food tbat was sent to this devoted mother She divided it with the child, saving only enough for bait. She stayed there living on fish until spring. ( hen safely rejoined her people. "Tbe boy grew up to be a strong man. but waa cruel to his mother, leav- Ing her finally to die of starvation. Anderson knew the woman She showed him tbe scar where the cut the bait ” — • AIRYMEN’S d supplies STEEL STOVES 8c RANCES ts Orisntal Ceuntriss. The expression “run aiuuck" is tbe Anglicized form of a term used In some parts of tbe orient to describe a form of homicidal mania, accompanied by a frenzied plunge In any and every direc­ tion. In tbe countries where tbe luui sdy originated tbe word applied to It was "amok.” The corrupted form of It la now applied in a acore of ways— witbout much warrant. In Malacca. Slam. Java and adjacent regions tbe mental state which cause* amok Is well defined and much dread­ ed It is attributed almost Invariably to excessive drinking of stimulants. The victim first turns morose, gener­ ally remaining In this state for several days. Then he is suddenly seized with tbe mania for slaughter and starts ou bls mad run with tbe first weapon be i can reach. I Extra precautions against these mad ravages are taken in some of tbe more 1 civilized places, especially Batavia i There tbe police are armed with what ’Is called a catch fork. Tbe Instant the victim of amok starts on bis mad dash be finds himself hooked by a minion l of tbe law and held firmly tbe length i of this odd human spear. He can harm himself, but tbat Is the limit of bls in sane power.—Exchange. We carry a Lari?e Stock of 0 Hardware, Tinware and China w Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, rhe treasury department has recent­ ■ cl I toll ly received tbe commendation of tbe Democratic appropriation committee of the bouse of representatives for tbe re­ . suit* achieved in bringing about econ , omy and efficiency lu tbat department. Tbe general basis of this unusual praise Is tbe fact that It Is costing »2.- i 500,000 a year less to run this big busi­ ness machine of tbe government than It did three years ago when President Taft begun his administration and ini­ tiated hla campaign for governmental ODD CHOCTAW economy by placing an experienced AN business mau, Secretary MacVeagb, at One Mads the Selling of Their Land a the beud of tbe treasury department. Capital Crime. Rose From the Sea, Formed an Island In an old set of lews of the Choctaw The Economy Effected. and Sank Again. Nation there Is a clause which relates The amount new suveil each year la On June Id. 1810. tbe Sabrina, a Brit to the killing of witches. For witch ­ n lu per cent reduction in the previous lab sloop of war. observed smoke arl* i out. it tells but half the story of tbe craft the penalty was dssth. snd for lug from tbe Bea near St. Micbuel. ofi for alleging oneself to be a witch or h < tuul economy effected, for tbere has tbe Azores, aud made for it. believing been a 10 per cent Increase In the busi­ saying that any other person was one tbat a naval engagement was in prog for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder troume, ana urinary lrreguiann«» the ness of tbe department during this waa punishable by sixty lashes on ress Her crew found, however, that Foley Kidney Pill« are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. time, making a total gain In tbe Inter­ bare back great tongues of dame were issuing Anotber declared that no doctor could est of the taxpayer of 20 per cent. along with tbe smoke and that they The en pernea» that now existe to take mouey or any of the belongings bad cleared for action to tight a vol- ninke iwlltical capital out of criticism of a patient be treated If tbe patient cano If the patient were raised up BMkM th* fuel eminently striking tbat died Forty-eight hours later an island through this i>eriod of investigation and from a slcklied tbe doctor could ac- made Its appearance, having risen Inquiry tbe treasury department baa cept what was offered to him. and If from a depth of forty fathoms in tbat been found u fruitless field of opera­ nothing was offered thru be could take period, and In anotber day It wns fifty- tion. It bus not even been mentioned In goods wbst waa bls Just compensa­ one feet above the surface, with a In connection with tbe ulleged "money tion. length of about three-quarters of a In 1834 the Choctaw council passed trust,” for the reuaou that the treasury mile. By July 4 tbe Sabrina’s people department is now for the first time an act which made a person who bar­ were able to land on this new shore, wholly independent of tbe big bank­ gained to sell any of tbe Choctaw land which was then 300 feet high, with a ers of tbe country lu Its operations. a traitor and punishable by death. circumference of fully a mile, with a Any white man who encouraged such That the department should always be stream six yards wide running from above tbe slightest ground for moral action was deported An Indian who tbe center to tbe sea. sold or disposed of land either to Indi­ No. 48.900 A.T.R. No. 5,748 A.M.R. criticism la of course one of tbe funda­ Tbey took formal possession of it for viduals or to tbe United States in toto mentals of Its administration. his Britannic majesty, hoisting tbe should be considered a traitor and shot Will make the season of 1912, at Rogera-McNatner’e barn. Frauds Are Punished. on conviction. This was just preceding union jack on Its most conspicuous The vigor with which tho administra­ tbe beginning of tbs work of tbe point, but by degrees tbe island sank Terms of service $20.00, to insure a colt $15.00 of which is to be until about tbe middle of October II tion has gone after those who have Dawes commission. paid to Rogers-McNatner as soon as colt ¡ b foaled, and $5.00 to be vanished below tbe surface, with the nt tempted frauds on the customs rev­ paid at First National bank for each and every colt foaled in 1913, union jack still on it, like a battleship with the problem of buying Harness, enue Is Illustrated by tbe fact tbat Instinotlve Mimiory. you will find it distinctly advanta­ to make a purse for, get of said horse to complete for prizes. more than »6.0er form. It Is found may be in need of. Revel Kane, 2.24%. Joe Cane, 2.22%. Contestor, 3 yr., 2.24%. of customs has been overhauled, with us. Every instinct emanates from oue In every enterprise and aspiration, aud Creole Kane, 2.25%. Paul Kane, 2.27% and Nettie Spokane, the result tbat valuations are made or the other of the fundamental In­ without Its valuable offices our stanch more accurately, aud many channels stincts. self preservation and race pres­ eat anchor of hope would be but a Firat Dam, Crez Crez, by Comodore Belmont, 4340. for frond* bare l>een stopped One of ervation. Every action that beuefits commonplace boe. lu importance it Is the special aide In this connection has tbe human being can be traced back to decidedly the dominating letter. It baa Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Second Dam, Hellen, 2.32, by Daniel Lambert, 102. been the special ngents' service, which the Instinct of self preservation, and no place lu history, but is foremost In Third Dam, Kate, Dem of Velox, 2.30%. the secretary be» tuken iiersonally tn among these actions are tbe acquisi­ philosophy and gives power to tbe pen. Fourth Dam by Vermont Hambeltoman. hand. tion of kuowledge, even tbe knowledge While always drat In provocation. It The other collection agency, the In­ of the time of day. likewise leads lu pardon and possesses ternal reveuue service, has been Instinctive mimicry creates an Im­ great power In persuasion It la rteb brought to a high degree of efficiency. pulse which In tbe case of the man In the emotions snd virtues. Patriot Its collections last year were the high­ looking at bis watch upon seeing an­ lam. passion. j>atieuce. pity and poetry est in its history 4322.000.000-whlch other do tbe same, la supported by an­ acknowledge It as tbeir veiy own No was collected nt tbe expenso of 1 flfl-100 other Instinct, curiosity, and by the point or picture or port was ever I cents for each dollar, a subatsntlal de­ human faculty, reason We therefore made witbout It. It leads all others in crease In coat. Internal revenue col­ follow the impulse and look at our power, permanency and preciousness lectors are now giving tbe major por- watch.—New York American. Purpose has no meauing without IL tion of their time to their official du- and pyramids are built upon Its base tie», an Innovation brought about for -Galaxy. Moroccan Toilet Accessories. the first time through tbe Insistence of Tbs native ladles of Morocco •re the preaident tbat efficiency of admin­ very particular about tbe preservation Staining Glass, istration was more to tie desired than of their complexions. Tbey wash Tbe art of coloring glass has been , the developing of political machines. their faces In rosewater tn wblcb lost and refoiiud. guarded and stolen apricot kernels baked and powdered so many times durlug tbe history of Whore Savings Resulted. Saving» In tbe method of printing tbe are Introduced as an aid to preserve civilisation tbat It seems almost Im *•••« to ACTION • QUICK IN RtSULta pa|>er money of tbo country have been ths natural tint of tbe complexion possible to My anything new on glass RStopt relief from BACKACHE, Yet a modern process for Cyrus Noble, pure and old made to the extent of W00.0Ó0 annu­ Some ladles employ a wash wblcb con­ staining KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, tains red radish scrapings powdered making tbe stained glass used In win ally, while similar work In the mints lias resulted In cutting down tbe ex­ They have also a peculiar method of dows Is a departure from anything BMEUMATI8M, CONGESTION of ba pensas annually to the extent of $483,- removing superfluous hairs. A paste known to the old timers Tbe glass KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of Wa OHO By uslug the malls lustrad of tbe la made of lemon juice and sugar. first recelvM Its design lu mineral col BLADDER and all annoying URINARY express a savlug of 8ÜU.UUU a year Is Thia la applied and allowed to dry and ora, aud the whole la then tired tn a «REGULARITIES. A positive been to then removed, taking, it la eald. tbe beat so Intense tbat tbe coloring mat ­ effected In sendlug wornout notes to tho treasury for r<*dempttou Nearly hair with It. A balr preparation aeema ter and tbe glass are Indissolubly fused MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY $fr"°°j^F<‘ «yjK»daar Pl "Yes." replied Mr. Cuoiroi; "that’s fully. “1 am very hungry. Could you creased activities, ou also does the |rab- ll<- health service There are many about aa elegant a clock as mosey will giro ms a bit of something?" C. Druggist. buy " “I will call tbs dog." the woman re more details of savlugs, all telling tbe "Yau were once coatoat with a smell UM. same story Round Trip tickets to the principi >al Cities of the East, going or simpler affair."* "I am hungry enough to eat tbe dog. • Genuine Reforms Made. returning California, , — or via _ through ------- - ------------------ — . Pi ’ortland. Going limit 15 days, "Of course Nobody waste to waste the man eald. "but Id rather bars fintrt return limit October 3t, on aale as follows : Aud this story Is tbe strougeot klud more than a dollar on a clock that »met bing olas."* of a denial of the charge tbat I'resl wakes him up and tells him wbea to Aud. woman like, abe went inalde dent Taft bus used the government i go to work Hut when It wakoe film Our m May 2, 3, 4. 9. 10, 11, 14. 15, 17, August 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22. employee to further bls own |»>Uttcal ' up and reminds hlui that be dozeat and banged tbe door - Buffalo Ex 18 24 29 23, 29, 30, 31. collection of Junie 1, ’ fl, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, r drantage There bare been 1.801 ua- have to go to work be feels mere September 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 11. 12, 20. “ BPESC ne-essary places abolished under the friendly and liberal ’* - Washington 30, 21. 24, 25. 27, 28, 29. Man. July 2, 3, fl, 7, 11,12. 15. 18, 20, 22, treasury d-partmrut In tbs last three Star Stop-over going or returning What • piece of work la a man — bow 23, 36. 29, 30, 31. veers Five hundred and forty two of within the limit. •obis u reason bow infinite in fac­ three have been In the det>artment A Woman’s Reason. service in Wasblugtou Noue of those “Why,** asks tbe Inquisitive pernos, ulty. tn form and movement bow ox The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spend the summer. If Ml V In Washington whose places were abol du you enjoy having some one tell yoa press sod admirable. In action bow Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rutes, out tike an angel, in apprebenslou bow i»h"d have been separated from the tbat you are pretty when y door amusements, bathing, boating, golf, fiehintr, etc. Ute a god. tbe beauty of tbe world, £rviee by that fact Secretary Mar- you are nut? Duce It nteko y< Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco* June 24 to *• paragon at anlmalel-flbakeepeere juiv a , Vr*ji baa rigidly adhered to tbe pol that you are?“ ib tbs PACIFIC RAILWAY A NAVIGATION REACHES • r of soring the vai anclee which or- “Na.** she answers readily, Rat B Are now within eaay reach by the P. R. A N. and a new field for a ped laa. bat it only takes a kitten nine Tbe facte above ert forth are cos- days to rat Its eyes opened -Pblladei Opens June IO and dooes Jnne 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta atí<$ ptoa Record >lacing proof that under the adminis­ Carnival of Pleasure yet held. Low round trip ti< keta on sale from tration of l*re»K1