Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 02, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight, Way 2, 1612.
Magpies. Reeks and Apes Can’t Get
Past the Number Four.
There are butnan beings, such as In­
habitants of tbe Murray talanua. In the
strait of Torre* that cannot count fur­
ther than two. But, most surprising
still, most animals possess calculating
abilities, and several have a distinct
appreciation of number.
In certain
mines of Hainanlt tbe horses are so
used to traversing the same road thirty
times that after tbeir last round they
go to tbe stable of tbeir own accord
and refuse to take another step. Mon­
taigne says that tbe oxen employed in
the royal gardens of Susa for turning
tbe wheels to which the water pails
were attached absolutely refused to
make more than a hundred rounds,
which constituted tbeir daily task.
A close observer has definitely estab­
lished tbe fact that magpies and rooks
cannot count further than four. A
rook never returns to its nest until it
is quite satisfied that there Is no dan­
ger near. When four hunters or less
departed In succession from a nearby
log cabin tbe rook would return to Its
nest after tbe last bad gone out of
sight. But whenever there were more
tbe bird lost count and returned to its
nest even while some were still In tbe
Similarly apes do not count further
than four, and tbe Boers of tbe Trans­
vaal when they want to bunt these ani­
mals hide In numbers exceeding four.
Four depart In succession in such a
manner as to be noticed by the apes’,
who then come forth and are easily
captured.—Chicago News.
Ws Import Them From Alt Over Oto
World and Also Export Tht~n.
An Item that seemed odd in tbe maog-
fest of a steamer lately arrived bta
Japanese aud Chinese porta was rat«
in the list of her cargo from Tientsin:
Fifty-five case« of horse tails
As a mutter of fact, horse tails or
tbe Uulr thereof are a common article
of Importation Into thia country from
China and from pretty much every
other country on earth. Tbe American
market gets large quantities of them
from China, but more from Russia,
and horse tails are Imported here from
every other European country and
from South America, from Australia,
from ull round the world. On the oth­
er hund. there are more or less Ameri­
can horse tails exported.
From various causes the supply of
horse tails, like that of anything else,
may In one country and another vary
from year to year, and there may be
years when tbe world's supply la short
aud years when It Is plentiful, with
corresponding cbauges In the range of
prices. Horse tails have sold as low
as 20 cents a pound, and they have sold
for as much as $2. If Btocks are scarce
and high In London and ample at low­
er prices here New York Importers ship
horse tails to London. In the contrary
circumstances Loudon Importers might
ship horse tails here.
Horsetail hairs are sorted for length
and colors, and they are used either
alone or mixed with other fibers In the
manufacture of various sorts of brush­
es and mixed with other materials In
tbe manufacture of haircloth. — New
York Sun.
Ho Wat a Yeung Negro Slave Em­
Victor Hugo’s Response to the Old
ployed by Aldua Manutluo.
Blind Soldier’s Appeal.
Aldus Manutius, who in 1488 set up
his office in Venice, has long been fa­
A Frenchman, writing recently upon
mous as the first of the publishers of “The Mendicants of Paris,” rec«n« «
AMtne classics, which to- pretty anecdote of Victor Hugo and a
day are so highly prized by book col­ Í j blind beggar. The beggar was an old
lectors. He was tbe author of a Latin soldier, very feeble and quite sight­
grammar, a Greek dictionary and a less. who was led every day by his
treatise on tbe metrical methods of the » little granddaughter to a certain street
poet Horace and originated tbe form of corner, where be waited patiently for
type known by us as Italic and by such scanty arms as the hurrying pub­
German printers as “cursive” type.
lic might drop into » small box that
He is also said to be responsible for bung from bis neck
tbe name of “printer's devil,” almost
One day u group ot aentlemen halted
worldwide In its application to tbe near him. chatting, and be beard tbe
youngest boy in tbe office. A young name by which they called the one
negro slave employed In his office who who lingered longest. Reaching for­
was so very black and dirty that his ward as he. too,>«\’as about to go. be
natural ugliness had become an almost caught him by the coat.
fiendish expression became feared and
“What do you want, my good man?"
known all over Venice as "the little asked the gentleman. “I have already
black devil," and Manutius at last real­ giveu yon 2 sous.”
ized that the boy and himself bad dan­
"Yes. monsieur, and I have thanked
gerously awakened tbe superstitious you." replied tbe veteran. "It Is sbme-
fears and dislike of the more ignorant thing else that I want.”
Venetians. He accordingly formally
“Wluit Is it?”
exhibited bim during a wbole day on
the public streets and had tbe criers
“Yon shall have them." said the gen
make this proclamation throughout the tieman. and he kept his word, The
next day the blind soldier bore on bls
“I. Aldus Manutius, printer to tbe breast a placard with a stanza to
holy church and tbe doge, have this which was appended the name of Vic­
day made public exposure of tbe print­ tor Hugo, and tbe alms in the box
er's devil. AU who think he is not were quintupled. The lines may be
flesh and blood may come and prick thus translated:
him.”—Charles Winslow Hall in Na- Like Belisarius and like Homer blind.
Led by a young child on his pathway
tional Magazine.
Don’t Call It Slang.
A Cleveland man who bas lived for a
number of years recently got it into
Ills bead that be might die one of these
days and that it would be well if be
wrote hia autobiography ere that sad
event occurred, as one might say. So
he eat down and wrote many pages
and took those pages to a local pub­
lisher. After the manuscript had been
in tbe latter's hands for some time tbe
author called bim up.
"This is Bjonea." be explained gen­
“Who’« Bjonea F’ came the reply.
“Bjonea, you know—Bjonea of East
Umpth street, whose autobiography
you are publishing. Ab—I'm a little
short this week. Could you let me have
something in advance?"
“Not on your lifer*
And you may think the printer was
slangy, but be wasn’t.—Cleveland Plain
The hand that aids his need, pitying and
He will
How Ono Word Was Born.
The two friends had been dining on
f divers and sundry strange dishes at
the Cedurs of Lebanon cafe, in the
Syrian quarter of New York. They
were drinking their coffee, thick with
coal black grounds, and wondering
whether they really enjoyed it when
Smithers suddenly cried out:
“Pataug! Pataug!”
The waiter hurried away and came
back presently bringing an ordinary
“I was just testing.” said Smithers
i to bis companion, “tbe truth of tbe
story that the first corkscrew seen in
Beirut was brought tbere by a Yankee.
It was a patented American contrap­
tion. and the Syrians were amazed at
its convenience. They spelled out on
It the mystic words. ’Pat. Aug. ’70.’ and
took that to be the name of tbe Imple­
Split Infinitives.
ment Now, I believe tbe story that
To sometimes in an emergency or « pataug Is its name all over tbe Levant”
when laboring under a great mental —New York Sun.
stress split an Infinitive may be excus­
able, but to deliberately or wantonly
The First Quarantine.
or with malice prepense tear its parts
From all accounts tbe custom of
ssunder or to cruelly divorce the help­ quarantine originated in Venice some­
less and dependent “to” from her verb­ where about tbe beginning of the
al spouse Is severely condemned by twelfth century. All merchants and
purists. The general practice, however. others coming from the eastern coun-
Is said to have prevailed among stand­
trie« were obliged to remain In the
ard English authors since tbe seven­
bouse of St. Lazarus for a period of
teenth century.—Boston Globe.
forty days before they were admitted
into tbe city. Taking the Idea from
A Fighting Chance.
Venice, other European elite* eape
“So you think tbe author of thia play clnlly port towns. Instituted quaran­
will live, do youF' remarked the tour­ tine during seasons of plague, and well
down into modern time« moat nation«
“Yea.“ replied the manager of the adopted the system, applying it when
Frozen Dog Opera House. “He's trot It was deemed neceeaary.
■ five mile start, and I don't think the
boys kin ketch him.”—Life
Youthful Wiadom.
Inc'uding th« Wadding Fra.
Mrs Chubb (with newspaper)—I see
»ereral persons are petitioning to have
•>elr name« changed
What does it
>««t to have a name changed? Mr.
Chubb—It coot me « couple of hundred
to have your named changed to mine -
Boston Transcript
v • «A
Mdfefv-I wish yoo would put a bet­
ter mattres« on my bed Landlndy-
FU-t’er martrena? Why. that 1« a genu
In* hair mattress! Lodger—Ob. that
keing the case, perhaps a bottle of hair
ra«torar h an that's nccsssaryl— Lon
Ion TR mt*
Father-Why did my little boy «end
his pap« a letter wim only • capital T
. wr'tten on the page while be was
away? Little Bon Becarae I thought
\ you’d go around among yoor fMeuds
| with It and say. ’*My h’’?
1 yean old and Jnat see tbe capital totter
i tie write«!"— Judge's Library
A Better Figura«
'Tn your «ertnon thia morning ya
spoke of a baby as
new were «■ tl
oreen of life.' "
“Quite so: a poetical ttrwra ’
“Don't you think I freob *F»1
would bare bit tbe mart baaawW
Boston Transcript.
Savers Teats ta Which They Are S ib-
jected Before Being Used.
One weak link in a cable may mean
tbe loss of a great ship worth a mil-
lion pounds or more, so before being
used every one of tbe great chain
cables used tn tbe navy or merchant
service is carefully tested, The ap-
paratus employed is a most ingenious
Tbe cable is laid in • sort of long
trough, one end being fastened to au
enormous steel hawser, which is pass­
ed round a revolving drum, the other
attached to a hydraulic ram.
Tbe machinery la worked from an
adjoining building, no one being allow­
ed in tbe cable sbed while the testing
Is In progress. If a chain does break
under tbe terrific strain to wblcb It Is
subjected It simply smashes every­
thing uear It and may bring tbe wbole
roof down.
Tbe operator In the next room bas
before him an ordinary looking pair of
scales, but tbe small weights which be
places upon It represeut as many tons
as they actually weigh pounds
While tbe weights go lutu tbe scales
a loud creaking and groaning Is beard
through tbe thick partition as tbe
se\euty-eight foot length of cable,
which is the amount tested at one
time, stretches under the euormous
pressure. A new cable stretches alsiut
two inches, an old one a good deal
Tbe ordinary cable of steel, two and
one-eigbtb inches In diameter. Is sub
jected to a pull of over eighty tons. -
London Answers.
A Paet to Wham Candy Brought Better It Cloth«« a Numbar of Poor People In
Result, Than His Rimas.
England Annually.
The l«est busiuess in Parts is said to
Gifts of clothing
_ are made annually
be that of tbe well established and pop- 'in many market towns and villages of
ular cotifectiuner. and thia fact baa Surrey to tbe poor from a bequest left
been recognized. It is said, since tbe for tbe purpose by Henry Smith, or Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
days of Napuleon III. and bls natural “Dog” Smith, as be waa more geuernlly
Room No. a6i.
brother, the Duke de Moray. "The called, having earned tbe sobriquet
duke." says Le Cri de Paris, "had a from tbe fact that be was never seen
weakness for writing vaudevilles aud without a dog at bis heels
vften asked tbe counsel uf Slraudln, | This remarkable character lived
who was a skillful collaborator of about two and a half centuries ago and
A ttorney - at -I w
was one of the beat known figures in
"Rut the theater brought no riches to Surrey. He was originally a silver Complete set of Abstract Boo s
Slraudln. One day Monty said to bim: smith In tbe city of London and. pros
Taxes paid tot . i-
’My friend. I want to see thee tn a perIng In business, acquired estates in n office,
better situation. The Idea comes to me different parts of England.
Developing eccentricities as he grew
to put thee iu commerce. What dost
thou say to It?'
old. he adopted tbe life of a beggar.
Tillamook Block
"Slraudln received this proposition His wanderings were contlued alm st
Both phones.
Joyfully, but what line of trade should entirely to Surrey, and be is said to
he choose? Moray nnd Siraudln set have begged Ida way through every
out on the principle that the best busi­ town and village in (lie county. At bls
ness wrs evidently the one lu which death in 1681 be left all his wealth to
arl haberlach
there were fewest failures. They con­ the market towns aud parishes of Sur
scientiously scanned the bulletin ot
declarations of liankruptcy. All tbe town to spend »2C.0 and each vllluge
trades were represented tbere—all ex­ about $30 on tbe purchase of clotbiug
cept oue; that was the confectioner, for its poor.
Tillamook Bloch.
and Moray gave to Slraudln tbe neces­ i Mitcham, however, was excluded
sary capital to establish himself as a from bls benefactions. Smith's ex plana
merchant of bonbons. Slraudln iugea- tiou belug that on one occasion tbe In­
ionsly conciliated tbe lyric muse. He habitants of Mltcbain whipped him Q.EORGE WILLETT,
wrapped Lis pralines, his sugar plums through the village an a common va
nnd bis cho«-olates in kiss pupers. each grant.—Loudon Chronicle.
A ttornky - at -L aw .
Inclosing his printed verse« .Moray did I
better than establish him He fre­
Tillamook Commercial Building
quented his shop. As the duke was tbe
king of the world of fashion, he drew Half a Hundred Language,, Perhaps.
T illamook
O rkgon
all Paris by bis example, and the for­ i
In th, Philippines.
tune of tbe poet-confectioner Slraudln I 1
The natives of tbe Philippines are
was made.”
known to have at least twenty-five
languages, aud some studeuts of the T. H. GOYNE,
ethnology of the islands have express
ad tbe belief thnt they have more than
And Hie Quaint Introduction In tho
Enterprise Office.
Ha Only Wanted to Sea One. but H. double that number of distinct tongues
A ttornky - at -L aw .
For purposes of study they are gener-
Waa Introduced to • Cluster.
"It was the arteraoun of a hot, dusty
W* K-.< I...... .nlnh—•<—-
—* —
Auinlst dev In 1862." khv « Alhert Rlara-
First.—The languages of tue Negri­
low Paine In Harper’s, “when a worn, 1y. but too well, and getting obstreper­
travel stained pilgrim drifted laggingly I ous and noisy and looking for a fight tos. supposedly descendants of the ab-
T illamook , O rkgon
Into the office of the Territorial Enter­ I be was tackled by a iiollceman who I original population of tbe islnnds. who
prise. then In Its uew building on C In plain clothes waa on bis way home. are distributed In scattered tribes In
street, and. loosening a heavy roll of Tbe drunken one showed fight nnd tbe interior of the larger Islands.
Second.—Tbe languages of tbe vari­
blankets from his shoulder«, dropped was Indignant that an apparently
wearily Into a chair.
private citizen should try to arrest him ous Malay tribes wblcb make up tbe
“He wore a rusty slouch hat. no coat,
"Show me your star!" he demanded. bulk of lhe population—Christian. Mo-
a faded blue flannel shirt and a navy "Don't believe you're a cop at all. [ batnmed.'in nnd pagan.
It cannot be snld thnt the Philippine PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
revolver. His trousers were banging Won't go with you till I see your star."
on his boot tops A tangle of reddish and he aimed a immilliti blow at the languages possess any very consider
! able literary value
Tbe old native
brown hair fell on his shoulders, and a policeman
There was a ««uttle and a tight, ' manuscripts inscribed on leaves or
mass of tawny beard, dingy with al­
Tillamook Block.
kali dust, dropped halfway to bi.« short lived, but strenuous. and the strip« of cane have practically nil been
"Aurora lay 130 miles from Virginia station, where he stayed all night. In have found tbe scanty native literature
City—hard, hilly miles. He had walked i the mornii g It was a disheveled and tn religious writings. Indifferent poetry
torn wreck that appeared before the and primitive newspapers. The natives g
that distance, currying his heavy load
Editor GiMidmiiD was absent at the mo­ magistrate and who listened to the po­ i themselves me profoundly Ignorant for
ment. but the other proprietor. Dentils i liceman relute tbe trouble he had lu ( the most part as to their own litera-
' tare.—New York Times.
E. McCarthy, signified that tbe caller getting him to the stution house.
"Be wanted to tight me all the way
might state his errand, The wanderer
Tillamook Block,
regarded him with a faraway look to the statloto. your honor. He kept
A Good Ward For Caviar.
Caviar receives a clean hill In the
and said absently and with leisurely pul ing hack and Irving to trip me and
Í vol Ing- 'Show me your star!
I won't ! London Lancet, despite tbe fact that
go un ess you «bow me your star'"
It is regard«I by many medical tnen n«
"'My starboard leg seems to be un
“And.'' asked tbe magistrate gently ‘"ally. Indigestible and unn liolesouie '
shipped. I'd like Hbout a hundred yards
“did ou show him your star?"
' Numerous analyses have beeti made of
of line. 1 think 1 am falling to pieces.
Then he added: '1 want to see Mr 4 “lour honor." Interrupted the prta this sturgeon roe delicacy, whhh. ac
Barstow or Mr. Goodmau. .My mime oner "he clouted me on the bend, mid j cording to the writer, when averaged,
Is Clemens, and I've come to write for I I saw the star—I saw several of them, a; pears lo lie a» follows: Water, Jilt I>2
enough to go IIround the etitlre force" per cent; protelp. 27.02 per cent: fat. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
tbe paper.' ”
13JW |>er cent, and mineral salts. 7 fit
per cent. It differs sharply from the
Lion’s Herd Fountains.
Too Late.
Daniel Webster used to tell a »tory I Perhaps you have noticed that the . flesh of fish liy containing a much
about an old woman who waa very III water In a great many public font larger quantity of fat. Moreover, this
aud went Into a trau<e
They all tains, whether for man or beast, comes fat contains the peculiar oily phosphor
thought she waa dead and wheu she 1 out of a lion'« month. Did you ever oa compound known as lecithin, which
opened her eyes her busband said In u «top to think «'by a Hou's head should In a atlmuluul to metaliollsin. affecting
surprised tune. "Why. Mandy, we tie «elected In preference to any other favorably the processes of nutrition
thought ye wuz dead.” The poor old i design? Among ibe ancient Kgyp Caviar ta. In fact, highly nutrltlv«.
woman looked at her husband a mo­ tin us tbe rising of tbe waters of the and Its digestibility bas tieeu deter-
F inancial A gknt ,
ment, and then she burst into tears river Nile was tbe most Important mined, the time taken for lta absorp­
"And ye never bawled a bit.” she j event of the year us It meant life and tion being relatively short. If tbere Is
Tillamook, Oregon.
sobbed. “Ye thought 1 wuz dead, aud prosperity to the whole uatlon. Thia anything to be said unfavorably of
yer eyes wuz dry. Couldn't ye have rl«lng of the waters always took place caviar it Is that Its constituents •rr
bawled a little bit. Jabez?*' The old I when I tie sun was In lhe constellation sUgbUy ou the side of richness
min was deeply moved, aud be did ac­ of Leo. or tbe lion, so they adopted
tually bawl then
But bis wife said « tbe shape of a lion as tbe aymlail for
aadly: "It's too late now. Dry yer I tbe life giving water« of tbe Nile and
Tba Jewish rabbis bad a legend
eyes. If I'd reelly been dead aud ye'd all their fountain« were carved wttb a wblcb carries corporal punishment
bawled ’twould have done me some Hou s bead Tbe Ureeks and Romans back to tbe daya of our first parents,
copied this symbol and so It has coma wMcb la quaintly reflected in that Office acromi tbe street from tbe
good. But it's too late now.” x
down to us — New York Sun.
modern schoolboy's play upon namea.
Court Houae.
“A4am Betb Eve Caln Abel."
"Could you sing a ragtime aongF'
Various Cots.
Dr. Wiae’a office.
A schoolboy, asked to write an e««ay ef Solomon, “He that aparelb tbe rod
asked Mr. Lobrow.
"Why. sir," spluttered tbe musician un cats, made th« fullowing amusing batetb tala «on.” or tbe old Egyptian
praverb. “The back of a lad la made
who takes himself seriously, "c-c-coa aud original statements:
found your b-b-bone beaded Imp« ! “Cats that’s made for little boys and that be nay hearken to him that beats
girls tu maul and tease la called Mal­ tt,” bat If we nust go on history alone
. The Paahionable Tailor.
"That's • good start." waa tbe com­ tese cat« Some cats are known by tbe rarllrat records lielong to the Ro-
na—. who practiced flogging In aev-
placent rejoinder
“You have a flue their queer purra: these are called Purr
Clearing, Preaging and Repair«
idea of tbe words. Now see if you < «a slan cats. Cats with very bad tem|>era arnl Eeffraes of severity
Thera were tbe ferula, a flat atrip of
put a melody to them ”— Washington la called An go rie cats Sometimes a
ing a Specialty.
f very One cat la called a Magultlcat leather, a comparatively mild peranad
I Cats with very deep t eel Inga ia called ar; the eratlca. a harsher Instrument
S» «re in Hein« Photographic
at twtatad parchment, and tbe flagel
I Feline cate."
"Emma bra ouch « sweet diapool
laaa. a creel acoerge of leather thongs
A Now Start.
"Has she? Thera Isn't a shoe clerk
Baahs la ttao Middle Agss.
“I told him there were dozens of peo-
ta town that doeae’t bate her “
!• tbe middle sges liooks wer« et
pie right tirtv lu town who bad never
ehaaffod fav a toorsa or half a dosen
« heard of bias.*'
* "She thinks they are ail la a cew-
Wben anybody nredrd «to« k or
"I me»« that took him down a peg
sptracy to prevent her from wearing a or two ”
prafierry he offen pawned the
No. 3 shoe on a No & foot"—Cleveland
Çeuteclter jlbvohat
tteat he ownad. and In tbe town
"I guess It didn't He started right
Plala Dm tor.
out to find them aud borrow money af Oxford wera at one time twenty
a I j Tillamook Block,
ekaoto »lad «Ith valuable book«. t.«it
front them
Houston I’oet.
ee ttoa baok fair« heiped to relleve the
Convoreatienal Strategy.
O bâgoît
T illamook
■ttaattea No doubt tbere la ■ golden
“I observe that you never ■ oorradlct
maaa saasewhrra briween tba «cnn-lty
any theory that Mr Heftybrane a<f
af tba middle agra and tbe overprodne
ttaa af todav -Argonaut
“Ye«," replied Mtoa Cayenne: -boa
likely to ret through talk lag much
sooner if yoo don't break In and «ug
The Quarrel Discreet.
gear new topic*"—Washington «tar
I “Why So yon employ such elettorale
eSPrweitorui hm when ymt tell a mini
f OH
Mat yoe doubt hl» vere« tty?”
and Graduate
**l Sad It better to use tbe k>ng*«t
All Feel Libo Frate.
Hr The l.rldegr.Hiai always Irak« word« poeetblo If I can compel a rumi
Office : Commercial Stables,
like « fool during tbe rerem«*y Mbe ta cenaalt tbe dictionary tn ascertain
— H<>w about the bride? He-Ob. tbe ?rar what I mean both our tem|»erx grt Tillamook, Ore.
Both phone«.
Washington Star
tickle brina a woman. In atra te d« a eSa ar# to «-oot
scattale!- H«~ton Traaerript
Todd Hotel, Tillamook.
Formerly with the army tranef ort
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
CoUegn, clean ft