Tillamook Headlight, May 2, 1912. k» election proved that there are a good many self-conceived per­ I. eoa i. A dvertisements : sons in the world, for when a io ! number of persons take the un­ First Insertion, ____ _ . per _ ‘ line . » 8 tenable position that they are Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, embodiment of - progressive 1 CO *■ the ---------------------- - - - 1 month .. .......... 5 (io ideas, and that the other fellow Ti'mber 'claims*1. • 1Ö (•> ' or his opponent is a reactionary Locals per line each insertion 3'they have overlooked the fact Display advertisement, an inch, r^'that theRepublican party is and 1 month................................ ‘ ' always has been progressive. All Resolutions of Condolence aud , .Hence, ( why all this commotion Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. and self-conceit about progress­ Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Simply to fool Notices, I-oet, Strayed or Stolen, ive ideas ? etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ; the votersand to convince them ing five lines. that some boss politicians and 'office seekers are little white ' angels and the other fellows RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION 'are little black devils. So (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year......................................... 1.5o ’ much for the progressive buga- Advertis'ng Rates. Six months........................................... 1 hree months......... ............................. 75 K DOO. ________ __ ____ __ The big politicians with a big Entered as second class mail mat- lot of money have been making .dent Taft and telling a whole raft of lies about him, and even ex-PresidentKoosevelt has been telling Borne big whoppers as well. It is only natural that the president should feel hot in the as most everybody does Editorial Snap Shots. collar, when a whole pack of lies are being circulated about them, Ail Tillamook City boosters consequently Taft is “coming belong to the Commercial Club. back" pretty hard on Teddy. But, somehow, it looks ungen- Colonel Waterson says Colonel tlemanly and undignified for the Roosevelt is crazy. Perhaps ex-president and the political the Republican colonel can re­ bosses to assail the president of tort by saying the same thing the United States in the man­ ner in which they are doing so. about the Democratic colonel. If the ex-president and the poli­ tical bosses will not respect the When Senator Bourne knew President of the United States, that he was defeated he sent a but endeavor to malign him, it telegram congratulating Ben is no wonder that anarchists Selling and pledged him his hold the head of the govern­ support.That showed a good dis­ position on the part of Bourne. ment in contempt. M irali 3. 1879. The Nehalem Enterprise does not appear to lie satisfied with the result of the primary elec­ tion as far as the county com­ missioner is concerned We want to inform Bro.Effenberger that if the 36 persons who voted for other persons in Nehalem precinct had that part of the county’s interest at heart, and had not allowed their little petty personalities to sway them, the result would have been differ­ ent. For a longtime, owing to factional strife in that part of the county, there was very little im­ provement going on, and from the look of things there are those who cared little for the development and improvement of the north end of the county when it came to downing a man who had brought about wonder­ ful improvements in his own district. The Tillamook Commercial Club has entered on its third year with bright prospects of usefulness before it. To make it more successful it is the duty every business man to take a lively interest in the club and to get together for the purpose of promoting the best interest of the city and county. This can be attained by getting to­ gether, puling together and dis­ playing a magnanimous spirit in whatever is undertaken for the interest of the city. The club has proved a success, and the thing now to do is to in­ crease its usefulness and make it the biggest boosting organi­ zation in the county. Results will soon follow if every busi­ ness man will lend a helping hand, for there is a bright future for this city and county. One thing which will help to retard this will be the disposition of those who are inclined to knock if everything is not carried out according to their ideas. \\ e have lived too long in a narrow minded atmosphere, but that cannot prevail any longer. The tendency is to be more broad minded and to get together and pull together in a friendly spirit, brushing aside little personal jealousies. This is the policy of the Tillamook Commercial Club, and which will do much towards the upbuilding and de­ velopment of this city and the county. Therefore, every pro­ gressive and wide-a-wake citi­ zen should be identified with the club and take a lively inter­ est in everything that pertains to its usefulness and success. A Heroine ot the Titanic. Poor appetite is a sure mgn oj impaired digestion. A few dosesof In the Circuit Court of the State of Chamberlain’a Stomach and Liver Tablet« will strengthen your dige*. Oregon for Tillamook County. tion and improve your appetite' Peter Byrom, Thousands have been benefited bv Plaintiff, taking these Tablets. Sold by all vs. dealers. The Garibaldi Beach Company a cor- | poration. Defendant. J Under and by virtue of an orderi of sale and decree of foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County on the 30th day of April, 1912, in the above entitled suit, wherein Peter Byrom, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judg­ You like a little salt and pep­ ment and decree against the Gari­ little mustard mustard — — a a little little baldi Beach Company, a corpora­ per—a little tion, defendant, on the 24th day of lemon extract—a little this and that to flavor your grub, April, 1912, which said decree was, Your cow, your steer, your hog under on the 30th day of April, 1912, re natural conditions would have a corded in Judgment Book 3 of said Court, at page 41, I am commanded chance to get a bite of this, a bite of that and a bite of the other to sell: All the following described lands thing and so get a variety in its and premises situate, lying and feed. But under the unnatural being in Tillamook County, State condition in which you keep them, they get every day about of Oregon, to-wit: All the Tide lands fronting and the same sort of stuff to eat. As abutting on Lots One (1), Two (2) ' a natural consequence they get and Three (3) of Section Twenty-I “off their feed.’’ Even if they two (22), in Township One (1) North ! do not, their digestive organs of Range Ten (10) W-«tof Willamette need the tonic effect which comes Meridan, containing 96.34 acres, : from a variety of feeding stuffs. more or less : Watkins* Stock Tonic Also all the Tide lands fronting [ and abutting upon Lots Three (3) Is a scientific preparation which and Four (4) of Section Twenty-one not only improves the flavor of (21), in Township One (1) North of the feed you feed, bift also sup­ Range Ten (10) West of Willamette plies that tonic element so needed Meridan, containing 109.85 acres to make your live stock do their more or less, eave and except that beet. There is no longer any doubt portion ol said described lands con­ tained within the limits of a certain about the need of a tonic for the right of way heretofore conveyed modern domestic animal kept by Peter Byrom and wife to the under artificial conditions. You Pacific Railway and Navigation must give them something to help them digest their feed and Company. Together with tenements, heredi­ get the greatest good from it taments and appurtenances there­ Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies unto belonging or in anywise ap­ this need. It makes the animal relish its feed more; it aids in pertaining. Now, therefore, notice is hereby the digestion and assimilation given that on Saturday, the First of the feed, and in addition to day of June, 1912, at eleven o'clock I that, it has a tonic effect upon a. m. of that day, at the front doori the whole system. Your animals need a tonic of of the Court House in the city and | county of Tillamook, I will, in obedi,-, this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic enceto said order of sale and decree j is not a secret preparation. We of foreclosure, sell the above des-A tell you the actual ingredients cribed property, or so much there-! that are used in it. You know of as may be necessary to satisfy exactly what you are buying, and plaintiff’s judgment, with interest pound for pound it will go farther thereon and costs to the highest and do more good than any other stock tonic or so called stock and best bidder for cash. food ever made. Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. The Watkins Man will be glad H. C renshaw , to leave you a pail on trial, Sheriff of Tillamook County, backed by the Watkins guarantee, Oregon. G eorge W illet , Deliverd by Waggon. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon. April 15, 1912. To Albert Amy. of Tillamook, Ore­ gon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that T. A. GARNER, who gives 3721-09 St. S.E. Portland, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on April 6th, 1912, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead, Serial No. 02172 made September 11, 1909 N.W. !i of SAV. Ji, and the W. Mi of N.W. ‘i of Section 32, and N. E. >4 of N.E. Ji Section 31, Tp 1 North, Range 9 West, Willamette Meridan, and as grounds for this contest he alleges that said AL­ BERT AMY, on or about the 22nd day of April, 1911, sold the cabin constructed on the land herein des cribed to one Amos Vaughn, who moved the said cabin from the said tract; and that said ALBERT AMY did then and there vacate and abandon the said tract of land and has never since said 22nd day of April, 1911, resided thereon. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or if you fail within that time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. If this ser­ vice is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con­ testant in person, proof of such service must be either the said con testant’s written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the affi­ davit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered ; if made by registered mail, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed staring when and the post office to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. Y’ou should state in your answer the name of the poet office to which you desire future notices to be sent It is inspiring, in days of quick divorce, and cheap and tawdry ‘‘in­ compatibilities,’’ to read the story of Mrs. Isidor Straus, heroine of the Titanic. The list of heroes is a long one. It shows us man at his best, when, like Jim Bludeo, he has "seen his duty, a dead sure thing, to yon. H. F H igby , Register. and went for it thar and then." C. A rdrey , Receiver Patronize home industry is a Man is not ennobled in the Titanic rst publication April 25, good slogan for this city to disaster. But the Titanic disaster 1912; date of second publication Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. adopt and adhere to. Eat Till­ shows us how noble man is, May 2, 1912; date of third publi­ amook made bread, use Tilla­ cation May 9, 1912; date of fourth and would more often prove him­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That mook city made lumber, patron­ in pursuance of a decree of fore­ self were such disasters more com publication May 16..1912. ize the home merchants, etc., closure and order of sale duly ren-. mon than they are. A hue and cry dered and entered in its journal by 1 all come under the head of pat­ is now being raised for a dastard. Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. the Circuit Court of the State of ronizing home industry. Some people seem bent on finding Oregon, for Tillamook County, at i 1st St. ar.d 3rd Ave West. a regular term of said Court ou the i one. They want the fly in the oint Chiropractor and Naturopath is 15th day of April, 1912, in a certain 1 inent, the blot on the picture. We It is stated that Senator Jon­ then pending in said court! turn, rather, to that long and bright the most improved science for the suit athan Bourne attributes his de­ wherein Robert Osborn is plaintiff ' feat to the newspapers. Does galaxy of names of men who were cure of disease. Why suffer from and William L. Reifenberg and he mean theBourne newspapers men in the last analysis. We think colds, cutarrah, rheumatism, hernia, Lillian C. Reifenbergaredefendants, ■ which beat him to u frazzle or of the musicians who played in the tumors and abdominal displace­ in favor of plaintiff and against said decreeing that plaintiff ’ the free, independent Press of face of death and, last of all, ( lay ments. indigestion, malassimilation defendant, have and recover from said defend- i and the genera) neurotic run down the State that deprived h'iin of ed the music of worship. Heroes ants the sum of $1000.00, with inter­ condition that follows when the est _ ____ _ at the _ rate of 8 per cent 1 the nomination ? It showed, all ! thereon Don’t give some little per­ It is a long list of heroes, and no cause may be easily adjusted and I per annum from September ... 8th, however, thnt the Bourne news- papers were not as popular and sonal reason why you are not doubt the list of heroines is longer removed with no danger of other | 1911, for the further sum of $200.00 attorney’s fees, and the costs and influential as they thought they a member and not taking an than we now know. What we now complications, as there is no drugs disbursements taxed at $17.25, and active part in the Commercial know is that Mrs. Ieidor Straus of or knives used in this system. were. also the costs of sale; and further Club. The way to get together New York refused life to accept decreeing the foreclosure of the mortgage in the complaint in said If you ure on any of the com and pull logether is first to get death with the husband with whom Notice. cause described; and in pursuance milteea of the Commercial Club together and exchange and dis­ she had come hand in hand down of an execution and order of sale get busy nud keep busy. If not cuss one another« ideas and the years of sunshine and shadow, duly issued out of said court under To tny friends in Tillamook, get busy suggesting mid ndvo- adopt what is thought best for partaking of his joys and sorrows the seal thereof in said cause, to me . iliii'j things to keep the com- the club and the city. Some as he had partaken of hers, the County, Oregon: duly directed, and dated the 27th utti i busy. There is some men get a little grouchy because mother of his children, the bearer I wish to call your attention to day of April, 1912, commanding and the fact that I have dissolved part­ requiring me to make sale of the hv w blood and live wires on the they take offence too readily at of his burdens as he had been the following described real property, Publicity Committee, und us some trivial affair or passing bearer of hers, the man to whom nership with Mr. Rollie W. Watson to-wit: and from this date I can be found this is an important committee, gossip. Tillamook boosters in she had plighted her troth in her "Beginning sixty (*)) feet west of we hope tlmt it will not want future ought to be head and youth and between whom and her­ in the Commercial Building, Room the Northwest corner of Block four and self there had long been that Bweet No. 10, across the ^street from the (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to much punching up to bring shoulders ubove that, town of Bay City, Tillamook anything that may ruffle ones communion of soul nnd spirit Todd Hotel writing the same kind the about results. County, Oregon, being the North­ . hair in the future, get together which had aurvived all the shocks of fire insurance that I have in east corner of the tract to be des­ years past so you may rest assured Notwithstanding the fact thnt and discuss with the Executive of life in s world of manifold tribu­ that you will receive the same fair cribed; thence West two hundred (200) feet; thence South one hundred Board or at the monthly meet ­ lations. the referendum petition of the and square treatment that hti (100) feet; thence East two hundred University of Oregon was ob­ ings of the club. The club is a They urged her to save herself. characterized all my dealings with (200) feet; thence North one hundred tained in a great measure by family affair and the way to The lifeboat was waiting. The hus­ the general public. Thanking you (100) feet to the place of beginning, fraud, the Supreme Court has settle any little grievance or to band who had chosen a manly one and all for the past courtesies and The Southwest quarter of the decided that itieaqiire will have promote interest in the club is death for himself that others might and looking forward to a renewal Northeast quarter of Section eigh­ to get together and dispose of to be voted upon at the next be saved, added hie urging to that teen (18), township One (1) North, general election. So mu'h for them in a free, open and gentle of the others. There were their of old acquaintances, I am Yours, Range nine West of the Willamette Very sipcerly yours, Mendan, in Tillamook Countv. the Oregon system when circu- manly manner. This is a sure children waiting beyond the latitude State of Oregon," I. S. Stephens. 1 itors of petitions can conspire cure for anyone who may be in­ and longitude where they were Now, therefore, by virtue of said together and sign thousands of clined to become grouchy and going down. There was a long life Poet Office Box 242. Phone 1503. execution, order and decree, and in knock the club on the street ficticious names to petitions. of ease and comfort for her, to be compliance with the commands of ' corners. said writ, I will, on Monday, the i filled with the sweet reverence of Osteopathic Physician 18 3rd day of June, 1912, at the hour of , children reverencing her sorrow, Republicans having nomi­ 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of Located Here. It is to be hoped that the com ­ nnd the prattle of grandchildren to the Court House in Tillamook City, nated a State and County ticket Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at it remain* to be seen whether mitment of two young men to lighten its gloom. But when they Dr. II. D. Bowers, osteopathic phy. public auction to the highest bidder the State penitentiary convicted sought to separate her from the they will help to elect it. Since aician, has established an office on for cash in hand, all of the right of rupe will have a wholesome man whoae life had so long been a the aocnlled Oregon ay stem Firet St , one door East of Dwight’s title and interest which the above went into effect the custom is effect on the immoral conditions part of her own, she clung to him, office. named defendants, or either of them, liad on the date of the mortgage for a large number of Republi­ which have prevailed amongst disdaining life without him, and He, with his wife, are graduates in the complaint herein, cans to nominate u ticket ut the some of the young men and went down to death in his arms. of the Auiericnn School of Osteo­ described to-wit: On September 8th, 1911, or primary election uud knife it ut young women of this city. The This is the picture which, morethan pathy under the founder, Dr. A. T. since had in and to the above des­ the general election by voting social purity question is u deli­ all others silhouetted against thst Still, Kirksville, Missouri. An exper­ cribed real property, to satisfy said i for l>etuart strong arm of the law lias been Democrat. come and locate. by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darina oi the work of the club, and it exercised and two young men There are over 7000 D. CVa now Downey, of Newberg Junction. N.Di, is expected that they will make sent to the penitentiary, it is wife has been uaing Lams back is usually caused by in 1 - practice, located in all parta of Chamberlain'a Tablets nod finds u creditable showing. »afe to say that those who get rheumatism of the muscles of the ,he earth, In the United States them very effectual and doing her State, reflate *ot. o7^d* ■ - - — - into trouble in the future will mg better than ChamberiaitTe '¡anil - ---- .J0*“ .?* If you have any their practice by legislative statute, ‘trouble with your stomach or bow- W« think the recent primar) * lie severely dealt with ment For tele by ail dealers. Both Phones I*’’ ,?'Te ll»em a trial Sold by all If every member of the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club would make a point of obtaining one new member there would be double the number of members to bear the running expenses of the club. Try it. ' dealer a. Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? R. R. ROBERTS FAMILY RECIPES. The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. » SRflB ■ a )■ .■».» M* ■» CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. a«.«asisnHBrB ■ » Ask for Mokatil Home Made at the Cold Storage« HÂRPÊRÎ Its distinctive quality end rare delicious flavor suit the palate of the most exacting connoisseur. Sold by JOHNSON A MCLAUGHLIN