Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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No. 48.
W. D. Stillwell left on Wednesday
morning to attend the (»th anni-
versary of American civil govern­
ment on the Pacific, which took
place at Champoeg to-day (Thurs­
Cash and Credit.
People who carry all their cash
around with them seldom accumulate a
Gnt, shells, meat scrape, ground
bone, blood meat, char coal, scratch
food, baby chick food, egg food,
in fact all chicken supplies at the
, Tillamook Feed Co. General Supply
• ’
It is expected that a large delega­
tion of Portland business men will
visit Tillamoos City some time thia
month. They will be the guests of
the Tillamook Commercial Club
while here.
Those who deposit regularly in this
bank increase not only theircash assets,
but> build a substantial credit also.
Miss Florence
Laufman, the
English teacher of the high school,
has resigned to become the princi­
pal of the Bay City school. Miss
Verna Seston will also go to the
Bay City school.
Cash goes furthest when supple­
mented by Good Credit.
N. G. Boquist and wife. Louie Lar­
sen and E. A. Erickson left on Tues-
■ day for Sweden, and the next day
■ Gus Wicklund and Gus Nelson left
for the same place to visit relatives
in the old country.
Deposit your cash and build your
redit at
There will be an excursion from
Hillsboro to Tillamook on Sunday,
and it is reported that a large lum­
ber of rooters from that place will
accompany the Hillsboro base ball
team which will play the Tillamook
team. Several days ago over 300
tickets had been sold for the ex­
cursion, and when the train pulls
into this city on Suuday it will be
the heaviest excursion train to
reach this city from the Willamette
Valley. The train w 11 leave Hills­
boro at 7 a.m. and will arrive about
eleven o'clock, the return trip will
be made at 5 p. m. The game of
base ball will start at 2 p. ni.
Dr. G. S. Wright, president of the
Automobile club, stated at the
meeting of the automobilists held
Monday evening that Governor
West was willing to send a camp of
convicts to improve that portion of
the Tillamook road extending from
the reservation bridge to the toll
road, a distance of about six miles,
if interest is shown in the matter.
That stretch of road is almost im­
passable and should be improved.
By using the convicts the cost of
improvement will be reduced to the
minimum.—News Reporter.
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr.
Smith, speaks German. Surgery,
ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in
The Port of Bayocean caBe, which
Commercial Building, opposite took all day Thursday and Friday,
SUPERVISION I . the Todd Hotel. All calls answered
was not finished when court ad­
day or night. Both phones.
journed on Friday, and it was de­
J. W. Maddux has established a cided that the arguments should be
Mrs. Ra
Williams left on Sat- city transfer office next to the Gem made in Salem on the 10th of May.
urday fo
ortland after paying- a theatre on Main street, where all The principal grounds upon which
visit at
home of Mr. and MrB. orders can be left, which will be the Port was attacked was in re­
rt for filling yards, for sale.—
Alex McNair.
promptly attended to, or call the gard to the imperfect description of
The merits' of Dement’s Best is office up by phone, Main 651.
the territory, that it was improper­
10 Choice Strawberry plants for
proven by those who buy nothing
ly described on the ballots, that the
See Shrode.
else of us but their flour. Tilla­ Coal, your fuel problem would be judges of election had failed to
K. Case and wife left on Wed- mook Feed Co.
But as you can't. You can properly indorse the ballots, that
lay for Portland,
As the weather the fore part of do the next beet, Buy A berdare property in other water sheds had
irn on Friday to the wife of the week was wet, it was decided to ■
(Australian) Coal. See Lamb-Schra­ been incorported, and that the Bay­
es Brown, a son.
ocean people had imported men to
postpone the clean up day until ' der Co., Telephone Main 1771.
F. Leach went to Portland on some future date.
take part in the election.
Carpets, Rugs and Mattresses
day on business.
K. B. 4 S. English Cement is the ' cleaned with a first class vaccutn
■s. Ira Smith and son left for kind you want for that top Dressing j
Ttains on Sundays.
carpet cleaner ; good work atid the
land on Wednesday.
for the New Sidewalk.
Sold by beet of satisfaction given by F. E.
C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1.00 per Lamb-Schrader Co.
Commencing on Sunday, the P. R.
Pangborn. Leave orders at lones-
ng of 15. A. M. Ginn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell, who Knudson Furniture Store.
<Sc N. will start a daily train service.
r sale,—Herd of Cows. Enquire have been sick, have been stopping
The trains will also carry mail, but
The baseball garre between the
le Desmond place, Netarts. *
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
as the Postal Department have
Jefferson High School of Portland,
issued permits the postoflices to
anted. 100,000 pounds of Bees Williams, in this city.
and the Tillamook High School,
. Clough’s Drug Store.
C. B. Wiley and wife went out to which was postponed last week, close on Sundays.
e Board , of County Commis- the Valley on Tuesday to visit will take place on Saturday after­ who have these permits are not
friends, and while
outside Mr. noon at the Gilford Stillwell Park coni|>elled to sort the mail until the
ers is in session this week.
next morning.
in this city.
r Sale, a full blood Holstein
Th- time of leaving this city and
er Calf.—Apply to B. H. Hath-
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
Mrs. Pearl Phelps has resigned Portland will be on the present
or 4.50 for half ton, or good fir wood her position in the County Clerk’s time schedule.
It is not known at
5 will sell you a buggy for less already sawed for $5.75 per cord or office, and accompanied by her present whether the mail clerks will
ey than it has cost us. Ask $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode *
mother they left for Kansas City on work on Sundays or whether the
Miss Vida mail will be sent through as “dead
Mrs. Mary D. Benton, of Eugene, Thursday morning.
e chickens wanted at the Tilla- who has been holding Y. P. C. E. Rogers has taken Mrs. Phelps’ place head" express and sorted the next
t Meat Company's Market, 13c. meetings in thiB city, left on Wed­ in the clerk’s office.
nesday morning for Forest Grove.
Louie Smith, who was committed
;y say the Diamond W. line
Owing to the inclement weather to the state penitentiary for two Lynn Eberman Goes to Pen
be beat for quality.—Tilla- on Sunday, the excursion from Ne­ years from Tillamook County, es­
There was a large attendance in
: Feed Co.
halem and the ball game between caped from the prison on Sunday,
the Court House on Friday after­
I. Oliver, who was formerly in Tillamook and Nehalem were called and a reward of $50 is offered for hie
apprehension. He was employed noon to hear the sentence passed
less here, paid the city anoth- off.
upon Lynn Eberman, who had been
as trusty when he escaped.
lit this week.
Lytle A Gordon handle all kinds
indicted by the grand jury on the
Tcf the case of James Walton vs.
uunds pays 17 cents a pound of building
materials in i
charge of rape.
Eberman pleaded
ide for calf hides.
amount and can quote the 1 lowest the School Board of District No. 9, guilty to attempted rape and as
Tillamook Mercantile Co. .
prices in the city. See them before which was an injunction suit to re­ this satisfied District Attorney Mc­
train the directors from selling the Nary, the more serious charge was
i! but that Diamond W. Steel buying.
school bonds, the defendants were not pressed.
The prisoner took
iSee ia good,get it at theTilla-
Mrs. Lee M. Travis came in on
given until the 1st of June in which the three days or grace'in which
i Feed Co.
Friday on a visit to her parents and
to answer or otherwise plead.
sentence could be passed, and in
She left Wednesday for
t Tillamook Concert Band will family.
Now that the automobile rush ia that time a petition was circulated
its first open air concert on Eugene, taking her daughter and
over we are repairing any and asking that the Judge parole Eber-
son with her.
May evening.
everything. Guns, locks and keys, man, and on Thursday evening ■
ng your chickens to the Tilla-
If you want a good garden, or typwriters, cash registers
and showing was made by his attorneys
Meat Company’s Market We want to grow good potatoes, use a I complicated machinery a specialty, that leniency should be exercised.
3c. per pound.
fertalizer prepared for the purpose, At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any However, when Eberman appeared
po weed seeds. A supply at the thing that we can't repair we will before the Court for sentence Judge
I- C. W. King returned on Mon
Tillamook Feed Co.
Tailant, and Mr. King will be
I *>«7
• | , Galloway had made up his mind
that it was for the beet interest of the
Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­
in a few weeks.
Rev. Father Chabot, who has
I community to send the prisoner to
i you a lodge member ? Hear ing purposes. Permit for trapping been pastor of the Catholic Church
M. in this city, has been transferred to [ the State peniteniary He told Eber-
Jope at the Church of Christ, furnished.
Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, I St Johns, and the Rev. Van Claren- 1 man that there may be other young
• y evening at 8.
men equally as guilty as he was but
Corvallis, Oregon.
beck to thia city. Father Chabot
only genuine “Standard Port-
he would have to send him to the
Mrs. Fred Poorman came in from had made himself very affable State penitentiary, for it was a
Cement” to be had in the city,
Portland on Saturday on account
Tillamook Feed Co.
moat serious crime he had com­
where he made many friends.
amook Meat Company Lard of the serious illness of her grand
He thereupon gave Eber­
ntely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail;
Simmons Brothers and Golds- man an indeterminate sentence,
other stroke of paralysis.
'lb. pail; 50 lb. can 12c.
worthy’s mill is now running and which is from 1 to 15 years in the
A. J. Burdick has been awarded ready for orders. Dressed lumber State penitentiary. He told Eber­
> Frank Rhoden, wholes been
15th man that after one year he could lie
•8 her parents at Chemawa, the contract to furnish wood for the furnished after February
Dressed paroled, if his conduct was good,
Court Honse, the bid being $3.65 for Rough lumber $8 per M.
led to the city on Monday,
100 cords of hemlock placed in the lumber will be sold at correspond- and he would use his beat endeavors
have two second hand wagons
inglv low prices. Mill situated 8 to secure his parole after he had
basement of the Court House.
used that can be bought
miles south of Tillamook
served 12 months in the penitenti­
»rgain. Tillamook Feed Co. •
ary. Sheriff Crenshaw took charge
on Saturday having in charge
'■n get the genuine Eastern Henry McKinley and Lynn Eber­ defeated in the primary election, ia of the prisoner and locked him up
feed meats at the Tillamook
in the county jail.
man, who «ai taking them to the. ; in the city this week attending
Company General Supply State pentientiary
McKinley was court He says the people of Ne­
convicted, of rape 12 months ago halem think they have not- l>een
s- Fry returned to Portland and was sentenced to three years given a square deal, for the com-
Church at Christ.
oo9»y, after a week*a visit in the penitentiary by Judge Gallo­ missioner from the north end of the
i**r daughter. Mrs. L. Lsbo- way, while Eberman was given an county should be selecte 1 from the
Services for Snndiy.
• f
indeterminate sentence on Friday. Nehalem country.
10 a m, — Bible School
Another get together meeting and
mid-day lunch of the Tillamook
Commercial Club took place at the
club room* on Wednesday, when
there was a fairly good at .endance.
Preaident Shrode took up the sub­
ject of civic pride, and suggested
that prises be offered for the beat
kept up residences in the city R
W Watson took up the subject of
the proposed manufacturing dis-
trict »nd free factory sites
A gisxl place for you.
11 a si.—Preaching.
The Church, Ita Ordinances."
3 1».m. - Junior C. E.
7 p.m. Christian Endeavor.
8 p.m.—Preaching.
“ The Lodge and the Church."
A cordial invitation to all mem­
bers of fraternal orders.
Sjiecial Muaic.
R. E J opb . pastor.
The Home Bank
Is a mighty uncertain place in which
to keep savings. They are too easy to
take out.
Besides money saved at
home doesn’t earn anything.
start an account with this bank, where
everybody cannot get your money and
where it will earn interest for you.
You can start an account with as little
as one dollar.
Fishing Schooner Vida Is
Driven from her course in enter­
ing the harbor Saturday afternoon,
the fishing schooner Vida, of Seat­
tle, struck the North Spit at the en­
trance to the bay and was wrecked.
Her crew of five men were rescued
by the lifesaving crew from Gari­
The Vida will be a total
In command of George Nelson,
the Vida, which is a gasoline-driv­
en craft, had been outside the har­
bor’s entrance exploring the hali­
but banks. As she was returning
Saturday afternoon at ebb tide the
boat was forced from the channel,
her rudder carried away and, de­
spite efforts of all on board, pound­
ed onto the spit.
The boat’s plight was seen at Gari­
baldi. and U m lifesaving crew hur­
ried to the scene nnd removed the
five men on board from the craft,
which now lies partially submerg­
ed, with the waves breaking over
The Vida was loaded with
fish caught during the day.
Besides Captain Nelson, whose
home is nt Seattle, other men saved
are Joseph Paul, engineer, Seattle;
Edward Martin, steward, Seattle;
Herman Tieson and George Thom­
son, both of Bay City.
Struck by a heavy wave, the
schooner’s rudder was carried away,
and helpless, she drifted until she
struck the north spit.
The Vida was u two masted
schooner of 63 tone burden and 63
feet long. Until recently she hud
been fishing in Alaskan waters.
She arrived here Thursday from
Seattle. The boat belongs to the
Oregon Coast Fishing Company,
of Bay City.
Captain Farley, of the Life Saving
Station, was in this city last Sat
bay afternoon, and when the report
of the accident reached this city
Captain Groat took him to Garibaldi.
V. B. Church.
Bible School 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a.m. and 8 p ut.
Holiness Meeting 3 p.m
Young People's Meeting 7 p in.
The special meetings conducted
by Brothers Lewis and Mathews
still in progress, are wonderfully
rich in blessing. The holiness
being preuclied is sane mid script
ural, the very genuine kind to pre­
vent mid forestall fmisticiem. Come
mid hear mid see and give God nil
open cliance in your own lie. He
brings deliverance from sin and
gives joy, abounding joy in its
B. E. E mkuick , pastor.
E^ox Sale or Exchange sut
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
1. —35H acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6M, miles S. E. $4,500
2. —16 acres in cultivation. Springwater. Ore town.—$2,250.
3. -66 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and stock. -$10,000.
4. —160 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3Vi miles S.E. of Hebo.—47000'
5. —House and Lot in town.— $525.00.
6. — Fine Residence, central Tillamook City. —$2,100.
7 —House and Two Lots, Miller I ’s n addition,
nuuiuiitl, Tillaitiixik
iiii . iiiioo * City. ~9l,ouu.
8. •160
— acres. "
---------------- Valiev.
Ranch. Pleasant
9. 40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1 700.
10. 160 acres. Timber Claim on Miami river.— $4,000-
11. —80 acres fine timber. 1,580. M, feet.—-$1,500
12. —40 acres. Well unproved. New building. 4J$ miles S.—$8,000.
13. — 80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timlier.--$3,000.
147—30 acres. Four miles south. All improved.—$6,000.
15. —30 acres. 3\ miles south. Half improved.
16. —150 Lots and Hotel site, Long Beach add. to Bay ocean. $15,000.
17. —80 acres 4*$ miles S.E. Tillamook. —¿4,800.
18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked.—$22,500.
19. —The finest residence in Tillamook —»4,700.
20. —240 acres 5J$ miles S.E. Dairy Ranch. —$43,200.
21. —60 acres. Nestucca bottom. Dairy Ranch.—$11,000.
1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved.
Will trade for bottom
land only.—$15,000.
2. —10 acres. Orchard. Buildings cost $6,000. — $18 (XX)
3. -24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements. —$36, (MX).
4. -425$ acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw. — $25.<1)0
5 —15 acres. All fruit Good improvements.— $31,000.
6. -H acres. All in fruit. Good
improvements, fio.ouo.
7. — Business Lot, Hood River. —$10.000.
11.—100 acres. Six açrea cleared Fine apple land. $8,(XX)
Washington County, Or., Lands.
1.--1000 acres. Orchard Lund.
tracts to suit.
Mostly raw.
For sale only in
1. —Two Mita. Portland Heights $12, (XI).
2. —Three Mite. Peninsular, ne.ir Swift's Packing Plant.—$1,500;
3. - Fine Resilience
Mt Tulxir
Furnished.—$3. (Mil.
4. —Equity in 2 iota. Capital Hill nd<l.— $100.
5. —6 Mite. Parrell'e add. to Woodlawn, Portland.-ft,3II.
1.—8 acra« in town
Five acres in cultivation. ■ Fine creek
$.’ 4flR
1. —160 arrea. All K« mn 1 fruit L hu U. 4 acre« orchard. Ihuhltfi^n. ~
2. —acres Ranch. "Oacrea, 1 year otd apple*, 150 acre* cleared
f75 tier acre
John Leland Henderson & Son,