Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 25, 1912, Image 6

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    Tillamook H««dlight, Aprii 26, 1Ô12
McKinley Committed to
to be Sentenced Friday.
made from
Msthsd by Which the Design» Aro
Built Up Bit by BH.
Wonderful is the work of tbe «V
signer In mother-of-pearl. WKb Mg
segments of this iridescent material b»
builds up a beautiful design Mt kg
bit, section by section.
First, from the cabinetmaker b» re­
ceives the woodwork upon which Ms
design will be formed. It may ba tbu
top of a carved chest, a portion
stool or table, or some dainty ate*
□ack to delight a lady's heart.
Then upon the wood be roughly
draws the design and gathers together
the crude pieces with which to form
the mosaic in the wood.
a piece of mother-of-pearl, be fits it in
a vise, and then with a tiny file be
shapes It to occupy the required space.
Deftly he sets the section in the wood,
fixing it with warm paste to fill tb»
Another piece is then selected, fash­
ioned and secured, and so day attar
day till the piece la complete. Tb»
design Is then robbed with puMcu
stone to give enhanced color, varnish
Is applied, and the finishing touch»»
are given.
Tonquin, a division of French Indo­
China. furnishes the finest native M-
layers of mother-of-pearl. — PearsM*»
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
tatfifaetion, Chronic and Acute, and th«
Digeativ« Organ«.
iBmrotlon. a pbaee of dyspepgu
wMcb hu» been called the American
A»»»»e. ia very common, and Its dl»-
»greeable »ymptoms are but too Weu
«B» wìi . Chronic indigestion, or dyv
■»■»». 1» very prevalent, and in m«j.
UaJ pkruae an acute disease is oppose
S» cSrouk- in tbe sense that while »
ffSnak' disease runs a long time tb»
•Mt» form is attended with sevtr»
^■^toius and is likely to come »peed-
• crisis.
Acato indigestion, therefore, Is a con-
mias in which tbe digestive organ.,
«■none they are either naturally weak
Ot aru worn out, overworked or tempo
Mrty abused, fail to perform their
SSMtlons and tbe whole system I»
Brown "out of gear.” This may he
«TO primarily and directly to overeat-
■kff «T to eating Improper food, to gorg-
Ba tbe stomach with inadequately
■Mtlcated food, to retarding Its nor-
■•I action with too much liquid or to
«■bar local Influences.
!■ cases of acute indigestion or dy>-
■•paia there generally Is intense pain,
«Aro followed by sickness aud vomit-
bkg of the surplus or offensive matter
by which tbe stomach seeks to correct
the effects of abuse »nd regain a nor-
■»I condition. But It does not always
rocceed. Other measures of relief also
fail, the machinery breaks down, and
death ensues.
The main difference between chronic
dyspepsia and acute indigestion Is that
one is sloiy death and the other quick.
Tbe moral us to dietetic habits, eating
and drinking, is too obvious to need
pointing out.—Indianapolis News.
supreme conrt.
M. W. Harrison v». Pacific Railway A
Navigation Company Damage».
Theodore Senn va. W. O Dwight. Ko*
Sidlcr, the unknown heir» of Albert Sidlcr
deczaaed, and all other peraona or partiea
unknown. To quiet title.
Iti the matter of the petition of Matthe
Au 1er«on Sanden to become a citiaen of the
Judge Galloway will adjourn tbe
April term of the Circuit Court to­ United State« of America.
In the matter of the petition of Louis
morrow (Friday) as he has to hold Larsen to become a citteen of the United
court in Salem on Monday. The State« of America. Petition granted.
cases disposed of since last week
In the matter of the petition of Erick Glad
to become a citixen of the United State« ot
are given below:
America. Petition granted.
The case of Henry McKinley, who
Jerne« Hughey and Wesley Ru«b ▼•- Hiram
was convicted ot rape at the circuit W. Smith. Demurrer to cro«« bill sustained.
court twelve months ugo, and which Plaintiff gives notice of appeal in open court.
has been pending since that time
C. n. Hadley vs. C. W Talmage, adminis­
quibbling over technicalites and trator, C. B Hadley, et al. Argued and
several mistakes in not disposing writ ««stained.
C. B, Reynolds v«. A. Robert and H.
of tlie case in the prompt manner
Wahlen. Settled and dismissed.
it should have been, was disposed
of at this term of Court, Judge Gal­
low y signing the commitment pa­ Referendum Cases Put Up To
pers and McKinley will be taken to
The People.
the State penitentiary at Salem to
serve the sentence of three years
which was imposed upon him.
S alem , Or., April 23,-Reversing
Lynn Eberman, who was indicted Judge Galloway, of the Circuit
on a charge of rape, pleaded guilty Court of Marion County, the Su­
to attempted rape on Tuesday. The preme Court, in an opinion by Jus­
court wae cleared to take some testi­ tice Burnett, today dismissed tbs
mony, and Eberman’s attorney, University of Oregon referendum
S. S Johnson, asked for three day’s cases and by so doing practically
grace be given before seutence be ruled that the referendum petition»
He will come up for sent­ must go on the ballot to be voted
ence on Friday moruiug.
i on by the people at the next general
There being uu more jury cases election.
Jadge Galloway discharged the
The Court ruled entirely on the
jury on Tuesday.
question of procedure in bringing
Pacific Railway tind Nuvigatlua Co.
Al .lure Packing Co. .Mandate.
ot appeal to the
Absolutely Pur
Makes Home Baking Easy
No other aid to the housewife
u so great, no other agent so
useful and certain in making
delicious, wholesome foods
The only Baking Powder
One of the Attraction» at an Old Tlroe
No Alum
No Lime Phosphates
1 the suit and ignored the issue as to
whether there was fraud in thepeti-
Pacific Railway 6t Navigation Co. v».
Wii'ltf G. DnRoi« aud John E. DuBoia. Con­ -.ions or as to the correct method of
de «nation.
Continued. Di«mi««ed
upon determining the validity of the peti-
motion ot plaintiff
i tions. The ruling is, in effect, that bitulithic endorsed
United Railway« Company v». William li. j S. H. Friendly, a private individual,
Motion for con-
After Years of Heavy Traffic
I who appears as plaintiff, had no
ditl »nal allowed.
Bitulithic Paving Still
United Railway« Company
v«. Sarah
McMillian and N. McMillian. Condemnation. is therefore dismissed.
Nor does
State ot Oregon v«. J. H. Beach. Kmbez- J | the court indicate how the suit or
seiement. Continued.
any preceding against a referendum
The following teatimonal to the
Tillamook County Bank, a corporation v$. 1 1 should have been brought.
merits of Bitulithic paving is from
Bruce W. R ohm . Action for money. Di«-
j The present case involves more a man in a position to know where­
mi««e I
¡than $328,000, but by stipulation
of he speaks, and cannot fail to be
St Ila of Oregon va. Henry McKinley. 1
Rape. District Attorney moved for writ of the full import of the opinion in­ of special interest to the readers of
in- volves more than $500,000 of appro- this paper at the present time:
commitment which wa« granted. Clerk
•tructed to issue commitment.
1 priations made by the last Legisla-
“J. W. Morris,
Th »rnas N Kennedy v« 2. T. i B>garJ. ■ tore for the university.
The main question arose under
“Yeon Building,
Macdonald Potts vs. Rollle W Watson
the general demurrer. The ques­
Portland, Oreg-on.
Action for money
tion there was whether the plaintiff,
April 1, 1912
Lawrence Olds v«. Hattie Olds
Di torce I
by his bill in equity, stated facts ‘IVarren Brothers Company,
Default entered.
Defaftlt entered, Decree
sufficient to support hie prayer for
grauted as prayed for.
Olympia, Washington.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. L H Field,
Dear Sirs,—
The Supreme Court holds that
L. C. BId red. A. C Bloomfield aud C. C.
I have your favor of March 30tli,
Bloomfield. Condemnation.
S. H. Friendly, as plaintiff, does requesting my opinion of Bitulithic
DcLnvnl Dairy Supply Company, u cor­ not show that he will be injured in
pu veinent with special reference as
poration, v«, Jo«, Von Rots. Action for
u:iy property or civil right by the to its adaptability (or heavy traffic­
Judgment and order for sale at-
contemplated action of Secretary of streets.
tached property.
Fred Maroif, et al v«. Anna Metier, et al. State Olcott in certifying the ballot
This pavement has been in use
title to the County Clerks.
since 1903 on some of the principal
Otto W. Nelson vs. Margaret B Ve««ey,
thoroughfares of Portland, notably
«t al. Confirmation.
5th Street und Yamhill Street. Fifth
Beas Pangburn vs. Quincy J. Paagboru,
Street leads past the city hall where
Divorce, A» the partita had not reiided la
the traffic came under my observa­
the state 1 2 month» a divorce could not be
Charley McDonald, wifeandchild,
Mother given charge of the
tion for two yeara. The pavement
cqlrdren. and defendant to pay $20 per from Bluine, was in Heaver Monday,
He informs ua his little boy had a is eight years old and has had little
month for tbrir support.
work in the way of maintenez since
J R. Htt-tcr vs. (L W Wilka and Juila» c.ose call of being killed n few day»
Erickson, Action for money. Settled and ago. The child climbed into the it was laid—in fact, I do not recall I
disin iased.
any maintenance work being done
farm wagon and loosened the brake.
In tlie matter of the petition of John
on it while 1 was city engineer.
Obrrkiimcr to become a citisen of the United
The street is in excellence condi­
over n high bank and upsetting,
States of America. Petition granted.
tion today and the same cun be
Will M Ray vs. A. F. Garrison. To set
said of Yamhill Street. These ure
aside deed.
living testimonials of the worth of
llenntha Hyrom vs The Garibaldi Reach
Bert Downs, of Blaine, w»» in Bitulithic and are stronger argu­
Co I «»recloanre. Deuiurrer withdrawn and
defendant given until Tueednv In which to Leaver Monday.
ment than technical reasons. Both
that other
Forest Ayers is down in the south streets have a very heavy traffic.
parties may he brought in a« party de
end of the county thia week on a
Yours truly,
fen last«,
surveying expedition pertaining to
J. W. M orris .’’
Peter Byram vs. The Garibaldi Beach Co.
the county roads.
Motion of defendaut to bring
Card of Thanks.
tn other parties aa defeudant« denied
John Krebs VS. WiHiara G. Willett, et al.
Foreclosnrv Foreclosure ordered.
F. i>. fitalford vs. Jatne« Walton. Jr. *• s'
Inunction. Argueii «nd taken under advise­
Stipulated that testimony be ri­
Miss I.enu Bunn has returned
home after spending a few week» in
Ed Gilbert after spending the
week end ut home, returned to
Tillamook to serve on the jury.
Light hogs ISO lbs 8Hc.
ISO lbs. to Al) lbs. Sc.
200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7Hc
300 lbs. and over, 7c.
Tillamook Meat Company.
Mi»» Cecil Wallace, of Hemluck,
returned home after opendinfl: Two Thousand Mile Book», And
Bay City Land Company va. Henry H.
Clergy Permits Good on P R ft N.
daye in Beaver.
Al lermnn. et nl. Registration of land title.
Buy City Land Company va. Henry H.
A1 rruiuii
Registration ut laud title
Roy and Jolin aBaling ha<l what
might have been a very serious ac­
g. W . Tbotuptuu and Floyd A. dwau
cident Friday evening.
They were
AU ch II Wilson, et «1. Foreclosure.
A I.. Johusuu aud h*. P Johnsou vs. TilUk driviug a horse and buggy iron:
rnuok ( ouuty
Appeal from County Court their home to Beaver, while cross­
A. H Baling vt. Chas. Chaffee, Action for ing the bridge over Wests Creek,
m >ncy Plaintiff moved for non suit, which the horse allied at some wood near
waa allowed
the end of the bridge, backing the
II K Edmunds vs. Josephine P Rd rounds.
buggy over the side of the bridge,
l*efault entered. L ecree granted.
eiuashiug up the buggy and giving
Mary L. Bergvr va F. R Beals. Action
Roy u bad shaking up.
*or money. Motion for nun suit allowed
Otrli<l<udley v« C. K. Hadley, D J. Had«
lev Mand '‘harp aud C W Talmage, “d"
mini«trator of estate of C. B Hadley
junctiou Defendant given until May Slat in
which to file aaswer
Several people from Beaver at-
tended the Rebecca Convention at
Bay City. Saturday, April 20 Will
Gilbert, Mrs E K. Gilbert. Mrs.
of Oregon, upon the relation of Id* Ed Trobough. Miss Bessie Bays,
ward Blum et al v« The Fort of Bay ocean, Mr. und Mrs.
Herman Farmer,
a pretended Quast Municipal corporation, Mi»» Rhoda Farmer. Mr. and Mr».
yu » Warranto Cane set for trial this
A. W Blum went over by auto, re­
turning in the wee small hours of
W. G Dwight vs. Mary J. Martin
• Wips.ire of mortgage Umutssed upon motion Similar mornfng • -Airreport s good
’ ea
ata l*ii>t it
- wt ,
I time.
R C Magarrvll«• Kdwio lluukev. T tub I cw .
Hob-ft r. Fv^vter. and
Fowhr J. L
Hartman, «ml g L Ttawmpaaa Forwioaurv*
The b«se ball gumv. Beaver v».
< loverdale, played Sunday at Clo-
Utalia H arile y va. C. It Hadky Damagaa
verdale, was carried off by the
PuttWf pvtwvadtnga ordavad Blared paadiag
The »cure was 10 to 13 in
baa I prxtrvvdiaga la Otbvt caaa
Cloverdale had a
Je unta Cuate va. Maggia J Coee
IHrorw. I ■avot of Heaver.
-trvtig line up and played good
lM€adH enured and deevaa granted
Harry MiUteeU va. V W Rte. D. A. Bim- troll the first few innings and the
muna. ebne Hanaea »ad W W Rkdrhaigh
way they piled ap ball looked bed
Actum fur auMy. Mutioa la bring la other lor Beaver; but when the home
parttea granted
Metki ta make more
team got warmed up and began to
•prrid* atul caviate anatraWd
'ake notice, there wae something
Lóala O Fr «am a a ya Lar« J<>haaoa Furr
Ümit»« fcw ap|fo*tetm«at <K rt- doing and the first two tnninge Clo-
i verdale w»e coni| leteing »hut out.
«viver wltbdraara.
Miravi W Bmltb $« Jaatee Maghay aeri Collier did some good work on 3rd
Weak y Bro «b, at «dminftat rator of Uw «et at« bota
Farmer and Davie played
*»f Mjrra Hughvy. dereaavd T“----- —
Jerv good
bull, making one grand stand
It is with a sense of grateful ap­
preciation that I express my sincere
thanks to the many kind friends
who showed so much sympathy to­
wards me on account of the sick­
ness and death of my beloved wife;
and I also want to express my
thanas to the ladies of the fraternal
orders for their many tokens of
kindness and sympathy.
F rank S everance .
Why He Was Late.
“What made you so late?”
“I met Smithson.’’
‘ Well, that is no reason why you
should be an hour late getting home
to supper.”
“I know, but I nsked him how he
was feeling, nnd he insisted on tell­
ing me about his stomach trouble ”
“Did you tell him to take Cliarn-
lain’s Tablets ?”
“Sure, that is what he needs.”
Sold by all dealers.
A Tillamook Dairy Ranch with ’
improvements and stock that $1000
to $1500 cash first payment will
buy. Place not to cost over $4000.
and not over 5 miles from Tilla­
mook City.
Address Post-office
Box 227. Tillamook, Oregon.
“>ly little son had a very severe!
cold. I was recommended to try ;
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and •
before a emull bottle had oeen finish- •
ed he was as well as ever ” writes '
Mrs. H. Silks, 29 Bowing Street,
Sydeny, Australia. This remedy is
)or sale by all dealers.
Don’t be surprised if you have an
attack of rheumatism this spring. :
Just rub the affected parts freely
with Chamberlain’s Liniment and'
it will soon disappear. Sold by all,
Price» for Hogs
Hay City Land Co. va. Claude Thayer, et al.
Begistratlon of title.
,„.i v.ro« »w
The 2000 mile ($50.00) books issued
by the Southern Pacific and O-W.-
R- A N. Lines ; also Clergy Trans-
Continental permits will be honor­
ed by the PR. A N. between all
Eye Sight Specialist.
(Both Phons»).
Virginia Colobration.
Here is a program observed in the
celebration of St Andrew’s day in a»
old Virginia town in 1737:’
That a fiddle be played for by twenty
fiddlers, every person to bring bls own
fiddle. After the prize Is won they are
nil to play together and each one a
different tune and then be treated by
the company.
That twelve boys of twelve years of
age do run for 112 yards for a bat at
the cost of 12 shillings.
That a flag be flying on said day
thirty feet high.
That after dinner the royal health,
his honor the governor’s, is to be
That a pair of sliver buckles be
wrestled for by a number of brisk
young men.
That a pair of handsome shoes be
danced for.
That a pair of handsome silk stock­
ings of one pistole value be given to
the handsomest young maid that ap­
pears in the field.
It Is probable, says the Ohio State
Journal, our tastes are too much
changed to eujoy such a list of attrac­
tions. but one may imagine what fun
they must have caused.
Qu»er Impranion the Emperor Mad»
Upon Count»»» Potocka.
We waited rather long, and It must
be acknowledged our curiosity was not
unmingled with fright. Of a sudden
the alienee was broken by a swift ru­
mor. the wings of the door opened
noisily, and M. de Talleyrand advanc­
ed. with a loud nnd intelligible voice
uttering the magic word that made tb»
world tremble, “The emperor.” Imme­
diately Napoleon made his appearunc»
and baited for a minute as if to b»
So many portraits exist of this aston­
ishing man. bls history has been so
much written about, all the stories told
by the children of bis old soldiers will
live so long, that the generations to
come will know him almost as well as
ourselves. But what will be difficult
to grasp Is how deep and unexpected
the impression was which those felt
who saw biqi for the first time.
As for me, I experienced a sort of
stupor, a mute surprise, like that
which seizes one at the aspect of a
prodigy. It seemed to me that be wore
an aureole. The only thought 1 could
frame when I recovered from this first
shock was that such a belug could not
possibly die; that such a mighty organ­
ization, such a stupendous genlu»,
should never perish,
awurded him double Immortality —
From the Memoirs of the Countess l’o-
Ocean Cannibals.
Such fierce carnivorous fishes as exist
in the depths of the ocean are un*
known at the surface. There is a
“black swallower” which devours other
finny creatures ten times as big as it­
self. literally climbing over its victim,
first with one jaw and then with the
other. Another species is nearly all
mouth, and. having no power of loco­
motion. It lies buried in the soft ooze
at the bottom. Its head alone protrud­
ing. ready to engulf any prey that may
wander into its cavernous jaws. There
is a ferocious kind of shark resembling
a huge eel. All of the«e monsters are
black as ink. Some of them are per­
fectly blind, while others have enor­
mous. goggling eyes. No ray of sun­
light ever pierces the dark, unfatbom-
ed caves in Which they dwell. Each
species is gobbled by the species next
bigger, for there is no vegetable life to
feed on.—Spare Momenta.
Th» Pul»e Watch.
Among the Ingenious devices for th»
physician may be mentioned a watch
constructed on the "stop” principle
whereby the number of pulse beats per
minute may be indicated. A push but­
ton is pressed at the beginning of the
count and again at the twentieth pul­
sation, wheu the number of beats per
minute is shown on a dial without the
necessity for calculation. Still another
push on the button brings the counter
back to the starting point. In the ordi­
nary method of taking the pulse th»
observer is obliged to do two things at
the same time—count the beats and
keep his eye on the second band of his
watch. With the pulse watch only on»
operation is necessary, the counting of
th» pulsation up to twenty, when the
push button is pressed —New York
As Others See It.
Every two or three weeks 1 approach
my bouse from the unusual side and
make a note of the effect of porch, win­
dows and the curtains. Then 1 try to
go into the house as a stranger. Pic­
tures which have become so familiar
that they were a part of the wall I see
the need of changing, and so I see
things all through the house. I think
mure than anything else I And the
rooms overcrowded and fussy and
something can be banished. Of course
I can't always do these things at the
time, but 1 make a note of them. This
has worked so well with my bouse that
I am trying It for myself. When dress­
ed for the street or bouse 1 step to the
glass and say, "Let me present you to
Mrs. ----- and try to look at myself
as a stranger, and I see many things
to improve. It Is a good thing to “see
ourselves as others see us.*’—Harper’s
English Earthquakes.
■nglisb earthquakes are not uncom-
Bon, but we can rejoice that they have
decreased In severity, for the da mag»
done nowadays Is as nothing compared
with the ravages wrought by early
■nglisb earthquakes. In 1580, for In­
stance, part of St. Paul's cathedral was
wrecked by an earthquake shock, and
nt an earlier date Glastonbury abbey
bad been completely destroyed. Staf­
fordshire. where the latest shock was
Mt. would appear to l>e the earth-
qroke area of England, for shocks
ware also felt there in 1908. Even as
The Lebst»r*s Color.
The shell of tbe lobster 1» Imbued Patently as 1884. however, an English
i with a black or bluish pigment secret­ earthquake was severe enough to re-
ed by the true skin, which also give» qntre • mansion boase fund to repair
out the calcareous matter after each its ravages In the eastern couutles.—
molt, so that 11m» and pigment aro Landon Chronicle.
blended together. This pigment be­
comes red. pale and Intense tn water at
Landen Street Bagger».
a tempemrure of 212 degrees Fahrew
■peaking of the swarm of beggsri
helt. and tbe same effect I» produce« Md "panhandlers” In th« Engli-h me-
by tbe action of alcohol, ether and va­ WapoUa. the I-ondon Times says •Tbs
rious acid».
street» of London never fall to attract
tbs professional beggar and never 41*
gpperiit him. The Mendicity society
A Bad Discovery.
Mia ns that a beggar can earn more
"How do«« Brown Ilk» tb« high
A»» the wages of the average working-
♦ion be w»» recently promoted t»F
■MB and that It is probably no < x»g
"Not very writ "
"But I thought It waa p » v 1 m «*■ gvratk>n to say that well over $600.W
1» given away haphazard to beggars 1»
310.000 a yaarF
~8o It 1». But he’s 41«covere4 tkat the streets of London every year.’ "
hl» employer» expect hlm t» «MB V
— Detroit Free Pre»«
H»r Discovery.
ri have Made ■ discovery." declared
th» bride
“Ye» I find one can cook as w»H
a »tov» h on a chafing dl*h Brolly- I
•>« anrpri^-J ” - Louisville- Courier