Tillamook tìaadlighh April Ê8, 1212. r.r.-fc Elec tore. President. R. in Rept 14th District. District Attorney. Secretar) Dairy and Food Com­ of State. missioner. School County County Surveyor. County Assessor. COUNTY. leaver ... Manie ... larnegat arnahan )olph ... 'airview . ioquarton uttle Nestuci s’ehalem....... Çetarts ......... land Lake South Prairie rillaniook ?nion ........... TotalB ■ ■ 22 5 4 14 6 2 21 2 22 19 30 13 46 3 6 10 43 11 35 6 3 7 6 1 3 1 15 13 43 4 2« 1 6 7 52 9 52 15 5 17 12 3 17 2 26 26 59 22 55 3 9 14 70 21 42 9 5 18 11 2 20 4 23 18 49 27 87 3 4 18 58 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 8 1 2 0 3 1 4 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 3 8 3 0 3 0 2 4 1 2 29 8 2 5 7 1 21 2 17 19 42 6 18 1 4 6 56 2 67 14 7 19 17 4 27 6 32 39 81 24 86 3 12 22 85 26 33 4 2 6 5 2 12 4 10 16 38 13 61 1 5 9 49 11 32 IS 5 20 7 2 26 3 26 28 59 17 38 3 7 15 52 13 19 4 2 2 0 0 0 1 9 8 17 3 37 2 4 4 13 4 279 238 438 412 25 35 256 571 281 366 129 1 6 4 4 1 9 0 2 3 10 3 18 6 2 3 7 0 34 2 14 6 31 5 26 0 4 10 43 5 22 6 0 19 11 1 9 3 11 28 41 23 31 2 3 14 40 11 55 13 4 25 14 2 23 5 32 38 78 28 81 6 9 2) 72 23 39 8 6 17 9 S 12 4 16 30 51 13 76 2 7 15 60 14 30 8 2 9 6 0 27 1 24 -13 52 17 2J 3 4 14 56 14 28 13 7 19 9 3 8 5 33 30 71 28 80 2 12 5 70 20 48 4 3 4 10 0 36 3 11 17 34 4 21 3 1 25 49 4 1 4 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 4 9 1 0 0 1 0 3 6 23 2 0 5 12 0 26 0 2 13 65 2 11 5 4 20 94 1 59 216 275 528 382 309 443 277 34 285 8 1 2 2 0 1 16 9 8 13 6 3 13 4 20 19 54 24 97 3 4 9 53 22 58 11 2 10 14 0 33 5 30 26 52 8 29 3 9 26 72 7 76 19 12 23 20 3 36 8 41 46 98 32 125 6 13 27 115 29 75 18 11 22 20 3 40 8 43 47 1110 32 126 6 13 33 123 28 64 20 9 19 17 3 39 8 34 42 88 27 108 5 10 27 112 25 41 4 5 19 4 2 24 3 33 28 59 21 80 6 11 25 09 20 39 17 5 6 16 1 27 5 11 20 42 11 45 0 1 12 61 8 8iV 377 395 729 748 657 454 327 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 8 1 60 0 0 0 2 0 ■ 7 46 2 0 11 25 6 36 14 8 18 7 2 26 7 25 28 2 * 25 82 4 13 22 100 19 30 8 4 15 14 1 38 5 11 21 39 21 JA 3 9 18 30 •M 27 63 12 84 4 4 18 11X) 6 69 19 9 19 19 2 43 6 39 45 95 31 KM) 0 12 31 V>1 27 251 507 329 454 682 39 6 7 12 1 18 1 21 19 49 12 8 10 4 1 12 4 NOTICE OF CONTEST. Drainage, together with all appurten- ’of Block 5; thence S. along said cen- ances thereto and constructing said ' ter line which is parallel to the west Department of the Interior, sidewalks is declared to be as follows : line of 2nd Ave. E. to a point 110 feet United Stntee Land Office, Sdner Beats Alley for County Portland. Oregon. All of the lots and blocks and parceh north of the N. line of 12th st. thence Commissioner—Democrats April 15, 1912. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Com­ of land herein described, as follows : W. to a line which is parallel to and Albert Atuy, of Tillamook, Ore­ Nominate Republicans mon Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, All of blocks 1,2,3,4,& 5 and lots 1 to 110 feet E. of the E. line of Stillwell To gon, Conteatee: deems it expedient and hereby declar s 4 inclusive of blocks 6 and 7, and lots Ave. thence N. to the S. E. corner of on County Ticket. You are hereby notified that T. A. I its intention to improve the following 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 & 8 of block 8 and all of lot 6, block 6, Hay’s Addition; thence GARNER, who give» 3721-69 St. S.E. Portland, Oregon, as hi« |>o«t-ottice The primary election passed off streets: blocks 9 and 10 of the original town of W. to the W. line of Stillwell Ave. address, did on April 6tb, 1912, file quietly on Friday with a small vote First Street from the W. line of 6th Lincoln. thence S. to the place of beginning. in this office hie duly corroborated East, considering that a large num­ Ave. W. to the E. line of Park St. and All of blocks 1,2,3,& 4 in Me Dar- Also commencing at the intersection application to contest and secure I ber swore tn their votes who had 2nd St. from the E. line of Stillwell mott’s Addition. of the S. line of 6th street and the W. the cancellation of your Homestead. No. 02172 made Septembei II, pot been registered. Roosevelt re­ I Ave. to the W. line of 4th Ave. E. and All of blocks 1,2,3,4,5,& 6 of Thayer's line of 2nd Ave. E. thenceW. 110 feet; Serial 1909, N.W. U of S. \V. v«, and the V ceived a plurality of vote and 3rd St. from the westerly city limits to first Addition. thence S. to the N. line of 7th Street; 1-3 of N.W. % of Section 32, an I N. Bourne obtained a majority in Tilla­ the easterly city limits, and 4th St. Of N.E. 'i Section 31, Tp 1 Lots 1,2 & 4 of block 7; lots 1.2.3.& 4 thence E. 110 feet ;thence N. to the place E. mook County. from the E. line of Stillwell Ave. to of block 8; lots 1 and 4 of block 9; lots 1 of beginning. Also commencing at the North, Range 9 Weat, Willamette Meridan, and as groupda tor this the W. line of Sth Ave. E. and 12th St. & 4 of block 11; lots 1 and 4 of block 13, intersection of the S. line of 4th street Republican. contest he alleges that said AL­ and the W. line of 2nd Ave. E. thence from the E. line of Stillwell Ave. to Those on the State ticket who and lots 1 and 4 of block 15; all of BERT AMY, 011 or about the 22nd the W. line of 2nd Ave. E. and 6th Ave. block 17; lots 1,2,3 & 4 of block 18, in W. to the E. line of Stillwell Ave. day of April, 1911, «old the cabin have been nominated are : thence S. to the N. line of 5th street constructed on the land herein des­ W. from the North line of 3rd St. and Thayer’s second addition. President—Theodore Roosevelt. cribed to one Amos Vaughn, who the S. line of First St. and 4th Ave. W. U.S. Senator—Ben Selling. Lots 1 and 4 block 25; lots 1 and 4 thence E. 110 feet; thence N. 110 feet; moved the aaid cabin from the said from the S. line of Front St. to tne N. block 26 in Thayer's 3rd addition, all thence E. to a point 110 feet W. of the tract; and that said ALBERT AMY Congressman—W. C. Hawley. line of First street, and 3rd Ave.W. from of block 31, and lots 1,2,3,4 of block 32, W. line of 2nd Ave. E. thence S. 110 did then and there vacate and Secretary of State—Ben W. Olcott. the S. line of Front St. to the N. line and lots 1,2,3, block 33 in Thayer’s feet; thence E. 110feet; thence N. to abandon the said tract of land hu J Dairy and Food Commissioner— I the place of beginning, same being has never since said 22nd day of of First st. and 2nd. Ave. W. from the Fourth addition. John D. Mickle. April, 1911, resided thereon. S. line of Front St. to the N. line of Railroad Commissioner—Thomas All of Blocks 1,2 & 3 in Goodspeed’s public school property. You are, therefore, further notified Also all of block bounded by First that the said allegations will be First st. and First Ave. W. from the Addition. K. Campbell. S. line of Front st to the N. line of District Attorney—Gale S Hill. Lots 1,2,3,4 block 2, lots 1 to 11 in­ street, 3rd street; 4th Ave. E. and 5th takeu by this office as having been by you, and your said First St. and Stillwell Ave. from the clusive block 1 in A. A. Miller’s Addi­ Ave. E. Also commencing at the in­ confessed Joint Senator—W. H. Hollis. entry will be canceled thereunder tersection of the N. line of 3rd street South line of Front st. to the S. line of Joint Representative—T B. Hand- without your further right to be tion. 12th st. and First Ave. E. from the S. Lots 1,2,3.4 block 3; lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Easterly city limits; thence heard therein, either before this ley. line of Front st. to the N. line of 4th block 2, lots 1,2,3 block 1, Park Ad­ N. 110 feet; thence W. to a line 110 office or on appeal, if you fail to Delegates to National Convention. feet E. of the E. line of Park street; file in this office within twenty st. and 2nd Ave. E. from the S. line of dition. .. 144 Chas. W. Ackerson .. days after the fourth publication of .. 17 thence N. to a line parallel to and 110 thia notice, as shown below, your Front St. to the S. line of 12th st. and O. C. Applegate............. Lots 3,4,5,& 6 block 1, lots 3,4,5,&6 ...35 Daniel Boyd..................... feet N. of the N. line of First street; answer, under oath, specifically 3rd Ave. E. from the S. line of First block 2, in Central Addition. ... 79 Fred S. Bynon ....... .. and responding to theae St. to the N. line of 4th st, and Park Lots 1 to 8 inclusive of Harter’s Ad­ thence in a Northwesterly direction meeting Homer C. Campbell .... ...21 allegations of contest, or if you fail along said parallel line to a point 110 Street from the S. line of First St. to ... 23 Chas. H. Carey............. dition. within that time to file in thia the N. line of 3rd St. Henry Waldo Coe........... ... 66 Lots 1,2,7 4 8 block 1. lots 3,4,5,4 6 feet E. of the E. line of 2nd Ave. E. ; office due proof that you have ... 6 Chas. H. Fry.................. thence N. to ths S. line of Front street served a copy of your unswer on Except that the cost of establishing of block 2, lots 3,4,5 4 6 block 3, lots ... 59 D. D. Hail........................ the grades of said streets and the cost 1.2.7 & 8 block 4; lots 1,2,7 4 8 block extended Easterly; thence W. to the the said contestant either in person ... 7 T. W. Harris.................... or by registered mail. If this ser­ of that portion of the improvements 5, and lots 3,4,5,4 6 of block 6, Hay’s E. line of 2nd Ave. E. thence S. to vice ia made by the delivery of a ... 9 S. B. Hueton.................... the N. line of First street; thence along copy of your answer to the con­ ... 5 included within the limits of any street Addition. D. C. Jones ..................... ,...80 Thomas McCusker......... the N. line of First street to the E. testant in person, proof of such and alley intersection space or spaces, Lots I to 5 inclulive in Blocks 1 and 4. ...11 Phil Metschan ............... line of Park Street; thence S. to the service must be either the said con the estimated cost and expense of all Sunnymead Addition. ... 5 J. W. Minto...................... teatant's written acknowledgment engineering and surveying necessary .... 9 Lots 1,2,5,6,7,4 8 of Block 1; lots N. line of 3rd street; thence E. to the of his receipt of the copy, showing Frank Patton.................. place of beginning. ... 62 J. N. Smith. ..................... the date of its receipt, or the affi­ for said improvment to be done by and 1,2,3,4 4 of Block 2; lots 1,2,3,4 4 of ...19 The following described lots, blocks, davit of the person by whom the A. V. Swift........................ under the direction of the city engineer, Block 3; lots 5,6,7 4 8 of Block 4; lots delivery was made stating when Jurtice of the Peace, First District. ascertaining the ownership of the lots 5.6.7 4 8 of block 5, Stillwell’s first parcels of land within the following and where the copy was delivered ; 79 described boundary is the proposed as­ Joe Effenberger......... or parcels of land included in the as ­ addition. if made by registered mail, prtsif 62 Fred L. Hastings .. of such service must consist of the sessment districts, advertising, mailing Lots 1,2,3,4 4 of Blocks 6,7,8 4 9; sessment district for Sewer System: Constable. Commencii g at the intersection of affidavit of the person by whom the 47 and publishing all notices required to lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. 4 8 of block 10; lots J. J. Spencer ........... copy was mailed stating when Hnce N. to the N. publication May 16, 1912. A. Bent.............................. I wish to call your attention to streets; st the intersection of the south line of Port of Bay City. the fact that I have dissolved part-1 By grading said atreeta to the proper 3rd street and the W. line of 7th. Ave. line of 6th st. extended; thence W. and parallel to the S. line of 4lh st. John O. Bozorth............. nersbip with Mr. Rollie W. Watson >sub grade; West thence S. 110 feet; thence W. to and the Western city boundary; thence j. M. Harriaon................. and from this date I can be found l By paving the road ways of said R. E. Jacksow............... FAMILY U to the city limits; thence N. 110 feet; S. line of Front street ex- in the Commercial Building, Room gtreeta full width with Bitulithic pave- thence E. to the place of beginning. N. to the _____ John A. Nelson............... __ E. ___ _ the S. line of . tended ; thence along Walter D. Wood............. No. 16, across the ^street from the ment; RECIPES. Also commencing at the interaection of I g’u*to E Ur)e”ot 2nd Ave. E. Port of Tillamook. Todd Hotel writing the same kind j By constructing artificial atone curb- the N. line of First atreet and the W. ( thence Southeasterly parallel to the N. A. G. Beale................................. 161 of fire insurance that I have in ing ■ ■--------- ■- -u- slong each aide -» of — said road way; line of 5th Ave West thence N. 110 line j of First street to the E. line of M. F. Leach................................ 173 By laving and constucting bitulithic years past so you may rest assured j feet; thence W. to the N. 4 S. center Park street extended ; thence E. to the Henry Rogers............................ 209 The valued family re­ that you will receive the same fair headers; line of block 13, extended; thence 8. ( city limits; thence 3. to the place of Port of Nehalem. cipes for cough and cold By constructing inlet* ; and square treatment that has to tire N. line of block 13; thence S. to Frank A Rowe........................ . 117 cure, liniments, tonics and N By constiuctng catch basins, and tkeW. line of 6th Ave. W. thence N. beginning. characterized all my dealings with Henry Tohl................................. 96 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RESOL­ other remedies have as the general public. Thanking you providing for the necessary surface to the N. line of Firet street; thence Fred R. Zaddach....................... 101 VED, That on Mooday the 6 day of Port of Bayocean. careful attention here as a one and all for the past courtesies drainage together with all appurten­ E. to the place of beginning. Abo all May, 1912, at eight (8) o’clock P. M. M. J. O* Donnell........................ 23 and looking forward to a renewal ances thereto; the most intricate prescrip­ « of block bounded.by First street. Front G. A. Reeher.............................. 23 And to improve said streets by con­ Street; 3rd. Ave. W. and Uh. Ave. W. at the Council room in Commer­ of old acquaintances, I am Yours, tions. 26 cial Club rooms in Tillamook Build ­ W. C. Van Denial.................... structing artificial stone sidewalks on Abo. the SJ of lota 1 4 2, and the NJ Very sincerly yours, ing, at Tillamook City. Oregon, be C ounty C ommittbbmbn . Our fresh, high grade and along each side of said street*; J. S. Stephens. of iota 3 A 4 in Mapb Grove Addition and hereby Is fixed as the time and And to improve First St. from Park Abo commencing at the interaection Bay—R. Watt, 2; and T. Elliott. 2. Post Office Box 242. Phone 1563. drugs will help to make place for the hearing of the objections St. to 5th Ave. Weat; 2nd St. from 4th of the S. line of 2nd street and the W. Beaver—W. J. Gilbert. 3. these remedies more effec- effec­ to the proposed improvements when Ave. E. to 7th Ave. Weat; 3rd St from Carnahan—Jacob Blum, 11. Bida Wanted. tive than ever. line of Stillwell Ave. thence 8. to the and where all persons interested may F sir view—Morrison Milla, 2. Park St. West to City Limits; 4th St. N. line of 3rd street; thence W. to the appear and file or present objections to Right price* are Foley-W. H. Sales, Z The undersigned will receive bide from Park St to. 7th Avs. West; 5th St. S. E. corner of Block 2 in Mapb Grove such proposed improvements; and it ia grom Park St. to Stillwell Ave. and assured. Garibaldi—J. M. Harrison, 2. from responsible parties for making Add.; thence N. 230 feet; thence E. to furher ordered that the City Recor­ Hebo—J. J. McGinnis, 2. alterations and repairs to the in­ from 1st Ave. West to City Limits; the place of beginning. Abo com­ der publish this Resolution and Notice Hoquarton—Cart Haberlach, 3. terior and also installing a new 6th St. from Park St. to Stillwill Ave; mencing at the interaection of the 3. in the Tillamook Herald and Tillamook Little Neatucca—T. R. Wilson, 1 front in the building occupied by 7th St. from 100 ft. East of tbe East line of 3rd atreet and the W. line of Headlight of Tillamook, Oregon, in Nehalem—H. F. Effenberger, 31. Honey and Sons, Leeeeaa, ia Tilla­ line of «th Ave. Eaat to Stillwell Ave ; Stillwell Ave; thence W. 210 feet; one issue prior to the date fixed heroin Leo Wilson. 1. " mook. Oregon. Plane and specifi­ ‘ 8th St. from 100 ft. East of the East thence 8. 110 feet; thence E. 110 feet; for hearing. Reliable Druggist South Prairie-T W. Lyster, 2. cations may be seen at said store of line •: «th Ave. Eaat to Stillwell Ave ; thence 8. along the line which b 110 Done by order of the Common Coun ­ Tillamook—E. J. Claussen, 1; Will Honey and Sone. Bide will be re­ '2nd Ave E. from Sth St, to let St; 5th feet west and parallel to the W. line of cil of Tillamook City Oregon, April 23, Spaulding. 1; K W. I-each, 1; H. T. ceived up to May -- 4th, and must be ' Ave. W. from l.t St. to 4th St; SMH- | Stillwell Ave. to the 8. line of 9th sent to the undersigned, owner of well Ave. from Sth St. to 1st St. and rtreet; thence E. to the W. line of 1912. SYF. Leach, 1. T. B. HANDLEY. the building. The owner reserves «th Ave. W. from 1st St. to 2nd St. Stillwell Ave. thence N. to the place W. R. Robedee, 4. City Recorder. the right to reject any and all bide, by laying and constructing a sewer .- of beginning. Abo commencing at the democratic. - “ 1912. long said streets. S. £. corner of Block 4 Sunnymead I*elegated to National Convention. Dated thia 18th day of April, I Ail said improvements to be made in j 1 Addition; thenee W. 110 feet: thence C. L. Parsons, Sec’y and Tress, W. W. WlUY, Athena. Oregon. A. S» Bennett.............. M accordance with the Charter and 8. to the city limit«; thenee E. along of ’he C. H. Ward Drug Co., Paa- 1 Thomas C. Burke.... 0 adena, writes: “We have > Ordinances of Tillamook City. Oregon. the aaid eity limit* to a line which ia <«>kl and Calif, Bartlett Cole............... 0 recommended Foley’» Hon­ A Snap. 1 sod all of said improvement* tn be parallel to and midway between UwE. ey »nd Tar Compound for year«. 1 Leon R. Edmunson . 0 iaa. E. Godfrey......... 1 made at the expence of Ute owners of |;ne of 2nd Ave. E. and the W. line of We bglieve it to lie one of the most ■ IV eia For sale cheap, ¿5 acres 1 ohp D. Goaa ............ the property and ail thereof adjacent 3rd Ave. E. thenee N. along aaid line efficient ex|ie» torania on th* market. Good 11 blocks from High School. < 8 no opiates or narcotics^ thereto and specially benefit>ed by to the 3. E. corner of lot 4 block M, Containing toilet. r. V. Holman............. 12 it can be giveh freely to cbidren. | room bouse. w!,h11 _ ■ Mark Ho haws............. said improvement* electric lights and all other modern 2 Tkayer’s 3rd Addition. Thence W. to Enough of thia remedy can tie tak- ' Stephen Jewell.......... convenience«. Alm» good The proposed Assessment Dietrict for the W. line of 2no Ave. E. thence N. en to relieve a cold as it has no! 0 A. Kadderly.......... chicken pack and «»5.1X1 cow. Rea ­ 9 Establishing grades. Paving. Curta.g, to the 8. E. corner of Block 8. Hay'e nauaeating result« and doe« not Will R. King ............ son for aelling. poor health. 3 iNtelling Bitohthic Headers, Inlets, Addition; thence W. to th« center line interfere with digestion." Chas. 1. J W.Malooey........... Call os or write to J. H. Hatha ­ 2 Clough Co. VicWP. Moaaa.......... Catch Baaine, and Noeea«*ry Surface way, Tillamook, Oregon. 0 F. H. Reynolds......... he primary ejection Daniel W. Shehan Cbaa. W. Sherman J. H. Stevenson... Alex Sweek ......... Ludwig Wilhelm H. Wise.................. President, Champ Clark ........... Judson Harmon .... Woodrow Wilson.... Electors. Hugh McLain ........... Will M. Peterson.... John M. Wall............. D. M. Watson........... F. C. Whitten U. S. Senator. P. Coehow................ Harry Lane .................. Walter M. Pierce....... Secretary of State John B. Ryan .................. District Attorney. Frank Holmes .............. William S. Risby............ Joint Representative. T. B. Handley...................... Representative in Congress. C. W. Talmage.......................... 9 County Treasurer. B. L. Beals................................... : 10 Coroner. R. T. Boals................................. 1 13 Commissioner. Geo. R. Edner............................... i 16 Sheriff. H. Crenshaw................................1 23 County Clerk. J. C. Holden......... . .................... 19 Treasurer. - Todd......................................... 8 School Superintendent. Jas Goldsworthy...................... 12 W. S. Buel.................. ................ 8 County Surveyor. U. G. Jackson............................. 9 J. S. Craig................................... . 6 County Assessor. C. S. Atkinson............................ 7 C. A. Johnson ......... . ................ 12 C ounty C ommitteemen . Bay—Theo. Jacoby. Beaver—J. M. Baker. Dolph—E. B. Barthrop Garibaldi—F. P. Hobson. Hoquarton—P. W. Todd, T. Coates. Little Nestucca—H. E. Follett. Nehalem—H. E. Effenberger. South Prairie—D. Fitzpatrick. Tillamook—F. Johnson, P. Todd, Henry Wolfe. Notice of Intention to Improve Certain Streets. o. w. s i I CLOUGH Mother know« she has made the test, Tillamook Baker’s Bread Is the Best, We use Olympic Flour.