Tillamook H««dlight, April ’2S, 1912. — Advertisng Rate«. I.EGAL ADVERTISININTB: Firat Insertion, per line .... * 10 Each subsequent insertion, line S Business And profeaaional cards, 1 mah th ................................. 1 00 Homestead Notices.................... 5 00 Timber Claims .......................... 10 00 Locala per line each insertion 5 Display advertisement, an inch, 1 month .......... .... 50 All Resolutions oiCondolence and Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimus rate, 23c. not exceed­ ing five lines. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year........ Six month« ... Three months 1.6o 75 r>o Entered an second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3. 1879. For the first time in a long while the immoral habits of some of the young men of this city received a wholesome les­ son this week that will help to improve the moral condition of the community. No one is de­ sirous of seeking young men sent to the penitentiary for statutory offences, but as condi­ tions became such that public morals must be guarded, there was nothing left for the court to do but to make an example of the young men who were mak­ ing white slave of young girls in this city. If all reports are true -there are several other young men who should go over the road for the part they have play in the white slave traffic in this city. Parents who exercise no control over their daughters and allow them to roam the city at late hours and in the company of degenerates, are responsible and to blame in a great measure for their off­ springs becoming white slaves. I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my use. In cases of need—I do my work well. I am a builder up of health and strength—in the hospital or in the home. For the invalid or the convalescent—for the tired or over- worked I offer a great help. A little of me goes a long way. I have been among you for three generations. (Tir ^illamooh Ijeabligbt r_ ’tíi It is easy enough to criticise lack county pride. It will not distresting affairs like the loss be long, however, before our the Titanic while on terra citizens will see the wisdom of Editorial Snap Shots. of tlrrna, but considering the many getting together and pulling vessels which cross the Atlantic together for the entire county, Some of ComtnissionerAliey’s it is surprising that acci­ but as long as a small minority friends are talking of running dents are so few. Marine catas- continue to foster the old rule him for commissioner at the trophies have been recorded or ruin spirit ¡it makes it that general election. ever since men went to sea, and much harder for all to pull to­ K since passengers vessels have gether. assumed such large proportions It is proposed to have a May day clean up of the city-r-and u carrying 3000 human liveB and Rebekah Convention. little fresh paint and fixing of war vessels of enormous weight stored with all kinds of explo­ The annual district convention aide walks would be in order. sives, when an accident hap­ the Rebekah lodges of this district pens these days it naturally fol­ in the three corner race for lows that the loss of life must was held at Bay City on Saturday the presidency, no one cun tell be great. We are living in a afternoon and evening of last week. whether Taft, Roosevelt or La fast age, and people will travel Delegates Com the Cloverdale, Beaver Follette was the choice of the in fast trains and fast vessels and Tillamook lodges were in atten­ dance and on Saturday afternoon elect­ people notwithstanding the terrible ac­ ed the following officers for the ensu­ cidents which occur occassion- ing year: Mrs. Otis Frisbie of Tilla­ If Geo. R. Edner, the nomi­ ally. Accidents happened just mook, Chairman ; Miss Rhoda Farmer Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window nee for county commissioner, is the same to slow trains and slow of Beaver, vice-chairman ; Miss Webb ns good road builder as he is a vessels. With such a large Sashes, Mattux of Tillamook, Secy. ; Mrs. Ar­ house builder, he will make a cargo of hum -n freight on board ateli of Cloverdale, Conductor; Miss good commissioner. the Titanic i. is surprising that Jennie Finlayson of Bay City, Chap­ no panic ensued, and consider­ Don’t feel grouchy because ing that the accident occurred lin; Mrs. Geo. Worthington of Clover­ Agents : for the Great Western Saw. some of the candidates whom ut night and with so few boats dale, Inside Guardian. you favored were not nominat­ available, it is somewhat sur­ The following delegates were pre­ ed. Show the right spirit and prising to us that such discipline sent : From Cloverdale, Chas. Ray, get in and help elect the other prevailed on a newly commis­ Mrs. Arateli, Mrs. Geo. Worthington, and wife. Miss Mellie The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. fellows. sioned vessel and so many lives Dr. Connarn Beaver; Mr. and Mrs. were saved. There may have Eiler. From Senator Bourne said the peo­ been a few mistakes committed Bunn, Herman Farmer and wife and gli ple of Oregon were on trial. in the hurry and bustle to save daughter Rhoda, Miss Bessie Bays, The verdict of the people of the lives when it was seen that the Wm. Gilbert and Mrs. Jennie Gilbert. »fate is that they have had en­ vessel was doomed, but men A large number attended from Tilla­ ough of Bourneiatn and monkey­ and women when they saw no| mook. During the evening the work ing with representative govern­ hope of rescue accepted the in-, was exemplified by Unity Lodge of ment. evituble with coolness and res­ Bay City, and Ocean Spray Lodge of ignation. Brave women would Cloverdale, two candidates being in- When Bro. Taylor’s name is I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irreguiarluwi not leave their husbands, and itiated. Mrs. Wm. Galloway of Me prefaced with “Judge” he will brave officers who maintained Minnville, Past President of the state «JHa Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitute* probably feel u little more dig­ discipline when 3000 persons! organization, was present and gave a nified. But, surely, a country saw death staring ’themUnthe | v?ry niee add«88 and Judke Galloway editor has enough troubles of his face, was a condition of, affairs also gave a talk. own without having to settle Spuper was served at 6 o’clock, and which calls for commendation, other people’s disputes. ice cream and cake were served later a statement of increase by the STANDS The Church and the Kingdom of God sued in the evening. Every one present BITULITHIC number of births, but the prote« In some respects the present reports a most enjoyable time. The HEAVIEST TRAFFIC The lord chief justice of Ne­ For 4000 ;-“ara men conceived the tant child has no recognition until halem proved himself a gootl system of milking nominations I convention of next year will be held at idea of worshiping God before either he makes a profession of a second is no better, if not as good, ns | Tillamook City, runner in holding down that Traffic-Census Taken on the Kingdom of God or the church birth. It appears to me from the The dignified position. It is now in the convention system. were instituted. From the beginning information I can get that same selfish, personal and sec ­ order for Joe to fine his oppo­ Fifth Street, Heaviest to Abraham men sought to please best Resolutions of Condolence. nine-tentlis of the children that nent for contempt of court ill tional animosities continue to Traffic Street in Port­ God by offering a sacrifice. Next should be born to recuperate the Because of lack of repre I We, your Committee on special attempting to deprive him of exist came the promise to Abraham, the protestant church are either pre­ that honorable position. sentation in years gone by, the reiohltion8, beg leave to submit the land, Substantiates institution of circumcision, and the vented entirely, murdered from con­ adjoining counties swiped large following: law of Moses, and establishment of ception to birth, or else fail to at­ Assertion. timber tracks from this county, Whereas it has pleased the all­ Considering that the Denio- and now that an effort was made the Synagogue. tain the second birth. Once I w«8 crats have nominated _____ mostlv to have this county represented wise Father, on April 16th, 1912, to In connection with any subject, The preaching by John and Jesus proud of being a protestant bnt nil the Republicans nominees in the State Senate by a Tilla­ call to her eternal reward our be­ accurate figures not only establish , of the kingdom of heaven at hand long years of experience has con­ loved sister, Sophia R. Severance, the facts ift the last analysis, but on their county ticket, it is marks the beginning of the Christian vinced me that it is n failure, that mook man, 277 voters in this and about time that both parties they lend interest through their I religion. Christ satisfied the wor­ it does not pertain to the Kingdom county cast their ballots against Whereas she has been, since the very illumination, got together in one happy poli­ It is therefore ship by sacrifice, by offering him of God. Tillamook county being repre­ institution of the first Rebekah interesting and, it may be accepted self, and the law by fulfilling it. tical family theG.O.P annex There la no need of a new church. sented. It was personal and Lodge in Tillamook County, one of ing the Democratic mule. sectional prejudice, as a glance the main pillars and support of also by the open-minded as con­ God was revealed in Spirit. The What we need is to return to the at the tubulated returns will our work; having passed through clusive also, to record here the re­ church wasestablished to accommo­ old principles, for which the church sult of a traffic census, which has date the new religion, for those ac­ was instituted. Attorney C. W. Talmage’s show, which prompted citizens all the chairs of the Rebekah Lodge Thq Kingdom of God is the issue. little bootnlet for Congressman to vote ns they did. For in-! and that of Treasurer of the Rebek­ come to the notice of local people, cepting it, were cast out of the It was the only thing that Christ taken on Fifth street, one of the synagogue, and denounced. did not assume large propor­ stance, the voters in Fairview! ah Assembly, and having conferr­ tions. for only nine of the un­ raid South Prairie voted against busiest thoroughfares in Portland’s The distinction between the syna­ preached, or that He ever authorized ed upon her, for her faithfulness terrified brethren mustered up Mr. Botts because of his connec­ business district, last Wednesday. gogue and church was that one pro­ any one else to. On the terms of and noble deeds, the unusual honor courage to vote for him. But tion with the Port of Tillamook ------------- The census figures are vouched for moted the law of God, the other the repentance to the Jew. and a free he has this satisfaction, for he and to get even with him, and by the parties taking them, and Kingdom of God. There wbb but gift to the Gentile. There is t but . . — There,or*’- “ «solved by the serve to substantiate the claim that obtained nine votes to the snap Bay precinct voted against him one law of God and there is only two sides of the question, We shot man's one. because he wns a Tillamook and l°n'ent,on *he Keb«k»h Lodges Bitulithic will stand the heaviest of one Kingdom of God. There were either enjoy God’s approval or el* not a Bay City man. This, to of District No 22 now assembled in t r affi c, at a maintenance cost different sects of Jews as there are that sense of banishment and di*- dis­ Political prophets in this nerk our way of thinking, is about on the Hall of Unity, Rebekah Lodge amounting to practically nothing of Christiana because they choose approval. We nre either a subject of the woods predicted that Ben a par to a man cutting off his No. 51 at Bay City, on this the 20th during long terms of years. The to adopt tenets that were irrelevent of hie Kingdom or we are rot. day of April, 1912, Selling would carry Multnomah nose to spite his face, and the Bitulithic on the stated street in to either the J. C. Gov* law or king­ First: That while we bow in snbi Portland was laid in 1906, seven dom. There could be but one ^C’Mintx with a big majority and -’77 citizens who voted to de­ Bhat Jonathan Bourne would prive Tillamook county of _____ rep- mission to hie Divine Will, we feel years ago, and officials records of church if all men confined them, Dr. J. T. Work, M. T- iptnre the rural counties. The resentation iu the State Senate that ,he aiaterhood of not only our that municipality show that thp selves to th eonepurpose for which hut the entire state has maintenance coat has been practi- the church was instituted. J vote showed the opposite, for did so to satisfy their own ani- own 1st St. and 3rd Ave West Bourne captured Multnomah moaitiea, caring little or noth- an unusual loss by her re- cally nil. Chiropractor and Naturopath it The protestant religion is the limit inoval. L mid three or four other coun­ iug about the interests of thej°'" The traffic census follows, as of distance from the kingdom of the most improved science for t ties, Ben Belling carried ail the county. It was the satne spirit Resolved, Second: That we ex taken last Wednesday during that God. There could be no greater cure of disease. Why suffer fro* other counties with big major­ which prompted i some husband and day’s business hours: _ _ __ of w the ! ,end *° the bereaved ____________ colds, catarrah, rheumatism, htrniA opposition. A child born under ities. which insures his elec- citizens in Bay, Fairview,South 1 f-*”*ily of our beloved sister our A total of 2.006 vehicles passed tumors and abdominal displs«* paganism has no lees ideas of God 1’rairie mid Garibaldi precincts | deepest ------- — •AieA, sympathy, and pray Pray I ’be census taker, by careful and .115 B1UKUUII and his kingdom than the child merits, indigestion. malassimdatioS to vote against Commissioner that the sustaining grace of Infinite ■ sctual count. and the general neurotic run h.if . 1 a Wer* 07 born “nd r“‘«ed i 4’ If the vote in Oregon is any Alley. Twenty-nine citigena in Love be their comfort and support. and nan one one-ton 274 twn - k l . ’T”, a“V of Prote8 ’an * condition that follows when ‘ half ton loads; 904 one-ton; half-ton; 218 two-toi; .4« > "I ’ J"J* ‘ ‘ ,n(rdom God has criterion to go by. the sentiment Nehalem precinct allowed their Resolved, Third: That a copy of __________ rnmr.i.».i„ tu cause may be easily adjusted a nil over the country is divided Itersonal prejudices to sway two and one-half ton; 193 , ab itself «ndoned r only 4 "‘mov*d wi,h no dansrer 19:” three-ton .h.ree-,,'n I church >. the ° — ts-twecn Taft, Roosevelt and La 1 them and vote against the mail these resolutions be inserted in the 133 three and one half ton; 142 four- " *** °"'r <****** complications, as there is JU* d«Hf* minutes of thia convention; a copy point I* .llette, with the probability I I who has obtained more and nc- yIV‘ that neither will l>e nominated! < otnplished more to open up the sent to the Rebekah Assembly: to ton: M four and one half tou; 76 My grai, Inarents on both ray or knives used in this system- five-ton and 71 five and one-half ton the family and to each of the County nt the Republican nntional o>t|. j | Nehalem country than any man --------- ’• «nd Mother’s side had a loads, all included in the foregoir papers. vention should Roosevelt de-! You will look a good while bef m the county, who obtained total of itt.fi vehicles.-Olympian. K dozen children each. Their children Just a passing from our sight. vrlop much more strength. AH many new rouda und bridges or the second generation less than you find a better medicine Out of darkness into light three aspirants are prominent for the north part of the county. one-half that number. My genera­ coughs and colds than Chai*1** tains'a Cough Remedy. It no* ® • To the land all pure and bright. characters anil each of them Little petty, fiersonni and sec­ ’ "«»P *he Bee Hive! tion less thsn a quarter. At the same gives relief-it cures. Try it Just gone Home. . E ® ,ore - Neihart. Mont . says have a strong following. The tional fealousies have played its ‘he Belt Canon running from Belt! ratio the fourth generation will com. you have a cough or cold, and -’A3 Just a crossing of the tide question which now confronts part in the primary election, . to .veilhart is the most picturemme » [Pletely exterminate our existence. are certain to be pleased To the other, better aide •pot in all Montana. Hi wrtteT"i1 U hat is true in n»y case is true with prompt cure which it will ettecu the Republicans is whether the and when it is carried to sucli " here we some day shall abide For sale by sll dealers. party will tie able to get toge an extent as to deprive Tilla­ recommend Foley's Honey and Tar And ne'er roam. great mass of the protestant Compound to all my custometwand tiler or will la* divided up into mook county of representation M ay M addcx . sm never disappointed. It gives born race. Self extermination is For rheumatism you will *• fl' tiiais if either one of the tn the state Senate it looks to the best results for coughs and colds the unwritten paa<> word of protes- nothing better than Cbamberla'n M arie W adi . tiuxe aspirauts nre uouiiuated uv that some of our citiseus o^anything 1 sell.” Chas 1 Clough1; iam. Liniment. Try it and see how J ohanna F arnbi : „ relief. For sal* A few days ago tin* Mormorna is ‘i . ’ ------ fickly it givei HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES. ■ We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, ALEX MoNAIR CO T01EY KIDNEY PIUS Chas- I. Clough, Tillamook. I » all dea'lers" • 3