Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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    Vol. XXIV.
No. 48
Deposit all your income
at this bank and pay it out by check.
Thus you will make a written re­
cord of all your money transaction,
which may be referred^to months or
years hence, when’ information is
wanted, or the amount or time of a
payment is questioned.
Most of the deposits bagan as small
A checking account at this
bank will be your stepping
stone to success.
If you are looking for a wagon or
a buggy of any kind it will pay
you to see the Tillamook Feed Co.*
Dirt for filling yards, for »ale.—
Domestic and Foreign Cement
J. R. Harter.
always in stock at the lowest price.
1000 Choice Strawberry plants for
Sale. See Shrode.
Main 1771.
Give the Tillamook Feed Co. a
Have you tried the Diamond W.
trial for your groceries.
Steel Cut Coffee? Gee, but It’s
Born, on Friday, to the wife of good!
Get it at the Tillamook Feed
Emil Larsen, a daughter.
Born, on the 18th, to the wife of
S. S. Johnson vs. Miami Lumber
R obs Shreve, a daughter.
Co. is a suit filed in the Circuit
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr.
Smith, speaks German. Surgery,
ear, eye, noeeand throat Office in
the Commercial Building, opposite
the Todd Hotel. All calls answered
day or night Both phonea.
J. W. Maddux has established a
city transfer office next to the Gem
theatre on Main street, where all
orders can be left, which will be
promptly attended to, or call the
office up by phone, Main 651.
Carpets, Rugs and Mattresses
cleaned with a first class vaccum
carpet cleaner ; good work and the
best of satisfaction given by F. E.
Pangborn. Leave orders at Jones-
Knudson Furniture Store.
Now that the automobile rush is
over we are repairing any and
everything. Guns, locks and keys,
♦ypwriters, cash registers
complicated machinery a specialty.
At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any
thing that we can’t repair we will
Annual Meeting of Club.
will be paid upon presentation.
Interest ceases April 22. 1912.
B L B eats .
County Treasurer.
Cali for Rosd Warranta.
All outstanding Road Fund War­
rants will be paid upon présenta­
tion. Interest cesses Aprii 22. 1912.
B L B bals .
Count* Treasurer.
Foe Sale or Rent
D. I,. Shrode, the pewly elected
President of the Tillamook Com­
mercial Club, and Mayor J. R.
Harter, have decided that on Wed­
nesday afternoon, May 1st, is to be
a half holiday for the purpose of
cleaning up the city. The city will
furnish wagons to remove the rub­
bish. President Shrode and Mayor
Harter request the assistance of
all the business men and'citizens
to clean up their premises, front
and back yards, manure piles, etc.,
which will give the city a clean sani-
tasy appearance.
High School Building to
Cost $20,668-12,900
for Heating.
69 seres bottom land
22 miles
from Tillamook. All dear, will run
30 cows. Good house, two barns
aod fresh water on place, half mile
from school, post office, »tore and
cheese factory.—See M. R. Haaen-
School Board, declined to make a
however, stated
that there was nothing to the caae,
that it would have to be dismissed,
that the bonds have been sold and
that the money would be here to­
morrow (Friday).
From What we can gather it is
some of the Portland bond traders
who are at the back of the suit, who
have commenced to fight the per­
son who negotiated the bonds. They
call him a “ curb stone operator,”
because he is butting in and giving
better terms than hey have been
I giving.
U. B. Church.
Bible School 10 n.ni.
Preaching It a.in. and 8 p.in.
Young People’s meeting 7 p in.
Holiness meeting 2:30 p m.
Special evanglistic meetings each
evening conducted by Evangelists
Lewis anil Matthews.
Saturday evening the message
will be on the Second Coming of
Sunday afternoon Entire Sancti­
fication us a second definite work
of God’s grace will be presented
and explained by the evangelists.
The meetings lire interesting. The
word is being piesented in a point­
The Killkare Klub.
ed way and with definite results.
Another pleasant and helpful Come and hear for yourself
The tentative bids for street im­ afternoon was spent at the home of
B. E. EMERICK, pastor.
provements having been referred Mrs. Sarchet, when the Killkare
to Stannard A R.chardson, the engi Klub met on last Thuradav after­
MR Church Services.
neers, for recommendation, they noon to resume their usual study.
reu»nmeud»d asphalt at from $1.55 There being u goodly number of
10 a. m. - Sunday School.
to $1.70 per square yard for the r the member» and* two guests, Men
11 a.m.—Setmon Subjec*. “Hell.”
pavement of this city. Upon Mayor dames Small and Work. Mrs. Hos­
7 p. m.—Epworth League.
Harter’s return from Portland last I kins will be our reader for the next
8 p. tn. —Song and Sermon Subject,
week he brought with him a sealed meeting which will be held at the
bid from the Warren Construction home of Mrs. Haberlach. The host
J ames T. M ooke , pastor.
Co , which was opened at a meeting ess, Mrs. Sarchet, had prepared a
of the City Council on Friday even­ most appetitizing luncheon and the
For Sale or Trade.
ing, the bid being heavy standard i guests found their places at the
bitulithic, ' $1.98 per square yard; table by place cards of the Scotch
Stallion, two years old, black,
light standard bitulithic, $1.78 per T h i a t 1 e design.
All enjoyed a
weighs 1035, perfects gentle, will
square yard, whereupon the city guessing game contest while they
guarantee him. Wil) sell cheap lor
coun.il passed a resolution in favor partook of the “eats.”
cash, or will trade for town property
of using the bitulithic on account
The Klub grows more interesting
Vacant! Iota preferred. - See )■ i ink
at each meeting and the study is
of the cut in price.
helping all.
William Crosby Ross, ofMcCorm
were Court to recover $205.00 for legal
ick Theological Seminary, Chicago,
S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1,00 per
Use an Ashless and Clinkerless 111., who has been called as pastor
setting of 15. A. M. Ginn.
Coal. Aberdare (Australian) Coal. of the Presbyterian Church in thia
Wanted. 100,000 pounds of Bees Sold only by Lamb-Schrader Co., city, will come to Tillamook and
Telephone Main 1771.
* , commence his work here the first
Wax. Clough’s Drug Store.
Sunday in June. He will beordain-
Attorney John A. Careen, of
Ask your neighbor about De­
• ed at his home town, Wilmington,
Salem, State Senator for Marion
ment’s best, or else ask Shrode. *
| Delaware, on the 12th May.
The famous corn fed Sinclair County, was in this week, having
The next mid day lunch at the
Meats, at the Tillamook Feed Co. • a case in the circuit court.
District Attorney J H. McNary i Tillamook Commercial Club will
Clem and Henry Plasker were in
came in from Salem on Monday to take place next Wednesday, May 1,
Bay City. Thursday, on business.
when it will be in ojder for busi
dispose of the rape cases in the
P Attorney G W. Bingham, of Salem,
ness and professional men to ap­
circuit court and left Wednesday.
is attending circuit court this week.
pear in overalls, as this is the day
Rev. R. E. Jope and wife, of the
when the business men will get to­
Born, on the 16th inst, at Beaver,
Christian Church, and Mrs. Erwin
gether for the purpose of a general
to the wife of C. N. Johnson, a son.
Harrison, left on Monday to attend
Dement’s Beet and the Diamond the State Sunday School Convention. . clean up of the city, Mayor Harter
having declared a half holiday for
W. line is becoming the talk of the
Mrs. F. R. Beals left for the East that purpose.
this morning on account of the
Wanted, a position as cook or
serious sickness of her father, Mr.
helper.—Apply at the Headlight
Beals going as far as Portland with
The annual meeting of the Tilla­
There will be preaching services
Lytle & Gordon handle all kinds mook Commercial Club «as held at
at the Presbyterian Church next
of building
materials in any the Club Rooms on Monday evening
amount and can quote the lowest when the officers for the ensuing
E. P. Hopwood, circulation mana­ prices in the city. See them before
year were elected as follows:
ger of the Oregonian, came in on buying.
President—D. L. Shrode
The Jefferson High School, of Vice-President—C. I. Clough.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Portland, and the Tillamook High First Vice-President—Russell Haw­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. School will compete on the diamond
per pound.
at the Stillwell Park in this city on Second Vice President—T. I. Potter.
Wilson Taylor went to Hillsboro Saturday.
Third Vice-President—F. H. Harra-
on Tuesday to attend the funeral of
Mrs. J. T. Gallentine, sister of
his nephew.
Attorney C. W. Talmage, returned Fourth Vice-President--F A. Rowe.
They say the Diamond W. line from Santa Maria, Cal., on Monday Secretary—E. J. Claussen.
can’t be beat for quality.—Tilla­ where she has been visiting her Treasurer—James Walton.
Fred C. Baker was re-elected on
mook Feed Co.
the Executive Board and C. K.
For Sale,
Household Goods.
Mary L. Berger and F. W. Berger
Trombley was elected to succeed
Second bouse east of the Academy. vs. F. R Beale is a suit filed in the
C. I. Clough. e
Mrs. A. Pbelps.
Circuit Court to recover $2 250
It wan announced that the Port­
Edmunds pays 17 cents a pound damages growing out of a reaj land business men will visit Tilla­
in trade for calf hides. .
estate deal.
mook on the 9th of May. The arrange­
Tillamook Mercantile Co. .
Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­ ments for the entertainment will be
Misses Nettie Smith and Effie ing purposes. Permit fortrapping referred to the new entertainment
Jordan, of Bay City, were in Tilla­ furnished.
M. committee.
mook, Sunday.
As there was a desire on the part
Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm,
of the members that the city should
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Corvallis, Oregon.
have as clean appearance as pos­
mook Meat Company's Market We
John Morgan has bought a 35 h.p.
sible it was recommended that the
pay 13c. per pound.
torpedo body,
The Ray Feed Co. are selling Fruit Overland automobile from A. K. City Council name a day for a gen­
Sugar at $6.35 per sack; Dry Gran­ Caae. There machines are beconi. eral clean-up of the city.
ulated at $6.20 per sack.
ing quite popular in thia county.
Call for General Warrants
C. W. Mclllvaine and L S. Brode,
F. G. Wheeler and wife of Ala­
of Bay City, attended the ball game meda, Cal., are viaiting with P W.
All General Fund Warrants en­
at Stillwell Park, on Sunday.
Todd’a family. Mr. Wheeler ia a dorsed prior to Novemtier 1, 1911,
Wednesday Afternoon
May lst-Business Houses
Will Close.
The excursion from Nehalem on
Sunday brought a large crowd from
the North end of rhe county to at­
tend the base ball game between
Tillamook and Nefialem in this
The School Board of District No.
city, which
proved an exciting 9 let the contract for the new high
game, resulting in a victory for the school building on Monday evening
home team, the score standing 14 to 6. to Rali>li R. Wheaton, the bid being
At a meeting of the City Council $29,668 and the hot air heating bid
on Tuesday evening an ordinance to McPherson & Co. for $2,900. The
was passed to provide a rule for new building will contain eleven
determining whut shall constitute rooms.
The other bids were as follows:
assessment districts for all street
improvements and sewers and a Dennis D. McLaren, of Salem, $22-
resolution to improve all streets 342; C. L Wood of Portland, $28,-
900; Wechter A Wood, of Salem, $28-
within the sewer district.
048; Snook A Traver, of Salem, $22-
Simmons Brothers and Golds­
080; Welch A Wiight. of Salem, $22-
worthy’s mill is now running and
969. oa
ready for orders. Dressed lumber
furnished after February
Rough lumber $8 per M. ' Dressed
lumber will be sold at correspond­
ingly low prices. Mill situated 8
miles sooth of Tillamook
Ed Hadley, wife and son
Garibaldi visitors, Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Lowe, mother of Mr». brother-in-law of Mrs Todd, and ia
Allen Page, Jetton Tuesday for her one of the busineaa men of Alemeda
home in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Dr. E. T. Hedlund, the popular
Dave Fitzpatrick fell and struck Swedish dentist of Portland, was a
”” a
>■"* Saturday, pleaaant caller at the E. Glad home
making a bad cut on bis face.
last Sunday. He was accompanied
Tillamook Meat Company Lard ' by his wife aod baby.
They came
absolutely pure; $>.40. 10 lb. pail; in fora short outing and to see our
73c., 51b. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c
beautiful country.
City Council Decides on
the Light Standard at
$1.78 Square Yard.
James Walton Made Some
Startling Allegations.
Judge Galloway signed a tempor
ary injunction ou the complaint of
Janies Walton, restrain School Dis­
trict No. 9 from selling certain
bonds to Fred Glenn, of the First
National Bank of Denver, Colo.
Plaintiff in his complaint alleges
that the school district entered into
an agreement whereby they attemfri­
ed to employ Fred Glenn to sell
$35,000 worth of Ixmds for $.35,700,
and to pay a commission of one
per cent to cover all legal ex penset
and the fnrnishing and printing of
bonds. That at the time the said
Fred Glenn was making »aid con­
tract for the purpose of purchasing
the bonds for the defendant Keeler
Bros, for leas thau they were worth,
and to receive compensation from
troth school district and Keeler
And the defendant’s county
treasurer and school district and
officers were entering into a con­
tract for the express purpose of
selling the bonds for less than the
beet price obtainable for the pur
pose of defrauding the taxpayers of
the district. In pursuance of eaid
conspiracy the
and its officers and all the de­
fendants wrongfully, wilfully and
intentionally are about *0 deprive
I the school district and its taxpay-
1 era among them the plaioMff. of the
sum of $2.905 at the present time,
and to compel tnem to pay aix per
cent interest for at least ten years.
That under the law it is the duty of
the defendants before offering for
eale any bonds to give .notice to
the State I-a nd Board and to adver­
tise the same, which had not been
Plaintiff claims that he and
other parties gave notice that they
would offer to buy t.onda upon a
. five per cent bsaie or offer a prem­
ium therefor of at least IsfitJO. aod
that the school board informed the
plaintiff that they were not ready to
issue and aril tx.nda
Botts, chairman of the
For Sale ex ZExcolxaxxg'e Toy
John Leland Henderson & Son,
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
1. —35V» acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6W miles &K $4 5.4).
2. —16 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown. —$2, Jk).
3. -65 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch mid stock. -$19,000.
4. —160 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3W miles S.K. of Hebo.-37300’
5 —House and Lot in town.— $525.00.
6 —Fine Residence, central Tillamook City. $2,100.
7 —House andTwoLota. Miller’s addition, Tillamook City. $1,5'4).
8. —160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.—*7,500.
9. —40 acres on Tillamook River 1'niinproved. All lxritom.-$l 700.
10—160 acres, Timber Claim on Miami river, —$4,500.
11.—80 acres fine timlier. 1,580. M, feet.—$1,®M'.
12 —40 acres. Well improved. New bill dintf. 4 J, mile» S.- $8,000
13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.- $.3,990
14. —30 acre». Four miles south
All improved $6,500.
15. —30 acres. 34« miles south. Half improved. $3.500
16. —150 Lots Hud ______
________ „ $15,000.
Hotel site, _________
l ong Beach odd to Baywean.
17. —80 acres 4J» miles S. E. Tillamook.
■| Jinx
18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres Imttoin. All stocked.— $22,500.
19. —The finest residence in Tillamook —»4,700
20. —240 acres 5U miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.-$43,200.
21. — 60 acres. Neatucca bottom. Dairy Ranch —$11,000.
1. -17 acres. Orchard. Wei! improved
Will trade for bottom
land only.—$15,014).
2. —10 acres. Orchard. Buildings coat $5,000. — $18 Oil)
3. -24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements. — $36,(JU).
4. -42J* acres. Part Orchard.
Balance raw.—$25,010.
5 —15 acres. All fruit. Good irr proveniente.— $’.O000.
&—10 scree. All in fruit. Good improvement».—
— $10,0(4).
7. —Business Lot, Hood River.—$10.000.
8. —Fine Residence and Two Lota. $3,000.
9. —Several vacant lots, Per pair. - $500
10 28 acres on railroad in city, $4*4) per acre.
IL —160 acres. Six scree cleared. Fine apple land $M.illi
Washington County, Or., Lands.
L- 1000 acres. Orchard laind. Mostly raw. For sale only in
tracts to suit.
2. —80 acres Orchard land. Running water —$2,4U)
1.—Two Lota. Portland Heights. $12,000.
X— Three l-ota. Peninsular, near Hwift’s Packing Plant.—$15441
3. - Fine Residence
Mt. Talarr. Furnished.—$3,600.
4. — Equity in 2 lots. Capital llill add.— $400.
5. —fl Lota. Parrel!'a add. to Woodlawn, Portland. —*4,300.
1.—• acre» in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek.—$2.400.
1— lflO acres. All good fruit lands. 4acres orchard. Buildings.—
2— 378 acres Ranch. 70acres, 1 year old apples,150 acres cleared
$75 per acre.