Tillamook Headlight, Aprill'lS, 1912. II 11» ■■ I W^ II 4 — successors or assigns as herein authorized to be used by it, for a period CIRCUIT COURT money. of two years within the date of the H B. gdmund* *». Joarphlne P. Edmund». acceptance of thia franchise as herein­ Ji.dge W. Galloway convened the Divorce. Default entered. April term of the Circuit Court on Mary L. Berger ▼•. F. R Beals. Action P.R. 8e N. Get Three Tracts before provided, that portion not so used may be forfeited by ordinance, and Exclusive Right to Monday, with a larpre number of for money. Demurrer overruled. Defendant until Wednesday in which to answer. however such forfeiture not to affect caaea on the docket A rts nd jury given First Street. otella Hadley c. K. Hadley, D J. Had­ wan drawn, consisting of Chas. A. ley. Maud Rharp and C. W. Talmage, ad- At a meeting of the City Council those portions used. If said Pacific Railway & Navigation Smith, Connie Dye, H. F. Good- ministrator of estate of C. B. Hadley. In­ on Friday evening, with Mayor H|>eed, Eric Glad, Albert Crawford, junction Motion to dismiss was denied , also Barter and Councilmen Sappington, Company or its successors or assigns motion to increase bond of plaintiffdenied. H. B. Johnson and Brad Balmer. Maddux, Vantress and shall fail, refuse or neglect to perform State of Oregon, upon the relation of Id- Leach, The judge appointed fl. F. Good- ward Blum, et al vs. The Port of Bayocean, Kundaon present, the long dis any of the conditions on its part to be performed as herein provided, the sf>eed, foreman. a pretended Quasi Municipal corporation cussed application of the P R. & N. The grand jury brought in a true Quo Warranto. Case set tor trial next for three tracks and an exclusive council may by ordinance declare thia bill against Lynn Eberm an, who is Thursday. use of Front street came up again, franchise forfeited, provided however, indicted on a charge of rape. This M. Ricen vs. Gertrude Ashley. Transcript with the result that the City Council before any forfeiture proceedings can on case and the case against Henry from Justice Court. The case was tried gave the railroad a monoply of that be taken by said Tillamook City to Wednesday, and the jury brought in McKinley, who was convicted of verdict in favor of the defendant. street and about everything it this franchise, said Tillamook City rape, will come up on Monday, Fore- wanted. Those voting for the ordi­ must first by resolution order notice in W. G. Dwight vs. Mary J. Martin, when Distsict Attorney McNary will closure of mortgage. nance were Councilmen Leach, Sap­ writing to be given said Pacific Rail­ be here to dispose of these cases. Paul Schrader vs. Sretbna S. Phelp*, 1 pington, Vantress and Maddux, the way & Navigation Company or its auc- The grand jury found a “no bill" Pearl Lee McCowell, and Charles Delfel. only vote recorded against it being cessors or assigns in writing, which against John Randolph and an in­ Poseciosure. Dcfaulr as to Charles I Delfel. that of Councilman Kundson, who said notice can be served upon any Continued for service dictment againat George Rosa. The the railroad agent resident in Tillamook City, of K. C Magarrell vs. Edwin Hooker, Trustee, has opposed giving jury also inquired into a complaint iobert T. Fowler, and Annie Fowler, J. L. company a valuable franchise and the said Pacific Railway & Navigation in which Home of our prominent Hartman, and E L. Thompson Foreclosure- a monopoly of Front street. W e Company, its successors or assigns, and Otelia Hadley vs. C. E. Hadley. Damages. understand that Mayor Barter will said 30 days shall begin to run from citizens were accused of »hooting Motion to make more specific and certain ducks from a boat, but there did denied. not veto the ordinance so as to givg the date of the service upon said agent, The Label will guide you Defendant given until 16th in which not appear to be sufficient evidence to file answer. those who want to take a refeienduni and said Pacific Railway & Navigation to convict these gentlemen. Divorce. vote on it an opportunity to do so, Company, its successors or assigns, Jennie Cone vs. Marvin J. Cone. Judge Galloway excused the grand D -fault entered. which, we understand, will be done shall have the right to abate or rectify jury, and it can be called together Harry Mitchell vs. C. W. Pike, D. A. Sim before the 30 days expire. any cause for forfeiture whatever. Ridebalgh. any time between now and the No- mons, Chris Hansen and W. W. citizens Section 5. Ordinance No. 201 of There are a number of Motion to bring in other \ction for money, v^mlxr term of the Circuit Couif. Motion to make more who believe that the City Council Tillamook City, Oregon, an ordinance parties granted, pacific Railway and Navigation Co. vs. specific and certain overruled. has made a great mistake, and in authorizing the Pacific Railway & Elmore Packing Co. Mandate. W. 8. Cone vs Dennis I. Caldwell, Fore- future years the citizens will regre» Navigation Company to lay a rail road Maud Juncph vs. I avid Joseph. Divorce. closure of tax lien Continued. giving one railroad a monopoly on track and to run cars over the same Continued for service. Roy Mattoon vs. J. J. Gee and L. M. Deu within the city of Tillamook, is here­ No Aium No Lime Phosphates Pacific Railway ¿fr Navigation Co. vs. ait. Poreclosure of lien. Settled and dis­ Front street. by repealed. Willie 0. D h R o I m and John E. DuBota Con­ missed. The Franchise. demnation. Continued. Roy Mattoon vs. J. J. Gee and L M. Den­ Section 6. Said Pacific Railway & That there be and is hereby granted Foreclosure of lien. Settled and dis­ Pacific Railway and Navigation Co. vs. nis. Navigation Company is hereby author­ unto the Pacific Railway & Naviga- J. L. Vosherg. et al. Condemnation. Con­ missed. ized and empowered to re-lay and re Howard Wahlen vs. Dan Nichols. Action tion Company, a corporation, its suc- tinued. construct its present track over said United Railways Company vs. William H. for money. Jury trial. Jury disagrees and cessors and assigns, the right and fran­ :s discharged Dismissed without cost upon Front Street, so as to conform as to Smith. Condemnation. is feared more than 1200 persona chise for a term of fifty years from the stipulation of parties. location with the provisions of this or­ That’s pretty (food ain’t it fellers? O ur Leun vs. Mabie Leon. Divorce. Con­ date of the passage of this ordinance, were lost, a note of good cheer came Louis G. Freeman vs. Lars Johnson. Fore ­ Mies Julia Godsey, the milliner tinued. to lay down, construct acd maintain dinance herein. by wireless between 1 and 2 o’clock closure. Continued. of Beaver, is very busy filling Read the 3rd time in open couocil United Railwavs Company vs. Rarah Hiram W Sm^h vs. James Hughey and and operate over and along Front this morning. Me Millian and N. McMillian. Condemnation ! orders for ostrich plumes. and passed at 9:15 o’clock P. M. It was in the shape of a wireless Rtate of Oregon vs. J. H. Reach Kmbes- Wesley Rush, as administrator of the estate Street in Tillamook City, Oregon, be­ Leach, Aye. ! Gilbert and Sons seem tn be doing of Myra Hughey, deceased. Damages. te1< ruent. tween the East line of 2nd Ave. East message from the White Star liner I a big business lately, heir freight- Maddux, Aye. I'lllainook County Bank, a corporation vs. M. W. Harrison vs. Pacific Railway & and the West line of 5th Ave. West,- Olympic, one of the vessels hover­ Hi u<*e W. Rose. Action for money. !ing teams are on the road every Vantress, Aye. Navigation Company. Damages. three railway tracks, one of which said ing near the scene of the disaster, hate of Oregon vs. Henry McKinley. , day hauling out big loads of goods In the matter of the application of H. Knudson, No. tracks shall be laid on the north side flashing the news that 866 of the Rape. Schollrneyer for permit to appropriate the i from Tillamook. Sappington, Aye. Titanic passengers, mostly women Thomas N. Kennedy vs Z. T. Bogard. waters of Bob’s Creek, in Tillamook County, of said Front Street nine feet from the Foreclosure. Oregon, the same being application No. north side thereof, and another of said and children, were being brought Thos. W. Morgan vs.Geo. K. Nolan. Fore­ 1278. Transcript on appeal. Continued tracks shall be laid sixteen feet from Beaver- appalling loss OF to port by the Cunarder Carpathia. closure. Rale confirmed. until a later date to be considered In Salem. the south side of said Front Street, and Other messages later brought con­ Macilonuld Potts vs. Rollie W. Watson. Sunday April 14, was a big day in HUMAN LIFE. Theodore Senn vs. W. G. Dwight, Rose the third of said tracks, the middle Action for money. firmatory tidings. Idler, the unknown heirs of Albert Sidler, Beaver, all the sports from up and; , « First National Dank of Tillamook vs. deceased, and all other persons or parties track, twenty-two feet center to cen­ First reports were that the Car- down the Nestucca was in town toi Titanic Strikes Iceberg P. D. Htalford On note. Rale confirmed. ter from said track on the north aide unknown. To quiet title. pathia had saved but C75 persons. First National Bank of Tillamook vs. see the ball game, Beaver vs. ■ and Sinks-1312 Persons State of Oregon vs. Walter Smith and of said street, and the right to operate The new figures reduce the list of Anna G. Stalford and F. D. Stalford. On Cloverdale. Jasper Perry. Transcript from Justice over said tracka Iccomotives, electric note. Sale confirmed. those for whose fate fear was felt Drown—868 Saved. Court Dismissed upon motion of the dis­ '1 he line up was—Beaver : John-; Lawrence Olds vs. Hattie Olds. Divorce. trict attorney; and Judge Galloway gave the motors, gasoline motors, or other mo­ by nearly 200, and if, as seems pro­ son, C. ; Farmer, P. ; Ayers, 1st B. ; , I>efault entered. power, propelled in any manner N ew Y ork , April 16.—The great­ bable, practically all those saved the young men some good advice as to their tor Davis, 2nd B ; Davidson, 3rd B. ; i T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. I. H Flfld, tuture conduct. whatsoever, and to use said tracks est marine disaster in the history were passengers, it would appear Collier, R.F. ; Curl, L.F. ; Bunn, 1 C Eldred, A. C. Bloomfield and C. (’ In the matter of the petition of Matthe for all purposes, and also to have the of the world occurred last Sunday that all but approximately 450 of B. > ni field. Condemnation. Woods, C. F. tnderson Sanden to become a citisen of the right and franchise to put in switches, S. S. ; night when the Titanic of the White the vessel's passengers are account­ IxLaval Dairy Supply Company, a cor­ nited States of America. Cloverdale — Lawyer, C. ; Doc curves, turn outs connections and in- Star Line, the biggest and finest of ed for. poration, vs, Jos. Von Roti. Action for In the matter of the petition of Louia Conarn, C.; Vick, S.S.; Sappington, oapp.umuu | 8hattered herself money. l.arsen to become a citiien of the United duatry spurs for the purpose of mak­ A partial list of the survivors re­ Fred Marolf, et al vs. Anna Metier, et al. States of America. ing connection with said tracks or con­ 1st B.; Edmonds. C.F. ; Brink, 3rd ■ agajn8| an iceberg and sank with ceived fiom. tfcie Carpathia include Partition. R.F.; Wallace, C.F. ; 13 qq In the matter of the petition of Krick Glad nect with private property now owned, B ; Batie, hef pal!8en(ier8 an