Tillamook Headlight, April 18, 1912 t ÛS’WELFARE CAUSE OF TAFT EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE TAFT INSISTS ON AID TO FARMERS LANDING AT RAKAHANGA. Plan Your Vacation Now A Risky Feat and On» That Sorely the Triea th» Nerves. Rakahanga Is a little coral atoll In The Eddystone rocks form a very the south sea. not very far from New dangerous reef, lying In the English The Zealand Few people ever visit it, Channel about fourteen miles from and to judge from the account In Mr. Plymouth, and here. In 1686. Henry Frank Burnett's "Through Tropic Winstanley built the first lighthouse, Seas of the difficulties that attend a which lasted but eight years. Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of landing there none would care to go a Wluatanley'a tower was swept away the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland second time. by a tremendoua storm, and every one with going limit 15 day». Final return limit October 31at. At Rakahanga the feeling Is that tn it at the time, including the builder, only by a miracle can a safe passage was drowned. Three years later Rud­ be made through what, by a stretch yard's tower was built, only to be de­ July 2, 3. 6. 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 April 23, 26, 27. of the imagination, is called the en­ then catue stroyed by fire In 1755. and 22, 23. 26, 29, 30 and 31. May 2 3, 4, 0, 10. 11, 14, 15, 17. 18, trance to the lagoon. Imagine a once AuRuat 1. 2. 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, John Smeaton's. 24 and 29. good entrance obstructed by a wall of 23, 29, 30 and 31. June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, Modern lighthouses really date from coral rising to within a few feet of the September 4, 5, 6. 7 11, 12 and 30. 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. 1759, when thia third one was com- Di»cov»ry of Danger of Coal Dud Re­ Farroaching Legislation Administered surface of the water. This coral wall Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th. pleted. Smeaton's design was faulty, portant— Handling of Eaploeieee but It served as a model for lighthouse by Scientists of Rank Brings Sood Is built by that wonderful creature, Made Safar — Government'a Experi­ construction In masonry, which has Results to Tillers of Soil—Food end the coral polyp. Over It break with Offcers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from Inconceivable fury huge ocean billows mental Coal Mine. Drugs Act Uphold to ths Letter. been followed In Its general features that travel with the speed of race all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor ever since. This lighthouse stood for The saving of many llvea annually— In bls Inaugural address President horses, lashing and churning the water amusements and all the delights of the seashore. over a century, but it was not high tbe live» of miners throughout ttn I enough to keep the waves from dash­ Taft called attention to tbe deficit then into a milk white foam and with a I nlted Ststes-wlll be one of tbe aptM- ing the lantern and so was removed existing In tbe revenues and the con­ deafening roar throwing the spray to I results thnt will follow tbe eatnA and the present one built In 1882 by sequent necessity for rigid economy In such a height that it may be seen miles Tillamook, Garibaldi < Bayocean), Brighton, Munhuttan and Rock I shmeut uf the bureau of mlhoo, ean expenditures. However, the president away. James Douglass. away, Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach <4 the great achievements In tbe latar- The backwash of every breaker At the time of the completion of the singled out tbe department of agricul­ > - of labor of tbe admlnlstrsUM nf and Bay City will open a new field foi a summer outing. Low new lighthouse two bells weighing two ture as an exception. He said, to quote forms, on tlie outside of the wall of I resident Taft. Round Trip Fares from all points in Oregon. hls exact words. “ In the department « basin fathoms deep, which is rock, a tons each and struck by mechanical i be excessive and unneceaaary tann Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East power were installed for fog signal uf agriculture tbe use of scientific ex­ again filled up by the next rushinfe of life in the mines of thia country Ing purposes Bl me that date an ex­ periments on n large scale, and the wn ve. To cross the abyss and reach Bound Excursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, or write to v. is one of the primary causea for ths spread of Information derived from the quiet shelter of the lagoon is a plosive guncotton fog signal has been < reatlou of this bureau. For ysars JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. them for the Improvement of general difficulty that the Islander shows the hundreds of miners were killed In mlns erected, the bells being removed. Prob­ agriculture must go on.” This view Portland, Oregon. greatest skill in surmounting. ably the moat Interesting thing about disasters, and practically nothing was tbe president has steadily maintained, Eat California Raisins, Raisin Day, April 30ih. His boat-a long, low, flat bottomed the lighthouse now on the Eddystone d uie to check tbe terrible loss of life. and repeatedly has urged appropria­ affi ir. built much like a halibut dory, Is its solid vertical base. Heavy seas Spurred ou by President Taft, an tions for the work of tbe department. manned usually by six paddlers be­ u t creating tbe bureau of mines was striking the massive cylindrical struc­ In bls comprehensive message on sides the steersman—is brought to the ture are Immediately broken up and passed by congress and became effac conservation President Taft said. "The live ou July 1, 1910. John A. Holmes rush around to the opposite side, spray feature that transcends all others. In­ very verge of the bolllug caldron, and The Hotel. of the United States geological survey alone ascending to the height of the cluding woods, waters, minerals, is the there It is held till the opportune mo­ v as apitoiuted as the first director lantern gallery. On the other baud, soil of tbe country,” and that all means ment arrives. Since that sometimes does not occur for five or ten minutes Sir. Holme* was reputed and certified waves striking the old tower at Its at tbe government's disposal should be the passenger has plenty of time to to be the best trained mau for the foundation ran up the surface, which used to conserve tbe soils, adding, "a reflect upon his misdeeds, to survey place obtainable In tbe United States presented a curved face to the waves, work of tbe utmost Importance to In­ the sublime scene and to wonder how The chief experimental station was es and. unimpeded by any projection un­ J P. AULEN, Proprietor form and Instruct tbe public on this tabllslied at Pittaburgh, where the in­ til arriving at the lantern gallery, were chief braueb of tbe conservation of our In the world that fearful turmoil of water is to be crossed vestigations of the problems Intrusted partially broken up by the cornice and resources is being carried on success­ The delay does not tend to compose t the bureau have beeu prosecuted so then spent themselves In heavy spray fully In the department of agriculture. ” over the lantern The shock to which his nerves, but If he Is observant be k cceasfulb for nearly two years. Reports made recently to Secretary Special Attention paid to Tourists. lu the year 1907, the moat dlsaatrons the cornice of the gallery was exposed will notice that about every five or Wilson of the department of agricul­ of all years In tbe American coal mlnea. was so great that stones were some­ six minutes three giant billows in A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodattob ture by the heads of bls bureaus justi­ B. 125 miners lost their live». This rep- times lifted from their beds.—Lookout. in fy this solicitude on the part of tbe quick succession roll majestically r> -it«l 4.86 of men killed for every When the last of the three has passed president for tbe department In call­ ¡.(Ms) employed. In coal mlnea In En A HARD WINTER ing for these reports the secretary ask­ and the chasm has been filled up the rope less than two miners are killed ed that they be brief and that they paddlers give a frightful yell that ter­ out of every 1.000 employed. As a re When the Meroury Fell to Six Fact mention notable achievements of tbe rifies the unsuspecting passenger al­ !t of the work conducted by the bu most to denth. dig in tlielr paddles and Nino Inch»» Below Zero. last five years only, Inasmuch as that rcuu of mlues and tbe wire use of au They were talking about hard win- period Is really the period of fruition sl.oot the boat forward like an arrow o«F™”.T?.Wr,.’ satisfied or do not wish to keep tbe the bureau of mines was the demon- r iatabu expense and rf» win »«< 4nAKESa »nd P**«««. p*rt«. repairsand unlike Ure damp, carried no warning with It. The keeping of dusty mines cracker barrel. "It war the winter that they shall be made to yield a large ed and carried, with nil bands, back into the awful abyss by the Inrush of vet. ns recommended by the bureau when no mow fell, Nothing fell but return in flintier without really reduc­ of mine*, was found to reduce ma the thermometer that winter. We kept ing the supply,” and tn other messnges broken water, out of which only the terlally the ebancea of explosion of coal our thermometer hanging on a cherry he pointed out the necessity of refor­ strongest and most skilful swimmers tree in the yard to give It a chance. estation. ■ I firtt I, »to— - Hire »lust. In accordance with these can emerge. One morning the weather bad been so views much available work has been The iiuuiber of deaths la tbe mmea Th» Truth About Icebergs. W*OHETGO|BLEFROMPUHCTC«FS '•ns been greatly reduced as a result cold the mercury went down below xero done In protectlug the national forests Tseke, or Claes will not let the air Many existing theories regarding Ice­ A NAILS, •f the testing of explosives under tbs ns far as It coukl nnd let tbe thermom­ and by researches In the laboratorv ot nu >.ured thousand pairs sold la sty “ar .< tlon of the bureau of mines. Tn eter have tbe credit of showing It, but the department at Madison. WIs.. and bergs require modification. For in­ DESCRIPTION} ' n • tie yenr 11X18 the coal mines In the Unit It couldn't do Its duty by the weather tn tbe past five years the work or re­ stance. it has generally been believed riding very durable a nd*lined lnsld^whh .()0o |>ounda of by pausing there, so It busted tbe bulb foresting burned over areas has pro that for every cubic foot of Ice above especial quality ot rublwr, which never be- >.iurt flame explosives, aud at present at the taittom and kept on falling. The ceeded at the rate of 15.(100 to 30.000 wuter there are seven below, and a ^uncVures^lthOTVairo^g1^ auTo escape ready seven time* that quantity to bs- thermometer was »lx feet above tbe acres a year The department takes berg, therefore, that towers, say. 100 Notice the thlok rubtortrred “A'*ato puncture strips B’* : useil with greater safety, duo to ground We dug tbe mercury out In justifiable pride In Its forest work, con­ feet above the ocean level has a total end "D" also rim strip “H” tbe spring, nine Inches below the sur ........... iperntlou of the coal operatsro sidering the administration of 100.000.- height of 800 feet. Lieutenant Peary, to prevent rim cutting. This MS face. So until you can trot out some 000 acres of land protected and man the conqueror of the north pole, de­ EiSKS-SSSsi _ tire and tbe bureau of mlnea. will outlast any other make—SOFT, ELASTIC and "t in* establlahment of an ex(>ertroaB weather that Is all feet nnd nine Inches aged for the public benefit a great clares that this is not always the case. EASY RIDING. "It Is true." be says, "that the heaviest daj1"“rDeroif on,r ** Nlyv-rpair. tnl coal i >ie at Brucetown, PA, below, don't talk to me about cold!" acbUvement The man on the cracker barrel lit his portion of the berg Is submerged, but twelve mill's from Pittsburgh, to still " DOt P’y ‘ °eU‘ UU“‘ ,O“ Since Jan 1. 1907, when the food «»•- e4 — neither notmle achievement of tbe pipe and went out, and tbe mau with and drugs act went Into effect, Fiore it Is wrong to say that seven-eighths of with *’T” o»o,.\~ »wxre this '8’ p’rt"lr'ruLL e*,H i it i * "ii'iies It places the United the ginger whiskers Just said. "Oh, he has beeu done to provide a good, clean its height is under water. I have noted 10 *•*•** "•’•*" I»» bant if " -ta-iL?,‘¡S7», " •’«■»•»»tlon. We am perfectly rellabw lonrerand lock Uo/r tnJlTAtin», you »in r’o l that tbe. mil nda tie In . •!( ance of other nations with pahaw!"— New York Press. food supply tliau In all the preceding several Instances where only two-tblrds wl Ve 2.w**r better, last I»~i;tVbio?'5iiV}V ’L,'J?Jrou baeaeeerui».! or amn at luty prim. r-q e t to thia reeearcb and export life of the nation. A wonderful change of a berg Is submerged."—St. Nicholas. • ental work tn mines. Numerous tests Back In th» Good Old Bowl Daye, bat also been effected In the haracter send for a pal r of Hedtethorn ¡HDd»oferimental mine A Quaint Notice. nn ifnT r-” ijTa,mal a taKio.:ue > hlch deRcriuesand quote« »11 makes and frutn wblcb many excellent results are two boys Into a barber shop for a hair­ has a trained force of Inspectors and Here Is a copy of u notice that was T■UT,"° • or.ram of • btalned. I jmrneverytblaf. Write it NO W the new 8011 wonderful offers we are making. cut While welting for the completion chemist» doing excelleut work In all posted up tn an art exhibition In To­ 8tt!l another Important work which of the job. he eald parts of the country In tiehalf of pure kyo: "No visitor who Is mad or intoxi­ >. oudueted under tbe auspices of tbe "I never eat In a barber'» chair when foods and pure drugs This salutary cated is allowed to enter In. If any b leau of mlues to tbe rescue of ow- I was a kid. My brother used to go law. however, nee is amendment, as l>er*on found In shall be claimed to re­ tombed miner» Biuce tbe creation of over to the engine bouse and borrow tbe supreme court held In May. 1911, tire No visitor Is allowed to carry In the bureau many hundreds of lives the horse clipper*. Then my mother that Its provision*, to quote President with himself any parcel, umbrella, have been saved At tbe Mg mining would put a bowl on my bead and cut T»ft’e words in tils vigorous message stick and the like kind except his purse dl-aster In Ohio one of tbe rescue corps around it Until 1 was twelve years to cougreee a month later, "do not and Is strictly forbidden to take with­ < f tbe bureau of mines arrived at tbe old. 1 always looked Ilka a window cover tbe knowingly false labeling of in himself dog or the same kind of » . ne thlrty-two hours after the (Usee washer » brush.”—Chicago l’oat Visitor is requested to take nostrums as to curative effect." Tbe beasts (• . Three meu were rescued who bad preeldeut added: "An evil wblcb men- c,re of himself from tblevly b. eu given up as dead and allowed to acee tbe geuernl health of tbe people Th» D»»d R»viv»d. remain In tbe mine At another tlae In a »cteuttfie weekly we read the strikes at tbe life of the nation In R»ady to Resume. one man was fouud alive among 10U headline, "Can the Dead He Revived?" my opinion the sale of dangerously Lady (to neighbor at anniversary din­ dead, and today be to tbe sole survivor They are revived every |>erformanee at adulterated drug* • • • constitutes ner)—Unless I am mistaken you and I of that terrible catastrophe duo to tbe th» Metropolitan Opera House. It la a •uch an evil and warrants rue in call­ sat together at this table twenty-five ep'»udid work of the rescue corp«- moat encouraging symptom to see ing tbe matter to tbe attention of tbe years ngo. I remember you told me Before the bureau of mines was corpses arise from the stage after the congress " about your researches Into the history made possible by the interest of free curtain falla and bow their apprecia­ of ancient Rabylon. Work of Soil Mapping. Ideut Taft, which was followed by tbr tion of the applause -Musical Courier. Professor i eagerly!-Quite right. I-et'a Ot Importance to tbe farmer has II. essary legislation for Its eetabltob see—where was 1 when I left off?— been tbe work carried on tn tbe past moot, there was no organised rffoet kt Barcartie. Fllegende Rlatter. five years of soil mapping and classlfi - ivli.g the Uvea of eutombed iniaera llawkahaw llolmesl wish to be lino- and agalu men have »an of the state aetbefll L ■ ham» There la no dauger of your “I wish to goodneae I could fix It so Hon acquired by tbe department ba* th- «ttb the federal rescuers »ttacNad ever » catetdug anything. - Boetou Globe proved a wonderful work Practically that you could also Inherit my ability to tbe bureau of uilnea An InveoXto* to take care of It." was the oid man s AtU.B0U.U00 publications have been dis Hua <>f th» fuel rreuurcsa of the DaN The Leng Chose. . B*" TelePbone Service lightens the domestic tssks tributed time Secretary Wll»on as- last expression -Detroit Free Press. • too busy to go to town, f It ‘ brings her in close touch Other work aceonipiutted by tbe de to manage It." I- cy of the Taft adiululatratoM. pursuit?" with the social of the community. 1 Loved _____ ____ partmeut Include» a comprehensive "What's the trouble?" ones far away may "Man.“—Cleveland Plain Dealer b* reached, for the Bell is almost «yatem of weather warning* and fore ' The pension examiner and the life O’ Wilay tupparta T«n ----- limitlee», ------------- .. It relieves the exsta tbe meet ln*pevtion service lu insurance doctor both called on me at monotony of life. She cannot be lonesome with the Bell Dr llarvay W tVII»y. wto amatily Advancmf. bbkh 2.5OU experts are employed, who the same time. "—Washington Star Service at her command It to constant source of pleasure re-k. «si aa cblvf cbenilat uf ite de He <>nly 1» advauclng In life whore tee that every pound of meat rent tn isirtiuent of agrtcultare. wtoa to Ciò heart te getting softer, whose blood nnd profit in the home circle. terstate la fit for human food, protee .innati "»vera! daya agv mte tbe warmer whose brain quicker, whose (Ion of live stock, the checking of ro­ Talh it over with our local manager. folk»« lag »tatauient: •ptrlt la e«(»ring into thing peace. - dent peeta, tbe destruction of noxious 'l'r»eidvnt Taft to lu» eoe tosa wbo Ruakla Insect*, tbe conrervsttoa of water «ip •tu.*t botwwo me aag .laotroiteto at pile*, tbe building and care of public i\»«hiagxr>n Wtoo »(furt» w«ro b» Mrereoary. roads ami tbe policy far t>ert»r term lag mede to aaaaoataato ar Tkf Origga , Smart la _____________ going to marry buuaee. ao that every dollar expended i i * a a Mg Maeoivo Vortical Bate Chocks the Wildest Seas. Bureau of Mines Marks Great Step Forward, Says Depariment of Agriculture Work Must Go On. SAVES HUNDREDS OF UVES JIBORS FOR CCNSERVADOFi. East—Seashore or Mountains SOUTHERN PACIFIC Sale Dates. Newport—Yaquina Bay. The New P.R. & N. Beaches. Best THE ALLEN HOU Headquarters for Travelling Men WANTED-A RIDER AGENT FACTORY Ph'lCES e * A A12 HedgetnorR Puncture-Proof I I ||rSeU-l>ealingTires 80 J ■L. JEADPYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS and RELATIVES A Blessing to the Farmer’s Wife pre ed ny OQ|y proforto» •» gtood br ino. «. d l am gvat»fbl to Mto I top» k» wut ha reaio. tag mMm.” hie divorced «rtf»’ Briggs- Tea. thé m»r> rn.rv . usa U after tb» »lluwoy to i*j» tor -JU«« fork Tima I* tbe pnoreeutkm of tbk> wort In ft* numerous Phase» be. hr..(ltht b»-t , a buudrsd fold to ito people Every^Betl Telephone to the Center of the S