Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 18, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Maadlight, April
Snared a Blackmailer Who Dared
to Invade Wall Street.
But th» Old Financiar Was Not te B»
Scarod by ■ Black Hand Lsttsr, »nd
His Partner Fixed Up a Scheme That
Cleverly Caught the Culprit.
Tbe late Jay Gould arrived at bls of­
fice ODe morning in a state of mind.
"There."' he said to his favorite part­
ner. Hinging down a letter which had
been addressed to Mrs. Jay Gould. “I
don’t mind their writing their scurril­
ous things to me. but wben they begin
to send them to my wife it's got to be
stopped. What can you do?”
The partner first read tbe letter. Tbe
writer premised that be had lost a great
deal of money speculating in Gould
stocks, especially Missouri Pacific, and
required that be be advised bow to get
back wbat he had lost and more be­
sides. Unless Mr. Gould Imparted to
him straight, bona fide money making
Information he would destroy Mrs.
Gould. Tbe manner in which be de­
sired the Information to be Imparted
was this: Every morning an advertise­
ment should be Inserted In the personal
column of a certain New York news­
paper advising him when to buy and
wben to sell Missouri Pacific. The ad­
vertisement should be written in a code
which be bad devised, so that be alone
would receive and understand the tip.
“I think I can catch him,” said Mr.
Gould's partner. "Just leave It to me.”
Mr. Gould was for calling in Inspec­
tor Byrnes at once, but his partner
thought they bad better wait until
they bad laid a mine for the offender.
The partner, who had a shrewd un­
derstanding of human nature, proceed­
ed in an unexpected manner. It hap
pened that Mr. Gould's firm was very
active In Missouri Pacific and con-
trolled the stock’s fluctuations,
the next day an advertisement was
inserted, as the blackmailer bad re­
quested, informing him agreeably to
his code to buy Missouri Pacific and
to watch for further instructions. Mia-
sour! Pacific stock went up. A few
days Inter another advertisement waa
Inserted telling him to sell .Missouri
Pacific. And Missouri Pacific declin­
Again he was told when to buy
It and again when to sell It. and wben
this had been repeated a number of
limes tbe partner was ready to spring
the trnp. lie Inserted an advertise­
ment which took the blackmailer off
bls guard. It read somewhat like this:
"Missouri Pacific.—Tbe person wbo
has been receiving information to his
own profit about the movements of
tills stock has not kept faith with us.
He has been Imparting it to others.
For that reason it is discontinued.”
That was not true. There was not
the slightest reason to believe that the
black mailer bad Imparted his Informa­
tion to others: there had been even
no conclusive evidence of his acting
on It for himself, as be would not be
likely to speculate on so large a scale
ns to be recognized in the stock mar­
ket Rut even In a few hundred shares
at n time a man conld make ■ great
deal of money in a short time If be
knew beforehand infallibly when tbe
price would rise and wben it would
Mr. Gould's partner counted
upon the man's natural impulse wben
accused of having, by his own lack
of discretion, slain his goose. The im­
pulse would be to deny that be bad
broken faith. The chances were that
he would deny It by letter. The trick
was to nail him as he mailed the letter.
Inspector Byrnes was now called
into the case. The accusing advertise
rnent was printed on Sunday morning,
so that if the blackmailer posted a
letter during tbe day ft would be all
tbe easier to catch him.
Byrnes stationed a man at every mall
box in tbe postal district from which
the original letter of threat bad l>een
posted to Mrs. Gould. Every man wbo
posted a letter anywhere in that dis
til t that Sunday was under suspicion.
Before he was out of sight a detec­
tive. under pretense of i>osting one of
his own. bad opened tbe box with tils
pass key and had inspected tbe letter
last deposited.
And Just before dark a letter ad
diessed to Jay Gould was posted by a
web dressed young man. wbo ten min­
utes later was in tbe office of Inspecter
Byrne* protesting Indignantly and de-
< rit.g hi» family connections. He did
i >t know on what evidence be bad
been taken, Mr. Gould'» partner was
smnmoued. and he opened the letter,
v. » b was exactly the one expected
The writer warmly and truthfully da-
n.i-d that be > bad imparted the
tbe Missouri
l'a< lfic information to any one and eaid
that therefore be should expect to con­
tinue receiving it as before.
Rut tbe blackmailer was no more eor-
priaed wben confronted by tbe letter I
tL :i Mr. Gould’s partner was wbeo ba
*uw tbe blackmailer, for it turned not
Pt.it be was socially well connected.
11» was. in fact, tbe eon of a man for
« ti >m one member of tbe Gould firm
en rrt.ilned feeltoga of frtendabtp
!• d done badly with everything aad
h..il at last resorted to blackmail. His
'betat Ao do violence to Mrs Gould
*«» empty, though there was no know
biff beforehead that such waa tbe cum
Mr Gould wee not easily mollified. He
ti ni ght an example shoo Id be made of
cne of the few tbreatealng letter writ
•rv 'Vail .treat bad ever -»light nd
h rule,!
Tbe pleading of th< wmi
*’ n'a family at length prevailed and
bi- waa let «ff.—New Tort Poet
Born of Ono of the Mott Tragio Epi*
•odoi In Muecovito Histery.
The itusaian peasaut has a saying
which invariably puzzles the foreigner,
"Too polite and die like Bekovitch.”
The proverb refers to one ot the moot
tragic episodes in Muscovite history.
In the early spring ot 1717 Prince
Bekovitch Cheraski led an armed ex­
pedition consisting of 4.000 infantry
and 2.000 cavalry into the then almost
unknown interior ot south central
His ostensible object was to open up
commercial relations with the khans of
Khiva and Bokhara, his real one to
see If it were possible to invade India
from the north.
The prince, with whom were many
officers of the imperial bodyguard, a
brilliant company, marched his men
across the arid steppes with difficulty
and on Aug. 15 baited some eighty
miles from the city of Khiva.
The Kbivans. ignoring bis profes­
sions of friendship, attacked tn force,
but were easily defeated by the better
armed and better disciplined soldiers
of the czar.
Their khan thereupon resorted to
diplomacy. He visited tbe Russian
camp in state, explained that tbe at­
tack delivered by bis people was ali
a mistake and Invited Prince Beko­
vitch and his principal officers to visit
bls capital as bls guests.
Two days later, at a grand entertain­
ment. tbe khan toasted bis “friends the
Russians" and vowed eternal friend­
ship. He also took tbe opportunity of
requesting Prince Bekovitch to divide
his army Into small detachments for
entertainment in tbe surrounding vil­
lages. regretting the inability of bls
capital to entertain so many guests.
The Russian commander politely
agreed to the politely preferred request,
the Russian force was broken up. and
tbe khan laughed sardonically.
His turn bad come. Early next day
be killed Bekovitch and forwarded his
bead as a gift to the khan of Bokhara.
Then he annihilated the Russian army.
The drunkard will have none of me.
The heavy drinker says “no” when my
name is mentioned.
The man who craves rough—strong—
whiskey passes me by.
All this is as it should be—as I myself
would wish it I am not for them.
Cyrus .jioble
Notice of Application tor License
to Sell Spiritous Malt and Vinous
Liquors and Hard Cider, Etc.
N otice ia H ereby G iven ,— That
Notice of Contractor*.
Sealed bids will be received by
the Board of Directors of School
District No. 9, Tillamook, Oregon,
until H o'clock p. m ,
April 20th, 1912, for the erection and
completion of a High School build­
ing, according to plans and specifi­
cations prepared by Charles H.
Burggraf, architect, Albany, Ore­
All bids must be accom­
panied by a certified check payable!
to “School District No. 9, Tillamook,
Oregon ” for the sum of $250.00, as
a guarantee that the contractor will
furninh an approved bond equal to
50 per cent of the contract within i
ten days after the awarding of the
All bids must be made out on
blank proposals for the same,
Blanks furnishe'*
iahed upon application
by the clerk or
... ...............
_ Plana
specifications may be seen at Tilla­
mook, Oregon, or at the architect’s
The board reserves the right to
reject any- and all bide.
By order of School Board No 9.
Tillamook, Oregon.
H. T. B otts , Chairman.
A lva F inley . Clerk
a petition presented in and to the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, for a liquor license, is in
words letters and figures and a
full, true and correct transcript
therefrom and the whole thereof is
as follows, to-wit:
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook
In the matter of the I
application of A. I
C. Vogler, for a f
liquor license
To the Honorable County Court
above named :
We the
undersigned, hereby
allege and show to you the follow
ing facts and petition you as fol­
lows :
That we and each of ue are reei-
Love Making 8eerna to Bo ■ Sort of ■ dents and legal voters within Gari-
Mania In Spain.
i I aldi Precint, in Tillamook County,
Writes one who has traveled much ’ Oregon, and have been such for
Ik Spain: “As tbe majority of Anda­ more than thirty days next preced
lusian girls are engaged at the age of ing the date and signing of this
seventeen, the senorltas do not go to ' petition, and the filing thereof,
having been and now are actual
many dances, for a Spaniard would as ' residents and legal voters within
soon allow his fiancee to dance with 1 said Precint for more than thirty
another man as he would let her wear days next preceding March 28, 1912
a harem skirt or ride a bicycle. At
That we hereby petition you to
their parties Spanish girls get unbound grant a license to aell apiritoua,
ed admiration, and a senor who bad malt, fermented and vinous liqu­
reached the age of nineteen and talked ors and hard cider, or fermented
cider, co”imonly called hard cider,
to a girl without trying to make love for a period of one year from the
to her would be considered gauche in date of the grantingof such licenae,
the extreme. The guests are given within eaid Garibaldi Precint, and
nothing to eat on these festive occa­ in and atLake^Lytle, therein to th*
sions. glasses of cold water being aim above named A. C. Vogler.
Dated this 28th day of March, 1912.
ply banded round when they are leav­
J. A. Johnson, Garibaldi.
D. A. Smith, Garibaldi.
“Love ia an all absorbing topic in J. W. Cook, Garibaldi.
this amorous land of orange flowers J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi.
and revolutions. Tn Spain we do not Joe Foley, Garibaldi.
talk of money: we talk of love.' a H. Mitchell, Garibaldi.
Spaniard once said to me. He was C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi.
right, for love Is the beginning and D. Johnston, Garibaldi.
•nd of every Spaniard’s thoughts. On Grant Marshall, Garibaldi.
H. M. Davis, Rockaway-
the feast days tbe young men play no Carl E. Loll, Garibaldi.
games, preferring to stand about and F. C. Robiaon, Garibaldi.
Me the girls pass, and in every daily M Adamson, Garibaldi.
■ewspaper you will read of duels O C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi.
fought for some fair senorita's favors. Victor Brener, Garibaldi.
“The typical senor falls In love fifty Arthur Davis, Rockaway, Ore.
times a year with a newness and a Chas. Fonger, Rockaway.
W. T. Newcomb, Rockaway.
passion that has in it something of E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi.
molten lava and is about as durable. B. S. Thompson. Garibaldi.
A pair of laughing eyes once seen at Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi.
• window, a glimpse of a pretty face J. I. McCormick, Garibaldi.
to tbe street and he counts his worid A. G Krumlauf, Garibaldi.
well lost. Spain Is tbe moat marrying Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi.
Frank Ruckles Garibaldi.
esuntry In Europe."—Chicago News.
E- Beelitz, Garibaldi.
L. L. Smith, Garibaldi.
Snuff as an Eya Oprnrr.
J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi.
Snuff was once used as an eye Uni- C. V Stoker, Garibaldi.
Bent. “Tbe Compleat Housewife, or Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi.
Accomplished Gentlewoman's Compan­ Chas. R. Gatchet, Garibaldi.
ion," wblcb bad run Into alxteen edl- Andy Hayden Garibaldi.
J. Sain Johnson, Garibaldi.
tlocs by 1758, extols Its virtues. Ac­ Ben Johnson, Garibaldi.
complished gentlewomen wbo find their A. F. Goff, Garibaldi.
eight falling with advancing years are Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi.
advised to rub “tbe right sort of Portu­ Win. Dowd, Garibaldi.
gal snuff Into tbe eyes night and morn W. H. Derby, Garibaldi.
ing and take It also through tbe nose " Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi.
Joe Sneteinger, GaribalJL
This treatment. It Is asserted, "cured
H. S. Henitt Garibaldi.
Sir Edward Seymour. Sir John Hou J. H. Smith. Garibaldi.
bion and Judge Ayres so that they Henry Jennings, Garibaldi.
could read without spectacles after M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi.
C. R. Su'ton, Garibaldi.
they bad used them many years."
Roy Dunham, Garibaldi,
japruia Oellig, Garibaldi.
Ths Opal. Child of Levs.
State of Oregon, County of Tilla
A sunbeam lingered under s leaf
mook, SS.
la tbe forest at sunset, loath to leave
I. J. J. McCormick, being firat duly
a fair a spot, until tbe moon suddenly •worn, say:—That I am one of the
rose. Enraptured with tbe »bimmer above named, and have read the
Ing beauty of a moonbeam, be »food foregoing petition; that all the facta
entranced and trembling and could not and stateinenta therein contained
and eel forth are true ae I verily
go. In ecstaay they met »nd kissed believe, and to my beet koowledeg
Tbe aun sank and left him in her arms. and belief.
Tbe opal ia tbe child of tbetr love. In
J. J. M c C ormick .
its fair face are forever mingled tbe sil­
Subscribed and sworn to before
ver of tbe rising mono end tbe glory me this 28th day of March, 1912.
( seal ]
T. B. H aniiley ,
of tbe »unset -Anonymous
Notary Public for Oregon.
■N otice is F urther H ereby
G iven ,— That »aid petition wdl lie
called up for action in the Couoty
Court of Tillamook County. Oregon,
I m the first day of May, 1911 and
' bused on »aid petition: said A. C.
| Vogler, on »aid laat named date,
; will apply to said County < ourt for
la license to be granted to him. to
, aell within aaid Garibaldi Precinct
Iaad ia the town of I.ake Lytle there­
spiritoue, malt and vinous
liquors, fermented cider, c omaionly
and known a» hard cider, for the ueriod
of one year from tbe date of »aid
Dated thia Mth day of March. 1912.
Mayor JameaC. Dnhlman. Omaha,
Nebr . often called the “C<»w Hoy
Mayor” writes o4 the benefit ilari red
from Foley Kidney Pills and say a,
“I have taken Foley Kidney Pilla
and (hey have given me a great deaf
' of relief ao I cheerfully re< osamend
them ’ Chee 1. Ckmch Co
To The Voters of Tillamook To the Voters of Tillamook
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for renotnination for the
office of County School Su|>erintend-
ent, on the Republican ticket, at
the primary election to be held
April 19th, 1912.
Respectfully yours,
W. S. Busr,
To the Voters of Tillamook
Having served us Sheriff for sev­
eral years, I had intended to retire
from office at the end of the present
term, but having been strongly
urged to stand for reelection by a
large number of voters who pledge
me their support, on their assur­
ance that my conduct of the office
has I een satisfactory to the tax­
payers end people in general, I
have decided to become a candidate
and 1 hereby announce in self n
candidate for renomination for the
office of Sheriff, on the Republican
ticket, at the Primary Election.
April 19th 1912.
If nominated and elected, I prom
ise to perform the duties of the
office to the best of my ability,
and will do my best to satisfy the
people. I refer to my record as
Sheriff as the best assurance I can
give as to my being able to satis­
factorily fill the office in the future.
Respectfully yours,
II. C renshaw .
Department of the Interior,
United State« Land Office,
Portland, Oregon.
To William Knoua, of Blaine, Ore­
gon, Conleatec :
You are hereby notified that ROY
I.. COOK, who gives 200 Third st.,
Portland, Oregon, care of Plummer
Drug Co., aa his post-office addreen,
did on Marcli 26tiu 1912, file in thia
office hia duly corroliorated appli­
cation to contest and secure the
cancellation of your Homestead,
Entry No. 0425, Serial No. 0425 made
September 14, 1908, for S.W. X of
S.E k of N.W. '/«, N.E.
of S.W.
and NW. % of S.E. To the Voters of Tillamook
*4, Section 34, Tp 3 South, Range 8
West, Willamette Meridian, and ae
grounds for his contest he alleges' I hereby announce inyaeif ns a
that said WILLIAM KNOUS has
never established residence on said candidate for renomination for tlie
land, has never made any improve­ office of County Commissioner on
ments thereon, has never cultivated the RepuMicun ticket at the pri­
any portion of the same, but has mary election to be held April 19tb,
wholly abandoned said land for
more than six months immediately 1812.
If nominuted and elected I will
preceding this date.
You are. therefore, further notified favor a liberal appropriation for
that the said allegations will lie good roads, an economical expendi­
taken by thia office as having been
confessed by you, and your aaid ture of the same, and an impartial
entry will be canceled thereunder distribution of the road funds to all
without your further right to be sections of tbe country.
heard therein, either before thia
office or on appeal, if you fail to
H. V. A lley .
file in thia office within twenty
days after the fourth publication of
this notice, aa shown lielow. your To The Republican Voters Of
answer, under oath
meeting and responding to these
Tillamook County.
allegation» of contest, or if you fail
within that time to file in thia
I, U. G. Jackson, do hereby place
office due proof that you
have my name liefore the Republican
served a copy of your answer on Voters of Tillamook County hh a
the said contestant either in person
or by registered mail. If thia aer candidate for nominarmi! to the
vice is made by ttie delivery of a office of County Surveyor in the
copy of your answer to the con­ coming Republican Primaries
testant in person, peiiof of such
With my experience and knowledge
service must tie either the aaid con
teatant's written acknowledgment of conditions in all parts of the
of his receipt of the copy, showing county, I believe I will be able to
the date of its receipt, or the affi render good service to the people
davit of the person by whom the
If nominated
delivery was made stating when of Tillamook Connty
and where the copy waa deiiveied ; and elected I will accept the office
if made by regiatered mail, p-oof and will attend strictly to the per­
of such service must consist ot the formance of my duly and will en
affidavit of the person by whom the
copy was mailed ata'ing when and deavor to serve the interests of the
the post office to which it was people to the best of my ability,
im-iled. »nd
and thia
this affidavit must tie i
Yours truly,
accompanied by the postmaster's
U. G. J ackson .
receipt for the letter.
You should state in your answer
the name of the poet office to which To The Voters of Tillamook
you deaire future notices to lie sent
to you
To the Voters of Tillamook
I hereby niiuounce mji-e'f ae
candidate for nomination for the
office of County School Sup' riu-
tendent on the Republican ticket at
the Primary election to lie held
April 19th, 1912.
If nominated and elected, 1 pledge
myself to attend strictly Io the
duties of the office, and give the
schools of the county my best
Respectfully yours.
J as . G oldsworthy .
To the Voters of Tillamook
I hereby announce myself a can­
didate for nomination for County
Assessor, on the Republican ticket,
at the Primary Election, April 19th.
With over nine years' eximriem r
as Deputy zXssesaor under Asses
sura Stephens and Hare, 1 feel that
I am thoroughly familiar with the
work of the office to which I aspire,
and promise that if nominated and
elected, to discharge the duties of
the office to th» beat of my ahflitv;
extending to all the suinecoiiiteoiia
treatment which they have a right
to expect from a public ofti
and I respectfully solii it vour eitu-
To the Voters of Tillamook
I hereby announce mvaelf na a
candidate for renominatiofi, for the
office of County ( lerk, on the !’ •
publican ticket, at the Primary
Election to be held the 19th day **f
April, 1912.
If I mu nominated and elected, I
will, liming my term of office, en
deavor to conduct the affairs of the
office in a manner antiafneiorv to
the musare, realizing the imp MSI
bility of pleasing nil.
I will promise a fair, honest i
busi nessi ike
aditi I ni at ration,
apectfully referring voters to
four years as County Clerk, asking
those who are not familiar with
my record to inquire of those mjM
Respectfully yours,
H. F H ioby , Register.
I hereby announce myaelf as
. C. A » drey , Receiver,
ret publication April 4, candidate for nomination, for the
1912 ; date of second puolication
office of County Assessor on the
M. D. Boardmou, 573 W. Main St
April 11, 1912 ; dale of third publi­ Reputilican ticket, at the Primary
Helens Mont., gives ¡in Interesting
cation April 18, 1912 ; dale of fourth
election to be held April 19th, 1912. nccount of his improved
publication April 25. 1912.
If nominated and elected, I pledge through the use of Fi 'o’ey Kidm••
Pills. After giving a detail account
Wm. I- Cook, Prop, tbe Bee Hive myaelf to attend strictly to the ot tits <*ase, he says, “I nm tilmoat
Drug Store. Neihart. Mont . aajra duties of the office, that I will give ¡9 yrars old rtml have spent liuti,
the Helt Canon running from Heit a fair and equable administration tlrede <»( dollars for inetli ines, but
to Neilhart is the most picturesque
find I receive more Itcnefit (rum
spot in all Montana. He writes, “I during the whole of my term.
Foley Kidnev Pills, tliau hum »II
Re«|>e< tfullv your»,
rei oinmend holey’» Honey and Tar
other medicines. Further parí» 'i ■
Coniftound to all my customers and
Lira sent on request “
Chea 1
m > never di«»p|Hunle<l
it gives
(. lough Co.
the l,e»t result» tor cougii» »nd <oi<|s
C. I. Pur sons, Sec’ y an<1 Tie.is. I
of anything 1 »ell.’* Cha». 1. (. lough
of 'ho C. H. Ward Drug Co . Paa-1
A Mother'» < ar'.
ixlena, Calif , writes:
"ti e h»ve'
A rnreful mother wiil not givo
H McGowan, 1Z1S W. 2nd St. Lit s<il<l and recommended Foley's Hon­ her child ■ medicin: without know­
tie Ruck Ark . says, "I suffered ey and Tar Cuni|x>ua<l for years. ing it >■ purr, contain» no opialr-,
with severe (suns »cron» my back We l>elieve it to I m * one of the moat * and has healing and curative quail
and the kidney action was irregular efficient e»|>ectoranta on the market. ties. Buell a medicine ia Fo'e '*
and vety painful. After taking Fol­ Containing no opiatra or narvotica Honey and Tar Cum pound lor
ey , Kidney Pill» tor
for a
■ few day» the it can be given freely to cliitlren. croup, whooping cough, brom -liitin
" and the bideya I Knougfi of thia remetly can t*e tak­ ■ n<l a l other affectton» of tl’r
ia left my laa
came normal, I can gl ladly re-. en to relieve a cold aa it li.ia no throat, < heat, and lunge. Brat and
commend Foie z K tdney Pi 'ilia for I i nauae.iting reaulta and tioes not aafrxt tor children and grown ■ ci
know they helped use.” Cha». I. ' interfere with digestion ’’ Ctiaa. I .east»
C ontain» no opiate». Cha».
Clough Co.
1 L Utough Co.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for nomination, tor the
ofiice of County Treasurer, on the
Republican ticket, at the Primary
Election, to be lie d April I9th, 1912.
After the resignation of Mr. Dave
Nartiny, I was appointed to the
office by the County Court. Hav
ing become familiar with the duties
pertaining to the office, 1 desire to
serve the people by an election,
and respectfully solicit your sup­
Respectfully jiiiir*,
H. I . llEAI.. .