Tillamook Headlight, April 13, 1912 Attorney T. B Handley >s a candidate’for Joint Represents- J IV «.»XU L egal A dvzrti » exents : tive. but having failed to circu­ mewhat 10 First Insertion, per line — i late petitions, he is soi------ - — 5 Each subecquent insertion, line a disadvantage in not having I at Business and professional cards. his name printed on the ballot, 1 month .................................. t 0D ci.nsequentiy it will be neces­ Homestead Notices ................. 5 ® sary to write his name. We Timber Claims.......................... WOO may state that Mr. Handley held Locals per line each insertion back until the last moment, on Diaplav advertisement, an inch. account of others expecting to 1 month................................ ® run. but failing to do so. he did All Resolutions of Condolence and not have time to circulate pe­ Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. titions. As Mr. Handley is one Cards of Thanks. 5c. per line of tbe young men| of the city it Notices. Lost. Strayed or Stolen, would be well to give him an etc. minimun rate, 23c. not exceed­ opportunity to represent the ing five lines. ___ county as joint Representative. We believe that with Mr. Botts in the senate and Mr. Handley RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. in the house, they would con­ (STRICTLY IX ADVANCE.) One year——----- —------------------ 1.5«) sult together and work together 75 Six month»............ —------ —-------- 50 for the best interests of the Three month» . — county. Both will be making [«ersonal sacrifices and financial Entered a» secood class mail mat­ ter July. 1988, at the post office at loss to serve the people iu the Do not fail Tillamook. Ore., under the act of state legislature. March X 1979- to write T. B. Handley’s name on the ballot for Joint Represen­ tative so that Tillamook county­ Ut» ^illamoffk Ijtabliqbt, will tie represented in the house. Advertís ng Ratea. Waymire’s Letter. Primary Nominating Election LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST On the dates given below, round trip tickets will he Editor HeadlighL —I am in good sold to tbe points in the East shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fare» quoted: oldJOregon once more enioying the balmy air. It seems good to see TRAINS EAST green grass again and to te free In Connection With from a sand storm and to drink Republican Ticket. Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railwa water free from alkali, but to be fair Delegates to the National conven- $8250 Omaha Detroit . . . • JJ11.00 go . oo to Eastern Washington and Yakima Atlantic City 60.00 Philadelphia tion—Charles W. Ackerson, O. C. 10750 Duluth • • • • 108.50 Baltimore . . Valley in particular, I must say it 60.00 Pittsburg . 110.00 Kansas City ■ • 9150 Applegate, Daniel Boyd. Fred S. Boston • . . has many redeeming qualities. Its 7250 St. Louis . 9150 Milwaukee . . 704» Buffalo .... Bvnon. Homer C. Campbel), Chas. 60.00 St. Paul fruit is unexcelled, its alfalfa hay . 7250 Minneapolis . . bO.OO Chicago ... H Carey. H. W. Coe, Cbas. F. Fry. 106.00 Toronto . 9150 55.00 Montreal • . . ia splendid, and the people are en- Colocado Spring» 10650 Washington D. D. Hail. T. W. Harris. S. a . . 10750 554» New York Denver ... prieing and friendly, but some way _ dates or SALE my heart was not satisfied Am Huston, D. C. Jones. Thomas McCus­ Mar 2, 3. ».9. to. 11,17.18. 24. 29.1912. July * *«. 2O- ». 33 feeling better and expect to fully re­ ker, Phil Metschan. J. W. Minto, Jose 1.6.7. 8 13 1*. 13. 17. 18,19.20. Aagnst i. 2.’«. A 7? 12. IS. 1«. 22.23, 2», Frank Patton. J. N. Smith, and A. cover on my return to Tillamook. 21. 24. 23. 27. 4. s> n . 12303' o 31191212 V Swift. As ten delegates are to Wife and I expect to visit home be elected, voters are only allowed in a few days and perhaps to stay 0« o M\V12*^ oi •- until June then we take up taber­ to vote for one delegate. V E. COMAN, Geni Freight and Pa». Agent, President of the United Sta»ee— PORTLAND. OREGON nacle work for the summer. I have R. M La Follett. T. Roosevelt and been wondering for sometime how wearetogel along with thel. W. W ’»• W. H. Taft Elector—M. J. MacMahon They are numerous and the doc­ U. S. Senator—J. Bourne, S. A trines they advocate will destroy Lowell, J. W. Morton and Ben Sel­ our goverement if permitted to go on unheeded. Perhaps the best ling. Representative—W. C. Hawley. thing to do would be to insist on I Secretary of State—F. S. Fields, our people to not only be indus­ trious. but to be saving of their and Ben W. Olcott. but we are not too busy to Dairy and Food Commissioner— earnings. The average I. WAV. fill your order for lumber, W. J. Cottel. A T. Edwards, A. H. sleeps in a 10 cent bed and eats 15 even if it is hut a small one. cent meals and spends the remain Lea, J. D Mickle. Look around and see if your Railroad Commissioner—T. ' There are two persons run­ der lor dnnk. Young man, have a Snap Shots place wouldn’t look better ning for the office of County higher ideal of life than this Campbell. You ior a little fixing up. Then District Attorney—GaleS. Hill and , Commissioner, the present oc­ Write T. B. Handley’s name cupant, H. V Aliev, and Geo. can have a borne, you can be the tell us what lumber you W C. Winslow. head of a happy family if you start for Joint Representative. need and we’ll have it up to R. Edner. We hold both of right and continue right Joint Senator — H. T. Botts and W Y'ou your place in less than no these men in the highest esteem must be thrifty if you would be trust­ H. Hollis. time. Joint Representative—Write T. B. Go to the polls to-morrow and I as citizens. Commissioner ed truthful if you want the confi­ vote for President Taft, for by Alley is certainly entitled to a dence of your fellows, and decent Handley's name on the ballot. doing so it will help to keep 1 great deal of credit for what he if you would be re-q>eeted. These County Commissioner—H V. the country prosperous and not has accomplished for the north habits are best cultivated apart from ley and G. R Edner. allow it, if possible, to drift into 1 epd of the county, and as it is a the saloons. Strong drink injuries Sheriff—H. Crenshaw. I>osition where an official can­ us as workmen, makes many good hard times again. Clerk—J. C. Holden. not please everybody, it is natu­ men criminals, many smart men Treasurer—R L. Beals. School Superintendent—W. I.ct well enough alone is the ral to suppose that he will meet insane, many of affluence become best argument iu favor of the with some opposition, but on paupers, and its latest product is Buel and Jas. Goldsworthy. Surveyor—J. S. Craig and re-nomination and re-election the other hand there are those men with no regard for God, or law, of President Taft, and to ward who believe that Mr. Alley has or our grand old flag or the institu­ Jackson. Assessor—C. A. Johnson off another experience of Ilemo- been a conscientious public offi­ tions we hold so dear aa American cratic hard times. We predict cial and who are ready again to citizens. So I advise all to be in­ S. Atkinson. We dustrious. saving, and sober. This Coroner—R. T. Boa Is. this will follow if Taft ie not repose confidence in him. have no doubt but what Mr. Justice, 1st district—Joseph Effen re-elected. thing will soon die if not recruited. Edner will obtain quite a num­ berger, Fred L. Hastings. Yours for the good of all. Justice, 2nd District—E. W. Stan­ Instead of expending $3i.*> to ber of voters from those who C. H. W aymire . No matter ley. $1000 on a Fourth of July cele­ desire a change. who is elected to this office, it is Justice 3rd district—Frank Tay­ bration,if that amount of money I.O.O.F. Anniversary. lor. was divided into prizes for a safe to say that it will not be Port of Nehalem—F. A. Rowe, three (lavs’ stock show aome- very long before they will run On April 26th. 1912, Nestucca and time in August it would be far up against the opposition of Beaver Lodges will celebrate the Henry Tohl. and Fred Zaddach. Port of Bay City—John O. Bo- more interesting and attractive. those who cannot have their Ninety Third anniversary of the zorth, J. M. Harrison, R. E Jackson, But perhaps we can hare both. own way in road matters and Odd Fellows, in the way of a picnic. county affairs. John A. Nelson. Walter D. Wood. An appropriate program has been Port of Tillamook—A. G. Beals, i Fortunately, there is no fac- We understand that the Hose arranged for the occasion In ad­ M. F. Leach, and Henry Rogers. ti -rial strife in the Republican dition liberal cash prizes will be Company is short handed, with Port cf Bayocean—M. J. O’Don­ party of this county, and as a insufficient members to han.dle given to the winners oi the follow­ nell, G. A, Reeher. W. C. Van Der- result the primary nominating the apparatus and do good work ing sports: sal. election passed off in a most Fcot race, 30 yds turn stake, horse. should a serious fire occur. We Democratic Ticket. friendly spirit and without mud may mention that some of the Fat man’s race, sack race. Three Delegates to National conven­ slinging To-morrow the Re­ legged race, Ladies' race. Egg race, present members have been in tion—A. S Bennett, T. C. Burke. publicans will nominate their Picnic to be the company many years and and Ball Game. L. R. Edmunson, I. E. Godfrey, ticket, and those who take part have rendered faithful service, held at G W. Bodyfelt's place, J. D. Goss. F. V. Holman, M. Hol­ should feel themselves morally along the bank of the beautiful and deserve a goo cash first payment will QCAUnCATIONS. ' appreciated by the business men Foley ns a candidate for com i buy. Place not to cost over at the age of 25 years; in the year Have been engaged la the active missioner for the Port of Ne­ and property owners. and not over 5 miles from Tills- of 1858. there being but eight white For the purpose of working up a practice of law for twelve years. halem. Address Post-office familiea residing in the county at big exhibit of agricultural produce mook City. For eight years have been Deputy Dr. J. T. Work. M. T. that time. He died on Tuesday, and articles made in shop and home Box 227. Tillamook. Oregon. District Attorney for Lion County, Tillamook Couuty ha- not April 9th. 1912, at the age of 78 bv the hove and girls of Tillamook Twa Thousand x He Books, And IM St. and 3rd Av« West during which tune w ssm have V w ssmu had prac- been represented in the State I Chiropractor sad Naturopath year*. 11 months and two days county a general committee has Clergy Permits Good on P R A M- •• tically entire change of the office senate since the lute Senator the most improved science for the ’ end am familiar and experitseced He was married in the year 1886 been appointed by Pres. Holmes, Maxwell was a member of that The 2000 mile ifSlOO) books issued care of disease. Why suffer from |B the dutiee of the District Attor to Mrs. Nancy Gilliam in Tillamook of the Commercial Club, upon the body. This county has now an County. Two children were born authorization of a cimens' meeting j by the Southern Pacific and O-W.- culda. catarrah iheumattem. hernia ney s office in all departments opportunity to be represented if to thia union, a son and daughter; held some time ago. The county RAN. Lines ; also Clergy Trans- tuasura and abdominal displace ’ I’UTrotX. the Republicans will pull toge­ the daughter. Nellie, died in child­ school fsir is to be held here the Continental permits will be honor­ mtnts, indigeation. malaaaimilation "If nominated aad elected I I will "If nominated and elected will, ther with that object in view boon and the son. Emerick Wilson, laet week in August. Tbe county ed by the P. R. A N. between all and the general neurotic run down my term of office, perform No iiersomil matter should enter condiliun that follows when the during _____ _____ _ office to the twat resides with hie mother in thia committee ia as follows: J stations. the dune* of said into the contest. Attorney H ™^t* «4 «y -bslit'y; .m^rt.'.nv7^cute connty ________________ W. S. Buel, Mrs. Roes Crawford. T. Hotts having consented to removed with no danger of other - - “My little son had a very severe Fairview; L A. Edgar, South Prai­ Why He Was Late cold. I was recommended to try run for State Senator, We feel cousplK-ations. as there ie no drugs . all offenders agaieat the criminal rie; W H. Christensen Oretown; Chamberlain's Cough Remedr. non "What made you so late'-* ’ law» of the State of Oregon prompt that every Republican should or knives used m thia ijittm "I met Smithson." Mrs. H. M. Farmer, Hebo; Peter before a small bottle had neen finish­ | ly and carefully and diligentlv m- a little county pride in* ' Well, that is no reason whv vou Kernel. Wilson River; N. J. Gersoni ed he was as well ss ever ” writes I veetigate all cases and eave tisetax- helping to give this county re- should be an hour late getting home Mrs. R A Todd. Mrs. Dr. Randall, Mrs. H Silva, 2» Dowuig Street- You will look a good while before ^vvsentatio«i in the State Sen- >ou find a better medicine for ' payers the burden of paying for ill to supper." Sydeny. Atistrikha. This remedy ’• Mrs. Ruth Desmond. for sale by all dealers. "I know, but I asked him how he Nehalem; ___ _______________________ nte. Tlw State taxes came ...... high •‘,««hs and colds than Chamber ; advised and spite work prosevutiowa thin year and they should be *•»•'1» Jt not only [ 1 will at all times give prompt end was feeling, and he insisted on tell­ Hemlock: Mrs. A. F. Foster. Woods; kept down, ami with a rvprrsen . “o7h"t a aid*^ < vurteoua attention to pecple I aw ing me about tus stomach trouble ** Eugene Atkinson. Saad Lake; L M. "Did you tell him to take Cham­ Kramer. Cloverdale; Mrs. Edward tstive in the bouse mid another! are certain to be pleased with the | lag tnieiaeea with the offtev. but at berlain' s Tablets - ' "Jure, that ia what he needs.'* Weston, Long Prain<. Miss Fannie I iu tlie senate. Tillamook ntin- oromp« care whxb it will effect, no time or nnder any cin umetaocee Smith. Beaver; Mias Lucy Doughty. be dictated to or controlled by any Sold by all dealers. •l Would in a i-witi. n to- to by »11 dealers. ty would be be in a pmitsoa I iwreue. faction, or interest whatso­ Bay City; G R. Edner. Garibaldi ; hove eomething to say in mat ■ Prices fot [fon t be surprised it you have aa ever." F. P Miller. Rockaway. Mrs. F. s. tere of importarne tn the tax ' J sttosk >TOK. of rneumau.m thi. wmu rheumatism this spring. Wlutebouae and Mm. D. L. Shrode If yen believe m prvmotx n and Light hog» 1» lbs sia. payera of thie county. He loyal 'Just rub tbe affected 7 parta ,— _J freelj freely Tillamook. 130 lbs to AV Iba. «c tn the county and support the with Chamberlain s 14a one nt and agree with tbe above principles SoM by aU your support wiU be app