aillanwk r i L VOL XXIV TILLAMOOK, OREGON APRII, 18, 1912, How do People Acquire Property and Gain Independence? By saving in a small way to accumlate capital for investing and re-investing. Large profits are often made from timely invest­ ments. You cannot tell when an opportunity for making a profitable investment will present itself. A growing savings account in this bank will pro­ vide for such an emergency. It will give you a bor­ A BANK BOOK rowing power equal to the Capitol which you save. We want you to consider this a personal invitation to call and open an account here. Many of our large deposits began with a dollar. bank JiLLAMOOK COUNTY BAHK^H0" -------- ■------ --- TILLAMOOK CITY.ORE JsUPERVISION ! TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Lytle & Gordon handle all kinds of building materials in any Sells-Floto Circus will visit Tilla­ amount and can quote the lowest prices in the city, See them before mook on the lirt of June. buying. 1000 Choice Strawberry plants for Mrs. C. Nelson, sister of Carl Sale. See Shrode. Knudson, who has been sick with Give the Tillamook Feed Co. a typhoid fever in this city, was well Irial for your groceries. • enough to be taken to her home S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs- $1,00 per last week. letting of 15. A. M. Ginn. As the Hose Company is short Wanted. 100,000 pounds of Bees handed, young men who desire to A'ax. Clough’s Drug Store. become members should send in Ask your neighbor about De­ their names to the President or ment’s beet, or else ask Shrode. * Secretary. The famous corn fed Sinclair Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­ I Meats, at the Tillamook Feed Co. • ing purposes. Permit for trapping Address 'Gene M. I Dement's Best and the Diamond furnished. W. line is becoming the talk of the Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. town. • Wanted, a position as cook or helper.-Apply at the Headlight office. • Mrs. W. F. Baker and children left this morning to visit her mother at Dallas Geo R. MeKimens was in the city on Wednesday. Mr. McKimens and his wife returned last week from Colorado where they had gone on a visit. Cloyd Dawson, who is attending Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ the University of Oregon, came in mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. last week to spend hie spring vaca­ I per pound. • tion at home. He will leave Satur­ day for Eugene. Eric Glad received the sad news C. F. Arkland and wife left on this week of the death of hie father in Sweden. . Wednesday morning for Los Angles. E- Wescott, of Portland, hia taken They aay the Diamond W. line of meat cutter in the can’t be beat for quality.—Tilfa- position 1 M F. Leach's market. mook Feed Co. • Carbon is heat ; A bebdabe For Sale, Household Goods. (Aetralian) Coal carries double the Second house east of the Academy. percentage of carbon of any other Mrs. A. Phelps. • coal on the market. Lamb-Schrader Mrs. Jennie Hobson, who has Co., Telephone Main 1771. • t>een sick in thia city, was able to You cannot afford to wait until return to her home. cement gets any cheaper. It might I Edmunds pays 17 centa a pound go higher, I-ainb-Schrader Co. in trade for calf hides. carry the best grades at the lowest Tillamook Mercantile Co. . prices. Telephone Main 1771. • Bring your chickens to the Tilla- The annual election of officers for I mook Meat Company’s Market. We the Tillamook Commercial Club I pay 13c. per pound. • will take place next Monday evening The Ray FeedCo. are selling Fruit at the club rooms, when a good at­ Sugar at $8.33 per sack; Dry Gran- tendance of members is requested. I ulated at $6,20 per sack. A game of base ball will be play­ Dj not fail to see the ball game ed Saturday afternoon, April 27th, between Jefferson High of Portland between Jefferson High School of and Tillamook High School. Portland I and ‘~*■ ’ Tillamook P High Mr». Wm. Galloway, wifeof Judge School, at Stillwell Park, in thi» Galloway, came in on Wednesday city. , to attend the Rebekah lodge. Dr. S. M. Wendt, auccesaor to Dr. Tillamook Meat Company Lard Smith, speaks German. Surgery, absolutely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail; ear, eye, nose and throat Office in 73c., 51b. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c. the Commercial Building, opposite If you are looking for a wagon or • buggy of any kind it will pay you to aee the Tillamook Feed Co.' W. D. Ulingsworth came in on a »••it last week from Medford, and w«» shaking hand» with old friends. the Todd Hotel. All calls answered day or night Both phones. • miles south of Tillamook . Nehalem will give an excursion to this city on next Sunday, when another red hot game between Ne­ halem and Tillamook base ball teams will be played. Nehalem won last Sunday on her home grounds by a score of 6 to 4. Every body go to the game and root for the home team. bAMRR’S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Noble Grand several terms. Past treaauter of State Rebekah Assembly of Oregon. Received degree of Chivalry at Grand Lodge last year. This being the highest degree conferrable up­ on a Rebekah. Died, April 16th, at the age of 61 years, 11 months and 26 days, and leaves beside her husband one son. Egbert D. Severance ; one sister, Mrs. Jos. Severance, of North Yak­ ima, Wash., and two brothers, H.E. Weston, of Tillamook, and I. F. Weston, of Motley, Minn. On Friday evening a pleasant party was given at the home of i Irvie Keldson, the occasion being | the celebration of his birthday | Games were played, after which re- , freshtnents were Berved. Present: Get Together Lunch. Mieses Edith Allger, Ruby McGhee. Marie and Clara Tinner- The second mid day lunch of the stet, Ka'herine Burge. Messrs. Ches­ Tillamook Commercial Club took ter McGhee, Harvey Ebinger, Ed place on Wednesday, when there gar Munson, Wilson Burge, Jay waa a good attendance at these get Honey, Thane Honey and Martin together meetings. Hoven. President Holmes called upon The Swastika Club met on Friday Jndge Galloway as the first speaker, afternoon, April Sth. with Mrs. Carl who spoke of the great timber re Hsberlach. After sewing and chat­ sources of the county and getting ting awhile, a pleasing game was common point rates for lumber. played, in which Mrs. Botts receiv­ Attorney Spaulding, of Salem, ed first prize and Mrs. Haltom sec­ was the next speaker and paid our ond. We were then invited to the citizens a mark of compliment for dining room where the hostess ser­ the spirit in which they are getting ved a very dainty and delicious together to in-prove the city. luncheon. The club members and Rollie W. “ Watson took up the the many guests present spent a question of good roads and had a very enjoyable afternoon. The number of referendum petitions club will meet next with Mrs. B. D. to be voted upon bearing _ on the Lamar, April 26. good roads movement. Fred G Baknr called the dub's attention to the fact that the bone Tillamook Will Celebrate. company was deficient in members At a meeting of the citizens held and that something should be done at the Commercial Club room« on by the dub to arouse a litUe more Tuesday evening for the purpose interest in the hose company. W. Walton considered that the of holding a 4th of July celebration in Tillamook City, a large numlier dub was on the right track in get­ of business men were present. At­ ting the businesa men together to torney John L. Henderson was talk over matters which interested elected President and W. F. Baker the city. He told how successful Secretary pro tern A committee they have been in Salem, and what of ve waa ed to w* fi me wa« appoint appointed to have nave charge cnarge growth th st city had made, which — o - f - ^e different features of the cele- was brought about by the business bration. M. F. Leach, W. J. Steph- men getting together in a Board of ena, T. B. Handley, E. T. Haltom Trade. In closing he congratulat­ I and Thoa. Coates were duly elected ed the hnsiiieaa men in getting to- i gether and being on the right on the management committee. To date there has been $MX) l OO track. Jas Walton was the last epeaker raised It was the desire of those present to give a first class celebra­ and »aid Tillamook City would be tion thia year in thia city. I having bitulithic pavement the same as Salem ia the near future. The«e mid day lunches are grow­ La Follette Meeting a Frost, ing interest. . The Supreme Court will take up . the Port of Tillamook case some time in May. As the Judges had The La Follette meeting in this to make a trip to Eastern Oregon Have you tried the Diamond W. this week, thia waa the first oppor­ city last night was a frost as fsr as Steel Cut Coffee? Gee. but It’s tunity they will hsve of taking it enthusiasm and numliera were con­ good ! Get it at the Tillamook Feed Up_ cerned. there being but a small Co. gathering of voters present at the At a meeting of the base ball club Attorney Gale S. Hill, of Albany, the following, businesa was trans skating rink when Attorney Hender­ *ho ia ■ candidate for district at­ acted: H. R. Edmund» tendered son called the meeting to order to torney, waa in the city foe several hia resignation aa manager and T. hear a political address by Hou. H. L. Houser in advocacy of the can­ days. R Handley was elected to fill the I didacy of Senator La Follette for Foe Sale,—Mamoth Blackberry vacancy. A committee of three, t blithe». Apply J. L. Norton. South consisting of K I. Haltom, W. J. president. In the small audience there were Taft admirers and Dem­ »eat comer Norton'» Addition. Till- Stephen» and W. F Baker waa ocrats. but the political atmosphere amook City. elected a board of directors. . i -> was down to zero, and the meeting proved to be the deadest political meeting ever held in thia city. C. E. Trombley, who has been a La Follette booster, went to Portland on Tuesday and relumed with the distinguished visitor on Wed nee day “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND. MUCH HANDIER FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TILLAMOOK, ORE. OLDEST! IN THE ■ COUNTY I. J. W. Maddux has established a Death of Mrs. F. Severance. city transfer office next to the Gem It is with deep regret that we theatre on Main street, where all orders can be left, which will be have to announce the death of Mrs promptly attended to, or call the Sophia R. Severance, which took place in this city on Tuesday morn­ office up by phone, Main 651. Carpets. Rugs and Mattresses ing after several months sickness. cleaned with a first class vaccum The cause of death was cancer of The deceased was one carpet cleaner ; good work and the the breast. best of satisfaction given by F. E. of the best known and highly re Pangborn. I-eave orders at Jones- spected women of Tillamook coun ty. The funeral services were held Knudson Furniture Store. at the home this afternoon, Papera were filed with the County Clerk whereby The Hammond Lum­ the Rebekah lodge having charge ber Company, a corporation, have the services, with Rev. J. T. Moore, bonded their timber holdings in of the M.E. church, officiating in the this county to the Detriot Trust Co. religious ceremony. The bereaved husband and family for the sum of $1,500,000 for the have the heart felt sympathy of a purpose of refunding existing debts. large circle of friends in their hour Vote for T. B. Handley for Joint IS of sorrow which have bereft them of Representative by writing his name an affectionate wife and a loving To take care of than ready money. It is much the safer on the ballot. Give him a show to loving mother, as well as a constant too. Better open an account here and deposit your receipts make good, who is deserving of a friend and a good woman. good deal of credit for the fair, open daily. Then if thieves do come, all they will get is your Sophia R. Severance, youngest manner in which acted in making bank book which is of no value to them. You lose nothing daughter of Edward and Abbie the race at a time when no one else either. Think that over, Weston, was born in Somerset could be induced to run. County, Maine, April 21st, 1850. In Now that the automobile rush is 1857, at the age of seven years mov. over we are repairing any and ed to Pierce County, Wisconsin. everything. Guns, locks and keys, Married in August, 1873, to Frank typwriters, cash registers and Severance at River Falls, Wiscon­ complicated machinery a specialty. sin, and in 1886, moved to Yamhill At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any County, Oregon, and the following thing that we can't repair we will year to Tillamook. buy. , Call for General Warranta. Was post-mistress from 1888 to For Sale or Rent. Simmons Brothers and Golds­ 1892, having resigned; afterward 60 acres bottom land, 22 miles All General Fund Warrants en­ worthy’s mill is now running and was secretary for several cheese from Tillamook. All clear, will run dorsed prior to November 1, 1911 ready for orders. Dressed lumber factories for a number of years. 20 cows. Good house, two barns be paid upon presentation. and fresli water on place, half mile furnished after February 15th. . First Worthy Matron for Star will , from school, post office, store and Interest ceases April 22 1912. Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed Lodge, being a Charter Member. cheese factory.—See M. R. Iliinen- B. L B eals . Charter member of Rebekah lumber will be sold at correspond- kratt. County Treasurer. ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 Lodge, , having held the position of To Whom it May Concern. I wish to express to the public my appreciation of the manner in which the Tillamook County Bank ha» handled my business. When I left Tillamook about 10 years ago, there waa owing to me about $22000.00, from various per­ son« in Tillamook County. These matter« were all left with the Tills mook County Bonk toi collection and transmittance to me, ar.d all the said snma except one very email item haa been collected and remitted to me promptly in a court coos, systematic, and buameoalike manner; and all such matter» left by me to be attended to by said bank bare been looked after in such a satisfactory manner that I feel it my duty to expreaa to the public the aatiafactioa 1 feel Thi« letter ia written on my own initiatioa and without any anggea- tion from «nr J person whatever. Joan STBX8OK. Call for Road Warrants. All outstanding Road Fund War­ rants will l>e paid upon presenta­ tion. Interest ceases April 22, 1912. B. L. B eals , County* Treasurer. Notice. N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive bids for one hundred cords of either Alder or Hemlock Wood, to be cut 46 inches in length aud corded in the basement of the Court house on or before October 1st, 1912 A certified check equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid as a guarantee that the bidder will execute a Bond for the delivery of wood if awarded the same. All bids to be filed with the County Clerk on or before the 1st day of May, 1912. The Court reserves the right to reject any and^11 bids By order of the Court. J. C. H olden , County Clerk. I For Sale or Trade. Stallion, two years old, black, weighs 1035, perfectly gentle, will guarantee him. Wil) sell cheap for cash, or will trade for town property^ Vacantt lots preferred.—See Frank Hanenkratt. Notice, Odd Fellows. On Tuesday evening, April 23rd, at our regular meeting, A W. Bowersox, G. M. of I. O. O. F, of Oregon, will be with uson an official visit All Brothers are requested to be in attendance. S. A. B rodhead . U. B. Church. Evangelists Lewis and Matthews will conduct a special series of meetings at the above cliurch, be­ ginning Friday night, April 19th. Everyone ia invited. TheSunday services will be as follows: Bible School 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting 7 p.m. Rev. A. b. Lewis, the Evangelist, will preach at both services, and Rev. Matthews will sing and play Those who are not in the liabit of going to church are especially in­ vited. B. E. E merick , pastor. Z^ox Sscle ci Sazdxaxxgre Toy John Leland Henderson & Son, -A-grexxts. 216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. OVER POST OFFICE. TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS. 1.—35V4 acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6*4 miles S. E.-$4,50U Z —16acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown.— $2,250. 1—66 acres at Denver. Dairy ranch and stock. — $10,000. . 4. —160 acres, Caat'e Rock ranch. 3*4 miles S.E. of Hebo.—$7000 5. —House and Lot in town.—$525.00. 6—Fine Residence, central. Tillamook City. $2,100. 7 —House andTwoLots, Miller* a addition, Tillamook City. $1,500. A—160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.—$7,500. 9*—40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1 700. ID—160 acres. Timber Claim on Miami river.— $4,500. 11. —80 acrea fine timber. 1,580. M, feet.—$1,500 12. —40 acres. Well improved. New building. 4H miles S. — $8,000. IX— 80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.--$1000. 14. —30 acres. Four miles south. All improved.—$8^500. 15. —30 acres. 3\ miles south. Half improved. $3,500* 10.—150 Lota aud Hotel nite, Long Heach add to Bayocean.$15,000. 17. —80 acres 4*4 miles S.E. Tillamook.- M,800. 18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked.—$22,500. 19 — The finest residence in Tillamook —»4.700 . 20. —240 acres 5*4 miles S.E. Dairy Ranch. —$43,200. 21. —60 acres. Neatncca bottom.' Dairy Ranch —$11,000. HOOD RIVER LANDS Will AND LOTS. L-17 acres. Orchard. Wei! improved trade for bottom land only.—$15,000. Z —10 acres. Orchard. Buildings cost $5,000. —$18 000 X— 24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements —$38,000. 4.—42*, acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw.—$25,000 5 —15 acres. All fruit. Good improvements.—$20.(00. &—10 acres. All in fruit. Good improvements. —$U>.000. 7.—Business IxX, Hcod River.— $1(1000. A—Fine Residence and Two Lots $3.(10. 9.—Several vacant lot.. Per pair — $6U> 10.—28 acres on railroad in city, $6U* per acre. 1!. —160 acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land. - $8,600. Washington County, Or., Lands. L--1000 acres. Orchard I-and. Mostly raw. For -ale only in tracts to suit 2 — 80 acre. Orchard land. Running water —$2 406. PORTLAND. I.—Two I_ots. Portland Heights$12000 Z —Three fxda. Peninsular, near Swift's Packing Plant.—$1,500. X- Fine Residence Mt Tabor. Furnished —$X«fti A—Equity in 2 lots. Capital liill add.—$400. 5—6 Lots. Farrell's add. to Woodlawn, Portland.--$4.3UU l NORTH PLAINS Fine LYLE, WASH., LANDS. L—$ acres in town. Five acres in cultivation creek. —IB.480 L—MD acres. All good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard Buildings.— $tt,000 2—37« acres Ranch. 70 acres, 1 year old apples. 130 acres cleared $75 per acre. <