County Business. y YEAR PARTY making love to the plaintiff and LEAP THE HADLEY SUIT. tad Ths County Court consisting of Hon made offer of marriage. In order to procure plaintiff s consent Given by the Ladies at Homer Mason Judge, H. V. Alley and Plaintiff Claims that C. E. to such marriage, and to discour H. M. Fanner Commiaioners, J. C. Hadley Jilted Her-Mar- age plaintiff from prosecuting an the Commercial Club Holden Clerk, and H. Crenshaw Sheriff convened on April 3rd to transact the against defendant for the To-Night. riage to C. B. Hadley action breach of promise, the defendant following business. and C. B. Hadley both represented Claim of Goldsworthy and Simonds Stopped Breach of A leap year party will be given and told plaintiff that C. B. Hadley of $26.95, continued. by the ladies at the Tillamook Com­ Promise Suit. was an equal partner and joint mercial Club this (Thursday) even­ The bids of A. Aratill owner, but both of said parties ing, which ia to be one of the pleas- Kellow and Jencks of $1775 for the Attorney Oak Nolan has made failed to tell her that the legal title 1 ant social features of the season. construction of the E. E. Cross road reply in the Otelia Hadley case vs. the property stood in the were rejected. The bid of E. E. Cross C. E. Hadley case, in which besets to all of C. E. Hadley alone. It The ladies have gone to a great name of $1550 being accepted. deal of trouble to make this a most out that plaintiff and C. B. Hadley matter of general reputation enjoyable affair. The bids of M. M. Mead and son, of was a i Ladies taking were married and lived together as partnership existed, and by man and wife until the time of the that a i 1 thereof plaintiff finally part in the dancing will be charged I $1900, and Gary Knight of $4400 for $1.00, but no charge will be^made building of what is known as the Ne­ death of her husband, and by rea­ reason agreed to enter into marriage with to ladies who do not dance. The halem road were rejected. The bid of son thereof plaintiff is seized of an C. B. Hadley and waive her right estate in dower in and to the nee to prosecute defendant for breach patronesses are : Mesdames F. C. Snyder and Hastings was accepted. The matter of the plat of J. C. Bew- Baker, Carl Haberlach, 1 Webster during her natural life of their of promise. C. B. Hadley told approv- home That no part of said pro­ plaintiff that she would be endowed Holmes, Chas. Thomas, , C. I. leys addition to Bay City was ed. Clough, and John Groat. perty has been inventoried in the at the time of hie death with an in­ The matter of the plat of Midway estate of the deceased. At the time terest in all of the i>eraonal pro­ Beach as townaite was approved. of his death, C. B. Hadley was the perty, and by reason of these and THE LYRIC. J. J. McCormick was granted owner in fee simple of the property, other allegations, plaintiff claims license to open a saloon in Garibaldi. but the naked legal title therefor one half interest in and to all of the The petition of N. McMillan for s' Stood in the name of ths defend­ real and personal property. ant, who was holding the same in Engagement of a Star county road was approved by the court’ trust. A short time after the de­ The matter of vacating the town of Company. ceased died the defendant wrong­ A Fast Baseball Team. Moroney was continued. fully took possession of the pro­ In the matter of the petition of In presenting to hie patrons The I perty and now claims to be the ow­ The Tillamook Commercial Club’s Strohn McCullough Co., appropri­ Horace W. Haywood and others for a ner. Plaintiff has demanded her baeeball team is rounding into county road is ordered that U. G. Jack-1 ately entitled “Society Burlea- The only baking powder made dower interest which is refused shape and the fans expect to turn quers, ” for two weeks’ engagement, : son surveyor, W. B. Aiderman and her. The plaintiff cites that the de­ out the fastest team in the state. Willard Jackson be appointed to view beginning this (Thursday) evening, from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ceased built the house at a coat of The town ia supporting the team and survey road and make a report on Saturday matinee, Manager Evans, $4O»i and secured the necessary better than ever before. Already of the Lyric Theatre, offers one of same at the regular meeting of the money for doing so. games have been scheduled with the strongest musical comedy com­ County Court in May 1912. Ito Alum—No Limo Phosphates That some time on or about the Hillsboro, Sheridan, O. W. R. 4 N-, In the matter of the application of , panies on the Pacific coast, the only year 1895 the C. B. Hadley and de­ Banka, Columbus Club Grays, Grant Dawson and others for a county j fendant duly made and entered in­ Meir 4 Frank, W. R. Heales’ Weon difference between this company road. It ia ordered that U. G. Jack-’ to a general partnership, which as and Portland Maroons. Games and one paying at two dollars per ■ son surveyor, and Forest Ayer and J. I continued until the death of the are sought with the Gresham Giants, seat, is the size of the chorus The M. Baker be appointed to view and' former. The original capital of the Red Rupert’s team and the Camas principles are all high salaried survey road and make a report on same '• partnership was $2000, and all pro­ nine. The line-up will be stronger artists, coming directly from large at the regular meeting of the County The Registration perty purchased after that date is than aver before. Jesse Garrett, Eastern successes, and the pro­ Court in May 1912. Refused included in the partnership, and formerly Coast and Northwestern ductions themselves, while not of to Claim of J. W. Tohl was continued. the magnitude of the largest, are valued at $75,000, and that the de­ star, and Clint King, the local Rep. Deni i. Prohi. Soc. Ind State Name of Precincts. Total. In the matter of Thols second addi ­ fendant now holds in his possession “phenom,” will be the twirlers, identically the same on a smaller Political tion to Nehalem City was approved. A tfil ia tioa. or under his control more than with “Dutch” Arm buster behind scale The application of S. T. Childers, The Strohn McCullough Company $100,000 of personal property belong­ the bat. The other positions: Diehl, a 1 i 16 .............................. 122 . . 92 . 8 Fred Schersinger and H. H. Follett Bay 30 . 13 3 6 61 . 7 Beaver....................... 2 ing to the partnership. That de­ first base ; L. Eberman, second carry a chorus of six girls, said to for county roads were continued. 1 4 30 .. 15 4 4 Blaine........................ 1 fendant is using the whole for the base; F. Eberman, shortstop; Sap­ be the best drilled chorus this side 45 . 33 . 12 The matter of vacating part of Barnegat .................. benefit of himself and claims to be pington, third base; Rhodes, Himes, of the rockies and are the whole of 3 i 4 26 . 18 Carnahan ................ a pony ballad of one of the closing Wheeler was continued. the absolute owner in his own Handley, Edmunds, outfield. Dolph......................... 4 5 9 .. The County Clerk was authorized to season’s success. This Famous 71 56 . 13 1 right. 1 10 .. 6 3 1 Pink Chorus of Kaper Kutting advertise for bids for 100 corda of Al­ Plaintiff further alleges that for Church of Christ. 13 54 . 8 81 . 2 Kute Kids and six principles com­ der or Hemlock wood to be delivered Garibaldi................. a great many years, and in fact «0 . 11 Hebo;........................ 78 . 5 I not later than October 1, 1912. 2 Services for Sunday, April 14. plete the personalle of the com­ from early womanhood, the plain- Hoquarton .............. 168 . 127 . 28 3 3 S 2 10 a.m., Bible school. A good pany of these special mention “ In the matter of Sam Bauer and Little Neatucca .... tiff and C. E. Hadley kept company 4« . 35 5 3 3 others for a county road it is ordered place to spend an hour ; come and Nehalem ........ 175 .. 147 17 should be made of Lillian Wallace, 9 2 and were most confident friends 5 .. 1 4 /• soubrette, Jas. F Casey and L. that U. G. Jackson surveyor, Forest Netarts..................... and were engaged to be married, we will do you good. , — Sandlake ................... 15 .. 13 . 1 1 11 a.m., Preaching, si’th sermon Reine McCullough, which continued until the vear comedians, I Ayer and J. M. Baker, survey and view South Prairie ..".... 44 65 . 2 . 10 4 3 2 1902, nt which time defendant will in series of inter-dependent ser­ Walter Leonard, leading man and proposed rond and make report of road Tillamook ................ 175 . . 127 . 33 3 3 5 4 i to County Court at regular meeting in Union........................ fully jilted the plaintiff and rnar mons subject “The Church.” CarTol Russell, primadona. 45 . 38 .. 5 2 7 p.m., Young people’s meeting. ried another woman. By reason These performers carry many May 1912. Total’.................. 1234 903 41 179 21 61 29 8 p.m., Preaching service, sub­ The petition of the Hammond Lum- of such conduct plaintiff became successful seasons on their record I her Co. for the cancellation of certain greatly distressed and humiliated: ject, “Character Building.” and according to individual press You will be heartily welcomed to notices, the comedians are really . taxes and tax sales of certain lands she was the subject of public gos­ A Snap. sip and became sick and threaten­ these services. funny. Misses Wallace and Russell was approved by the court. For sale cheap, 2.5 acres six R. E. I ope , pastor. CLAIMS ALLOWED ed to sue for breach of promise of have voices of exceptional merit, ’ blocks from High School. Good 11 marriage. That immediately after and it was Mr. Leonard’s excellent Arne & Alvin Blum.................... $320.00 room house. with bath, toilet, Notice. the jilting C. B. Hadley made love baritone voice that contributed W. F. Baker............................. . .$10.00 electric lights and all other modern Also good barn, H. V. Alley................................. $61.00 conveniences. to the plaintiff and offered to marry The President of the Rebeckah largely to the success of “The Time chicken pack and $75.00 cow. Rea­ her himself. H. M. Farmer ........................ •• •$44.00 Place and the Girl” company, of son for selling, poor health. During the time that plaintiff and Assembly of Oregon will be present two seasons ago. | J. C. Godsey................................... $2.10: • Call on or write to J. H. Hatha­ otir next regular meeting, Wed ­ at defendant were engaged to be mar­ The opening play will be one O. Kellow....... . ..............................$98.90 way, Tillamook, Oregon. nesday, April 17th. All members ried defendant reiæatedly repre­ are requested to be present Bring very familiar to lovers of music and M. Warren........................................ 9.00 sented and told plaintiff that C. B. supper. Wanted. & Perry.............................. $11.30 il 1 1 1 k good wholesome comedy. ‘ “The ___ Hadley was an equal partner and y———, . j P heoby S nodgrass , Prince of Pilsner,” and Messers Frank Buckles............................... $7.00 A Tillamook Dairy Ranch with joint owner with him. The defend­ jict CRIN g 1 1 I I '"J Sec. Strohn and McCullough promise a i Elmer Davis..................................$28.25 I improvements and stock that $1000 ant knew that C. B. Hadley was L. ¿X- Kt CRÍA» M ay F risby , N O production of this great success Clark Smith................................... $12.75 to $1500 (ash first payment will KI 1 1 i I K complete in every detail. Prices 10c ; L. Eberman..................................... $7.75 buy. Place not to cost over $4000. L. | W. C. Hawk..................................$25.00 and not over 5 miles from Tilia and 23c- W.C. Hawk................................. $17.90 ■nook City. Address Post-office i Glass & Prudeham me.................. $131.65 Box 227. Tillamook, Oregon. IET ot The Killkare Klub Home Made at the Cold Storage. ■ B. L. Beals..................................$121.05 1 S. B. Whithouse........................... $126.00 The Killkare Klub met at the home Homer Mason.............................. $100.00 of Mrs. L. L. Baker on last Thurs-i . -- j c. - Bewley ................................ $7.08 House Painting and day afternoon, i ' “*uTal j Surveyors Report........................ $31.00 Roofing my study was resumed. Mrs. L. L. 1 Geo. Poysky.............. $11.25 j Baker and Mrs D. L. Shrode being Fred Zaddach............ ....$51.20 Specialty. OVER POST-OFFICE. ' the readers for the day. After the ----- $9.20 j reading was over the Klub diacus- Ross Shreve................ R. B. Hay»............... ----- 41.50 aed the pros and cone until the U. G. Jackson............ ..$159.80 R A. WAHLEN, D O Old Roofs made 1.—3514 acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6H milesS.E.-$4,300. hostess announced it was her social Thun Bros................... ....$2.51 2 —16 acres in cultivation. Spring water. O retown.—$2,259 hour, producing a game that took New. E. Godsey................. 3. -06 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and stock. -$10,009 ... $8.25 . more than ordinary “thinking fac­ J. K. Gill & Co........... . Eye Sight Specialist. New Roofs better 4. -100 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3M, miles S.E. of Hebo.-$7000 ...... $9.00 3.—House and Lot in town.—$825.00. ulties” Mias Laughlin, the gnest Nelson & Co................ ....... 8.67 «—Fine Residence, central. Tillamook City.—$2,109 for the afternoon, winning first D. W. Gilbert & Son than old. .. $15.45 7 —House and Two Lots. Miller’s addition, Tillamook City.—$1,509 prixe, Mrs Shrode second prize. E. REEDY, D.V.M., Myrtle Mills.............. A —100 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.-$7,500. All Work Guaranteed at Reasonabl* ... $9.60 After voting it a very helpful after­ K-40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1 700. Cloverdale Courier. ... ....$4.50 Prices. noon and partaking of a very de­ 10. —KM) acres. Timber Claim on Miami river.—$4,500. Forest Ayer................ VETERINARY ...$38.80 11. -80 acres fine timber. 1.580. M, feet.—$1.500. licious luncheon, the Klub adjourn­ 12. —40 acres. Well improved. New building. 4W miles S.— $8,000. Fred Zsddach............ T. $21.60 ed to meet at the home of Mrs. 1 W. B. 13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.>-$3.000. (Both Phones). J. W. FOLEY. Aiderman $48.00 Sarchet, on Thursday afternoon, 14. —30 acres. Four miles south. All improved.— $6,509 J. M. Baker ....... ...$33.00 Tillamook GARIBALDI. April 18th. (! 3*4 t miles . south. Half improved. $3.509 Oregon i in —150 Ix>ta and ..... V W. H. Hoakina.. ...$74.25 16. Hotel site, Long Beach add to Bsyocesn.$15,009 Frank Taylor___ 1<.—80 acres 4*4 miles S.E. Tillamook. A800. ...$11.50 18.—200 acre rsuch. 70 acres bottom. AU stocked.—$22,509 C. A. Johnson'" One Week ’ s Benefit. ••$75.00 19 —The finest residence in TillAmook —*4,700 H. Crenshaw .8183.33 20. - 240 acres 5U miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.—$43,209 Commencing Monday, April 15th, B. L. Beals.......................................83.33 21—80 acres Nestuccn bottom. Dairy Ranch —$11,000, The Gem Theatre will give 25 per W S- Buel....................................... 83.33 cent of their house receipt« to the J. H. Johnson..................................75.00 1. 1> acres. Orchard. Well improved. Will trade for bottom benefit of Mrs Harry Ccnne, living A. M. Hare .................................. 100.00 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. land only —$15,dull Ion the Miami river. Pearl Phelps................................. 50 00 2. -10 acres. Orchard. Buildings coat $5.009 —$18 000 Recently, Mrs Crane loet her K- 3-— 24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements —$38,000. .......................................... 75.00 “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND. acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw.—$25,000 husband and misfortune to follow, J. C. Holden............ . ............. 138.33 ” ~W acres. All fruit Good improvements.—$29009 her home burned to the ground. Wm. Bodyfelt..’..............................46.00 9 -10 acres All in fruit Good improvements.—$10 000. Mrs Crane has several small chib Wm. Bodyfelt....................... 18.00 7.—Business Lot, Hood River.-$10.000. dren and has very little means of Pscific TeL A Tel Co........ ...”.32.75 $—Fine Residence and Two Lots—$31009 • —Several vacant lot*. Per pair. —$809 support The percentage benefit Tilismook Elect L. 4k F. Co..........22.00 10 -28 acres on railroad in city. $800 per acre. will be placed with Mayor Harter C. I. Clough. .............................. .. «3.36 11.—IO) acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land.— $8.000. who will remit to Mrs Crane. A. Finley 4k Co........................ ...10.00 •A special selection of reels will Tillamook Meat Co.......... ...8.00 be shown for this week, also a Walter Baker....................... L-10W acres. Orchard Land. Mostly raw. For sale only in ..10.50 tracts to suit ' •pecial musical program. Every Geo. Willett................. ..18.00 2—A) acres. Orchard land. Running water —$2,400 5 one is asked to purchase as many J. C. Holden......................... ... 1.00 tickets a* possible which will be Nehalem Enterprise....... *.*' ... 9.00 but we are not too busy to on sale at moat of the stores Tillamook Head light.......... fill your order for lumber, L—Two Lots Portland Heights $12.000. ..42.83 Tickets 10c. — Three Lots Peninsular, near Swift's Packing Plant— $1.509 even ifit is but a small ok around and see if your . 34.00, A —Equity in 2 lots Capital Hill add.-$409 Alwin Blum...................... ..I." ...48.86 place wouldn't look bitter 5^—« Lot* Parrell'a add. to Woodlawn, Portland.—$4 JUU (Remainder of bilie will appear fora little fixing up. Then next week).__________ NORTH PLAINS tell us what lumber you 1.-8 acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek.—*¿«11 ”My little aon had a very severe need and we’ll have it up to LYLE, WASH., LANDS. coM. I was recommended to try your place in less than no I-~ RJ^crra. All good fruit lands «acres orchard. Buildings — <. hsmberlain's Cough Remed Ì, and time. before a email bottle had oeen i nish- A - $73 S» per aersa Ranch. »acres 1 year old apples 1» acre« '• cleared. acre. r.'ru. Mm * oW'V'n"" " wrftea Wr”C* SydenyAustralia Thii'ramed^i for sale by all dealers ’ 'aking Powder »AbsolutelyPure Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. "I ! Ask for Mokatii Ssile oi Exciiang-e "by John Leland Henderson & Son, -A-ererxts. 216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS. J. HOOD RIVER LANDS AND LOTS. Washington County, Or., Lands. .” UAJHAR’S VARIETY STORE The Easter Rush Is On PORTLAND. T A. G. Beals Lumber Company