Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 11, 1912, Image 7

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    Tillamook Headlight, April 11, 1912.
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware 9 Glass
and China,
China 9
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agents I for the Great Western Saw
The Most
% Candidate
for District Attor­
ney at Republican Primary
April 19th.
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
the Republican voters of Tilla­
mook County.
have had the honor of serving
you in the capacity of Acting Dis­
trict Attorney for two terms of your
Circuit Court ; the April terms o
1910 and 1911. I invite you to in­
spect my record made at these times,
and if it is satisfactory I ask your
Almost enough money
was taken into the County Treasury,
through fines, to pay the entire ex­
pense of conducting the whole term.
If you want lower taxes again I ask
your support and will appreciate
anything that you may do in my
upon the issuing of a proclamation behalf most highly.
Mayor declaring the adop­
t the
tion thereof, if the same be adopted
at said election.
That the number and form in
which the ballot title for said ordi­
nances will be printed on the offi­
cial ballot is as follows:
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook.
■ r
Winch election will be held at V
o’clock in the morning and will
continue until 4 o’clock in the
afternoon of said day.
Dated this 5th day of April, 1912.
T. B. H andley ,
City Recorder.
State of Oregon.
) c<=
County of Tillamook,)
I. T. B. Handley, City Recorder
of Tillamook City, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the notice of election
given for a special election to be
held in said city on April 12th, 1912,
and that the respective ordinances
named therein as set out in said
notice and as published in said
notice, have been by me compared
with the originals of said ordi­
nances and that the foregoing is a
true knd correct copy of the origi­
nals of said ordinances and of the
whole thereof.
Witness my hand and official seal
as City Recorder this April 5th,
T. B. H andley ,
City Re order of Tillamook
City, Oregon.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall
jired by said Water commission,
II vest in and be the property of go into and be in effect upon th*
amook city. No contract shall approval thereof by a majority of
nade on behalf of Tillamook city qualified electors of Tillamook City
said Water commission, except voting- upon such question at an
virtue of a resolution of said election to be ordered by the Com
■ mission, and in making such mon Council, whereat the adoption
tract, the President and Secre- or rejection of said Ordinance shall
r of said commission shall he be submitted to said electors, and
powered by resolution to execute
same in the name ot the city
I for and in behalf of the city ;
1 Water commission shall have
exclusive right, from time to
e, to fix water rates and charges
the use of the water both by in-
iduals and by Tillamook city,
it shall have the power and
hority to adopt any and all rea-
able rules and regulations with
(rence to the use of water and
operation of water works. Said
ter commission shall have the
it to begin, maintain, defend
101............ .............. NO.
I comprise suits and actions at
in the name of Tillamook city
•never necessary in order to
ry out the purpose of its organ­
tctiQn G. The revenues derived
said Water Commission from the
ration of the water works and
n taxation shall be applied to
payment of necessary operating
incidental expenses, and to the
ment of the interest on the out-
lding water bonds of Tillamook
r, to the necessary repairs and
•tieion of pipe lines, the general
102........... ............. YES.
«rment of the water works, and
surplus funds shall be paid into
nking fund torthe final redempt-
■ of the outstanding water txjnds
Tillamook City, and such sink-
' fund may from time to time be
ested in interest bearing securi-
‘ under the direction of said com-
ction 7. The members of said
mission shall serve as such
lout compensation, and no
nber thereof during his term of
;e shall be interested directly or
rectly in any contract in rela-
to, or in furnishing of any
ir or material in the constrac-
. extension, operation, inain-
- ■ .............. YES.
ince, or repair of said water
ks All funds disbursed by said
mission shall be paid out only
rarrants drawn upon the trea
ter of the commission and signed
the president and secretary
Ireof in pursuance of authority
ten at a meeting of the commis-
1 duly called and held.
iction 8. The secretary and the
surer shall each keep hi* re-
la and account* in a compre-
sive manner, and make a de-
id report to the commission I
in so requested. All such books
papers shall be public records
open to inspection by any
sen of Tillamook City, at and
Ing any and all reasonable busi
a hours. And said commission
11 cause to be filed with the city
ncil a detailed statement of the
:ipts land aisbursenients of the
107 •• •
■ miseion, together with a state
nt of the transaction of its btisi-
» for the preceding year, at least
nty days before the annual cita­
Ction 9. Said commission is
lowered to adopt auch by laws
nay be necessary to conduct its
ines*, and the city council shall
108 ... ............. ... YES.
.» such ordinance* as the said
amission may request that may
necessary for the enforcement of
r of its laws, rule* and regula­
100 ...
■ction 10. Three member* of
I commission shall constitute a
ruin tor the transaction of busi
u The said commission shall
1 one meeting each month and
iy*getwber of said commiMion
I fte to attend two consecutive
liar monthly meetings of the
Miiission he shall be considered
have resigned his position on
d commission, and a (vacancy
)ll b* deemed to exist without
no ... .............. ?.. YES.
er action of the commission.
tion IL That an Act entitled
Act to create a Water Commu-
lor Tillamook City. Oregon, tc
i it* power* and duties and
Ill ... ...................... NO.
ad ot it* perpetuation, and
; an emergency.’’ filed in
of the Secretary ot State
J 22, 1WS. be and the aame
y repealed.
it Strolled th* Entire Length gt
Bled*'* Keen Edge.
‘‘When photographing *
writes Professor Ward in tte
Strand Magazine, “I was suy
the fact that even the rough
of a sheet of glass presented
culties to Its locomotion. It* ev
was continued In «pit* of th* fact
the sharp corner appeared to be |
tratlug Its body. There we ter* ca-
hl bl ted the animal's dellcat* am** cf
touch, and this led me to mate a fte-
ther experiment.
"After I had placed the snail te tte
butt of a razor's blade It slowly awvte
along the back of the blade ate tten
climbed completely over tte aterp
edge, the razor being in ex cel late cte-
As the successive wavaa
brought the fore part of Its foot tear
the edge of the blade, it* head eras
held low down, and the lower ate
shorter pair of feelers nearly tteeted
the blade, as If feeling the «ray.
“At the moment when the sharp adg*
was reached the small feeler* were
fully extended toward It, and Just at
the very Instant when I expected te
see them cut off they were both in­
stantly retracted.
They were tittl*
more than a hairbreadth away, ate,
though the lower feelers poaasaa no
eyes, yet by their sudden movement
I was quite convinced that the snail at
that Instant recognized danger.
“Still the foot traveled ou. and slowly
the snail dragged Its whole weight of
exactly one and a half ounces over
the edge, later moving toward th* butt
aud remaining perfectly unharmed.
The species experimented with was
the Roman or edible kind, which ac­
counts for its comparatively large
weight, it being the largest of British
“Referred to the legal voters of
Tillamook City by the Common
Shall Ordinance No. 234 to amend
the Charter of Tillamook City lie en­
acted ? (Changes present charter
provisions by providing for tax by
Council of not exceeding 10 mills
for general purjioBes and not ex
caeding 10 mills for street purposes;
giving council full authority a* to
intoxicating liquors, over gunpow­
der and explosives and adding sub-
divisions 30 to 49 inclusive extend­
ing the general police powers of the
council to provide for the peace,
good order, health, cleanliness, or
nament, prosperity and general wel­
fare of the city.)
“Referred to the legal voters of
Tillamook City by the Common
Shall ordinance No. 235 to amend
the Charter of Tillamook City be en
acted ? (Amends charter so ns to
provide for making Btreet improve­
ments, construction of sewers, etc,
at expense of abutting property with­
out requiring the giving property
owner* 30 days time to do the im­
provement, if the council *o deter­
mine, and providing for notice of
assessment* for improvements after
same are made, making more *pe-
ciflc provisions for procedure to
insure regularity.)
A Mother’s Car
A careful mother will not give
her child a medicine without know­
ing it is pure, contains no opiates,
and has healing and curative quali­
ties. Such a medicine is Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound for
croup, whooping cough, bronchitis
and a'.l other affections of tbu
throat, chest, and hinge. Best and
safest for children and grown per­
sons. Contains no opiates. Chas,
I ( < i I 1 ( < .
This is to give notice I will not
be responsible for any debts con­
tracted by my wife, Jennie Cone,
“Referred to the legal voters of
Tillamook City by the Common after this date, March 29, 1912.
M. J. C one .
“Shall Ordinance No. 236 to amend
the charter of Tillamock City be
Lost on Sunday.
enacted ?
(Amends present charter by allowing
Oval gold brooch with red cross—
issuance of bonds for water, lights, C. M. Hartman on the back. Was
drain* or sewers, by vote of the
Finder leave
people; making limit of indebted­ on a blue serge belt.
ness $150,000.00, outside of improve­ at the Headlight office.
ment bonds made a charge ngainet
property specially benefited by the
Price* for Hog*
'•Referred to the legal voters of
Tillamook City by the Common
Shall ordinance No. 237 to amend
the Charter of Tillamook City lie en­
acted? (Amend* charter by pro­
viding that the Recorder. Marshal.
Attorney, Street Commissioner and
Surveyor shall be ap(>ointed by the
Mayor and hold at his pleasure.
Charter now provide* that Recorder
and Marshal »nail be elected, other
officer* named appointed by Mayor
with consent of Council.)
Light hogs 150 lite 8Hc
150 lbs. to 200 lbs. 8c.
200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7>4c.
300 lbs. and over, 7c.
Tillamook Meat Company.
Mayor James C. Dahlman, Omaha,
Nebr , often called the “Cow Boy
Mayor” writes of the benefit derived
front Foley Kidney Fill* and says,
“I have taken Foley Kidney Pills
and they have given me a great deaf
of relief, so I cheerfully recommend
them.” Chas I. Clough Co
You will look a good while before
you find a l>etter medicine for
coughs and cold* than Chamber
lain*’* Cough Remedy. It not only
gives relief—it enrea.
Try it when
you have a cough or cold, »ml you
are certain to be pleased with the
protnp’ cure which it will effect.
For sale by all dealers.
“Referred to the legal voter* of
Tillamook City by the Common
Shall ordinance No. 238 to amend
the Charter of Tillamook City l>e en­
acted ? (Changes present provi­
sion* of Charter by removing Re­
corder and Marshal from list of
Don't tie surprised if von have an
officer* wh.-.se terms are for one
attack of rheumatism this spring.
Just rub the affected part* freely
with Chamberlain's Liniment and
it will soon disappear. Sold by all
“Referred to the legal voter* of dealer*.
Tillamook City by the Common
C. L Paraons, See’y and Treaa.
Shull ordinance No 239 to amend of »he C. H. Ward Drug Co., Pas­
the charter of Tillamook City be en­ adena, Calif . writes;
“We have
acted ? »Repeal* present obsolete »old »nd recommended Foley’s Hon­
charter provieiona for assesament ey anil Tar Compound for year*.
by City Recorder, collection of taxes, We tielieve ii to be one of the moat
.equalization etc; Repeals Water efficient ex(,ectoranta on the market
Commission Act of I9tfl and sub­ Containing no opiatea or narcotic*
stitute* new proviatone for Water it can be given freelv to chidren.
Commiaaton. the principal change Enough of thia remedy can tie tak­
being the reduction ot the number en to relieve a cold aa it ha* no
. of Commiaaioner* from ten to five, nauseating resulta and doe* not I
in other reepect* the original pro- interfere with digeation ” Cha*. I I
Lriaion* are subataiotially reenact- Clough Co.
A New Yorker Compare* Cultured Bos­
ton With Hi* Own City.
“Did you ever think how mueb the
temperament of a city is expressed In
Its street cars?” queried a New Tork
man of nn observant turn of mind.
“I have Just returned from a trip to
Boston, and never liefore have th* es­
sential differences between that city
and my own New York la'cu ao hn-
pressed on me as by my observatlon*
In the street cars.
“The first thing I miss in Boston la
the familiar ‘St*p lively! ’ Instead I
am exhorted ‘Move as quickly ns pos­
sible. please.’ How could any one
shove and push and crowd after that?
“Once In the car I find myself still
surrounded by an atmosphere of con­
sideration and of correct English. In
our own subway we nre laconically
ordered ‘Use both doors.’ In Boston
we are requested. ‘Kindly leave by
the nearer door.’
“This atmosphere Is further main­
tained by another sign In the car,
‘The passenger Is requested, the con­
ductor Is required, to name the vain*
of any coin or note tendered In pay­
ment of fare.’ Can you Imagine •
passenger being requested to do any-
thing In a New York street car?
“At Dudley street station, the prlB-
clpal transfer point for suburban car*.
there are large placards on every plat­
form, ‘Women first, please.’ I niuiit
admit that I did not observe that
these had any appreciable effect on
the scramble when the cars cam* tn.
but It certainly Indicates a kludly spir­
it on the I .art of the man who 1* iw-
sponsible for the carda.”—New York
Strange Mannar In Which It Cam*
When It Wai Needed.
Mr*. La Sall* Corbell Pickett tell*
this story connected with the burial
Of General Robert E. Lee. It seems
that when he died at Islington. Va.,
the North river, a tributary to tho
James, had overflowed its banks, and
Lexington was cut off froffi all com-
Bunlcatlon with the outside world. A
Warehouse was washed away and with
It all the supplies contained therein, In­
cluding all the coffins In the city.
“In this extremity,” writes Mrs.
Pickett In Lippincott's, “Professor Nel-
aon of the University of Virginia was
cansuiting with some of the other pro­
feasors as to what could be done. In
the midst of their dllemua two boys
Chme up to them In a timid way. hesi­
tating to approach the group of dlgnl-
fied strangers, yet feeling the necessity
at imparting the information they wore
bringing. Each feared to be the first
to speak and pushed the other on, say-
teg: .
“ ‘You tell.'
“’No; you tell. You saw It first?
“‘No; you saw It at the same time.’
“•fiuw what?’ asked Professor Nel-
ton, who was a judge of boys, and per­
ceived that there was something of
uausual importance on their mirnls.
"‘Yes; saw what?’ repeated one of
Ms companions.
“Encouraged by the readiness to re-
calve their tidings, one of them replied,
•A coffin.’
“’We saw it,’ affirmed the other.
“ ’Y’es; we saw It there m>on the shore
—there by the Island.'
“’On the shore—a coffin? Where?’
“‘Just about three miles from town.
We saw It,’ said the boy who had first
spoken. ‘Maybe nobody’s in It. We
was too scared to do more than see
the outside and then we tuck out.
’Taln't never been used, It’s bran*
apankln’ new?
“ T wonder If they really saw it or
only imagined It,’ said one of the gen­
"Professor Nelson arose and turned
to the boys, saying;
“‘Come and show us the way.’
"The boys led on and all followed,
uncertain as to what they were to find,
but trusting that in some way heaven
had graciously supplied their great ne­
cessity. Along the river bank they
walked until their two guides stopped
beside a long closed box that had float­
ed dowu the swollen waters in the
great flood and drifted ashore, In the
box was a beautiful coffin."
They carried home the box and in
that casket all that was earthly of the
famous general whs laid to rest In the
college chnpel.
Belk* the Jail Breaker«.
A detective was talking about jnll
"Down In Colombo.” lie said, "they
have got n very good dodge against
the jail breaker. It’s simple too. Just
bricks. Yon see, the Mutival Jail at
Colombo is surrounded by a very high
brick wall. Well, the last dozen
courses of these bricks are laid loose,
without mortar. So when you try to
•scape yon climb stealthily, hardly
daring to breathe, np the wall, and
ertth a sigh of relief yon reach tho
loose course at the top and-clutter,
crash, bang, clatter -a thousand bricks
te the profound silence fall with n
notoe fit to wake the dead and a dozen
warders rush out and you climb down
aadly Into their waiting arms.”—New
Tark 1’res*.
Persian Pipa Bearer on Horeobaok.
A picturesque feature of Persian
One of the greatest natural winds** fieiil HjKirt* la the pipe Is'nror, an Im­
In Java, “the fire Island,” a large late portant retainer who rides close l>e-
of boiling mud, Is situated almost in hl*d bls master, liearlng the whole
the center of the plains of Groltogana, elaborate paraphernalia of the Per­
fifty “pauls” to the northeast of Solo. sian water pip* down to the glowing
It Is almost two miles In circumfer­ charcoal suspended In a small brazier.
ence. and In the center Immense col­ If the party la a large one It will gen­
umns of soft, hot mud may l>e seen erally tie found that some member of
continually rising and falling like great It la riding soberly along, pulling
black timbers thrust forth and then staadlli at a large silver kalian, or
suddenly withdrawn by a giant’s hands. water pljie. the pointed base of the
Besides the phenomenon of the columns water bowl befog securely supported
there are two gigantic bubbles near the by a strap fixed to the peak of the
western edge which fill up like huge saddle. Wide World Magazlue.
balloons and explode on an s-.erag*
three times per minute.
Deserve* ■ Medel.
Wte was or I* the greatest woman
In all history? Two hundred school­
Inn Name* In Oermany.
Germany probably holds the m ate teachers answered the question, and
for out of the way Inn name*. Berffa with enthusiasm and unanimity tho
alone can boast the Angry Ixtulae, the judges *w*rd*d the prize to th* one
Comfortable Lamb, the Cold Frog, the who made I hl* reply: "The wife of
Dirty Parlor, the Bloody Bones, the the farmer of moderate means wb<»
Boxers’ Iten. the Four Hundred do** her own cooking, washing. Iron­
weight Man and the Musical Cat*, ing. sewing, bring* tip a family of
while a suburban landlord, «hose boy* and girl* to be useful member*
house stand* near a cemetery and la • •f society and find* lime for Intel-
|x>pular “pull up” for mourner*, baa toctoal Improvement ”
dubbed It. very appropriately, the last
Diagneeln* His Trouble.
“I went yon to tell me plainly, doc­
tor.” aaM the men with the fut rovem-
A young English etteche of lb* toffs- ■wnt position, “what I* th» matter will.
tlon In Washington remarkte te a*
"Wefl. str," aaawer.d the old doctor,
American I* le *<>u>e year* ago: "? ate
really «orry that the Bering *•• affair teasing bii'-k In hit <hnfr and looking
I* not likely to be amicably ndjwate*. at hla beefy, red fared patient, "you
for. of eonr-c. with our eujierlar navy, ar*aafferin* from underwork and over-
gar” Landon Answers
we cotlid Ju-t wipe you off th*
the earth.”
The Intelligent Tourist,
Bhe refilled with oue word, “
Java’s Boiling Lake of Mud.
Mutual Corrsetiea*.
Porter—Mias, your train to—
Pseeeuger My man. why do
“your train” when you kn*
long* to the railway < <>mpaay? I
I mono, rule* Why do yea
man” when you know I
old woman?— Loudon Ttt
shoot Venice?
s* at Vetilr»?“
Shall we stop
"Venice? Er, bow many pages does
Tenl'-e take up In the guide book?”
”»gbt ”
“In that rase It must tie worth *
stop.”—Washington Herald.
Better Part of Valor.
Meter—Ko Wlllfe Jones kicked you,
did he? And did you kick him back?
Bobby-No. 1 didn’t. If I had titan
’twould be his turn agalau— Boston
to ask m* t* mam
H _ rr.o-u.«
“ r rsa- iac* vasu^te
KI nd nee* I* retching and If von go
about with a thoroughly developed casa
your nrIgbbvr will be sure to get it.