Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 11, 1912, Image 5

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    Tillamook Meadlight, April 11, 1912.
Sherman Law Enforced Withoiî
Fear or Favor.
Both In Civil and Criminal P iiim
tion Taft Administration Breaks AN
Records—Legal Accompli oh meets «f
Five Presidents Compared.
Under th. laat fiv« administra­
tion. prosecution, und.r th«
Sherman anti-trust law have
been brought as follows:
Civil inal
suits. suits. Total.
Under Harrison
(three years).... 4
Under Cleveland
(four years)........ 6
Under McKinley
(four and one-
yoars).......... Three bills in equity.
Under Roosavelt
(seven and one-
haif years)........... 18
Under Taft
(two years and
•lavan months).. 22
•On» property asizure.
Th« ratio of prosecutions, Bi­
lowing for l«ngth of time in ef
_. -
8 c«, of th« Taft administration
as compared with tho records of
its four immédiat« prodocossors
is approximately as follows:
Taft over Harrison.......... 9toi
.'eft over Cleveland........ 12 to 1
Taft over McKinley......... 30to1
Taft over Roosevelt............ 4 to 1
It« Problems Were Pretty Much th«
Same as Thea« of Today.
In reviewing the book “The Common •
People of Ancient Home'* a critic says: Odd Schemes That Were Worked
“It should be something of a corrective (
by Wily Operators.
to modern conceit to note how little we
have advanced since paternalism first
became dominant in Rome and sine«
the Roman government prided itself on CLEVER RUSE OF A NEW BANK
opening public bat ba and washhouse«
for the people. Diocletian denounced ft Won th« Good Will of th« Town by
the rich and their luxuries, attributed
“Obliging" Its Citizens After Corner­
to then: the high prices of necessaries.
ing AH Its Metal Mon«y—A Russian
in language almost identical with a
radical newspaper of today. Plautus ; “Prophet" Who Mad« • Rich Haul.
tells us of the trusts that were founded
There have occurred from tin* to
to control prices, and the “trust prob­ time in various countries all manner
lem" was os much a reality In* ancient of "corners" In coins, traceable to all
Rome ns it is today.
| manner of queer origins.
“Capital and labor were highly or- ■
Some years ago an individual named
ganized. and labor was indefatigable
lb »Is efforts to secure special privileges Peterson established In a "boom" tqwn
for its guilds. There were benefit soci­ of a uew auto a bank that was a
eties, burial societies and Insurance so­ branch of a larger institution else­
cieties. The man in the street talked where. As, for special reasous. the
then Just as he talks now. He discuss­ people of tbe new town would have
ed the claims of rival political candi­ nothing to do with tbe uew bank tbe
dates, he studied the political plat­ outlook for Peterson was a gloomy one.
forms. be read the advertisements in
After reflection be bit upon a happy
public places, and be protested against expedient. He sent out men commis­
their defacement of the scenery. It is sioned to go to all tbe stores of the
Indeed hard to find a single feature of place to get change for greenbacks and
modern life, a single reform, a single banknote«. In a little while he bud
problem, without its counterpart in an­ all the coined money in the town, the
cient Rome.
result being, of course, that the good
"We have even borrowed the Roman people of the coming metropolis were
slang. A slave In a play of Plautus flush of greenbacks, but bad no
says: ‘Do you catch on?’ (tenes). ‘I’ll “change.”
touch the old man for a loan' (tangam
Some one suggested that Peterson’s
senetn, etc.», or ‘I put It over him’ (el bank might possess some of the coined
os sublevl). The illiterate Roman used pieces, and accordingly a rush was
the double negative. Just as it is used made there, where every one was
today. ‘You ought not to do a
obliged with silver. The ruse of tbe
turn to nobody’ (neminem nihil
wily Peterson had the desired effect,
facere oportet».’’
as the next morning his bank was filled
with depositors.
Superstitition has frequently been
the basis of a corner in coins of a par­
A remarkable
Monsters Fifteen Feet Long Armed ticular denomination.
case of this kind occurred In southern
With Three Foot Weapons.
A queer fish is the swordfish. It is Russia in 1903. There appeared at
found in the tropical and subtropical Berdiansk. on the sea of Azov, a per­
tones of both the eastern and western son proclaiming himself a prophet, and
hemispheres. Some of the tropical spe­ as such be announced bis intention of
Among the
cies are of enormous size and measure redeeming the world.
from twelve to fifteen feet in length, queer doctrines advanced by this indi­
was Included the decree that all
with swords at least three feet long.
I vidual
must retain all five ko­
The sword la much the shape of a
cone somewhat flattened, the end peck ple es Issued In tbe year 1861. the
sharply pointed. It Is smooth on the year of the emancipation of tbe serfs
top and sides, but the under part is i They were by reason of that event
rough. It U really an elongation of i held to be holy.
It was not long before the ignorant
the bones of the upper Jaw and is pos­
sessed of very great strength, for with peasants in the vicinity became con­
these weapons they have been known vinced that all pieces of that denomi­
to pierce the copper sheathing of ves­ nation should be taken to the prophet
sels and heavy plates and timbers, but. for preservation. The heaven sent one
although they can drive the sword far further announced that .should the
Into these substances, they cannot fatherland get Into difficulty every one
draw them out. so break them off and of tbe coins In question would "turn to
gold" and thus save the empire.
swim away without them.
And so it happened that over an
A large fin extends nearly the length
of the back of the creature, which is area of 300 miles Russian peasants
folded back when the fish is swim­ were feverishly collecting the "holy"
ming in order that its progress may pieces uud turning them over to the
prophet. When he had gathered a
not be Impeded If speed Is desired, but
goodly number of the coins he de­
when quietly swimming it is often
erected and nets as a sail to carry It camped.
In a way the Russian government
through the water. The swordfish is
may be said to corner Its own coins
very aggressive In its disposition and
will often assail fish much larger than of one denomination. Each year It
mints a limited number of bronze
itself. Even the whale is not exempt
pieces of the
nominal value cf one-
from Its attacks. The food of the
fourth of i a kopeck, about one-el-hth
swordfish consists of smaller fish,
of a cent, As these coins are practl-
which it kills by stabbing them with
cally not In circulation, only a few
its sword. There is quite a large busi­
ness done in swordfishing, as the flesh are Issued.
It Is really an easy tnnlter In small
Is used for food. The larger species towns to corner a particular coin, At
are caught by harpooning, the smaller a Welsh holiday resort memliera
In nets.
the local band became so In.l'gnnnt at
tbe laree proportion of halfpennies In
Jenny Lind In the Pork House.
their “silver collections" that the-
When Jenny Lind made her tour of locked up every halfpenny received.
America in the early fifties under the
The consequence was that In a few
management of I*. T. Barnum. Madi­ week 4 there was hardly a halfpenny
son was the only Indiana city in which
In the town. Then tbe band reaneil
she would sing. The city still boasts of a harvest of mlns of blither value.
bow the diva stopi>ed there on her way
Cornering gold mlns ilemscdi a
down the Ohio river from Cincinnati to capllnl that few men posses < Fome i
Iamlsvllle. The city had no auditorium
rears rgo. however, at Dieppe there
large enough, so one of the largest pork occurred a sodden scarcity of ten
warehouses was emptied and scoured
franc and twenty franc pieces, due to
and fi'led with flowers to remove any
the operations of an eccentric British I
lingering odor. Men and women trav­
eled from all parts of the state to hear er. who far some cryptic reason had
tbe day before changed aevc-al hun­
Jenny l.ind sing in the pork house, some
banknotes of high value I
of them spending from three to ■ix
gold. Leden with the mlns, he le't
days on the Journey.—Argonaut.
for Paris, mid a —eek elapsed liefore I
the town regained Its normal amou it
of gold.
A young north side father on arriv­
An attempt to comer the M.«*'s
ing borne tbe other evening iound bls Theresa dollars, n«ed in parts of nor h-
wife la a atat« of great exettemaat
em Africa, collapsed by reason of a
“Harold." she exclaimed, "baby pot queer circumstance. An Abyssinian.
bold of the Ink bottle this morning."
Ras Makoppo. conceived the rnirpie
“And what has he done?”
scheme of collecting all «-ecfmen« of
“■pilled Ink all over the new dining these mlns extant In hl« district Ax
mom rog "
they were old coins he reasoned thev
’•That can t>e easily remedied. I would rise in value. When be had
thought yon were going to tell me possessed himself of about 3.000 of
thr.t the misguided child had written them be found that the country was
■ uoveL"—Pittsburgh Post.
ss well supplied with them
While he had been busy collecting
At Six«« and 8«v«n«.
tbe old colas modern Maria Theresa
Rha A pretty time of night for you dollars, mad« In Germany were being
to come borne' He A pretty time of Imported by tbe thousand The result
night for you to be awake! She— was that th« cola fell tn value, and
Pre stayed awake for the last four the too astute chief lost half
hours waiting for you to come borne wealth.- -New York Herald
He-And I have been keeping myself
awake for the last four boors at the
etab waiting for yon to go to »ieep — 1
London Tit Bit«
President Taft’s administration has
broken all records tor prosecution*
brougbt aud wuu under the Sherman
anti trust law Witbout fear or favor
it Uax brought to tbe bar of Justice cor­
porations aud persons engaging In ille
gal combinations in restraint of trade,
the ultimate purpose of eiu-b combina
lion Lteiug to create a monopoly aud to
raise tbe prices on Its products In
two years and eleven mouths of bis
administration Presldeul Taft
i-atised to l>e brought four more civil
suns aud fifteen more criminal prose
cutions than Mr. Roosevelt brought In
tile seven and one-half years of his ad
nilBlxt ratlou.
Until Mr Taft txs-ame tbe president
the administration of Mr Roosevelt
held the record In tsitli particulars
Thus has President Taft, who was Mr
Roosevelt's right arm dunug bis last
administration, kept his pledge to tbe
Americau |H*ople to uphold utid main
tain the policies of his predecessor In
punishing the criminals and uudesira
hie element In the big business of the
In tbe Republican national platform
of lKW reference was made to I lie
prosecution of evil trusts and mono|K>
lies as one of the great accomplish
ment.i of I tie Roosevelt administration,
and tbe platform declared that the
Sherman anti-trust I:.w bad Is-cn a
wholesome Instrument for good In the
hands of u wise and fe-rless executive
In Ills s|>ce<-h of acceptance Mr Taft
pledged himself to tbe enforcement of
this law and has kept his promise
Protlem« Confronting Taft.
Stripped of controversy a» to tSe
exact meaning of certain language of
tbe Sherman anti-trust am. the ques
tlono that had to tie determined by
those I d administrative authority and
those who Judicially determine their
acta were, first, bow effective the law
wax to reach tbe great a tgrraatlona
of formerly comjietltlve producers and
rieah rs. Individual and cort»»rate. who
through Intercorporate «tockholdlnx
merger«, c.nxolldatlons and otherwise
had acquired so great a cont-o| over
a |i«~tlciil«r line of Industry a« to en
able them to dominate It and to ex
elude»or admit competition ns thev
mlgbt cboooe upon their own term-
Secondly, to determine whether th«’
const ruction of tbe lew w»« com*«“
which had l-een given to It by some ol
tbe Judges of tbe clnnlt court In Ne«
York In the tobacco case and In tbe
opinion« of nome of tbe Justices of lb«
supreme court In other «-axes to the
eff“ct that any combination which In
any respect operated to restrain to any
degree a pre-existing competition tn
luter.itnfe commerce was necessarily
condemned by law.
In tbe three years of tbe Tift ad
ministration all of tbe sixteen cases
left pending by tbe prertons sdmlnli
trit ion have been disposed of except
two. wklcb have been armed and rob
mlttad to tbe supreme court of tbe
rr.ft«d States end are now awaiting
»leciatab Of the remaining case« th«
Standard Oil cn«e wa« armed early
■nritvr tbe present admlniwrstion and. I
after an appeal, decided entirely In i
f;iv» of tbe govemtnent Tbe aame
wax alan true of tbe tobacco cease,
remit o< tbe dl«ls
looMm ik^UNIt bhr trust Into four-
tmn se«arste and distinct corpora
ttoM-LtW*« »a believe«, will e»ar
tlreiy qsevvr n t a eon tin nance nd tba
Premised Tee Much.
moaopoltatie eondlttona rompiatmd ad.
Mxrwtrztr - If I let you off th»« tin»«
Taft Ant»-trwt Ree«r<
wTT! you premise ter to take tbe riedr*1
I<n-1ng tbe Taft «dnilnwmrlaa ap >s Delfatbted Prisoner «excitedly >-04 wilt,
ver boonr. an' drink yer broltb!—Mo­
F-lrary 1812. rweoty two mm
doc Tit Bit«
In all stxty-two preraaD
remit there were 8>tHa
and «term ef «as» »
W<Show to Advantage. J ohn
You Giving
Your Live Stock
a Fair Deal ?
You like a little salt and pep­
per—a little mustard—a little
lemon extract—a little this and
that to flavor your grub. Your
cow, your steer, your hog under
natural conditions would have a
chance to get a bite of this, a bite
of that and a bite of the other
thing and so get a variety in its
feed. But under the unnatural
condition in which you keep
them, they get every day about
the same sort of stutf to eat As
a natural cousa<|uence they get
“ off their feed.” Even if they
do not, their digestive organs
need the tonic effect which comes
from a variety of feeding stuffs.
Watkins’ Stock Tonic
Is a scientific preparation which
not only improves the flavor of
the feed you feed, but also sup­
plies that tonic element so needed
to make your live stock do their
There is no longer any doubt
about the need of a tonic for the
modern domestic animal kept
under artificial conditions. You
must give them something to
help them digest their feed and
get the greatest good from it.
Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies
this need. It makes the animal
relish its feed more; it aids in
the digestion and assimilation
of the feed, and in addition to
that, it has a tonic effect upon
the whole system.
Your animals need a tonic of
this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic
is riot a secret preparation. We
tell you the actual ingredients
that are used in it. You know
exactly what you are buying, and
pound for pound it will go farther
and do more good than any other
stock tonic or so called stock
food ever made.
The Watkins Man will be'glad
to leave you :• pail on trial,
backed by the Watkins guarantee,
Deliverd by Waggon.
l .
H enderson
Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
Room No. a6i.
A ttornky - at -L aw .
Complete set of Abstract Books
n office. Taxes paid for non­
[ Single and Double Seta of Harness
| that we keep in stock
We can
I supply your Harness needs oti
I short notice and we make for the
very best people in the locality. If
we did not give them complete
■ satisfaction they certainly would
j not continue to patronize us. We
I do the very best quality of work at
a moderate charge, and solicit your
Tillamook Block.
Both phones.
C arl haberlach ,
Tillamook Block
W.A, Williams & Co
Vext Door to Tillamook Cotintv Bank.
A ttornky - at -L aw .
Tillamook Cotniueicial Building.
T illamook
O regon .
^jBui/ders of Hommu
A ttornky - at L aw
( Iffice : Opposite Court House,
Investment Certificates
T illamook , O regon .
are REAL Honey fiato
Send for Booklet
604 5Ó Corbett
Porticati Ora
Tillamook Block
Plan Your Vacation Now
to the
East—Seashore or Mountains
Tillamook Block,
Will place on xale low round trip licketH to all the principal Citie« of
the Eaat, g-ointf or returning through California, or via Portland
with going limit 15 days. Final return limit October .'Hat.
Sale Dates.
April 25, 26, 27.
July 2, 3. 6, 7, 11. 12, 15, 16, 20,
May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11. 14, 15 17. 18,
22, 23. 2«, 29. 30 anil 31.
24 and 29
August 1. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15. 16, '22.
June 1, 6, 7, 8. 13. 14, 15, 17, 18, 19,
23. 29, 30 and 31.
20, 21. 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29.
September 4, 5, 6. 7, 11, 12 and 30.
Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th.
Newport—Yaquina Bay.
Offccrs many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from
all points in Oregpn, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor
amusements anil all the delights of the seashore.
TheNewP.R. & N. Beaches.
Tillamnok, Garibaldi (Hayocean). Brighton, Mnnhuttan and Rock
away. Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach
and Bay City will open a new field lor a summer outing. Low
Round Trip Fares from all points in Oregon.
Cell on our nearest Agent for full information as to East
Bound Excursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, or write to
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Eat California Raisins. Raisin Day, April 3Olh.
F inancial A oknt ,
Tillamook, Oregon.
j~y. P. J. SHARP,
The Best Hotel.
Office across the street froir the
Court House.
Dr. Wise's office.
J. P: ALiUEN, Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men
The Fashionable T*>Vc
C>*a*jing, Pressing and Repair­
Special Atteution paid to Tourist».
ing a Specialty.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
b> »vr in Heins Photographie
ÇeutNchcr £bvofcat
113 Tillamook Block,
T illamook
O reoon
wir ■
J2JR. J. J. MURRAY, V.s ,
Registered and Gradnate
Veterinary Surgeon.
Office : Commercial Stables,
Tillamook, Ore.
Both phono«.
Jones & Knudson
Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla
mook County.
Todd Hotel, Tillamook«
Formerly with the anuy transport
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
L o H RP. «U m ’»