SW.'**- Tillamook Headlight, April 11, 1912- Notice Of Application tor License; To The Voter» of Tillamook to Sell Ma t — and - Vinous Sei; Spirit SpLlt us — --- Vi"ona ' County. Liquors and Hard Cider, Etc. I hereby announce myself as M. W Harrison vs. Pacific Railway & N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That candidate for renomination for the Navigation Company Damages e petition presented in and to the office of County Schoo) Superintend­ In the vatter of the application of H County Court of Tillamook County, ent. on the Republican ticket, at Schollmeyer for permit to appropriate the Oregon, for a liquor license, i# tn waters of Hob s Creek, in Tillamook County. word# letters and figure# and a the primary election to be held •nd Advertía ng Ratea. I Hiram W. Smith v». Jam.» Hughey and W'eeley Rush. *a adminittrator of threat»« of Myra H»a m Mabie Leva. WvoNe. Three month*.. ▲bout Moral Conditions. more than thirty day# next preced­ i payers and people in general, I candidate for nominariou to the U»>ie4 »adware Corapaay va. Sarab ing the date and signing of this have decided to become a candidate office of County Surveyor in the UaMfikaaasSN McMiliiaa. Condemoatioa Editor Headlight,— petition, and the filing thereof, and I hereby announce myself a Entered a « second.I s *# mad mat­ Suie ot Oregva »«. J. H. Beach, fembei- coming Republican Primaries. ter Julv. ItW, at the p*»t cffics at You told u# through the medium having been and now are actual i i candidate for renomination for the With my experience and knowledge residents and legal voters within Tillamook. Ore uniter the act of C. Stalford. Oa Respectfully yours, D. A. Smith, Garibaldi. young men for vagrancy. Now if rived when wv aawsi get ready fur note. J. W. Cook, Garibaldi. H. C renshaw . i vagrancy i# a crime and the worst J S. McDonald, Garibaldi. To The Voters of Tillamook Lawrence vMi vs. Hattie Olds. Divorce 1 Cominencemt week and as a matter to be found in your little city you Joe Foley. Garibaldi. County. of fact our credits T- B Putter Realty Co. va L H Field, must have a veryciean, moral town ■ H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. NOTICE OF CONTEST. According to an announcement L. C Eldred. A. C- Bloomdeki and C- V. | i and one that the whole county mav I C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. I hereby announce myself made some tune »goby the principle BsUomCrkl Condemnation. D. Johnston, Garibaldi. Department of the Interior, candidate for nomination, for the But is that Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. tfeLaral Dairy Sapply Company, a cor- well feel proud of. the graduating class was made United States Land Office, poration. va. Jon Von Rot». Action for really the case? I# there none worse H. M. Davis, Rockaway- office of County Assessor on the Portland. Oregon. known Monday evening A few ■koaey than vagrants? The definition, Carl E. Loll, Garibaldi. To William Knous, of Blaine, Ore­ Republican ticket, at the Primary days' delay vrn» nrcesaury io mak­ Fred Maroif et al va. Anna Metier, et al. wandering, wandering from place F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. gon, Conteetee : election to be held April 19th, 1912 ing the announcement because of Partition M Adamson, Garibaldi. You are hereby notified that ROY If nominated and elected, I pledge to place to place without any settled O C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi. back work that had to be in before L. COOK, who gives 280 Third St.. Otto W Nelson vs Margaret habtiation, unsettled. Now if these Victor Brener, Garibaldi. Portland. Oregon, care of Plummer myself to Httend strictly to the ■i credit could be given. However, et at CoaKrmation indicate a crime punishable by con­ Arthur Davis. Rockaway, Ore. Drug Co., as hie post-office address duties of the office, that I will give Be»« Paagl>om vs. Quiacy J. Pangborn, nil of those who have not had to did on March 26th. 1912 file in this a fair and equable administration finement in jail on bread and water Chas. Fonger, Rockaway. quit school and who have stayed Divorce- W. T. Newcomb, Rockaway. office hie duly corroborated appli- during the whole of my term. uhi. their atndiea are now practi­ J. R Harter va G. w Wils, and Juhu» diet, why have we paid so much E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. cation to contest and secure the Respectfully yours, brfefcnon. Activa for mosey. for board and care of such criminals? B. S. Thompson. Garibaldi. cancellation of your Homestead, cally suie ol a place among the C. S. A tkinson . Mm W W. Carri»» ,• P E Good,peed It occurs to me the less the offence Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Entry No. 0425, Serial No. 0425 made select one* of the school thia year and M J. Goodspecd. Action fur money. J I. McCormick, Garibaldi, September 14. 1906. for S.W. '» of the greater the abuse of the offended The class, a# announced by Prof. A. G Krumlauf, Garibaldi. Is tke matter of the petition of John N E. W. S.E it of N.W. V». N.E. I- I- Baker Monday evening, are: Ober tamer to become a citiaen of the United and the more determined are the Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. of S.W. *-i and N W. of S.E. To the Voters of Tillamook executor# of the law to punish Frank Buckles Garibaldi. Myron Blanchard. Clint King. State« of America *■♦, Section 34. Tp. 3 South, Range ST County. E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. . There are quite a number of great- West, Willamette Meridian, and as Floyd Eberman. Horace Sapping State of Oregon va Chris Hansen In* grounds for his contest he alleges , er criminals committing greater L. L, Smith, Garibaldi. ton. William Anderson. Elbert dxtment. J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. I hereby announce myself as a that eaid WILLIAM KNOUS has State of Oregon vs Chris Hanten In* 'crime# every day of the week in C. V Stoker, Garibaldi. Ginn. Eve Wheeler. Ruth Holmes. never established residence on said candidate for nomination, tor the 4 .»tment your town and making it a disgrace Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. Dwisie Goods peed, and Barbara land, has never made any improve­ office of County Treasurer, on the 1'raaA Brer va J alio« Brick so a Action ' to the whole county. If the officers Chas. R. Gatchet, Garibaldi. ments thereon, has never cultivated Hathaway. At the beginning of for money. of the law do not know that to be a Andy Hayden Garibaldi. any portion of the same, but has Republican ticket, at the Primary the school year, there were twelve First National Bank of Missoula. Mo»- I. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. wholly abandoned said land for Election, to be he'd April 19th, 1912. in tlieclaas. but because of sickness tana vs. L. L. Osborn and Blla B Osborn fact it is because they have deter­ Beu Johnson, Garibaldi. more than six months immediately After the resignation of Mr. Dave mined not to know and will not do Action for money A. F. Goff. Garibaldi. Ethel Gai lord was required to preceding thia date. Martiny, I was appointed to the Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. the work necessary to find out W. G Dwight vs Lewi» L. Smith. Tas fors- You are, therefore, further notified leave the school room and Oscar What are the saloons, gambling Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. that the said allegations will be office by the County Court. Hav­ Aschim and Leslie Finney decided cloanre. W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. taken by this office as having been ing become familiar with the duties Robert Osborn vs WiUiam L. Riefenberg Iplacaa and their accompaning evils that more money could be made by Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. confessed by you, and your said pertaining to the office. I desire to aud Lillian niefenUcrg Foreclosure. doing for the upbuilding and good Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi. working than by studying and entry will tie canceled thereunder serve the people by an election, C K Reyoolda vs atrntM>a of laad title. amusement, especialy those who davit of the person by whom the duties of the office, and give the N otice is F urther H ereby »|>end moat of their time on the event «loch ali the aeni.we look for. delivery was made stating when schools of the county my best Bav City Land Company va Henry H. G iven ,—That said petition wi'l be farm at work. They naturally in­ called up for action in the County and where the copy was delivered ; service. ward to with great interrM thia AMevmaa Registration ol land title if made by registered mail, proof year a:nee the cla«a ot 'll reported A. A. Thompson and Floyd A. Swan va. cline to the city to find it, and Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, of such service must consist of the Respectfully your«. tileui ol long »na'h good boat» ! Aden M WUsoa. et al Foredosure. where must they look ? They m*et on the first day of May. 1912. and affidavit of the person by whom the J as . G oldsworthy . Hut after all |weo|«te in the work! and tooAtoaaty. Appeal ftuma County Court friendly and seems to be interested will apply to said County Court for the post office to which it was •ome time» we are coovmged that i * O Dwight va Anna M Whitcomb, et in them. They are easily drawn in a license to be granted to him, to mailed, and this affidavit must lie To the Voters of Tillamook ' accompanied by the postmaster s I. Tas krartemre. they are a very good bunch •nd atep by atep. and then jump sell within said Garibaldi Precinct receipt for the letter. County. and in the town of Lake Lvtle there­ Fred W beeMr va. Ella D O»bom, et al. by jump, down they go until soon You should state in vour answer The tenma enthuaaaa«» o4 itee in. spiritous, malt and vinous I hereby announce myself a can­ they don't know where they are at. liquor«, fermented cider, commonly ; the name of the post office to which »» lioiil got l.-grlhev last week wee didate for nomination for County vou desire future notices to be sent I don't say thia ia all done at once, known a» hard cider, for the period about fixing up a ivort no aa to to you. Assessor, on the Republican ticket but after the aaaociations are form­ of one year from the date of said have a tew games thia apnac A H. F H igby , Register. at the Primary Election, April 19th. licease. ed then the slide ia ao easy they I. C. A rdrey . Receiver. rule committee w»» appointed by Dated thi# 28th day of March. 1912 1912. Date of first publication April 4. don't realise what road they are on Prof. Moore, cumulating at Eltwvt A. C. V ogler . With over nine years' experiencS 1912 ; date of second puolication until they run against a stump or Gina. Harriett Goyhard and John April 11. 1912 ; date of third publi as Deputy Assessor under Asses­ ; some other obstruction that makes Kbmger to umke rutea tor the ciete cation April 18. 1912 ; date of fourth sors Stephens and Hare. I feel that Noti?e of Contractors. them look around and wonder where publication April 25. 1912 On Friday evening the clut met I am thoroughly familiar with the , they are. But the attractions con- Sealed bid# will be received by and elected officer» after wluch work of the office to which I aapire, the Board of Directors of School tinue the same and with more and matter» of buameoo were diacunaed District No. 9. Tillamook. Oregon, Vt tn. I_ Cook. Prop, the Bee Hive and promise that if nominated and , mor* power until the victim no until fi o'clock p.tn., Saturday, The offker» elected were Elbert Drug Store. Neihart. Mont., lavi elected, to discharge the duties of longer ha* any control of himself April '20th. 1912 for the erection and the Belt Canon running from Belt Ginn president ; Reed Item. «*(•- the office to the best of my ability; • nd ia then considered * fit subject completion ot a High School build to Neilhart is the most picturesque tmrsident Stella Goyae. secretary. extending to all the same courteous ing. according to plana and specifi ­ ior tew enforcement to allow the ■pot in all Montana. He writes. “I Myron Blanchard, treasurer. Pnl cations prepared by Charles H. recommend Foley's Honey and Tar treatment which they have a right paople that tha law can be enforced R. I*. Moore, manager . and Alfred Burggmf. architect. Albany. Ore­ Compound to all my customers and to expect from a public official, when desirable to do ao. I will a«k gon BiX|u>»t property man At pee All bid# must be accotn. am never disappointed It if thare ia anything in the treatment panied by a certified check payable the best results for coughs and cold» and I respectfully solicit your sup­ • at the chib membership i» limited to "School District No. A Tillamook. of anything I •elf Cha«. I. Clough port. of thoa* two young men calculated ta twenty five people, although I tie Oregon " for the auiu of fUS.lt«. a# Very respectfully youre, to improv* them ? Do you think limit may be rwiaed at the next a guarantee that the contractor will C. A. JOHNSON th* one that waa in jail fed on furnish an approved bond equal to meeting. 'ou will look a good while before bread and water will be better pre i 50 per cent of the contract within you find a better medicine for The fiaaabnit team have boon pared to settle down and go to work ' ten day» after the awarding of the coughs and colds than Chamber­ • pending nU id their i.wrt time' lains’s Congh Remedy. It not only To the Voters of Tillamook after ■ course of such diet? lam contracL lately getting la cwndMoe toe the All bid» mu#t be made out on gives relief-it cures. Try it when taking up more space than you will County. blank oropoaala for the asme. you have a cough or cold, and you coming »eaaoa Captain Ebeemnn be willing to allow. 1 will have to Blank# furnished upon application idu •bed u|»on are certain to be pleased with the I hereby announce ntvself as • i________ . Plans _„ v, prompt cure which it will effect atop thia inexhauatibte »object ior by the clerk or T architect and candidate for renomination. for the »¡lecificationa may be seen at Tilla ­ he preaenL Hoping heads of fa nu­ ror sale by all dealers. mook. Oregon, or at the architect'» office of County Clerk, on the Re­ ll vs will coesKter the real cause of office. publican ticket, at the Primary Don t be surprised if you have an young men going wrong and for The board reserve* the nght to attack ot rheumatism thia spring, Election to be held the 19th day c* the sake of their own. if for no other reject anv and all bitte. bid». ’ject any April. 1912 By .inter of School Board No • reason, vote when they can for the with Chamberlain s Liniment and If 1 am nominated and elected. I benefit of other* •• well *» their Tillamook. Oregon. ” *°° n disappear. Sold by all t"u H T H otts . Chairman. < * bh «in. will, during my term of office. en­ own loved owes A lva Futur. Cterk I«. deavor to conduct the affairs of IM One who is interested in the office in a manner satisfactory to young psvpte of our city and county •M. D KurJniin, 573 W. Main St.. , »nd wtah them nvll. the masse«, realising the twvpcss«- Helena Mont., gives an interval:ng account of hi* improved health bility of pleasing all A P arut . through the uae ot Foley Kidney 1 will promise a fair, honest «nd Pilte After giving a detail account businesslike administration, re­ olhueiwhe says. "I am almost coki. spectfully referring voters to my •* »ears nk| and have »pent hun­ dred»of dollars for medi .¡new. but four years as County Clerk, asking v“? Lr*S*’T* mwre benefit from theme who are not familiar *'tfi Fotev Kidney Pill*, than from all my record to inquire of taoae who other medi ' are. • lava »ent < L I.,igh L O, Respectfully your*. J. C- HuU»KS- L egal AnvkmsKNEXTS: First Insertion, per line $ S Each subsequent insertion, line Bueineaa and professional cards. 1 month .. ..................... 1«» Homestead Notice# ................. 3 1« Timber Claims ................. IV <•' Ixicale per line each insertion 5 Display advertisement, an iocb. I inoutli ......................... All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks. 5c. per line Notices. Lost. Strayed or Stolen, etc. minimun rate, 23c not exceed­ ing five lines. Large Number of Cases on the Docket. i I I I I I