Tillamook tiaadlight, April 11, ld!2. who down at the bottom distrua* pop­ fain earnest workers fcr soc'al QUALITY OF MILK. ular government and when they must Ice have said to me that the moat Serb accept it. accept it with reluc-anc« i ous obstacles that they have encou» This advertised list of delinquent and hedge around it with every ape- terod during the many years that they It Can Easily Be Determined by Using the Candle Test. taxes for the year of 1911 is in pur­ t-ies of restriction and check and bal­ have been trying to save Amerlci» Willow Plumes, Hand Here is a very simple way in which suance of an act of the State Legis­ ance ao as to make the power of the women and children from destruction Tied. Have your old people as limited and ineffective as in American Industry have been the | to test the quality of the milk you lature which is embodied in Chap­ . buy. First stir the milk with a spoon ter 275 of the Plumes made into a possible. Mr. Taft fairly defines the OPPOSES PRESIDENT'S ATTITUDE Issue when he says that our govern­ courts. That is the judgment of al­ i iu io uissemi order to disseminate Into tbe whole GENERAL LAWS OF 1THE 1911 most all the social workers I know . In oruer willow. tbe cream i which may have SESSION. ment is and should be a government and of dozens of parish priests and f ' J liquid ON POPULAR GOVERNMENT. j------ -------------------• Mail orders promply The taxes on the following ad ­ of all the people by a republican part clergymen and of every executive and i rome to the surface. Then one vol­ vertised real property situated in filled. of the people. This is an excellent legislator who has been seriously at­ ume of milk is poured Into fifty vol­ Tillamook County, Oregon, became Price, I3.50 for 1 tie. moderate description of an olig­ tempting to use the government as an umes of water—one fluid ounce to two delinquent on MONDAY, OCT. 3, Must Prevail and archy. It defines our government as agency for social and industrial bet­ and a half pints. A candle la lighted 1911. and are subject to a penalty All work guaranteed. for a few of the people. terment. What is the ree'Jt of this in a dark room. Take an ordinary of ten per cent, and interest at the I a government I am not speaking critically nor do system of judicial nullification? I* drinking glass with a tolerably flat rate of twelve per cent per annum, Cheered for Speech In Opening Active I mean to be unkind, for I believe that was accurately stated by the court and even bottom and hold it right until they shall have been paid. Campaign for Nomination—Quotas many honorable and well meaning of appeals. New York, in the employ­ above the candle at a distance of Any day after the expiration of six men of high character take this view ers' liability case, where it was calmly about one foot from It. so as to be months after the taxes charged BEAVER, ORE. Taft ae Opposed to the Majority. and have taken it from the time of and judicially declared that the peo­ able to see the flame of the candle against the following real property are delinquent, the Sheriff is auth ­ Stands 8quarely an Hie Columbus, tbe formation of the nation. Essen­ ple under our republican government through tbe bottom of tbe glass Then orized upon demand of any person tially this view is that the constitu­ are less free to correct the evils that pour slowly tbe dllnted milk into the making application, to issne to Ohio, Addroe«. tion is a streit jacket to be used for oppress them than are the people of glass. them a certificate of delinquency, the control of an unruly patient—tbe the monarchies of Europe. To any Tbe flame becomes less bright as upon payment of the taxes, penalty, people Now I hold that this view is man with vision, to any man with the level of the liquid rises into the interest and costs of advertising. The salient passages tn Colonel not only false, but mischievous, that broad and real social sympathies, to glass. The flame is soon reduced to a Certificates of delinquency shall Roosevelt's forceful campaign speech, our constitutions are instruments de­ any man who believes with all his dull white spot A little more, liquid beur interest from the date of issu­ ¡1», delivered In Carnegie Hall, New York, signed to secure justice by securing heart in this great democratic re­ slowly added, so as to avoid pouring ance until redeemed at the rate of Wednesday evening, la given below: 15 per cent per annum. the deliberate but effective expression public of ours, such a condition is in­ an excess, and tbe flame becomes ab­ The valued family re­ Nehalem Coal Company. . The great fundamental issue now of the popular will, that the checks tolerable. It is not government by the! solutely invisible. All that remains to Tract No. 129. For further before the republican party and be­ and balances are valuable as far and cipes for cough and cold people, but mere sham government in ■ description see tract book fore our people can be stated briefly. only so far as they accomplish that which the will of the people is con-1 be done is to measure tbe height of cure, liniments, tonics and in Assessor ’ s office. Page tbe liquid In the glass, this being most It is, are the American people fit to deliberation and that it is a warped stantly defeated. It is out of this ex­ conveniently ascertained by dipping 79, sec. 29, tp 3N„ R. 10 W. 2.75 other remedies have as govern themselves, to rule them­ and unworthy and improper construc­ Coal Company. perience that my remedy has come, Into it a strip of pasteboard and then Nehalem careful attention here as selves, to control themselves? tion of our form of government to see and let it be tried in this field. Tract No. 111. For further measuring the wet part It should the most intricate prescrip­ I believe they are. My opponents in it only a means of thwarting the description see tract book When as the result of years of edu­ do not. I believe in the right of the popular will and of preventing justice. cation and debate a majority of the measure not over one inch If tbe milk in Assessor’s office. Page tions. 00, sec. 33, tn 3 N„ R 10 W.; people to rule. I believe that the ma­ Mr. Taft says that “every class'* people have decided upon a remedy is pure. With good quality milk, di­ and see. 4, T. 2 N , R. 10 W., jority of the plain people In the Unit­ should have a “voice" in the govern­ for an evil from which they suffer luted and tested as stated, the depth Our fresh, high grade 55.25 acres. Tract No 112. ed States will, do, day in and day ment. That seems to me a very ser­ and have chosen a legislature, a legis­ will be about seven-eighths of an inch drugs will help to make For further description see A out, maae fewer mistakes in govern­ ious misconception of the American lature pledged to embody that remedy before the flame Is lost to view tract book in Assessor’s these remedies more effec- ing themselves than any similar class political situation. The real trouble in law, and the law has been finally mixture of one volume of milk and a office. Page 00, sec. 5, tp. tiv3 than ever. or body of men, no matter what their with us Is that some classes have had passed and approved, I regard It as half a volume of water should show 2 N., R. 10 W., 2.40 acres ; • training, will make In trying to govern too much voice. One of the most Im­ monstrous that a bench of judges n depth of one and a half Inches. A lot 1. Leas tract »old. Sec. Right ptices are also them. I believe again that the Amer­ portant of all the lessons to be taught shall then say to the people: “You depth of two Incbes Indicates either 5, T. 2 N„ R. 10 W.. 24.32 assured. acres ... .. . ........................ 12.10 ican, people as a whole, are capable of and to be learned is that a man should must begin all over again. First, partlully skimmed milk or a mixture Company. self control and of learning by their vote not as a representative of a class, amend your constitution (which will of one volume of good milk and oue Nelialeni Coal S. K. 44 of S. E. 44, sec. 9, t p. mistakes. Our opponents pay lip loy­ but merely as a good citizen, whose take four years); second, secure the of water, and so on. SN., R. 10W., 40 acres 3.8.4 alty to this doctrine, but they show prime interests are the same as those passage of a new law (which will take The process is based tq>on the close Nehalem Coal Company. fi their real beliefs by the way in which of all other good citizens. relation lietween tbe opacity of milk two years more); third, carry that N.E. nee 10. T. 3 N., R. It) they champion every device to make Taft's "Disbelief In the People.” new law over Its weary course of liti­ and the number of fatty corpuscles W., 100 acre« ; N W. M, sec. Reliable Druggist. the nominal rule of the peoplo a sham. 16. T. 3 N.. R. 10 W., 160 Mr. Taft again and again in quota­ gation, which will take no human be­ contained in it. Both skimming and I have scant patience with this talk tions I have given and elsewhere in ing knows bow long; fourth, submit the adding of water work In tbe same acres ; S.W. 44, sec. 16, T. 3 N,, R. 10 W., 160 acres; S. E. of the tyranny of the majority. When­ this speech expresses his disbelief in the whole matter over again to the direction - namely, to decrease the 44. sec. 16, T. 3 N , R. 10 W„ ever there is tyranny of the majority the people when they vote at the polls. very same judges who have rendered opacity of milk The same cannot be 100 acres.................................... 91.30 I shall protest against it with all my Skimming In In one sentence he says that the the decision to which you object said of the density S. D. Olds. E. of S.W. 44 heart and soul. But we are today proposition gives “powerful effect to Then, if your patience holds out and creases It Adding water decreases It. of N.W. M and E. 4, of N.W. suffering from the tyranny of the mi­ the momentary Impulse of* a majority you finally prevail, the will of the ma­ and the common test tbnt couslsts In of S.W. sec. 29, T 1 S., norities. It is a small minority that of an electorate and prepares the way jority of '.ae people may have its way.” , tbe mere Introduction of tbe lacto R. 9 W.. 40 acres .. 18.50 is grabbing our coal deposits, our for the positive exercise of the gross­ Such a system is not popular govern­ deuslmeter In milk Is worthless, as Eva M I.each, Tract No 341. water powers and our harbor fronts, est tyranny." Elsewhere he speaks ment, but a mere mockery of popula: skimmed milk may have a normal For further description see A small minority is fattening on the of the “feverish uncertainty” and. “un­ government. tract book in Assessor’s A-nsIty if care has been taken to pour Office Page 178, sec. 34, T. sale of adulterated foods and drugs, stable determination of laws” by tem­ The decisions of which we complain into It a certain amount of water.- 1 S , K. 9 W., 25.20 acres.... 32 30 It is a small minority that lies behind porary and changing majorities, and are, as a rule, based upon the con­ New York World Eva M. Leach. Tract No. 342. monopolies and trusts. It Is a small again he says that the system I pro­ stitutional provision that no person i For further description see minority that stands behind the pres­ pose, “would result In suspension or shall be deprived of life, liberty or tract book in Assessor18 ent law of master and servant, the application of constitutional guaran­ property without due process of law. SECRET WRITING. office. Page 176, see. 34, T, sweatshops and the whole calendar of tees according to popular whim,”• The terms “life, liberty and property IS., R. 9W..35 acres.. .. 20.35 social and industrial injustice. It is which would destroy “all possible con­ have been used in the constitutions Simple Cipher 8yatem That Keep, P. L. McCowell.- Tract No. 743. Poetcard Messages Private. a small minority that is today using sistency" In constitutional Interpreta­ of the English speaking people since For further description see tract book in Assessor's our convention system to defeat the tion. I should much like to know Magna Charts. Until within the last Postal cards would undoubtedly be office. Page 248, sec. 31, T. will of a majority of the people in the the exact distinction that Is to be sixty years they were treated as hav­ in much greater demand tbau they are 1 S., R. 10 W., 2.86acres.... 2.47 choice of delegates to the Chicago made between what Mr. Taft calls ing specific meanings—"property" for purposes of correa|iondence but for S. D. Olds, E 44 of S. E. 44, sec. convention. “the fitful impulse of a temporary means tangibis property; "Liberty” tbe fact that tbe messages they convey 10, T. 2 S., R. 9 W., 80acres; My opponents charge , that two majority" when applied to a question meant freedom from personal re­ are open to all through whose bauds lots 3 and 4, sec. 11, T. 2 S., things in my program are wrong be­ such as that I raise and any other straint, or in other words, from im­ they may pass. \ et this objection is R. 9 W., 62.51 acres............. 15.20 cause they Intrude into the sanctuary question. Remember that under my prisonment in its largest definition. easily overcome. James Tone estate. S.K. 44 of of the Judiciary. There are some beautifully simple S. W. 44, sec. 3, T. 2 S., R. 10 proposal to review a rule of decision About 1870 our courts began to attach Grandfather knows good The first is the recall of judges and by popular vote, amending or con­ to these terms new meaning, Now ciphers that are almost impossible for W., 40 acres........................ 1.65 whiskey and since he was the second the review by the people struing to that extent the constitu­ "property" has come to mean every any oue not In tbe secret to read. Only S. S. Phelps. Lot 6. Less sold, a boy Harper has been hie sec. 6, T 2 S., R. 10 W., 2 of judicial decisions on certain excep­ tion could certainly take at least two right of value which a person could by luck, for Instance, can even tbe ex­ acres.......................................... 1.65 choice. tional questions. I have said again years from the time of the election enjoy, and “liberty” has been made pert find the key to a short message and again that I do not advocate the of the legislature which passed the to include the right to make contracts. written In the "trellis” or "grill" cipher C. Mills. Lot 4, sec. 30, T. 3 S., Buy HARPER from R. 9 W., 45.93 acres : Lot 1 recall of judges In all states and In all act. Now, only four months elapse As a result, when the state limits the It is extremely simple, and thousands ■nd N.E. M of N.W, M. fiec. OHNSON A MCLAUGHLIN communities. The integrity of our between the nomination and the elec­ hours for which women may labor, it i of people use it to bailie folks wbo take 31, T. 3 S.. R. 9 W„ 85.88 judges, from Marshall to White add tion of a man as president to fill for is told by the courts that this law de­ an Interest In tbe contents of poxt acres................... . ............ 6.30 Holmes—and to Cullen and many oth­ four years the most important office prives them of their "liberty," and cards M. C. Kellow Tract No. 618. ers in our state—Is a fine page of In the land. In one of Mr. Taft’s when it restricts the manufacture ot To use it all you lui ve to do Is to cut For further description see American history. But—I say it so speeches he speaks of “the voice of tobacco in a tenement it is told that a few oblong boles In n blank post tract book in Assessor’s berly—democracy has a right to ap­ the people as coming next to the voice the law deprives the landlord of hie card, place it over the postcard you office. Page 309, sec. 32. T. 4 S., R. 9 W„ 22.50 acres ; proach the sanctuary of the courts of God.” Apparently, then, the de­ property. Now, I do not believe that menu to write on and write your nies N.E. >4 of S.E. 4i. Less sold, when a special interest has corruptly cision of tbe people about the presl-' any people, and especially our free sage In tbe boles Then take the upper sec. 32. T. 4 S., R. 9 W., 17.50 found sanctuary, and this Is exactly dency, after four more years of delib­ American people, will long consent card off and write some nnt’iral rend acres............................................ 4.00 what has happened In some of the eration, is to be treated as “next to that the term “liberty" shall be de­ Ing sentences round the ember words M. C. Kellow. N. 44 of S. W. «tales where the recall of the judges the voice of God," but If after two fined for them by a bench of judges. Any inquisitive person readiug the 44 andS.E. 44 of N.W. -W, sec. is a living issue. Is it not equally years of sober thought they decide Every people has defined that term card when It reaches yovr correspond 33, T. 4 S„ R. 9W.. 120 acres. 5.00 plain that the question whether a giv- that women and children shall be for itself in the course of its develop­ ent's bouse will find a message of no S. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay ■n social policy is for the public good protected in industry, or men protect­ ment. 66 Park. 44 lot, Blk. 1 interest whatever Only your cwrre la not of a judicial nature, but should ed from excessive hours of labor un­ The Task Is To Strive For Justice. spondi-ut himself—or herself—can rend s. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay 06 Park % lot. Blk. 2.... be settled by the legislature or in the der unhygienic conditions, or wags Friends, our task as Americans is tbe real ramsage. and Hint by pl:vlng Netarts Bay ■nal instance, by the people them workers compensated when they lose to strive for social and industrial just- on tin- curt n blank card ctit lu e.-.n tij s S. Phelps. Park Lots Oto 9, B k. 2. 1.32 ■elves? life or limb in the service of others, ice, achieved through the genuine rule the anule way as your own — I'enrsoll' s. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay I The president of the United States, then their decision forthwith becomes of the people. This is our end, our Wrekly. Park. Lots it to 11, Blk . 3.. 1.21 Mr. Taft, devoted most of a recent a “whim” and feverish “and unstable” purpose. The methods for achieving s S. Phelps. Netarts Bay Ipeech to criticise some of this prop and an exercise of the “grossest tyran­ the end are merely expedients to be Park. Lots 1 to 8, Ills. 5. .. . 3,30 Why Choes Have Tongues. bsltlon. He says that "it is utterly ny” and the "laying of the axe at the finally accepted or rejected according s. S. Phelps Netarts Buy Every one lluit weir* «»•-,- shoe* 83 without merit or utility and, instead foot of the tree of freedom.” Park. U of lot. Blk. 0 as actual experience shows that they knows that there is u tongue of lest be i ■f being in the Interest of all the peo­ That is the old, old doctrine which work well or ill. But. in our hearts under the place where the two sidex-Ut s. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay 2.97 Prak. Lota 1 to 9, Blk. 18 . ple and of the stability of popular has been acted upon for thousands of we must have this lofty purpose, and Government, is sowing the seeds of years abroad and which here in Amer­ we must strive for it in all earnest­ tbe shoe meet, but there Is none in but H. C renshaw , ton se art Dated this March 21st. 1912. keeping the laves from hurting the In American people as a whole. private life, and I am sorry to say by leaders to whom are granted great step, but is to keep out rnlu and -now I He also says that my proposal. many judges, a doctrine which has in visions, wbo dream greatly and strtv« ^^^Jjjl.et Ins show you anr^ . Which as be rightly sees IL is merely fact tended to create a bulwark for to make their dreams come true, sh« There would la- uo d.scoiufort If th- laces tom-had the san k, hut uo uaiitlei ^speciafudisplay ofgnttrac , I proposal to give the people a real privileges, a bulwark unjustly protect­ can kindle the people with the tire •stead of only a nominal chance to ing special interests against the rights from their own burning souls. The bow closely a shoe may is* lured up tive*ne«*Htyfee.14,Wc are " kstrue and amend state legislation of the people «• a whole. This doc­ leader, for the time being, whoever there is always n sil;-tit S|iuce which L__ j >e fleetly fregiti pped for .-fjj VMM« m MOTION - QUICK IN NI«VLT« ■th reasonable rapidity) would make trine is to me a dreadful doctrine, for he may be. is but an Instrument to be woulal allow rnln tai reua b the stocking ~ .making^jrroupgjplctiires — New York Hun. •to« relief from BACKACHE, ■ch amendment and Interpretation its effect is, and can only be, to make used until broki and then to be cast . TTand 'will*plense •you’with ““ ■epend on the feverish, uncertain tbe courts the shield of privilege■ aside, and If he to worth his salt he ■1DMET sad BLADDER TROUBLB, ^¿ihe/j ual it y^oifciur, work Nature Provides. ■<1 unstable determinations of suc- against popular rights. Naturally, ev­ will care no mors when he Is broke« Beslve votes on different laws by ery upholder and beneficiary of crook­ than a soldier earea when be is sent As to tbe horror of death—this tbe •MBUMATTBM, CONGESTION at be Bnporary and changing majorities,’’ ed privilege loudly applauds the doc­ where his life to forfeited in order spectators may bare. But It is the UDNEYB, INFLAMMATION at Me ■fl that "It lays the axe at the foot trine. It is behind the shield of that that the victory may be won. In tbe rarest phenomenon for him wbo is ■LADDER aad «11 annoying URINARY ■ the tree of well ordered freedom doctrine that crooked clauses creep long fight for righteousness the watch­ about to die to "suffer” death. Im­ aUUK>ULARHTE8. A poaMv« km to ■d subjects the guarantees of life, into laws that men of wealth control word for all of tm is spend and b« mediately death Impends, tbe end la ■ IDDLB AOED and ELDBRLV ■erty and prosperity without remedy, legislation. spent It ts of little matter whether almost invariably benignant and peace­ ■ the fitful impulse of a temporary Remember. I am not discussing the any one man falls or succeeds, but ful. What. Indeed, is there in all tbe ■BOFLJI oad tot WOMEN. WJority of an electorate." recall of judge«—although I wish it the cause shall not fall, for it is th« cosmos so composed and content as ■This criticism is really less a crlt- distinctly understood that the recall cause of mankind. We, here In Amer­ i tbe face of the dead?-Medical Record. ■sm of my proposal than a criticism is a mere piece of machinery to take ica. hold in our hands the hope of th« ■ all popular governmsnL It is whol- the place of tbe unworkable Impeach­ world, the fate of the coming years, Sights Unsesn. ■ unfounded, unless It Is founded on ment which Mr. Taft in effect defends i and shame and disgrace will be ours Rmitb (at tbe dub»—Tee. by Jove, L belief that the people are funda- and that if the days of Maynard over if, tn our eyes, the light of high re­ there's very little you ran tench me ■n tally untrustworthy. This is the came back again in the state of New solve to dimmed. If we trail In the dust I’ve been everywhere, done everything, ■estloe that I propose to submit to York I should favor it I have no wish the golden hopes of men If. on this seen everything! Tbe Scotch Member w people. How can the prevailing to come to IL but our opponents when now continent, we merely build an­ —Young man. did you ever have the Brality or a preponderant opinion they object to all efforts to secure real other country of great but unjustly 1». T.'s? Smith- O. T.'el Great Scott C. I. Clough. Druggist ■ better and more exactly ascer- justice from the courts are strengthen i divided material prosperity, we shall no! Tbe Scotch Member - Then you’ve than by a vote of the people? ! Ing the hands of those wbo demand have done nothing, and we shall do as seen nowL—Ixxtdon Sketch. ■b* people must kaow better than the recall In a great many states little If we merely set the greed of B court what their own morality and there has been for msny years a real envy against tbe greed of arrogan«« ■ir own opinion opinion la la 1 I ask that you recall of judges as regards appoint­ and thereby destroy the matvrlal well ir own tor of the bar berat' Be. a ydb atol a to] others like you. you. the ments. promotions, reappointments being at all of ««. To turn this gov- I we luve »na. I've Bpl<*. Ae kivdn the chance to state «nd re-elections. And this recall was ernment either lato government by ly such thing bere Kr own views of justice and public through the tun of a thumbscrew at plutocracy or govern meat by a mob Brality and not sit meekly by and the end of a long distance rod la tbe would be to repent on a larger scale Ray. Be your views announced for you hands of great interests 1 believe the lamentable failures of a world ■ well meaning adherents of outworn that a just judge would feel far safer that Is dead We stand against aU Bkaeophles. who exalt the pedantry In the hands of tbe people than tn tbe tyranny, by tbe few or by the many. ■ form u. at above the vital needs of bands of those interests My remedy We stand for tbo reto of the many Ufs ia not tbe result of a library study of In the interest of aU of no, for tbe rule ■r.!Taffs position Is the position constitutional law, but of actual and of the many In n epirit of courage, of Kt k*a been held from the beginning long continued experience la the use eommon senae, of high purpose, abov« ■ our govePnment. although not al- af governmental power to redress aU 1« a spirit of Madly justice toward ■rs eo mpenly held, by a large num- social and Industrial svito Again and «vary man and every woman. M of rfigutable and how. able saea Delinquent Tax List, 1911 LET PEOPLE RULE, SAYS ROOSEVELT OSTRICH FEATHERS. People's Voice Julia Godsey, FAMILY RECIPES. i W « H n M « » ! 8 a « tt to to N CLOUGH, HARP WHISKY J^NowJs the time to have that group picture made. K Foley Kidney Pills Monk ’s\Studio. Mother knows she has made the test, Tillamook Baker’s Bread ■ -' ' I Í 1 -J Is the Best We use Olympic Flour.