Tillamook Headlight, April 11, 1912. Editorial Snap Shots. to circulate petitions, so it will be necessary, so as to secure nomination, to write his The Circuit vault Court docket ap- the 1 ne vircun - ----- pears to I m * growing every term name on the ballot. As he is a of court, for cases are becoming young man of good ability’and more numerous. So many per-, uses good horse sense in most it is well to encourage sons have been sued that those ¡things, | who have not been dragged into ‘young men like Mr. Handley to positions of honor and responsi­ court ought to feel lucky. bility. Give him a chance and we believe he will make good. Let well alone. That is one , Any way,Tillamook should have of the strongest arguments in I a representative in the house, favor of the re-nomination and and the way to obtain that is to re-election of President Taft, I write Mr. Handley’s name on and that appears to tie the sober foV‘joïnt*7eprêsê’ata"tive. judgment of those who want to see the country remain prosper - - - ous. __________ ____ A Strange Kind Of Republican SAMPLE REPUBLICAN BALLOT FOR NEHALEM PRECINCT FOR PRIMARY ELECTION, APRIL 19. Republican ubllean Candidates for tne 'Ke upice Offlee u, of Cationi,I Republicsm Convenne Candida," for President and 'vice-Presiden' of 'Ke United States. _____________ _ ______ ____ _—::— For Delegates to the National Republican Convention *b.e. of Candidates for President and Vice-President of the 12 13 14 s* CHARLES W. ACKERSON, of Multnomah County. “Roosevelt, Statement Number One, Tariff Revision Downward.---------------- O. C. APPLEGATE, of Kalamath County. "Prompt dev1e^P,P1e,r], of natural resources, liberal aid for irrigation and good roads.__ DANIEL BOYD, of Wallowa County. “Progressive RcPub*£“">*j.1' support Republican party’s choice as expressed at Primary Election. ’ ’ _____________ _____________ _ FRED S. BYNON, of Marion County. "Let well enough alone.; re-elect Taft.”_______________ __________________ —------------------- HOMER C. CAMPBELL, of Multnomah County “Will support presidential nominees favored by Oregon Republicans.------ —_ CHARLES H. CAREY, of Multnomah County. '‘Will support P res i d e n t ial nominees favored by Oregon Republicans._______ HENRY WALDO COE, of Multnomah County. “Roosevelt, Proe- ______ perity, A Square Deal.” _______________________________ _ ¡5 What’s the matter with the Ben W. Olcott ia flooding the state hook and ladder crew of the Hose Company ? No effort is with printed matter telling the voters 16 that he ¡ b a candidate for the office 1 made to take the new cart out of the city hall when an alarm of secretary of state. He assures 17 issounded. Fortunately it was the voters that he it a life long Re- not needed at the recent fires, 1 publican, and asks for the support 18 but had it been required and of the Republican party. Judging not on hand it would have been from Mr. Olcott's printed matter, 19 CHAS. II. FRY, of Washington County.____________________ ____ necessary to go back tor it, caus­ one would be justified in believing D. D. HAIL, of Wasco County. "Roosevelt La Follette progres­ that he has always regarded any­ 2U ing much delay. sive policies. Eastern Oregon's candidate. Supporting ma­ one who is not u Republican as a jority’s Presidential candidate. ”_______________________ _______ menace to the public welfare and a The special city election on Dr. T. W. HARRIS, of Lane County snake in the grass. 21 Friday is to correct a few phy­ S. B. HUSTON, of Multnomah County._ sical impossibilities which crept • There are a number of facta, how­ 22 ever, that sadly weaken a belief in 23 D. C. JONES, of Wasco County. “Prompt development of natu­ into the city charter and to ral resources, liberal aid tor irrigation and good roads.”______ straighten out a few other irre­ Mr. Olcott's staunch and dyed-in- THOMAS McCUSKER. of Multnomah County. “Roosevelt-La gularities, so that the city coun­ the-wool Republicanism. Among Follette progressive policies, people's choice for President of cil can proceed intelligently in them ia an affidavit of campaign the United States.”__________ ______________________ ___ _____ the improvement of the city. expenditures filed at the office of PHIL METSCHAN, of Multnomah County It is simply passing the ordi­ secretary of state. The affidavit 5 26 J. W. MINTO, of Multnomah County.___________________________ nances which were submitted reads: “I, B W. Olcott, being first duly 27 ___FRANK PATTON, of Clatsop County.________________________ and passed before with a few corrections. When this i-done sworn, depose and say that I have 28 Dr. J. N. SMITH, of Marion County. “I am for W. H. Taft ” the city council will proceed : mude the following contribution to A. V. SWIFT, of Baker County. “A farmer. Send one.” with the improvements which promote the interest of Oswald 29 will make Tillamook an up-to- West, candidate for Governor at j the recent election, to wit: date city. I To West Booster Club................. $1500 Republican Candidates for Nomination for the Offices of Another old timer passed To James R. Coleman, President and Vice-President of the United States, fot away last week who was some-. Chairman................................. 50 Senators and Representatives in Congress, and for wlia't of a peculiar character, 1 "Subscribed and sworn to before State and District Offices. yet one of those who played his me at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd For Candidate for Nomination for tlie Office of President of thè United part in the early development day of November, 1910. States ___________ Vote for One. of Tillamook County. Captain 1 I- P- L inn . ROBERT M. LA FOLLE ITE, of Madison, State of Wisconsin. 30 J. J. Dawson will be remem-j Notary Public for Oregon.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of Oay.ter Bay, State of New York. bered for the interest he took ' Why should Olcott, who would 31 in the weather, and the predic-, have us believe that he is u Re 32 WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, of Cincinnati, State of Ohio. dictions he used to make about publican of the deepest dye, con- I what kind of weather would pre- tribute $1150 to help elect a Demo­ SB!—■—- _ l.LIC".'. --I _il J IL - vail on certain dates. The old cratic Governor ? If a man who For Ciindidate for Nomination for the Office of Vice-President of the United States. Vote for One. gentleman has gone to his rest, says himself that he ia not a mil­ hut he is included with the lionaire is so anxious to see a Demo­ 1 early pioneers of this county cratic Governor elected that he will whose names we honor and contribute $1550 to his campaign For Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States. Vote for One. revere. fund, why should he subsequently up peal to the Republican voters M. J. MAC MAHON, of Multnomah County. Ben W. Olcott, the governor's to re-elect him to office? Would it appointee for Secretary of State, »ut be more consistent for him to _____ _____ _ __ ........................................................................ "knifed" the Republican ticket appeal to the Democratic voters ? For United States Senator in Congress. Vote for One. nt the last election is now ask­ In that case, he could paint with 34 JONATHAN BOURNE, JR., of Multnomah County. "Advo­ ing Republicans to support him pride to the $1550 that lie had ex-. cates substitution of general welfare for selfish interest in all governmental operations.’’___________________________________ for that office. It is men like pended for the good of the cause, j STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Umatilla County. “ Lincoln Re­ Olcott who helped drag the uud could claim that he was en- 35 |_________ publican—a progressive, but not a radical.” Republican party of Oregon titled to something in return. down to defeat, lie contributed Fifteen hundred and fifty dollars 36 J. W. MORTON, of Marion County. “ I will support the great principle, ‘Justice be done to all men.’ ” $1,500 towards Governor West’s is a nice and tidy sum. When a _ campaign ex|>enses ami the gov­ man who says he is a Republican 37 BEN SELLING, of Multnomah County “Always a progressive; ernor appointed him to a good contributes that amount ton Demo __ Presidential primaries. Work industriously for all Oregon.” fat office to repay him. We do cratic campaign fund, it cannot lie ' not see that Olcott is entitled to denied that he is anxious to see a “• •• ’ injCongress, s« 4 First line Avion IVl. 4-*V II I 11, Clackamas, vldlAdllldai District. Benton, Republican support, who plays Democrat elected. And when the Eor^Representative Clatsop, Columbia Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, traitor tn the Republican party, Democratic Governor to whose cam­ Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yumhill and now nsks its support at the paign fund the amount was con- ! Counties._________ Vote for One. primary election. tributed appoints the donor to fill g* W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion County. “No interest to serve but the first vacancy that occurs during tliejiublic interests.” his administration, does it not al­ It is a number of years since most seem that there was an under- ' a__________________ Tillamook County had a repre­ »landing f I pOr Secretary of State. Vote for One. sentative in the Stute Semite. Why should Republicans vote lor It was customary in former 39 FRANK S. FIELDS, of Multnomah County. “ Same business­ years to pass this around in the Ben W. Olcott for secretary of like policy I pursued as County Clerk Multnomah County ten state ? — Eugene Register. yea rs. joint senatorial district, but it 44) is ii long time since Tillamook HEN W. OLCOTT, of Marion County. “Resultstalk. My record is before you. Believe in the Oregon system.” County was represented in the A Booster For Bitulithic senate by a Tillamook man. ' Attorney H. T. Botts, one of 1 ——WM—— Paving our liest known and capable Eor Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner. Vote for One citizens, was induced to tnnke J. O. Gable, one of Lewistown, 41 W. I. COTTEL, of Multnomah County. " Business man, physi- the race in the interest of the cian and chemist. I twill give all a square deal.” Idaho's moat prominent men, ia an I county. All must admit that ARTHUR T. EDWARDS, of Multnomah County, “Honest and he is a strong mini for the posi­ enthusiastic advocate of bitulithic .42 pavement says the Missonis, Mont., ________ intelligent administration in the interest of the'general public ” tion and it would be a credit to A. H. LEA, of Multnomah County, “Fearless administration this county to send Mr. Botts to Sentinel. He firmly believes that 43 to protect consumere and develop producer.” thia city will make no mistake in the senate, for he is a man of laying that kind of pavement on 44 JOHN D MICKLE, of Washington County. " Pure food, pure affairs and qualified for the milk, protection for producer and consumer, education for any or all of the streets. position. Tillamook county dairymen.” should give Mr. Botts a unani­ I “It ie equally adapted for reai- Idential or business atreeta, as has mous vote next week. been conclusively demonstrated at Lewistown," said Mr. Gable. “From For Commissioner of the Railroad Commission of Oregon, First Rail­ road Commissioner District. Benton. Clackamas, Coos, Curry The Democrats are foxy, for the outset it was found so thorough­ Douglas, Jackson Josephine. Klamath. Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Lin£ they have united on Dr. Hurry ly satisfactory in Lewiston and so Mat loti, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. lame for United States Senator, fully up to the representations of . ____________________________ ______ Vote for’One. with the hope that if Senator its manufacturers thst the City Bourne is nominated they will Council wisely decided there wss no elect Lane. And it would not need of experimenting further in aurpripe us much that they have Itaviug materials or in contracting figured it out about right to win for other materials thst it wss plsin the election, for they know the none could prove more satisfactory lust time that Bourne ran the from the standpoint of durability, Republicans "knifed" him. and economy and general satisfaction. even in Tillamook County about The tvault waa that all of the pav­ Republicans voted against ing in Lewistown, of which there Bourne and for the Democratic are five or an miles on ths princi- mndidate for State Senator, anti pal streets, is bitulithic. we expect that the number will The people of Lewiston «re »o !*• fiiluli greater if Bourne ob­ well satisfied with it that there ie tains the nomination. These . little prospect of uny other hind of urv stubborn facts and not senti paving material being used there- incut Bourne has the advant We are content to let well enough age m a three-corner tight and alone.'* the Democrats wdl win the tight if Bourne is nominated. H. McGowan. 121» W. 2nd St. Lit tie Mock, Ark says. "I sutiered with sever« twins acroM my back As no one aspired to become and the kidney action waa irregular a candidate for Republican Joint sod veiy painful. After taking Fol­ Representative, the office went ey Kidne) Pills for a few days th« begging uutll Attorney T. B ' pain Utt iny back and th« hid«?« twcaiue normal, I can gladly re­ Hundley consented to run and coin tu«nd Foley Kiduey Pilis (or I look after Tillamook'« interests know they helped m«. Clias.**! it elected. He did not have timet Clough. 45 THOMAS K. CAMPBELL of Lane County. " Will continue to use bent efforts for honest regulation in public mteiest.” For District Attorney, Third Judicial District Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill Counties.__________________ Vote for One. 46 GALE S. HILL, of Linn County. “ Independent administration in the interest of public justice and taxpaying public." W. C. WINSLOW, of Marion County. “ Fearless and impartial prosecution of all violations of the law.” For Senator, Twenty-Fourth Senatorial District. Lincoln, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. Vote for One. 48 H. T. BOTTS, of Tillamook County. 4» W. H. HOLLIS, of Washington County. “ Reduction of taxes and appropriations on a business basis." For Representative, Fourteenth Representative District. Yamhill Counties. Tillamook and Vote for One. Republican Candidates for Nomination for County Offices. For County Commissioner of Tillamook County. 50 H. V. ALLEY,_______ 51 GEORGE R. EDNE5L Vote foi One. MMWW ■ ■ ■ ■ For Sheriff of Tillamook County. 52 H. CRENSHAW. For County Clerk of Tillamook County. 53 Vote for One. B. L. BEALS. For County School Superintendent of Tillamook County. 55 W. S. BUEL. 56 JAMES GOLDSWORTHY. For County Surveyor of Tillamook County. 57 J. S. CRAIG. 58 U. G. JACKSON. For County Assessor of Tillamook County. 59 C. S. ATKINSON. 66 C. A. JOHNSON. For Corouer of Tillamook County. 61 Vote for One. J. C. HOLDEN. For County Treasurer of Tillamook County. 54 iwsi Vote for One. Vote for One. Vote for One. Vote for One. Vote for One. R. T. BOALS. Republican Candidates for Nomination for District and Precinct Offices. P°r Justice of the Peace for the First Justice District of Tillamook County. Vote for One. 62 ft! JOSEPH EFFENGERGER. FRED L. HASTINGS^ For Constable for the FirBt Justice District of Tillamook County. For Commissioner of the Port of Nehalem, Tillamook County. 64 FRANK A. ROWE. 65 HENRY TOHL. 66 FRED ZADDACH. Republican Candidate for Election for County Central Committee for Nehalem Precinct Vote for One. Port of Bay City-John G. Bozart, J. M. Harrison. R. E. Jackson, John A. Nelson and Walter D. Wood. Theo Jacoby on Democratic ticket Port of Tillamook—A. O. Beals, M. F. Leach, Henry Rogers. Port of Bayocean—M. J. O’Donnell, G. A. Rooner, G. C Van Derssl Justice for Second District—E. W. Stanley. Justice for Third District-Frank Taylor. I have three sworn enemies the drunkard, heavy drinker, and the man who craves rough, strong, high-proof whiskey Cyrus Noble Bottled at drinking strength