Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 11, 1912, Image 1

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How to Get Rich.
Live within your means.
Limit your wants while enlarging your
Dispense with luxuries as long as you
can pay only for necessities.
Promote your independence by becom-
ing a money saver as well as a money
saver as well as a money earner.
You can buy an interest-bearing Certi­
ficate of Deposit or make a deposit in our
Savings Department every time you have
a spare dollar.
llamook jottings
Lytle A Gordon handle all kinds
of building materials in any
amount and can quote the lowest
prices in the city. See them before
Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­
ing purposes. Permit for trapping
Address ’Gene
Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dr. -P. O. Bonebrake, conference
superintendent, will preach at the
United Brethren church on Sunday
evening. In the morning he will
preach at Beaver.
There will be ice cream social at
the Oddfellows’ Hall Friday even­
ing, the 12th, under the auspieces
of the United Brethren Endeavor-
ers All are invited.
A game of base ball will be play­
ed tomorrow (Friday) afternoon be­
tween the Tillamook Commercial
Club and the Tillamook High
School at Stillwell Park
E. C. Madden had a close call of
being drowned on Friday, when
his canoe upset. With the assist­
ance of Chris Frantzen, who had a
long poll, he managed to reach
Charles Kunze left Tuesday for
Buxton, where he went to obtain
the services of a man to look after
the proposed milking contest, as
the department had failed to send
a man in
ed with blue uniforms and helmets.
Night watchman Meyers thinks
that the uniform might prevent
someone mistaking him for a burg­
lar and take a crack at him when
inspection of different
The Shakespeare Club met on
Friday at the home of Mis. B. C.
Lamb, and the ladies had another
delightful afternoon’s enjoyment.
The decorations and souvenirs were
unique and arranged in tasteful
style. The hostess served an excel­
lent lunch of dainties, which all en­
At the M. E. Church on the evening
of Friday, April. 12th, at 8 o’clock.
Madam Tausch will give a poetical
sketch of the life and times of Gusta­
vus Adolphus, of Sweeden, a hero of
the faith. The narrative will be ac­
companied by music throughout. Mad­
am Tausch is a writer of renown for
the German press. Several of her
shorter production? have been publish­
ed in the best German magazines.
Every lover of Sweeden and her his­
tory should hear this lady.
The following teachers have been
re-elected : L. L. Baker, principal ;
R. U. Moore, High School; Florence
Laufman, High School ; Mrs. Ilans
Hanson, lluzli School ; E. E. Fin­
ley. Imsincss dept. ; Mrs. E. G.
Ford, seventh grade ; Verna Seston,
sixth grade ; Mrs. Laura Leach,
second grade ; Clara Tinnerstett,
primary dept ; Kathrine Burge,
' primary dept Some of the present
teachers did not care to accept for
another year, and for that reason
; were not re elected
We are sorry to announce the
of Mrs, Chester Stewart,
which took place in this city on
Sunday after an illness of several
months, the cause 'of death being
i tuberculosis.
Deceased leaves a
, husband and one child. She was
the daughter of Mrs. A. I.. Fitz­
patrick, who,with the bereaved fam­
ilies, have the sympathy of the
The remains were
buried on Tuesday, the religious
■ services being held in the Catholic
For Sale, Household Goods.
J. W. Maddux has established a
Second house east of the Academy. city transfer office next to the Gem
Mrs. A. Phelps.
le Todd is in on a visit,
theatre on Main street, where all
orders can be left, which will be
ntinee at the Star, Saturday, at
in trade for calf hides.
promptly attended to..or call the
p. m.
Tillamook Mercantile Co. .
office up by phone, Main 651.
iment, Lamb-SchraderCo., Tele-
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr.
le Main 1771.
0 Choice Strawberry plants for mook Meat Company’s Market, We Smith, speaks German. Surgery,
pay 13c. per pound.
ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in
See Shrode.
the Commercial Building, opposite
G Freeman returned to Cor-
offering ladies’ winter under gar- the Todd Hotel. All calls answered
s on Tuesday.
day or night. Both phones.
ments at a great reduction.
rn, on Monday to the wife of
A nice line of Laces just received,
. McCarty, a son.
5c. per yard. La maps Variety Store. the Pacific States Telephone office,
torney Oak Nolan ia in from
discovered a fire there the other
“Drop in and look around.”
land on business.
night caused by two electric wires
There will be preaching both
Robinson, of Portland, is in
getting crossed; but he soon ex­
morning and evening at the Pres­
city on business.
tinguished it with chemicals.
byterian Church next Sunday.
re the Tillamook Feed Co. a
Don’t put in all your time think,
Tillamook Meat Company Lard
for your groceries.
absolutely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail; ing of the "Sweet By-and-By,”
but be sure and connect up with
Z. W. Leghorn Eggs- $1,00 per 75c., 51b. pail; 50 lb. can 12c. lb. .
the “Sweet Now-and-Now” which
ig of 15. A. M. Ginn.
If you are looking for a wagon or
nted, 100,000 pounds of Bees a buggy of any kind it will pay ia the time to Buy A berdare (Aus­
tralian) Coal, Lamb Schrader Co. .
Clough’s Drug Store.
you to see the Tillamook Feed Co.*
Mrs. Harry Crane sustained the
lies’ $20.00 Rain Coat at $12.50,
Have you tried the Diamond W. loss of her home on the Miami on
son Pennington <k Co.’s. *
Steel Cut Coffee? Gee, but It’s Saturday by fire, which came as
t your neighbor about De- good ! Get it at the Tillamook Feed
another serious loss after the death I
s beet, or else ask Shrode. *
of her husband.
The place was
to date dress making over
N Coulson and wife left for Banks partly insured and a subscription
Theatre. Mrs. Laura Potter. . this week where they have bought is being circulated to help her out
famous corn fed Sinclair land and will go into tho. poultry
At a meeting of the city council
i, at the Tillamook Feed Co. • business.
on Saturday evening, it was decid­
ing flannel, 12 yards for one
For Sale,—Mamoth Blackberry ed to use bitulithic in the pave-
', at Mason, Pennington de Co., bushes. Apply J. L. Norton, South ment of the city, the Warren Con-
low the crowd to the Star The- west corner Norton's Addition. Till­ struction Company putting in a
| tentative bid of $2.05 for the «tan-
Matinee Saturday afternoon, amook City.
Dr. J. E. Reedy and wife return­ I dard grade and $1.80 for tlie light.
cent’s Best and the Diamond
e ia becoming the talk of the ed from California on Wednesday I Lee Dye fell from a wood wagon
and will make Tillamook their on Main street on Saturday during
a fainting spell. As he fell head
ited, a position as cook or permanent home.
The hose company was called downward his face struck the hard
'.—Apply at the Headlight
out on Tuesday, the moss covered I road, causing several gashes on the
: face. He was picked up and Dr.
ill pay you to look at Mason. roof of Mowry A Latimer's barber
Went attended to his injuries.
ngtonA Co.’s bargain counter
At a congregational meeting of
C. M. Martin, who resided in
the Presbyterian Church on Sunday
chickens wanted at the Tilla- this county about twelve years I
evening, it was unanimously de­
Meat Company’s Market, 13c. ago, was back this week with a
to call Rev. W. C. Ross, as
view of buying a farm and remain
pastor of that church. Mr. Ross is
say the Diamond W. line
high'y recommended by Dr. Hill,
be beat for quality.—Tilla-
Simmons Brothers and Golds­ who dedicated this church.
feed Co.
worthy’s mill is now running and
Regular services at the United
e is only one Democrat who ready for orders. Dressed lumber Brethren church Sunday will be as
id a petition on the county
follows : Sunday school 10 a.m. ;
via., Theo. Jacoby for Ptfrt of Rough lumber $8 per M
preaching 11 a m. and 8 p.m. The
lumber will be sold at correspond­
“ty. He deserves to be elect-
t youi.g people’s meeiing7p.m.
ingly low prices. Mill situated 8
showing the rest of the
morning theme will lie “Cleansing
miles south of Tillamook.
its such a good example.
from all ein.”
Now that the automobile rush is
over we are repairing any and
everything. Guns, locks and keys,
typwriters, cash registers
complicated machinery a specialty- I
'At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any.
thing that we can’t repair we will
• buy.
A. C. U. Berry, who ia well known
here, having been connected with
building the water system and the
building of the railroad, is in the
county. He is a son-in-law of Ben
Selling, who ia running for U. S.
Senator. Mr. Berry iniorms us
that Mr. Selling fwill carry every
county in the state with probably
the exception of Tillamook.
Alhers Bros. Milling Co. vs. H.
C. Kunze is a suit filed in the cir­
cuit court growing out of a contract
to furnish the defendant alfalfa hay
The contract was for 450 tons, and
United Brethren Church,
Tuesday, April 16th, 8 p.m.
his is the last number of the lecture course.
fyonr Ticket* early at Finley’s Grocery Store and secure
.♦nerved seat. st no extra cost. Only . few seat. left.
All of the Republican candidates
on the county ticket are gcod men
with good reputations ic.r honesty
and good horse sense. W her» there
are more than one candidate there
is no friction or hard feeling. Next
week the Republicans will nominate
theirticket, and after they have dona
so they should endeavor to elect it,
regardless as to who «as or was not
Tillamook CMy i. putting on some
etyle these days, ior the city mare-
■ l«.xua »
after receiving 150 tone and paying
for the same, the defendant repudi­
ated bis contract
Plaintiffs claim
that they were compelled to pay
$12.50 per ton for the hay, and upon
the refusal of the defendant to re­
ceive it they l>a<l to sell it at the
market pric^of $10 50 per ton, thus
sustaining a loss of $000, which they
now sue for.
Peter Wilson, who liveB on the
Wilson, died on Tuesday and his
remains were buried in the Oddfel­
lows cemetary today.
The following telegram was re­
ceived by Carl Haberlach this Wed­
nesday, from Wisconsin : “Long
horns, Americans Fifteen Basis.
T wins fifteen one quarter. Sqnares
This will mean that
cheese will decline shortly in Tilla­
mook, or the Coast will be flooded
with .Eastern cheese
For rheumatism you will find
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Liniment. Try it and see how
quickly it gives relief.
’-------- For sule by
all dealers.
Baseball Game on Friday.
Arbor Day, Friduj, April 12th a
game of buaet.idl will be played I e-
CLL’B and
At Stillwell Pars.
First Game of theseuson. Every,
body come out and size up the two
Game starts at 2 p.m. Admission
M. B. Church Services.
10 a. m.—Sunday School. A deep
spirit of reverend devotion prevadcs
the school. There is a place here
for all wlm nre not members of
some other school.
11a.m. Sermon Subject:
Certainty of Spiritual Experience.”
7 p.m.—Epworth League Do not
miss the League.
8 p.m—Song and Sermon, Sub­
ject: “Prayer.”
J ames T. M oore , pastor.
Look Over These Prices.
Now is the time to Buy
Dry Granulated -
$6.35 per Sack.
$6.50 per Sack.
Canned Goods are
higher, we bought liber­
ally before the advance
and can offer Standard
Corn and Tomatoes
$2.00 per case.
Royal Club,
$2.75 per case.
Cartoonist, Reader, Lecturer
If you have the saving habit. You’ll not have
to worry and fret about how you are going lo meet
them. Even if you have no bills to pay, the feel­
ing of independence that money in the bank will
give you is worth the little seif denials that will
enable you to put it there. Start the account to­
day. Putting off till tomorrow means a day’s in­
terest lost.
Bills Wont Bother You
Baking Powder, Royal.
1 lb. - 40c
2i lb. - 90c.
5 lb.
3 lb. - 90c
1 lb. - 40c.
Fairy, 6 for 25c.
Diamond A, 7 for 25c.
White Borax Naptha,
6 for 25c.
Pearl White, 6 for 25c.
Gold Dust, 20c.
Pyramid Wash Powder,
2 for 35c.
Round up Cleanser,
4 for 25c.
Everything in GrocerieJ
and Feed at the right