Tillamook Piaadlight, April 4, 1912 linqnent Tax List, 5200.00 as attorney's fees, at.d the costs and disbursements of thia suit, and that the said mortgage be *----- ,----- > ---- ■ -• LOW FARES WEST. ■SttVSSfÄ Daily March 1st to April 15th, JOHN L. HENDERSON Sis advertised list of delinquent Liquors and Hard Cider, Etc. ts for the year of 1911 is in pur- N otice ,—That nce of an act of the State Legis- ..... i » H ereby ------ —• G — iven *>—•■•■i ATTORNEY & COUNSEL- ire which is embodied in Chap- “ - petition P presented “—“ted m lu and auii to 10 the me 275 of the County Court of Tillamook County, and each of you, and all persons ‘and “ch of under O^T-nd Oregon, for a liquor linno. license, u—_ — is tn - clsimiug LOR-AT-LAW, HERAL LAWS OF THE 1911 O**gon you all be persons forever SESSION. words letters and figures and a barred and foreclosed of sll right, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. he taxes on the following ad- J“»« .true anenalty sale be put into the immediate MILWAUKEE.. 31.50 OMAHA................. 25.00 County. tn per cent, and interest at the possession of the property, and for T. BOTTS, ST. LOUIS........ 32.00 In the matter of the ] of twelve per cent per annum, DES MOINES ... 27.85 such further relief as may seem application of A. i ecmitable. J they shall have been paid. NEW YORK ... 50.00 INDIANAPOLIS. 35.® • A ttorn ky - at -L aw . C. Vogler, for a | , day after the expiration of six This summons is published by DETROIT ......... 38.00 DENVER............. 26.00 Complete set of Abstract Books liquor license. J iths after the taxes charged order of the Hon. Homer Meson, From other eastern points in proportion. __ inst the following real property To the Honorable County Court County Judge of Tillamook Countv, Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving Want: at n office. Taxes paid for non­ above named : delinquent, the Sheriff is auth- Oregon, said order being maae We the undersigned, hereby and dated at Tillamook City, Ore- low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northers Pacific, ed upon demand of any person ... , . Residents. ling application, to issne to allege and show to you the follow­ gon, on February 15th, 1912. The Great North'ern and "North Bank" Lines. YouZcan deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in n a certificate of delinquency, ing facts and petition you as fol­ time prescribed in the order for lows : the East. Details will be furnished on request. __ n payment of the taxes, penalty, publication is once a week for six Tillamook Block. W E COMAN. T. COOPER, Agent, That we and each of us are resi­ successive weeks, and the date of rest and costs of advertising, Gen ’ l. Freight and Pass. Agent, Hillsboro, Ore. Both phones. ■rtificates of delinquency shall dents and legal voters within Gari­ the first publication is Thursday, Portland, Ore. r interest from the date of issu baldi Precint, in Tillamook County, February 15th. 1912. H. T. B ott », e until redeemed at the rate of Oregon, and have been such for more than thirty days next preced er cent per annum, Attorney for Plaintiff. arl haberlach ing the date and signing of this laleui Coal Company, petition, and the filing thereof, ract No. 129. For further NOTICK OF CONTEST. having been and now are actual ■scription see tract book ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Assessor’s office. Page___ residents and legal voters within Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, I sec. 20, tp 3 N., R. 10 W. 2.75 said Precint for more than thirty days next preceding March 28, 1912 Portland, Oregon. alem Coal Company, Tillamook Block. That we hereby petition you to To William Knous, of Blaine, Ore- ract No. 111. For further scription see tract book grant a license to sell spiritous, gon, Contestee : Assessor’s office. Page malt, fermented and vinous liqu- You are hereby notified that ROY but we are not too busy to Q-EORGE WILLETT, ors and- hard cider, or fermented L. COOK, who gives 260 Third St., , sec. 33, tp 3 N„ R 10 W.; fill your order for lumber, cider, commonly called hard cider, Portland, Oregon, care of Plummer id sec. 4, T. 2 N , R. 10 \V, even if it is but a small one. for a period of one year from the Drug Co., as his post-office address, .25 acreB. Tract No 112. Look around and see if your date of the grantingof such license, did on March 26th, 1912, file in this ir further description see A ttorney - at -L aw . within said Garibaldi Precint, and office his duly corroborated appli- act book in Assessor" s place wouldn’t look better in and at Lake Lytle, therein to the cation to contest and secure the Bee. Page 60, sec. 5, tp. for a little fixing up. Then 1 illatnook Commercial Building. above — named A. C. Vogler. of your N., R. 10 W., 2.46 acres ; ______ on.i ... , ugre( , - ■ cancellation 01 Homestead, « __ KT- • • w» " tell us what lumber you Dated *l_i_ this 28th day of - ------ March, 1912. | Entry No. rxsrxs 0425, Serial No. 0425 made k t 1 Less tract sold. Sec. J. A. Johnson, Garibaldi. need and we’ll have it up to T. 2 N., R. 10 W., 24.32 T illamook September 14, 1908, for S.W. ‘4 of O regon . j’our place in less than no N.E. S.E Ji of N.W. U, N.E. ............................... • ■................ 1X10 D. A. Smith, Garibaldi. J. W. Cook, Garibaldi. lalem Coal Company. of S.W. M and N.W. of S.E. time. J S. McDonald, Garibaldi. E. % of S.E. Vi, sec. 9, tp. V4, Section 34, Tp. 3 South, Range 8 Joe Foley, Garibaldi. N., R. 10 W., 40 acres ....... o o m West, Willamette Meridian, and ae ! o * H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. H. GOYNE, inlem Coal Company grounds for his contest he alleges C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. , E. H, sec. 16, T. 3 N., R. 10 that said WILLIAM KNOUS has D. Johnston, Garibaldi. '., 160 acres ; N W. X, sec. never established residence on said Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. . T. 3 N., R. 10 W., 160 land, has never made any improve­ A ttorney - at -L aw . H. M. Davis, Rockaway, •res ; S.W. Vi. sec. 16. T. 3 ments thereon, has never cultivated Carl E. Loll, Garibaldi. R. 10 W., 160 acres; S.E. a any portion of the same, but has Office : Opposite Court House, F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. sec. 16, T. 3 N., R. 10 W., wholly abandoned said land for I q . or. M Adamson, Garibaldi. 0 acres more than six months immediately O. C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi. T illamook , O regon . J. Olds. E. J* of S.W. U preceding this date. Victor Brener, Garibaldi. f N.W. M and ' •' E. \ ‘ i of N.W. Y’ou are. therefore, further notified Arthur Davis, Rockaway, Ore. to the that the said allegations will be ( of S.W. sec- 2 I, T. 1 S., 18 v Chas. Fonger, Rockaway. !. 9 W.. 40 acres taken by this office as having been W. T. Newcomb, Rockaway. a M Leach, Tract No 341. confessed by you, and your said j R. T. BO ALS, M.D., E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. or further description see entry will be canceled thereunder: The B. S. Thompson, Garibaldi. •act book in Assessor’s without your further right to be Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. heard therein, either before this iffice Page 178. sec. 34, T. & SURGEON, office or on appeal, if you fail to S., R. 9 W., 25.20 acres ... 99 m J. !• McCormick, Garibaldi. I PHYSICIAN A. G Krumlauf, Garibaldi. a M. Leach. Tract No. 342. “ file in this office within twenty Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. ror further description see days after the fourth publication of ' TILLAMOOK. Frank Buckles. Garibaldi. the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland this notice, as shown below, your ract book in Assessor’s E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. answer, under oath, specifically 1 with going limit 15 days. Final return limit October 31st. iftice. Page 176, sec. 34, T. Tillamook Block. meeting and responding to these 5., R. 9 W., 35 acres......... •xi 95 L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. Sale Dates. allegations of contest, or if you fail 1., McCowell. Tract No. 743. C. V Stoker, Garibaldi. within that time to file in this ror further description see April 25, 26, 27. July 2, 3, 6. 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. office due proof that you have ract book in Assessor’s May 2 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17. 18, 22, 23. 26, 29, 30 and 31. Chas. R. Gatchet, Garibaldi. served a copy of your answer on 1 iffice. Page 248, sec. 31, T. M. KERRON, 24 and 29 August 1. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15. 16, 22. Andy Hayden Garibaldi. the said contestant either in person 2.47 5., R. 10 W., 2.86acres.... June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13 14. 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 2», 30 anil 31. J. Sa'm Johnson, Garibaldi. or by registered mail. If this ser- j D. Olds, E ttof S.E. Vi, sec. 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. ........... 4, 5. 6. 7. 11, 12 - and 30. . September Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. vice is made by the delivery of a 0, T. 2 S., R. 9 W., 80acres; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. copy of your answer to the con | Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th. ots3and4, sec. 11, T. 2 S.. testant in person, proof of such I 1. 9 W., 62.51 acres ......... 15.20 Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. Newport — Yaquina Bay. Tillamook Block, Win. Dowd, Garibaldi. service must be either the said con 1 Offcers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from nes Tone estate. S.E. Vi of W. II. Derby, Garibaldi. testant’B written acknowledgment' .W. Vi, sec. 3, T. 2 S., R. 10 all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor Tillatncok, of his receipt of the copy, showing Oregon. 1.05 Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. A’., 40 acres........................... Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi. the date of its receipt, or the afli amusements and all the delights of the seashore. S. Phelps. Lot 6. Less sold, H. S. Henitt, Garibaldi. davit of the person by whom the ec. 6, T. 2 S., R. 10 W., 2 delivery was made stating when The New P.R. & N. Beaches. 1.65 J. H. Smith, Garibaldi. hawk Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. and where the copy was delivered ; Mins. Lot 4, sec. 30, T. 3 S., Tillamook, Garibaldi (Bayocean), Brighton, Manhuttan and Rock­ M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. if made by registered mail, proof I }. 9 W., 45.93 acres; Loti C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. of such service must consist of the j away, Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach md N.E. M of N.W. «ec. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. affidavit of af the the person person by by whom whom the the 1 j 1, T. 3 S.. R. 9 W., 85.88 and Bay City will open a new field for a summer outing. Low « ml Japruis Oellig, Garibaldi. copy was mailed staging staring - when and , PHYSICIAN * SURGEON, |s..<. ol OrqR.. rm., Round Trip Fares from all points in Oregon. State of Oregot C. Kellow Tract No. 618. Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East mook, SS. tor further description see ract book in Assessor’s I, J. J. McCormick, being first duly accompanied by the postmaster’s BAY CITY, OREGON, Bound Excursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, or write to sworn, say:—That I am one of the receipt for the letter. iffice. Page 369, sec. 32, T> JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, You should state in your answer above named, and have read the S., R. 9 W.. 22.50 acres ; foregoing petition; that all the facts the name of the poet office to which i.E. Vi of S.E. V4Z. Less sold, Portland, Oregon. you desire future notices to be sent R. BEALS, and statements therein contained ec. 32, T. 4 S., R. 9 W., 17.50 Ear Ca/f/bcnfa Raisins, Raisin Day, April 3Oth. to you. ......................................... ■■ •; 4.00 and set forth are true as I verily H. F H igby , Register. believe, and to my best knowledeg C. Kellow. N. V4 of S.W. J. C. A rdrey , Receiver. and belief. i andS.E. Vi of N.W. Ji, sec. REAL ESTATE, Date of first publication April 4, “ 1, T. 4 S., R. 9W., 120 acres. 5. OP J. J. M c C ormick . Subscribed and sworn to before 1912 ; date of second piiolication S. Phelps, Netarts Bay F inancial A gknt , / April 11, 1912 ; date of third publi­ 661 me this 28th day of March, 1212. ’ark. V4 lot, Blk. 1 ............. cation April 18, 1912 ; date of fourth S. Phelps, Netarts Bay [ seal ] T. B. H andley , publication April 25, 1912. Tillamook, Oregon. 66 Notary Public for Oregon^ 'ark. Vi lot, Blk. 2............... N otice is F urther H ereby S. Phelps, Netarts Bay ark. Lots 6 to 9, Blk. 2. . 1.32 G iven ,—That said petition will be » r t ■ called up for action in the County S. Phelps. Netarts Bay J-y. P. J. SHARP, «J. P. HULiBN. Proprietor. 'ark. Lota 9 to 11, Blk. 3.. 1.24 Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, on the first day of May, 1912, and S. Phelps. Netarts Bay I ark. I-ota 1 to 8, Blk. 5.... 3.30 based on said petition; said A. C. Vogler, on said last named date, S. Phelps. Netarts Bay RESIDENT DENTIST, 83 will apply to said County Court for ark. % of lot. Blk. 6......... I Special Attention paid to Tourists. a license to lie granted to him, to S. Phelps. Netarts Bay Office acroaa the street fron* the Í rak. Lots 1 to 9, Blk. 18 . 2.97 sell within said Garibaldi Precinct A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation I Court House. and in the town of Lake Lytle there- H. C renshaw , .. spiritous, malt and vinous Y’ou like a little salt and pep- I Sheriff and Tax Collector of Dr. Wise’s office. liquors, fermented cider, commonly per—a little mustard —• little I Tillamook County, Ore. known as hard cider, for the period lemon extract—a little thia and I 'ated this March 21st, 1912. of one year from the date of said that to flavor your grub. Your ' license. cow, your steer, your hog under f harchet Dated this 28th da v of March, 1912. natural conditions woulrf have a Notice of Contractors. I . The Fashionable Tailor. A. C. V ogler . chance to get a bite of this, a bite ?aled bids will be received by of that and a bite of the other : Board of Directors of School qnmmntia thing and so get a variety in its strict No. 9, Tillamook, Oregon, aummuos feed. But under the unnatural Cleaning, Pressing and Repair* til 6 o’clock p.m., Saturday, In the Circuit Court of the State of condition in which you keep >ril 20th, 1912, for the erection and Oregon for the County of ing a Specialty. them, they get every day about mpletion of a High School build Tillamook. ) the same sort of stuff to eat A h j, according to plans and specifi- Tillamook County Bank, a natural consequence they get S» »re in Heins Photographic tioua prepared by Charles If. a corporation,Trustee, 1 "off their feed.” Even if they lrKffvaf. architect, Albany, Ore- Plaintiff, do not, their digestive organs Gallery. •n. All bids must be accom- vs. need the tonic effect which comes nied by a certified check payable E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. | from a variety of feeding stuffs. "School District No. 9, Tillamook. Sowle, Defendants.; Watkins’ Stock Tonic egon, ” for the sum of $250.00, as To E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. Sowle 1^ J. CLAUSSEN, Is a scientific preparation which ruarantee that the contractor will the above named defendants ; LAWYER, rnish an approved bond equal to In the name of the State of Oregon, not only improves the flavor of percent of the contract within You are hereby required to appear the feed you feed, but also sup­ 3 days after the awarding of the and answer the complaint filed plies that tonic element so needed $*ut«cher ¿bvtfkat. mtract. against you in the above entitled to make your live stock do their All bide must be made out on suit on or before the expiration of beat. 213 Tillamook Block, There is no longer any doubt ank proposals for the same, six weeks from the date of the first lanks furnished upon application I publication of this Summons, and about the need of a tonic for the T illamook * O rkgon . r the clerk or architect. Plana and if you fail so to appearand answer, modern domestic animal kept ■ecificationa may be seen at Tilla- for want thereof the plaintiff will under artificial conditions. Y’ou 00k, Oregon, or at the architect’a apply to the said court for the relief must give them something to flee. demanded in the complaint herein. help them digest their feed and J-jR. J. J. MURRAY, V.S,, The board reserves the right to The relief demanded is the fore- get the greatest good from ft. Cject any and all bide. closure of a certain mortgage ex- Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies By order of School Board No 9. ecuted and delivered by you to the this need. It makes the animal VETERINARY SURGEON illamook, Oregon. plaintiff in said suit on or about relish its feed more; it aids in H. T B ott », Chairman. August 12th, 1910, bearing »aid the digestion and assimilation AND DENTIST. A lva F ixut , Clerk date, to secure the payment of of the feed, and in addition to Registered and Graduate five promissory notes executed by that, it has a tonic effect upon you for $386.00 ea.h, bearing the the whole ayatero. Veterinary Surgeon. Your animals need a tonic of Mine date and payable respectfully Office : Commercial Stables, this kind. Watkins ’ Stock Tonic on or before I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years after that date, with interest after is not a secret preparation We Tillamook, Ore. Both phones. date at the rate of six per cent, per tell you the actual ingredients annum, which said mortgage con­ that are used in it. V oj know veyed to the plaintiff 40 acres of exactly what you are buying, and i land off th* East side of the West pound for |>ound it will go farther i ISAACSON, Wanted half of the South East quarter of and do more good than any other Section 4, in Township 2 South. stock tonic or so called stock • For sale cheap, X5 acres aix Range 9 West. W.M., except 2 acres food ever made. blocks from High School, iioad 11 { A Tillamook Dairy Ranch with VETERINARY SURGEON The Watkins Man will tie glad square out o* the South East corner room houae, with l>ath, toilet, improvements and »tock that $KiMi AND DENTIST, of said tract, all of the above tract to leave you a pail on trial, electric lights and all other modern to >1500 cash first payment will backed by the Watkina guarantee, of land being in Tillamook County. 1 conveniences. Also good barn, | buy. Place not to cost over Todd Hotel, Tillamook« Oregon, and for the recovery of a ! chicken peek and t75 0D cow. Wea- DeHverd by Waggo« and not over 5 miles from Tilla Formerly with the army transport judgment against you for the [ eon for .elling. poor health. Dis. Address Post ofHre i amount of said indebtedness. with Call on or write to J. If. Hatha ' mook City. B. K. ROBERTS Graduate of < hitario V atari sis re interest For the further sum of way, Tillamook. Oregon. .Box 227. Tillamook, Oregon. I College, rlasa 'VI. pQf^^LAND ClTld HILLSBORO H , C The Easter Rush Is On A. G. Beals Lumber Company Plan Your Vacation Now East—Seashore or Mountains SOUTHERN PACIFIC , The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Headquarters for Travelling Men. , Jones & Knudson. Mother knows she has made the test. illamook Baker's TILLAMOOK, ORE. Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla mook County.