Tillamook H«®dlìght» Äprii 4, r, DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardwarn, Tinware and China, Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Wliicli election will be held at® o’clock in the morning and will continue until 4 o’clock in the afternoon of eaid day. Dated this 5th day of April, wz T. B. H andley , City Recorder. State of Oregon 1 g§ County of Tillamook,) I. T. B. Handley, City Recorder of Tillamook City, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the notice of election given for a special election to be held in eaid city on April 12th, 1912, and that the respective ordinances named therein as set out in said notice and as published in said notice, have been by me compared with the originals of said ordi­ nances, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the origi­ nals of said ordinances and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and official seal as City Recorder this April 5th, 1912. T. B. H andley . City Re-order of Tillamook City, Oregon. Grange Meeting. ^2' Agents | for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. Í2: V Section 2. This Ordinance shall go into and be in effect upon the approval thereof by a majoritv of qualified electors of Tillamook City voting upon such question at an election to be ordered by the Com I mon Council, whereat the adoption <>r rejection of said Ordinance shall be submitted to said electors, and 101 .......... 102............ NO. YES. 103............ .............. NO. M. D. Boartman, 573 W. Main St., Helena Mont., gives an interesting account of his improved health through the use of Foiey Kidney Pills. After giving a detail account of his case, he says, “I am almost 79 years old and have spent hun­ dreds of dollars for rnedi-ines, but find I receive more benefit from Foley Kidney Pills, than from al) other medicines. Further particu­ lars sent on request.” Chas. I. Clough Co. Wm. I.. Cook, Prop, the Bee Hive Drug Store, Neihart. Mont., eavs the Belt Canon running from Belt to Neilhart is the most picturesque spot in all Montana. He writes, “1 recommend Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound to all my customers and am never disappointed. It gives the best results for coughs and colds of anything I sell.” Chas. I. Clough Co. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. F acquired by said Water commission, shall vest in and be tlie property of ill Tillamook city. No contract shall ity be mmle on behalf of Tillamook cit. by said Water commission, except by virtue of a resolution of said commission, nnd in making such contract, the President and Secre tary of said commission shall lie empowered by resolution to execute tlie HHine in tlie name ot the city and for and in lietuilf of tlie city ; Said Water commission shall have exclusive right, from time to tiaie, to fix water rates and charges MFtlie use of tlie water both by in - ■'dlvidii.il* and by Tillamook city, nnd it shall Imve tlie power and authority to adopt any and all rea­ sonable rules anil regulations witli reference to the use of water nnd the operation of water works. Said Water commission shall hav ’he right to begin, iiiaiiil.iin, defend nnd comprise suite and actions at law in the name of Tillamook city whenever necessary in order to carry out the purpose of its organ­ ization. Section 6. Tlie revenues derived by said Water Commission from the operation of the «-liter works and from taxation shall be applied to the payment of necessary operating and incidental expenses, and to the payment of the interest on tlie out ■Hunding water bonds of Tillamook City, to the nsceaaary repairs and extension of pipe lines, the general betterment ot tlie water works, and all surplus funds ahull lie paid into a sinking fund for the finer redempt­ ion of file outstanding wntci bonds of Tillamook City, and such sink­ ing fund may from time to time lie invested in interest lieu ring securi­ ties under the direction of said com- mission. Section 7. Tlie members of ■aid commisaion shall serve ns auch without compensation, anil lia member thereof during his term of office shall lie interested directly or indirectly in any contract in rela­ tion to, or in furnishing of any labor or material in tlie construc­ tion extension, operstion, mam tensnee, or repair of said water works All funds disbursed by said commission shall be paid out only on warrants drawn upon the trea surer of the commission und signed by the presideut unit secretary thereof in purauanco of authority given st a meeting of the coinmis aiun duly called and held. Section h. The secretary and the treasurer shall each keep hie re­ cords and nocounts in a compre­ hensive manner, and make a de- tailed report to the coiiiiniaaion when eo requested. AR such books mid papers shall be public records ami open to inspection by any citizen of Tillamook City, at anil during any and all reasonable bum lies» hours. And «aid commission «hall cause to lie tiled with the city council a detailed «tetmueut ot the receipt« and uiabureeiiient« of the conimianion, together with a state inenl ot tl>e|trauaai'tii>u ot its busi­ ness ter the preceding year, at least twenty days before the anuual city election. Section 9. Said commisaion is empowered to adopt such by law« as may Iw necessary to conduct its busiueaa. and ths city council shall pass such ordinances as the said commission may request that may be necessary for the enforcement of any ot its laws, rules mid regula lions Seclion ill Three ineinlwra c ■aid commission shall constitute a quorum tor the Iranuui lion ot bust- tie«« The said commission shall hold one meeting each month and if any member of said com tin salon shulltail Io allend two consecutive regular monthly meetinga ui tlie lomimsaion he shall tie considered Io have resigned hie position on said commission, and a vacancy shall be deemed to exist without further ar tion of Hie commission. Section It. That an Act emitted “Au Act to create a Waler CemiHis »ion Im Tillamook City. Oregon, tc prescribe Its iMiwers amt duties nnd tlie inrthod ol its |Mrr|*vlustl<>n, and declaring mi emergency,” filed in the office of tlie Secretary ot Mate February 22. IWXk tic mid tlie same is hereby repealed. Tlie Fairview Grange meets on Thursday, April 11th. Mrs. D olph T innerstet . Sec. upon the issuing of a proclamation bv the Mayor declaring the adop­ tion thereof, if the same be adopted at said election. That tlie number and form in which the ballot title for eaid ordi­ nances will he printed on the off!- You will look a good while before cial ballot is as follows: you find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamber­ lains’« Cough Remedy. It not only “Referred to the legal voters of gives relief-it cures. Try it when Tillamook City by the Common you have a cough or cold, and you Council. are certain to be pleased with the Shall Ordinance No. 234 to amend prompi cure which it will effect, the Charter of Tillamook City be en­ .-or sale by all dealers. **TK acted? (Changes present charter provisions by providing for tax by Don’t be surprised if you have an Council of not exceeding 10 mills attack of rheumatism this spring. for general purposes and not ex Just rub the affected parts freely ceeding 10 mills for street purposes; with Chamberlain’s J.iniment and giving council full authority as to it will soon disappear. Sold by all intoxicating liquors, over gunpow­ dealers. der and explosives and adding sub­ divisions 30 to 49 inclusive extend ing the general police powers of the council to provide for the peace, good order, health, cleanliness, or ■lament, prosperity and general wel­ ToSUCCESSy fare of the city.) "Referred to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common Council. Shall ordinance No. 235 to amend the Charter of Tillamook City lie en acted ? (Amends charter so as to provide for making street improve­ ments, construction of sewers, etc. at expense of abutting property with­ out requiring the giving property owners 30 days time fo do the im­ provement, if the council so deter­ mine, and providing for notice of assessments for improvements after same are made, making more ape cific provisions for procedure to insure regularity.) l^aOraionSjomefliiilfag Builders of Home* Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates areREALNoneyMakers Send for Booklet 604 5 0 Corbett Bldg Portland Ora ’’Referred to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Common Council. “Shall Ordinance No. 236 to amend the charter of Tiliamock City be enacted ; (Amends present charter by allowing issuance of bonds for water, lights, drains or sewers, by vote of the people ¡making limit of indebted­ ness $190,000.00, outside of improve­ ment bonds made a Charge against property specially benefited by the improvements). WOMEN Women of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinioas, highly "Referred to the legal voter« of Tillamook City by tlie Common Council. Shall ordinance No. 237 to amend the Charter of Tillamook City be en­ acted? (Amends charter bv pro. viding that the Recorder, Marshal, Attorney, Street Commissioner and Surveyor ahull be appointed by the Mayor and hold at hie pleasure. Charter now provides that Recorder and Marshal anal! I»e elected, other officers named appointed by Mayor with consent of Council.) ■te praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham* berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets Throoghoot the many stages of woman’s life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother­ hood to the declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med­ icine. Chamberlain’s Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. "Referred to the legal voters of Tillamook City by the Corninoti Council. 4 Shall ordinance No. 238 to amend the Charter of Tillamook t’ity lie en­ acted ! (llianges present provi­ sions of Chatter by removing Re­ TM*C I* *CT*O« . QUICK IM aievurt corder and Maruhal ft. tn list of «*»• FMtofit reltef from BACKACHg officers whose terms urc tor one KUMOrV sad BLADDER ’WOUBU, veur. ) Foley Kidney P •Referred to the legal voters of Tillamook City by tlie Commo* CouaciL Shnli ordinance No gw to »mend the chatter of Tillamook < ity lie en- acted? (Repeals present obsolete ■ barter provisions for asseaamewt by (. ity Recorder. roller turn ot taxes equalization etc; Re|>«ate fi «ter Lmiiuiiaaion Act of lufi aneech at Grand Rapids. Mich.. Feb. 11. 1911. he said: “Here, friends In Michigan, right on the northern frontier. I have the pecul­ iar right to say a word of congratula tion to you and to all of us upon the likelihood that we shall soon have closer reciprocal tariff and trade rela­ tions with the great nation to the north of us. [Applause.] And I feel bo pleased primarily because 1 wish to see the two peoples, the Canadian and the American peoples, drawn together by the closest ties on a footing of com­ plete equality of interest and mutual respect. [Applause.] I feel that it should be one of the cardinal policies of thia republic to establish the very Closest relations of good will and friendship with the Dominion of Can­ ada." [Applause.] In a speech before the Republican club of New York city, delivered at the Lincoln day dinner at the Wahiorf hotel on Feb. 13, 1911, he said: “I want to say how glad I am at the way in which the members of the club here tonight responded to the two ap­ peals mode to them to uphold the hand3 of President Taft, both in bis effort to secure reciprocity with Can­ ada and in his effort to secure the for tifleation of the Panama canal. “And in addition to what has been aald about reciprocity with Canada 1 would like to make this point: ft should always be a cardinal point in our foreign policy to establish the clos­ est and most friendly relations of equal respect and advantage with our great neighbor on the north. And I hall the reciprocity arrangement because it rep­ resents an effort to bring about a clos­ er, a more Intimate, a more friendly relationship of mutual advantage on equal terms between Canada and the United States." Gives President Credit At Sioux City. la., on Sept. 3. 1910. Mr. Roosevelt said: “I was particularly pleased «•Ith what the president (Tafti said I In hls tetter on the subject of the tariff com- mission A number of senators and congressmen have for some years ad- vocated this «» the proper method of dealing with tbe tariff, ................_____ and 1 am gllld that the country now seems awake mil to the Idea that a tariff commlMlon oft fen the only solution of the problem which la both rational and Insures the absence of jobbery. The president (Taft> from the beginning advocated this commission. • • • •There Is another feature of the tsr- iff law. and It points onr course In the right direction, the maximum and mln- twun provision, and here again I wish to potrt out that the wine of the pro- vision has depended largely upon the Slrelleot work done by the adminis­ tration in the negotiations with tbs Dominion of Canada, which were the ■oat difficult of all. and yet In my y- most Important because I es- *sa It of vital consequence that ws ^swld always bo on relations of the Mgheet friendship and jaxxt will with •■^great and growing neighbor tn the He Has Failed to Muster Votes. Can a man who disregards the whois Course of American history and tradi­ tion. spurred on by his personal aufbi- tlon, overcome the tremendous handi­ cap of the third term precedent and land himself in the White House! This is a question all Republicans are aBklng. All agree that no Ameri­ can has ever been able to do it and they can count on one finger the num­ ber who even had the hardihood to try it, and that only when spurred on by self-seeking politicians who posed as friends. People are asking themselves if this is not the condition in the pres­ ent campaign. Past performances are as valuable in the case of candidates as of race horses. How a candidate will run is best determined by notelng how he has run. Not a Strong Vote Getter. Despite a tremendous popularity in the past, Roosevelt has never been a remarkable vote-getter. Mr. Lr; an too, iB remarkably strong all over the country and has been for years, but everyone knows how he failed to mus­ ter the votes. When Roosevelt was elected to the presidency, he ran against a weak opponent Judge Par­ ker did not have the support of his own party in that election. But what RouBevelt has done sine**, and indeed very recently, in vote­ getting is more significant than his former campaigns. Results of the last election speak louder than any­ thing else. In New York, where the personality of the ex-president actually overshad­ owed that of Mr. Stimpson, the repub­ lican candidate for governor, a demo­ crat waB elected by a majority of 67,- 000. In Indiana, where Mr. Roosevelt made a whirlwind campaign in his effort to save the state and re-elect B 1311 by American Press Association. PRESIDENT TAFT. his Intimate friend and would-be run­ ning mate, Senator Beveridge, the democratic candidate was elected 'y a majority of 12,000. His Attacks Helped. In Connecticut, Mr. Roosevelt at- tacked the democratic candidate for governor, but he was elected by a ma­ jority of 2,700. In New Hampshire, where Mr. Roosevelt's friend and champion, Robert P. Bass, was elected, the vote fell off 12,000 as compared with the majority given to Mr. Taft in 1908. As further evidence that Mr. Roose­ velt's star is waning, may be cited the fact, that the announcement of the Rosevelt candidacy for the third term did not evoke throughout the couulry anywhere near the predicted enthus­ iasm. In fact, the big shout that was supposed to follow the throwing of T. R’s hat into the ring was notlceai ly absent, from Massachusetts to Ore­ gon. In many places it never rose above a whisper. COMMENT ON ROOSEVELT A Day of Repentance Ahead (From the Baltimore American, Rep.) Some day Roosevelt will be sorry be over want to Columbus. As Inconsistent as He. (Prom the Detroit Free Press) It looks now as though the colonrl In apt to learn that many people do not vote aa they cheer. Befouled His Honor And Word. (From the Burlington (la.) Gazette. Dem.) At tooox Falls. 8. D.. oo the same His ambition has made mincemeat Roosevelt said of any common sense he ever owned. ■* that the present tariff His honor and his « ord are befouled. law» is better than the last tewi and considerably better A Heavy Handicap. ■•e before the last (McKinley (From the Detroit Free Press, Indi.) It has certainly failed to give satisfaction The third term isue is a tremendou» we quotation« from Mr. handicap for the republicans to as­ ■peochta It la therefore ap- sume It Is our own honest ballet there can be no choice aa that it will outweigh all possible gala ***•*« Taft and Mr tUsas- Mr. Roosevelt ran show over Mr. Ta-t ........ 11» Mtjr eUar-wag.