Tillamook Headlight, April 4, 1912. Election Notice draius and sidewalks. ARTICLE II. snd appropriate money for that pur­ or construction within the said 30 days, XI, containing Sections 1 to 3 inclusive, 25. To establish tire companies pose ; and to establish and alter the the common council shall then proceed providing for the application of the in­ Section 3: There shall also be elected i and regulate the same, apropriate grade of any street, or any part there­ to make such improvement, alt rations, | itiative and referendum principle to or appointed as hereinafter provided, ~ ! muucy tneretor, appoi aPPu*nt S’* war- of, and to improve the sidewalks, pave­ or repairs, or construction, and assess said city charter, and a ithorizing the mayor, recorder, marshal, treasurer, N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That dens and prescribe the heir duties. the cost thereof as provided in Sections I said city to create an indebtedness for streets and parts of streets attorney, street commissioner and sur­ on the 12th day of April, 1912, at the 26. 7 To restrain and prohibit in­ ments. the — restrain and city limita, making full or 6.7 and 8 of this Article; provided, I water works, light plants, and aewer- veyor. who shall be officers of the mu­ City Hall, in Tillamook City, in the toxication, fighting and quarreling, within that all the cost of such improvements, | »Ke purposes, and to levy a tax to pay nicipal corporation. Each member of partial improvements thereof, and to County of Tillamook. State of Ore or any unlawful or indecent act or establish a system of sewerage, and to alterat’on, or repairs, or construction, | the same, and the interest thereon’.filed gon, a special election will be held practise, and to define what shall construct and repair drains ana sewers; mav be ordered by the common council I in the office of the Secretary of State the common council shall be elected by at which there will be submitted to constitute the same, and to punish and it has full power to determine and to be paid in whole or in part thereof February 11th, 1903, be and the same the qualified electors of the ward of the citv which he represents, and the mayor the qualified electors of Tillamook any person guilty teereof. is hereby amended so as to read as and treasurer shall be elected by the provide for everything necessary and out of the general funds of the city. City. Oregon, for their adoption or To prohibit the carrying of convenient to the exercise of the autor- Section 6: That Section 8 of Article follows: qualified electors of the city. The rejection the following Ordinances deadly weapons in a concealed man- herein granted, including the the VII of an Act entitled “An Act to in-1 Section 3: The common council of recorder, marshal, attorney, street oroviding for amendments of the I ner, and to punish anyone guilty ity power to levy and collect special assess­ corporate the City of Tillsmook City, 1 Tillamook City shall have full power commissioner and surveyor shall be City Charter of said Tillamook City, thereof. ments on property specially benefitad in Tillamo ik County, State of Oregon, and authority to provide by ordinance by the mayor, and shall hold to-wit: 28. To regulate and prohibit the by doing of any of said matters or and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in ! for the purchase, erection, construc- appointed office during his pleasure. use of guns, pistole and fireams, things, for paying the costs and ex­ conflict herewith,” filed in the office of tion, maintenance and operation of a their ORDINANCE NO. 234. Section 2: All amendments, or at­ An ordinance to amend section 2 of firecrackers, bombs and detonating penses of the same, or any portion the Secretary of State February 13th. j complete system of water works, el- tempted amendments of the section an act entitled “An act to in­ works of every description. thereof, as herein provided; provided 1893, be and the same is hereby amended ; ectric or gas light plant or plants, to hereby amended, and all acts or ordi­ 29. To control and regulate wash that all public highways and roads now so as to read as follows: corporate the City of Tillamook I- create —»- « a sewer d,.»«.nt district . or d.str.rta districts nances. or parts thereof, in conflict City, in Tillamook County, State houses and public laundries, and within the corporate limits of said city Section 8: When the cost of the im- within said city, to put in and main- are hereby repealed. of Oregon, and to repeal all acts to provide for their exclusion from become Btreets and snbiect to the super­ provement, alteration, or repair has tain » sewer system or systems or herewith Section 3: This ordinance shall go or partB oi acts in conflict here­ the city limita or any part thereof. vision and control of the common coun­ uren been asceriaineu, ascertained, anu and me the proportionate drain for said city, and to ------ make the --- into and be in effect upon the approval 30. To determine and prescribe cil. with,” filed in the office of the share thereof has been assessed as pro- cost of such drain, or sewer, or any thereof by a majority of the qualified Secretary of State February 13th, bv ordinance the number and size Section 2: That Section 2 of A rtiele vided in Section 6 preceding, the recor- ! part thereof, a charge or lien upon the of Tillamook City voting upon 1893, as originally passed and of all places of entrance and exit to VII of an Act entitled “An Act to in­ der shall enter a statement thereof in abutting or adjacent property within electors such auestion at an election to be or­ ipel as amended or attempted to be and from all public halls, churches, corporate the City of Tillamook City, the docket of the City liens as provided said sewer district, and to compel the »»id com] ds, and dered oy the common cou cil, whereat amended by any subsequent theatres, schools, and all other in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, in the-next section. Notice of such connection of closets, cess-pools, buildings used for public gather and to repeal all acts or parts of acts assessment shall be given by publica­ drains with said sewer or sew. rs, and the adoption or rejection of said ordi­ act or ordinance. nance shall be submitted to said elec­ The people of Tillamook city do ings ; also to prescribe the manner in conflict herewith”, filed in the office tion in one issue of a newspaper pub­ to borrow money upon the credit of the tors. and upon the issuing of a proclam­ of hanging doors thereto. ordain as follows : of the Secretary of State February 13th, lished in Tillamook City, or by posting city therefor by issuing bonds, or ation by the Mayor declaring the 31. To define who are common 18c3, be and the same is hereby amended such notice in three public places in otherwise ; provided, that no indebted­ Section 1. That section 2 of Art­ thereof, if the same be icle IV of an Act entitled "An act drunkards ; to prohibit the Bale or so as to read as follows: ness of the said city other than im­ adoption said City. adopted at said election. to incorporate the city of Tillamook giving of any intoxicating liquor or Section 2: No improvements, or al­ Section 7: That Section 9 of Article provement bonds issued for improve­ City, in Tillamook County, State of liquors to any such common terations, or establishment of any VII of an Act entitled "An Act to in­ ments, the cost whereof shall be ORDANINCE NO. 239 Oregon,” filed in the office of the drunkard, and to fix the penalty grade, or improvement of any street. corporate the City of Tillamook City, in charged against the » property specially Secretary of State February 13th, therefor. creat­ An Ordinance to repeal Article IX of Bidewalk, or pavement, or the construc­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon, benefited thereby, shall ever be créât- an Act entitled “An Act to in­ 3 -. To license, tax and regulate tion of any sewer mentioned in the pre­ and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in ed wich shall in the aggiegate exceed 18IKI, be and the same is hereby corporate the City of Tillamook amended so as to read aa follows: market houses and places. ceding section to be (tone at the ex­ conflict herewith”, filed in the office of the amount of 8150,000.00; provided City, in Tillamook County. State 33. To regulate,. licence, tax or pense of the property specially benefited the Secretary of State February 13th, further, that no ordiance for the pur­ Section 2. The Common Council of Oregon, and to repeal all Acts shall have power within the limits prohibit the keeping of stallions thereby, can be undertaken or made 1893, be adk the same is hereby amended chase, erection, construction, mainte­ or parts of Acts in conflict here­ and other animals kept forbreeding without seven dayr’ notice thereof be­ so as to read as follows: of Tillamook City. nance or operation of any syBtem of with”, filed in the cffice of the 1. To make by-laws and ordin­ purposes. ing first given by one publication in a Section 9: The docket of city liens water works (other than the water Secretary of State February 13, 31. To |control and regulate the newspaper published in Tillamook C’ty, is a book in which must be entered, in sysetm now owned by the city) electric ances not in conflict with the laws 1893,and to substitute therefor a of this state or of the United States, ipauuer of constructing awnings or by posting a notice in three public puisiance of Sections 6, 7 and 8 of this or gas light plant, or for the issuance new Article IX on Water Com­ and make all necessary provisions i and advertizing signs and side places in said city, except as in this Article, the following matters in rela­ of any bond of the city (other than im­ mission, Its Powersand Duties; walks, and to compel repairs act otherwise provided. for carrying- them into effect. tion to assessments for improvement, provement bonds issued for improve­ and to repeal an Act entitled 2. To levy taxes, not to exceed and changes in signa, awnings and Section 3: That Section 3 of Article alteration or repairs, or construction of ments, the cost whereof shall be “An Act to create a Water Com­ ten mills, for general purposes, and sidewalk already constructed at the VII of an Act entitled "An Act to in­ streets, alleys, sidewalks, pavements charged against the property specially mission for Tillamook City, Ore­ benefited thereby) shall ever be in for street purposes, uot to exceed cost of the owner or owners thereof. corporate the City of Tillamook City, or sewers: gon, to prescribe its powers and 35. To control and regulate the in Tillamook County. State of Oregon, ten mills upon each dollar, per 1. A particular designation of the lorce or effect, except and until such duties and the method of its ordinance Bhall be first adopted by a annum, upon all taxable property manner of setting out ornamental and to repeal all acts or parts of acts tract of land assessed. perpetuation, and declaring an within the corporate limits of xilla- trees and shude trees] within the in conflict herewith”, filed in the office 2. The name of the owner, or r puted majority vote, of the legal voters of emergency”, filed in the office of mook City, and the street taxes for streets or public property, or parks of the Secretary of State February 13th, owner thereof, or the words said city voting upon said question, at the Secretary of State February said City that may be collected by of the city. 1893, be and the same is hereby amended “Unknown owner”, if the name a legally called and held election in 22. 1905. 36. To regulate and control the so as to read as follows: 1 said city, at which such ordinance Bhall the County Tax Collector and paid of the owner is unknown. of Tillamook City Do Or­ over to the County Treasurer of construction and location of all tele­ Section 3: Such notice must be given 3. The sum assessed upon such tract be submitted for adoption or rejection The People dain as follows: by the voters, of said city. Tillamook County, Oregon, shall be graph, electric-light and telejJhone by the Recorder by order of the Com­ of land, and the date thereof. Section 1. That Article IX of an Section 2: This ordinance Bhall go paid over to the Treasurer of Tilla­ lines and telegraph, telephone and mon Council, and must specify with 4. A brief statement of the improve­ entitled ” An Act to incorporate mook City for use upon the streets electric light poles, and all electric convenient certainty the street, alley, ment, alteration, or repair for into and be in effect from and after Act the City of Tillamook City, in Tilla­ and highways of Tillamook City, and other apparatus for lighting sidewalk, pavement or sewer, or the which such assessment is made. its approval by the qualified electors mook County, State of Oregon, and to which shall be under the jurisdic­ streets, parks and public buildings part thereof proposed to be improved Section 8: That Section 11 of Article of Tillamook City at a special election tion of the Common Council, and of the city, and the laying of or constructed, or of which the grade VII of an Act entitled “An Act to in­ to be held in said city on the 12 day of repeal all Acts or parts of Acts in con­ flict herewith ” filed in the office of the citizens and -property within water, sewer und gas mains and is proposed to be established, or altered, corporate the City of Tillamook City, April, 1912, immediately upon procla­ said City shall be exempt from the pipes and conduits for electric light, and the kind of improvement which is in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, mation declaring the same to be ad- the Secretory of State, February 13, same taxes for County road pur­ telegraph and telephone wires. proposed to be made, and the time when and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in opted, if the same be adopted at said 1893, and the same is hereby repeal­ 37. To control the manner of con­ the council will hear and determine ob­ conflict herewith”, filed in the office of election, being issued by the Mayor of ed, and that there is hereby substituted poses. therefore a new Article IX, on the 3. To license, tax and regulate structing and location of street car jections and remonstrances thereto, if the Secretary of State February 13th, said City. Water CommsBsion, Its Powers and auctioneers, hawkers, peddlers, liqee, the manner of operating the any. 1893, be and the same is hereby amended Duties, which shall read as follows showmen, threatrical and other ex­ same and to fix the rate of fares Section 4: That Section 4 of Article so as to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 237 ARTICLE IX. hibitions, except such as are con­ thereof. VII of an Act entitled “An Act to in­ Section 11: If within fifteen days An Ordinance of _______________________ 4 to Amend Section Water Commission; Its Powers and 38. To control and regulate the corporate the City of Tillamook City, from the publishing of notice of tne ducted for charitable or eleemosy­ Article II of an Act Entitled Duties. nary purposes, billiard and pigeon manner in which public carriages in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, assessment of such cost, the sum as­ "An Act to Incorporate the City Section 1. There is hereby con- hole tables, pool tables, bowling al­ operate and manage their convey­ and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in sessed upon any tract of land, together of ui Tillamook x luniuuun x-ivy, City, in ill Tillamook um/n stituted a board to be known and leys. truckmen and expressmens’ ances, hacks, coaches, wagons, conflict herewith”, filed in the office of with the cost of docketing, be not County, State of Oregon, and to recognized under the name, ___ ____ ,_ style and wagons, livery horses and buggies, carta, drays, omnibuses or other the Secretary of State February 13th, wholly paid to the city treasurer, and a Repeal All Acts or Parts of designation of the Water Commission hacks or otner means kept for hire. vehicles; to fix the maximum rate 1893, be and the same is hereby amended duplicate receipt therefor filed with the Acta in Conflict Herewith,” filed of Tillamook City, Oregon. 4. To license, regulate, restrain to be charged for the use of the so as to read as follows: recorder, the common council shall in the office of the Secretary of Section 2. Said Commission shall or prohibit the sale of spirituous same; to direct the shape and width Section 4: Tl.e council, at the time thereafter order a warrant for the col­ State February 13, 1893, and any consist of five members, none of whom liquor, brandy, wine and all fer- of the tires of the same, and to tax specified in said notice, or at such other lection of the same to be issued by the Amendments Made, or Attempt ­ shall at the same'time be members of mented and malt liquor, beer and and license all persons engaged in time they may adjourn the hearing, recorder and directed to the marshal. ed to be Made of Said Section by the common council of the city, and ale, barrooms, drinking shops and operating the same. shall hear and determine all objections Section 9: That Section 16 of Article Ordinance or Otherwise, and to each of whom shall be a resident of 40. To build culverts, bridges and or remonstrances which may be made VII of an Act entitled “An Act to in­ tippling houses. Repeal all Ordinances, or Parts of and a tax-payer on real property of 5. To regulate, by the adjacent property holders or tax­ corporate the City of Tillamook City, in _ . and control , tbe sewers. Ordinances, in Conflict Herewith. said city, and shall consist of one 40 To provide water for the city, payers, and after ;said hearing (the Tillamook Cojnty, State of Oregon, storage of gunpowder, giant pow­ der, dynamite, nitro-glycerine, and both for public and private use and council shall determine by resolution and to repeal all acts or parts of acts The People of Tillamook City Do Or­ member from each of the wards of said city, untill such time as the wards dain as Follows, other explosive and combustible to charge and collect a reasonable whether or not the improvement of the in conflict herewith”, filed in the office 1: That Section 4 of Article if said city shall be changed, but a materials; the use of lamps and price therefor. street, alley, sidewalk, or pavement, I of the Secretary ot State February 13th, II ¡Section of an Act entitled “An Act to in­ change of the boundaries of the wards 41. To purchase, take and hold or the alteration or establishment of 1893. be and the same is hereby amended other lights in shops, stables and corporate the City of Tillamook City, of sail city during the term of office others places ; to prevent, remove real estate when sold for city taxes, the grade, or the construction or repair 1 so as to read as follows: Tillamook county, County, state State oi of vregon, Oregon, of a member of said commission shall in Th» in nuamooK or secure any fireplace, stove, stove or for any improvements ordered of the sewer specified iu said not’ce such warrant Shill immediatel? issue a ^^PV.rewi’th^’fil^'ii the‘of’ not effect his tenure of office. pipe chimney, or other apparatus by the common council, and to sell shall be made; provided, said determin­ Section 3. As soon a s practical which may be dangerous in causing and dispose of the ;same. ation shall be made within two weeks the1‘Iro^ertv sold ^Vbn^ther Tn\hat1 fice of the Secreta,7 of State February after the taking effect of this act, the 42. To punish persons who leave of hearing objections fires, and to regulate the manner of That Section of Article tte s'am^is m^ubject ?o rodem pt on i I3’ L833’. A a'aTno^^ present to said 5 notice. Water Commission of Tilla­ building partition and party walls horses, mules or other domestic Section 5: mook City, Oregon, shall hold a meet­ „„,i «K»« « » deed ...:n'i,„ I amenueo so as to rcaa as ionows: i-t m in. .nd dth2 will mb»r«h»? h» .¿„J _ animals in the streets or alleys. and fences. VII of an Act 1 «nt.tied entitled "A„ “An Act to in ­ 1 bv th“nd Th« »v I amended Section 4: The read term of follows. office of the ing and shall select from among their 43. To prevent cruelty to ani­ corporate the City of Tillamook City, 6. To suppress,' restrain and pro­ members, one < ommissioner from each hibit bawdy and assignation house, mals, and the leaving of then ex­ in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, ward of the City and decide by lot the houses of ill fame and prostitution, posed unreasonably to severe and and to repeal all acts or parts of acts length of the term of each Commission­ gaming and gambling houses, and .nclemcnt weather within the limits in conflict herewith”, filed in the office er so selected, one to Berve one year, to define and declare by ordinance of the city'. of the Secretary of State February 13th. one two years, one three years, one 44 To permit, allow and regulate 1893, be and the same is hereby amended h.vteLd J what shall constitute the same. hv m J tempted amendments, and all ordina- four years and one five years from the 7. To license and tax the keeping the laying down of the tracks for so as to read ns follows : mnrtM. 8 nn v nr un v nee »> or P “ rt ® ot Ordinances in Con next HIHlUai annual City city UlfUllUn.HIlU election,and inerCHIWr thereafter UrUlIlMIlUtiM 111 CUII* IlfAl street cars and other railways upon mortcacfi1 r»« on »ka tne nronertv. A- nr „„„ nnv nnrt DCCII, Or DM I . US UI .... of dogs within the city. Section 5: In all cases where the mnrtrrorrn herewith, shall be and ... the same there shall be elected, by the qualified 8. To provide for the general such street or streets as the council common council shall adopt a resolution thereof* senaratete Zl/’mav redeem Aict are hereby repealed. I electors of such ward, one Commis- peace, welfare and health of the may designate. for the improvement, alteration, repair d 1 Section 3: This ordinance shall go sioner, to succeed the retiring Com- 45. To prevent or regulate public or construction of a street, alley, side­ nmvld?d in^he^ext «eitin?? eity. ™ Section 10* TH IS 1 oit mw A Ni’F 'nto »nd be in effect upon the approval missioner, for the term of five years. 9. To prevent, regulate, prohibit criers, ringing of bells, and all walk, pavement or sewer, to be done * Section 10: THIS ORDINANCE thereof by a majority of the qualified In case any of the present Water Com­ and remove nuisances and to de­ advertising noises, steam whistles, at the expense of the property to be shall go into and be in effect from and a electors of Tillamook City voting upon missioners from any ward decline to clare by ordinance what Bhall con­ the ringing of all bells, and to specially benefited thereby, whether in after its approval by the qualified elec­ such questions at an election to be serve on the new commission as hereby stitute the same, and to make the limit traffic within the limits of the whole or in part, the common council tors of Tillamook City at a special elec- r?" ¿J.’k'.aa’”;?.'Xl'ia «2,^.."*'”^2' Vmu ordered by the common council whereat organized, or in case of any vacancy expense of abating such a lien up­ city- shall, at tne same time and in the same dav trf ^nrH 1912 nn^n . “>• adoption or rejection of said ordi- occurring in the new Commission as 46. To provide for the cleaning resolution, provide for the manner of day of April, 1912, immediately upon a nance on the prooerty where it existed. ,utmiUed to said elect­ hereby organized, by death, resigna­ 10 To provide for lighting the and sprinkling ot - the Btreets und the making of said improvement, alter­ proclamation declaring the same to ; ors, and upon the issuing of a proclama­ tion, removal from the city, or other alleys. i streets and furnishing the city with ation, repair or construction, and may have been adopted, >f the same be 47. To prohibit ' persons from therein provide that said alteration, adopted at Baid election, being issued , tion by the Mayor declaring the wise, the mayor shall appoint a suitable electric and other lights. adoption thereof, if the same be adopted person from the proper ward to fill 12. To fix fines, penalties, and roaming at unreasonable hours, and improvement, repair or construction be by the Mayor. .such vacancy. at said election. forfeitures for the infractions of all to define what are unreasonable made by the owners of the lots, or | Section 4 : As soon as practical af­ ORDINANCE NO. 236. hours, and what constitutes roam­ other parcels of ground, abutting there- ordinances. ter the taking effect of this act and the 12. Ter define what shall constitute ing. onoradjacent thereto specially benefited An Ordinance to Amend Section 3 of ORDINANCE NO. 238. selecting and appointment of such com­ Article XI of an Act Entitled 48. To provide for the erection thereby within thirty days, under the vagrancy, and provide for the sup­ “An Act to Amend an Act En­ An Ordinance to Amend Section 3 of missioners as directed in the proceed­ port. restraint, punishment and em­ and maintenance of the city jail and supervision of the street commissioner, Article II of an Act Entitled ing section, said Commission shall titled ‘An Act to Incorporate the government and management of or it may provide that said improve­ ployment of vagrants. “An Act to Incorporate the City elect one of their members as Presi­ the City of Tillamook City, in 13. To appropriate money for city the same. ment. alteration, repair or construction of Tillamook City, in Tillamook dent. and one as Vice-President, and Tillamook County. State of Ore­ 49. H'o enact any and all such may be made by Tillamook City at the < penditureB, and to provide for the County, State of Oregon, and to they shall also appoint a Treasurer and gon. and to Repeal Ail Acts and payment of the debts of the city, ordinances, by-lawa and regulations expense of the property specially bene­ Repeal All Acts or Parts of Acts Secretary. The President shall preside, Parts of Acta in Conflict Here­ 14. To establish and regulate the not inconsistent with the constitu­ fited thereby, in which case the said in Conflict Herewith”, Filed in over the meetings of the Commission, with Filed in the Office of the fees and compensation of all officers tion or laws of thia state or of the improvement, alteration, repair or con­ the Office of the Secretary of in his absence the Vice-President shall Secretary of State February 13, of the city, except as otherwise United State«, as shall be needful struction may be made by contract en­ State February 13th, 1893, aa the preside. The term of office of the Presi­ 1893,* And to Repeal an Act En­ to the peace, good order, health, tered into by the Mayor by and with herein provided. Same is Amended by Section 2 of dent and Vice-President shall be for titled ‘An Act to Amend Sub­ 15. lo tax, regulate, or prohibit cleanliness, ornament, prosperity , the consent of the common council, or an Act Entitled “An Act to one year. The Secretary and Treasu­ division 13 of Section 2 of Article animals of all kinds from running and general welfare of the city, and i the same may be done, when ordered by Amend Sections 2, 3, 5 and 6 of rer shall hold their office during the IV of an Act Entitled an Act to secure the protection of persons I the common council, by the street com- at large within the city limits. Article II, and Section 2 of Arti­ pleasure of the Commission. The Incorporate the City of Tillamook ' mitsioner, who shall, if so ordered, em- 16. To provide for the survey of and property therein. cle III, and Section 1 of Article Secretary shall keep record of all the City, in Tillamook County, State Section 'Z This ordinance shall I ploy the necessary labor, procure the the blocks and streets, and alleys IV, and Section 17 of Article X of transactions of the Commission and of Oregon, and to Repeal All of the City, and for the naming of go into and be in effect from and ' necessary materials, and cause the said an Act Entitled, ‘An Act to Incor­ preform such other duties as the Com­ Acts in Cmflict Herewith, Filed after its approval by the qualified alteration, improvement, repair or con­ the_ streets. porate the City of Tillamook mission may require of him. The in the Office of the Secretary of 17. To license and regulate such electors '■ of Tillamook City at a struction to be made or done. No con­ City, in Tillamook County, S ate Treasurer shall be the custodian of the State February 13, 1893,’ Ap­ trades and callings, and employ­ special election to be held in said tract for such improvement, alteration, of Oregon, and to Repeal All water funds of the city, and pay out proved February 15, 1901, by the ments as in the judgment of the city on the 12th day of April, 1912, repair or construction shall be made Acts or Parts of Acts in Con­ and invest the same aa directed by the Addition Thereto of Chapter Common Council the public good immediaiely upon a proclamation without requiring the contractor to en­ flict Herewith’, Filed in the Office Commission. VIII, Article XI, Containing may require to be licensed and re­ declaring the same to have been ter into a good and sufficient bond for of the Secretary of State Febru­ • Sections. Said Commission shall, Sections 1 to 3 Inclusive, Provid ­ adopted, if the same be adopted at the carrying out of said contract, with gulated as are not prohibited by ary 13th, 1893”, Filed in the from and after its organization as ing for the Application of the In- said election, being issued by the sufficient surety thereon to be approved law Office of the Secretary of State herein provided, have the sole and itative and Referendum Princple by the Mayor, and snch contract may 18- To tegulate the use of side­ Mayor of Tillamook City. February 15th, 1901, as Amended exclusivecliargeot the construction, to said City Charter, and provide that the contractor shall main ­ walks and prevent the extension of or Attempted to be Amend'd by management, rnaintainance, con­ Authorizing the Said City to tain and keep in repair the improve­ ORDINANCE NO. 235. building fronts and house fronts Any Ordinance or Ordinauces, trol anil operat on of any water Create an Indebtedness for within the street line; but they An Ordinance to Amend Sections Num­ ment or construction made, or done by and to Repeal All Ordinances or system heretofore or herafler auth­ Water Works, Light Plants, and said contractor under said contract fou shall have no power to authorize bered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8, 9, 11 and 13 Acts, or Parte Thereof in Conflict orized by or for Tillamook City ; Sewerage Purposes, and to Levy the placing or continuing of any of Article VII of an Act Entitled such period, not exceding---- years as and it shall be the duty and pro­ Herewith. A Tax to Pay the Same, and the the common council may determine. encroachment or obstruction upon “An Act to Incorporate the City Interest Thereon, ” Filed in the The People of Tillamook City Do Or­ vince of said Water Commission to If the ¡common council shall deter ­ “ny street or siiewalk, except for of Tillamook City, in Tillamook represent and act for Tillamook Office of the Secretary of State dain as Follows: the temporary use or occupation County, State of Oregon, and to mine that the improvement, alteration, city with reierenee to any contract February 11th, 1903, As Origi­ repair ot construction ordered as pro­ Section 1: That Section 8 of Article or thereof during the erection or re- Repeal All Acts and Parts of contrails heretofore m ule or nally Passed and as Amafthed or II of an Aet entitled “An Act to incor- a building upon the adjac- / Acts in Conflict Herewith.” vided herein shall be done by the own­ Attempted to bp Amended by rorate the City of Tillamook City, in hereafter made try and on behalf or removal thereof. Filed in the Office of the Secre­ ers of the lots or other parcels of of Tillamook City in relation lo any any Subsequent Act or Ordinance. ¿19- 3To tax, regulate or prohibit ’ tary of State February 13th, ground abutting or adjacent to the im­ The People of Tillamook City Do Or­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon, system of water works, or in rela provement. ’ alteration, repair or con ­ and to repeal all acta or parts of acta in slaughter bouses within the city 1893, as Originally Passed and as tfie acquisition of real or person dain as Follows: conflict herewith”, filed in the office of to limits. Amended or Attempted to be struction ordered and specially benefited al property or any right« privilege, Section 1: That section 3 of Arti ­ thereby, notice of such requirement of the Secretary of State February 13, 2V. To regulate restrain and pro­ Amended by Any Subsequent Act the said property owners shall be given cle XI of an Act entitled “An Act to 1893, as the same is amended by Section or eaaement in relation to aucli ays hibit minors from being upon t'„e or Ordinance. by publication in a newspaper published amend an Act entitled. ‘An Act to in­ 2 of and Aet entitled “An Act to amend tern , to make any anil nil contracts streets, alleys or public place» <>( corporate Tillamook City, in Tillamook Sections 2, 3. 5 and 6 of Article II, and lust may become necessary or ex­ the city after certain hours of the rhe People of Tillamook City Do Or­ in Tillamook City, Oregon, for a period County. State of Oregon, and to re- Section 2 of Article III, and Section 1 pedient in reference t-> the construc­ dain as Follows: of not less than one issue, and requiring night. all acts and parts of acts in conflict of Article IV, and Section 17 of Article tion, inaiiitena-ice, repair, ext nsion Section 1: That Section 1 of Article said improvement, alteration, repair or Kai 21. To prevent and restrain any rewith, filed in the office of the Secre­ X. of an Aet entitled ‘An Act to incor­ or operation of such water system, riot, noise, disturtmoce or d roartier- VII of an Act entitled “An Aet to in construction to he made by said prop­ tary said Water commission tn behalf oi of State February 13th. 1893,' and b assembly in an street. I «ouse or corporate the City of Tillamook Qty, erty owners within 30 days from tn«- to repeal an act entitled ‘An Art porate the City of Tillamook City, in iillamook city aliall have tlu right place in tlie city. in Tillamook County . State of Oregon, date of the first publication of said to amend subdivision 13 of Section 2 of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, and |M>wer to exercise the right of XI To prohit.it I he us#- of pro­ and to repeal all octo and parts of acta notice, or by posting a like notice in Article IV of en act entitled an act and to repeal all acta or P»rta of acta eminent domain, tor the pur|M>se fane and obscene langun g.- on the! in conflict herewith”, filed in the office three public places in said Tillamook to Incorporate the city of Tillamook in conflict herewith’, filed in the office of condemning right of way, wafer streets, or in any putJic place- or# of the Secretary of State February 13th, City, requiring said work to be done City, in Tillamook County, Slate of of the Secretary of State February 18, rights, and such private properly assemblage in the city, and to de l 18M. be and the same is hereby within 30 days from the date of the Oregon, and to repeal all acts in con­ 1898”, filed in the office of the ifoere- aa may lie necesacry or convenient posting of said noiieas. If said owners tary of State February 15th, 1901, and in carrying on the buaimus ot said •hall Cunsti mte profane* attended so as to reed aa fellows: flict herewith, filed in the office of the and obscene la ng, sage, and tot Section 1: The common council is of lota, or other parcels ef ground, or Secretary of State February 13, 1893, ’ any amendment or attempted amend- commission. AH rights so obtain­ person guilty thereof.« authorized and empowered to lay set, any of them, shall tail to make such approved February 16, 1901, by the addi­ ment thereof, be and the same is here­ ed and the title to property, both by amended so as to read aa follows: reul and personal, wtm.ii may be establish, vacate, widen, extend and U. To establish a fire limn. tion thereto of Chapter VIll, Article i '* To establish grades for st tests a open streets and alleys in said city.