Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 04, 1912, Image 2

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    Tillamook H«adl*9ht> Hpril
Advertising Rate*.
been used for paying n leader,
we are going to make a sugges­
tion. bo as to save that expense,
that the boys appoint a board of
leaders from their own num­
bers for the time being.
business men are willing to
help, yet if the boys will help
themselves we believe they can
make good progress by select­
ing their own leaders, and in
that way obtain suits much
-ooner than by having to pay a
leader $75 a month.
L egal A dvertisements .
First Insertion, per line .... 8
Each subsequent insertion, line
Business and professional cards,
1 CO 1
1 month....................
5 00 I
Homestead Notices.......
. 10 00
Timber Claims.............
Locals per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch,
1 month..................................
All Resolutions of Condolence and
Lodge Notices, 5c. per line.
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
Notices, I-oat, Strayed or Stolen,
The principle theme at the
etc. tninimun rate, 25c. not exceed­
noonday lunch at the Tillamook
ing five lines.
Commercial Club on Wednes­
day was patronizing home in­
dustries and home businesses.
1.5« This is a matter which concerns
One year.............................. -
75 this city, for if all the trading
Six mouths......................................
Three month«..................................
was done at home there would
be much more business done
Entered as second class mail mat­ here.
Vice-President Shrode
ter July, 1888, at the post office at
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of hit the nail on the head when
he said that the business men
March 3. 1879.
were a little at fault in not pat­
ronizing one another as they
$bf ^illamooh Ijeabligbt, should, for if it was necessary
for the business life of the city
for the other fellow to patron­
ize home industries, the busi­
Editorial Snap Shots.
ness men should do the same.
| There are business men who
Everything looks good in , impress it upon editors to ad­
Tillamook County,as usual, and vocate patronizing home indus­
everybody should wear a broad tries, but when it comes to sup-
».mile on bis countenance.
porting the home newspapers
they fail to do so, and when it
With Attorney H. T. Botts in comes to printing,some of them
the Senate and Attorney T. B. .<end outside for their bill heads.
■nndley in the House, there is Business men should practice
K. doubt what Tillamook’s in- what they preach and expect
■ •rests would be well looked the newspapers to advocate.
But it was a get together and
a pull together meeting which
Not withstanding that there was held Wednesday where busi­
are quite a number of Roose- ness men could get in closer
v It and l.a Follette admirers in touch one with another and
thia county, they have about » traighten out all these defects
made up their minds that Taft which injure the business life
will be nominated and will be ' of a city. The lunch was a suc-
■ cess in every way. and every
• business man should participate
Somehow it did not look ex­ • in them in 'future, and help to
actly right for the City Council pull together for the city as a
This gives everybody
not to t>e represented by the whole.
Mayor and a full delegation of , an opportunity to state a grie-
Councilmen at the noon-day . vance if they have one or make
lunch and get together meeting i a suggestion for the betterment
| of business for the city. It is to
nt the Commercial Club.
l>e hope thnt the next noon-day
• lunch will have n much larger
We are doing our best to keep
j ittendanee, for business men
Bro. Trombley in the straight
cannot pull together until tbev
and narrow path, as he will not
j get together.
be under petticoat government
for the next few months. He is
entitled to one good credit mark, BITULITHIC PROVEN AID
but there is no telling when the
snap shot man will join him and
paint the town red -with boost’ Has been Agency to Advance
ing matter.
Science in Laying Modern
To The Voters of Tillamook
HITS To the Voters of Tillamook
I hereby announce myself as
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for renomination for the candidate for renomination for the
New Tillamook Railroad to
pear Friendly to Modern office of County Commissioner on office of County School Superintend­
Assist in Developing the
the Republican ticket at the pri­ ent, on the Republican ticket, at
Methods in Business.
County’s Resources.
the primary election to be held
Lumber rates from points on the
new Tillamook railroad to all com­
mon points in the East will be the
same as the rates applying from
Portland and other Coast cities, thus
giving the territory served by the
new road an opportunity of develop­
ing its timberand milling resources.
The Southern Pacific Company is
preparing a tariff that will go in ef­
fect soon after April 1. While the
rate on eastbound business will be
common with the Portlnnd rate, the
rate to San Francisco will be 50cents
a ton higher than the Portland rate,
because Portland lias the advantage
of water competition. However, if
the combination of local rates based
on Hillsboro to San Francisco is
less than the Portland rute plus 50
cents, the shipments will be made
on the lesser rate.
The probable effect of this rating
will be the early development of the
lumber industry in the Tillamook
district. A number of manufactur­
ers already are contemplating the
establishment of sawmills on Ne­
halem and Tillamook bays. Pro­
ducts of lumber also will take the
same rate from Tillamook and
points on the new road to the East
as apply from Portland.
Runs Across A. W. Severance
at North Yakima.
My Dear Headlight,—Here I come
from the sage brush country. Am
well and have a time all the time.
North Yakima reininJs me of Salem,
Ore. It claims 16,000 inhabitants
and I reckon they are here. The
country is treelees, except where
irrigation has been carried on, and
then they have very fine looking
fruit trees—apples, pares, apricots,
etc. The trees are fine, and if the
frost don't kill the blossom they
will have wonderful crops. One
large crop in three years is about
• he average. They allow you to
look over the fence, but ask you
from one to three thousand dollars
per acre for a home near the city.
Yesterday we had a dust storm.
They told me it was worse than
common, and it would take a hum­
mer to beat it. Dust the size of a pea
cut in eight pieces would strike you
in the face I hunted shelter, but
• he natives acted ns independent as
we do in Tillamook during a rain
storm. I concluded that they were
used to duet storms. I met A W.
Mayor Trombley, of Bay City,
During the past frw years, in Severance. We soon scraped up an
aspires to lx* joint representa­
tive, but as he fnile<l to desig which the largest measure of pro­ acquaintance. He naked me home
nnte the party he Itelotigs to in gress in building modern street nnd with him. and for fear he would not
insist on my going, ¡just went and
his petition to the Secretary of rond pavement has been accom­
had a splendid time. He has a fine
State, was he ushnmed of the
home just outside the city limits,
Democratic partv ? Two yenra agency performing ao great a part I
and he is a busy fellow. He has
ago the saloon advocates in this
some 25 acres in fruit, a law office,
city came nenr running him for adoption and satisfactory use is on
a fine horse and buggy, and his
sheriff on the Democratic ticket. the increase in all parts of the
country, including Canadian pro­ w.fe is looking after two pretty little
vinces, irrespective of climatic con­ girls. She is in the poultry busi­
We want tn say n good word ditions.
ness, three incubators running on
for the Southern l‘acide and to I I The adoption of Hitulithic pave­ full time. They are prosperous and
express our appreciation in tie­ ment increased last year over 1910 liappy, but they have not forgotten
half of the ¡»copte for giving Ml percent, mid this year over the old Tillamook or the friends they
Tillamook common |H*int rates year 1911 48 per cant.—Olympian. left there. We talked over old times
on lumber. This means much Olympia ________________
and the possibilities ahead for Till-
to the county, for it will enable
amookers The ex-Postmaster got
lumber to tie manufactured ami
suddenly silent and hesved a deep
Big Company Organised.
shipped by rail at a profit, as
The permanent organization of sigh, and remarked that hie health
•». Il as opening up the lumber
the Oregon Home Builders was af- was poor there and that was his
| tected thia week in Portland with a reason for leaving.
I have found places where they
capital stock of 811X1,000. The com­
We believe in Statement No. pany consists of the moat prominent ask as much for one acre as lOacres
1 but it should read that every men in the West. Thomas Prince of good land in Tillamook. After
candidate who fails to obtain is acting President. He is Vice- counting water coat, i>oseibility of
the nomination for the office he President of the Reed-Prince Mfg. crop failures and cheap fruit when
was running for should get in Co of Worcester, Mass., and is also they hit a big crop. I can say and
and help elect the peraou who heavily interested in Yamhill Coun­ tell nothing but the truth, that when
was successful in obtaining it. ty Walnut properties
Oliver K. l it comes to counting dollars Tilla­
That is nothing more than right Jeffry, prominent real estate man is mook is ahead, especially as we get
in a free race. But most every Vice-President. H. L. Keats Auto­ our cash each month while they
defeated candidate feels grouchy I mobile Co. in second Vice- Presi­ have to wait 12 months. I just set
and thinks it is the proper dent. W. A. King, formerly Presi­ that down as another feather in our
thing to “knife” the other fel­ dent of the First National Hank of caps. No, sir, my little home is not
Newberg. Oregon, will act as Secre- for sale. I am sun burnt have my
exes full of dirt, and I want a good
ta ry-Treasurer.
The senatorial race is practi­
In addition to there officers, the drink of water so bail that I dream
cally simmered down between Board of Directors consists of:— of those beautiful fountains on the
Senator Bourne mid Ben Sell­ Franklin T. Griffith, Chief Counsel west side of the Coast range.
ing, mid it would not surprise and Director of the Portland Rail­
We have not decided where our
us in the least to see Bourne way Light A Power Co,. C. J. , next meeting will be. Am having
lie ran conaidera Franklin General Supt Portland *'xxl •ueeeM ,or a plain old com-
bly below Ilia party vote when Railway Light A Power Co . W. B. mon fellow, and as long as 1 am
he was elected, and it wna the Shrively prominent Attorney. K H successful and my health permits.
support of the old line, or as Dodge. President Dodge Lumber 1 •hal1
on Regards to all.
Mime of our friends called them Co., and M. Peterson n well known I
C. H. W avnirk .
stand pat,” Republicans, who merchant of the Willamette Valley,
saved him from defeat by a formerly Mayor of Forest Grove,
Why He Woe Late
"What made you so late?"
small majority
Even should and ex-Vice-President of the First
“1 met Smithson.”
Senator Bourne obtain tbenom National Rank of that place
‘ AVell. that is no reason why you
iniition we are one of those who
should be an hour late getting'home
8.» RiinriM '
believe that he will he defeated
Vou will look a good while before ,O-*|Uk,VTS
I asked him how he
mi find a better medicine tor was i feeling,
—p >w. ‘ but
and he insisted on tell
I hen- i> u diapuaitiou on the lama’s i oUKh Remedy. It notoalv ing me about his stomach trouble "
"Did you tell him to take Cham
part id tlaae w ho arc interested gives relief-it cures.' Try it «lieti
in a bn ml to re-organise. That you have a cough or cold. and vou ber lai os Tableta?**
”3ure. that is what he needs.**
is a good uleu, but it takes are certain to he pleased with the Sold by all dealers.
money to make the tnnre go. For sale by ell dealers.
"My little son had a vere severe
Ptiere is plenty of material in
cold. I was recommended to try
this city to make <i giant Iwtiiii,
INm t t<e surprised if you have an Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
ua well na a desire oil the ¡nirt attack of rheumatism thia spring, before a small bottle had oeen finish­
of the musicians to get t<Mir lust rub the affected ¡»arts treely ed he was as well as ever ” writes
with^Chamberlaiii a ¡animent and Mrs. H. Silas, .V IVwing Street,
•her. As n large proportion of it
will soon disappear Sold by all Sydeny. Australia This remedí is
the money raised for bands have dealers
•or sale by all dealers
The Meda Co-operative Creamery
Co, has juBt made their payments
for February milk and the patrons
are rejoicing over the event.
Although the Meda Co-operative
Creamery Co. is hampered by the
high cost of transportation, and a
high cost of production, the price
paid was 58 cents per pound for
butter fat.
This is a record breaking price
and is highly gratifying to the pat­
rons and stockholders as it upholds
them in their contention that they
can operate more satisfactorily as
au indépendant concern than in
connection with the Association
under its present management.
This factory left the Association
in 1911 and passed through the sea-
son in such a satisfactory manner
that the stockholders decided to re­
main an indépendant operator.
A. D unn .
mary election to be held April 19th,
April 19th, 1912.
Respectfully yours,
If nominated and elected I will
W. S. B uel .
favor a liberal appropriation for
good roads, an economical expendi­
ture of the same, and an impartial To the Voters of Tillamook
distribution of the road funds to all
sections of the country.
Having served as Sheriff for sev­
eral years, I had intended to retire
H. V. A lley .
from office at the end of the present
To The Republican Voters Of term, but having been strongly
urged to stand for reelection by a
Tillamook County.
large number of voters who pledge
I, V. G. Jackson, do hereby place me their support, on their assur­
my name before the Republican ance that my conduct of the office
Voters of Tillamook County as a has been satisfactory to the tax­
candidate for nomination to the payers and people in general, I
office of County Surveyor in the have decided to become a candidate
coming Republican Primaries. and I hereby announce myself a
With my experience and knowledge candidate for renomination for the
of conditions in all parts of the office of Sheriff, on the Republican
county, I believe I will be able to ticket, at the Primary Election,
render good service to the people April 19th 1912.
If nominated and elected, I prom­
of Tillamook Connty. If nominated
and elected I will accept the office ise to perform the duties of the
and will attend strictly to the per­ office to the best of my ability,
formance of my duly and will en­ and will do my best to satisfy the
deavor to serve the interests of the people. I refer to my record as
people to the beat of my ability. Sheriff as the best assurance I can
give as to my being able to satis­
Yours truly,
factorily fill the office in the future.
U. G. J ackson .
Respectfully yours,
H. C renshaw .
To The Voters of Tillamook
[Our correspondent appears tojbe
somewhat hostile to the Tilla­
mook County Creamery Associotion.
We want to inform him that in or­
ganizing co-operative associations
for the manufacture of cheese it is
just as important, if not more so,
that there should be an organization
to look after quality and the mar­
keting of the cheese in the best
market and at a time when the
highest price can be obtained. It
I hereby announce myself as
used to be, before the co-operative candidate for nomination, for the Candidate for District Attor­
factories organized, that [.the good office of County Assessor on the ney at Republican Primary
cheese sold the poor, bad cheese, Republican ticket, at the Primary
April 19th.
that large quanities of cheese were election to be held April 19th, 1912.
If nominated and elected, I pledge
dumped on the market at times
To the voters of Tillamook County :
when it should be held, and the in­ myself to attend strictly to the
In asking for your support for Dis­
dividual factories often eager to duties of the office, that I will give
dispose of their cheese below price, a fair and equable administration trict Attorney, I am only asking for
that promotion which I hope you will
which the cheese jobbers were de- during the whole of my term.
feel I am justly entitled to.
Respectfully yours,
lighted to see, for they derived the
C. S. A tkinson .
We want to say in behalf of the
Tillamook County Creamery Asso­
the Voters of Tillamook
ciation that the systematic methods To
of this organization in the matter
of quality and the marketing of the
I hereby announce myself as a
cheese, which lias helped to keep
the price of Tillamook cheese at candidate for nomination, tor th
the top price, and a great deal of office of County Treasurer, on th-
credit is due those associotions Republican ticket, at the Primary
which have organized for the pur­ Election, to be he'd April 19th, 1912.
After the resignation of Mr. Dave
pose of bringing about these re­
sults. The dairymen of this county Martiny, I was appointed to the
have gone through the experience office by the County Court. Hav­
of pulling apart and pulling to- ing become familiar with the duties
gether in the manufacture and the pertaining to the office, I desire to
marketing of their cheese, and the serve the people by an election,
wide awake ones have come to the and respectfully solicit your sup­
conclusion after taking a retrospec­ port.
Respectfully yours,
tive view of the conditions which ex­
B. L. B eals .
isted some years ago and that of
today, that it is organization and
pulling together which have done To the Voters of Tillamook
so much for the cheese industry of
Tillamook County. Suppose all the
myself as ,
factories in the county went back
The resignation of Dr. Wiley has
to the old uysteni. one underselling candidate for nomination for the' . so long been foreshadowed that iis
the other, we would like to ask office of County School Superin-! occurrence excites no surprise. It
Mr. Dunn how long before the bot­ tendent on the Republican ticket, a 1 will be regretted by the country,
tom would drop out of the price of the Primary election to be held : nevertheless. His faults, and they
cheese? It is true that some of the i April 19th, 1912.
‘ were not few, were so fartranscend-
If nominated and elected, I pledge
factories are getting along just as
■ ed by his good qualities that they
well as those in the organization, myself to attend strictly to the
•were overlooked while he was in
but we do not see that they are
office, and will quickly be forgotten
helping the cheese industry any by schools of the county my best
now. He talked copiously, and not
s’aying out, for much better results
wisely. The ca. 'era seized
Respectfully yours.
would be obtained if all the fact­
J as . G oldsworthy . • him oftener than any other man in
ories were helping out and pulling
the country except Mr. Roosevelt
together under a proper system of
wyile he was in office. He was in­
organization for the marketing of
volved in more feuds with hie asso-
the product.
. dates and superiors in office, though
As we understand it, Meda sim­
• not always because of any short­
ply consigned their cheese to one
I hereby announce myself a can comings of his own, than any other
of the Portland houses, taking didate for nomination for County
what was paid them. During the Assessor, on the Republican ticket, public officer during ear day.
last few years several factories at the Primary Election, April 19th.
M. D. Boardman, 573 W. Main St.,
around Tillamook tried that method 1912.
Helena Mont., gives tin interesting
but all but one are now in the as
With over nine years' experience account of hie improved health
aociation. We would like to ask as Deputy Assessor under Asses­ through the use of Foley Kidney
Mr. Dunn how it would be if all the sors Stephens and Hare, I feel that Pills. After giving a detail account
factories consigned their cheese as I am thoroughly familiar with the of hie case, he eaye, “I am almost
79 years old and have spent hun­
Meda has done, whether Tillamook work of the office to which I aspire, dreds of dollars for medicines, but
would be getting its high prices ? and promise that if nominated and find I receive more benefit from
To break into the association or to elected, to discharge the duties of Foley Kidney Pille, than from all
breaa it. parties would be willing the office to the best of my ability; other medicines. Further particu­
lars eent on request.” Chas. I.
to pay quite a premium on a small extending to all the same courteous Clough
month's cheese.—EDITOR.]
treatment which they have a right
to expect from a public official,
Wm. I. Cook, Prop, the Bee Hive
and I respectfully solicit your sup- Drug Store, Neihart, Mont, says
April Jury List
the Belt Canon running from Belt j
to Neilhart is the most picturesque
Following is the jury list for the
Very respectfully yours,
spot in all Montana. He writes. “I
April term of the Circuit Court,
C. A. J ohnson .
i recommend Foley’s Honey and Ter
which convenes on the 15th :
i Compound to all my customers and i
1 am never disappointed. It gives j
W E. Kasom, Tillamook, farmer
L Pallin. Hemlock, farmer.
To the Voters of Tillamook the beat results for coughs and cold«
of anything I sell." Chas. I. Clough
Brad Batzner Nehalem, farmer.
iohn Perry Tillamook, farmer.
• K Gilbert. Beaver, merchant.
I hereby announce myself as a
C. L Parsons, Sec’y and Treas.
HnrrisonBooth. Tillamook farmer
Albert Crawford. Nehalem.farmer candidate for renomination, for the of the C. H. Ward Drug Co., Pas­
"We have
H H. Tubbesing. Nehalem, farmer. office of County Clerk, on the Re adena. Calif , writes:
J R. Harter. Tillamook, farmer.
sold and recommended Foley's Hon­
publican ticket, at the Primary ey and Tar Compound for year* .
Geo Heilmever. Beaver, farmer.
Election to be held the 19th day of We believe it to be one of the most
Alex Watt. Tillamook, farmer.
Erick Glad. Tillamook, farmer
April. 1912.
efficient expectorants on the market.
Gust Nelson. Ray City, merchant
Containing no opiates or narcotics j
M ilber Stillwell, Tillamook, farmer
it can l>e given freely to chidrea.
H.F.Goodapeed, Tillamook. farmer
Enough ot this remedy can'be tak- I
A A. Apaiey. Tillamook, farmer. deavor to conduct the affairs of the en to relieve a cold as it has no |
Alwin Blum. Carnahan, farmer.
office in a manner satisfactory to nauseating results and docs no*
H. R> Johnson Tillamook, mrmer the masses, realising the imp^ssr interfere with digestion.” Chas. I- I
U. S. Hare. Ti.lamook. farmer
Clough Co.
A. J. Burdick. Tillamook, farmer bility of pleasing a IL
J* Martiny. Tillamook, farmer.
H. McGowan. 12L8 W. 2nd St. LB I
D. L Shrode,Tillamook, merchant businesslike administration, re­
He Rock Ark., saya. ”1 suffered
Theo. Jacoby. Ray City, farmer.
spectfully referring voters to my with severe pains across my I
D I-
Pike. Ray City, farmer.
four years as County Clerk, asking and the kidney action wa» irreguisf I
Geo. \ aughn. Bay Citv.' fanner.
Connie Dve. Tillamook. fanner.
•boae who are not familiar with ■n<L™y psinfuL After taking F or I
ey Kidnev Pills for a few dave
C A. Smith. Cloverdale, fanner.
my record to inquire of those who Kin left my back and the kideyff I
tT. K. KppletL Tillamook, fanner are.
C. Milla, Cloverdale, barber
Respectfully yours,
commend Foie Kidnev Puis f«** I
. L. Owens. Cloverdale, farmer
know they helped me.” Chas L I
J. C. H olden
John Sheets, Tillamook, fanner i