F1 Vol. XXIV. No. 48. TILLAMOOK, OREGON APRIL 4, 1912, Are You a Money Saver? Most every one expects to be a money saver some time. Some expect to save when their income is large ; others plain to save when their expenses are less. People who wait until they can save without effort rarely begin to save ; they wake up some day filled with regrets because of the opportuni­ ties they have missed. The moral is : Begin regular saving at this bank NOW ; whatever the income, make the outgo a little less and save the difference. It’s a simple matter to start a savings account here. OLDEST1 - BANK IÑ THE COUNTY. TILLAMOOK COUNTYWS’“ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE.__ STATE SUPERVISION TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS1 ________ Matinee at the Star, Saturday, at 2:15 p. m. 1000 Choice Strawberry plants for Sale. See Snrode. Dr. Work went to Portland on Tuesday on business. Willard Cannon left Wednesday morning for Portland. Give the Tillamook Feed Co. a trial for your groceries. » S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs—$1,00 per setting of 15. A. M. Ginn. Born, on Sunday, to the wife of W. J. Stevens, a daughter. Clark Hadley and wife came in from Portland on Saturday. There will be a meeting of the city council Friday evening. L. G. Freeman came in on Tues­ day on a visit for about a week. The Board of County Commis­ sioners is in session this week. Ladies’ $20.00 Rain Coat at $12.50, •t Mason Pennington A Co.’s. * Ask your neighbor about De­ ment’s beet, or else aek Shrode. * Up to date dress making over Star Theatre. Mrs. Laura Potter. . The famous corn fed Sinclair Meats, at the Tillamook Feed Co. * Outing flannel, 12 yards for one lollar, at Mason, Pennington A Co., Follow the crowd to the Star The- tre. Matinee Saturday afternoon. Harley Morton returned on Tues­ day from a business trip to Port md. Arthur Hunt and wife will leave ir Boring, Ore., to be gone until ily. Dement’s Beat and the Diamond . line is becoming the talk of the wo. Wanted, a position as i cook or Slper.—Apply at the Headlight . Hee. Mias Nettie Smith, of Bay City, lited with friends in town over inday. It will pay you to look at Mason, innington A Co.’abargain counter fa week. • Live chickens wanted at the TiUa- x>k Meat Company’s Market. 13c. r pound. * They say the Diamond W. line n'i be beat for quality.—Tflla- ok Feed Co. leyor Harter and wife left Wed- clay morning for Portland and aide points. or Sale, Household Goods, ond house east of the Academy k A Phelps. * ■yde Clements made a business i to Portland last week, return­ on Saturday. • C. Eichhorn, general auditor « T. B. Potter Realty Co., was le city on Friday. munda pays 17 cents a pound ade for calf hides. Tillamook Mercantile Co. . W. E. Southwick and wife return- - ed to the city last week from their trip to Lewisville, Ind. Miss Jennie Finlayson, of Bay City, has been visiting the past week at the Bewley home. The county court granted a saloon license to J. J. McCormick on Thurs­ day for Garibaldi precinct. Mies Bernice Johnson left on Monday morning to take up her duties at the Rockaway school. Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ mook Meat Company's Market. We pay 13c. per pound. < • Mrs. S. S. Johnson and Mrs. Berns returned to the city on Saturday, from their visit to Beaverton. Mr. C. C. Hunt returned on Wed­ nesday from an extended trip through Oregon and California. If you are looking for a wagon or a buggy of any kind it will pay you to see the Tillamook Feed Co.* Mason, Pennington A Co. are offering ladies’ winter under gar­ ments at a great reduction. Tillamook Meat Company Lard absolutely pure ; $1.40. 10 lb. pail ; 73c., 51b. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c. lb. . The Best is the Cheapest, A bek - DAKE (Australian): Coal. Lamb- Schrader Co. Telephone, Main 1771. The Loyal Sons held their regular monthly business meeting on Tues­ day night with their teacher, Mr. i Jope. I Editor Taylor, of the Cloverdale Courier, was in the city on Wed­ ■ nesday, also Win. Owens, of Clover­ I I dale. « Have you tried the Diamond W. Steel Cut Coffee ? Gee, ¿but It’s , good! Get it at the Tillamook Feed I Co. * F. R. Beals went to Portland on Monday in connection with the building for the proposed hotel in i this city. ' on Dr. Boals was called to Blaine Monday to attend to the injuries of L. D. Krake, who accidently fell and broke his leg. Blaine Haya had the misfortune to cut his foot quite badly with an axe on Monday while workiog with County Surveyor Jackaon. Hiram W. Smith va. Jamea Hughey and Weeley Rush, admin- iatrator, ia a auit filed in the ciruit court and the damages act at $4.400. It was Constable Longcor, of Bay City, who foun^ the stamps in the barn east of town, in company of Jamea Smith, who had informed him. Lytle A Gordon handle ■11 kinds of building materials in any amount and can quote the lowest prices in the city, See them before buying. IN AND George Bow, the cobbler who hiul been in the county jnil for lime month« waiting the action of the grand jury charged with hrci.liing into the Tillamook Feed Co.’s store and Hiner’s machine shop, and who owned up laid week to the Bay City pest office robbery, was turned over to the Federal euthoritie» on Saturday, and heavily manicled, he was taken U> Portland. Roas had an accomplice in the Bay City rob- bery, but thua fur he has refused to tell who it was. During the absence of Attorney Botts from the city, Mias Myrtle Milla will have charge of the law office. She haa asked us to state that she will make a specialty of divorce caaes, with quickness and dispatch, and any hen pecked hus­ band who wants relief and is wanting a more congenial part­ ner—is invited to the law office to consult with her. All ladies in- terested in the woman’» sufferage movement are invited to call ou Miss Mills, who la ready to take the stump in advocacy of woman’s rights. A ¿ Look Over These Prices. SUGAR W S Flotar. Now is the time to Boy Dry Granulateli - $6.35 per Sack Fruit $6.50 per Sack Canned Goods are higher, we bought liber­ ally before the advance and can offer Standard Corn and Tomatoes $9.50 per case. Roval Club, $2.75 per case. Owing to Councilmen Sapping­ ton, Van tress, Maddux and Knud­ son being in Portland on Monday, there waa no council meeting that evening. They left on the train on Saturday to inapect bitulithic pave­ ment and compare it with other hard aurface pavements. Simmons Brothers and Golds­ worthy's mill ia now running and ready for ordere. Dressed lumber M. W. Harrison V». P. R. A N. Co. furnished after February 15th is a suit filed in the circuit court, Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed which claims that defendants en­ lumber will be sold nt c«>rre«|x>nd- tered upon plaintiff*a lands in the inglv low prices. Mill situated 8 construction of the railroad, the miles south of Tillamook damage« being fixed at $18,000. Congressman W. C. Hawley, writ­ ing from Washington on the 2■ candidate for tbe office of Dairy and Food Com­ missioner. came m on Tuesday. Be ’¿¿¿ft LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. <« Thera will be a big demand for met the Fairview Grange on Wed­ good Cement this season. The nesday evening, and left the next Lamb-Schrader Co. carry the largest morning. Mr. Lea has been known line of cements in the city. Tele­ in this county for a number of phone Main 1771. • years, having been connected with Mrs. C. Nelson, sister of Carl the cheese business. Knudson is at the home of J. L. A. G. Beals went to Portland on Jones suffering with a slight attack Monday for the purpose of seeing typhoid as a result of drinking whether the P. R. A N. would allow rain water. him to log some timber between Two pure bred Holstein bulls for Bay City and Hobsonville, which sale, one three years old and the belongs to M. W- Harrison. When other four months old. Prices are the railroad was given a right of reasonable.—J. A. Haxlitt, Forest way it was stipulated by Mr. Harri­ Grove, Ore. R. No. 1. son for rights to cross the track. Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed Next Tuesday will be the last day ing purposes. Permit for trapping to register for the primary nominat­ furnished. Address ’Gene M. ing election, which takes place on Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, the 19th April. There are quite a Corvallis, Oregon. number who have not registered in The Ladies’ Guild of the Presby­ Tillamook and Hoquarton precincts terian church will have a Silver up to the present time, and as the Shower at the Commercial Club registration books will close on the rooms next Thursday afternoon, to 9th, there are only a few days now left to do so. which all are invited. The report which was circulated Dr. James Wiley came in on Tues­ day for the purpose of a consulta­ last week that C. R. Hoverthad died tion in regard to the health of Mrs in Portland is not correct, for we Frank Severance, who has been received a letter from him on Tues­ quite sick for some time. day stating that he had been sick Justice Stanley dismissed the case for nine weeks and he ¿had a close against Gus Kamp, who was tried call, but was able to be around in the justice court on Saturday on again. This is good news, but the a charge of assault with a deadly report of his death seems to have got started over a month ago. a political land slide to land them weapon upon Theo. Gaechter. Attorney H. T. Botts left Friday in office. For Trade, Salem Resident pro­ perty for dairy land iu Tillamook morning for Salem with the briels The first mid-day lunch of the County. For particulars write in the Port of Tillamook cases, ami Tillamook Commercial Club was C. B. Measor, Salem, Oregon. Also while there will make arrangements held on Wednesday, when about 30 give description and location of to have the cases advanced so as to business men ami a number of obtain an early decision. Mr. Botts visitors participated in the pleasant place. ^At a special election on Saturday is a candidate for Joint Senator on affair. A spirit of get together and of the school district for the pur­ the Republican ticket at the primary pull together prevailed ami a num- pose of buying property valued at election, and while outside will look her of appropriate speeches were made along those lines by Rollie $5,500 and building a new $25,000 after his political fences. Sheriff CrenBhaw will havecaught W. Watson, Frank Taylor, II. T. building, the vote Btood 52 for and up with the tax collecting the end Botts, Carl llaberlach ami others. 5 against. Hurry Mitchell vs. C. W. Pike, Owing to the Headlight staff being of this week, and as it will take kept buBy getting out the briefs in several days for the county trea­ D. A. Simmons, Chris Hansen and the Port of Tillamook cases and the surer to post the large amount of W. W. Ridehalgh is a suit in the city election notices, the editor had outstanding warrants which were „circuit court, in which the plaintiff little time to devote to the paper paid for taxes. Mr. Beals expects claims damages against the defend­ to make a call next week for what ants for $1000. The case grew out this week. , remaining outstanding* warrants of the injunction suit enjoining the Sister Superior Johana, of St. Al there are unpaid. plaintiff and others from trespass­ phonsue Academy, returned from Attorney C. W. Talmage’s name ing upon the banks of the Wilson Beaverton on Saturday where she and Kilcliis rivers. Prior to the had gone to celebrate the annual has been mentioned as a candidate anniversay of the order of the Sis­ ► forcongressman, in opposition to issuance of the injunction defend­ Congressman Hawley’. Mr. Tal- ants put up a bond to pay all costs ters of St Mary. and damages, not exceeding $1000, Roy Mattoon vs. J. J Gee and L j mage has not the ghost of a show, as a result of the injunction. The 1 but we would no* deprive him of a M. Dennis, partners doing business cases having been decided against little public notoriety which goes under the firm name and style of the defendants the pluintiff now Cloverdale Lumber Co., which are with it, for our unterrified Demo- sues for damages. ! cratic friends are always expecting two cases filed in the circuit court to recover $889.45 and $9&35. J. W. Maddux has established a city transfer office next to the Gem L theatre on Main street, where sll orders can be left, which will be promptly attended to, or call the office up by phone, Main 651. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. : Smith, speaks German. Surgery, ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in the Commercial Building, opposite the Todd Hotel. All calls answered « day or night. Both phones. • Attorney T. B. Handely will be a candidate for joint representative at the primary election, but as he did not decide to run until after it was too late to have petitions circu­ lated, he will rely upon persons writing his name on their ballots. You are invited to call and look over our stock of groceries. We have a new stock of first-class goods, none of them shelf worn or stale. Call and see us, you will receive courtuous treatment and prompt service.-Tillamook FeedCo.* Now that the automobile rush is over we are repairing any and everything. Guns, locks and keys, typwritern, cash registers and complicated machinery a specialty. At Ed’a Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ thing that we can’t repair we will buy, • J RI bi (G>'n Soap. Fairy, 6 for 25c. Diamond A, 7 for 25c. Baking Powder, Royal 2i lb. - 90c, 1 lb. - 40c 5 lb. $1.75 White Borax Naptha, 6 for 25c. Pearl White, 6 for 25c. Gold Dust, 20c. Pyramid Wash Powder, 2 for 35c. Round up Cleanser, 4 for 25c Cleveland. 1 lb 40c. 5 lb. $1.50 io II). $2.40 Everything in Groceries and Feed at the right prices. RAY FEED CO. I V - Y *. -/ ,*~»fl i :