Tillamook Uaadlight, Mareh 2Ô, Ì912 & BAY CITY ROBBERY Piano for Sale. Delinquent Tax List, 1911 work in the field and office as aurveyor and draftsman and assistant. The firm will upon the arrival of the junior partner establish a land empor­ ium, particularizing in law, engineer* ing,abstracts,insurance and real estate. High grade upright piano Slight- This advertised list of delinquent ly used but in perfect condition. taxes for the year of 1911 is in pur­ suance of an act of the State Legis- Any reasonable offer accepted. Easy George Ross Confesses- i lature which ia embodied in Chap- payments if desired. Call or ad Stamps are Found. - ter 275 of the dress W A. F ibher , Allen Hous«. ¡GENERAL LAWS OF THE 1911 I SESSION. fleorge Rosa, the cobbler who had The taxes on the following ad- Notice of Application tor License a shop opposite the post office, and - vertised real property situated in I to Sell Spirit?«« Ma t and Vinous who was bound over to the grand Commercial Club Meets. Tillamook County, Oregon, became Liquor« and Hard Cider, Etc. jury for the burglary of the safe of delinquent on MONDAY, OCT. 3, The monthly meeting of the club 1911, and are subject to a penalty the Tillamook Feed Co., is the man otice ib H ereby G iven ,—That 1912, of ten per cent, and interest at the a N who broke into the Bay City poet was held. Monday, March 25, petition presented in and to the rate of twelve per cent per annum, County Court of Tillamook County President Holmes presiding. office and blew open the safe. until they shall have been paid. Oregon, for a liquor license is in Minutes of previous meeting were Twelve months ago tonight, on Any day after the expiration of six words letters and figures and a read and approved. months after the taxes charged March 28, 1911, the crime was com- full, true and correct transcript The following nominations were against the following real property therefrom mitted, when abont 1125 in cash and the whole thereof i» are delinquent, the Sheriff is auth ­ . as follows, to-wit: and between 9150 and $260 |in made: orized upon demand of any person For President, Chaz. I. Clough, County Court of the State of stamps slolen. Today Rosa made making application, to issne to In the Oregon for Tillamook a confession to Sheriff Crenshaw H. T. Botts. them a certificate of delinquency, County. For Vice President, D. L. Shrode. upon payment of the taxes, penalty, and at noon the sheriff and Post* I In the matter of the] interest and coats of advertising. For Secretary, E. J. Claussen, Will master Baker went to the old Mil­ application of A £ Certificates of delinquency shall Vogler, for a | ler barn, east of town, and.;recover­ Spalding. bear interest from the date ot issu­ | l C. liquor license. J For Treasurer, James Walton. ed $126.25 worth of stamps, mostly ance until redeemed at the rate of To the Honorable County Court For Trustees, C. E. Trombley, Geo. in the 10c. and 15c. denomination, per cent per annum. above named : ehaiem Coal Company.. also several fuses. James Smith Willett, Capt. Groat, F. C. Baker. We the undersigned, hereby Tract No. 129. For further It was moved snd seconded that the had also found there 17 sticks of allege and show to you the follow description see tract book bv-laws be suspended and that a com- ing facts and petition you as fol­ dynamite and some black [»owder. in Assessor’s office. Page It seems that Ross told Smith of mittee]of three be appointed to receive 79, sec. 20, tp. 3 N., R. 10 W. 2.75 lows : That we and each of us are resi­ Nehalem Coal Company. hiding liie stamps in the barn, but nominations until the following meet­ dents and legal voters within Gari­ Tract No. 111. For further hi- had kept, the secret until a few ing, the names of the candidates to be baldi Precint, in Tillamook County, description see tract book 4, sec. which waa passed two years ago remmon point rate must be established, is now on its way to Tillamook. We Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. 10, T. 2S., R. 9 W., 80 acres; at.d upon which all later city if lumbering is to be profitable. The traveled over fifty miles of the fin­ Frank Buckles Garibaldi. lots 3 and 4, sec. 11, T. 2 S.. legislation is founded, was passed matter was referred to the transporta­ est roads in the country, and saw R. 9 W., 62.51 acres............. 15.20 K. Beelitz, Garibaldi. irregularly and that before a tion committee. L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. electric cars running in every direc­ James Tone estate. S.E. 4 of w. C. WINSLOW, J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. S. W. y«, sec. 3, T. 2 S., R. 10 sale of the bonds can be made, anoth r It was moved and seconded that a tion. \V. 40 acres ....«.••••• ..... 1.05 C. V Stoker, Garibaldi. initiative and referendum ordiante committee of four be appointed to aid We walked in a grocery store and Candidate for District Attor­ Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. should lie passed and a special election the Membership Committee recently found a man inquiring for Tilla­ ney at Republican Primary S. S. Phelps. Lot 6. Less sold, Chas. R. Gatchet, Garibaldi. sec. 6, T. 2 S., R. 10 W., 2 held. So accordingly an Initiative and authorized. Motion carried. Ralph mook cheese and said if there was 1.65 Andy Hayden Garibaldi. acres ........................................ April 19th. I. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. referendum ordinance was passed Mon­ Biicon, U. G. Jackson, Boyd Menden- •••./ C. Mills. Lot 4, sec. 30, T. 3 S., any more, he wanted some. This — — -, ... ------ Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. R. 9 W., 45.93 acres : Lot 1 day evening A special election will ball and W. B. Gorden were appointed bus demonstrated to us fully that To the Republican voters of Tilla­ A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. and N.E, M of N.W. M. aec. mook County. be called at once, u notice of the same, It was moved and seconded that a we haven't seen anything to com­ Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. T. 3 S., R. 9 W„ 85.88 I have had the honor of serving 31, further explaining the matter, being co mmittee be appointed to arrange pare with our resources of Oregon, acres........................................ 6.30 Wtn. Dowd, Garibaldi. you in the capacity of Acting Dis­ M. C. Kellow. Tract No. 618. ordered. The council ordered the Re­ a mid-day lunch once a week, or at especially Tillamook. W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. For further description see corder to notify tne various construc­ such intervals «a seemed beat—for the We are having the finest trip and trict Attorney for two terms of your Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi. tract book in Assessor’s tion companies to send in bids in re­ club members. Motion carried. F. C. we have found how people who Circuit Court ; the April terms of H. S. Henitt, Garibaldi. office. Page 309, sec. 32, T. gard to sewer and pavement improve­ Baker, Will Spalding and Rollie W. come South hate to leave this love­ 1910 and 1911. I invite you to in­ J. H. Smith. Garibaldi. 4 S., R. 9 W.. 22.50 acres ; ments, the same to be in in ten days, Watson were appointed. ly country. Words fail to express spect my record made at these times, Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. N.E. 4 of S.E. Less sold, M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. the object of the council being to get sec. 32. T. 4 S., R. 9 W„ 17.50 It was moved and seconded that a our appreciation and delight in and if it is satisfactory I ask your acres .......................................... 4.00 C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. the work under way as soon as possible. committiee be appointed to urge the having visited here and we trust support. Almost enough money Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. Kellow. N. % of S.W. After the subject of improvements establishment of a model dairy farm that you may soon come and enjoy was taken into the County Treasury, M. y« C. Japruis Oellig, Garibaldi. andS.E. y4 of N.W'. Mi sec. was di*|>oaed of an ordinance in regard in thia County by the State. Motion the beauties for yourself.. through fines, to pay the entire ex­ 33, T. 4 S„ R. 9W., 120 acres. ; State of Oregon, Couutv of Tilla­ to the regulation of skating rinks waa carried. Chaa. I. Clough, U. G. Jack- pense of conducting the whole term. S. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay With best wishes, we remain, mook, SS. Park. H lot, Blk. 1 ............. taken up and taken to a final passage. son and C.E. Trombley were appointed. If you want lower taxes again I ask I, J- J. McCormick, being first duly Yours respectfully, S. Phelps. Netarts Bay sworn, say;—That I am one of the The ordinance as passed provides that a your support and will appreciate S. Park. M. F. L each . No further business appearing, the % lot, Blk. 2............... 66 above named, and have read the semi-annual license fee of $150 he im- meeting adjourned. anything that you may do in my S. S. Phelpa. Netarts Bay foregoing petition; that all the facts M. B. Church Service«. posed and that the rink must close at behalf most highly. Park. Lots 6 to 9, Blk. 2..... 1.32 and statements therein contained S. r S. Phelps. Netarts Bay 10 o’clock each night, and must be and set forth are true as I verily Bld« Wanted. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. There is Park. Lot« 9 to 11, Blk. 3.. 1.24 believe, and to my best knowledge closed on Sundays, and that the man­ Piano for Sale. S. S. Phelpa. Netarts Bay ■ place for every one. Come. and belief. agement of the rink I* placed under N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That Park. Lots 1 to 8, Blk. 5.... 3.30 High grade upright piano. Slight­ 11 a.in.—Miss Gleaaon will preach, J. J. M c C ormick . $500 boiais. The ordinance as first read the Common Council of Tillamook S. S. Phelpa. Netarts Bay Subscribed and sworn to before subject: "Truth in a Nutshell.’’ ly used but in perfect condition. Park. % of lot, Blk. 6........ stated that a skating rink must be 210 City, Oregon, will receive bida for 83 me this 28th day of March, 1912. Miss Any reasonable offer accepted. Easy S. S. Phelps. Netarts Bay construction of sidewalks and Do not miss this sermon. feet from a residence. This section the 1 [ seal ] T. B. H andley , crosswalks. Said bide to be filed Merritt’s solos are of the highest I payments if desired. Call or ad- Prak. Lots Ito 9, Blk. 18... , Notary Public for Oregon. of the ordinance waa struck out because with the City Recorder on or before ; dress W. A. F isher , Allen House. order. Hear her. H. C renshaw , | N otice is F urther H ereby th>s would necessitate the tearing Monday. April let, 1912. Sheriff and Tax Collector of G iven ,—That said petition will tie 6:30 p.m.—Epworth League hour, The Common Council reserves down of the present rink which had Tillamook County, Ore. Wanted. , called up for action in the County but lately been put up at considerable the right to reject any or all bida. n general meeting for young people, Dated thia March 21st, 1012. Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, T. H. H andley , led by Miss Gleason. A Tillamook Dairy Ranch with ion the first day of May, 1912, and c< * ami would entail a loss to the City Recorder. 7:30 p.m.—The Evangelists’ fare­ improvements and stock that $1000 Notice of Contractors. based on said petition;'said A. C. owners. Mr. J. H. Ellison, who re­ ' ogler, on said last named date, well Service. Subject of Sermon: to $1500 cash first payment will sides 60 feet from the rink was pre­ Sealed bids will be received by will apply to said County Court for "Tekel. ’ ’ buy. Place not to cost over $4000. the Board of Directors of School sent and stated that the rink created 8 ?,ce98e. *° ** granted to him, to District No. 9, Tillamook, Oregon, Make Sunday a great day by living and not over 5 miles from Tilla ­ such a noise that it was impossible for sell within said Garibaldi Precinct Light hog«, 150 lbe 8Hc. in the spirit at the services. mook City. Address Post-office until 6 o’clock p.trf., Saturday, and in the town of Lake Lytle there­ him to sleep while they were skating 150 lb«, to 200 lb«. 8c. April 20th, 1912, for the erection and J ames T. M oore , pastor. Box 227. Tillamook, Oregon. 2tX) Iba. to 250 lba. 7He. and if the rink was not moved he completion of a High School build­ in, spiritous, malt and vinous 300 lbs. and over, 7c. ing, according to plans and specifi­ liquors, fermented cider, commonly would have to move. He threatens Tillamook Meal Company. cations prepared by Charles H. known as hard cider, tor the period to bring suit. He said that he gave one year from the date of said Burggraf, architect. Albany, Ore- of license. the owners of the rink fair warning Aa waa expepctc, th« «peech gon. All bids must be accom­ | Dated this 28th day of March, 1912. before the rink waa erected. panied by a certified check pay able Wmaton Spencer Churchill, first A. C. V ogler . to ‘•School District No. 9, Tillamook i lord of the admiralty, in introducing Oregon," for the sum of $250.00, as the naval eatimatea in the Houee New Tillamook Firm. a guarantee that the contractor will of Commons tor the ensuing year. 1 furnish an approved bond equal to 50 per cent of the contract within We take pleaaare in calling th« at­ has csiieed n seiiantion in Germany. the building of a house, barn or ten days after the awarding of the tention of th« of public to the new ad In effect, he declared that the naval contract ! any other structure, we adviae increuse wua directed ugainat that of the new firm of John Miami Herxlar- All bida must be made out on you to put none but the beet country. While h« said that blank nropoaala for the same. eon A Son, Agent«. lumber in it. You’ll find it ju«t two-power” standard Blanks furnished upon application The senior of the firm came to Ore­ the old az cheap at the »tart and far by the clerk or architect. Plana and can't afford to gon in 1870 ami is well known in Link. which waa maintained for many abr nsins old specification« may be aeen at Tilla­ cheaper in the end. Let ua llcooklng utcn- Lane, Benton. Washington, Marian. years by England ia not necessary mook. Oregon, or at the architect'a figure on your lumber needs and jf alls —worn < office. Multuomab, Wasco ami Hood River at preovnt. he averred that a 60 p«r ,ont naamal. you’ll find them just as low aa Iwblch chljn off The board reserve« the right to counties in each of which he reaided cent superiority over Germany in 'and canaaa Mo -you would have to pay for Ura reject any and all bida. ___ ach diseases — or » from time to time. While a lawyer battle ahi pa and battle cruieera of By order of School Board No 9. common kind. ,, tasty, leaky ttn-warn. X the dreadnaught type would be a and abstracter by profession, h« is also wtwcL jpotls flavors and wastes Tillamook, Oregon. Replace the old trace wtl a civil engineer and war the first City convenient baaia for the next five H. T B otts , Chairman. years. Angry critiam ot Churchill a A lva F inley , C lerk. e iglawr of Hood River, and the first 1892” Pure Spun -cuuSty surveyor of Hund River County. remarks appeared in many of the ___ • __ 1 • Church of Christ. leading German |>apera The Co ­ Mr. Henderson came to Tillamook to logne Gaaette. whoae utterance« Service« for Snnday March Met. reside, Dec. 1st last 10 a m.-Bible School with classes rhe junior member of the firm wiH are often " inspired." say« that for alL If you do not attend Bible I* a silent partner until this summer England uniat let her owa interests School anywhere make this your He is finishing his Senior year at One decide aa to the strength ot her’ school. gun University. Bugaa«, the course of navy, and Germany must du the 11 a.m.—Preaching subject: "The Civil Engineering, and as soon he get« •ame, adding that “ Germany will his 'sheop skin" he will come to roe id« never have a navy equal to that of Thia i. the fifth England, but if tfermany ’ a navy ia «1. P. HLiliEN. Proprietor. aermon in the eeriea of inter depend­ with us sml help build up Ttllatoook ent lermoo«. aty. Vslley «nd the County, and ttwre «u be deatroyed by England the 6 30 p.m. Christian Endeavor. victory miaet coefl the enemy ao by. the Mau. Mr Sidney t Boader- »tn^."d~0mr.,n0,’*Ub^ Thr~ heavily that .he wiu hardly have aoa to one of the aenlur partair's * Special Attention paid to Tourists. L We extend a moat hearty welcome sons, and ha« had five rears practical »ny reeounce« left to defend her' to you to attend these services great international interests " * A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and AccooamolAti: ^3 ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious home- baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar 1 If you have in mind Supply Your Kitchen Needs Now A. G. Beals Lumber Company The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. R E Ion, pastor