Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 28, 1912, Image 5

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    Tillamook Headlight. Mareh 2Ö, 1Ô12.
Interesting Scraps
A Socialist convention
may jeer the American
the number of citizens is
believe Washington to be
of a state.
in Seattle
flag, but
few who
that kind
Uncle Sam will not adopt a policy
of excessively high tolls at Panama
after spending $400,000,000 on the
canal. The disposition to be liberal
is already established.
Political reform is alright, but
neither of the big parties will ever
become so good that it can dispense
with a campaign fund sufficient to
advertise the issues and the candi.
rendered inevitable.
humble, neglected plant, or the dis­
covery of one in other continents
that will thrive even better in this.
A weed has been defined as a plant
misunderstood. Tobacco, that en­
ters into the commerce and lii'i of
all countries, is still called a weed.
But it founded a civilization in
America, and its culture, though
at length it exhausted the primitive
The Socialist party of Oregon has soil of Virginia, goes on in every
started a movement to initiate
a continent
referendum under the state law as
to the advisability of abolishing the
Splitting his name in the middle,
State Legislature altogether. They but animated by a proper pride in
argue that in as much as the people bis offical title and surroundings,
with the initiative, referendum and comes Congressman H. Garland
recall established have the power Dupree of Lousiana, proposing to
to make all laws, they see no need strike all "applause” out of the
of the expense of a legislature Congressional Record. Long ago
They would have the governor, sec it was discovered that members,
retary of state and attorney general abusing a privilege to print their
constitute a commission to approve speeches without having delivered
and execute the acts of the people, them, were taking the liberty of in­
prepare and pass petitions, etc.
serting “applause'' and "laughter”
or "long-continued applause,’’ or
The free-trade organs approach “uproarious laughter,” and, even,
the Supreme Court patent decision at times, "loud and long cheering”
in fear and trembling. In not a in speeches the House had never
few of them, strange to say, it is heard. Thia would have been bad
possible to find evidence of a genu­ enough at its best. At its worst it
ine surprise. It is now clear that became a hideous travesty on the
some of them, wholly unfamiliar House of Representatives, and, ac­
with the scope and strength of pat­ cordingly, on the land we all love.
ent monopoly in this country, and The average congressman knows
unaware of how patents have been his people. He knows what they
cornered and controlled by corpor­ like and what will make them laugh.
ate concerns, have been sincere in And tne congressman capable of
ascribing all price advances to tar- such work as this invariably re­
fic schedules. Butthese, we may presents constituency which will
see already, have been wedded to laugh at anything grotesque and
their idols and will not abandon ridiculous. In humoring such con­
stituents, the congressmen who
have applauded themselves, and
At Joplin, Mo., the Missouri Dem­ laughed at themselves, have done
ocratic State Convention elected a it at places where they were sure
full delegation to the national con­ their constituents would have done
vention instructed for
Speaker it for them.
Clark for the presidential nomina­
tion, and made a platform arraign­
The Globe Democrat say : Again
ing the Taft administration and we
the vital statis­
praising the work of the Democrats tics of Missouri, a close race be­
under the leadership of Clark. The tween tuberculosis and pheumonia
picturesque feature of the campaign in the death rate for the year
for Clark is the widespread publi­ covered in the latest report. Tuber­
cation of the "Houn' Song’1 in culosis of the lungs carried off 4451,
which the ordinary citizen is pictur­ while pneumonia and what has
ed as getting real hot about the way lately come to be called broncho­
the interests have kicked his popu­ pneumonia carried off 4521. If we
lar rights around and is going to add to that ghastly record the other
fight, if necessary, to stop it. The 1319 who died of “other diseases of
chorus of this quaint chant, which the respiratory system,’’ we find
is likely tofigure in the presidential pneumonia and its kindred afflic­
campaign, runs as follows:
tions largely leading tuberculosis
lieved then, or believes now, that
the Spanish Government incited
that tragedy, or that anybody in
high authority in Havana, either
in ths civil or the military service,
had any hand in it.
Spain had
nothing to gain but much to lose
by that affair.
To the Voters of Tillamook To The Voters of Tillamook
I hereby annpunce myself as a
candidate for renomination for the
office of County Commissioner on
the Republican ticket at the pri­
mary election to be held April 19tb,
If nominated and elected I will
favor a liberal appropriation for
good roads, an economical expendi­
ture of the same, and an impartial
distribution of the road funds to all
sections of the country.
H. V. A lley .
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for renomination for the
office of County School Superintend­
ent, on the Republican ticket, at
the primary election to be held
April 19th, 1912.
Respectfully yours,
To the Voters of Tillamook
Foreclosure Sale
N otice is H ereby G iven .—That
by virtue of a decree of foreclosure
and order of sale made and entered
of record by the Circut Court of the
State of Oregon for Yamhill County,
on the 1st day of February, 1912, in
a cause wherein LEWIS I.. SHORT­
RIDGE was plaintiff andCHARLKS
HENRY I. ARISON was defendant,
which decree and order of sale was
in favor of said plaintiff and against
said defendant, and decreed fore­
closure of mortgage upon the sale
of the real property described
therein in the manner provided by
law, and the application of the pro­
ceeds of said sale to the payment
of the costs and expenses of such
foreclosure and sale, taxed at $37.25,
and accruing costs, and attorneys
fee amounting to $150.(4). and to the
payment of the Bum of $2801.87 with
interest accruing thereon, 1 will, on
the Sth day of April, 1912, at the
hour of
one o’clock p. m. of
said day, at the Court House door
at Tillamook, Tillamook County,
Oregon sell to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, the following
described property, to-wit : the E.
of the N.E. 4« and the E. l» <>f t
S. E.
of section 33, in Tp. 5 S. R.
9 W. of the Will. Mer. in Tillamook
County, Oregon, containing eighty
acres more or less.
Having served as Sheriff for sev­
eral years, I had intended to retire
from office at the end of the present
To The Republican Voters Of term, but having been strongly
urged to stand for reelection by a
Tillamook County.
large number of voters who pledge
Between 1900 and 1910 the popula­
tion of the United States increased
I, V. G. Jackson, do hereby place me their support, on their assur­
13,640,450, while the number of illit­
my name before the Republican ance that my conduct of the office
Voters of Tillamook County as a has been satisfactory to the tax­
erates in the country declined 663,-
candidate for nominariou to the payers nnd people in general, I
461. The interest taken in popular
office of County Surveyor in the have decided to become a candidate
education shows up well in the
coming Republican Primaries. and I hereby announce ni’zeelf a
census. _________________
With my experieuee aud knowledge candidate for renomination for the
Until the year 1912 Woodrow Wil­
of conditions in all parts of the office of Sheriff, on the Republican
ton never manifested any particular
county, I believe I will be able to ticket, at the Primary Election,
Dated February 27th, 1912.
solicitude for the common people.
render good service to the people April 19th 1912.
Most of his life has been spent with
If nominated and elected, I prom­
Sheriff of Tillamook County,
of Tillamook County
If nominated
the exclusive set, but it may be
and elected I will accept the office ise to perform the duties of the
that the common people have the
and will attend strictly to the per­ office to the beet of iny ability,
most votes.
formance of my duly and will en­ and will do my best to satisfy the
Court of the State of
deavor to serve the interests of the
Voliva, the successor of Dowie as
Oregon for the County of
Sheriff as the best assurance I can
head of the Zion Church, has an­
Tillamook, j
give as to my being able to satis­ Tillamook County Bank, I
Yours truly,
nounced himself as Elijah III.
factorily fill the office in the future.
U. G. J ackson .
a corporation, Trustee, [
Dowie was Elijah II. Neither of
Respectfully yours, ,
these can prove title, and the high­
H. C renshaw .
er critics are now challenging the
To The Voters of Tillamook
E. C. Sowle and I.ucy J.
existence even of Elijah I.
To E. C. Sowle and Lucy J, Sowle]
named defendants ;
Mrs. Upton Sinclair, in an inter­
I hereby announce myself as
Even the moat turbulent Central
In the name of the State of Oregon,
candidate for nomination, for the view, condemned the religious bigut
American countries can find nothing
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
office of County Assessor on the and fanatic.
but good will in what Secretary
“Such people,” she said, "dedm against you in the above entitled
Republican ticket, at the Primary
Knox has to say. If any unfriendli­
suit on or before the expiration of
election to be held April 19th, 1912. goodness and wretchedness to be six weckB from tlie date of the first
ness is shown during this jonrney
it will have to come from the Latin-
publication of thiB Summons, and
myself to attend strictly to the that to be happy is to be wicked. if you fail so to appearand answer,
American side.
duties of the office, that I will give They hold that beautiful things are for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the said court for the relief
The British minister to Persia,
a fair and equable administration bad.
demanded in the complaint herein.
whose wife is an American, has been
during the whole of my term.
“A New England lady,” she re­ The relief demanded is the fore­
transferred to a European country.
Respectfully yours,
sumed, “lived last winter in Phila­ closure of a certain mortgage ex­
Russia’s desire that no American
C. S. A tkinson .
delphia at th? Bellevue-Stratford ecuted and delivered by you to the
shall witness the epoilation of Per­
with her maid, a strict Puritan of plaintiff in said suit on or about
August 12tli, 1910, bearing said
sia is not discreditable to this coun­
the old school.
date, to secure the payment of
To the Voters of Tillamook
"The lady took the maid one Sun­ five promissory notes executed by
___________ _____
day to a splendid church. There the you for $386.00 each, bearing the
The'Union League Club of Chica­
wulls glowed with marvelous fres­ same date and payable respectfully
go has expelled from its member­
I hereby announce myself ns a coes. Shafts of gold and crimson on or before 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years
after that date, with interest after
ship Edward Hines, who said he
candidate for nomination, tor the and blue light poured through the date at the rate of six per cent, per
“put Lorimer over.”
It remains
office of County Treasurer, on the stained-glass windows,
A great annum, which said mortgage con­
still to be seen what the Millionaire
Republican ticket, at the Primary organ rolled forth the music of veyed to the plaintiff 40 acres of
land off the East aide of the West
Club in Washington is to do with
Every time I come to town
of all kinds. Science is making Election, to be he d April 19th, 1912. Bach A young bishop preached u half of the South East quarter of
Mr. Lorimer himself.
The boys keep a kicking my dawg progress aguint tuberculosis, but
After the resignation of Mr. Dave sermon as sweet and lovely as one Section 4, in Township 2 South,
Martiny, I was appointed to the of Shelley’s lyrics.
Range 9 West, W.M., except 2 acres
Mexico’s cry was, “Death to Grin­
Makes no difference if he is a houn’ the vital statistics of several years
square out of the South East corner
by the County Court. Hav­
“And as the lady departed at the of said tract, all of the above tract
They gotta quit kickin’ my dawg
gos!” is a combination of anarchy
ground as against pneumonia. It ing become familiar with the duties end of the service she said to her of land being in Tillamook County,
and foolishness. The Gringos have
is rather difficult to account for pertaining to the office, I desire to maid with a sigh:
Oregon, anil for the recovery of a
devoloped the trade of Mexico, built
Probably Secretary Knox expect­ this otherwise than as a rnanifesta- serve the people by an election,
for the
" ‘Wasn't it beautiful—beautiful? judgment against you
its railroads, established its tele­
amount of said indebtedness, with
ed some unpleasant incidents on tion of overdoing a good thing, and respectfully eolicit your sup­
" ‘Yes, madame—but---- ’
phone service, built its electric light
interest. For the further sum of
his trip, so that the attitude toward Everywhere, in press, pulpit and port.
“ ‘Well, but what?’ said the lady. $200.09 as attorney’s fees, and the
plants and squandered money in
Respectfully yours,
him which was shown by a small forum, we have now, for a decade,
"What an awful way,’ said the costs and disbursements of this
its mines.
B. L. B eals .
element of the Nicaraguans may taught the wholesome cult of fresh
maid, ‘to spend the Sabbath.’ ” — suit, and that the said mortgage be
foreclosed, and the said property
New Mexico seems to be making not have surprised him. The fact air. But the fool who saith in his
Pittsburgh Leader.
sold for the purpose of satisfying
a bad start as a state, with four of
To the Voters of Tillamook
Geo. W. Grayson, having dispos­ the said mortgage and that you
the members of her Legislature from Corinto, Nicaragua’s chief that he can get more fresh air by
ed of all his horses which were and each of you, and all persons
claiming under you be forever
charged with soliciting bribes. port on the Pacific, to Managua, taking itthrough elevated open ven­
used on the stage line, will move to
I hereby announce myself as Troutdale, where he has bought barred and foreclosed of all right,
However, the state is young, and the capital, wae preceded by a pilot tilators in street care, or windows
title, interest or estate in or to said
experience may teach her represen­ train carrying troops and a machine pulled down from the top, and open candidate for nomination for the some land south of that place property, or any portion thereof,
save the statutory right of redemp­
tatives in representative govern­
which he will improve.
tion, and that the purchaser at the
ly armed acted as a rear guard, and dismally wet nnd muggy days and tendent on the Republican ticket, a
ment how to keep out of jail.
sale be put into the immediate
the further fact that the editor­ nights, when the atmosphere is the Primary election to be held
Notice of Creditors.
possession of the property, nnd for
Peary says dog meat is fíne to a ial staffs of two Managua papers laden with the germs of pheumonia, April 19th, 1912.
otice is H ereby given ,—That such further relief as may seem
If nominated and elected, I pledge
cold and hungry explorer, but that and man} of the populace of that insists on opening car windows to
the undersigned has been by the equitable.
myBelf to attend strictly to the County Court of Tillamook County,
This summons is published by
a leg of sledge dog is as tough as town were lodged in jail by the let in “fresh air.”
duties of the office, and give the Oregon, duly appointed as admin­ order of the Hon. Homer Mason,
gutta percha.
American Indians authorities until after the secretary
istrator of the estate of JOHN C. County Judge of Tillamook County,
ate dogs freely, but for a feast pro­ left the country, showed that life
A frequent cause of death nowa­ schools of the county my beet MANGAN, deceased, and that he Oregon, said order being made
vided puppies.
The stand of a for him in that turbulent little state days, or at least frequently assign­ service.
has qualified an such administrator and dated lit Tillamook City, Ore­
white man on this subject-under was far from being one grand sweet ed as the cause,is acute indigestion.
Respectfully yours.
All persons having claims against gon, on February 15th, 1912.
J as . G oldsworthy .
said estate are hereby required to time prescribed in the order for
ordinary circumstances-is to be song, despite the gala banquet and Two pronounced cases have oc­
present the same to said adminis­
- ball given him by the president curred within a few days. Alfred
trator nt his office in Tillamook successive weeks, nnd the date of
and Congress of the republic.
Tennyson Dickens and Rear Ad­
Tillamook County, Oregon, the first publication is Thursday,
To the Voters of Tillamook City,
It is now said that all the private
within six months from the date February 15th. 1912.
miral Evans, and every reader will
H. T. B otts ,
conversations in International Iron
With the Postal Department now recall other instances. The desig­
hereof, together with proper verifi­
Attorney for Plaintiff.
cations thereof as required by law.
Workers' headquarters at Indianap’ showing a surplus instead of a de­
nation is somewhat vague, and yet
I hereby announce myself a can­
Dated this March 21st, 1912.
olis were recorded on a dictagraph ficit Congress is urged to double
it conveys a distinct idea of a didate for nomination for County
H. T. B otts .
Notice of Final Account.
controlled by detectives in a room the second-class mail rate, applying condition. Indigestion, a phase of
Administrator of the Estate
Assessor, on the Republican ticket,
below. The dictagragh is coming to newspapers and periodicals. The dyspepsia which has been called
at the Primary Election, April 19th,
N otice I s H ereby G iven ,—That
into such general use of late that present rate is 1 cent a pound. This the American diseaae, is very com­
the undersigned, administrator of
it will soon be impossible for gentle legislation is asked of Congress at mon,andits disagreeable symptoms
the Estate ot Martin Petersen, De
With over nine years' experience
A Snap.
ceased, has filed in the County
men to have a little conspiracy the instance of a special commission are but too well known. Chronic­
as Deputy Assessor under Asses­
sale ____
2.5 acjres six Court of Tillamook County. Oregon,
anywhere or about anything.
which has investigated conditions indigestion, or dyspepsia, is very sors Stephens and Hare, I feel that
blocks from High School. Good 11 his final account as such adi.dn-
“so far as practicable ”
In the prevelent, and in medical phrase I am thoroughly familiar with the room house,
with bath, toilet, istrator, and that said Court has
Dr. Cohendy, in an address at the president’s message to Congress it
an acute disease is opposd to work of the office to which I aspire, electric lights and all other modern appointed Monday, the 1st day of
Paris Academy of Sciences, has is said: “It is estimated by the
Also good barn, April, 1912, at the hour of 1O:UD
chronic in the sense that while a and promise that if nominated and conveniences.
just described a three years’ Beries Post Office Department that revenue
chicken pack and $75.00 cow.
Rea­ o’clock a. in. at the Court House
chronic disease rune a long time, elected, to discharge the duties of
in Tillamook City, Oregon, us toe
son for selling, poor health.
of experiments conducted under the derived from mail matter of the first
the acute form is attended with the office to the best of my ability;
Call on or write to J. H. Hatha­ time anil place for hearing of ob
eye of Prof. Metchnikoff, proving class is approximately one and a
jections to said final account and
severe symptoms andjis likely to extending to all the same courteous way, Tillamook, Oregon.
the settlement thereof
that life is possible without the pre­ half times the cost of carriage; that
come speedily to a crisis. Acute treatment which they have a right
Dated this February 29th, 1912.
sence of bacteria. The method was the returns from third and fourth indigestion therefore, is a condition
to expect from a public official,
E. H. H artiirois
to raise chicks from sterilized eggs class matter are slightly in excess
Administrator of the Estate of
in which the digestive organs, be­ and I respectfully solicit your sup­
i n a sterilized
The of cost of handling and carriage,
Martin Petersen, Deceased.
cause they are either naturally port.
chicka were otherwise normal. But and that, while tecond-class matter
weak ot are worn out, overworked
Very respectfully yours,
as soon as they were let out into embraces over 65 per cent of the
C. A. Glossner, 24 Ontario St
or temporarily abused, fail to per­
C. A. J ohnson .
Rochester, N Y., has recovered
the ordinary air they soon became entire weight of all mail carried, it
form their functions, and the whole
from u long and severe attack of
infected with thousands of microbes. nevertheless yields little more than
kidney trouble, his qure being due
system is thrown "out of gear.”
to Foley Kidney Pills. After detail­
B per cent of the postal revenues.” This may be due primarily and To the Voters of Tillamook
The sensational news that leaked
ing his case, lie siiye: “I am sorry
directly to overeating or to eating
I did not learn sooner of Foley Kid­
out in connection with the arrest
At a recent convention of bankers improper food, to gorge the stom­
ney Pills. In a few day’s time my
end prospective trial of the officers in Oklahoma an address was made
I hereby announce myself as a
backache completely left me and I
and agents of the Iron Workers' by a delegate from Kansas on what ach with inadquately masticated candidate for renomination, for the
had greatly improved. My kidneys
Union on the charge of a dynamite Kaffir corn has done financially for
office of County Clerk, on the Re­
became stronger, dizzy spells left
me and I was no longer annoyed
conspiracy was that the govern­ his section. He said thia plant of
publican ticket, at the Primary
at night, I feel 100 per cent better
ment had had a dictagraph con­ comparatively recent introduction local influences. In cases of acute Election to be held the 19th day o!
since using Foley Kidney Pills. ”
cealed near the desk ot President had lifted the farmers in his indigestion or dyspepsia there gen- April. 1912.
Chas. I Clough Co.
erally is intense pain, often follow,
Ryan in the union headquarters region
If 1 am nominated and elected, I
from poverty to remark­
at Indianapolis
ever since the able prosperity, and the tillers I ed by sickness and vomiting of will, during my term of office, en Single and Donble Seta of Harness How Cold Cannes Kidney Trouble.
Partly by driving blood from the
arrest of the McNamaras and that of the soil with the sid
We can
of I , which the stomach seeks to correct deavor to conduct the affaira of the that we keep in stock
surface anil congesting^the kidneys,
thia instument had recorded faith­ thia new sdvantage had more mon­
office in a manner satisfactory to supply your Harness needs on and pastly by throwing too much
the effects of sbuse and regain a
fully all that was aaid there and ey on deposit than at any former
the masses, realizing the impcsei* short notice and we make for the work U|«»n them. Foley Kidney
normal condition.
But it does not
transmitted it to a neighortng room
very beet people in the locality. If Pills strengthen the kidneys, give
time. In this case there had been always succeed, other measures of bility of pleasing all.
tone to the urinary organs and re
wtbsveT stenographers had taken
I will promise a fair, honest and we did not give them complete store the normal action of the blad­
a search fora crop to suit peculiar relief also fail, the machinery
dqwn verbatim reports.
administration, re­
conditions of climate, rainfall, soil breaks down and death ensues. businesslike
der. They are tonic in action, quick
spectfully referring voters to my not continne to -patranize us. We in rrsiilts. Try them. Chas. 1.
With the burial of thejbattle ship and length of season and the Afri­ The main difference between chronic
can seed had been studied and ad­ i dyspepsia and scute indigestion is four years ss County Clerk, asking do the very beat quality of work at Clough Co.
Maine in the waters of the Gulf of
a moderate charge, and solicit yotir
Americana 'that one io slow des th and the those who are not familiar with patronage.
Chamlierlain's Cough
Mexico last week a stirring chapter justed toils beat uses.
_ ____
my record to inquire of those who
has won its great reputation and
other quick. The moral as to diet­
in American history *"• closed.
eitensive sale by its remarkable
When, on February 1A 1898. that much has been done for the excep­ etic habits, eating and drinking,
cures of coughs, colds nnd croup.
Respectfully yours,
It can tie dedended upon. Try it*
vessel was destroyed in the harbor
10 too obvious to need pointing out.
Sold by all dealers.
of Havana war against Spain was by a right interpretation of some
We Show to Advantage.
W.A, Williams A Co
* X*