Tillamook Headlight, Marsh 23, lôlâ. 4 RT OF POISONING oxicology Made a Record In the Seventeenth Century. ECRETS NOW HAPPILY LOST * Was In Trying to Rediscover Thom That Sainte-Croix, tha Accomplice of the Notorioua Mme. da Brinvilliora Mat Hia Tragio Fato. COSTLY CORSICAN VOTES. p(JJ 'l A I «I —Ma —__ k*> 1 Ths Islanders Give a — kA/ Warm Welseme ’ to Millionaire Candidates. The island of Corsica, although a part of tbe republic of France, to quite different in its customs from the republic and never ceases to furnish Roosevelt Campaign Sho'«s it Administration Does Not Use reading matter out of the ordinary Office-Holders to Get Has Been Put Into Poor for the Parisian Journals. The Coral­ cans have, it appears, a decided pen­ Delegates. Hands. chant for millionaire candidates for the chamber of deputies and are al­ ways on the lookout for this admira­ The initial statement of Senator Dix­ Theodors Roosevelt has already ble material. Yet there is between bsen put on the defensive in his third on, in regard to the sins of the admin­ them and the millionaire* a singular term cundidacy, more than anything istration in lining up office-holders to misapprehension. The Islanders de­ get Taft delegates to tbe ntaional con­ sire that millionaires be candidates sise, through the Inaptitude cf his vention, is as idle as it is ill founded. because of tbe manna that falls upon friends. Facing the unusual situation their country during an electoral cam­ of a third term candidacy, they have As long ago as last December, Presi­ dent Taft directed that office holders paign, but they do not desire to elect sot risen equal to the situation. them. As for the millionaires, they Senator Dixon. Roosevelt's manager, in the southern states were not to be are perfectly willing to spread the made a bad mistake in a recent ad­ chosen as delegates to Chicago in his manna, but they also wish to be dress and Roosevelt must have regret­ behalf, and every well posted politi­ elected. ted later that he did not look over his cian knows that in the distribution of “Recently,” says a Paris journal, remarks before they were published. patronage in the southern states, this “one of our most successful money Mr. Dixon said that for more than 50 administration has turned a deaf ear makers went to Coreica to visit bls to all pre-convention suggestions. future department, At bls debarka- years, the Republican party has con­ People who recall the pleasure and trolled the policies of the nation and tion several dozens of Corsicans re­ avidity with which President Roose- ceived him with ‘hourrahs,’ and guns then referred to the loss of the House were fired, which down there is the by the Republicans in 1910 as the first telt corailed the southern delegatee last word of enthusiasm. He under­ break in party rule. i for Mr Taft four years ago, the em­ But most everyone knows that if the phasis with which he Instructed Frank took a tour of the country. At each village Corsicans, magnificent in local loss of the lower House of Congress H. Hitchcock to "Cinch 'em” and the color, acclaimed him and wakened the oonstltutes such a break in party rule, glee with which he received the news echoes with gunpowder. the Republican party has been in con­ that Hitchcock had carried out his in- “At the third village, however, he trol in Washington only 32 years out structlons, regard the statement of had something of a sensation. He of the last 50, and since 1872, only 22 Senator Dixon as a blunder. had a visit from a farmer, who said 1 Indeed it is not necessary to go years out of the last 40. In that time, to him: ‘We are four brothers, all back four years to witness the zeal there have been two Democratic ad ­ voters, ready to vote for you. Buy with which Mr. Roosevelt and his as­ for me the meadow that is on the oth­ ministrations and many Republican er side of the village and you have senates. In fset, the Republican party sociates have gone after these same is as much in command today as it delegates. Only a few weeks ago. our votes.' baa been during a large part of the Ormsby McHarg was going through “ ‘How much Is this meadow? “ ‘A trifle. 12,000 francs.’ time since the beginning of Grant's the south promising large sums to those who would procure Roosevelt “After a tour of eight days the mfl- second administration. llonalre calculated that to pay for all Mr. Dixon laments the loss of the delegations tbe votes that had been offered to House in 1910 as an unprecedented Moreover, nothing will be attempted him would require 5.000,000 or 6,000,- disaster. Yet, in four of the last seven in this campaign by the administration 000 francs. And even after that ex­ preceding Republican administrations, half so raw as Mr Roosevelt himself penditure he would not be certain of the House was lost in the mid-term worked to secure his own re-election election. As one Instance of this a resident of I “He withdrew from the canvass, year, in 1874, 1878, 1882 and 1890. St. Johns, who was a postmaster of but he had already expended some ! Mr. Dixon of course tries to throw hundred thousand francs, of which I the blame of this condition on Presi- a fourth class office in Arkansas in his enthusiastic welcomers had their < dent Taft, but tbe truth is that it was 1904. the fees of which amounted to full abare. They really would like to as much the Senator's fault as any- about $8.00 a year, declares he have him come again.”—Indianapolis News. NOTICE OF CONTEST. JOHN L. HENDERSON Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, ATTORNEY & COUNSEL- March 2, 1912. To William Knous, of Blaine, Ore­ LOR-AT-LAW, gon, Contestee : You are hereby notified that ROY Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. L. COOK, who gives 260 Third st., Portland, Oregon, care of Plutnmer Room No. 26r, Drug Co., as hie post-office address, did on February Sth, 1912, file in this office his duly corroborated ap­ plication to contest and secure the T. BOTTS, cancellation of your Homestead, Entry No. 0425, Serial No. 0425, A ttorney - at -L aw . made September 14th, 1908, for S,W. Complete set of Abstract Boukt M of N.JS. V«, S.E. li of N.W, t*. N.E. '« of S.W. 1« and N.W. '.of S. E. Section 31, Township 3 n office. Taxes paid for non­ South, Range 8 Wes', Willamette Residents. Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Tillamook Block. WILLIAM KNOUS has ' never es- tablished residence on said land, Both phont-s. has never made any improvements thereon, has never cultivated any portion of the same, but has wholly abandoned said land for more than arl haberlach six months immediately preceding this date. You are, therefore, further notified ATTORNEY AT LAW, that the said allegations will be i taken by his office as having been confessed by you, and your said Tillaüiook Blech entry lie canceled thereunder with out your further right to be heard therein, either before this ofiice or on appeal, if you fail to file in this Q.EORGE WILLETT, ofiice within twenty-daya after the fourth publication of this notice, as A ttorney - at -L aw . shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re­ sponding to tl.ese allegations of Tillamook Commercial Building. contest, or if you fail within that time to file in this ofiice due proof T illamook O regon . that you have served a copy of your answer on ttie said contestant either in person or by registered mail If this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer H. GO Y NE, to the contestant in person, proof of À o such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledg­ A ttorney - at L aw . ment of Ilia receipt of 'the copy, showing ttie date of its receipt, or tiie affidavit of the' person by whofti Office : Opposite Court Heits«, the delivery was made stating when and where tiie copy was delivered ; T illamook , O regon if made by registered mail, proof I of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom ttie copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was T. B > ALB, V.D., mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster’s receipt for tbe letter. You should stale in your answer PHYSICIAN & BURGEON, the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent TILLAMOOK. io you. The basis of most poisons in tbe slx- eenth and seventeenth centuries was irsenlc. It was extremely easy to pro- ure, the taste was easy to hide, and mill Marsh’s test was discovered bout a hundred years ago its traces rere difficult to discover. In the sev- nteenth century toxicology reached eights that it has never since attaln- d. The laboratories of the poisoners 1 France and Italy contained secrets appily lost today. The preparation of tbe potions used uring the reigns of Louis XIII. and LIV. may be briefly described. An nimal was doctored with a dose of rsenic. After death tbe liquids of the xly were carefully distilled, and the tsultant was of extreme virulence, ring composed of the virus of ar- ;nic and tbe alkaloids of decomposi- on. When the animal thus killed was -edited with a bodily venom the dia­ i lled liquid was a concentration of tree poisons instead of two. For this I ■ason the toad was the favorite sub­ let of experiment. This was the poi- ! used by Mme. de Brinvllliers. .gainst it medical skill was almost lelplea*. The list of monarchs whose deaths vere attributed by popular gossip to ■ be effect of poison is a long one. I 'atberine de’ Medici was a known poi- ■ oner, surrounded by poisoners, and ¡er two sons, Francis II. and Charles X., were probably hurried to their nd by the administration of drugs as rell as by their feeble state of health. There are some grounds for the as- ertion that Louis XIII. died of pol- on. His mother. Marie de’ Medici, ras said to be the greatest poisoner f her age. The comment In Paris ras that the king was well or ill as « agreed or quarreied with the queen WALLED LAKE. IL F. IIlGHY, Register. aotber. The state ministers ran des- Tillamook Block. J. C. AUDREY, Receiver. erate risks. Richelieu suffered from Where Its Water Comes From Date of tirât publication Marell aany curious illnesses. He knew his Where It Goes Is a Mystery. “tli, 1912 ; date of second publica­ langer and took every precaution, One of the curiosities of the west is tion March 14th, 1912; date of third ilazarln's death cannot wholly be ex- the “walled lake.” something over a M. K ER RON, publication March 21st, 1912 ; date of fourth publication March 28tL, ilained by natural causes. The death hundred miles west of Dubuque, la. 1912. if the sister of Charles II. of Eng- This lake is from two to three feet and is also a matter of mystery. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON j hl.rher than the earth's surface. In The chief accomplice of Mme. de seme places the wall is ten feet high, Tillamook Block, Irlnvllllers and perhaps actually the fifteen feet wide at the bottom and nstlgator of many of her crimes was five feet on top. A remarkable clr Tillatncok, Oregon. iaudln de Sainte-Croix, than whom a cumstanee with reference to this odd nore sinister scoundrel does not cross lake is the size of the stones used in he pages of the century. Its construction. Inasmuch as the whole He was sent to the Bastille, liberated of them varies in weight from three ind met his death before Mme. de tons to 100 pounds. There is abun­ Irlnvilllers herself was brought to dance of stones in Wright county, but rial. The accounts of his end are surrounding tbe lake to tbe extent of onflicting and illuminating. Accord- five or ten miles there are none. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, lemon extract—a little tluw and ag to one of them, Sainte-Croix was No one has any idea as to the means that to flavor your grub. Your ndeavoring to discover a poison the employed to bring these stones to the cow, your ateer, your hog under BAY CITY, OREGON manations alone of which would be spot or ns to who constructed this lake. natural Condition* would have a chance to get a bite of thia, a bite ble to kill. He had heard of the pol- Around the entire lake is a belt of of that and a bite of the other jned napkin with which the young woodland half a mile in length com­ thing and »0 get a variety in ita >auphin. elder brother of Charles VII. posed of o-i k. With this exception the R. BEALS, feed. Hut under the unnatural ad wiped his face while playing at country is a rolling prairie. The trees condition in which you keep innls and the contact of which alone must have been planted there at the them, they get every day about 'as sufficient to kill. Then there was time of tbe building of the wall. In the name nort of atutf to eat. A h REAL ESTATE, le gossip about the gloves belonging the spring of the year 1856 there was a natural consequence they get “ off their feed. Even if they » Jeanne d’Albret, which had been a great storm, and the ice on the lake F inancial A gent , do not. their digeative organa repared tty one of the Italian poison- broke the wall in. several places. The nerd tiie tonic effect which cornea rs in the train of Catherine de' Me- farmers in the vicinity were obliged to Tillamook, Oregon. from a variety of feeding atuffs, icl, a crime which was never brought repair the damages to prevent inuuda- Watkins ’ Stock Tonic otpe to Its instigators. The secrets ticn. Tbe lake occupies a ground sur­ la a scientific preparation which f these poisons had been lost, and face of 2.800 acres. The depth of the not only improve« the flavor of ainte-Crolx wished to And them. wnter Is as great as twenty-five feet. the feed you feed, Imt alao sup­ There came to pass one of those The water is clear and cold; the soil plies that tonic element so needed trange events which seem rather to D sandy and loamy. It is a singular to make your live stock do their RESIDENT DE JUST, e a punishment from heaven than an fact that no one has been able to as­ PRESIDENT TAFT best. • ccldent. At the moment when certain where tbe water comes from There i* no longer any doubt Office across the street fron' the alnte-Crotx, leaning over his stove, nor where it goes, yet It is alwaya about the need of a tonic for the body's. He himself was a willing reived a letter from the RooeeveL modern domestic animal kept Court Hou.te. -atebed his fatal mixture reach Its p-esh and dear.—New York Press. worker with Senator Aldrich, to pre­ campaign managers at that time, stat­ under artificial conditions. You Ighest state of Intensity, the glass Dr. Wiae's office. vent adequate tariff revision and be ing that he and all other postmaster« must give them something to task which covered bls face and pre- Green Granite. help them digest tbeir feed and of the fourth class had been assessed srved him from the mortal exhala- A peculiar characteristic of the New was as a matter of fact among tbe get ttie greatest good from it. ons which escaped from the liquor England granite veins Is the fact that most steadfast standpatters in the *25.00 for- the Roosevelt campalga. Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies p SA RUHET, ecame unfastened and dropped off. thia need. It makes ttie animal three distinct colors of granite are ta Senate Sainte-Croix fell to the ground as if be found tn as many states, pink in reliah ita feed more; it aids in Mr. Dixon's manifesto also seems K . The Fashiuuablc Tarlo-. M'HARG IS ON THZ JG3 the" digestion and assimilation :ruck by a thunderbolt. Massachusetts, gray in Connecticut to be ill-considered when he says that of the feed, and in addition to After the death of Sainte-Croix Mme. ( and green in Vermont. Green granite Mr. Taft must rely for his support in His werk for Roosevelt will not s*-t that, it baa a tonic effect upon IC.^auiog, Pressing and Repan e Brinvllliers took flight and found a 1 is something of a curiosity because of the whole system. much support In this state. rfuge in London and afterward in tbe Its rarity. The largest columns of this tbe Chicago convention upon delegates Your animals need a tonic of ing a Specialty. ietberlands. Her arrest was affected variety to be found anywhere are those from the south and those possibly of The news that Ormsby McHarg is this kind. Watkins' sp,, k I mu y stratagem, and she was brought which Support the dome in the library the east and north when direct pri­ one of the Roosevelt managers and is is not a secret preparation. We Si »re in Heins Photograph ” maries do not prevail, but where tbe ack to Paris to stand trial. The of Columbia university.—Exchange. going through the country organizing tell you the actual ingredients party machine is dominant. Just what lost damaging testimony against her I that are need in it. You know Gallery. states Mr. Dixon believes are conven­ a following for the Oyster Bay candi­ I <-Xii<-tlv what you ar«- buying and ras that of tha tutor, Bralncourt, who Different Birds. pound for |>ound it will go farther date will not be received with entire lad been in a measure her unwilling tion ridden, would be hard to say. A western detective was congratu­ and do more good than any other ccompllce. In one part of bls evidence lated by a reporter on the arreat of a Delegates will be chosen by direct approbation by people of Oregon. stock tonic or *0 called stock J. CLAUSSEN, They will remember that it waa thia he episode must have suggested to notorious swindler veto in Maine. Massachusetts, New food ever made. lumas one scene between D'Artagnan LAWYER, The Watkins Man will t*e glad "With bis absurd lottery scheme," York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Ohio. same Ormsby McHarg who camo to nd Lady de Winter described in “The said tbe detective, “the man took tn pail on trial, Oregon Just a fe* short years ago and to leave you Dlinols. Wisconsin and Minnesota. Three Musketeers.” Mme. de Brinvll­ »700 a day in money orders. Elijah," did everything in his power to induce backed by tbe Watkins guarantee, i ÇcutacluT ¿bvolmt liers was condemned and a full con­ he continued, "was fed by ravens, and Possibly also In Maryland and New members of the State Legislature to Deliverd by Waggon Hampshire. The only northern states fession of her crimes was wrung from nowadays if you will only turn crook 213 Tillamook Block, violate their moot solemn pledges to R. R. ROBERTS her by tbe application of tbe torture you’ll be fed by gulls.”—Exchange. oast of the Missouri river clinging to tbe people by refusing to support state­ O regon . T illamook of tbe water. She remained seven the convention system are Rhode Is­ ment No. 1. hours in the torture chamber and she Just His Biss. land, Connecticut!. Vermont. Delaware, At that time Ormsby McHarg was avowed all her crimes, but denied that Maud—I've Just beard of * ease she bad any accomplices. where a man married a girl on hl* West Virginia. Michigan, Iowa and evidently not so much of a progressive J JR. J. J. MURRAY, V S Tbe trial, torture and execution of , deathbed so she could have hl« mil Missouri, and of these last, four are as he has become in this campaign Mme. de Brinvllliers served as a useful lions wlten he was gone Could you Maimed as friendly by the »ntITaft The people of Oregon had declared for vwse m aoTioa . quick in ruvlti George E. Chamberlain for United | Sts* *s«ato* relief from BACKACHE, VETERINARY SURGEON lesson. Polson did not disappear, but lore a girl like that? Jack-That’s Campaigners I s practitioners were taught to curb Just tbe kind of a girl I could I®»«, Platea senator. But Ormsby McHarg R1DMBY and BLADDER TROUBLE, AND DENTIST. their malevolent enthusiasms Tbe ivhat'» her address’—Bostoo Trans­ » not then want the people to rule. RHEUMATISM. CONGESTION of lx < President Upholds V ¡‘.a pursuits of astrology and alchemy ; cript. Registered and Graduate • 1» of the most disgraceful sesnes waned for a time to reappear in tbe : President Taft regards as unp.t.l ever witnessed at the Oregon capital KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of tbs Veterinary Surgeon next century In tbe richest fruition in A Doctor's Well Meaning. « otic the disposition in some quarters was tbto McHarg person bringing ev­ BLADDER and all annoying URINARY Office : Commercial {{tables, tbe person of that astonishing arch lm- "You must take exercise." said tbe ery possible Influence te bear to get IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to Tillamook, Ore. Both phones. postor. Cagllostro - Bookman Review phj sb inn. "and. by all mesas, worry to discourage enlistment In state mil­ weak-kneed legislators to disregard MIDDLE AOKD and ELDERLY itia*. Is a recent speech be character ­ of ' Mme Brinvllliers aud Her Tims*” less. Play golf " tbe peoples' instruction*, violate their “Doctor.” replied tbe patient, "you ised this branch of the national de­ FBOFLE and for WOMEN. R. 1’. S. ISAACSON, mean well, but a man who ptays my fense te a prime eecrssliy. He said: stat-, ¡nent No. 1 pledge and cast tbeir ■*«■ Niawcrr nscommcroatio « “7udaa< • aad MaA der I to I rerereterh«rl>reaud »I kidasy a«*M* the NaUoasi guard. Th», is unpatri­ that session. AND DENTIST. wm la»i- wt, «easing dm In lore stark stoss si aig. t, sod la ■>« blsAtar thors waseossStol otic sad ought to be frowned upon Do Oregou Republicans want te veto **K Todd Hotel, T.llamook. I F-4< r Kkiuar Pills for s>«re Uto* aad ano frvs of si I tr. ablaaad agalaaMato gvory man who enlists should bo mad« for a profeaeed reformer like Re*** C^aaadaraend F.'re KbArer Alt« tore w Formerly with the army tr*n«|»ott to feel that bo to preparing his country veil Wb* Me Ormsby McHarg on Me u*toas sseasBMndeStom ” Di*. -yr. . t S w W. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary tar a poMtbto «mergaacy.' tCa I. Clough. Druggist.* College, rUoe 'M C Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Foley Kidney Pills ,