Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 21, 1912, Image 5

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    Tillamook Maadiight, Marah 11, 1Ô11.
■_____ .
Newspaper Say i Halt Portland Journal Tells of Sena­
wd of the People,
tor's Tax Contribution.
Maternent No. Ono Whug Reputed Millionaire Pays 92.44 te
Republicans Retuesta
Help Defray Oregon’s
I to de Mu
Proviajjj||b>t * lonS career af oe»
(tent fighting for measurea that
lufffkB,Bt*te government LwC ts
and also sends the name
. O n R bb to the top of the columa
advanced legislation, the following
traot from the Portland Daily Jour-
J 4< VMBay. February 22, 1912, Mt
|^r|Mtgaes the progressive poU-
II ol te Selling which are now
wa eg the statute books of Oregon.
BM m SBhows beyond question the
India* of 'this man among the peg-
» a*t'B*cas of the state:
•OMtor Ben Selling hae an-
neUMBK his Intention to oen-
dMHKthe Republican nomine-
.‘■■raMf United States senator,
flMMMLnumber of years the
course of Mr. Selling
•MÇmH Journal have run along
much the same lines. Support
of progressive methods of gov­
ernment In Oregon when they
were badly In need of support,
brought Mr. Selling and The
Journal on common ground.
When there was need •f
MMamant One candidates for
the legislature, they were
always easy to find. There was
a time when most of the higher-
ape Of the Republican party In
Oregon were, and some of them
atm are, against Statement One.
It was'In such a time that Mr.
Belling was a welcome addition
to the forces that were striving
for direct election of senator,
and for elimination of disgrace­
ful deadlocks at Salem.
Without at all entering Into
the support of Mr. Selling's pres­
ent candidacy, It is as little as
The Jetlrna! can do to thus ack-
nowletage the aid Mr. Selling
has bepn to the cause of popu­
lar gCOernment In Oregon, an
acknowledgment that, in falr-
neea,. la also due to Senator
“Naturally. Ben Selling would be
my choice for the United States sen
ate,“ said a prominent Portland Ger
maa to a reporter for the Zeltung.
“He knows the people of Oregon, and
his lntoccpts are here in the state.
Ho knowAwhat the people of Oregon
■Mflk BBd I don’t believe there is a
better able to supply those
line with that sentimen.
very generally expressed,
that while Mr. Selling
been one of the most pro-
insistent upon the
of the state and the util-
its resources, he Is the
of graft in all its forme,
the fact that all public
lust be met from the pock
people, he stands firmly
i waste of public money.
Rs gone forward amaslngl)
K twenty years; and in
bf its progress Ben •ailing
I the front rank of Oregon >
Ie has done his part He
nis share of the 1
his share of
asked m maa
it will be interesting in the extreme
to every citizen of Oregon at this par­
ticular time to know to what extent
the senior United States senator,
Jonathan Bourne, pays in the way of
taxes in Oregon. Here is a statement
from the Portland Journal of March
S. 1912:
The tax rolls of Multnomah
Bounty show Jonathan Bourne,
Jr., senior senator from Oregon,
Will pay 92.44 In taxes this year.
This Is on his personal proper­
ty, which consists of office fur­
niture In his office in the Cham-
af Commerce building. This
tomiture is assessed at 9100.
No assessment of real property
appears no the tax books. The
registration books show the sen­
ator’s home to be on the second
Boor of the Portland hotel, but
the tax books do not show he
has any personal property there.
—Portland Journal, March 3, 1912.
Tst Senator Bourne is reputed to be
worth fifteen milions of dollars (>15.-
Mo owns extensive interests in a
large cotton goods manufacturing
plant on the Atlantic coast. Hence
bla vote In the senate for a high tar-
iff on cotton goods.
Senator Bourne has been in Oregon,
M tar as known to the public, but
throe times since he was elected sen­
ator over five years ago and has spent
la this state, so far as the public
knows. less than three weeks in the
ata to.
Does it seem reasonable that a man
— be familiar with the needs of a
state who gives It so little time, and
floss it seem possible that a senator
can have the welfare of Oregon thor­
oughly at heart whose fortune is in
the east and who contributes but 92.4*
to taxes in the state from which he
was elected?
Boulder Creek.
Mrs. Kila Krake is home again
after v week’s visit with relatives
in Tillamook
Many cases of colds and la grippe
When Bank Failed He Promptly are reported in this neighborhood
at present.
Offered Par for Pass Books.
A. O. Foland has returned from
It doesn’tpayto buycheapwarc that soon peels, crack»,
his trip east of the mountains. We
leaks, tarnishes, rusts or wears out. Even at a lower
Loan Sharks and Brokers Thwarted
cost such ware is the most expensive because it is dan«
his family for their new home in a '
By Him—Saved People
gerous to health and unreliable inservice—doesn’t last.
Large Sums.
Louie Krake and wife have moved
1 to Tillamook, where Louis will work
"Help promptly is of double value,“ for Mr, Good speed.
says the proverb.
is guaranteed for IS years. There is practically nowear
Carl Jensen, Mrs. L. Jeneen, Mrs.
Oregon people, and Portland people
Millie Sappington and daughter, |
to it and scientific investigation proves it the most
in particular, will remember the fail­
Crystal, came up from Hebo Sun­
sanitary cooking ware made. Particles can’t chip
ure of the Title Guarantee and Trust
day to visit at H. I- Jeneen, L. N.
off and cause cnronic troubles nor spoil the food.
company, of Portland, in October, 1907.
The embarrassment of that institution Sandoz and wife and H. A. Chop­
Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be
was bad enough of Itself. But it came ard and family, were also visitors
absorbed by it.
at a time when the breaking of one at the Jeneen home the same day. I
You’ll have better food and save trouble, time and fuel by uaitm
bank came perilously near producing
only **1892” Pure Spun Aluminum Ware. Look ior Wada
mark oo every piece.
a panic in which many banks and
Mrs. O. W. Kinnainan was called
business houses must go down—to
the measureless damage of thousands. to Tillamook, Friday, by the illness
It was a time for men to help each of her mother, Mrs. Norman Dye.
other; a time for business interests She came home Sunday evening,
to stand together in order to save leaving her mother some better.
depositors from a heavy loss.
A card from R. Y. Blalock, Con­
Disastrous as a settlement of ma­ don, Oregon, states that they may
terial discount would have been, it be home by March 23rd.
was feared for a time that it was the
We understand that Max Mattoon,
best settlement that could be made. of Hebo, haB been employed to
And if made, it certainly would bave make cheese at the Blaine Co-opera­
resulted in widespread and ruinous tive factory which is scheduled to
loss to thousands all over Oregon.
be opened Saturday, March 16th.
In that crisis Ben Selling promptly
H. L. Jeneen went to Tillamook,
....... . J33.00
ST. PAUL ....... »25.00
came forward with a better offer. He Tuesday after a load of pipe for the
proposed to take over the claims ot water system lie will install at his
OMAHA................ '*•5.00
the depositors at seventy-five cents place this spring.
DES MOINES.... 27.85
ST. LOUIS .... 32.00
on the dollar In good, solid cash, and
Manuel Botha has been working
NEW YORK... 50.00
an additional twenty-five cents in mer­ on the Mutual telephone line near
DENVER ............ 25.00
chandise. It was absolutely equiva­ Tillamook City, for several days.
From other eastern points in proportion.
lent to a hundred cents on the dollai We understand that Mr. Sheets is
Tell your friends in the East of thia opportunity of moving West at
—every penny that was Involved.
putting up several miles of new low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific,
There was an instance of needed wire.
Great Northern and “North Bank” Lines.
help promptly given. It averted a
Youjcan deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in
The friends of Rev. H, A. Walter
threatened and imminent panic. It and family will be pleased to learn the East. Details will be furnished on request.
T. COOPER, Agent,
restored the general confidence in that they arrived safely at Philo­
Gen’l. Freight and Paas Agent,
Hillsboro, Ore.
banks and business houses. It abso­ math on Friday, March 1st, after a .
Poitland, Ore.
lutely insured depositors against loss. very pleasant journey. They are
It did more than any other one thing visiting Mr. Walter’s father and
BACK TO THB FARM ie now the slogan, and the low
to enable commercial Portland to ride mother at present.
the troubled seas of 1907—the most
E. P. Mills was a county seat
dangerous period since 1396.
visitor this week.
He went out
And it was typical of Ben Selling. with H. L. Jeneen.
It required financial resources, splen­ George Fresliour received word
did judgment of conditions, and a sup Monday of the death of his son-in- From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United
erb confidence in the essential stabili­ law, Ed. Keene, which occurred
ty of his city and his state, and the Friday, March 8th, at Dayton, Ore. 1
fairness of his fellow citizens.
prevailing daily
The Ware That Wears
Guaranteed 15 Years
“1892” Pure Spun Aluminum Ware
Alex. McNair & Co.
Daily March 1st to April 15th,
To The Republican Voters Of
Tillamook County.
I, U. G. Jackson, do hereby place
tny name before the Republican
Voters of Tillamook County as a
candidate for nominariou to the
office of County Surveyor in the
coming Republican Primaries.
With tny experience and knowledge
of conditions in all parts of the
county, I believe I will be able to
render good service to the people
of Tillamook Connty. If nominated
and elected I will accept the office
and will attend strictly to the per­
formance of my duly and will en­
deavor to serve the interests of the
people to the best of my ability.
Yours truly,
U. G. J ackbox .
March 1 to April 15,1912.
over the
Catholic Sentinel Saye Time Has
“Oregon for Oregon’’ is the slogan
Come For Action.
of William Hanley, the picturesque
The time is passing—or past—when representative of Central Oregon, who
oratory is the one essential for states­ because of his marked facial and phy-
is the best means cf carrying it out
manship. More and more the country steal resemblance to William Jen­
recognizes the need of the business nings Bryan, has many times been
.... «33.00
man in politics, and the value of bust- mistaken for the thrice-dcfeated can
.... 32.00
ness men in office.
didate of the Democracy for the pres
OMAHA......................................... 25.00
The substantial advancement of the ldency. It is for the reason of “Ore­
Mtion has been made very largely by gon for Oregon" and because Hanley's
business men. And it is safe to say views coincide closely with those oi
- 25 00
that there would have been fewer halt- Ben Selling, candidate for the Repub­
From other cities correspondingly low
ings in the progress of the republic lican nomination for United States
Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, but they can be prepaid from
if the fervid policies of men who senator, that Hanley feels very friend­
any point. If you have friend« or relatives in the East who desire to
scorned commercial pursuits had been ly toward the candidacy of Selling.
“Get back to the Fann," you can deposit the value of the fare with
tempered more with the calm judg­
your nearest local agent and a ticket will be telegruphed to any a<l<lrcxa
ment and the shrewd foresight of bus­
iness men.
Call on the undersigned for good instructive literuiure to send East.
Oregon needs business men in its
To The Voters of Tillamook
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent,
oounclls. Oratory is a fine thing, and
there is a joyous thrill in brilliant
I hereby announce myself as
pictures of imaginative statesmen.
candidate for nomination, for the
But states and nations have to deal
office of County Assessor on the
with conditions, and not altogether
Republican ticket, at the Primary
with theories
election to be held April 19th, 1912. i
Ben Selling is a successful business
If nominated and elected, I pledge
man. For fifty years he has been
myself to attend strictly to the
profitably engaged in commercial pur­
duties of the office, that I will give
suits. Personal interests have not en­
a fair and equable administration
grossed all his time, and ha baa da-1
during the whole of my term.
voted much of his life to activities
Respectfully yours,
which make for the betterment of his
C. S. A tkinson .
fallow citizens, the advancement of
the community. Never once has pub-
lie enterprise or private friend lost
To The Voters of Tillamook
by following bls advice. He has been
safe and sane in everything.
I hereby announce myself as
Development costs money, and the
candidate for renomination for the
price of public improvements must bo
office of County School Superintend­
gets in cash—whether it is the Pan­
Hanley came out of the Selling head­ ent, on the Republican ticket, at
ama canal, or the forestry preserves
f Oregon And every dollar of the quarters yesterday looking cheerful. the primary election to be held
mighty expenditure cornea from the Refecting that Mr. Selling in his plat­ April 19th, 1912.
AN HOUR saved in summoning the plumber
Respectfully yours,
packets of the people. The citizens form had definitely committed him­
w. s. Bun-
provide the means, after all. There- self to securing for Oregon its just
by telephone may save the price of several
torn, it is in ths Interests of the gen­ share of the reclamation fund for
of service.
Free I Free ! !
eral public, of the average American. promoting various irrigation projects
»a»» the selection ot a business maa la thia state, Mr. Hanley said It would
It certainly saves a lot of discomfort and worry
To every ladv living in Tillamook
tor the United States Senate is urge*. bo advisable for the voters of this
Bell Telephone keeps the household in const»-it touch
Therefore it is in the cause of every state to elect a senator who could be County we will give one package
the resources of civilization and is instantly available
Stoss that Ben Selling's election to depended upon to do all In his power
in any emergency.
the Ulnted States Senate Is advocated to occur» for the state all that beloag- OF SWEET PEA AND NASTUR-
ed to it in the way of mo:i»y for ori- TION SEED, and later on in the
It also keeps the household in constant touch with the
I* hie friends.
Hie long residence in Oregon makes glMtlng and completing irrigating en­ season we will hold our First An­
broader outside world by means of the bum Distance Service
nual Sweet Pea and Nasturtion
certain his acquaintance with the need terprises.
of the Bell System.
"Up to the present time tbe state Show at which time we will offer a
af the people of thio state. His wide
ggperleoco In commercial end social of Oregon is short about IS 000.000 of grand prize and numerous smaller
Md buainasr affairs makes sure that ke part of th» reclamation fund, mon­ ones for the best flowers grown.
M io perfectly equipped to secure the ey that should have been used for tbe Now is the time to get them started,
Measures that are needed for the gen- construction of Irrigation projects io if you cannot cal) i>eraonally send
mi good And every act ot his life, thto state and which money was ac­ ns a two cent stamp end we will
both public end private, gives guar­ tually given to other states.' said Mr. mail you a (xtekage of each free.
CH as I. C lough C o ., The Rexall
anty of good faith.
"Mr. Selllag Is pledged to tbe re- Store. Tillamook, Oregon.
At no time, and in no conceivable
etreumstances could the public ser­ egrery of that money for nee here, sad
The Best Hotel.
vice ot business men be so necessary, If Bay body can do it I am convinced Cold, La Grippe, Then Pneumonia
that be will at least lend hie best ot- Is too often the fatal sequence, and
er prove so valuable.
coughs that bang on weaken 'lx
Oregon's contribution to the history toots io that direction My acquatat- system and lower the vital resist-
of the nation ie glorious The pros­
ance. Foley's Boney and Tsr< ass
«I. P. ALtliEfi, Proprietor.
perity of tbe state sad the perman baa oonvtsced mo that be always has pound ie a reliable medicine that
eace of her Institatioae can best bo stood equaretood to tbe front for stope the cough promptly by heal­
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
ing the cause, soothes the inflamed
preserved by the counsel of Ben Sei Oreqon interests end It is about time sir
passages, and checks the cold.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
Mac. a practical man.—Catholic Bea- we had such a represontatl»» at Wash Keep always on hand Refuse sub­
iMflou — Trom a Portland newspaper > stitutes. Chas. I. Clough Co.
A First Cl «as Table.
Comfortable Bedsand Accointnodaliou