21, 1Ô12. Tillamook Haadlight, RIVERS IN THE AIR Curious Play of the Winds In the Yosemite Valley. EBB AND FLOW WITH THE SUN rheas Air Currents er Air Falls Are So Regular That They May Almost Be Timed—Mirror Lake and the Spray ' Combe at Bridal Veil Falls. WEIRD COINCIDENCES. The "Portugusss Man of-war" to a Veritable Fairy Ship. Tbe "Portuguese tmin-of war“ 1» held to be one of the mint lieautlful of all the ao culled pelagic animals xud to a veritable fairy ship, with sail that can lie elevated or lowered, that can throw out a dredge or haul It lu—In short, one of tbe most attractive of all urn rine animals and at tbe same time one of tbe most dangerous. This little animal has been called a "poem In satin.” yet it conceals under Its attractive exterior on armament that to capable of overpowering a foe of a thousand times its size in fact, tbe pbysulla stands In the same rela­ yion to many other marine animals of Its size as a well fitted torpedo subma­ rine boat would to an old line of bat­ tle ship of the Constitution class. If one but touch the purple tentacles a realizing sense of this power is at once experienced. The finger stings as If needles had been thrust into it, and when tbe tentacles are placed upon a spot where the flesh Is sensitive the pain can only be compared to that produced by melted lend or boiling oil. One scientist nearly lost his life In nn engagement with the little craft. The man had a habit of swimming on Ids side, an unfortunate habit In this case. Inasmuch as his view to the right was obstructed when one day he swum over the tentacles of a large "man-of- war.” He was In about seven feet of water, and the contact immediately gave the swimmer such a Hhock that be almost lost tbe power of motion und sank. As lie struck bottom with bls feet he pushed up and partially recovered him­ self—sufficiently nt least to call for help. Some laborers at work near by sprang Into the water and carried him ashore By that time he could breathe only with extreme difficulty, this being the most serious symptom. The pur­ ple mass wus scraped from the skin with knives and razors, but It seemed to have sunk into the flesh. For six or seven months afterward he could very readily have passed for a tattooed man. the entire middle and lower por­ tion of his body being covered with tbe most fanciful tracings.—Harper’s. Curious Repetition of a Train Wreak and a Lucky Escape. Hid you know there ate air full» In toe utuiospheru Juxt us real and ap­ parent us are the waterfalls you have so often viewed with admiration and delight because of their uutural beau ty? In the famed Yosemite valley the most Interesting feature Is. to the acl enlist perhaps. Its winds. The winds there ere seldom more than light zephyr», moody and caprl .rlpus to the ordinary tourist, but when rightly understood one of the wonders of the viylley. These Interesting facts are told by Professor F. E. Matthes of the United States geological survey In the Sierra Club Bulletin. Ill no other place In the entire world p 'i liiips nre the air currents more sys GSBi-math-and regular than In the Yosem ■lu valley, he says. III the first place, »A- > A- sun nati; naturally heats the ground Ml.il> rapidly than It does the air jMUire .« every hillside busking In the sun ¡ w ornes a heat radiator and gradually ? arms the air above It. »<> thut the ulr. » d .‘coming lighter, begins to rise. I f But under these conditions the air Boes not rise vertically because the air I •directly over It Is still cool and Is press Jr Ing downward. Therefore up the sides 7 of the wurm slope the heated air mnkes i Its way. That is why the tourist mnk ' Ing Ills way up the mountain slo|ie with the sun on his back finds Ills own dust traveling upward with him In a choking cloud. But on coming down the snme trail. When the face of the slope is In the shadow, the dust ever descends with the traveler In the same Irritating i cloud. When the face of the mountain Is In the shade the air Is cooling from the face of the slope and Is pressing Its way down Into the valley. WINGED PEACE. Just us soon as the sun leaves the slope of the mountain the earth be­ A Great Schema For Averting Wars In gins to lose Its beat by radlutlou and the Future. lu ii very short time la really cooler Writing on the difficulties of putting than the air The layer of aLr ueit the fuce of the hillside chills by con- an eud to war, F. P. Dunne says in the Metropolitan; tact with the earth and. becoming It Is an Interesting theory that It Is heavier as It condenses, tiegins to press tlnwu along the slope Thus there nre not tough minded old statesmen who normally the warm up draft on the drive tender youth to war. It Is youlh Itself which tugs on the leash and pulls sunny slo|ie and the cold down draft the unwilling statesmen We can well on the side In the shadow. In a wind believe that this Is so. The courage of less region like the Yosemite this rule youth is pure fearlessness The young may lie depended upon nt almost any are not afraid of deutb. They regard time. Is as something that cannot possibly But In the Yosemite, with Its bold u cliff topography, these upward und happen to them. They apprehend It In­ Bulownwiird ulr currents are somewhat tellectually. but they do not feel It; ^■nterrupted Ou every sunny slope hence we propose to our fellow peace ^Asild cliffs «rente slisduws. and conse- commissioners this plan for averting •tpiently there are downward air cur- wars lu future. Iu nearly every country there Is a [ vhiiiih or local breer.es dally at regular maximum of age limit for enlistment ^^■rs us the shadows come and go. ;^Bhi lei r.imt Is I'll, pin« e III purlieu or conacrlptlou. It la In the neighbor­ m « 1.1. h l'rnfess.ste.l by «'listing well to make a minimum age limit In­ l.lts <«r paper Into the air Aa stead? Suppose we say that on the ^■tm afternoon wears on and the ahad Brut call ouly men over sixty could be WO" - in the valley gather the cold draft drafted, and on the seeoud only men ■ In th«- hills pours downward, formlug over fifty, and on the third ouly men F the ialley like a greut river and Bow over forty, and no man under forty could lie permitted to tight. f Ing on to the plalus below Every side How loug then would wars continue? f canyon and valley seuda Ita reenforce- The first call would be answered bv n menta, like the tributaries of a great storm of doctor's eertltlcutes. the sec­ river, to Hila general air current flow­ ond by the prompt suspension of all ing onward to the plain. batiks, and on the third call a body With the return of ths morning sun of resolute patriots who had long been the earth at the topa of the billa la couaclous that death regarded them warmed and the downward current lu wistfully would proceed at once to the the ulr la suspended The up draft soon palace or White House or ministry of begins as the suu abtuee Into the val foreign affairs anil lynch the king, i s rhe air currents aro an regular president or minister who proiaised Blnit they may almost lie timed thia outrage on civilisation. ■ l ew rrallse, says the author of ths ■p .pcr, that II Is ou these reversing air N apo toon on Shakospoaro. Hrurrents that one of (be chief Httrac- Napoleon bad a very poor opinion of ■lions of the Yosemite de(s-nds Mtr According to ■ t >r lake. to be viewed at Its best, must 8tiakes|ieure's plays. Ttilliaudeau, in bls "Bonaparte and I I e seen lu the eurly dawn, when the Consulate." Napoleou said one day: ctiectlona are must perfect. The lake Is stillest aud Ita surface "Bhakea|>eare was forgotteu even by most mirror like when the cold night the English for 200 years until Vol­ cúrrente have ceased aud the uprising taire took It iuto bis head to write him day currents of air bare uot yet be up to please hla English friends, anil gim Yet unlees one la punctual be ever since people have goue about re­ will miss the chief beauty of the placet peating that Hbakeepear* was the 1 for this perfect atlllueea la aa brief as greatest author that ever lived. have reed him, and there la nothing the turn of tbe Ude. In him that approncbee Cornell!* or In the evening aud during tbe night, Racine. Uta playa ara not worth read- when the down draft of air from tbe Ing" mountain aides la strong, tbe stream >>f cool air pressing down tbe elope Tea Latsl plunges over cliffs. Just as water Is “De you know who her grandfather ►een to fall from almllar heights On Waal Have you ascertained anything either the Yosemite fads or tbe Neva In regard to her pedigree? Those are «I falls trails thia air fall curiosity Is things you ought to know about the teadlly encountered lu tbe evening. woman you are to make your wife.' During the daytime, on the other "Ob. ha tig her grandfat her I'* band tbe air rises vertically eking tbe “My boy, that's Just what they did cliffs and up Into tbe bauglng valleys do.”—Youth's Companion. taking i>art of tbe spray from tbe falle along with It A pretty example of He O.dn’t Understand. the air carrying the spray from tbe "Then you don't waut no cranber fall Upward may tie seen at Bridal rteer Veil falls where two little combs of “No; I’ve changed my mind I aea spray one on each aide of the stream, your cat Is asleep la those eranber itesdlly curve upward over tbe brink rles " Aa soon as tbe sun la off the cliff "That a all right. noi tn ; I don't mind these spray combs cease to »UM waktug the cat up l.outovtlto Cou rier Journal WHITE An Attreetien. •'I beer your new mluister la very efficient " "Oh yea” “How sivut bt» sife? la abe doing earthing to bring people to churchF* “Indeed »he is' tv Ml re a different gown every Mouday "- YVaahi Heis’d tlosatn la a t*«at hot wait tor the it devours -Usura« 1 QUEER MARINE ANIMAL Justice. Justice claims what la due, polity what la aeealy; justice welcha and de ride« (xvlity eurreys and orders; Joe tice refers to the Individual, polity to rito community.-Goethe. A Hint TflVRW*bheffid Beat It. Atavíate <«t II dp a I-Tbe light to gotug out HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES Lord Acton for many years kept a record of coincidences. A very strange one occurred withiu bto own experi­ ence. A rumor bad spread that bis wife bad drowned herself. She bad done nothing of tbe kind, but it was quite true that a Baroness Acton bad drown- rd herself at Tegernsee, where Lord and Lady Acton were staying, and bad drowned herself under their very win dow. Tbe strangest of all coincidences noted by Lord Acton concerned Sir Ed­ mund Berry Godfrey, who was mur­ dered at tbe bottom of what is now Primrose bill, but was then known us Greenbirry hill, in London. Three men were hanged for tbe mur­ der. Tbeir names, respectively, were Paint, Varnish, Window Green. Berry and Hill. Some years ago a well known busi­ Sashes, ness man. who was accustomed to make weekly trips between an eastern city and Chicago, bad tbe uncomforta­ ble experience of having a wheel break } for the Saw. Immediately under bls seat while the train was going at full speed. It was only by tbe most fortunate of leaps thut he was able to escape losing bls life. Naturally this experience made a Most Merchants Tillamook County. very deep Impression upon him. It wax almost a year later that he ■J MV. A ¿ took tbe same train and by a strange chance was assigned tbe same chair. During a chat with a friend whom he had just met he glanced out of the window and recognized the landscape and the very spot of bis narrow escape. He told the friend the story of the bro­ ken wheel. Just as he reached tbe climax of his recital, saying. "The cold for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouDie, and urinary lrregutannss, shivers go down my back at the mere Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. thought of it—there it is again." in­ credible as it may seem, the identical accident happened on the same trnln. almost between the same two fields ad­ joining the track, and the victim of I this oddest of coincidences barely es­ NOTICE. •»■.mai ai • » »-a ■ wg caped the same way as before. Such weird coincidences are always NOTICE, is hereby liven that the difficult of credence, hut no less nn au­ County Court of Tillamook County, thority than Darwin, the naturalist, mentions one of the same kind, though Oregon, will receive sealed bids for 0 different In degree. One of a party g in ai. at a a in ai a mm clearing, grading and graveling of the whereof Darwin was a member was right-of-way of what is known as the speaking of the earthquake of Talca- The valued family re- E. E. Cross Road commencing at the buano. in northern Chile, on which oc­ » cipes for cough and cold W. W. Conder Bridge and extending to casion tbe father had lost all his prop­ « cure, liniments, tonics and the “Hebo Store,” on the new survey, erty and the narrator himself had according to the plans and specifications other remedies have as barely escaped with his life. Then, writes Darwin, there ensued a curious on file at the office of the County Clerk. careful attention here as I coincidence. A German, one of tbe Said bids to be made separate for the most intricate prescrip­ « party, got up. saying that be would the grading, and for the graveling. A never sit In a room In those countries « tions. certified check equal to 5 per cent of with tbe door shut. as. owing to his Our fresh, high grade the amount of the bid must accompany having done so, he once nearly lost his H drugs will help to make B each bid as a guarantee that the bidder Now is the time life at Sopiapo. Accordingly, he open- will execute a bond for the completion e«l the door. No sooner bad he done these remedies more effec- I of the contract if awarded the same. to that so tbau be cried out. “Here it comes I tive than ever. again!” and another shock commen«’ed All bids to be filed in the office of The whole party escaped.—St Louis group made. Right prices are also the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Republic. Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M., assured. We carry a Large Stock of Tinware, Glass Hardware, and China, Doors. Oils. Great Western Agents ALEX McNAIR The Reliable CO in Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. I ■ FAMILY RECIPES B I « i i I - I Abandoned Mines. Old worked out mines are often high- ly dangerous. When they are almost forgotten tbe ground above them will sometimes cave lu with disastrous re­ sults. It is not an uncommon thing in un old mluing district to see a bouse or even purt of a town that has been wrecked by dropping into nn un­ suspected and long abandoned tunnel beneath The ordinary preventive method used In American mines Is more or less extensive timbering A method used lu Europenu and Austra­ lian mining districts is the filling of abandoned worklugs with mind This Is a somewhat expensive method to «tart with, but once done no further thought need lie given to It. ns the abandoned mine has practically liecome ou«-e more a part of the solid crust of tbe earth. | 3 a .a a * ■ « ■ an ■ * | I , I Scalping ths Dead. Just when the mutilation of tbedead by tearlug tbe akin from tbe beavl be gau will never be kuown. for tbe origin Is lost In tbe midst of ages, tbe record extending back beyond even the myth­ ical period of man's existence. In the book of Maccabees It to recorded that at the termination of one of tbe bat­ tles of wblcb that bloody history to so full tbe victorious soldiers tore tbe skin from tbe heads of their vanquish ed foea. This would tie evidence that the custom of scalp taking was one of the Indulgences even of those people of wbom we have record In tbe Bible. All About Stealing. “Why do you call your story The Thieves' Romance?”* "Because It to all about stealing " "HowF "Well, tbe story of tbe romance goes ; this way. 'She stole a look; then he stole a kiss Next they bad stolen meetings, they stole a march on their friends, and both stole away.* ” “I suppose the next thing they will be stealing back.” Flay Was Over. A German general on Inspecting hie troops st the clone of the war address sd them thus: "Now. my children, we can once more get seriously to work I'be pas­ time of war to at an end. and drill must go on regularly, as heretofore .“- Londoo Tit Bit* a CLOUGH, a ■ ■ a I i Reliable Druggist. « •a a a a a a a a a- a a. a J I have picture Let us show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are perfectly equipped for ’ making group, pictures and will please you with the quality of our work. Wednesday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1912. The Court reserves the right to re­ ject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. March 8th, 1912. J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Monk 9s Studio. .Builders of Horney Our “PROFIT-SHARING HARPER WHISKYES Investment Certificates areREAL Money Makers 604 Send for Booklet Corbett Bld£ Pbrtland Ore WOMEN Women of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment Grandfather knows good whiskey and since he was a boy Harper has been hia choice Buy HARPER from JOHNSON A MCLAUGHLIN and judgment give weight and force to their opinions. highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham­ berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through tbe ordeals of mother­ hood to the decliningjears, there is no safer or more reliable med­ icine Chamberlain's Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. Wanted His Fes. "What did your lawyer friend My when you asked him for hto daugh­ ter?" “He refused to answer any qneetloa without a retainer “-SaUre SWEET PEAS Our “Home” collection of fine “SPENCERS” « largv. pkt*. SO« • 1-ox pkt*., $14)0 Vitti • IX too* M If you va$t the tineut Sweet Peat in the moot brilliant cod Picking eo|. ora, order thia collection. NOTICE. NOTICE, is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive Sealed Bids, for making fills in the County Road, as follows: Beginning at tbe North line of Tohl’s Addition to th« Town of Ne­ halem, running North 1440 feet, thence East 385 ft. to an intersection with the present County Road. ALSO; for grading a wagon road running from the north end of the Bridge across the North Fork of the Nehalem River to the trestle across the Creek near the Larson Hotel in “Upper Town” Nehalem, in Section 23, including the fill across the Scholl- meyer bottom, according to plans and specifications on file at the office of the County Clerk. A certified check equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, must ac­ company each bid as a guarantee that the bidder will execute a Bond for the completion of the contract if awarded the same. All bids to be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M. Wednesday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1912. The County Court reserves the right reject any and all bids. By order of the County Court, March 8th, 1912. J. C. Holden. County Clerk. OSTRICH FEATHERS. Willow Plumes, Han