'] Vol. XXIV. No. 47 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, MARCH 21, 1912. Double Your Dollars Every dollar you earn is capable of doubleing itself in time, without any effort on your part except to hang on to it. The dollar that slips away will eventually get into the hands of some­ one who will set it at work fortune building for himself. The dollars you save, whose earning power you appropriate, will make the sum of your fortune. • The sooner you begin to save at this bank, the sooner you will see your fortune expressed in large figures. We receive savings deposits from a dollar up. ba F TILLAMOOK COUNTY B à NKWW0 COUNTY ¡. TILLAM°QK CITY, ORE. ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Smelt 5c. at the Fish Market. Born, on Monday, to the wife of lino Bieser, a girl. Mrs. Labowitch and child left on aturday for San Francisco. C. I. Clough went to Portland on londay on a business trip. Ladies’ $20.00 Rain Coat at $12.50, t Mason Pennington & Co.’s. * Up to date dress making over tar Theatre. Mrs. Laura Potter. . The weather this week has been right and fine, with frosty nights. Outing flannel, 12 yards for one filiar, at Mason, Pennington & Co., I. H. Cook, who owns timber in ■is count}’, was in the city last r k [The steamer Sue H. Elmore came k on Wednesday with a full load of (eight. [Full line of wall paper at Lamar's ■ riety Store. “Drop in and look Sound." • lit will pay you to look at Mason, bnningtondc Co.’s bargain counter lie week. * kA five passenger Ford automobile k Dr. Wendt came in by freight ■s week. Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- Lok Meat Company's Market, 13c. Ir pound. * niss Gertrude McKimens was in L city the first of the week from ■laleui. Bo your trading early then go to B Star and have a good time, ■urday at 2:15 p.m. Bring your chickens to the Tilla- ■ok Meat Company’s Market. We B 13c. per pound. * Bayocean having enough citizens. Bovement has been started to in- Kvorate that place. Bor 3ale. White Star Seed Pota- B, extra fine Apply A. W. Atter- By, Tillamooa, Oregon. Bhree extra good reels also two Mstrated songs at the Star Theatre. Mirday afternoon at 2:16 Mason, Pennington & Cc. are Bring ladies’ winter under gar- ^Bts at a great reduction. ^Bte Tillamook Commercial Club ^Bs its first bi-weekly dancing ^■y this (Thursday) evening. ^■llamook Meat Company Lard ^Llutely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail; ■ 5 lb. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c. lb. . B 6. Stanley and family have ^■rned to this city from Iowa. Bre they went about a year ago. ^■x business with pleasure and the Matinee, Saturday, at the Admission only 10c. B>e friend* of Mrs. B C. Lamb *!■ be sorry to hear that she is ■ and confined to her home. ^Brriage licenses were issued to Bowles and Jessie I- Stickler. Joseph Panaxo and Elizabeth ^BcEtee. HcaMiûh SUPERVISION .J; Born, on Monday, to the wife of E. E. Finley, a son. A. G. Beals and F. R. Beals went to Portland this week on business, the latter returning on Wednesday. Mrs. Jap Raines went to Sher­ wood, on Saturday on account of the death of her brother. James Smock. Mrs. Webster Holmes returned to the city on Wednesday after two weeks visit with her sister in Port­ land. How to solve the heat problem, buy A berdare (Australian) Coal, Telephone Main 1771. Latnb-Schra- der Co. • Petitions have been circulated protesting against the skating rink, which were freely signed by le citizens. Married, on Tuesday, at the M.E. parsonage, by the Rev. James T. Moore, pastor, Joseph Parrazo and Elizabeth F. McEtee. » Come to the Matinee, at the Star Theatre on Saturday afternoon at 2:15, and see a good show. Ad­ mission 10c. Golden Gate Cement is the standard for house a nd barn blocks. Sold by Lamb-Schrader Co. Tele, phone, Main 1771. • Mrs. Fred Poorman, accompanied by Miss Allegara Mason, returned to Portland on Monday after visiting her parents in this city. I will pay 8c, 10c. and 11c. for call hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. • Attorney Webster Holmes, as attorney for the Port of Bayocean, has until the first of the month to make his reply in the Port case. Lytle A Gordon handle all kinds of building materials in any amount and can quot«*the lowest prices in the city. See them before buying. * Two pure bred Holstein bulls for sale, one three years old and the other four months old. Price* are reasonable.—J. A. Hazlitt, Forest Grove, Ore. R. No. 1. Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­ ing purposes. Permit for trapping furnished. Address ’Gene M. Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. One week from Saturday, on March 30. the annual congregational meet­ ing will be held in the evening. J. S. McDowell, of Loe Angeles, who has bought 76 lota at Netarts, has dedicated one to the Elks, and will erect a summer and winter home for the members on the site. Now that the automobile rush is over we are repairing any and everything. Guns, lock* and key*, typwriters. cash registers and complicated machinery a specialty. At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ thing that we can’t repair we will buy. • For Trade, Salem Resident pro­ perty for dairy land in Tillamook County. For particulars write C. B. Measor, Salem, Oregon. Also give description and location of place. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michaud will leave for Canada in a few weeks, to be gone several months. It is 26 years since they left there. While away Sam Michaud will run the , ranch. Attorney Winslow, of Salem, who has been a deputy under District Attorney McNary, came in on Wed­ nesday’. He is a candidate for dis­ trict attorney, on the republican j ticket. I The Swastika Club and the Kill- kare Klub have their meetings this week, the Klub meeting today at the home of Mrs. C. H. Hoskins, and the Swastikas at the home of Mrs. , Carl Haberlach. ; R. C. Margarrel va. Edwin Hook- er, trustee, Robert T. Fowler and Annie Fowler, J. I,. Hartman and ■ E. L, Thompson, partners, is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover $8531.86 on a promissory note. F. W. Talbot made an announce­ ment that he would be a candidate for sheriff, but finding that Sheriff Crenshaw would run again, he withdrew, as he knew he could not beat the sheriff in an election. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. Smith, speaks German. Surgery, ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in the Commercial Building, opposite the Todd Hotel. Ail calls answered day or night. Both phones. • Saturday, the 23rd, at 2:15, is the beginning of a series of Matinees that will be given by the Star The­ atre, so that people in the country can see a good show and at the same time get home before evening. Sheriff Crenshaw has collected about $250,000 in taxes, and of that amount $72,477.64 were in outstand­ ing general and road warrants, which entailed a large amount of extra work during the tax collecting time as the interest had to be figured out. It will take the Sheriff several days before he can get caught up with the work and every­ thing posted and a settlement made with the County Treasurer. In regard to the establishment of a mail route between Tillamook City and Cloverdale, the bids sub­ mitted coukl not be considered be­ cause the bidders have used obso- lete postal forms, and for that rea- son it will have to be readvertised. In the absence of a properly ex­ Are the steps leading to the savings bank. ecuted proposal at a reasonable Every man, woman anil child ought to travel rate, the Department will be unable up these steps often. It spells success and to award the contract. The post-1 master has been supplied with the independence in the future. Thrift in youth proper proposed blanks. means wealth in old age. Deposit your savings Captain Emmett Jenkins, with I with us and you will find them accumulating at about forty passengers, left this a rapid rate, and earning good interest while morning for deep sea fishing, in accumulating. the gasoline launch Henrietta II. ' It is thought that a good business FIRST NATIONAL BANK, can be worked up in deep sea fish - | TILLAMOOK' ORE. ing and shipping the fish to Port­ land. As it is no trick to catch tons of fish outside the bi’T in a very little time the mrtter of disposing 1C. II. Wayntirc Still Boost of them is a question, but with COUNCIL MEETING. railroad facilities it is thought that in J for Tillamook. Railroad Still Wants to Mo­ this may be turned into a profitable nopolize Front Street--The business. My Dear Old Headlight, When I “Lid” for Skating Rink. The C.É. Society of the Christian get lonesome iuv thoughts turn iu Church want to measure all their There was a meeting of the City you anil Valley ot the Big Neittun a friends Friday evening of this week Council on Monday evening, when and Tillamook. We are tivi i.iih * at the I.O.O.F. Hall several ordinances were introduced from t'je B C. line. Are having A “ measuring’’ party is given for and considered. fine weather for March. This is n you, farily good dairy country. There A skating rink ordinance, which ’Tis something novel, something new ; prohibits the running of a skating arc quite a few talking Tillamook We young ladies nsk all to come, rink within 210 feet of any dwelling, and could be easily induced to go z\nd each one bring to aid lissome; unles-i permission has been oh there, ns many are satisfied tliut it Two cents for every foot you’re tall, has great advantages over thia Will measure you on door or wall ; tained from the property owners, C. A. Wester was taken to Port­ An extra cent tor each inch give, calls for a bond of $500 ar.d the country. I have run along thia land on Monday in a special car. And thereby show how high you rink to close on Sundays and at proposed twite of the Pacific High­ live. way and some day it will be a great He is the Assistant General Super- With music and song, refreshments ten o'clock at night thourougharre. It starts at Van­ in’.endant of the Southern Pacific, The P.R. & N. ordinance was in- and pleasure, and was injured when his motor Will meet one and all at our party definetly postponed, and another couver, 11 C., anil goes to Mexico. of “ measure.” speeder jumped the track and dis- ordinance introduced, which gives Work has commenced up thia way. located his thigh. James Walton, cashier of the the railroad three tracks on Front But all the roads I have seen are First National Bank, is the only street; one of which is to be ’used not as good as you are building in You are invited to call and look Tillamook county* I want to tell person of the Tillamook delegation as a common user. over our stock of groceries, We you people a little secret You arc that went to San Francisco, to re ­ The Portland & West Coast Rail have a new stock of first-class going ♦<> have visitors this year and turn home at present. He reports road had a franchise for a tract on goods none of them shelf worn or lots of them. So put in a lot of gar­ stale. Call and see us, you will that it was a glorious trip, full of Front Street, the ordinance being den stuff; yea, they’ are coining excitement and amusement, and read the second time. receive courtuous treatment and Earl Ford and W. T. Kimball put and big delegations. Put on a bit prompt service.-Tillamook FeedCo.* that the delegation from this city gave Tillamook County a lot of in a bid to construct side walks of fresh paint, fix up the fence*, Simmons Brothers and Golds­ good boosting. As it is the month which wan 4c. per foot nnd $3.50 get a pleasant look on your faces, fur some of the best men I have worthy’s mill is now running and ly meeting of the Tillamook Com for crosswalks. ready for orders. Dressed lumber mercial Club on Monday evening, The City Council adjourned to met want homes among you, mid furnished after February 15th. the Tillamook delegation will recite meet on Wednesday, and after good roads, good schools and good Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed some of their experiences while on meeting that evening adjourned churches, good towns and pleasant faces will go hand in band to raise lumber will be sold at correspond­ the junketing trip. until tomorrow (Friday) evening. value* on your land. You have a ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 We have received a copy of the great chance tins summer and be miles south of Tillamook River« and Harbors bill, as recom­ Hay for Sale. sure ami take advantage of it. Good A neat booklet has been issued ' mended by the committee, and that wishes to all. For Sale, Five Tons of Oat Huy and is being widely distributed I : part which refers to Tillamook says: $15.00 per ton, delivered.—If. E. C. II. W avmiri ;. ’ Improving Tillamook Ba} ’ and throughout the United States, of , Weston, Tillamook, Ore. Ferndale, Wash , March 11, 1912. ' bar, Oregon, in accordance with the the Elk Grand ¡Lodge Reunion, i ‘ report submitted in House Docu- July 8th to 13th 1915. at Portland, ' merit Nmnliered Three hundred and Ore., which besides giving the pro ¡forty-nine. Sixty-second Congress gram for that event, gives a lot of : second session, and subject to the | conditions set forth in saiil docu useful information and pictures. : nienl one hundred thousand * Hl> bers ot the Executive Board hold 9. —Several vacant lot*. 1’er pair.—MOD 150 lb*, to 201) lb*. 8c. 10 28 acre* on rtiilroad in city, $*MA> per acre. over, the two whose time expires 200 to 250 lb*. 7V*c. 301) Hi*, and over, 7c. being Cbaa. I. Clough and Fred C. Tillamook Meat Company. Baker. 1. 1.--10U0 acres. Orchard l-aniL Mostly raw. For sule only in In the case of Mrs. Otelia Hadley tract* to suit. Bid* Wanted for Hauling. Z 80 acre* Orchard land. Running water —$2 Fill v*. C. E. Hadley etal.. C. E, Hadley Fairview Dairy Awsocia’ion will haa filed hi* answer to the com­ receive bid* for hauling it* cherae plaint, in which he alleges that he front April 1st, 1912, to April l«t 1. —Two l-ots. Portland Height*. $12,(XX). dil not at any time enter into a 1913 I^ave bid* st office of Carl 2. —Three IxH*. Peninsular, near Swift’* Packing Plant.—$1,500. partnership with his father, C. B. Haberlach, aecretary, on or liefore 3. - Fine Residence Mt Tabor, Furninhed.— $3,®M). Hadley, and that the latter never April 1*4. 1912. Factory reserve* the NORTH PLAINS right to reject aoy or all bid*. had any intereat in th* property 1.—8 acre* in town. Five acre* in cultivation. Fine creek. — $2,400 FAigviaw- D airy A ss n . standing in the name of C K. Had­ LYLE, WASH., LANDS. You can *ay goodbye Io constipa­ ley. A motion was also made to 1. —1®) acre*. All good fruit land*. 4 acres orchard. Buildings — tion with a claar conacMnie if you dissolve the injunction, which was uae Chamtierlai«'* Tablet*. Many $12.000 2. -378 acre* Ranch 70acre*, 1 year old apple*. 150 acre* cleared. granted by Judge Galloway upon have been jxrmaneaUy cured by rr per acre. their use. F olm I* by aU dealers. a bond being given. Stepping Stones to Wealth List of Property for Sale or Exchange by John Leland Henderson, 216 Tillamook Block, over P.O. TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS, HOOD RIVER LANDS AND LOTS. Washington County, Or., Lands. PORTLAND. LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE TIL1AMOCK, OREGON. DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.