Tillamook Headlight, Mareh*14, IftU. NOTICE ATTACKS THE PORT THE HADLEY CASE. OF BAYOCEAN Allegations are Denied Illegal Voting and Ter­ -Maud Sharp Admits Property Belongs to ritory Draining intoother C E. Hadley. Watersheds the Cause. The State of Oregon, upon the re­ lation of Edward Blum, B. W. Tur­ ner, Cha*. Drumond, James Hol­ land, Andrew Brown, Frank Long. Sr,, W K. Anderson, Fred Blum, Henry Schilda and James Sim­ monds vs. The Port of Bayocean, a pretended quuei municipal cor- poration, M. J. O’Donnell, James Christensen, E. C. Lockwood and W. F Richardson is a suit filed in the circuit court. The complaint sets out that the defendant Port is a pretended quasi municipal Jcor- poration, the same having been attempted to be organized under state law, while in truth and in fuct the Port was never legally or­ ganized nor has ever at any time had any legal existance, and that the defendants now claim and do exercise authority as officers and are attempting to levy heavy taxes, and have already presumed to levy heavy taxes, to wit, the sum of 10 mill* on the dollar; that thedefend- nut-, plsq threaten to issue bonds to be paid by the taxation of pro­ perty; that the defendants are usurping, intruding into and un­ lawfully exercising public offices and franchises; that defendants ure exercising all the powers and and authority of a Port over certain land; that the defendants are illegal and void for several reasons. First, that the election notices did not describe the territory over which the defendants are now attempting to exercise authority; second, there weie imported just prior to the election by persons financially in­ terested in the establishment of n port a large number of men into that |M>rtion of the territory in said Barnegat precinct, known as Hayocean owned and promoted by persons who are not residents or inhabitants of Tillamook County which men were on the day of election sworn in as legal voters, having never registered as such, and after being so imported und sworn in, the men voted in favor of the organization of the port, that the men so imported were not legul voters, und whereas, if the illegal voters hud not been imported and had not voted, the election would have résulter! in a majority against the organization of the port; third, that the territory attempted to have been incorporated includes territory within the watersheds of four dif­ ferent drainage basins, the waters of each flow into four different buys; fourth, that the commission­ ers appointed did not meet and organize within five days. Attorneys: T. B. Handley und S. S. Johnson ure the attorneys for plaintiff* and Attorney Webster Holmes for the Port. The Killkare Klub. A very pleasant afternoon was s|>ent ut the home of Mrs. John Harter, when the memtiers of the Killkare Klub met for their usual study, Mr*. I.. I. Baker being the reader for the afternoon. Mrs. Fred Boorman and Miss Allegru .Mason were tile guests of the day. Alter the study hour was over Mr*. Harter entertained the Klub in n very clever way with games Mrs L. I. Baker and Mrs Lamar winning the prizes. A delicious luncheon waa served, niter which the Klub adjourned to meet with Mrs Cheater Hoskins, on March 21st. The Shakespeare Club. The Shakaai>eare Club met with Mrs Willett last Friday and had another delightful time. After the usual business hour, s guessing game called "Pat," waa |>layed. Mrs. H. C. Lamb receiving the prize A moat delicious lunch was served iu th* dining room, where St Patrick was the honored guest. The color scheme waa shumrock and Irish green. Dennis and Pat were present for a abort time, then blaraies in form of compliments were exchanged. Mra. Goyne re ceiving the one which was voted the beat. Guests of the day were : Meodanies «None. Campbell. Wai- ton^ Haltoui. Naberlacb, Poorman dhd Hotts In the case of Otelia Hadley vs C. E. Hadley et al, Maud Sharp makes answer to the complaint in which she denied the allegations; admits that C. E Hadley is using all of the property in existence ex­ clusively for his own benefit and claims him to be the owner thereof in his own right; admits that de fendant, C. W. Talmage, adminis­ trator, fails, neglects and refuses to compel the defendant, C. E. Had ley,to make a delivery or to account for the property, and refuses to join as plaintiff in thia suit; denies the truth of each and every allega­ tion in the complaint; and for further and separate answer and defense to the complaint, says that defendant, C. E, Hadley, did not at any time enter into a partner­ ship with C. B. Hadley and that whatever property defendant C. E Hadley haa or that ia in hie name ia hie property; that C. B. Hadley never liad any interest in any of the property and ia C. E. Hadley"a individual property; that plaintiff has no right or capacity to bring suit and the complaint does not state facta sufficient to constitute a cause of suit. Attorney Ralph Duniway has been retained by C E. Hadley ___________ EUGENE PRICE ENDS LIFE. Polneer of Tillamook County and Remarkable Character. Eugene C. Price, an old pioneer of Tillamook county, and a remark­ able character in many ways, owing to sickness and in a atateof deepen dency, ended hie life on Wednesday by taking carbolic acid. As an early settler he endured many of the hardships of the pioneers who hel|>ed to develop Tillamook County. Notwithstanding hia failings, nugene had some good traits about him, and he waa better informed tliat moat people imagined. Eugene C. Price died at his home on Wilson river, Wednesday, ufter an illness of two weeks. He was born in fowa on Dec. 16, 1811, and died at the age of 67 years, two months and 26 days. fie was a native of Iowa, and in early childhood crossed the plains with hia parent* to California, where hia boyhood day» were spent in the gold mining days of Cali­ fornia. His father wus government physician in a mining district at one time. He came to Oregon in the early days, and was married to Miaa ‘Susen E. Jenkins, in Tilla­ mook County, in 1871. They left Tillamook and for several years reaided in the Yakama country, where they suffered many hard­ ships on the account of hostile Indians; having to leave their home on some occasions and go with a’l the countryside to the nearest fort. A few years later they came to Tillamook again, where they liave made their home ever since. He waa one of the pioneers of this country und atate und resided in this county when there were only truils for roads and Tillamook City wai little more than a landing fur »-null steam boats. He hud u paralytic stroke about f< ur years ago and has been an in­ valid ever since, although being able to walk around until about two weeks ago, when betook to hia bed. He is survived by a widow und •even children, who ure : Joseph K.. of Hebo. Ore.; Richard W. and Thomas K.. of Tillamook ; Mrs. C R. Johnson, of Carlton, Ore.; Mr*. Krneat Knight, Mr*. K. L. Robertson and Mias Lotts, of Till* m 00k. M B Church Services B a K inû P owde Absolutely Pur Makes Home Baking Easy Newspaper* of That 8ectlon Advl** ths People to Support Selling. The only Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ho Lime Phosphates No Alum “A Family Affair,” To The Voters of Tillamook County. At the Gem Theatre Friday and Saturday. CAST OF I hereby announce myaelf as candidate for renomination for the office of County School Superintend­ ent, on the Republican ticket, at the primary election to be held April 19th, 1912. Respectfully yours, W. S. BUEL. CHARACTERS. Dan Gillespie, a good fellow whose imagination runs away with him - Horace Sappington. Jorkins Jobson, his gardiner, a high authority on Potato bugs - - - Benly Stam. Deacon Smith, who finds it difficult to be good under adverse circumstances - - Reid Bain. Sally, Dan’s good hearted cook who can keep a secret, Eva Wheeler. Miss Camson, his housekeeper in the matrimonial market and means business - Helen Beals. Louisiana, a brunette on the war path—Will Anderson. R. G. Collins, Postmaster. Barn­ egat, N. J., waa troubled with a severe la grippe cough. He says: 1 I would be completely exhausted after each fit of violent coughing. < I bought a bottle of Foley’s Houev and Tar Compound and before I . had taken it all the coughing spells had entirely ceased. It can’t be , beat ’’ Chas. I. Clough Co. You judge a man not by what be promises to do, but bj what he ha* done. That is the only true test Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy juJged by this standard hn* no su­ perior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all dealers. SYNOPSIS. ACT I- —Place : Dan’s Country Home. Time : A Midsummer morning. Dan arrives. The race. Hail Columbia ’ The telegram. Dan in trouble. Wives, Wives, Wives. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment Not one case in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. Thia liniment is for sale by all dealer* II- Place : The same. Time : Midday, Babies in deiuaud. The “Married Bachelor.” Anover­ supply of Kids.” Dan’s dilemma. "A brand new Coon iu town.” OSTRICH FEATHERS. HI- Place : The same. Time : Evening. The Deacon wants to know. t The _____ Photograph. An African cyclone. Jobson ’’biles over, ------’’ Dan is exposed. Sally’s loyalty. A Bachelor after all. Willow Plumes, Hand Tied. Have your old Plumes made into a willow. 1 J ,v. UAJVIAR’S JI.ViH ¡»er ton* tlehvrml H M ratvn TüJ« biou M Ore. * a Candidate Has Many Friends East of Mountains. Positive in the belief that a change 1* needed for the best interests of Oregon in the United States senate, many newspapers In Eastern Oregon have openly declared themselves for Ben Selling to succeed Senator Jona­ than Bourne. In a recent issue the La Grand* No other aid to the housewife Evening Observer editorially remark­ ed: is so great, no other agent so "The announcement that Ben Sell­ useful and certain in making ing will make the race for the senate against Jonathan Bourne is received delicious, wholesome foods with considerable satisfaction, for all ■ --- ----------------------- ~ know that Selling Is a thoroughly pro­ gressive citizen and stands for all NOTICE the measures that are dear to th* NOTICE, is hereby given that the' people, having been one of the legis­ made from County Court of Tillamook County,! lators who not only helped inaugurate Oregon, will receive Sealed Bids, for . the new form of government In this making fills in the County Road, as , State, but also has been one of those follows: Beginning at the North line ’ who has constantly Btood on guar* . of Tohl's Addition to the Town of Ne-, to prevent repeal of any of the mea* j halem, running North 1440 feet, thence ures. East 385 ft. to an intersection with the , "Mr. Bourne 1* practically a non­ resident of this state and is scarcely present County Road. ALSO; for grading a wagon road a taxpayer. He spends his entire time running from the north end of the In the east and seldom visits the state Bridge across the North Fork of the that has honored him. By the way, Church of Christ. Nehalem River to the trestle across Mr. Voter, have you ever seen Jona­ Death of J. R. Marble. than Bourne? What do you know i the Creek near the Larson Hotel in 1 Sunday services March 17. about him other than to receive a let­ I John Ray Marble, oldest son of 10 a.m.—Bible School with classes “Upper Town” Nehalem, in Section Hiram and Emma Marble, was for all. If you da not attend Bible 23, including the fill across the Scholl- ter occasionally written by a paid born in Jewell County, Kansas, School this is a good place to go. meyer bottom, according to plans and stenographer and signed with a rubber August 30th, 1887, and died of peri- j 11 a. m.—Preaching subject, "God specifications on file at the office of the stamp? Can you point to anything of importance that he has done for Ore­ tonitis following an intestinal 1 and Man. The relation as it was; 1 County Clerk. gon? You know of course that he hospital in Tilla- operation at the as it is ; as it should be.’’ Third i A certified check equal to 5 per cent raook. at 7 a.tn., March 13th, 1912. in the series on the Prodigal Son. , of the amount of the bid, must ac­ voted with Aldrich and the rich me* On the 25th of October, 1909, he Good, live up to date services and company each bid as a guarantee that of the east on tariff issues. You kno* he owns a large cotton goods manufac­ went to Lincoln, Nebraska, return- welcome to all. the bidder will execute a Bond for the turing plant on the Atlantic seaboard ing to Tillamook in September of R. E. I ope , pastor. completion of the contract if awarded and that he is reputed to be worth 1910. the same. *15,000,000. You know also that his From a child, Ray has been un­ All bids to be filed in the office of the Free ! Free ! I interests in Oregon are so meager that usually quiet and industrious, County Clerk of Tillamook County, his tax is exactly *2.44 according to clinging with fond attachment to To every lady living in Tillamook Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M. his home and immediate friends. 1 County we will give one package Wednesday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. the Portland Journal of Sunday, Mar. 3rd. Those who came to know him soon 1 each of CLOUGH’S ASSORTMENT 1912. • “All of these things being true, don’t discovered the serious and reliable I OF SWEET PEA AND NASTUR- The County Court reserves the right quality of his life. He was a mem­ T1ON SEED, and later on in the to reject any and all bids. By order of you think It Is time to replace hia with a citizen of the state—a ma# ber of the progressor class of the season we will hold our First An­ the County Court, March 8th, 1912. who has lived over half a centur* M. E. Sunday School. Amoug his nual Sweet Pea and Nasturtion J. C. Holden. in Oregon—who has property nowher* last words were assurances of trust Show at which time we will offer a County Clerk. else and who stands his share of taxes in Jesus as his Savior, spoken to grand prize and numerous smaller and works every day in the year t* his mother. He will be greatly ones for the best flowers grown. To The Voters of Tillamook build up his state? missed from the home. Now is the time to get them started, County. "Is it not time for Oregon to be for For more than two years he has if you cannot call personally send been a sufferer from intestinal us a two cent stamp and we will I hereby announce myaelf as Oregon, as Bill Hanley says, and de­ troubles. mail you a package of each free. candidate for nomination, for the sist from sending a rich aristocrat Besides his parents he leaves C has . I. C lough C o ., The Rexall office of County Assessor on the whose interests lie in eastern state* two Bisters, Mrs. J. W. Vint, of Store. Tillamook, Oregon. Republican ticket, at the Primary to assist in making laws for Oregon? “The people have a splendid oppor Tillamook, and Mrs. J. H. Lowett, election to be held April 19th, 1912. tunlty to elect a man who will repre­ Portland, and three brothers. Guy. If nominated and elected, I pledge You can say goodbye to constipa­ Willard Earl, and Lindley to mourn tion with a clear conscience if you myself to attend strictly to the I sent Oregon and the Oregon system, their loss. Funeral nt the M E. use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many for Ben Selling aided materially 1* Church, Thursday, March 14th. have been permanently cured by duties of the office, that I will give outlining and passing every law that a fair and equable administration Interment at Oddfellows Cemetarv. their use. For sale by all dealers. I during the whole of my term. « gives the power of government direct­ I ly to the people in this state.” Respectfully yours, ••OUTLboirTOFTJELUNG C. S. A tkinson . 10 a. m.— Sunday School. This school is alive and alert. We have a place and a welcome for the stranger. 10 s.m. — Miaa Anna Gleaaon. ACT Evangelist, and Miaa Elisabeth Merritt, aoloiat, will begin revival 1 services in the M. E. Church. These ladies have had marked success 111 thia work ; large reauita have at­ tended their labors both in the East ACT and in the Weat. They come to ua with the beat recommendation. V B Church UM Epworth league hour Young people are cordially invited Sunday School 10 a.m. Chun h Services at 11. conducted | to attend thia service. 7: XX—Miaa Gleason will again by Rev flora Voting. Xoung People'* meeting at tl JU apcah. Come early and insure a seat I' m A apecial program, some thing new and up to dale; don’t I There miss it. Ing of the week at 7 except \\ edneaday and Saturday rveaings Evening «erncraat ?SU p tn. J ames T. M cmjmk , pastor Conducted by Rev. Dura Young who ,a spec infixing all of these aer vice». Ihm’t imaa any of them. May for tale. A good seat sad a hearty welcome F°r Sal*. Five Tone oí Oat Hay extended to all. B E hNtvteg pastor EASTERN OREGON IS STRONG FOR SELLING NOTICE, is hereby liven that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for clearing, grading and graveling of the right-of-way of what is known aa the E. E. Cross Road commencing at the W. W. Conder Bridge and extending to the “Hebo Store," on the new survey, according to the plana and specification» on file at the office of the County Clerk. Said bids to be made separate for, the grading, and for the graveling. A | certified check equal to 5 per cent of; the amount of the bid mu9t accompany each bid as a guarantee that the bidder will execute a bond for the completion of the contract if awarded the same. All bids to be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, on or before 10 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1912. The Court reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. March 8th, 1912. J. C. Holden, County Clerk. ‘ VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Mail orders prom pl y filled. Price, I3.50 for 1 tie. All work guaranteed. HROP IN AND LOOK AROUND. Julia Godsey, BEAVER. ORE. I i Editor H. L. St. Clair Come* Out Strong and Predict* Success. The Gresham Outlook, edited by H. L. St. Clair, one of the strong country papers of the state, has en­ dorsed the candidacy of Ben Selling for United States senator In no un­ mistakable language. Here Is what the Outloo» editorially has to say: "The candidacy of Ben Sell­ ing tor the nomination as United States senator, to take the place occupied by Jonathan Bourne. Jr., 1* formally announced. Mr. Selling ha* bee* getting ready for thl* announcement for some time and he ha* been encourag­ ed by thousands of friends. Mr. Selling is * man of practical af­ fairs, not theories. He is a good clean Republican, not * politician. He ia a thorough Oregonian and stands for the best in the Oregon system. We look for him to make a sweep­ ing campaign and not only se­ cure the nomination on April 19. but the election in the fall. "Mr. Selling telli in his de­ claration what he will stand for and try to accomplish If elected: " 'If I am nom'nated and elect­ ed. I will, during my term of of- flc*. uphold the Oregon system: support tariff revision with jus- tloa to labot. producer and con­ sumer; larger appropriations under continuing contracts for Oregon's river* and harbors, k>- cal Federal land courts for speedily determining settlers' rights; *dministration of forest r »serves in th* Interest of our people, return of Oregon's re­ clamation fund; Immediate de 'Otopment of Alaska’s resources under government control; pen •leaa tor deserving veteran*; federal regulation of corpora Haas; an elastic monetary sye- tem tree from Wall street tndu •ace. graduated incotae tax; praaldentlal primaries; direct «■action president, vice presl- Saat aad United States aeaa- •■n; free canal for American «hip*, parcel« poet, oppose «pe- Mal tatemat*. ship ■■beUiee"