Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 14, 1912, Image 3

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Tillamook Headlight, Mafoh 14. 1912
Whlstlsr's Tart Comment.
Baffling Boston.
After ten days we were able to A "A
Whistler one afternoon called on a
' young painter of bis acquaintance who
our way around Boston, but not across
the Recipe F"r It |n All
it if yon start to walk out In Boston - An invlailt* Wall That Comes and Gaea did tbe pretty little sort of things that
Boautiful Simplicity,
In a Mexican House.
are popular, in the course of the con­
Every one» in awhile, and partlcu- you always come back to tbe place
Down in Mexico there are gboats versation that followed the young art-
from which you started unless you try
which build walls.
1st turned to a little heed he was
anniversary celebration, the uews|>a- to; then it to almost impossible.
virtt 7
in the ancient city of Querendaro Dalnting and. daintily balancing a
pers publish reports of gatherings and
stands a big one story bouse of great
banquets of Scotchmen in which the have committed It to memory. The age which, at tbe time that General square palette by one corner between
te of
name “baggie" occupies a promiueut hospitality of Boston we shall always Diaz first became president, was oc­ two finger tips, took a fine sable brush
place on the menu. Then a few curi­ remember, but not its street car direc­ cupied by one of bls adherents, a fine and as dulntlly began t^ tickle a piece
ous minded persons who do not know tions a Boston street car acts like a old fighter named Colonel Marron. of bud drawing into a “sweet expres­
sion." saying:
broncho. You never know whether it
lnqulre: “Haggis? What is baggie?"
When he died tbe place was bought
“A pleasant art. ours, isn't 11
The answers vary from a kind of Is going through tbe air like a bird, un­ by a lawyer named Valdemars, who
Scotch oat cake to hot drinks. Nobody der the ground like a mole or beneath pulled tbe whole inside of the bouse Jimmy ?"
"Yes,” was Whistler's response, “but
ever seems quite sure wbat haggis the bey like a fish. Tbe motorman to pieces and put in electric bells and
what are you doing. Frank?"
•to. One hears vaguely from seems to make up his mind as be goes L an electric lighting plant
“Oh.” said tbe young artist, "I am
at Scotch banquets that it is a I along.
Curious noises were heard, pictures painting a replica of a little thing some
The Boston language is sibilant and
>fea:.ome dish. There is a story of
the elderly gentleman of rickety di­ stylish. The Boston people love the rise to much talk, but the climax came one liked because, you know, I can al­
gestion who. taking off his overcoat iu soft boiled “r.” Cut west folks pro­ when a servant, sent into tbe dining ways sell two ot* three of the same
a friend’s bouse and smelling haggis nounce “r” a goou deal like a dog room for a glass of water, came back subject, if it’s a taking one.”
"Ab!” commented Whistler, “you
ia preparation, remarked, “Eb. but I'll chewing a bone. In Boston they deal with a scared face and reported that
be bad tbe morn!” Tbe possibility of as gently with it as they can. as if it some one bad built a wall all across must be a genius, Frank, and I, alas,
am like the simple minded hen who,
refusing this dish apparently never were not to blame for being in tbe ths room.
when asked to do so. protested that
dawned upon him, and in a sturdy sort language, although it doesn’t belong
The others rushed In. There was she could not lay tbe same egg twicel”
of fashion when one is hungry tbe there.—Horsesboers’ Journal.
nothing to be seen; but sure enough,
recipe certainly sounds as though the
when they tried to cross tbe room an
The Old Oaken Buoket’e Gone.
A Grave Discussion.
compound might be fascinating. Here
invisible wall barred the way. The
1 he advanced Piano selling methods originated in
One day’s excursion out of Boston Is
Tbe late Joseph Jefferson and hla
is tbe recipe:
wall was so hard and solid that when
sister. Mrs. Cornelia Jackson, famous Tillamook by the store of Jones & Knudson makes a
A pound each of liver, onions, tripe, southward through the birthplace and
they struck their knuckles against it
as Tilly Slowboy tn “The Cricket on
suet and cooked pearl barley and half ancestral home of the brilliant essay­
they bled.
the Hearth.” were standing at a studio big saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be­
a pound of oatmeal, with salt and ist Quincy to the boyhood haunts of
Next morning, however, the wall was
wludow on Beacon street Boston, cause we save them the Portland jobber’s profit and
pepper, are put into a sheep’s paunch Woodworth and the scenes which in­
gone, but not for good. Sometimes it
overlooking tbe Old Granary burying the BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION.
and slowly boiled for four hours. That spired his sweetest lyric. In Scituate,
Besides there is
was there, sometimes not. and after a
ground. They bad been discussing the
Is all In its beautiful simplicity. A by the village of Greenbush, we find
few weeks of this sort of thing the
French chef in a stuffy kitchen might the well of “The Old Oaken Bucket”
famous persons whose graves were
Valdemars had had enough of it and
spread below them, when, breaking a
faint at tbe recipe, but a hungry remaining at the site of the dwelling
moved out
Scotchman thinks it is tbe finest dish where the poet was born and reared.
short interval of silence, Jefferson said
To this day the house stands unoc­
on earth —New York World.
Most of the “loved scenes” of his child­
in the most mournful of tones, “Con-
cupied.—Chicago Inter Oceon.
hood—the wide spreading pond, the
uie. my dear, that is tbe best place for
me, after all,”
venerable orchard, the flower decked
meadow, tbu deep tangled wild wood­
With a horrified expression on her
* In dealing
_ with your own home merchant, whose
may still be seen, little changed sines
face, as her brother always avoided
The Historian Had His Own Way of
be knew them, but the rock of ths An Arisons Puzzle That ths Geologists grewsome subjects, she asked. “Wbat word regarding the quality of the Piano he is selling
Forcing Himself to Work.
Cannot Solve.
cataract has been removed and the
do you mean. Joe?”
you can be safely taken in perference to an agent’s
Rollo Ogden in bis biography of Wil- |
About forty miles from Flagstaff,
cascade Itself somewhat altered by the
With the twinkle in bis eye that'
liam H. Prescott, the historian, cites ; widening of the highway; the “cot of Artt., In the midst of a great plain, three generations of tbe world have statement, who perhaps you will never see again.
mauy passages from the diary show- | his fathers” has given place to a mod­ there la a saucer shaped hollow about
known, the actor remarked blandly, “I distribute direct
ing Prescott’s habit of flogging him- ' ern farmhouse, and the “moss cov­ three-quarters of a mile across and
said 'after all,’ Connie.”
self to his work by making wagers '
ered bucket that hung In the well” has 400 feet deep. The rim of this strange
Iu a flash his sister retorted. “No,
with his secretaries that he would
been supplanted by a convenient but crater rises between 150 and 200 feet Joe. dear, that’s no place for you.
complete n given task by a certain
unpoetlcal pump.—Theodore E. Wells, « above the surrounding plain. Rocky There are too many deadheads there.”
day, the odds always heavily against
“Literary Shrines.”
fragments are scattered for several —Boston Post
miles around the crater. Among these
"Prescott always took this betting
rocks many fragments of meteoric
A Poor Robin Almanao.
What Hichsns Heard.
on bis own industry with perfect se-
A new pearl in thé crown of the world’s best
One of tbe scarcest and most amus­ Iron, some containing minute black
While still a student of music Rob­
r' .isness. Sometimes be would radi­
diamonds, have been found. The Inner ert Hicbens wrote many short stories, Pianos is the reliable S. W. MILLER, the most desired
antly greet his secretary with: ‘You
walls show that the crust of the earth verses and songs
In one year, he | of all good home Pianos.
The S. W. Miller Pianos
have lqst. You owe me a dollar.’ And entitled “Poor Robin, an Almanack of
was broken when the crater was form­ says, be so rued over $500 by writing
-he would exact payment. Occasional­ the Old and New Fashion • • • con­
ed, yet no volcanic rocks exist there.
scores and lyrics for music. One song.
ly be would, with woebegone counte­ taining a twofold Kalendar— vis, tbe
Geologists bare offered several the­ “A Kiss aud Goodby," was sung by
nance. produce and I»ay over to the Julian. English or Old Account, and
ories to account for this singular phe­ time 1‘attl in Albert ball, London.
protesting secretary the $20 or $30 be tbe Roundheads. Fanatics, paper-acull’d
nomenon. One Is that an Immense
“In tbe natural pride of my heart,”
One elaborately or Maggotbeaded New Account,” etc.
himself had lost.”
meteorite made the bole and that the Mr. Hkbens said witb reference to
made memorandum witnesses that a
meteoric fragments just mentioned are this occasion. "I took a seat in tbe
bet of $1 to $50 had been made “be­ to dated London. 1890.
The dedication is “to tbe world” and remnants of the falling star.
stalls and waited in a fever of excite-
tween E. B. Otis and William H. Pres­
Another theory ascribes the origin of meut to bear bow it would go off. it
For their manufacturers, distributors and pur­
cott. Esq., tbe latter betting $50 that in it Foor Robin says: “With Piters,
the crater to a tremendous explosion was received witb so much enthusias­ chasers, as like a good violin they incllpw and improve
he will write 100 pages of his ‘History Ballad-singers and Fiddlers It is a mer­
ry World: with Prisoners.'Slck-people of steam In the rocks beneath, aud a tic applause that I was lifted into a
of Peru' In 100 days.”
there AO
is La a vt/llipiviu
complete ClUStUliUU
absence U1
of that
— age and I.I4V4V
lililí tinny,
Money-less persons it is a sad third combines the first two by sug­ delicious heaven of delight.« but was
The document is signed William H. t
gesting that the blow of a falling suddenly tumbled headlong by bear­ metallic tone so often found in the class of Pianos
Prescott and Edmund B. Otis, but tbe
meteor, striking the earth's crust at a ing two voices from tbe seats immedi­
usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of
latter subjoins the following: “I prom­ World; with a Divine a wicked World;
point where subterranean water had ately behind me.
ise on my honor as a gentleman not witb a Lawyer a contentious World;
“ ‘Wbat a lovely song that was,’ one
to release Mr. Prescott from any for­ | with a Courtier a. slippery World; with
heated rocks, was the cause of the ex­ I exclaimed rapturously.
feiture that may incur except in such moat men a mad World, and witb all
“ ’Yes.' tbe otber grudgingly agreed,
cases as are provided for in the con­ men a bad World.” Some of 4 be ear­
‘but wbat awful rot the words of these
tract. this contract being made at bls lier of these "Poor Robin Almanacks"
Plants Breaking lip an Island.
songs always are.' ’’—Exchange.
desire for his own accommodation have been attributed to Robert Her-
The layman would scarcely associate
’ rick.
Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete
great strength with so delicate and fra­
Cleaning an Ocean Linar.
us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER
She Learned the Lessen.
Probably few people are aware that
Almost Too Much.
A Baltimore lawyer had an office boy its roots have not sufficient room they during tbe few hours a great ocean PIANO is the pride of every owner.
Along tbe loug. lone country road
tramped a mau and his wife. The lat­ i who was given to telling In other of- will break the pot in which the plant liner remains iu dock she is cleaned
ter, a tall, gaunt female, was bullying flees wbat happened in that of bls grows. Blades of grass will force tbe thoroughly Inside and out. Tbe bull
tbe meek little partner of her sorrows chief. The lawyer found It necessary curbstones l>etween which they spring is repainted, tbe funnels scraped and
who trudged just ahead of her with i to discharge him. but, thinking to up out of their place, and In a single cleaned and every piece of exposed
reluctant steps. Suddenly the woman, keep him from a similar fault In the night a crop of small mushrooms has metul polished. Meanwhile all carpets
are taken up and beaten, tbe floors
turning, saw a bull raciug madly down future, he counseled the boy wisely ou been known to lift a large atone. In
By paying more for any Piano than the price we
deed, plants are on record as having scrubbed aud repainted aud tables re­
the,-road behind them. She quickly his departure.
for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better
pollshed. chairs regilded and stained.
syugbt refuge in tbe hedge, but her
The island of Aldabra. to tbe north­ In every part of tbe ship On tbe great
companion, conscious only of bis woes, thing that is said in tbe office.” be
today on the market, and we kindly
"Do what you are told to do. west of Madagascar, is becoming small­ boats there are more than 30.000 invite you into OUT Store to
Wen* meekly forward. The bull caught said
make us prove it to your
pieces of linen to be counted, sorted.
him up and sent him splnutng Into a but turn a deaf ear to conversation
that grow along tbe foot of tbe cliffs
pre|>ared and laundered
Tbeu there entire satisfaction.
niuddy ditch before it raced forward that does not include you.”
A happy inspiration! He would see They eat their way into tbe rock in all are 15.000 pieces of silverware, 25,000
on its mad way.
As the funny looking object crawled that tbe stenographer learned the same directions, and into tbe gaps thus form­ pieces of glassware, some (10.000 disb-
ed tbe waves force their way. In time es, plates, cups, saucers, etc. As »OOU i
from his watery resting place he saw lesson In passing, so, turning to her,
thia will probably reduce tbe island to as u piece shows algus of wear it is i
his gaunt wife coming toward him. be said:
“Miss Brown, did you beer what t pieces.—London Telegraph.
discarded aud replmed. aud all this
At the sight of her wbat temper he
said to Willie?”
work baa to tie done in a few hours.—
had In bls possession rose.
“No. air,” she returned promptly.—
Shaving the Bridegroom.
PearsoD's Weekly.
“See. Maria. If—If you hit me again
Tbe shaving of tbe bridegroom on bls
like that, you’ll make me—er—down­ Lippincott’s.
wedding day la a Bulgarian custom
right mad. so I warn you!”—Exchange.
Vegetables and Character.
which, banded down from pre-Chris­
Leng Sessions In the Commons.
A Paris coutem|>orary atufes that a
A recent nineteen bourn' sitting of tian days, is still observed with due well known ductor read a paper before
Carly Rapid Transit.
formality, especially in country dis­ a meeting of medical men on (be 10-
Cardinal Wolsey did not live In an tbe bouse of commons created a sensa­
But It la almost a trifle com­ tricts. While tbe barber is at bls task Quence of vegetables upon tbe charac­
age of rapid transit, but he created It tion
a dancing crowd of young folks sur­ ter. tbe iTaln and the senses Accord­
for himself. His capacity for rapid pared with what happened in the spa­
rounds film and the bridegroom. As ing to tbe doctor, tbe potato develops
travel was a valuable aid in carving cious days before the closure was In­
tbs latter’s hair is cut tbe snipplngs an evenness of temper and calmness of
out a career. Wolsey is said to have troduced. There was tbe Irish “night"
are carefully collected by some of tbe thought Tbe carrot acta as a stimu­
first won royal favor in this way. He of July 81 and Aug. 1, 1877, when the
girls for preservation In one of the lant to tbe character and la recom­
wu t charged with a message from chaplain, arriving to reed prayers at
bride’s chests. Tbe barber, when bls mended for biliousness and to peevish
Henry VII. to the Emperor Maximilian noon for the Wednesday sitting, found
I work is done, resolves a small white
or jealous persons Spinach develops
In the Low Countries and left Loudon the Tuesday sitting still la progress
linen cloth as a present and also a ambitious dreams and energy Sorrel,
tn the afternoon He went by boat to “Ah." said Erskine May to him. “wo
despite its acidity. Induces sadness and
Gravesend, by horse to Dover, then ye past praying for.” But the record
son there. Then the bridegroom kisses
provokes nightmare
All workers
by boat again to Calais, and be was i was achieved by the forty-one hours’
tbe bands of tbe girls, washes bls fees
should eat white haricots. — Loudon
with the emperor tbe following ven- i sitting of Jan. 81 to Feb. 2, 1881.
Ing and back to tbe king in just over I
must first be carefully weighed three
two days from tbe time of starting.
times by one of tbs boys.
A Thrifty Spouse.
A man whose illness threatened to
The Boston and New York Mall.
develop into typhoid was taken tn the
building of a house, barn or
The first mall between New York
hospital, instead of growing worse be
Cleveland woman tbe other day.
other structure, we advise
and Boston was established in 1672.
improved, and at tbe end of tbe fourth
Alter all tbe mean compliments bad
to put none but the beat
Tbe letters were carried by a meaaen-
been paid the Lakewood lady remark­
ger, who was directed to “go aud re­
lumber in it. You’ll find it just
asked to be taken borne.
ed. “I have some lovely china that be­
turn as often as once a mouth.” This
cheap at the start and far
“But you have paid for a week.“ re­
longed to my ancestors.’*
monthly service seems to have been
cheaper in the end.
Let us
Striving Vainly te Piaste.
plied bia thrifty spouse “They won’t
"How uk-e." answered tbe otber. “I
figure on your lumber needa and
"1 suppose tboae garden seeds I août sufficient for some thirty years, when refund tbe money You had better stay
haven t a bit.”
It was changed to a fortnightly serv­
you’ll find them just as low as
“Isn’t that too bad? You knew, wo I saved you quite s little money," said ice in 1683 a well organised system your week out."—New York Herald.
you would have to pay for the
are an old family, and
"No," replied Mr. Growcber; "1
Reeving Hie Own Medicine
“You see. my ancestors all kept serv­
common kind.
sylvania and In otber localities —New
hadn't tbe heart to waste 'em, and tbe
"That man Blffers was neatly (MID
York American
M>ed tbe otber day."
There wasn't any answer to tbe re­ result Is that i'm in debt for garden
“How was that?”
ft» Implication — Cleveland knplemeuts."— Washington Star.
Brief Manosi ef Training.
“Why. when be gets mad be always
A high se buoi freahman wrote te a
juveullr publlcatlon. earaeatly lnquir- kicks something, and when be got
log wbat he ebould do to wln a Corning mad tbe other day be kicked tbe re­
of the greatest evils In life."
eveot in school athletics— thè ¡00 yard volving door and nearly knocked bls
bead off."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
tbe elderly woman, "to pmcraotl-
naflou '
"Run a little fiatar than thè otber
Hard Linos.
“I think so. ton." replied tbe young
fellowe.” wrote thè editor in reply.—
“In financial trouble? Wbat la it?”
rrtod woman. "I , don't nee tbe I
Teutb'a Companlon.
“Oh. I promised to pay Brown $10
of putting off your gulden wed-
today, and I've got It. and be knows
Mmlvrrnary till you ar« sixty or I
I've got It. and be knows I know bo
years old.”
knows I’ve got HI"—Puck.
An Actual Added Advantage
Typical Tone Triumph
S. W. Miller Pianos
Jones & Knudson
Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla
mook County
If you have
in mind
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
The Best Hotel.
J. P. ALiLiEfi, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men
Special Atteution paid to Tourists.
A Firat Claas Table.
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation