Tillamook Headlight, Mareh 14, 1Ô12. 4 E. A. Worthington ................. 10.00 H. K. Thompson .................... 18 00 Frank Thompson .................... 18 75 Guy Thompson ........................ 11.00 5.00 G. W. Zaddach .......................... S. Scovili..................................... 32.25 13.00 W. H. Brobst ................. Mason and Commissioners H. V. King & Smith, meh.................... 7(128 Roosevelt found nothing to criti ‘ Entered n* second class mail mat­ Alley and H. M. Farmer were pre­ Joe Effenberger, lumber ....... 10.06 8.29 ter julv, 1888. at the jK>at office at ciae in Taft’s anti-trust jiolicy until 4 Anderson, meh ......... sent, when the following business Tohl Health is often endangered by unsanitary TiUauiiaok. Ore., under the act of Taft attacked the steel trust, for Wheeler Lumber Co., lumber 9 80 March 3. 1879. which Roosevelt has always had a was transacted : Work in R. D. No. 2. cooking utensils. Physicians have found (leculiar tenderness. By contrast, i In the matter of the application of L J. White ............................... 11.50 that cancer is caused by enamel ware chip­ 7.70 Taft has attacked every trust with­ j N. McMillan and others for a J. Proctor ................................... 3-illamook Ijtafcligbt out fear or favor. The wrath of 1 county road it was ordered that R. Simmonds \........................ 1.25 ping off and irritating the stomach. 25.00 Morgan had no terrors for hirn, F. M. Wakeley, Fred Zaddach and C. R. Funk ...J........................ 5.00 W R. Webb ............................... If you have children or invalids in the family nor did be shrink from including j U. G. Jackson be appointed a board F. Quick ................................... 7.00 5.50 Editorial Snap Shots. hie college classmates and his po­ j of road viewers, to meet on the 12th D. B. Darby ................................ beware of cheap cooking utensils that crack, 5.00 C. Block....................................... litical lieutenants among the in­ ! of March. 7.50 scale, peel off, tarnish or rust Disease In the matter of the application H. Parsons ................................. 56.0U Ben Selling appears to be a dicted. He goes ahead and enforces Bales & Erickson........................ of James A. Biggs and others for a the law as he finds it, without 31.20 germs lurk in the worn places and ‘here is George Johnson ........................ atrong favorite in this neck of 1.75 the woods for the Republican waiting for further defination from county road, it was ordered that A. Sherman ................. <.......... further danger of tainting the food. Health 1.75 . W. B. Aiderman and U. G. Jackson Will Hadley................................ nominee for United States Sen­ a divided Congress. 1 25 George Alexander ..................... be appointed a board of road view­ is too precious to take risks with it ator Will Arrance............................... 30.00 3.75 Will Hadley ............................... It would not surprise u» to ers, tO meet on the 20th of March. Be safe. Use In the matter of the petition of Alex McNair Co.......................... 25.87 I! If Congress would get busy see some plan put up to the 30.00 Fred Arrance ............................. and pass the Rivers and Har­ voters, under the Oregon sys­ ' J. J. McCormick for a license to sell Work in R. D. No, 3. bors Bill we would all feel re­ tem, whereby the State will spirituous liquors in Garbaldi pre- ?? J. Lewallen.................. ............ 8.10 lieved of a great suspense and dabble into road building. We j ci net, the same was continued. 4.50 Fred Lewallen............................ be assured of harbor improve­ are opposed to it, notwithstand­ In the matter of the dedication of Claude Lane................................ 8.00 ments. ing that some of the good roads Barview addition to Garbaldi, upon Frank Smeltzer .......................... 2.00 advocates favor it. Governor the petition of I.amb-Schrader Co., J. P. Jones.................................... 7.00 4.00 Willian Thomae............ ............. For the presidential nomina­ West’s plan to create a State the same was approved. 4.00 Emanuel Thomas ................... tion, the race is narrowed down Highway Commission, with 2.00 The claim of H. Huffman for Henry White............................... between President Taft and ex- power to bond for $20,000,000, $70.00 for road work, was rejected. James Thomas .......................... 4.00 R. B. McClay ............................. 25.00 President Roosevelt, with the with a like amount put up by In the matter of bide for building pr >* pects that the people are the different counties if they the second mile of what is known J. P. Jones ................................. 2 1.25 which are guaranteed for 15 years constant 50 Smeltzer.......................... w 11 satisfied with the present desired to obtain some of that as the Wheeler Road, the bids of Frank 1.25 Emanuel Thomas..................... service and will never spoil food ncr endanger administration and that it is a money, looked plausible for the 1.25 Frank A. Rowe for $3950, and Oscar W. Thomae.......... ....................... 1.25 health. good thing’ to let well enough purpose of obtaining votes J. P. Jonee .................................. Bergman, for $4600, were rejected, W. F. Meesiner .......................... 2.50 under our new system of legis­ alone 150 H. Meesiner ......................... This new ware ¡3 featherweight, beautiful, lation, but the people did not and the bid of Mead 4 Son for $3390 P. H. Nordetrom ............................. 24.00 Some of the fishermen are take kindly to it, for it placed (or for fill in place of trestle for the Alfred Nordstrom ................... 600 easy to clean—does not tarnish nor rust. complaining that salmon eggs $10,000,000 into the hands of a sum of $3900) was accepted. H. J. Tohl .................................. 21.50 The slight extra cost is more than made up In the matter of bids for constrict ­ 6.00 Olie B. Redberg ....................... are being shipped from the few political pets to expend it by long service and absolute safety’. hatchery in this county to the in the manner they pleased. It ing road, beginning at a point near J. R. Lowrance .......................... 17.50 5.50 hatchery on the Columbia river. may not be possible to pass the the railroad crossing and terminat­ oe Lowrance............................. 3.50 S. D. Moon ................................. They have just grounds for com­ good roads bills advocated by ing at the Kilchis bridge, the bids Ed. Costic ................................ 1.00 of H. B. Johnson and W. H. Leach, 1.62 pliant, for they pay something Governor West, but, under the John Moon ................... .............. 1 62 like $3,(MX)in licenses, and think Oregon system, the people may for $1498, and the bid of W. D. Wood Hugh Welsh ............................. 1.25 ” ’ ............................. and Frank Pfaff in the sum of $1.00 Roy T Woods these eggs should be hatched vote to make them law. 2.88 Margarell ...................... per yard, and the bid ef George R. C. Bros.................................. out here, for the theory is that 1.08 Thun Zarkovich for clearing stump, logs D W. . Gilbert ...... ................... . 9.60 th<‘ fish will return to the same The Maltese cross with the words When the city council gave and brush for right of way, for the County Poor. place in about four years where the I ’ .R. & N. a franchise to Pure JlEnois “ 1892” Aluminum—the sum of $725, were all rejected, and Julia Collins, caring for they are batched. lay one track on Front street it the bids of Mead 4 Son for com children ............................... original, insures that you get the genu­ gave the railroad company all Tillamook Meat Co., meh. ... It will be noticed that the it was entitled to. Not that we pleting the road $1325, for grading W. D. Gilbert, meh................. ine. There are imitations, so be sure County Court let two contracts want to be antagonistic with and completing, except graveling, A. Finley & Co., meh ........... Dr. S. M. Wendt...................... this trade mark is on every piece for road work to the lowest bid­ the railroad company, but we $925. In the matter of tbe petitions of Cost Bill, State vs. Frank Silvey. | ders Inst week, carryingout the believe on generul principles 10.70 idea of those who contended for that the City Council should H. H. Hayward, Fred Scherzinger, E. W Stanley, justice..... For Sale Fy D. E. Dawson, constable contract work. The Court is allow only one track through Sam Bauer, H. C. Follett for county John J. Berns roads, and vacation of a part of gradually giving the south side the city to any railroad, nnd if Peter Heisel . of Nehalem Bay n road, nnd it that is insufficient the railroud the town of Wheeler, all these peti David Martiny Frank Paul .... is to be hoped that it will not should buy private property and tions were continued. R. Lamb ......... be long before the Court will not attempt to monopolize a In the matter of a deed for a L. Hiner ......... give the south side of Tillamook publio-atreet. Noone wants to county road from F. R. Beals and L. Dachtelberg Bin the same privileges. be unjust or utiroasonable with Mrs. Clara Buckles, the county T. B. Turney . the railroad, and the railroad clerk was ordered to draw a warrant Mrs. F. Silvey ... Salaries. Carl Gray, President of the should not be unreasonable in of $70 (X) in favor of these parties. H. V. Alley.................. 56.00 itB demands after it had obtain ­ In the matter of the plat of Lake Ilill lines in Oregon, said last TO H. M. Farmer .............. 44.00 week that the extension of the ed all that it is entitled to after Lytle the county clerk was ordered S. B. Whitehouse, sheriff’s office ......................................... 84.00 United Railway to Tillamook, having the first choice of streets to correct plat ...... 109.20 In the matter of the approval of B. L Beals................... as originally planned, depends for a track nnd right of way. If FROM J. C Bewley, truant officer ... 8.20 entirely upon the development the City Council does undertake the amended plat and deed of de­ W. D Bodyfelt ...................... CHICAGO ....... . $33.00 ST. PAUL ........ $25.00 45.00 of the territory to tie served by ; to give the P R. & N. forty feet dication of Rowe’s addition to J. H. Johnson............................. 75 00 CINCINNATI.. . 37.00 KANSAS CITY.. 25.00 such extensions. Or, in other: of Front street, it is safe to say Wheeler and that of Garibaldi B. L. Beals, sheriffs office .. 83.33 OMAHA................. 25.00 MILWAUKEE. . 31.50 H. Mason ......................... .......... 100 00 words, when the dirt begins toj that the citizens will not agree Beach, both were approved. DES MOINES.... 27.85 ST. LOUIS .... . 32.00 H. Crenshaw ............................. 133.33 fly in harbor improvements and to it should] it be referred to a In the matter of the contracts C. A. Johnson ............................ 75.00 INDIANAPOLIS. 35 65 NEW YORK... . 50.00 we have hotel accommodations vote of the people. with Mead 4 Son, the latter filed J. C Holden................................. 133.33 DETROIT ....... . 38.00 DENVER ............. 25.00 to provide for the people, then K. Mills...... .............................. 75 (JO their bonds for the same. From other eastern points in proportion. Pearl Phelps ............................. 50.00 Children of the Poor the Hill interests will build and In the matter of a franchise to W. H. Hoskins ......................... 30.00 Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at not before. It may to interest­ We sometimes wonder why the the Nehalem Telephone and Tele W B. Aiderman ...................... 29. OU low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, ing to Mr. Gray if he will keep sturdy working classes of this coun­ graph Co. to construct, operate Fred Zaddach ........................... 24.00 Great Northern and “North Bank” Lines. You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in tub on the thousands of visitors try tolerate so much nonsense about and maintain lines over, upon and F. J. Ayer.................................... 2Ü.00 the East. Details will be furnished on request. who will visit Tillamook the themselves us they do. It is strange under the county roads, the same W. E. COMAN, T. COOPER, Agent, coming summer. and Pass. Agent, Hillsbor', Ore. that they will even pay to hear was granted. To The Republican Voters Of Gen’l. Freight Portland, Or«. things said about themaelves which It was ordered that the county Tillamook County. The citizens of this city were are not only insulting but which clerk be authorized to call for bids given another peep behind the are notoriously untrue, among all for making fills at Nehalem. I, U. G. Jackson, do hereby place scenes this week as to the im­ faiuiliur with the facta. Had Emma BACK TO THE FARM is now the slogan, and the low my name before the Republican Miscellaneous Bills. moral conditions which con­ Goldman*« voice the other night Voters of Tillamook County aa a 5.80 ! I). M Oliver, work ................ tinue to exist here, especially been the first hi raised, it might be King 4 Smith Co., meh........... 3.45 candidate for nominarion to the amongst some of the young peo­ wise to ignore its disparagement l'illumook Electric Light Co.. 43.13 office of County Surveyor in the ple. Every once in a while pub­ of the poor. But since it is an echo Tillamook City Water....... 5.00 'coming Republican Primaries. 16.30 With my experience and knowledge From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United lic sentiment is aroused and of n thousand voices gone before, Pacific Tel. 4 Tel. Co.......... Mutual TeL Co...................... 4.50 appears to tie shocked when the it cells for challenging. Barthold Barg Co., meh.. 29.29 of conditions in all parts of the States limelight is turned on the licen­ Said Emma, when talking of the T. F. Harrison, work......... 10.00 county, I believe I will be able to cions liubits and schemes of the seed of the workers: “When the W. D. Bodyfelt. board of render good service to tbe people To OREGON AND THE NORTHWEST prisoners............................. •£>.00 of Tillamook County, If nominated young men mid women, mid it baby grows into a child it plays its prevailing daily Glass 4 Prudhoiiime, meh. . 385 25 is deplorable to know that such child life away in a congested dis­ Tillamook Headlight, print­ and elected I will accept the office conditions exist. As lung as the trict where its mind, its body and ing ........................................... 30.66 1 and will attend strictly to the per­ courts continue to dillydally its lungs are dwarfed by want of Cloverdale Courier, printing 5.00 formance of tny duly and will en­ with such cases, and there is u tree sunshine and air." Still, out J. C. Holden, freight......... . 3.70 deavor to serve the interests of the w. S. Duel, express .............. over the silly sentimental pity for those of the loins of the working classes, Geo. Willett, rent, etc............... 2.4SI people to the best of my ability. 16. 56 who lead young girls astray for and out of these congested districts, B. H. Hathaway, circuit court 2.80 Yours truly, the purpose of ravaging them, come the finest specimens of phsi- Surveying, Roads, etc. U. G. J ackbox . the white slave trade will pros­ cal manhood in greut cities. They V. G. Jackson, surveying ... »4.70 Is the beet means cf carrying it out I per in this city. give us our policemen, our firemen, Myrtle O Milla, typewriting FARES FROM A Snap. specifications ....................... 8.40 our steel and iron workers, our me­ CHICAGO 333.00 Dawson Bro»., livery ............. chanics in a thousand lines de­ G. 1 Poveky. >nrveying........ 11.00 ’ For sale cheap, 2.5 acres six 92.50 I ST LOUIS - Some persons are wondering manding atrong limbo, clear eyes 32.00 K. Wooley......................... 18.75 i blocks from High School. Good 11 why it is that lumtier is being OMAHA - 25.00 and steady nerves. Compare the II Curl .................................. with Irath, toilet, 18.72 room house. shipped into Tillamook County IZ50 electric lights and all other modern KANSAS CITY physiques of the children playing J McKimena .................. .. 25.00 b\ water anil rail from Port­ Gilbert Zaddach ..................... 12.50 conveniences. Also good barn, in the yard of u schoolhouse in any BUine Hayes ................ . ... ST. PAUL 25 00 Rea­ land. Considerable culled turn- 5.UU chicken pack and $75.00 cow. of our working districts with those Wm. Armstrong....................... Ut» son for selling, poor health. From other cities correspondingly low 1 st can be obtained ut the large Oecar Luhn ........... ............. Call on or write to J. H. Hatha­ Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, but they can be prepaid from 1.25 Portland saw mills at a very < I th« children at schools surround- way, Tillamook, Oregon. < J by homes of wealth. Work in R. D No. 1. any point. If you have friends or relatives in the East who desire to low figure, mid this, from what There is method in the madness Deck Johnson .. .................... 21.00 “Get back to the Farm,” ycu can deposit the value of the fare with we can understand, is what is You judge a man not by what he Wm. Kennedy .................. 12.75 promises to do, but bj arhat he has your nearest local agent and a ticket will be telegraphed to any addres being shipped in. There is no of such talk as thia of Emma. Murk Hobson .................. 1100 getting iiwuv from the saying People of mesne, and charitable Al Jurha .... .. ....................... iato done. That is the only true test desired. impulses, are constantly being ex­ S. Barber................ ......... Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Call on the undersigned for good instructive literature to send East. that cheap lumber makes cheap ploited by those representing, to it 50 judged by thia atandard has no su­ Warren Hoakins 15.00 perior. People everywhere speak buildings, and those who want their sympathetic minds, the awful Cheater JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Wilka ... . 30. 25 of it in the highest terms of praise tlmt class of building conditions prevailing in congested Olie Dromia....... . ...... PORTLAND, OREGON. 1X25 For sale by all dealers. HMllTO go to Portland to obtain city districts where the working Bert Ds via.................. 17.75 G W. Wilks ........... the^rulleii lumber, for there is 6.75 classes live. Th« children of the W. S. Cone......... Many sufferers from rheumatism 15 00 not sufficient to tie obtained ut poor are painted as deficient in pro- Mrs Blake Thompson 6 25 have been surprised and delighted the saw mills in this county to |a>rtions and vitality, but from Deck Johnson............ 22.50 with the prompt relief afforded by amount to anything. We want among these boys we go on re Andy Hayden ......... 11.25 applying Chamberlain s Liniment. tr» say that first class lumber is trotting the men we need to do lien Johnson ........ Will not mar the appearance of 11.25 Not one case in ten requires any Wm Kennedy ......... 11.25 internal treatment whatever. Thia higher in Portland than it is in men's highest work, in physical Malphus lohusoo new Harness but it will make 3.30 liniment ia for sale by all dealet*. Tillamook and it takes good ways. The 11« is growing monoton­ Wm Hoskins ........ it very unsafe. If you bny your 7.30 lumber, not culled, to make u ous, and. wore« still, it is enriching Clarence Tilden ........ ZOO Children ar* much mor« likely to Albert Craarford good residence. contract th« contagious diseases hypocrites. Tbe working classes Oecnr Luhn ............... when they have colds. Whooping Here you may test assured that should protest against it. It ia not J. 1. Spencer............... cough, diptheria. scarlet fever, and you are getting not only Har­ 14(1) consumption are diseases that are There is a great d«wl of truth charity tmt justice th«/ want. And Albert Earoui ............. George Knight .... 7.30 o ten contracted when the child has ness that presents the very finest in whut the Oregonian says in they can get that without lies. Kd. Womelsdorf......... A A) a cold. That is why all medical regard to Prvsidew^XaXt's atti­ appearance, but Harness that is W. Cain . 6 25 *»y beware of colds. You can say conati My goodbye to constas- tude in regard to thdtrusta. who well made in every detail. 5. IM rur in« qiucs cure of colds vou will For the quick cur« — ------ ■ “ with a clear < ‘ ____ __ Frank Mooee . . wbu law find nothing better Itura cCmS" i went ahead audtetiforved the tina æssA^ekw* conscience * m Tablets. a i — * _ it Many _ use chamberlaia's George Ludtke » »5 a"* • ¿2U,rh Rem«>y It can be I law, and at the Wifwe time he hare been permanently cured by Ike Cells ......... r.. ¿St tT^Toe“^^^ i W-'de many of tba big corpora - their uee For sale by ell dealers Cha« C tion comply with the law. It was Commissioners’ Court (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) Taft’s Bteady, persistent efforts The monthly meeting of fhe Board One year.......................................... 1.5o which is bringing about better Six month».......................... 75 conditions. of County Commissioners was held This is the para­ Til re» month»......................... -...... last week, with County Judge H. graph we refer to : RATES OF -SUBSCRIPTION. Guard the Family Health U; a Pure Spun Ahwnum Cooking Utensil Look for Trade mark on Every Piece LOW FARES WEST Daily March 1st to April 15th,. PORTLAND and HILLSBORO Colonist Fares March 1 to April 15,1912. SOUTHERN PACIFIC ONE WEAK SPOT HARNESS ~ W.A. Williams & Co* Best Door to Tillamook Coast? Bask