Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 14, 1912, Image 1

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    Vol. XXIV.
No. 46.
A Valuable Faculty.
Determined effort to save develops or
strengthens a valuable faculty ; namely, the
faculty of drawing the line between
cessary and useless expenditure.
Think of it :
one is better
Isn’t it usually the thing
off without that takes the
money he should save ?
Hence the double benefit of the saving
habit :
First, learning to deny one’s self
harmful indulgences ; and second, acquir­
ing a property through little triumphs over
Ask yourself now if there is any reason
why you should not become a money saver at
tillamook county bank IS»
Smelt 5c. at the Fish Market.
Attorney Johnson was on the sick
list this week.
Captain John Groat went to Port­
land last week.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came
in on Wednesday.
Webb Maddux has bought Al Per­
ry’s draying outfit
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of
C. A. Elliott, a son.
Ladies’ $20.00 Rain Coat at $12. 50
at Mason Pennington A Co.’s. •
Up to date dress making over
Star Theatre. Mrs. Laura Potter. .
Outing flannel, 12 yards for one
dollar, at Mason, Pennington & Co.,
Russell Hawkins, of the Whitney
Lumber Co., was in the city on
Full line of wall paper at Lamar’s
Variety Store. “Drop in and look
It will pay you to look at Mason,
Pennington A Co.’s bargain counter
this week.
M. H. Kelley, who is connected
with the Wright, Blodgett Co-, waa
in the city the first of tile week.
Tillamook Meat Company Lard
absolutely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail;
75c., 51b. pail ; 501b. can 12c. lb. .
Anyone knowing the address of
W. S. Kent Please notify Staples,
the jeweler, 162 First st , Portland,
W. E. Godsey, Beaver's black­
smith and shoeing smith, and Miss
Julia Godsey, were in the city on
on Monday.
K. B. 4 S. English Cement, is the
kind you want for that top dressing
for the new sidewalk.—Sold by
Lamb-Schrader Co.
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
Paul Schrader vs. Srethna S.
Phelps, Pearl Lee McCowell and
Chas Delfel, is a suit filed in the
Circuit Court to recover $665.
Mrs. Blaine Chatterton returned
on Tuesday from Portland where
she spent last week visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henwood.
The I. O.O. F. lodge having bought
a strip of land the back of their
property, also bought the store
building owned by Rosenburg Bros.
“A Family Affair” is the name
of a three act comedy to be giveu
on Friday and Saturday evenings
at the Gem Theatre by the Tilla­
mook High School.
Two pure bred Holstein bulls for
sale, one three years old and the
other four months old.
Prices are
reasonable.—J. A. Hazlitt, Forest
Grove, Ore. R. No. 1.
Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed­
ing purposes. Permit fortrapping
Address ’Gene
Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm,
Corvallis, Oregon.
For Trade, Salem Resident pro­
perty for dairy land in Tillamook
For particulars write
C. B. Measor, Salem, Oregon. Also
give description and location of
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor Jo Dr.
Smith, speaks German. Surgery,
ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in
the Commercial Building, opposite
the Todd Hotel. All calls answered
day or night. Both phones.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
per pound.
John Embum is in from Dallas
for a few days shaking hands with
old iriend8.
W. H. Owens, of Forest Grove,
is visiting his son, W. R. Owens,
and family.
Mrs. Mark Bays, of Beaver, was
in town Wednesday and Thursday
visiting friends.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
pay 13c. per pound.
C. M. Vidito left for Corvallis on
Monday on account of the serious
illness of his mother.
Misses Ruth and Lois Blaser, of
Bayocean, were Tillamook visitors
the fore part of the week.
For Sale. White Star Seed Pota­
toes, extra fine Apply A. W. Atter­
bury, TillamooK, Oregon.
Mason, Pennington & Co. are
If you could buy heat instead cf
offering ladies’ winter under gar­ coal. Your fuel problem would be
ments at a great reduction.
solved. But as you can’t. You can
P. S. Brumby, of the Blodgett Co., do the next best. Buy A berdare
was in the city to-day paying the (Australian) Coal. See Lamb Schra-
taxes for the timber company.
I der Co. Telephone, Main 1771. •
Saturday, March 16.
The Ladies’ Aid of the United Brethren
Church will conduct a FOOD SALE on
Saturday, March 16th, beginning at 10
A.M., at A. Finley & Co.’s Grocery.
The Store Window will be loaded down with
that is good to eat, which will be sold by the Ladies
at very reasonable prices.
On the above date we will serve vou absolutely FREE
WICHES made of BREAD made from HIGH FLIGHT
We extend an invitation to all our towns people and all
those who may visit the town on this date, to come in and
partake of our SUPERIOR COFFEE and SAND­
Should you need anything in the line of GROCERIES,
we shall be more than pleased to supply them at very rea­
sonable prices.
A. Finley & Company.
Matt Moroney was in from Gari­
baldi beach on Webnesday and he
reports that things are rushing
down there, although it is a serious
question where visitors will get ac­
commodations this summer.
You are invited to call and look
over our stock of groceries. We
have a new stock of first-class
goods none of them shelf worn or
stale. Call and see us, you will
receive courtuous treatment and
prompt service.-Tillamook FeedCo.”
Now that the automobile rush is
over we are repairing any and
everything. Guns, locks and keys,
typwriters, caBh registers
complicated machinery a specialty.
At Kd's Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­
thing that we can’t repair we will
Simmons Brothers and Golds
worthy’s mill is now running and
ready for orders. Dressed lumber
furnished after February
Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed
lumber will be sold at correspond
ingly low prices. Mill situated 8
miles south of Tillamook
Saturday last was the date fixed
for holding a meeting at the Tilla­
mook Commercial Club for the
purpose of considering the advis­
ability and making arrangements
for holding a county fair, but as
only a few persona put in an ap-
peaiknce nothing was done.
The Gerald C went on the beach
again yesterday about noon while
endeavoring to come over the bar
at the mouth of the NeBtucca river.
She has sprung a leak and has
about four foot of water in her hold.
Mr. Lamb is on his way to Clover­
dale to see what can be done with
her.—Cloverdale Courier.
At a meeting of the City Council
on Friday evening the contract
for the aide walk lumber was let to
A. G. Beale Lumber Co. The P. R.
A N. franchise was again up for
discussion and it seems that the
railroad company is now wanting
two tracks one on either aide of the
street. The matter was again laid
The Tillamook High School team
lost in the debate last week with
The Dalles, and Benly Statu and
J. Reed Bain returned to the city
on Saturday, E. E, Ginn remaining
outside for several days. The de­
cision was 2 to 1 in favor of The
Dalles, and as the home team
thinks they had a rotten decision
given them they have appealed.
At a meeting of the Boundary
Board on Friday afternoon, at which
a number of persons were present,
it was decided to extend the bound­
aries of school district No. 9 so as
to take in part of school district
No. 35. Thia will increase the as­
sessed valuation of school district
No. 9 one million dollars, leaving
half a million dollars valuation for
district No. 35.
Tillamook County was represent­
ed in the Oregon delegation which
left Portland in a special train on
Tuesday for San Francisco, where
the site for Oregon is to be selected
at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in
1915. The delegation from this city
was composed of Mr. and Mrs. G.
R. Edmunds, James Walton, M. F.
Leach, W. G. Dwight and F. D.
The Ladies' Aid of the U. B.
Church will hold a Food Hale at
A. Finley A Co’s. Store on Saturday
next. The food sale will comprise
Baked Beans, Meat Pies, Breads,
Cakes, Cookies, Salads. Doughnuts,
and Pies of varione kinds.
sale will begin at 9 a. m. rind con­
tinue until all is sold out A free
lunch will be served from 11 a. m.
consisting of hot coffee and sand­
Sheriff Crenshaw has collected
over $2fX),(XX) in taxes. Those who
fail to pay their taxes after to-mor.
row (Friday) will'not fie allowed the
rebate, and taxes will become de­
linquent if all or half are not paid
by the 1st April. Quite a number
have failed to pav the Port of Tilla­
mook and Port of Bayocean taxes,
inculding some of the timlier men.
County Treasurer Beals e<(>ecte to
make a call for outstanding war­
rants next week.
Lynn Eberman was arrested on
Tuesday on a charge of rape upon
I Erma Allen, a girl of 14 years of
I age at the skating rink, the previous
evening. It appears Eberman kept
' the girl at the rink after the place
had closed, and after procuring
drink from one of the saloons, he
eomuutted the crime. He waived ex
amination before Justice Stanley
who bound him over to the grand
jury in the sum of (Au
Orley Mellow, George Mellow,
Sewell Mellow and Mac Mattoon were
arrested on a ch arg* of killing a
deer in viotatiou of ll»e game law,
>1.50 per year.
Stepping Stones to Wealth
Are the steps leading to the savings bank.
Every man, woman and child ought to travel
up these steps often.
It spells sucres« and
independence in the future. Thrift in youth
means wealth in old age. Deposit your savings
with us and you will find them accumulating at
a rapid rate, and earning good interest while
on the complaint of Game Warden
Leach. They had a trial oi\ Wed­
nesday before a jury, but as the
witnesses failed to testify to what
they had previously stated about
the case, this deprived the prosecu­
tion of the evidence it was relying
upon to convict them, and the jury
returned a verdict of|not guilty.
Assistant Superintendant Wester,
of the Southern Pacific, was brought
to this city on Saturday, suffering
with a dislocated hip. He was
making a trip over the P. R. A N.
in a motor speeder, accompanied by
a motorman, when the car suddenly
jumped the track. Mr. Wester was
thrown aheud of the motor and it
ran over him. The accident hap­
pened at the 54-mile post about two
o’clock, and he was brought to this
city on the passenger train
The Bayocean Commercial Club
voted $15)0 for advertising purposes
at the meeting Saturday.
A 32-
page booklet illustrating the re­
sources of Bayocean and Tillamook
County was decided upon for a
large portion of the expenditure.
A publicity and service department,
with headquarters at Portland,
established, and T. I. Potter was
elected a delegate to assist in select
ing u site for the Oregon building
at the Panama-Pacific Exposition.
A school board election in school
district No. 9 will be held on Sat­
urday, March 30th, between the
hours of otie and four p. m., for the
purpose of voting on the question
of issuing b omis for the buying
of lots to the amount of $55iX) and
erecting a new school house at the
cost of $29,500. The school board
was authorized to issue warrants
for this purpose, but as they have
not found ready sale, the board
thought it would be better to raise
the money by a bond issue.
Mr. H. S, Hewitt and J. H Smith,
of Portland, have recently pur­
chased a number of choice lots at
Barview near the Life Saving Sta­
tion on Garibaldi Beach. It is the
plan of these gentlemen to build
10 cottages to start with and aa
many more as the demand requires
having already shipped in a car
load of lumber and hardware to
start work at once. It is too bad
the lumber men of Tillamook can't
get down to business and get these
orders, but as long as they hold
the prices of lumber up to where
purchasers can buy in Portland
and save money, after paying
freight charges, the Tillamook
lumber merchants can't expect to
get the business.- Ralph Ackley.
Wanted for Cash, Cheap I'atm
Land in Tillamook County.
We have a customer who will buy
tor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla­
mook County.
Answer nt once.
— Ralph Ackley Land Co., 170 Fifth
St., Portland, Ore.
Prices for Hogs
Light hogs 150 lbs SHc
150 lbs. to 200 lbs. 8c.
200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7y«c.
300 lbs, and over, 7c.
Tillamook Meat Company.
List of Property for Sale or
Exchange by
John Leland Henderson,
216 Tillamook Block, over P.O.
1. ■3514 acres in cultivation Free city water. OH miles S. E.
2. 10 acres in cultivation. Spring water Oretown.
3. 1% acres, House and Barn. Spring water. Oretown.
4. 100 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3H miles S. K. of Hebo.
5. •100 acres on Three Rivers.
0. Fine Residence, central Tillamook City.
7. •House and Two I-ots Miller’s addition, TillamiMik City.
8. ■100 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.
9. -40 acres on Tillamook River Unimproved. All bottom.
10. ■100 acres, Timber Claim on Miami river.
11. ■Two Houses and Ixits, Tillamook City.
12. —40 acres. Well improved. New build! ng. 4Vt miles south.
13. — 80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.
14. —30 acre». Four miles south. All improved.
15. —30 acres. 3t< miles south. Half improved.
10. —150 fxits and Hotel site, Long Beach addition'll» Bayocean.
17.—80 acres t1^ miles S. E. Tillamook, and house and lot in town.
17 acres. Orchard. Weil improved.
Will trade for bottom
land only.—$15,OX).
2. —10 acres Orchard. Buildings cost $5,0X1 —*18 t>l)
3. —24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements — $16, (Hi.
4. 12'4 acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw —*25,<XX)
5. —IS acres. All fruit. -Good improvements.— *20,IXX).
6. 10 acres. All in fruit. Good improvements. *10 11X1
7. —Business lx>t, Hood River.—*10,1X11
8. — Pine Residence and Two Izits. *3,1111
9. —Several vacant lots. Per pair. — *500
10 28 acres on railroad in city, R»X) per acre.
Washington County, Or., Lands.
1. --KXX) acres. Orchard laind. Mostly raw. For sale only io
tracts to suit
2. - 80 acres Orchard land. Running water.—$2 400.
1.—Two !-ots. Portland Heights *12,(111
L—Three I arts. Peninsular, near Awift's Packing Plant —$1,51X1
1- Fine Mesideoce Mt. Talmr. Furnished.—$3.890.
1. —8 acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek. —$2,499.
1. —109 acres. All good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard. Buildings.—
2. —3<8 acres Ranch 70acres, 1 year old apples, 1.10 acres cleared.
, $T> |*r aers.