Tillamook Headlight. Mareh 7, 1Ö12. WOULD TAFT BE A GRACEFUL LOSER? Roosevelt is Real Mad, says Aunt Torrey. Two, Matt. 15—11 “And he said a cer­ Millbury, Mass., March 3.—Miss tain man had two sone.” Delia Torrey believes ‘ Nephew1 From the time Abel and Cain met Bill” should be renominated by the to worship, each offering his sacri­ Republican party for the Presiden­ fice of what he had produced, down the age of time, al) worship His Friends Believe lie Could cy. *'I was looking up a quotation through when you came in,” said Miss Tor­ has been divided into two factions Meet Defeat and Still rey to a reporter. “The quotation that are antagonistic to each other. The Independent Church is op­ is: ‘Whom the gods would destroy, Smile. they first make mad.' This is ap­ posite to all other churches that plicable, I believe, to Mr Roosevelt. 1 teach reward for accommplishing How does President Taft view his “Isn’t it dreadful ” she said, “how what is right or in obedience to own chances for re-election? If the these two friends have parted ? Do God’s laws and punishment for fortunes of the campaign should go youthink,” she asked, “ that I am the contrary, or that holds that we against him, would he be a good overstating it when I say the sepa­ are our brother’s keeper. When the younger eon chose of loser? Can he stand the gaff without ration is due to the selfishness of hie own free will, he asked the his future being embittered? one man ? It honestly looks to me father for his portion. He left on These are questions being asked by as if Mr. Roosevelt has lost his rea­ his own recognizance and when he Americans, who love the National son, judging from some of his re­ came to himself (not the priest or evangelist or preacher) he said (to game of politics and take interest in cent utterances and doings.” himself). ‘I will arise and will go, it. Nothing is more uncertain than That Miss Torrey has been follow­ etc. ” He was independent. No this same game and if the tide should ing the trend of events in the Ke one led him away or led him back go against the republicans and land publican party was evidenced by­ to the father’s home. He exercised a democrat in office, would the big her discussion of her nephew’s op his own free will The only dis­ senting voice was that of bis broth­ fellow In the White House still smile? ponents. er. It is impossible to build a President Taft's supporters do not ‘ Some will call them neurotics,” church large enough to accomodate expect anything of that sort to hap­ she said, “but I suggest that they both sons. The natural difference pen, but they believe he is a good be called Roosevelt’s bullycrats. makes it prohibitive. The younger son had no claim loser, basing this opinion on his past They must have a name, and the for recognition. There was nothing term insurgents does not describe due him. He had used up his in­ heritance, he had forfeited his them.” rights en irely, he could never hope to be classed with the righteous Motion Pictures In Politices. son who still had his inheritance tact, who had labored in the If kept free from claptrap the in father’s field all his life, hence the film shows can make a hit this need of two churches, one for the year in national affairs. This is a godly and the other for the lost and big country, with territory nearly hopeless. There is no such thing as a son half way around the world. It cov­ changing from one to the» other. ers many climates and races, with The younger son was always the the American type highly predomi­ younger son. He was constitution­ nant. Why not cultivate motion ally what he was and so with the elder son. It was just as natural pictures in which the intelligent for the one to remain at home as it advancement of all the people is was for the other to venture out in­ the aim? We have troops on police to the world. What was the young­ duty in China. Not much is known er son’s gain was not the elder son’s loss, for the father justified of our more than 3000 islands in the the elder son and invited him into Philippines group. Hawaii is a the feast. He was just as welcome region of pictorial interest, and so as the other. He could only com­ are Porto Rico and Guantanamo. prehend reward and punishment. It appeared out of reason that the The oversea railroad to Key West father had revealed his compassion is unique. Irrigation projects and on the younger son who had wast­ the Panama Canal always invite ed his portion in riotous living the camera. The Mexican border ■vhile l>e had never been rewarded tor his life’s service. is a stirring place. Current public The father Jiad two sons. They PRESIDENT TAFT events are an exhaustible subject were evenly divided, as many re­ mained at home as went away, and actions and what he has said when­ for illustration. Scurrying cowboys and dime nov­ so it is with the world in general. ever the subject has been brought up. Half the people love to enjoy their He must realize that, holding as he el sentimentalism have had more own liberty, to act and think and toes, the biggest job on the Western than a fair share of attention in speak what their impulse dictates, while the other half are conservative. Hemisphere, many others have their picture shows. As for scenes with The one is capable of reflecting the •yes fixed on the same high place and a political significance it will be past, while the other is given to tbs Interests, which always seek to necessary, if audiencee are to be prognostigating the future. If there were two churches near eentrol the government, are ceaseless pleased, to steer clear of the bun­ together to be in contrast, !• their efforts to place a man favor­ combe of demagogues. The United enough and yet far enough apart that one able to them in the presidental chair. States is an infinitely bigger pro­ would not disturb the other, theone Knowing then the uncertainty of poli- position than any man is or can for the righteous who is seeking the ttas and the traditional ingratitude of ever be unless its form of govern­ great reward, and the other for the sinner whom Christ died to save, republics, President Taft has spoken ment suffers a fatal change. So if the people would become more in­ •f Jeet such a contingency. He spoke politics is to be introduced on the terested and take more interest in beyond Competition directly to the point on this matter screens let it be in accord with the the hope greatness of the people themselves, makes a race attractive. The mer­ When he said: dog fight on the streets of Tilla­ “I am very grateful for the honors their sovereign poyrere, and their est mook will attract more men in five country. do not (be people have given me. I minutes time than all the churches afoct to deny the satisfaction I should can draw together in a whole week leei. If. after casting up the totals, Mr. Bryan suggests that Gov. Sha- to present one side that Is due the There is no sense of a pro and con, and striking a balance, froth of Colorado be the Democratic righteous. race unless two or more run. Cain *ey should decide that my first term nominee for president. This dark­ killed his competitor, but he was bad been fruitful enough of good to horse idea has been reached after a never known to worship again. The steeple of our church is high Warrant their giving me another. Any careful look over the field. only in comparison to the other fel­ ■ma would be proud of such a verdict, The trouble with the Russian lows. Either of the two sons would bat I have not been willing, for shall mind is that it is wholly unable to not have attracted our attention I bK t® purchase it at a sacrifice of understand the American mind in without the other.—J. C. Gove. ■y freedom to do my duty as I see its broad inclusiveness of all man­ *. My happiness is not dependent kind as entilted to the liberties and NOTICE OF CONTEST, apea any office and I shall go back immunities of American citizen­ to private life with no heartburnings, ship. The Russian mind must Department of the Interior, ■ the people, after an unprejudiced widen before it can reach us. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, review of my administration, conclude Two bunco steerers, pointing out February 9, 1912. Mat someone else can serve them to a Chicago water tower to a pilgrim, To Edgar Elkins, of Blaine, Oregon, tbeir greater advantage. Contestee: *Tbo truth is that political consld- were about to sell it to him for$5000 Y’ou are hereby notified that Dick when a policeman came along. Dixon, who gives Blaine, Oregon, ■rdUoas have not weighed heavily as his post office address, dill on with me. I have tried to do in each t High finance has never been as January 31, 1912, file in this office ease what seemed to me the wisest i high in Chicago as in New York, his duly corroborated application but, if this trick could have been tbiag. regardless of its effect upon my to contest and secure the cancella­ homestead Entry, fwtars. Indeed, in more than one turned, Wall street would have had tion of your Serial No. (11430. made December 4, ease I have been perfectly conscious to look to its laurels. 1907, for Southeast quarter (J<), whoso bad blood would be stirred by Judge Porterfield of Kansas City Section 22, Township 3 South, seam act of mine, or some refusal to ordered a woman who appeared RangeS West, Willamette Meridian, ■St The circumstance that some dressed decollete in his court to "go and as grounds for his contest lie paraoas who hall me after one appli- and put on some clothes.” With alleges that EDGAR ELKINS lias abandoned said land and has not eatteu of equal justice, as a far seeing, this stand in Kansas City, and in lived on said land for eighteen aaaeervstlve patriot, denounce me af- Rome, where the pope has forbidd­ months (18) last past. You are, therefore, further notified ttr the next, as an unreasoning radi en cardinals to appear at any din­ that the said allegations will be aah boos not greatly disturb my ner where decollete dresses are taken by his office as having been egaoalmity I set that down as all worn, fashion is getting its bumps. confessed by you, and your said iB the day's work." l>e canceled thereunder with­ An Oklahoma judge haa ousted entry out your further right to be heard from office both the sheriff and the therein, either before this office or TAFT MONEY OFFERED county attorney for not enforcing on appeal, if you fail to file in thie the prohibition law at Sapula. The office within twenty days after the ■M Makes Big President Odds-On fact that sixteen joints were found fourth publication of thia notice, as shown below, your answer, under Favorite. in operation by the succeeors of the oath, specifically meeting and re­ The wager recently offered in New ousted officals would seem to in­ sponding to these allegations of Tart of »5000 to $4000. that the pres dicate that the court knew what it contest, or if you fail within that will be re-elected If nominated. was doing, but it would seem also time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy of your to show that somebody has con- to indicate that prohibition isa fail­ answer on the said contestant ble confidence in the return of ure. either in person or by registered mail If this service is made by the ident's administration to pew The Senate learned that England delivery of a copy of your answer ■ebody with »5000 believes haa already formally acknowledged to the contestant in person, proof of Bill Taft can come back. the right of the United States to such service must be either the said talks aad some of the en- fortify the Panama Canal, and that, contestant's written acknowledg­ backers of Mr. La Follette, therefore, that qneetion can never ment of his receipt of The copy, aoeevelt and Woodrow WII- be brought up under the landing showing the date of its receipt, or i the affidavit of thr |»rsin by whom eught to come to the front and Anglo-American arbitration treaty, the delivery was made staling when the short end of this bet. As a which the Senate is to act ti|>on ' and where the copy wa- delivered ; ag proposition, this is a good thie week. A lerter rend in the Sen­ if made by registered mail, pri rta if he loses, but the fact that ate, written by Secretary John Hay, of such service must consist of the affidavit of the |>eraon by whom the are no takers as yet speaks elo- who aided in framing the Hay- copy was mailed stating when and ly The east, which necessarily Pauncefot treaty dealing with the the post office to which it was a clearer view of the president canal matter, said that the whole mailed, and thia affidavit must l»e more intimate knowledge of his theory of that pact was that “the accompanied by the |iostmaater’s receipt for the letter from being closer to him. is evi- •anal is to t>e entirely American.“ I Y'ou should alate in votir answer pretty well satisfied with Pre» The enormous coat of construction the name of the [ mm I office i<> winch Taft aad believes he will be re to to be borne by the United States you desire future notices to be sent The bet will be allowed to •lone. When constructed it is to to you. H. F. H ii . by , Register. time. It Is reported ba eaclueively the property of the J. C, A rdbby , Receiver. Dates of publications. Felwjsry United States, and la to be man administration to come to the aged, controlled and defended by it. 22nd. February 2Dth. March 7th, March 14tb, MHZ «B bia HdBK Foreclosure Sale. Backache Almost Unbearable Is In the Circuit Court of tbs State of N otice is H ereby G iven ,-That “ an almost certain result of kid- D. Toomey, 803 E. Oregon for the County of by virtue of a decree of foreclosure q ,• s . Bloomington, 111., says Tillamook. and order of sale made and entered' ' . , I suffered with backache and Tillamook County Bank, of record bv the Circut Court of the ! pains ' ---------- iu uiy kidneys which were a corporation, Trustee, State of Oregon for Yamhill County, I gave Foley Plaintiff, on the 1st day of February 1912. in Kid Pllls a L,ot>( trail, and they Kidney Pills a good vs. a cause wherein Lh\\ IS L. SHORT-, done wonders for me. Toduv I can E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. HFN r VT’U i SO n ’ w "« defcnd^m i '“'rd’day s’um k and not' Sei Sowle, Defendants. which dec™ and oMeVof'.ale wa^ effects.” Chas . Clough Co, To E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. Sowle, the above named defendants : in favor of said plaintiff and against In the name of the State of Oregon, said defendant, and decreed fore-1 The • Child a Welfare movement closure of mortgage upon the sale challenged the atteution ot You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed of the real proporty described thoughtful people everywhere, against you in the above entitled therein in the manner provided by Mo}heJ* ««. n“,Vr“1 supporters Honey 8nd will «■» find h"d in '« Foley's 8 “ On57 und suit on or before the expiration of law. and the application of the pro and six weeks from the date of the first ceeds of said sale to the payment Tur Compound a most valuable aid I Coughs and colds that are uncheck­ publication of this Summons, and of the costs and expenses of such if you fail so to appearand answer, foreclosure and sale, taxed at $37.25, ed lead to croup, bronchitis and for went thereof the plaintiff will and accruing costs, and attorneys pneumonia yield quickly to the heal­ apply to the said court for the relief fee amounting to $150.«), and to the ing and soothing qualities of Foley's demanded in the complaint herein. payment of the sum of $2801.67 with Honey and Tar Compound. Chua. I. The relief demanded is the fore­ interest accruing thereon. 1 will, on dough Co. closure of a certain mortgage ex­ the Sth day’ of April, 1912, at the ecuted and delivered by you to the hour of one o’clock p.m. of plaintiff in said suit on or about said day, at the Court House door August 12th, 1910, bearing said at Tillamook. Tillamook County, date, to secure the payment of Oregon, sell to the highest bidder five promissory notes executed by for cash iu hand, the following you for $386.00 each, bearing tlie described property, to-wit : tlie E. same date and payable respectfully of the N.E. 14 and the E. H of the on or before 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years S. E. 44 of section 33, in Tp. 5 S., R. after that date, with interest after 9 W. of tlie Will. Mer. in Tillamook date at the rate of six per cent, per County, Oregon, containing eighty annum, which said mortgage con­ acres more or less. veyed to tlie plaintiff 40 acres of Dated February 27th, 1912. H. C ranshaw . half of the South East quarter of Sheriff of Tillamook County. Section 4, in Township 2 South, Oregon. Range 9 West, W.M., except 2 acres square out of tlie South East corner of said tract, all of tlie above tract Synopsis of the annual statement of the of land being in Tillamook County, Oregon, and for tlie recovery of a National-Ben Franklin Fire judgment against you for the Insurance Company, amount of said indebtedness, with interest. For the further sum of Of North Side, Pittsburg, in the $200.00 as attorney’s fees», and the State of Pennsylvania, on the 31st costs and disbursements of this day of December, 1911, made to the suit, and that the said mortgage be Insurance Commissioner of the foreclosed, and the said property State of Oregon, pursuant to law : sold for the purpose o( satisfying C apital . the said mortgage, and that you and each of you, and all persons Amount of capital paid claiming under you be forever up ..................................... $1,000,000.00 barred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest or estate in or to said I ncome . property, or any portion thereof, save the statutory right of redemp Premiums received dur­ ing the year in cash. $1,306,827.72 tion, and that the purchaser at the sale be put into the immediate Interest, dividends and rents received during possession of the property, and for the year............................. 163,599,12 such further relief as may seem Income from other sour­ equitable. ces received during This summons is published by 222.63 the year order of the Hon. Homer Mason, County Judge of Tillamook County, Total income.............. $1,470,6111.52 Oregon, said order being made and dated at Tillamook City, Ore­ DlSlIURrtEMENTrt. gon, on February 15th, 1912. The time prescribed in the order for Losses paid during the year: ..................................$ 672,684.73 publication is once a week for six successive weeks, and the date of Dividends paid during Y'ou like a little salt and pep- the year on capital the first publication is Thursday, little mustard - a little stock ............................ ... 136,064.«) per—a February 15tli. 1912. lemon extract—a little this and Commissions and sala­ H. T. H otts , that to tlavor your grub, Your ries paid during the Attorney for Plaintiff. 414,836.76 cow, ycur steer, your hog under year............................. natural conditions would have a Synopsis of the Annual Statement Taxes, licenses and fees chance to get a bite of this, u bite paid during the year.. of the of that and a bite of tlie otli r of all other ex­ Security Life In surance Com­ Amount 101 131.98 thing and so get n variety in ns penditures ..................... pany, feed. But under the unnatural Of America, in the State of Virginia Total expenditures. $1,401,407.17 condition in which veu kee; on the 31st day of December, 1911, them, they get every day about A ssets . made to the Insurance Commis­ tlie same sort of stuff to eat. As i sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ Value of a natural consequence they get real estate suant to law : “off their feed.’ Even if they owned.............. $ 153,684 15 do not, their digestive organs Value of stocks and _____________ C apital . ______ need the tonic effect which comes bonds owned ... ........ 48,475 00 from Amount of capital paid a variety of feeding - tuffs. up..................„. ............... $ 500,000.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc................ 2,579,721.00 Watkins ’ Stock Tonic INCOM E. Cash in banka and on Is a scientific preparation which hand................................. Premiums received dur­ not only improves the flavor of ing the year.................. $ 498,101 18 Premiums in course of the feed you feed, but also sup­ collection and in trans­ Interest, dividends and plies that tonic element so needed 2111,008 43 to make your live stock do their mission ............................. reuts received during the year ......................... 83.092.26 Interest and rents due best. 48,081.04 and accrued................... Income from other sour­ There is no longer any doubt ces received during the about the need of a tonic for the Total assets ................ $3,215,161.03 modern domestic animal kept year..................................... 2,906.3b under artificial conditions. You Total assets admitted $ 584,219.80 Total income must give them something to ill Oregon................. $3,215,161.03 help them digest their feed und D isbursements . get tlie greatest good from it. L iabilities . Paid for losses, endow­ Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies ments, annuities and Gross claims for losses this need. It makes tlie animal surrender values ... $ 150,577.90 unpaid ........................... 155,331.16 relish its feed more; it aids in Dividends paid to policy Amount of unearned pre­ the digestion and assimilation holders during the miums on all out­ of the feed, and in addition to year...................................... $ 4,451.93 standing risks .............. 1,398,809 13 that, it has a tonic effect upon Commissions and sala­ Due for commission and the whole system. ries paid during the 491.98 brokerage .......... Your animals need a tonic of year..................................... 156,010.87 All other liabilities ... 21,092.3) this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic Taxes, licenses and fees is not a secret preparation. We paid during the year . 37,382.82 Total liabilities.......... $1,576,330.53 tell you the actual ingredients Amount of all other ex. Total insurance in force that are used in it. You know penditures .................... 72,724.84 December 31. 1911 ....275,429,648.«) exactly what you are buying, and pou mi for pound it will go farther B usiness in O r boon for the Total expenditures . .$ 421,148.36 and do more good than any other Y ear . stock tonic or so called stock A ssets . food ever made. Total risks written dur The Watkins Man will be glad Special assets.................. $ 200,159.78 ing the year........ ........$ 91,000.00 to leave you a pail on trial, Market value of stocks re- Gross premiums and bond» owned ........ 671,466.70 1,378.04 backed by the Watkins guarantee, ceived during the year. Loans on mortgages and Premiums returned dur­ Deliverd by Waggon collateral, etc........ 611,044.13 93.13 ing the year.................... Premium notes and R. R. ROBERTS policy loans.......... 564,725.75 By H. M. S chmitt , Cash in banks and on Secretary. hand ......................... 94,406.38 Statutory resilient general agent Net uncollected and de- and attorney for service : J P. Ford. ferred premiums......... 49,587.15 Portland, Oregon. Other assets (net) less not admitted, assets admitted ......................... 54,775.85 Notice of Final Account. Summon«. Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Total assets • ... $2,246.'255.74 Total assets admitted in Oregon ................ $2,246,255.74 L iabilities . Net reserve.......................... $1.253,247.«) Total policy claims........ 22JR2.83 All other liabilities 28,518.76 N otice Is H ereby G iven ,—That the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Martin Petersen, De ceased, has filed in the County Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, his final account as such admin­ istrator, and that said Court has apfioiEted Monday, the 1st day of April, 1912, at the hour of 10;(If) Tots) liabilities........ $131X4,848.59 o'clock a. m. at the Court House Total insurance in force Deceintier M. 1911........ 15. 127,339.00 in Tillamook City, Oregon . as the lime an Jecliona to said final account and BVNXBM IN ORKUON FOR THF. the settlement thereof. Y ear . Dated thia February 29th. 1912. Total risks written dur- E. II. B arth km-. XulV is the time III.HID«) ing the year........ ..$ Administrator of the Estate Groas premiums re­ Martin Petersen. Deceased. to have that ceived during the year 3. «84.72 Security Life Inaurante Co., of How Cold Cauaea Kidney Trouble group picture made America. Partly t.y driving blood from Hie By O. W. J o IIN imi N, surface an