Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 07, 1912, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight, Mareh 7, 1912
Making H»r Trunk Sara.
Wh»j Gladstone Bpoka.
flt. Andrews’ Bottle Dungeem
Gladstone »»» one m whom nerv­ I “No safety deposit vault red
Ft Andrews la perhaps the most *»■
for me!" declared the woman
tlnctlve of tbe old castle towns •( ousness had become mannerism. When
be rose to speak be began with a few cannot help being tbe wife of «
Bcotland. It was built early in
"I keep my Jewels io a
thirteenth century, and it was bera gracious words on tbe speech which rich man
shabby old trunk In
own room
that Bishop Kennedy showed Jamon
There isu'l eveu a lock on It 1 bud
II. how to breuk tbe power of bis ■» ed remark as to tbe character and Im­
to force It otT one time when I'd mis
bles by taking a bundle of arrow», portance of tbe subject, in bls earlier
laid the key."
separating them and slapping them
"Evidently you don't encourage en
one by one. In Stewart Dick's "The breath" His next act was to raise
." observed one of
Pageant of the Forth" tbe author says: his right baud over bls head, the ihumb terprl«e In burglars.'
"Under tbe sea tower, in the heart of beut down, and gently scratch b.s her hearers "All a man would have
tbe rock where it Juts into tbe eea, is skull That Is rather common arnoug h> do would be to raise tbe lid You
a grew some dungeon known as tbe public »[leakers. Tbe third action of might ut least make him a little
'Hottie dungeon,’ so called from its Mr. Gladstone was bls peculiar and trouble "
"He'd have trouble enough." Mid tbe
ill 11 e In tbe floor of the lower mom individual sign. Throwing his arms
i:i tbe tower is a bole five feet in di­ downward by bls side, he «'ould with woman, mysteriously. "Our coach-
Down it goes for nearly his fingers seize the cuffs of his coat ruaa's brother Is an old sailor-a per­
two. . e feet. The neck of tbe bottle and draw these down over his shirt i fect artist In knots—and he showed
then widens out to form a chamber cuff» so as to conceal them completely me how to bind up the trunk In the
nearly twenty-four feet in breadth The ordinary practice is Just the re most complicated way. and no burglar
There is uo light, no ventilation, no verse, the desire being to expose and could possibly untie It. He wouldn't
exit of any kind but the neck of tbe pot conceal tbe white linen of tbe shirt know tbe combination.'
cuffs. These were tbe Invariable pre
The only man In tbe group grinned
bottle. A prisoner there had no more
"Of course.'' he murmured retlec-
i bunce of escape than a crab has in u hides to the great commoner'» speeches
-I’all Mall Magazine.
tlvely, "no mere second story man
would ever dream of cutting those
Fingers Befere Forks.
knots.”—Youth's Companion.
A Hindu Dinner Party.
A Hindu ladles’ dinner begin« at 12 ' There are some rare occasions In ii
o’clock and lasts two hours. But the these days of retim'd tnble manners
guests begin to assemble some time « ben Huger* are really permissible In ! A lazy negro who let tVs wife take In
sashing without demur had a dream
before the dinner, for the simple rea­
son that they have to go into tbe gar rebellious under too much restraint jne night and u policy dream at that,
den and choose their own fruit und and wishes It were oftener so. Among lie lairrowed money from her to play
vegetable». Meat, by tbe way, is for- the things one may eat with the fin die combination. und before be left
li ¿.len. Tbe chief dish at n dinner gers with propriety are radishes, •mme tie stated his conviction.
party is composed of rice and maize. olives, salted nuts, pickles, celery and
"Mandy." tie «aid. "Aha goln'
The guests sit on tbe floor In two asparagus where tbe little tongs are town to play dis combine, what
rows, facing one another, und eat with
dio to come out. When you see
their fingers. Tbe most esteemed wid­ malne when cut to dip in French outin' home in a back you break up
ow lady present bunds round the dish­ dressing or in salt; strawberries when ro’ wash tubs."
es. and this service is considered a served with hulls on them, biscuits
The “com bine" didn't come out. and
great honor. Cocoanut milk and va­ and all small cakes, pears, peaches. «am. In great dejection, acquired a lot
rious kinds of sherbet are drunk
if gin. Then he was messed up a bit
When the meal Is over the ladles take Usually the large seeded fruits are by a dray, and some other negroes
a small portion of betel nut wrapped
ilred a back to take him borne Sum
tn “pan” leaves. Pau is a green leaf of fowls and birds may be taken in was uearly out and was breathing
something like laurel and is prepared tbe hand, but it is not considered fa ivavlly when the hack turned a famtl-
in no fewer than eighty different vorably. Tbe flrm cheeses, dry cakes, ar corner, and bls wife was standing
ways. Each of those way» ts sup bonbons and sandwiches are all per u the door. With bls last ounce of
posed to give a different emotion to mltted to be taken In the lingers.— »liergy lie stuck his head out of the
London Express.
the enter.
window and yelled:
"Mandy, spare dem tubs!"—Chicago
The Decline of Winchester.
Irregular Pulses.
Winchester for five centuries was
A pulsus paradoxus is a pulse that
tt.c active rival of London, mid for 400 stops for a moment when you are tnk
Looming Mirages,
years English parliaments occasionally Ing a deep breath It is nothing very
In what ure culled "looming mi
ant In the castle, which contains the dreadful, though It occasionally wor rages" distant objects show an uppnr
round table of King Arthur It was a rles people to find their pulse has atop eut extniVHgnnt Increase In height
city with great temples mid the site of ped.
without alteration of breadth Distant
the first Christian church In Britain
A doctor who has been studying the pinnacles of Ice are thus magnified
Ils buildings were of the most magnlf pulse of various people has something luto Immense towers or tall. Jagged
Iceut i hnrncler. mid pilgrims tbs-ked Interesting to say on tbe subject. "I’eo mountains, and a ship thus reflected
from far and near to the magnificent pie get alarmed If their pulse is not from far out nt sea may appear io be
■ iitltedrul which contained the body of regular." he says, “and yet plenty of twelve or tlfteen times as tall ns It Is
Kt Hwlthlu mid where miiuy miracle, healthy people have really extruordl long liot ks and trees nre nlso shown
were worked
nary pulses
A dot and carry one in abnormal shapes and positions,
iVllllam the Conqueror and Charles pulse Is possessed by ninny people
while bouses, animal mid human lie
*11 li.id palaces here, mid within the
Tbe pulses of athletes ami others who Ings appear in like exaggerated shapes
monastery were buried Klug Alfred tuke violent exercise for a short time
Before the sandy plains of our south
Ills queen and two sona. Wlncbestei go up at a tremendous rate. A run
western states and territories were
lias Indeed fallen upon evil days, foi ner the doctor exiierltuented Ufsin bad
Into verdant fields by the
nt the present time Its populntlou I- a normal pulse beat of TH to the mtn
only tin' same as It win In tbe days of ute At tbe end of a hundred yards ingenuity and tireless energy of man
mirages were very common In those
Henry Il —Sbellicili < Ent; lumi i Tele race his pulxe was going along at 180
regions, the Indians regarding the pile
At tbe end of a hurdle race It rose to uomeuou as being tbe work of evil
204.—Ismdou Auawera
Arctic Marine Plante.
Two Views of ths Sams Question.
Ths Horse's Pedometer».
those of the land, are affected by the
A uoteil bishop lu order Io point A
The whorls of hair on the coats of
climate. Arctic laud plants cannot lesson In humility sometimes tells H
flourish nt the equator, uml Iti the are- story of a young clergyman whose Dorses and oilier animals are natural
tic and tbe antarctic oeeaus marine first appointment was to be au out of pedometers. Inasmuch ns they register
the locomotive activities of the ani
plants are found that are unable to tbe way and poor parish.
inals on whose bodies they are found.
survive In warm water. Among the
On his first Suuday In thia new ata
tuost remarkable of these cold water lion the young rann as be looked over The best examples and the greatest
plants ara the Inmlnnrlnceae, a kind of his wretchedly clad and Ignorant cou number of these hairy whorls and
reaweed. which sometimes attains n gregatlou could not help saying to rests are found on tbe domestic
borne. A notable Instance Is the grace
gigantic »Ixe. exceeding In length the himself, with a groan:
rul feathering that extends along the
longest climbing plants of the tropical
“Dour me. what a dreadful thing it
forests at-d developing huge stems like would !>e if I should have to stay here hollow of the fiank, dividing the trunk
if tbe animal from tbe hind quarters
the trunks of trees. Investigation has any great length of time!"
There are also crests and whorls ou
shown that these plants flourish In tbe
At tbe end of the sermon a deacon
coldest waters of the polar sens anil made a prayer, To the young man's tbe horse's client and other parts of Its
that they never advance farther from horror one part of the prayer was a laxly A study of the actlou of the tin
deriving muscles explains tbe origin of
their frigid homo» than to the limit« benevolent hope that “this Ignorant,
of "summer temperature" In the ocean luexperlonced, tikrren pastor that had these peculiarities in tbe lay of the
The genial warmth destroys them Just lately come to the pariah might Ira
calling them pedometers, although the
as a polar blast shrivels tropical flow prove and grow learned and fruitful
unalogy Is. of course, merely superfl
In good works, so that he would come dal — St. Louis Republic
to merit being kept on there for
Ths End ot ths World.
Pittsburgh In 1784.
Although our earth cationi In any
When General Forbes captured Fort
vital sense last longer tiiau tbe suu. It
Where Books Were Pawned.
Duquesue in 1758 be remiun-d It Pitts
tuny lust less long for Intrinsic cause
In primitive days books bad a recog
Life la deiwiident uot only on the suu. nixed and eettled value We know how burgh lu honor of tbe great English
but on the presence of air. When thl« they were exchanged for a horse or Insptrer of victory. Later It dropiwd
air departs Ufa will depart too. Now half a doxen sheep, but few people I the "h" and became Pittsburg, only
the earth'» air is going slowly, but know the extent to which hooka wen- Anally to tack the "h" on officially
end revert to the original s|H-lling
»' ' -|y, evaporutllm Into apace If II
pawned In tbe middle ages Oxford at
ail goes before tin- sun ht-coines ex one time bad twenty giant chests full In 1784 Arthur Lee descrtls-d the place
tlnet the carili'« surface fife will of these valuable pledges, and the proc In language which seem.« strange to
tapse while the sun still shines Both ess when stock was taken had to be those who know "the Smoky City" of
pr<» e -e- th«- evaporation of the air conducted with care The book fairs I today: "Pittsburgh Is Inhabited alinimt
and the cooling of the altn-wlll re served to alter thing». and presently entirely by Scots and Irish, who live
quire long eras of time, but the «e< oud as Smith field market grew It net up a In IMiltry log houses There are in the
process will lie much tbe slower of the subservient Industry on Ifa outskirts, ti>«u tour attorney«, two d-xtor« and
two So we may exiast tbe last in where tbe butchers sold skins and the not a priest of any |H*r»naslon. nor
habitant» of the earth to die of In- k parchment dealer» bought And this church or chapel, so that they are
of breath rather than from want of bookish street on the edge of Braith likely to be damned without tbe hene
Tbe place, I believe
«armiti Pel-viral Lowell In Youth'» field under the shadow of St. Paul's flt of clergy
will never i>e very considerable "
bore the pious name of Paternoster
row.—Fall Mall Gasetts.
•lips of tho Tongue.
In parts of Hwltierland the baker­
In • case tried l»‘fore a magistrate
Why She Left Them at Home.
wife carries round tbe bread In a sort
In Glasgow the defending agent made
“Bar* you any referencesF’ asked
of hamper, and »be bos not a Oxed. nn
ref'-reui-e to a verbal agreement !♦ the lady of the bouse.
mutable charge, but cbalTera for a price
tweeu the parties. "Lot's «ce yer vor
“Ves. ma'am. A lot of sm "
with tbe cnatoiner*. Tbe old English
bai agreement,” tbe magistrate ««hi
"Then why didn't you bring them
word for thin process was "cbeaplng.
“Hand It up here.”
with jrouF’
which In many places In England Ba-
At a pariah couucll meeting, whew a
“They're just like my photographs,
B flor some hurra«.- of wagoo ma'am None of 'em does me Justice.'' been currapted Into cblpplng Ub p
ping Norton, for Instance, is res III
was under consideration, the chairmaa -Detroit Free l’rvaw
rheaplng Norton, or the place when
•did peevishly: "A canna mah' held bot
J isx I h were cheapened-1 bat la. au d by
tail o’ thia dockyment It's Jlrt like
•urnrl sed.
Alphy and Omegy It « got neither be
Lady—I am surprised, little boy, to
ginning nor rnil."—Glasgow Herald
see you amoktug that cigar Hoy—I'm
Fprised myself, lady: I thought tbe
man would never drop IL-Pbiladel
phi» Telegram.
Ths •tseplsshaas.
The flrat »teeplwtMs«-« were Iterally
•Vha.e. to a st.-vplw" The ear I leaf we
csa dim-over was a match In ITHJ •»
An Expensive Leauey.
tween Edmund Blake and Mr tFOnl
"Tee," said the literary man with a
'agtiau over four and a half raUsu sf algb; "style la a flue thing for a writer
stiff . vuntry between tbe cburvB e< to have, but when bl» wife a get It too
Ruttevaut and Ft I eger chun k ra*ro It takes all tbe profit away "-Harper.
— Loudon Tatter
Wise E.ceptiena.
“You really brth-rv that a
should always be truthful to hhi wlfeF
"Certainly I do. always."
"And do you always tell your wife
the truth abooi her rooking?"
"Oh. well ee-there are exceptions,
foil know “-Uouatou Poet.
A Fluent Talker.
Whang»—!» your wife a good coneer-
Mtkmallat? Cange-She would be but
*or one thing-«hr talks so fluently that
the lutemi|>ts bera^!
■rx-c-nt if annoi >,«« t» Beer » wn
ti'king »mug-*
•"Nr n votinn flkx^ ngwhlltr-
Dr. J. T. Work, M.T.,
Daily March 1st to April 15th,
First at at Third ave. \V.
a word of explanation I wm
aay that my methods and appij.
ancea are the same as those used i»
the best druglese schools where I
ST. PAUL ....... . $25.001 obtained my diploma. The Fort-
CHICAGO........ . $33.00
KANSAS CITY.. . 25.00 j land School of Chiropactic which
CINCINNATI.. . 37.00
OMAHA............. . 25.00 applies only tothe spine and the
MILWAUKEE. . 31.50
DES MOINES.... . 27.85 Chicago School of Mechano flier,
ST. LOUIS___ . 32.00
INDIANAPOLIS. . 35 65; apy, which includes all the other
NEW YORK... . 50.00
DENVER............. . 25.00! druglees systems, the met its 0,
DETROIT ........ . 38.00
! which are very well known and i«
From other eastern points in rproportion.
Tell vour friends in the East of this opportunity of moving « est at nothing in common with tbe ordin.
low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern I acthc, i iiry massage mental or magnetic
Great Northern and ”North Bank” Linea.
. , .
! healing._________
You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in
the East. Details will be furnished on request
You judg-e a man not by what he
T. COOPER, Agent,
promisee to do, but by what he has
Gen’l. Freight and Paso. Agent,
Hillsborc, Ore.
done. That is the only true test.
Poi tland, Ore.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
judged by this standard has no «u
perior. People everywhere speak
of it in the highest terms of praise.
The Best Hotel.
For sale by al! dealers.
J. P. ALiUEN. Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
Manj- sufferers from rheumatism
have been surprised and delighted
with the prompt relief afforded by
applying; i hamberlain’s Liniment.
Not one case in ten requires any
internal treatment whatever. This
liniment is for sale by all dealers.
"" ■
— '
- «
■ r¡
« at
The valued family îe-
cipes for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
^-Builders ofHomoa
Investment Certificates
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec-
tive than ever.
a re RE AL Money Makers
•Send for Booklet
Right prices
604 50 CorbetlBluij Portland Ore
are also
Reliable Druggist.
Eye Sightspecialist.
Our “Home"
collection of fine
6 largo pkts., 50c
6 1-oz. pkt»., $1.00
Will plant a 100-foot row
If you want
the finest
Sweet Pea»
in the most
brilliant and
pleasing col­
ors, order this
For complete lift
Newett and Beat
Sweet Peat, Ro*e$,
Dahlias, Gladioli.
Atk /or our 19IS Catalog
Bin llSpagt IttFrro.
Portland Seed Co.
Mother knows she has
made the test,
Tillamook Baker’s
Is the Best.
We use Olympic
Women of the highest type,
women of superior education and
and judgment give weight and
force to their opinions, highly
praise the wonderful corrective
and curative properties of Cham­
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­
lets. Throughout the many stages
of woman’s life, from girlhood,
through the ordeals of mother­
Todd Hotel, TiHamook.
Formerly with the army transport
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
College, cites '91.
hood to the declining years, there
is no safer or more reliable med­
Chamberlain’s Tablets are
sold everywhere at 25c a box.
We carry a Large Stock of
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agentsll for the Great Western Saw
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
IL ■ kidney pius
Foley K.dn.y Pdl.
tomc |n
b‘aaaer troaD,e-
unn.ry trreffutarwv
Chas. i. Clough, Tillamook.