Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 07, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight, Maf«h 7. 1Ô12.
In Japan ths Rich Pay Mors.
A common i-omplaiui mad. by tour­
ists In Japan is that they arc <>l>!lgvd
to July f»r ererytblug tar higher prices
than the native» are cliHrged. or. In
itlier word», that because they are for­
eigners they are la-lug fleeced. but ■
glance at the social conditions by which
the people have been educated would
reveal the curious fact that throughout
Juicin'» long period of Isolation it was
• n accepted principle that the rich
must live for the sake of the poor, and
prices have always been based upon
Ibe purchaser's rank in society or upon
his presumed ability to pay. This un­
derstanding remains largely In force
today, being fully recognized and acted
upon by all favored classes throughout
the empire.
The occidental, coming from lands
where the reverse practically bolds
good—the poor living for the sake of
the rich—naturally complains of being
robbed, as from his point of view he
really Is. but it is not because he is a
foreigner, but because, being a tourist
be Is presumably wealthy.—Arthur May
Knapp in the Atlantic.
They Sink Backward.
The Island of St. Hsiang.
St. Helena nag beeu so Island of
tragedies—tragedies that have been
lost night of wailing over the Cor­
sican tin the secoud day of my visit
the goveruor took me by carriage road
through the turns over the Island. At
one point of our journey the road. In
winding around spurs mid ravines,
formed a perfect W within the dis­
tance of a few rods. The roads, though
tortuotiH mid steep, were fairly good,
and 1 was struck with the utuouut of
labor ft must have cost to build them.
The air on the heights was cool snd
bracing. It Is said that since banglug
for trivial offenses went out of fashion
no one has died there, except from
falling over the cliffs tu old age or
from being crushed by stones rolling
on them from the steep mountains!
Witches at one time were persistent at
St. Helena, as with us In America in
the days of Cotton Mather. At the
present day crime is rare in the island.
"Hippopotamuses are the only wuiar
animals that sink backward when Be­
ing under the surface of the water."
said a kee|>er In the Central park uaaa
agerie to a group of visitors In frost
of the HUlmals' tank.
“Aquatic animals, as a rule, dive
Into the waler head drat and make
more or less splashing But the hippo
gore down so quietly that If a hunter
were sinndiug near the edge of an
African |sx>l the big river horse would
disappear without attracting attention.
They keep up the custom lu captivity.
where there is no necessity of guard­
ing against enemies. As they go down
they throw up their noses and fill
their lungs. I have timed this spool-
men aud found that she can stay un
der water for five minutes. She thou
comes up with a snort and takes a
fresh supply of air.
Perhaps she
could stay down longer If she was
trying to avoid danger.'*—New Tort
The Ancient Dragon.
Believed In Closed Window».
The pterodactyl, whose fossil re­
A b old Yale man, giving bls remlnio-
mains have been found In the chalk
The advanced Piano selling methods originated in
at Cambridge. England, and elsewhere, cences of President Noah Porter, re­
Cillamook by the store of Jones & Knudson makes a
Saved ths Crown Jewels.
with a very varied spread of wings, called a talk the kindly gentleman
>ig saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be- A very romantic adventure once be­ which In the largest specimens must gave to his freshman class. "Young
ause we save them the Portland jobber’s profit and fell the Scottish crown Jewels while have reached twenty-five feet, is al­ gentlemen.” said the president, “the
they were deposited for safety in Dun-
of New Haven is especially heavy
he BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION. Besides there is . ottar castle. This stronghold was be­ most Identical with the dragon of air
fable. A batlike creature, with an and damp at night, owing to the prox­
sieged by Cromwell so hotly that the elevated body and long neck ending in imity of the city to the sea. and I wish
little garrison decided to surrender. On an absurdly small bead with a por to advise you always to keep your win­
the eve of yielding the wife of Ogilvie, tentous beak, it could run very swift dows closed at night; otherwise your
the commander of the beleaguered cas­ ly. was a fish eater and could swim, health will be likely to suffer.” That
tle, managed, with the aid of the wife or it flew by means of huge membra­ was the advice of the president of the
of the local minister, to elude the be­ nous wings, which connected its long institution. It Is significant of the ex­
siegers and get the jewels away. The fore quarters with its hind legs. The tent to which Ideas change with the
In dealing with your own home merchant, whose ' latter were burled under the pulpit in pterodactyl evidently existed down to : years. Now everybody is for out of
irord regarding the quality of the Piano he is selling the parish church and lay there till a comparatively recent geological peri­ doors air. and the person who followed
the restoration, though the minister
and it Is not nt all improbable that ; the advice of President Porter would
rou can be safely taken in perference to an agent’s and his wife were tortured to disclose od.
the traditional dragon Is described tie condemned out of band: and yet. if
tatement, who perhaps you will never see again, We the place where the jewels were hid­ from the last living specimens as met we are not mistaken, that gentleman
den. Ogilvie was afterward reward­ with by primitive man.
managed to live out bls threescore
listribute direct
ed with a baronetcy, and Keith, who
years and ten and do them about
stoutly declared he had seen them in
eleven better. He was born In 1811
Simplified Spelling Effects.
the possession of the exiled King
"We tiud In the letters we receive." and died in 1892. He believed In closed
Charles II., was made an earl
But said the correspondence clerk, "some < windows.-Hartford Courant.
_____ ____
the faithful minister uud bis wife went marvelous examples of simplified spell­ i
Was a Dandy.
ing. some ot these unconsciously pho­
If taking Infinite' pains with his ap-
i netic. some evidently deliberately In­
Old Superstitions.
A new pearl in the crown of the world’s best
tended. some that, though they serve i penrnnee means dandyism, then Whls-
It is only when we begin to Investi­ their purpose wonderfully, verge on I tier wits a dandy. The very word
’ianos is the reliable S. W. MILLER, the most desired gate the origin of certain old customs
comic. For instance, we received pleased him. and he used At often, in
f all good home Pianos. The S. XV. Miller Pianos and superstitions that we gain any the
yesterday a letter from a man who Amerlcnu fashion, to express perfec-
1 real idea, of bow deeply rooted in starts off in this way:
tion or charm or beauty. Never was
nd Piano Players represent a
naeu's miuds during the dark and mid­
"'What fx would follow'— aud soon. any man more particular about his per­
dle uges was the fear of the supernatu­
"Of course the meaning of that was sop and his dress. He was as careful
ral and particularly of evil spirits. To
perfectly plain, but the bookkeeper and of his hair as a woman, though there
j this day in a certain country the cot-
I bad to smile over it for a moment, was no need of the curling tongs with
. lagers after the Saturday morning
aud when we showed it to the stenog­ which he has been reproached: the dif­
scrubbing take a piece of chalk and
ficulty was to restrain .his curls and
I draw a rough geometrical pattern roun'd « rapher he said that the man who could keep them In order. The white lock
For their manufacturers, distributors and pur- I the edge of the threshold atone. This write words like that ought not to stop gave
Just the right touch. However
simplified spelling— lie ought to go
nasers, as like a good violin they mellow and improve they do. not knowing that their ances­ at
right ahead tiud Invent a new short­ fashion changed, be always wore the
thought it a sure way of keeping
muslai be and little Imiierfal which
ith age and there is a complete absence of that tinny, tors
the devil from entering the bouse. An­ hand system."—New York Sun.
other West Point men of his genera­
letallic tone so often found in the class of Pianos other custom, ofteu noticeable in conn-
tion retained through life. Even bis
Chinese Idioms.
sually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of try iMtrisbes. IS the reluctance to bury
thick, busby eyebrows were trained,
the dead on the north side, of the
and they added to the humorous or
churchyard. This is because evil spir­ press that the wealthy parent of the sardonic expression of the deep blue
its were always supposed to lurk on
eyes from which many shrank.— Pen­
that side of the church precincts.— her favor before dying his Idiom Is. nell's "Life of Whistler."
"He has settled his plums.” "To have
London Spectator.
plucked the kwei ,cassia) flower" slgnl
Welsh Bulls.
Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete
flea galniug the muster's degree at the
Th. Gentle 8.x.
Ireland's position as the country In
lith us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER A d eminent English statisticinn has
which "bulls'* blossom best Is being
calculated that of two children, a boy for "Let there be no backsliding” Is.
IANO is the pride of every owner.
seriously challenged. It was a Welsh
and a girl, born on the same day the "Let there be no absorption of sweat"
member .of parliament who crushlngly
boy will have only seventeen fhances A runaway wife is said by Liu Chia
remarked to an opposition member:
against eleven of living one year, while Chu to "carry her guitar to another
the girl will have twenty-one chances door.” When you wish to say that you 'The honorable member has attempt­
against eleven. From five to fifteen have secured a vindication, you ex­ ed to throw a bombshell at tbs gov­
there appears to be but little difference, press it "My adversary has been ernment. but In the hands of the
of the exchequer It was
By paying more for any Piano than the price we but from fifteen to nineteen the boy forced to paint my front door.” When chancellor
will bare 269 chances and the girl 277 a great man dies they say. "A corner turned Into a cocked bat long before
ik you for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better chances of living against one of death of the city wall baa fallen.*’— J. 8 it was thrown.”
It was also a Welsh member, though
ome Piano today on the market, and ue kindly If a thousand ablebodied men and a Thompson's "The Chinese.”
the same one. who, speaking
kite you into our store to make us prove it to your
against a proposal to fortify London,
and equipped for battle and ordered on
Green Turtles.
itire satisfaction.
The green turtle finds Its home In began earnestly with: "Our navy la
I a long, weary march more men. says
! this authority, would probably reach the coral reefs lying to the north of our outy defense. If our navy tom
their destination, while more women Jamaica, though It la found in other porarlly left the sens"— And then be
would be found exhausted, hilt more parts of the West Indies. The creature had lo »top Delighted members, with
men would be found dead by the way
is enugbt by the employment of ex­ vision» of battleships swooping over
aide.—New York American.
tremely strong nets, which are Inter­ green fields or climbing over house
laced between the rocks
Once caught top», were In a roar, and It was some
A Connoisseur.
the turtle is taken to Kingston, where minutes liefore business could pro
' A great iwlnter wua asked by big lit- It Is kept iu special sea water pens on ceed — I-ondon Answers.
' tie sou. "Falber. what Is a connote- the seashore
When In the pens the
turtle Is provided with rt peculiar kind
i sour?”
lent Ars Very Small.
The smallest piece of matter Is called
' "Well, my eon.” the father answered. of sea grass, which it likes very much.
It is so small that a person
■did you notice that tall, white haired Curiously enough, wbeu It la taken the Ion
away from the West Indies It refuses could not Imagine that anything could
geutlemon at my studio tea y ester
to eat this grass
Indeed. It will die tie »mailer It Is so small that Its Iden­
1 "The one.with the sable lined over­ of starvation sooner than touch the tity is lost In It» effect it 1» the point
coat. father': Uh. yea. I noticed him " grass, however carefully preserved It where solid mutter resolves Itself into
takes eight itounds of flesh to make a a form ot electricity. Now. think Low
• "Well, my son. be Is a connoisseur
I small tlnit Is from this experiment: If
i "But how do you know he's a cou- single quart of soup.
I the Ion» In n toy lailloou. full of gas
uolsseur father?"
I were counted out nt the rate of a bun
Timsly Answers.
"By hl» actions, my sou."
"Do you remember bow buDgry I dred per minute It would take 100.
"But. father, he acted like every one
tXXI.USt persons 4.000.000 years to count
was at seveu-tblrty last nightY”
else at the tea. dldu t tie?”
them The fact that the human It.tal
Saginaw, in the State of Michigan, on the list day or December. 1*11, mad. to
"Do you know how I appeased my leet can discover this fact Is quite na
Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon pursuant to law:
, not! The uflwni drank my Riissisa
startling as the fact Itself This seems
tea. ate my foie gras snndwk'he-« mid hunger In a half UourY'
nount of capital paid up..............................................
to l»e getting on the edge of material
“No; what did you doT'
creation, and if the Ion could lie fur
"Eight a clock."
femiurn.« received during the year (net cash)....... ,
terest, dividends and tents received during year..
“That's nothing Do you remember ther divided we would have to get over
Mcy fees required by application*....... .....................
unlucky 1 was at the raffle at Into the spirit world to do It. for tberu
tome from other sources received during the year
fsnslbly Its last analysis only can ba
Lady Wort ley Montagu, on* of Eng­ twelve-thirty?"
Total income .................................................. .
rem lied.-Ohio Htate Jourual
land's most brilliant women. Incurred
“1 certainly do ”
Pope’s undying hatred tn the following
“Well. I wasn't so unlucky a half
sses paid during the year including adjustment expenses,
Over ths Rheno.
manner: The poet. who was deformed hour later "
ridends paid du
year on capital stock......................
"He hasn't slept all night, doctor.”
mmisNions and
paid during the year..................
said Mrs. Blinks over the phone, de
tioning everybody, once n»ked tier to did you win?"
xes, licenses and fees paid during the year........................
scrlblug Iter husband's symptoms. "Und
liry fees retained by agents..................................................
define an interrogation mark Rhe de
"One a dock."— Lippincott's.
kount of all other expenditures.............................................
this morning he complains of aebeu In
fined it as "a little, crooked black
bls lames and a general headachy feel
Total expenditures ............... . ...........................................
! thing that asks questions.”
Lashing In Official Zeal.
n Actual Added Advantage
Typical Tone Triumph
S. W. Miller Pianos
ones & Knudson
rect Factory Distributors for Tilla
mook County,
Io» of real estate owned ..............................................
Jogjnf stocks snd bonds owned.................. ——...........
Isn* on morta*«>-s and coUatersL etc........ . ..............
ph In banks and on liand................................................
emlbms In course of collection snd In transmission
|»r»st and rents due and acciu»d .................................
Total assets ............... . .................................. . ...........
s, opeclal deposits In any stale 4If any there bet
Total assets sdmllted In Oregon
in*** f'Ukin*
I orbf * unpaid,.............. .................
Itount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks
Is for commission and brokerage .................................
) other liabilities ..................................... .....................
Partieulsr Woman.
Judge-Rhe insisted on haring a wo­
man lawyer men. • her divorce.
"Why was abe so particular?"
•She did not want to go contrary to
.hat portloo of the marriage ceremony
that rends. Let no man pot aeon
der’"—New Tort Herald.
S 77H7 74
IH.tt? TJ
27.47« »
D * r g n
* 2*1.22» •»
210.574 54
; Total UaMlltlea .......... ........ . ......................................
Sal premiums la force Dec 4»n»b*F 11. 1,11...................
K*l risk* written during the rear...................................
premium» rwtrHv <«r1 during I he year .......................
tmiurnu returned durin« the year. ....................... •» •••-
B**n nai4 during the year
- —...............• •........ .
*•**’ incurred durtn« the year .. ......... ........... . . -■____
Sal amount nf mkm out»«am»mt <!• force» In Oregon
[toSI 1911
. . ■ ■
“I see.” remarked the traveler, "you
have •■ antl-borse thief association
here. What's the matter? Can't yoo
leave the punishment of horse thieves
to the constituted authorities?'
"Net by a darn sight!" said Grizzly
Fete "They ain't anti enough."—Chi­
cago Tribune.
<7*2 M
«.'•» n
4.024 «2
1.7» U
By >• M Kteber.
r* to ■ 4Y
“I thought abe exhibited verre and
aplomb.' said Mrs. Oldraetle
you?' replied her bosteas
said she had nerve, but was a peach.”
-Chicago Record Herald.
Jennie- Everything he tourbes seems
to torn to gold Jim-Yes: be touched
me today for a sovereign - tondoe
Tbe truest wisdom Is a msstate de
Red Tsps and a Murdtree.
This Is a tale of n self confroseil mur­
der» < who wished to l><* Hiicsted. as
related by a writer lu l.e Matin. I'urla.
Borne time ngo n innti uniued Berges
Was stabbed to dewth ut Algiers. Three
men were arrested on suspicion but
as they proveil their innocence they
were released it ltd the matter was
shelved. A few days afterward a umn
Called nt the office of tile local police
commissary and »aid to that official:
“My name Is Marius Yvorra I kf'cd
■»rges. aud this 1» bow I did It."
Tbe commissary listened to tie
■Sta a confession and said:
"You bad better see my secretary ”
Tbe secretary also listened to ibe
Man's confession aud after a Uttle re-
•ectloo Mid:
"Now, look here, my good man; this
to not the way to get arrested. Yon
■ust write ua a letter confirming tbe
cral atatement made to ua. Then we
ahali be able to attend to you. Now,
•M along.” ,
Tbe man left the office, and perhaps
because be was not a good writer ho
tom not oeen seen since In Algiers.
Wu Ting Fang’s Good Cheer.
Among the most intimate of the Chl-
■eee friends of tbe late Sir Robert Hatt
was a high official, Wu Ting Fang,
who pr'Jed himself on his alert mtut-
■er. wblcb made blm appear much
younger than be was. and boasted that
be luteuded to live 200 yeara. He onctf
explained bow this feat was to be ac-
ceuipilstied. "Tbe first thing, natu­
rally. 1» diet.” said he. “Tbe man who
would cheat Time should live on nuts
like tbe squirrels. Under no condition
should he touch suit, and he should
begiu and end each meal with a tea-
spoonful ot olive ot). 1 have Ituug
scrolls In my bedroom.” Wu Ting weut
on to explain, "with these sentences
written upon them In English and Chi­
nese. 'I um young, 1 am healthy. I utu
cheerful.' Immediately I enter the
room nt.v eye falls U|ton these precepts.
I any to myself. 'Why. of course I um.
and therefore I utu!"—Loudou Cblou-
Ono View of ths "Terrible Turk.”
Speukiug or the Turk, uu English
resident in Turkey writes: "The Ulan 1
like best is the pure, uncoutiimluiited
Turk who hits never seen Europe. He
is wondertully hospitable, amazlugly
kind, essentially n man of peace aud a
fervent religionist. He is u Moslem,
has been reared In Moslemlsm und be­
lieves I d his religion. He is honest
and atralgbtforwurd In bls business
deallugs, and Illa word is his bond. I
do not suggest that every Turk pos­
sesses all tlie»e qualities which I have
attributed to tbe race, uor am I paint­
ing him lu too rosy a color. I liavu
made utauy voyages into the Interior
of Macedonia and Asin Minor; I have
entered Turkish villages high up on
the snow, stockaded against tbe bears,
where the Inhabitants bad uever aeon
a European before, mid my truat in tbe
kindness and hospitality of these tneo
has uever failed me.”—London Graph­
Suspended Animation.
As we descend in tbe scale of animal
life we find tbst what kills the higher
animals does not injure tbe lower. Cut
• polyp I" two aud you have two liv­
ing polype Instead of one dead polyp.
Break off a lobster’s claw aud another
will grow. You may. it baa been Mid,
freeze a fly, but you cannot freeM it to
"wheel animalcules.” These rotlfeoa
have many curious qualities, among
wblcb la that of auspeuding sulmatlOB
foe an Indefinite period without ccuslng
to live. Colonies of rotifers may bo
desiccated and rendered apparoBtiy
lifeless, and In this condition they umy
be kept for mouths and yeara and pos
stbly centuries. A siugle drop ot wa
ter will restore them to life, and tbe
wheel bearers will Instantly reou..,e
their functional activity preciaoly at
tbe |Klint where It was broken Off -
Bank Cheeks In Austria.
Ranks of Austria are exonpt f. ■>
liability fur payment of cbei ks a., I
bills of exchange to parties who Livy
have acquired unlawful po-<Ke»Kloti <4
the same nud forged tbe indoroetuontil
thereon The blinks are not euoitiedej
to identify lhe lM-nrcr. aud luataocvu
occur or »ueb commercial pu|>ero betas
stolen und cashed with forged Indoro-
meiit. leaving tbe uwuer witbout to-
A check or bill of exebanse.
therefore, though payable to order and
not Indorsed Is a dangerous fegm fur
tbe remittance of money
for psynienl ou a forged liKlorseinent 40
Incurred l>y a hauk only when It Is gr.-
sumed tu have knowledge of tha
payee's »Ignnture. as In tbe ease 'jt
well known cUruta
Rest Estate Intergrime
Here Is one wey a piece uf Innd toby
ba made profita bls:
Find a clay bole and make bricks BBt
of th. clay
Ing. Is there anything 1 can do?'
Cat tbe Ice In tbe bole In tAo wlatsr
Just then the wires crossed with the if yoo cso get swey with it
phone connection of the dog fancier
Get money from tbe city to Ui tbe
•Rurer came the response. "Bring bole so a dumping ground.
blm In this afternoon and I'll ent Ms
Pot a top soil over all asd sell tbe
•ars for you."— Pittsburgh Press
tot for a menufacturiog site,—Cbleo*e
Twe Bvlls.
There are two things lo life that a
sage moat preserve at every saertflen—
tbe costa of Uls stomach and tbr ensa
el of bls teeth. Rome evils sdmlt of
consolation«: there are no comforter»
for dyspepsia and the toothache -BM-
Mean Thlttg
Maybelle—Bee tbe beautiful engage
ment ring Jack gave me last night
Botello—Gracious! . Has that Joel gst
around to you?-Toledo Blade
BnMbmto with caertlon hot act with
decisión ylekl with grectousnaoo or