Tillamook H**cllight, Mareh 7, 1Ô12 notwithstanding that the reCor- . der had no authority to make 'STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) c year.............. a......................... an assessment, the people voted Si v month»........................ .............. r,o to keep the old junk in the city Three month»*............... ....................... [charter. This is a fair sample Entered as second class mail mat­ of how people vote under the ter Julv. 1888, at the post office at I Oregon system, not that they Tillamook, Ore., under the act of lack intelligence, hut because Marcfl 3, 1879. they will not take the time to intelligently acquaint them­ selves with the measures to be ^illiimook Ijeabligbt, voted upon, consequently they vote in a hit or miss, haphaz- zard fashion. RATES OF SUBSCRP’TION. Editorial Snap Shots. Give President Taft a square deal. Because political dicta­ tor cannot control him they are endeavoring to defeat him. It looks as though the Repub­ lican party is badly split up in­ to three camps. Blit see them get together and light under one banner after the standard bearer is nominated at the na­ tional convention. The T. B. Potter Realty Co. will pay $5,800in taxes this year, and yet we have some persons in the county who are opposed to giving Bayocean a way out and a wagon road, to say noth­ ing of the other taxable pro­ perty on the south side of the bay. Have we reached that stage of our political history when it is necessary to have a political dictator a* president with a "big stick" held over a free and independent people ? It looks so by tin- way Roosevelt’s auto­ crats, or ns Aunt Torrey puts it, Roosevelt’s bullycrnts, are act ing. There appears to be some dif­ ficulty in getting together in re­ gard to holding a county fttir this sutntner. If a few live, energetic individuals would put their heads together und would take hold of the management it would soon bean accomplished tact that a creditable fair would be held. This is another case where it requires leaders, for it is lenders who make the wheels of progress move. It looks as though some of the politicians have lost their horse sense over the recall, amongst whom is Roosevelt, who is in favor of recalling judicial deci­ sions and submit them to a vote of the people, who know noth­ ing iilrout the case. The politi­ cians in their endeavor to do away with representative gov­ ernment are making a terrible muss of it, for there is no sta­ bility to any state constitution when nny fanatic can get in and amend a constitution at every general election. There is always more or less complaint along about tax pay­ ing time. But it is not those who are paying the bulk of the taxes who are complaining. It may not be out of place to pub­ lish some of the amounts paid by large taxpayers : Hammond Lumber Co., $29,000; Whitney Co., $23,000; Blodget Co., $12,- 000; Wilson Liver Lumber Co., $10,000, and quite a few taxpay­ ers Ijetween $10,000 and $5,000. The timber owners pay 75 to 80 per cent of the taxes and have been doing so for many years, and they have never asked for roads and other improvements to enhance the value of their property, whereas the large amount of taxes they have paid have gone to enhance the value of the dairy farms. Now that the timber owners desire har­ bor improvements so that they can manufacture and receive some benefit from the taxes they have paid, it is surprising to see those who have enjoyed the benefits in public improvements are not willing to show 11 mag- nanimous spirit towards those who have paid the bulk of the taxes. The perplexing question that is being frequently asked and which concerns the entire coun­ ty is "How are we going to find accommodation for the thou­ sands of visitors who will visit Tillamook County this sum­ mer?" With the cheap Satur day to Monday excursions from Portland to Tillamook City and return for $3, and season tickets placed at $1, the railroad offi­ cials figure that they will bring 50,000 persons into this county the coming summer A large proportion of that number will make a point of visiting this city over night or for a few days. We will make a suggestion that those who have spare rooms in their homes fit them up to pro­ vide sleeping accommodations for the visitors. A committee from the Commercial Club should be appointed to attend t<>4his before it is too late in the season, and, besides, it will pay those who provide this accom­ modation, for a good bedroom will easily rent from $1 to $1.50 a night the coming season. It would be as well to let the sec­ retary of the Commercial Club know who will provide bed rooms in their homes so that they can tie listed. reports of nestucca factories . the President did not propose that men like Pinchot and Gar­ Following are reports of Cloverdale, Oretown and Neskowin Cheese field should become the politi­ cal dictators of the head of the Factories for 1911.--------- ----------------------- --------------- - ----- government. President Taft Lbs. Milk. Lbs Fat. Lbs Cheese, C loverkale . «lid a good thing for the coun­ try when he would not tolerate 4,372 40.455 .. 1,541.25 .. January ....... 5,496 some of Roosevelt’s personal 2,013.33 57,230 February 13,496 135,669 .. 4,563 49 . friends butting in and meddling Marell ........... 20,236 198,981 .. 6,769 13 . with national affairs. Here lies April.............. 24.553 229,070 .. 7.977 17 . May ................ the secret, we believe, of th«, 26,063 __ .. 8,590.17 . 240,536 June ............. estrangement between Taft 201,402 7,596.85 . . 21,198 July ............... 145,917 .. 5,644 96 . . 15,867 and Roosevelt, and it was while August ......... 114,824 . 4,735.92 . . 13,286 the latter was in Africa that the September . . 97,921 .. 4.161.90 . . 12,136 October......... president found it necessary, on 6,105 49,057 .. 2,230.56 . November .... account of their intolerance, to 3,211 26,000 1,163 61 December remove some of Roosevelt s 56,988.34 166,019 1,540,062 friends from office. Pinchot Total was amongst them, and when Price« paid for butterfat were as follows: January, 32c.; February, Roosevelt emerged from the 31c. ; March, 30c. ; April, 33c. ; May, 32c. ; July, 33c. ; August, 31c.; wilds of Africa Pinchot hurried September, 31c. ; October, 35c. ; November, 38c. ; December, 40c._______ abroad and was the first to tell his tale of woe to the ex-presi­ Lbs. Milk. Lbs. Fat. Lbs. Cheese. O retown . dent. Since thenPinchot and his 11,849 .. 4,309.5 April...................... monied friends have assailed 16,345 .. 5,625.2 May ........................ President Taft and boosted the 17,955 .. 5,955.9 june........................ 15,928 .. 5,343.8 progressive movement to de­ my........................ 9,961 . . 3,662.5 feat him. These politicians August ............... 7,208 .. 2,813. 2 September........... played traitor to La Follette 5,088 .. 1,972.1 October ............. when they saw he did not have 741 254.4 November............. a ghost of a show to win out, 84,175 29,936.6 783,598 but were all the time grooming Total ... Roosevelt for the nomination. Lbs. Milk. Lbs. Fat. Lbs. Cheese. N eskowin . There is some satisfaction in ----- —----------------------------------- ——— 6,523 66,666 .. 2,244.68 .. knowing that President Taft is April................. 10,348 3,601.20 . 101,642 . bigger than Teddy’s "bigstick" May.................. 4,229.05 . . 12,747 113,298 . June.............. and all the politicians who have 4,036 56 . . 10,741 100,018 . July .................. helped to wield it for their own 8,800 3,299 50 . 81,170 . August ......... 2,300.00 . . 6,041 selfish ends or personal spleen. 51,099 . September 1,628.30 . . 4,421 34,218 . This is how the snap shot man October ......... 1,309 464.70 9,848 . November .... sizes up the estrangement be­ tween the president and the ex­ 60,930 21,803.99 557,959 Total... president and the cause which Price paid at Oretown and Neskowin were same as at Cloverdale. led up to it. Amongst Repub­ licans generally, who admire both of these gentlemen for what they hqve done and are BACK TO THE FARM is now the slogan, and the low doing for the country's good, it is a source of regret. We think that Republicans, who calmly size up the situation will admit that President Taft is entitle«! to a "square deal" from the ex­ From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United president, which he did the get States when the latter entered to pre­ To OREGON AND THE NORTHWEST sidential race against a former [ prevailing daily personal friend and cast aside I the golden rule in his ambition to become president again. Colonist JOHN ATTORNEY HENDERSON, & COUNSEL- LOR-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. Room No. 261 T T T. BOTTS, X ± • attorney - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Bouki n office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Tillamook Block. Both phone». C arl haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block. Q^EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . ¡ Tillamook Commercial Building. T illamook O regon . H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . Fares March 1 to April 15,1912 L. T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. g M. KER RON, over the We cannot help smiling when we hear Republicans, and even Democrats,arguing that theyare PHYSICIAN & SURGEON is the best means of carrying it out ‘‘Progressives.’’ But what does Tillamook Block, it all amount to, anyway ? Sim­ FARES FROM $33.00 CHICAGO ply this. Some of the leading Tillamcok, Oregon. politicians are pretty smart fel­ 32.00 ST LOUIS - lows, and knowing the tendency 25.00 OMAHA - of a large number of voters to 25.00 KANSAS CITY Yy C. HAWK, take up with new ideas, they 25.00 ST. PAUL have undertaken to cater to this From other cities correspondingly low class, hence the latest fool thing to fool the voters is the idea that Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, but they can be prepaid from PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, some of the Simon pure politi- any point. If you have friends or relatives in the East who desire to cians are endowed with all the “Get back to the Farm,” you can deposit the value of the fare with BAY CITY, OREGON. progressive brains, and they your nearest local agent and a ticket will be telegraphed to any addre»a have become so Belf-conceited desired. Call on the undersigned for good instructive literature to send East. that a whole raft of persons are inclined to think that those who JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, shoot off their progressive ideas PORTLAND, OREGON are a more intelligent animal REAL ESTATE, than the rest of the common" i herd of mankind. We wonder F inancial A gent who endowed them with all the progressive brains and how Tillamook, Oregon. they came into sudden posses­ sion of it after twenty centuries. Most of us who have watched P. J. SHARP, the trend of political campaigns have seen so many different thiugs bob up to humbug RESIDENT DENTIST the people. The voters in Ore­ gon have been humbugged so Office across the street froir the many times in recent years with Court House. some new political ¿lodge that Dr. Wise’s office. it is surprising how readily they bite at every fool thing that comes along to humbug them. A lot of politicians expect to SARCHET, get into office by riding the pro­ . The Fashionable Tailor. gressive hobby horse, and two vears hence they will have a C.eauing, Pressing and Repair­ different breed of hobby horse. The Republican party is and ing a Specialty. always has lieen a progressive party and it made the United NO useless trips to town for the progressive S» »re in Heins Photographic Statesi» progressive nation, and farmer. His Bell Telephone saves him all that. Gallery. that being the case and which no one can deny, it looks re The latest market quotations are his, and he waits till markably strange to us that market conditions are right before shipping produce. J. CLAUSSEN, some men are so egotistical and The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the up-to-the- self-conceited us to place them­ • LAWYER, minute farmer as are modern agricultural implements. He selves above the party nnd those must have both. £>rut»*hrr who made this the most pro­ I gressive nation in the world. Consult our local management and join the ever increaa a 13 Tillamook Block, One would imagine, to hear ing lioat of farmers who are Bell Teleghone subscribers. some of our so called progres­ T illamook - O regon . sive friends talk that they are the only pebbles on the beach, and those who have ideas of their own and cannot be hum­ U VVl bugged by the politician* are looked down upon as back Every'Bell Telephone ia the Center of the System. number*. Like the Populist wave which awept over the country a few year* ugo, thia progressive wave will meet the mime fate, but the Republican Will not mar the appearance of party will weather this storm new Harness but it will make also and will lx? ready to it very unsafe. If you buy your cope with the next Populistic wave whenever it become* due to humbug the people. It ia Here you may rest assured that conservative Republican* who > ou are getting not only Har­ stay with their |>arty who have ness that presents the very finest made thia a progressive nation. Tillamook City boosters will be represented in the Oregon excursion which will accom pany the Oregon Commission­ ers of the Panama Pacific Ex­ position to Sun Ernnciaco next One of the most regretable week to select u site forthis state which lias the first choice. We features connected with Tboe- hope that while the 1 m » vs are dore Roosevelt entering the pre­ awuv having a good time they sidential race is that he has not broken friendship with will have a ravenous appetite | «»illy President Tuft, but the men for I illumook cheese, and every time they undertake to feed the j whom he took into his cabinets inner man they should see that .is his chief advisers and per- Roosevelt has they get Tillamook cheese, for Isoniil friends. they won't be dining in n first cast them aside and ignored class hotel or cafe where Tilla­ their advice in his ambition to mook cheese is not on the menu. -wield the "big stick." With but two exceptions, the*«* men, who were formerly Roosevelt's It iniide TiII11 ins»>ni friends, have joined the up their ears when ittH-ciinie Tuft forces. Friendship have known that the excursion nites ta-eu rudely shaken and political for 11 round trip into Tillamook tie* have been cut asunder siu<*e from Porthind would be $3 It Roosevelt cast aside his former used to tie that it took $20 to advisers and close friends. This make the round trip across the is how the Oregonian puts it: mountain*, traveling part of the How completely Theodore Roose- way in the winter on the hurri­ veil hua broken «wuy from his old cane deck of 11 enyuse in all oo'ilical moorings and how gener kinds of stormy weather, and in ally President Taft is regarded as true lesder of progressive Re­ summer iu u stage coach which the publicans may be judged from the rattled ao it was almost iiupoa tact that almost every surviving Bible to keep store teeth in one's meiubet of Roosevelt’s Cabinet ia mouth. But condition* have aligned against hint und in favor wonderfully «hanged in Till»* of 1 aft Fhene were the men who advised and sustained Roosevelt iiKMik mid we suppose that we in devising and carrying out what •hall soon imitate some of the are known as the kooaevelt poli- the policies which gained city folk who want to pav one ciea fare and tnonop«>liae fouramta him the |K>sition of leader of the progressives They are «*»11 aa pro whenever {they take 11 journey grvssive as they were when they 011 the train. served under him, but they have turned to Taft as the naan to carry progressive nolicse*. They have To give some idea how the out not abandoned those poltetea, but Oregon avMeti work*, we will Rooaevelt has broken away ffinn refer to one instance which oc­ Ina «»Id supporter* to follow after curred in u recent electiou in the «trance god* of interpretation law by popular vote and of li- rillaniook City. The original of cemurd monopoly. city charter iniide the recorder the iiKsesMir of city property. Most every 1 mm |\ knows that the A great inuny persons are county assessor 1» the only per­ wondering why it was that ex­ son authorised by law to itiuke President Roosevelt broke oft the assessineut of property, and friendship with President Taft. ha* done *0 for u number of When the truth is told it would year*. When it was put to u not surprise us to know that £5" goodbye to cona’ips vote of the people to eliminate the President of the United ttou with a clear conacicnce if you this useless and inoperative States was a bigger man than Chamberlain . Tablet*. Many clause from the charter, and Teddy'* "big stick," and that bar* been permanently cured by. thau use For aale by all dealer. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Posts the Farmer on Market Conditions. E ONE WEAK SPOT HARNESS appearance, but Harness that is well made iu every detail. XV. A, William* A Co. Moi Door to TiUamook Coeaty Bask C- !• ClOUQb. DrUgqi«t