illanmk Vol. XXIV. No. 45. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, MARCH 7, 1912. $1.50 per year. Sheriff Crenshaw decided to re-I o'clock. This meeting is called for ¡ ceive taxes from the dairymen, less the purpose of electing a manager ’ the Port of Tillamook tax, from and a secretary and treasurer for , those who are opposed to paying the baseball season of 1912. Every- ( that part of the taxes and give them -body come out and Jet us hear your the usual rebate. choices and suggestions for the The Tillamook High School de­ support of tli" team which will do bating team left oti Tuesday morn­ more toward advertising our city ing for The Dalles, where they de­ than tiny other one thing. bated on Wednesday evening. The J, H. Dunstan was in tlie city on which is absolutely safe for everyone. , team consisted of Elbert Ginn, Ben- Tuesday from Mohler, where he is ley Stain, and Reed Bain. running a general store. He re­ It never slumps in value. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. ports that business is picking up in Smith, speaks German. Surgery, that new town site and preparations ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in are being made to clear up more of Its integrity is unquestioned. the Commercial Building, opposite the land and put in a water system. the Todd Hotel. All calls answered Mr. Dunstan has been recommend­ The return is certain. ed for postmaster of that place, Mr. day or night. Both phones. • John Lockhart, who is erecting a Cooper resigning in hi« favor. This Are the steps leading to the savings bank. sawmill at Brighton Beach, on Ne­ is the third place in Tillamook Principal is always available on short halem bay, was in the city on Tues county where he has held down the Every man, woman and child ought to travel day. The machinery for the mill job of Uncle Sain’s stamp licker. up these steps often. It spells success and notice. Mary L. Berger and F. W. Ber­ lias been ordered, which will have independence in the future. Thrift in youth ger vs. F. R. Beals is a suit filed a capacity of 25,009 feet a day. means wealth in old age. Deposit your savings in the circuit court, wherein the It has no element of speculation, C. F. Alexander has been appoint­ plaintiffs prav that the defendant with us and you will find them accumulating at ed postmarter for Garibaldi. A be required to answer herein as to a rapid rate, and earning good interest while petition was also sent to Washing, whether he at this time be the own­ ton to have Mrs. McMillan appoint­ accumulating. er and holder of certain notes and ed but this did not arrive there un­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK, mortgage, and if he so be such own­ til after Mr. Alexander had been er and holder that a decree be en­ TILLAMOOK, ORE. appointed. tered compelling the defendent to The Mason Lodge in this city have credit the said mortgage and notes bought lots on the south west cor­ with the sum of $2,250.00, and in IN THE ner of the block back of the Todd case he is not the holder, the plain­ TILLAMOOK CjTY. ORE. [sUPEffVISlOH COUNTY The temporary injunction was state and in Washington, Bitulithic Hotel, where they expect to erect a tiff to recover the above sum from signed by Judge William Galloway, was overwhelmingly favored. Ac­ Masonic Temple, the ground floor defendant. which ties up a large amount of pro cordingly a contract was entered being used for either store build­ Lyle Ross, who was charged with perty specified in the complaint. into with the Warren Construction PJease return Wire Stretch­ ings or an opera house. vagrancy a few weeks ago and was Company. Now that the automobile rush is er. King & Smith Co. given the optiou to go to jail or Nehalem Project Approved. Smelt 5c. at the Fish Market. . After h week’s bright weather, over we are repairing any and lesve the city, decided to do the lat­ _______ ■»- The Swastika Club. everything. Guns, locks and keys, ter. Last week he returned to the city A telegram from Washington Horse, buggy and harness for with frosty nights, the welcome typwritera, cash registers and with the object of, he said, bidding D.C., brought the good news that rain made its appearance again on lale or trade.—J. R. Harter. . The regular monthly meeting of complicated machinery a specialty. on a wood centrad. He was arrest­ the Board of ¡Engineers had ap­ The infant son of George Russell Tuesday. At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ ed by the city marshal and placed proved the Nehalem bar improve­ the Swastika Club was held at the Dr. J. J. Murray, a veterinary sur­ thing that we can’t repair we will home of Mrs. E. T. Haltom, on Fri­ lied on Wednesday. in durance vile. Saturday night ment and that the necessary appro­ day afternoon. Postmaster Kraner, of Cloverdale, geon and dentist, has located in buy. , someone with a key open the jail, priation will be included in the The rooms were beautifully dec- thii city with offices in the Com­ ivas in the city on Tuesday. Attorney Oak Nolan came in on allowed Ross to escape and then rivers and harbors bill. orated to carry out the Washington mercial stable. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams were Monday to serve papers on C. E. locked the jail again. Next morning idea, and the interesting game was W. B. Gordon, of the firm of Lytle Hadley, in the C. B. Hadley estate ip from Bay City, on Tuesday. Constable [Raines took a breakfast STREET PAVING PROVES along the same line. In the lunch­ & Gordon, went to Portland last case and in the evening they got Ladies’ $20 00 Rain Coat at $12.50, to Ross, when, much to his Burprise, eon, the idea was beautifully used week on a business and returned into a mix up in one of the saloons, SUCCESS. It Mason Pennington & Co.’s. * he found that his prisoner had flown. in the table decorations, cherry trees the first of the week. Nolan coming off second beet. Both We understand that Mayor Harter Fred Lang was down from Ne- and hatchets and small flags being Bitulithic Regarded Here as Competition in the motion picture left Tuesday morning for Portland will offer a reward of 15c. for the ar­ kaleui last week paying his taxes. used. The luncheon was delicious Greatest Public Improve ­ show caused a cut rate on Wednes­ on the train. rest of Ross, dead or alive. and the hostess deserves much | Outing flannel, 12 yards for one day evening, the price being lower­ ment. Simmons Brothers and Golds The visitors this season to Bay­ credit for the pleasant afternoon iollar, at Mason, Pennington & Co/ ed by the Lyric to 5c. Asked what public improvement which her guests enjoyed. worthy’s mill is now running and ocean, and the public in gviieral, A. Arstilf was in from Cloverdale Carl Haberlach returned Wednes­ ready for orders. Dressed lumber are to be congratulated on the fact hud been the most valuable to citi­ As this was the month for the an­ loing business in this city on Tues- day from California, where he had furnished after February 15th. that Mr. A. H. Dawson has taken zens of every class in this city, al­ nual election of officers, the follow­ lay. gone in the interest of the cheese in­ Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed over the lease of the Hotel Bayocean most every Pendleionian would re­ ing were chosen; President, Mrs. [ Jason Powell and wife left on dustry of this county.» lumber will be sold at correspond­ Annex. This gentleman is pro­ ply, without hesitation, its street I. C. Smith; Vice-President. Mrs. ■onday for their new home in Hills- Win. Hoskins, with a crew of ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 bably one of the best known hotel paving. The older reBidents will If. T. Botts; Secretary, Mrs. Erwin luro. men and teams, are removing a miles south of Tillamook. men in the Pacific Northwest. He remesnber how teams in the main Harrison. lit will pay you to look at Mason, large slide that has blocked the Mrs. F. C. Baker will return from has spent his lile in caring for the streets splashed mud on their The Marell meeting will be held clothing and even on store windows Pennington de Co.'s bargain counter county road all winter. with Mrs. Cail Haberlach, on the Eugene today, bringing her two needs of his guests. He is a natur­ during the months of stormy wcutlj* his week. Carl Sliortridge and wife were grandchildren Fredricka and Gould al host,—a big, bluff hearty man, er before the citizens awakened to 22nd of March. ■ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- visitors to this city last week shak- TraviB with her, who will remain loves living and knows how to get the fact that bard paved street? Book Meat Company's Market, 13c. ing hands with old friends. They here while their parents take a trip the best out of life; better still, lie jK. J. J. MURRAY, V.S.t were the most profitable municipal to San Francisco, Lee M. Travis be­ knows how to give this feeling to jer pound. le<) on Monday morning, investment that could be made. others. He has the power to make |Dr. Boats operated upon Ray I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call ing one of the three Oregon Com­ Of course wlien it was decided to ■arble for appendicitis, who is pro hides at my shop. Try me out and missioners for the Panama-Pacific his guests feel at home. He caters make the departure many plans V E T ER IN AR Y SU RG K<)N to their little wants, looks after their Exposition. A nd dentist . kessing rapidly. see. The Old Reliable Hide and were discussed. All manner of "im­ Are you looking for something personal needs, and in a thousand proved” schemes were presented, • ■Bring your chickens to the Tilla- Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. Registered and Graduate ways adds to the delights of a visit Kook Meat Company’s Market. We Use an ashless and clinkerless new? Well, here you are. Guaran­ under his roof. Not the least im­ but finally, after cureful investiga­ Veterinary Surgeon. By 13c. per pound. Coal, A berdare (Australian) Coal. teed fire safe cement blocks. Plain portant part of his success is due tion, based, on the experience of Office : Cotntuercial Stables, ■Attorney Webster Holmes made a Sold only' by Lamb Schrader Co. and rock face building blocks, e>c. to his ability as a steward. He has other progressive cities in this Tillamook, Ore. Both phones. Can oe seen on Jot accross from Bing trip to Portland last week re- Telephone, Main 1771. that knowledge and ability totempt Tillamook Feed Co, All kinds of Brning on Monday. The Hose Company was called cement work also done. A.E. Doerge, the jaded ap(>etite with delicacies ■wo cars if lumper were 8ide­ out on Monday evening, the roof at of the season as well as providing fected at the Life Saving. Station, the back of M F. Leach’8 meat Box 446, Tillamook. Telephone to for a hearty appetite gained by Dick, the drayman. , market being on fire, caused by Ate rial for cottages. days spent in the open. The ad­ The I.O.O.F. Lodge in this city vent of Mr. Dawson at Bayocean fefason, Pennington B. Aiderman, on Monday. Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, bought from the Holden estate. 1. —35 Vi acre» in cultivation Free city water. ttH mile« S.E. ney Claims $25,000 Fee. Tillamook Meat Company Lard 2. —10 acre« in cultivation. Springwater Oretown. Corvallis, Oregon. ■solutely pure; $1.40, 101b. pail; J. Irving Potter, of the T. B. Pot­ 3. — 1% acre«, House and Barn. Spring water. Oretown. Mrs. Stelia Hadley vs. C. E. Had­ fe., 51b. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c. lb. . H. S. Soule, the piano tuner from ter Realty Co., was in the city on 4. —100 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3'A miles S.E. of Hebo. ley, D. J. Hadley, Maud Sharp and 1 5. —160 acres on Three Rivers. ■Xm^estic and foreign cement Portland, is now in Tillamook for a Tuesday. Arrangements are being C. W. Talmage, administrator of 6 —Fine Residence, central Tillamook City. ■ray* in stock at the lowest price. short time only. Orders for tuning made with the railroad company, the estate of C. B. Hadley, is a suit 7. —House and Two Lots, Miller's addition, Tillamook City. fenib-SchraderCo. Telephone, Main may be left at LamaFa or Clough’s which has a survey on the south filed in the circuit court on Tuesday 8. —180 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley. drug stores. • 9. —40 acres on Tillamook River Unimproved. All bottom. side of the bay, to adjust the matter tor a temporary restraining order 10. —100 acres, Timber Claim on Miami river. The Board of County Commis ­ where the proposed county road nyone knowing the address of restraining C. E. Hadley from con- ' 11. —Two Houses and Lots, Tillamook City. S. Kent. Please notify Staples, sioners composed of County Judge conflicts with the railroad at sever­ veying any of the real property be­ 12. — 40 acres. Well improved. New building. 4)4 miles south. 13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber. jeweler. 162 First st , Portland, Homer Mason and Commissioners al points. This is the reason why longing to the estate of C. B. Had­ 14. —30 acres. Four miles south. All improved. H. M. Farmer and H. V. Alley, con­ nothing has been done to start ley ; that the defendant. C. E. Had­ 15. —30 acres. 3% miles south. Half improved. vened for business on Wednesday. work on the road. ley, be required to make an account ­ Seo. W. Bodyfelt who has been For Trade, Salem Resident pro ­ H. R. Edmunds vs. Josephine P ing ; that plaintiff’« dower in and Ite sick for severs! weeks, is able 1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved. Will trade for bottom be around again although very perty for dairy land in Tillamook Edmunds is a divorce case filed in to al! of «aid real property be mea­ County. For particulars write the circuit court, in which plaintiff sured and assigned ; that C. W. land only.—115,000. M l 2. — 10 acres. Orchard. Buildings cost IS, 000. —>15,OU) C. B. Measor, Salem, Oregon. Also alleges that they were married in Talmage be appointed as temporary 'he Patsy came in with a full give description and location of Vancouver, Wash., on the 8th of 3. —24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—>36,000. receiver ; and that the court allow 4. —42)4 acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw.—>tt,800. d of freight, amongst which was May, 1906, and lived together until plaintiff a reasonable attorney’s fee * 5 —15 acres. All fruit Good improvements. —>20,000. Jut 40,000 feet of lumber for Bay- place. The plaintiff alleges in her com­ tk —10 acres. All in fruit. Good improvements.—>10,000. The County Court on Wednesday June, 1910, and the cause for the Mn. 7. — Business Lot, Hood River.—>10,000. divorce is that the plaintiff '-laima Phe delegation from Tillamook decided to continue the petition of that bis wife without cause willfully plaint that the defendant, C. £. Had­ 8. —Fine Residence and Two faits. >13,000. ley, now holds in his possession J. J. McCormick for a saloon license 9. —Several vacant lots. Per pair.—WOO lich will join the excursion party deserted and abandoned him. and or under hie control more than 10. 28 acres on railroad in city, *600 per acre. im Portland to select a site for for Garibaldi, who has made four continues to do so. >180,aV) of fiersomil pro|>erty which tgon for the Panama-Pacific El- applications £for a license. This The meeting in regard to mating was earned by the partnership and *it ion, will consist of M. F. I-each. caused considerable surprise to 1. --10U0 acres. Orchard Land. Mostly raw. For sale only in k>ea Walton. W. G. Dwight and Attorney Holmes and hie client, arrangements for holding a county received from the sale of property, tracts to suit. fair ia to be held next Saturday and that no settlement or account­ who had a strong petition. F. Small. 2. Ml acres Orchard land. Running water.—>2 400. afternoon at the Tillamook Com­ ing for any of the pro|>erty has ever mercial Club, notices having l>een been made by or tietween the said •ent out by Assistant Secretary partners. 1. —Two Lota. Portland Heights |I2,UI>. Claussen, to that effect. Hie an­ Attorney Oak Nolan represents 2. —One O>t. Mount Tabor. P«IL X—Three Ixits. Peninsular, near Swift's Packing Plant— >1..7a>. nouncement that the meeting was the plaintiff, who knows a good deal 4. —Fine Residence Mt Tnlsir. Furnished.—>3,600. to be held last Saturday wan a mis alxmt the financial affairs of the NORTH PLAINS take. It ia hoped tbst i I kmm - w 4 m > Hadleys, who did their business at I.— 8 acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek.-$ is ■ r- . sonable 2—374 acres Ramli «Ou« res, I year old apples, 150 acres cleared. will t>e held in t!>e Commercial Club attorney's fee to be allowed him in *75 per acre. rooms on S today morning, at 11 this case. | There’s One Form of Investment Stepping Stones to Wealth It is a Savings Account in the § W TïlLÀMOOK COUNTY BAÑERA J List of Property for Sale or Exchange by John Leland Henderson, 216 Tillamook Block, over P.O. TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS. HOOD RIVER LANDS AND LOTS. Washington County, Or., Lands. PORTLAND. LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK. OREGON,