iiimmook neaangni, r eoruary xw, xtH* AGREES TO IMPROVE EXCURSION RATES TO TILLAMOOK CITY. TILLAMOOK BAR The Committee Approves Season Ticket from Port­ the Project-5100,000 ' land, ------ • $4.00 Round , „ Trip- - Saturday Until Mon Appropriated day $3 Round Trip Congressman Jlawley on C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Saturday succeeded iu getting Oregon Development League, and the Rivers and Harbors Com­ John M. Scott, general passenger mittee to agree upon the Tilla­ agent of the Southern Pacific, came mook Bar project and in appro­ priating $100,(MJO. The estimat­ in on Tuesday for the purpose of ed coat for the north jetty is $800- arranging for a delegation of the Portland Commercial Club to visit (XJO, half of which is to be pro­ vided for locally. On Sunday Tiilamook City. They met with we received a telegram from the Til atnook Commercial Club in the evening when there was a good Mr. Hawley which read: gathering of representative busi­ Have succeeded in Tilla­ mook bar project being adopt­ ness men Mr. Chapman gave an inreresting ed by Rivers and Harbors Ccm- talk on development work and inittee. One hundred thousand dollars appropiated, which is what the Oregon Development all that can be properly used League was doing for all parts of during the next year, I under Oregon. He was anxious to bring a large number of Portland busi­ stand.” The news created quite a good ness men to Tillamook so that they feeling all over the city. The could see what we had here, get entire Rivers and Harbers Bill Letter acquainted and ascertain has been approved by the com­ the needs of this section of the mittee, which will now have to state. One thing which impressed pass congress, hut as the bill I Mr. Chapman was the need of a is not considered a heavy ex­ ; first c ass hotel in Tillamook City pend'ture, there is not much to accommodate the thousands of doubt but that it will pass, persons who were coming to Tilla­ and in that event the money mook. He told how Salem and Eugene, with local capital, had will be available in July Th* Lets* Flower. Poets and novelists alike hire given mythical texture aud color to tbe lotus Th* elder Dumas «i»oke of a lotus flow er “pure whit* and with petals as deli cat* as flu* muslin." Nor did th* an eteu's treat the matter with more truth. Herodotus spoke of the lotus .is of a plant which habitually de aceoded below tbe surface of the wa­ ter at sunset to return to view only with tbe reappearance of tbe sun. Tbe lotus known to modern man goes be­ low tbe surface of tbe water, like all uympbaeaa. when Its beauty and its fresbuess have passed and when the ilme has come to ripen its seed pod Then by tbe law of life it closes its corolla and goes away from tbe air snd the sunshine down into tbe water to prepare for tbe future of its family. It goes at the time when tbe sun seta, but it does not reappear. When it goes down as an individual it Is gone forever. Tbe petals described by Du­ mas as being "as white as tbe snows of Himalaya” are not pure white, nor ts 5 and 6 of Block One of Harter's nue East from Third Street to Fourth stubborn believers in the "common ports are available in time, Huwley season ticket rate for a round trip in each of the spaces to the right and Addition to Tillamook City, Oregon, on Street, on both sides of Second Street will otter amendments while the would be $4.1)0, and for Saturday to sense” explanation of ghostly appear­ the left. from Stillwell Avenue to Seventh Ave­ ances as dreams. At Edinburgh uni­ bill is before the House. "I can understand the menti I ng of both sides of Seventh Street from Still­ nue West, on both sides of Seventh Monday $3.00. He wanted Till« versity be and an intimate friend drew well Avenue to Sixth Avenue East, on mook represented in the delegation up an agreement written with their the windmill arms and of the beavers, Avenue West from Second Street to but why should the city of New York both sides of Eighth Street from Still- HEHALBM HEARING that is to leave Portland on March blood that whichever of them died first he Fourth Street, on both sides of Fourth well Avenue to Sixth Avenue East, on represented by a couple of beer bar 12th, for San Francisco to select should appear to the survivor. Years rels?” some one asked. GIVEN. both sides of Ninth Street from Still- Street from Stillwell Avenue to Seven­ passed, the friend was In India, and the site for the Oregon building at The barrels are not beer, but flour well Avenue to Sixth Avenue East, on th Avenue West, on the east side of Brougham had almost forgotten bls Board Has Not Reported the Panama Exposition. barrels In early colonial times under Sixth Avenue West from Third Street It was finally decided to bring in existence. Arriving late one night at the English New York got the exclu both sides of Tenth Street from Still­ to Fourth Street, on both sides of Fifth Adversely on River an lnu in Sweden. Brougham bad a bot well Avenue to Sixth Avenue East, on the Portland business men to Tilla­ Avenue West from First Street to hath, and was going to get out of It give right to bolt flour, which brought Improvement. mook in May uud to provide accom­ when he looked toward the chair ou the towu such prosperity that the flour both sides of Fifth Street from Miller Fourth Stieet, on both sides of Fourth Avenue to eastern boundary of said W ahiiinoton , Feb. 22.—Contrary modations for them in a number of which he bad left bis clothes and saw barrel was naturally an appropriate city, on both sides of Sixth Street from Avenue West from First Street to bls friend sitting on it. Brougham selection for the city seal.—New York to report, the river und harbor the privute homes. Miller Avenue to eastern boundary of Fourth Street, on both sides of Third seems then to bave fainted. On get­ Sun. board of review to-day informed said city, on both sides of Seventh Avenue West from First Street to Representative Hawley that it had Headed For God’s Valley ting borne be received a letter an­ Don’t Miss This. Street from Miller Avenue to eastern Fourth Street, on both sides of Second nouncing that the other bad died In not made an adverse report on the If a woman has one daughter, who boundary of said city, on both sides of Avenue West from First Street to And Tillamook Way India at the very time. Yet this inci­ proposed improvement of the Ne­ dent. which most people would put goes away, the Mrs. misses the Miss Eighth Street from Miller Avenue to Fourth Street, on both sides of First halem River, but says that it has Considerable excitement and spec­ down to telepathy, at least, wus dis and the Miss misses the Mrs. if she eastern boundary of said city, on both Avenue West from First Street to now atitlicient data as to commerce ulation followed the movements of missed by Brougham as a mere dream bus two daughters uud both are away Fourth Street; said sidewalks to be the Mrs. misses the Misses and the sides of Park Street from Fourth eight feet (8 ft.) in width and con- to justify favorable action. a party of 15surv*yora who left Sea­ and pure coincidence. Street to Eighth Street, on the West Misses miss the Mrs. if spe has three At Mr. Hawley's request a hear side yesterday, headed for a point daughters and two are at one place side of Miller Avenue from Seventh structed of four sills 2 inches by six ing will be given by the board up the Necanicum. The plana of A Rogu* Elephant. inches in dimensions, well bedded or I 'lurch 4, when Mr Hawley anil the lender, who gave his name ns In "Big Game Shooting In Upper and one at another the Mrs. misses Street to Tenth Street, on the East side set firmly upon underpinning when nec­ the Miss and the Misses, and the Miss of Miller Avenue from Sixth Street to other interested persons will appear F S. Schritzmeir, are veiled in Burma” Major Evans tells of a fa­ essary to conform ‘ ->518' Jishe4 grade,' misses the Mrs. uud the Misses, if to urge favorable recommendation. mystery. But the theory most mous rogue elephant that bad for some It is four daughters she has and two Tenth Street, on both sides of Sixth and covered with one and one-half inah Avenue East from Fourth Street to time terrorized tbe jungle and that had favored is that “Schritxmeir” is t finally beeu laid low by a bullet from are nt one place, while the other two Eleventh Street, on the West side of by eight-inch planks, laid crosswise, CONTRACTS LET FOR not the lender's right mime, mid tbe major’s rifle. The suthor says: are away from home and separated, Fifth Avenue East from Fourth Stieet and firmly spiked with twenty-penny that he is nt the head of a railroad J "He meaaured nine feet seven Inches the Mrs. misses the Miss and the nails; and that the Common Council of MORE BITULITIIIC. ( engineering corps which is putting I at tbe shoulders and bud but one tusk Misses and the Miss. uud. the Miss to Eleventh Street, on the West -nde of Tillamook City will hear and determine Fourth Avenue East from Seventh und the Misses miss the Misses and Paving Work Will Be Com- ,hr,,1,»r11 0 line for the Southern Pa- That, however, was a beauty and Street to Eleventh Street, on the East any and all objections or remonstrances cific. weighed close to forty pounds. The the Mrs., while the Misses miss the pleted in Spring Says thereto, if any, at the next regular However that may be the circum­ other tusk bud tieen broken off ut the Mrs., uud the Miss misses the Miss side of Fourth Avenue East from Eighth meeting of said Common Council whioh Supt. Sullivan. and the Misses Hiid the Mrs So they Street to Eleventh Street, on the stances surrounding the party all root, probably tn a fight I took a will be held in the City Hall ir. said bunch of maggots ns big as a football would all better remain at borne with East side of Third Avenue East freftn I Ince contract* were let Monday tend to indicate that this outfit is out of the broken tusk. Tbe poor beast the Mr. of the Mrs.—Judge. city on Monday thefourth day of March, the center of Block Ten Thayer ’ s Ad ­ ■in S. P. crowd. The party and a night by the City Council tor the dition to Eighth Street, on the North 1912, at 8:00 P. M. of said day. very heavy stock of instrn tnenta must bave endured agonies similar to When Hst« Were Taxed, conslructi in of bitiiiitluc pavement Done by order of the Common Coun­ a toothache No wonder that he bad and equipment were taken out l>y a Hat taxes were always more •t side of Eighth Street from Stillwell cil of Tillamook City, Oregon, Febru­ totaling more than $K1,(XM). The turued rogue! I believe that nearly Avenue to Second Avenue East, on Warren < onstructiun Companv was Seaside liveryman. The party out- every rogue elephant la suffering from fectlve with regard to men s headgear both sides of Seventh Street from Still­ ary 19th, 1912. the successful bidder, milking their fitted with groceries and supplies j some physical hurt or disease that than with women's Queen Elizabeth well Avenue to Second Avenue East, T. B. HANDLEY, _____ ____ him constant pain and turns taxed the blocked beaver out of ex price $2.14 per yard, or one cent Dresser A Cheney Mercantile Com- causes City Recorder of Tillamook City, on both sides of Ninth Street from latent-«, and Pitt's hat tax of 17»1 lower than their contract for Main punv a store, und a surprisingly til tn from an Inoffensive beast luto a brought a substantial revenue. Stamps Stillwell Avenue to Second Avenue Oregon. ____ large amount of stuff was taken savage man hunter.” and Mill streets. —Colfax Gaxette were fixed Inside the crown of the hat East, on both sides of Tenth out on the trip. ■ - Notice of Final Account. from three|>en< e to 2 «billings. accord Street from Stillwell Avenue to I it was given out by one of the Wasted Wit lug to its price, while the penalties for Free Mail For Cities. ! party that they urc going from the "Crude country. America." the visit­ selling unstamped hats ranged from Second Avenue East, on the East Side N otice I s H ereby G iven ,— That of Sixth Avenue West from Fou'th the undersigned, administrator of The Postmaster Generai; reumi ; Necanicum into God’* Valley, ing Englishman condescended tu say. £10 to £20. and the . punishment for of Martin l’etersen. De­ I which runs from the N'eliulem to “Aa bow?" we ventured to ask mended in hi* re|*>rt : countetfelting a hat sjamp was death. Street to Fifth Street, on both sides of the Estate lias filed in the County That utter June 30, 1812, expgri- the north und thiit they would no “I see by this mawulng’s [taper that But an attempt to tax women's Fifth Avenue West from Fourth Street ceased, Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, God's Willey toward I Till*. a man was held up and robbed heab French straw Oats of the Watteau to Fifth Street, on both sides of Fourth his final account as such admin­ * .. ................... menti,! unni delivery may tie estab­ from yeatehday In broad daylight. Buch mook Avenue West from Fourth Street to style signally failed. They were lished. under such regulations as istrator, and that said Court has thtugs n»vab could happen In London." Monday, the 1st day of the Piistmnater General may pre­ | "No. of course not You never have smuggled over In large quantities, and Fifth Street, on both sides of Third appointed Church of Chriat. before this could tie coped with Wat­ Avenue West from Fourth Street to April, 1912, at the hour of 10:00 se ri tie, in town* und villages hav­ , any broad daylight In London." o ’ clock a. tn. at the Court House ing a population of 1,000 or more, We thought we bad made quite a bit teau hats went out of fushion, and the Seventh Street, on both sides of First in Tillamook City, Oregon . as the 10:0) u. m —Bible School with tax was a dead letter. — London Citron Avenue West from Fourth Street to time and place for hearing of ob unii the sum of $ km m) hereby classes for nil. On Sunday morn- with this bonmot. but the Briton aatd: tele. ___ "Ob. haug It, you mlsa the point. X Sixth Street, on both sides of Ninth jections to said final account and appropriated to enable postmaeteia lug the sermons for the month of Street from Stillwell Avenue to Second the settlement thereof. to employ the necessary assistance March will be inter-dependent. The knaowI"-Cleveland I’laln Dealer. Women Str*«t Cleaners. Dated this February 29th, 1912. to deliver the mail in auch Village«, subject* for tbe month will be ua Many women tn Munich support Avenue West, on both sides of First E. B. B arthrop . H*ard In th* Lobby. themselves by street sweeping. Most Avenue West from Ninth Street to uml the amount to be expended at follows: Administrator of the Estate of “ I am T*ry much Interested Io tbe of the recruits of this army come from Twelfth Street, on both sides of Tenth Martin Petersen, Deceased. any office «hall not exceed H.lkO u March 3rd.: “God. Who—What— paastng sbow." sald Mr. Ptnch|>enny the country, strapping daughters of Street from Stillwell Avenue to Third year. Where ? ” i tnslouutngly sum 11 farmers or laborers, and the task Here is a message of hope and March 10th.: ’’ Man Who—What “Well," replted tb* man In th* box Is a coveted one to those stout and Avenue West, on both sides of Third good M K Church Serviere. cheer from Mrs. C. J. Marlin, Where »” ofllc*. “tbls Isn't any passlng sbow. wholesome young women, so that there Avenue West from Tenth Street to Boone Mill, Va., who is the mother March 17th. : *' God — Man: The Thls 1* • pay as you enter Show."— , Eleventh Street, on both sides of Elev­ of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin Ithtli a m — Sunday School, is always a waiting list They dress II 00« m - Sermon. The Subject: relation twtween the two a* it was. Exchange to a kind of uniform-Tyrolese hat of enth Street from Third Avenue West was cured of stomach troub'e and us it i*. as it should b*. ” " The Token of God’s Love ” green, with a feather at one side, blue to Stillwell Avenue, on both sides of constipation by Chamberlain's Tab­ lets after five years of suffering, Mun h 24th • Religion; It* char- A Perfect Llkenaas. Iiettlevau red jacket and a neckerchief Second Avenue West from Eleventh and now recommends these tablets fl 30 p. in —Epworth l eague. ncter and power,” ; Mrs S.-Ob what a beautiful I Street to Twelfth Street, on both sides fftc*: 7 30 p m Song and Sermon Sub- to the public. Sold by all dealers. March 3t»t. 'The divinity ¡of Twelfth’ Street from Stillwell Ave- A» She Figures It. of Who Is Iti Fainter—That, madam, is l-,ving Vp. “ your daughter. Mr». S.- What a per |e*un." "This la the first time l have seen I nue to Third Avenue West, on the Evt Row Cold Affects the Kidneys. ,*■ J AM KM T. Moons, pastor Avoid taking cold if your kidneys I hristian Kndeavor at fl 30 p. m feet Ukeuaaa: I think you must palut >nir wife In ten years." . side of Second Avenue East from Elev- met t In the eveving at 7 30 are sensitive. Cold coegests the “Tear I enth Street to the Southern boundary sermon sub A Snap I j*cl: “Tea. She la considerably changed." of said city, on the south side of Still­ kidneys, throws too much work 'The discontented -..-J young In Training. “Well, you must consider that »be Is well Avenue from Twelfth Street to upon them, and weakens their l or onte cheap, ¿3 atre* ,lt mac. First in a serie* of tour Clinton—Cau you get In at nights action. Serious kidney trouble and a year older than she was ten years block* from High School, Good I! sermon* on the Prodigal Son. I the southern boundary of said city; even Bright's disease may resale without waking yonr wife» Clubman •IN “—Houston Poet. i.-om house, with bath, toilet H yon have no other r church •No. but I expect to IJ a bl* to soon said sidewalks to be five feet, four in- Strengthen your kidneys, get rid of • ..’. ’S’ï.l'“1!’* ,,m* «'Iber moder« the pain and soreness build them I you a I • taking leaaon* of a burglar. con lenience*. Al*o good barn, home wv gladly extend to ehes in width, and constructed of three up by the timely use of Foley Kid­ His Delightful Bulk l inchen imo h and film hearty welcome to come with uà. As Irish editor in speaking of li*- longitudinal fir sills 2x6 inches in di- ney Pills. Tonic in action, quick in •on tor selling. |H*>r health. will du yoli ifood. land and her woes said: , mensiona, well bedded or set firmly up­ results.—Chas. I Clough ( all on or write tu J. If. Hatha- Sfce-So your wife didn't detect that R K. J opk . pastor. “Her cup of misery has been for on underpinning when necessary to Way. Tillamook, tlwgvu. ___ , kad been drinking» He-No The •gvs overflowing and Is not yet fulL' Do you know that more real dsn conform to established grade, and cov­ ger lurk* in n common c-'ld than in OWB awa * F< I»., Kidney IMI* will vuiv any i-riL'* •‘7’“" -Variety Ilf* ered with one and one-half by eight­ any other of «he minor ailment»' It “ of hidnr\ or blmktor trouble tarrl«.«* I.iniment excellent Th* Oth.r w,y. inch planks laid croeawiae, and firmly The safe way ia »0 take Chamber- “What on earth's th* matter) nut Iwyomi th* reach o( medici««. nllay* the pain, remove* the core- Cot spiked with twenty-penny nails. Also lain'« Cough Remedy, •• thoroughly M um own poatp»** happt»«*, Qnttl No metileni* can qv> more. -Clis, i, ne**. and *ood testorrs the »arts while ska vingt" reliable preparation, and rid your­ to * healthy condition. 25 and 3t) the future and the futur* never NM I lough Co. “No-o I should aay .hat I shared by constructing a sidewalk on the south self of the cold ns quickly a* pos­ (cent bottles fur sale by all dealer*. — Kpkura* • ide O f Third Street from Miller Ave- I sible. Thia remedy i* tor sale by ■/»elf wfcU* cuttlag.' • nue to the eastern boundary of said city, I all dealers. i I *■ «• The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar