îiimmook neaaiignt, tenruary zv, îuiz * i Synopsis of the annual statement Total amount 1 ot risks , I of the ’ outstanding in Oregon, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of The Insurance Company of December 31. 1911 ........ 570,803 0Ü National Insurance Co. Tillamook. 1 the State of Pennsylvania, I Prussiun By H alold W. L etton , : Tillamook County Bank, • TO ■ ’ , in the State of General Manager. Of Piiilgdelphia, a corporation, Trustee, (_ Statutory resident general agent ’ Pennsylvania, , on ot the 31st day of Plaintiff, | December, 1911, made to the In- aud attorney for service: George vs. i surance Commissioner of the State A. Hartman, Portland. E. C. Sowleand Lucy J. I FROM of Oregon, pursuant to law : Sow le, Defendants. J CHICAGO ...... $33.00 ST. PAUL ...........$25.00 To E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. Sowle, Prices for Hogs C apital . CINCINNATI .. 37.00 KANSAS CITY.. 25.00 the above named defendants : Light hogs 156 lbs 8Hc. OMAHA................ 25.00 In the name of the State of Oregon, Amount of capital paid MILWAUKEE.. 31.50 You are hereby required to appear up ................................... $ 800,000.00 I 150 lbs. to 2091b*. 8c. ST. LOUIS........ 32.00 DES MOINES.... 27.85 200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7Hc. and answer the complaint filed I NEW YORK.... 50.00 INDIANAPOLIS. 35 65 against you in the above entitled 300 lbs. and over, 7c. I ncome . DETROIT .......... 38.00 DENVER.............. 25.00 suit on or before the expiration of Premiums received dur­ Tillamook Meat Cotupany. six weeks from the date of the first ing theyearin cash. $1,080,764.29 From other eastern points in proportion. Bids Wanted on Wood. Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at publication of this Summons, and Interest, dividends and rents received during low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, if you fail so to appearand answer, Clover Le*if Creamery Co. will I for want thereof the plaintiff will I the year............................. 47,535.53 Great Northern and "North Bank" Lines. receive bids for 60 cords or less ot You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in apply to the said court for the relief Income from other sour­ demanded in the complaint herein. ces received during the East. Details will be furnished on request. Alder or Hemlock wood, four foot The relief demanded is the fore­ the year............................. 3,822.53 W E COMAN, T. COOPER, Agent, engths, to be delivered at its fact­ closure of a certain mortgage ex­ Gen’l. Freight and Pass. Agent, Hillsboro, Ore. $1,131,822.35 ory’ as follows: ecuted and delivered by you to the Total income Portland, Ore. plaintiff in said suit on or about 20 cords on or before June 1st, D isbursements . August 12th, 1910, bearing said 1912; 20 cords on or before August date, to secure the payment of 1st, 1912. and 20 cords on or before five promissory notes executed by Losses paid during the year: ............................. $ 815,924.21 October 1st, 1912. Bids should be you for $386.00 each, bearing the Will not mar the appearance of same date and payable respectfully Commissions and sala­ mailed to Carl Haberiach, Secretary, ries paid during the new Harness but it will make on or before 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years year..................................... 328,582.78 ! on or before March 15th, 1912. after that date, with interest alter it very unsafe. If you buy your date Company reserves the right to re­ Taxes, licenses and fees at the rate of six per cent, per, 87,014,61 ject any or all bio'i. annum, which said mortgage con- i paid during the year.. veyed to the plaintiff 40 acres of Amount of all other ex­ C lover L eaf C reamery C o . Here you may rest assured that land off the East side of the West penditures ..................... 108 781,78 half of the South East quarter of you are getting not only Har­ Total expenditures. $1,340.933.38 * • • «9 • • « !• I» H 4, in Township 2 South, ness that presents the very finest Section Range 9 West, W.M., except 2 acres A ssets . appearance, but Harness that is square out ot the South East corner real estate of said tract, all of the above tract Value of fl well made in every detail. owned................................. $ 222,002.50 ■ of land being in Tillamook County, R « Oregon, and for the recovery of a Value of stocks and ■ * •' .at ® a J’ lionds owned .. ... 2.861,899.00 judgment against you for the * Loans on mortgages and I amount of said indebtedness, with 56,108.00 collateral, etc................ Next Door to Tillamook Conntv Bank interest. For the further sum of family ic- The valued $290.00 as attorney's fees, and the Cash in banka and on ci es tor cough and coll fl 144,674.99 hand..................... costs and disbursements of this suit, and that the said mortgage be Premiums in course of I cure, liniments, tonics and fl collection und in trans­ foreclosed. an«i the said property 4 other remedies have as fl 393,814.:« mission ........................... sold for the purpose of satisfying 1,978,53 4 careful attention here as fl the sanl mortgage, and that you Other assets....................... and each of you, and all persons Interest and rents due the most intricate prescrip­ fl 30,384.71 w and accrued................... claiming under you be forever fl barred and foreclosed of all right, • tions. Total assets................ $3,710,952 07 title, interest or estate in or to said Î Our fresh, high grade M property, or any portion thereof, Less special deposits in any State (if any there save the statutory right of redemp drugs will lielp to make « 00,025 00 be)....................................... tion, and that the purchaser at the these remedies more effec­ fl sale be put into the immediate fl tive than ever. Total assets admitted possession of the property, and for in ¿frego n................. $3,650,927.07 such further relief as may’ seem fl Right prices are also equitable. L iabilities . • This summons is published by assured. order of the Hon. Homer Mason, Gross claims for losses fl County Judge of Tillamook County, unpaid .............................. 279,147.36 •B « fl Oregon, said order being made Amount of unearned pre­ and dated at Tillamook City, Ore­ fl miums on all out­ gon, on February 15th, 1912. The standing risk .... ... 2,156,083.43 time prescribed in the order for All other liabilities.......... 35,951.Q6 Reliable Druggist. publication is once a week for six successive weeks, and the date of Total liabilities..........$2,471,181.85 the first publication is Thursday, Total insurance in force February 15th. 1912. December 31, 1911 ... .277,186,154.53 H. T. B otts , Attorney for Plaintiff. B usiness in O regon for the LOW FARES WEST. Daily March 1st to April 15th, Summons. PORTLAND and HILLSBORO | has travelled ■re that the | which you ■re is HARPER ’yourself with this whiskey [Famous « & MCLAUGHLIN ONE WEAK SPOT HARNESS Ÿou Giving [Live Stock lair Deal ? like a little ralt and pep- little mustard—a little extract — a little this and t flavor your grub. Your steer, your hog under KjiMlDditions would have a * to get a bite of this, a bite 1 and a bite of the other •■74.<*l Amounts of unearned out premiums on all standing risks 1,134,199.96 21,864.10 All other liabilities Total liabilities .. » 1 279,629.11 Total inaurane« in force D m amtier 31. 1911........ 21fi, 211 oi First La Grippe, Then Bronchitis. That was the case with Mm W. S. BtTMXKaa in omegom for the Y ear . Bailey. McCreary, Ky. •• My wife was taken down with a aevere at rotai risk« written e, which run into iug the year........ ....» 1,171, (»2.99 bronchitis. She coughed a* tho' premiums re­ ahe had consumption and could not Gross ceivrd «luring the year 21.*12 W sleep at night. The first txittle of Premiums returned dur- Foley’a Honey aud Tar Compound ing the year 3,(2! gave her ao much relief that ahe paúl during the continued uaing il until «he wm la»ses year 3,11X1.01 j permanently cured." -- Cha*. I. Lueses incurred during Clough Co. th* year.......................... .. 1,111.« Mother knows she ha3 made tne test. Tillamook Baker’s Bread Is the Best. We use Olympic Flour.