lHlamook Headlight. 7 Ì Notice of Application for 1 icense TAFT LIKE CLEVELAND to Sell Spiritoue Malt and Vinous Liquors and Hard Cider. Etc. Resembles Other Big President In N otice ih H ereby G iven , -That Independence. “Another Cleveland," is what PreB­ a petition presented in ana to the County Court of Tillamook County, ldent Taft has been termed during the Oregon, for a liquor license, is in past year. People who have Btudied words letters and figures and a sident Urges This For the his administration and his courag­ full, true and correct transcript eous devotion to * dg » of th« plat­ therefrom and the whole thereof Good of the Pacific form upon which he was elected have is as follows, to-wit: In the County Court of the State of given him this title His absolute in­ Coast. Oregon, for the County of difference to attacks of intemperate Tillamook. »nd Irresponsible writers, his firm ad­ In the matter of the I To open Alaska and develops Its herence to what he considers the best application of J.“J I. resources, Is the recommendation of interests of the whole country, and McCormick for a j Liquor License. J President Taft In a recent message. hts disregard of the varying political To the Honorable County Court Tills Is a step the people of the coast currents, Beem to justify this charac­ above named : have worked for for years. Oregon W e , the undersigned , hereby terization. people have not been able to Bee any allege and show to you the fol ­ The president is not a politl'-ian. lowing FACTS AND PETITION YOU justification for going to middle West­ He has made this evident throughout AS FOLLOWS : — ern coal rulnes fqr fuel and hauling his term by his refusal to take advan­ That we and ench of us are resi­ it by train half way across the coun­ tage of every opportunity to boost dents and legal voters within Gari­ try, when enormous coal mines In baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, himself into popular favor. With the Oregon, and have been such for - Alaska, easily accessible from tide­ firm belief that the platform upon more than thirty days next pre- water, can be opened and coal brought which he was elected meant some­ ceeding the date and signing of by shipload at a remarkably cheap thing. and his earnest work to redeem this petition, and the filing thereof rate for use here. every pledge made, he lias been too having been and now are actual President Taft favors the leasing of residents and legal voters within said Precinct for more than thirty coal and phosphate lands in Alaska as I days next proceeding February- well as in the United States, so that let', 1912. these sources of wealth may contri­ That we hereby petition you to bute their part to tbeprosperity of the grant a license to sell, spiritoue I malt, fermented and vinous liquors nation. The president also favors a land hard cider or fermented cider. commission form of government, at , commonly called hard cider, for a least half of which should be elective, , period of one year from date of the for Alaska. 'grunting of such license, within said Garibaldi Precinct, and in and In his desire to open Alaska and at the Town of Garibaldi, therein to detclope it, the president goes so far the above named J. J. McCormick aa to urge a government railway from Dated this 1st day of February, Seward to the Matunska coal fields 1912. and into the Tanana and Yukon val­ Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. leys. That these steps are favored by Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. the president, only because of their C. H. Sutton, Garibaldi. benefit to the people of the west. Is W’m. Campbell, Garibaldi. his own statement. He said: Ben Tillofson, Garibaldi. 11. B. Karr, Garibaldi. "I think the United States owes It J. Jackson, Garidaldi. to Alaska and to the people who have H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. gone there, to tnke an exceptional Henry Champhe, Garibaldi. step and build a railroad that shall Thomas Quinn Garibaldi. Carl Loll, Gariba'di. open the treasures of Alaska to the Ben Center, Garibaldi. ‘'TYwIflc and to the people who live William Dowd. Garbaldi. along that ocean on our Western I. A. Smith, Garibaldi Coast.” Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. Frank K.Strueby, Garibaldi. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. OREGON MAN LIKES TAFT ohn Alleig, Garibaldi. PRESIDENT TAFT. . J McCormick, Garibaldi. Intent upo i his business to consider C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. Bill Hanley Tells of Dinner With The mere populurity. He has been satis A. F. Got!, Garibaldi. President, llt-d to do what Is best for the whole Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. Bill Hanley, who everybody In Ore­ country, leaving the verdict to the E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. gon knows, either personally or by public. Baseless charges are bound B. S. Thompson, Garibaldi E. Krurnlauf, Garibaldi. reputation, is u big man, but he be­ to fall to the ground; perhaps not J. S. McDonald. Garibaldi. lieves he met a bigger one on his re­ tu.lay. but surely tomorrow. W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. cent trip through the east, on board H. J. Robison, Garibaldi, This was President Cleveland's at­ the Governor's special train. l-red Hart, Garibaldi. titude throughout his armlnistratlon. W’m Esty Garibaldi. Like all good citizens who go to H.- was independent and this won for Lee Mead, Garibaldi. Wsshlngton, he visited the White him intemperate criticism, even bor- J. N. Robinson, Garibaldi. House, and sat down to dine with dtring on vilification. To-day the A. Longonbaker, Garibaldi. President Taft, Press dispatches say American people realize the greatness S. C. Frost, Rockaway. S. G. Frost. Rockaway. that Mr. Hanley's quaint philosophy, of Grover Cleveland, just as In the P. I.. Frost, Rockaway. so generally enjoyed here lu Oregon, future they are bound to acknowledge C. H, Frost, Garibaldi. deliglil»sl the president, and the two the similar eminence among presi­ Martin Hart, Garibaldi. Llllu had a very pleaihint visit. G. M. Gunderson, Rockaway. dents of William H. Taft. M. M. Mead, Rockaway. resident Taft Is a mighty fine Signs of the turning tide are appar­ Clias. Fonger, Garibaldi. fellow,'' said Mr. Hanley afterward. ent now. T he press of the country Is I A. N. Bolling, Garibaldi. "He was especially good at making more inclined than It ever I iub been, D. W. . Johnston, Garibaldi. the boy» feel ut hottie that evening to grant the president a fair hearing G. Marshall, Garibaldi when he entertained our party at the People are realizing to a greater ex­ A. G. Kruuilauf, Garibaldi. Clyde Miller, Garibaldi. Whit« House Both he and Mrs. Taft tent than ut any time during the Tuft Beney Johnson, Garibaldi. udnilnistration, that the work of the Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. past three years baB been for the ben­ J. E, Mason, Garibaldi. efit of the country hh a whole. No Ubas. R. Gatchet. Garibaldi. Interest or fuctlon has been able to I. oyd C. Smith, Rockaway. av. trve the president to serve the ad R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi. vantage of anybody and be has had H. A. Wampler, Garibaldi. Chas. Bowers, Garibaldi. ti e courage to refuse to be popular In Jas. H. Snydow, Garibaldi. ord.-r to be just. F. C. Robison Garibaldi Victor Brener' Garibaldi. M'KINLEY CALLED TAFT Oscar C. Hawthorne, Garibuldir M. Adamson, Garibaldi. Clark Smith, Garibaldi, President Offered Him Great Oppor- Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. tunlty of His Life. Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi, The knock of opportunity la Inva ri­ M. Morony, Garibaldi. ably interesting. it Is said to be Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. A. Davis, Ga riba I bi. l.euril once by every man. itespund E H. Best. Garibaldi. I'lg, good fortune Iles before, but If the Geo. Perry, Guribuldt. I -ckonlng hand Is disregarded, the A. C. Jennings, Garibaldi. s tuitions never comes again G. M. l.oosley, Jr., Garibaldi. Fred Gatchet, Grribaldi. President Taft's start In a brilliant P. II. Dirks Garibaldi. political career came In a most unex­ I. . I. Smith, Garibaldi. pected way. He was dictating a de Murk Hobson, Garibaldi. c sion of the United States Court In H M. Davis, Garibaldi. Cincinnati one afternoon early lu John Paquet, “ , ~ i__ Z__, Garibaldi, BILL HANLEY John Hobson, Garibaldi. l'juo, when a telegram was brought to Win. Hartzell, Garibaldi. him from William McKinley, then J. A. Johnson, Miaina • » there to shake hands with ue President, which read; Arthur J. Holnigreen, Garibaldi. en we arrived. We went In and "1 shall take It as a great favor If M.'F. Bowman. Hobsonville. t around and talked tor awhile be ' .... ,.eraoual sacrificeo and rlirtt» and eaid County Court tor a license to l>e granted to him, to sell within f id developed pension laws under much hard work, but you will have | «aid Garibaldi Precinct and in which over three and a half billion an opportunity of doing your country I the town of Garibaldi therein. malt and vinous liquors, dollars have been paid to disabled a very great service. I went homo i , spiritoue, fermented cider, commonly known veterana. or to (ho survivors of those and argued the matter tor two | as hard cider, for a |teriod of one Weeks ’ . year from the date of said license. wlio gave their llvee for their country rhe telegram that camo to Judge I this 1st day of February, and tbelr lag Thia pension aysloin, WTUtass H. Tefl la Cincinnati that a product of the policy ef the Repub­ afternoe*. opened the door <* opper- J J. M c C ormick . lican party, has ao precedent la hie- tualty and aa a reward for hie spies tory and ao equal la Juatleo and did work la the Phillppiuee and later eroalty among the nations of i s Secretary of Wag the people made \\ untevi by an experienced dsirv man. a dairy farm to reut with him ProeidonL aartk. Hun James A dberaiaa. Al to » cow». Apply to thia ottce ■.A ! < HENDERSON BACK TO THE FARM is now the slogan, and the low Colonist Fares ATTORNEY & COUNSEL,- LOR-AT-LAW From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or States Room No. 261 To OREGON AND THE NORTHWEST prevailing daily T. BOTTS, • attornky - at -L aw Complete set of Abstract Books n office. Taxes paid for non- Residents. March 1 to April 15,1912 H over the SOUTHERN PACIFIC is the best means of carrying it out FARES FROM . Tillamook Block. CHICAGO ... - 133.00 ST LOUIS - 32.00 OMAHA........................................ 25.00 KANSAS CITY - - - 25.00 ST. PAUL - - - - 25 00 Both phones. CARL HABERLACIJ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW From other cities correspondingly low Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, but they can be prepaid from any point. If you have friends or relatives in the East who desire to “Get back to the Farm,’’ you can deposit the value of the fare with y our nearest local agent and a ticket will be telegraphed to any addres8 desired. Call on the undersigned for good instructive literature to send East. Tillamook Block EORGE WILLETT A ttorney - at -L aw . JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tillamook Commercial Building O regon T illamook The Í 6 Reliable Route Steamer H. • GOYNE, Sue H. Elmore” A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, (CAPT P. SCHRADER)! T illamook , O regon Tillamook & Portland T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, i » . _ a . 29 February TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. ri KERRON PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook. Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore F. P. BAUMGARTNER, Agent, Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. Tillamcok, Oregon C. HAWK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BAY CITY, OREGON. BEAVER STATE Hard Wheat Patent Flour R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE F inancial A gent Tillamook, Oregon. 0 : * P. J. SHARP RESIDENT DENTIST Office across the street froir the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. <1^ 8ARCHET, *■ . The Fashionable Tailor. A TRIAL CONVINCES : Cleauing, Pressing and Repair­ ing a Specialty. Every Sack Guaranteed tn Give Satisfaction S» >re in Heins Photographic Gallery CLAUSSEN LAWYER, ÇcMUghrr ^Svokr.i- S13 Tillamook Block, T illamook O regon Foley Kidney Pills Vwo la action . QUICK IH SCSOLTg relief from BACKACHR, »UJMBY aag BLADDER TROUBLE, •MRUMATlkM. CONGESTION of be ■IDHBY». INFLAMMATION of the i »LADDER and all annoying URINARY | MRKOULARrril s. A poa.trv. boon to t The Best Hotel M iddlr aoed and elderly »■OPLR and tor WOMEN. ■AVI HICH1ST ICCOMMmoATMNI THE ALLEN HOUSE, A >b •sft.rad »ack f.o J. P. RULEN, Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation X IHlH.mba.l,,! .......... ©• !• Clouah. Drnnni«>